Not All Bad

by Tessa

First published

The mane 6 find a female changeling who is pregnant and injured. They help her and find things that they didn't know about the changelings.

The mane 6 find a female changeling who is pregnant and injured. They decide to help the poor creature and her unborn child. How will this turn out? Nopony knows. So read to find out how the mane 6 stumble upon the changeling and how this will end.

The Surprise

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Not All Bad: Chapter 1: The Surprise

"I heard something coming from in t-t-there!" Fluttershy said quietly pointing to the Everfree forest with a shaky hoof.

"Let's go check it out." Twilight Sparkle said. Fluttershy cowered in a corner when Twilight said this. "It might be an injured animal that needs help." Twilight said in a very tempting tone to Fluttershy. Then Fluttershy was up and flying strait towards the forest. Twilight shook her head when anypony said something about animals they had Fluttershy's attention. Soon the six friends where in the forest and searching for what could have made the sound that Fluttershy heard.

"Twi! Come quick!" Applejack shouted finding what made the noise that Fluttershy heard.

"What happened A.J.?" Twilight asked. Applejack pointed her hoof at what she found. "What??? How???" Twilight said confused. Everypony else gasped or shrieked. Fluttershy cowered in the bushes from the thing she had just seen.

"Help me pleassse..."

The Decision

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Not All Bad: Chapter 2: The Decision

"What do you think we should do Fluttershy?" Twilight asked. The six friends had been trying to decide if they should help the creature they found or not.

"W-w-well I think we should help it." Fluttershy said quietly. Everypony nodded. Even if hey didn't completely agree with Fluttershy they knew that she was just trying to make everypony happy. Soon the six friends had returned to the creature.

"Pleassssse..." The creature said. Soon they had the creature in Fluttershy's house.

How could a changeling be in the Everfree forest? Twilight kept asking herself unsure as to how this changeling got here. Soon the changeling's injuries where tended to.

"Thank you." The changeling said.

"What's your name?" Fluttershy asked.

"Drone A1010. Usss changelingsss don't really get namesss. Only the important onesss." The changeling said.

"Hmm... well for me to come up with a name I'd need to know if you are a female or a male." Rarity said.

"I'm a female. And I'm worried becaussse I'm expecting." The changeling said looking at her belly.

"I know! How about Amethyst because wings are the color of amethysts. And if you don't mind we could call you Amy." Rarity said.

"Yesss. I like that. Thank you." Amethyst said.

"Now about the baby situation... can you change in to a pony that doesn't exist?" Rarity asked.

"You mean like thisss?" Amethyst asked changing in to a pegasus.

"Yes perfect. Now we need to get you to the hospitable as soon as your wounds are better." Rarity said.

The Hospital

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Not All Bad: Chapter 3: The Hospital

"Ok Amy your going to need to change now." Rarity said. Then Amethyst changed in to her pegasus form. Soon the six friends and Amy where going to the hospital.

"Well Amethyst you are healthy and so are your foals. Congratulations your having twins! Would you like to know the gender?" The doctor said.

"Yes." Amy said.

"You will be having twin girls." The doctor said.

"Thank you doctor." Amy said. Soon Amy was with the others. "I'm having twin girls." Amy told the others.

"How exciting!" Rarity said.

"Ooooooooooooo! We should throw you a foal shower!" Pinkie Pie said getting excited.

"Pinkie are you sure that is a good idea?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I have a plan!" Pinkie said. "So what do you think Amy? Do you want to have a foal party?" Pinkie asked.

"Yes. I'd like that." Amy said.

Amy's Foal Shower

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Not All Bad: Chapter 4: Amy's Foal Shower

BOOM!! went Pinkie's party canon. "There that's the last one!" Pinkie said putting up the last party decoration with her party canon.

"That looks great Pinkie!" Rarity said.

"Thanks Rarity!" Pinkie said happily. Soon everypony was there. Amy was having lots of fun.

"How about Amber and Ruby?" One foal suggested. Amy wrote the names down on a piece of paper.

Amber, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Gem, Jewel, Bell, Eve, Lula, Read the paper. Soon Pinkie told Amy to take a break and have some fun. Amy won 10/10 games of pin the tail on the pony. Every time she bobbed for apples she got one. Amy won at least one game for each game that had been set up.

"Thank you for throwing me this party." Amy said to Pinkie.

"Your welcome Amy!" Pinkie said with a wide grin. "Now it's time to open the presents!" She said pointing to the large pile of presents. Amy walked over to the pile and grabbed the present on the top. She opened the present to find two little toys for the foals to play with. She got many items for both herself and the foals.

"Thank you everypony. You all have been so kind." Amy said as everypony was leaving. All the ponies said good bye and congratulated Amy even though they had just met.

"I have a present for you too." Rarity said.

"And so do the rest of us!" Pinkie said bouncing back over to Amy.

"I made it look like something you would wear and made two littler versions of it for the foals." Rarity said as Amy pulled out her gift.

"That book will help you learn all about how to raise the foals. And that one was one of my favorites when I was a foal. It has a ton of stories. Though there is one in there that I'd recommend you don't read to them till there a bit older. As they won't understand it as much." Twilight said giving Amy her present.

"Here's mine!" Pinkie said bouncing happily over to Amy. When she opened the present she found two baby rattles. Rainbow's present was some brand new Wonderbolt dolls and her too! Applejack gave Amy her old baby crib. Fluttershy's gift was a book that would help Amy with the foals if they ever got hut or injured, and it came with a large supply of all the necessities.

An Explanation

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Chapter 5: An Explanation

"Thank you for these gifts." Amy said putting up her gifts.

"Your welcome Amy!" Pinkie said bouncing around then all the sudden she stopped and had a thoughtful look on her face.

"What?" Amy asked unsure as to why the bouncy pink mare had suddenly stopped being bouncy.

"Well there's been this question that I've been wondering about..." She started to say.

"Yes?" Amy asked wanting to know what the question that had stopped the bouncy mare.

"Well actually it's more than one. The first one is, who is the foals father?" Pinkie asked. Amy was quiet for a minuet or two.

"He was an exceptional changeling. Have you ever heard of the Civil Changeling War?" Amy said. The six ponies shook their heads wondering what that was. "The Civil Changeling War or as some know it as CCW, was a civil war between the changelings. Some of the changelings did not want to take over Equestria. They felt that through diplomatic ways all of us changelings would have plenty of food. They had a plan, we would go to the princesses and we would make peace. My husband was one of those changelings. In fact he was the one who came up with the plan! When I went to the meeting for this side of the changelings it was love at first sight. My heart soared past Celestia's sun and Luna's moon. Most ponies don't think changelings have hearts but that suspicion is wrong. The changelings like Queen Chrysalis have hearts they just don't acknowledge that, and their hearts are as black as Luna's night. And he felt the same way about me. We soon were wedded after we dated for a few months.-" Amy explained.

"Don't you think that was a little fast?" Rainbow asked.

"And that's comin' from a pegasus who's special talent is goin' fast." Applejack said.

"Yes. And it was love!" Rarity added. "Now please continue Amy." She said.

"I soon found myself pregnant, and we were ecstatic. We had always wanted a family." Amy started to say tears building up in her eyes. "But, he..." She started to say but she couldn't hold the tears back anymore. She started to sob uncontrollably. The six ponies rushed to comfort her. Fluttershy was the first to reach Amy. After a long time Amy started to feel better and continued her story. "He *Sniffle* fought in the *Sniffle* war, and *Sniffle* died fighting. *Sniffle* I know he *Sniffle* had always *Sniffle* said if he had to *Sniffle* go down he *Sniffle* wanted to go down *Sniffle* fighting. But he never got *Sniffle* to see his children." Amy said before starting to cry again.

Dear Princess Celestia

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Chapter 6: Dear Princess Celestia

"I think you need some rest Amy. You look tired." Twilight said helping Amy get to her bed.

"Y-y-yes. *Sniffle* I think that's a good idea." Amy said wiping tears from her eyes.

"What do you think girls? Should we tell Celestia?" Twilight asked her friends.

"Yes. Then Amy will find a good home and will be happy." Fluttershy said a bit sadly.

"Ok then. Spike, time to write to Celestia." Twilight said to her friends then to the little baby dragon.

"Ready when you are!" He said prepared to write the letter.

"Dear Princess Celestia, We have found a changeling and have been helping her. But do not be alarmed she is not like the others. In fact we were quite surprised to find that! Apparently there was a civil war between the changelings. Some of them wanted to solve their problem diplomatically, and others wanted to do things the way they did in Canterlot. Amethyst, the changeling we found, was a supporter of the ones who wanted to sort things out diplomatically. Her husband was also a supporter of this. Though soon after they found out that Amethyst was pregnant he died fighting in the war. Her heart was shattered when she heard this news. I suppose that when she found out this news she fled to find her husband as she did not wish to believe that her husband was dead. Amethyst has taught us many things about changelings we did not know already. And she has been an amazing friend. With this I have hope that we will be able to make peace with the changelings and find Amethyst a home. Sincerely, Your ever faithful student, Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said pacing. And with a breath of green flames the letter was gone.