Rarity helps out Twilight

by PrincessCelestia123

First published

Twilight needs some help relieving some stress, Rarity is luckily there to help her.

Twilight has been working very hard on a project, and her friend Rarity realizes this. Visiting Twilight, she decides to help her relieve some stress.

Rarity helps out

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Twilight Sparkle had been working very hard, weeks, almost nonstop on a current project. One she couldn't really describe, none of her friends got it. But at least they visited her and kept her company. That was good, it helped get some stress off of her shoulders. The project was about re-creating many of Star swirl the Beardeds spells. Most of them were hard to read, smudged, ripped, the book Luna had given her full of the spells was very old and hard to read. Plus using so much of her magic to was very tiring. Stress pilled up, long, lonely nights of constant studying. She wasn't eating as much as she was supposed to, despite the constant pestering of her friends to do so. At the moment, the mare had her nose inside a book, reading each word very, very carefully. Rarity sat behind her, talking about something she wasn't quite listening to. She hated to neglect her friends, but this was so interesting! She'd listen sometimes, much less then how much she used to. Sometimes, she'd give a small comment, showing she was sort-of listening. Flipping the page, she heard Rarity move, getting close to her. "Twilight dear...I'm doing this to help you alright sweetie? We all know you're so very stressed..." What? What in equestria is she talking about? How could Rarity help her? She used her magic for cleaning, sewing! She won't have the strength to use these spells! Instantly, her eyes shot wide, feeling a soft hoof touch her flank, slowly trailing back, moving between her legs.

Rarity smirked, dragging her hoof to Twilights back legs, rubbing at them softly, getting very close to her marehood. Sure, she was doing this to help Twilight out, but honestly she wanted to see the purple unicorn moaning and begging for more. Rarity saw Twilight shiver "R-Rarity what are you doi-Ahnn!!" Rarity quickly brought her hoof up to twilights folds, rubbing at them softly, brushing the tail aside. "Shh...It's alright darling...Don't try and say you don't want it.." Twilight didn't do anything to stop it, this new feeling running through her was incredible! The books could not describe how good this felt! "Lets go over to your bed, Lay on your back please.." Walking obediently over to her bed, Twilight laid on her back, spreading her legs a little bit. The rush this gave her was amazing! She didn't reject this, say anything to stop. Sure it brought her away from her work, but it was good! A cry left her mouth as Rarity got back to being wonderful again.

Crawling onto the bed after Twilight laid down, she eyed the wetness between the purple mares legs, licking her lips at the sight. Tracing her hoof over her thighs to tease, Rarity couldn't hold back any more. The small amount of teasing over quickly.Moving forward Rarity latched onto her clit hard, sucking at it while her hoof softly rubbed at her pussy, causing Twilights left leg to kick. A cute loud, blissful moan escaped the mares mouth. Waves of pleasure ran through her, her mind fuzzy. Raritys mouth was heavenly, and her hoofwork was great!

Rarity smiled Twilights actions, keeping up her sucking, soon pulling away, but not stopping at all. Diving in once more, she lapped at Twilights pussy, tongue soon drenched in the sweet nectar. Pushing her tongue inside, Rarity closed her eyes, exploring around as she pleasured her. Twilight began bucking up, moaning louder. Suddenly the pleasure stopped, a loud begging whine left her mouth. "R-Rarity no d-..don't stop please! Please!" Her friend had moved, lying on top of her now, thinking of something by the look on her face. A shiver went down Twilights spine at the sight of the smile. Rarity pulled Twilights head forward a bit, dragging her tongue over the unicorns horn, while at the same time rubbing at her drenched marehood, wanting to get her to release out of both. Continuing her licking for around thirty seconds, Rarity soon opening her mouth, starting to suck lightly on the horn. She saw Twilights cheeks burning red, squirming a bit at the sucking. Unicorns horns were very very sensitive, no wonder Twilight was having a hard time keeping it down!

Twilights whole body burned, the pleasure Rarity was giving her was sending her insane! Lust boiled in her, desperately wanting for more and more. She sat there and moaned, bucking her hips, loving every second of Rarity's helping. She should let her friends come over more, and start doing more projects! If it meant getting this, she would love doing them even more! A new sudden rush went through her, mind going fuzzy once more, a headache forming out of nowhere. A new wave of pleasure washed over her. Rarity knew that she was going to cum soon, so she pulled up from sucking on the horn, leaving it coated in her saliva. Soon, she was licking at it once more. Twilight let out a cry close to a scream, legs twitching as she came, coating the hoof in her juices, thick, purple liquid shot out of her horn, falling onto Rarity's head and dripping onto her own. Twilight panted heavily, long heavy pants. She was instantly tired, wanting to curl up and sleep. But she had to return the favor, Rarity had gone way out of her way to do that for her! Pleasure still rested inside of her, soon dying down a bit after a minute or two, shivers continuing to run down her spine as her friend continued to kiss her neck. "Mhm...That was so good dear..." Rarity licked her neck once more before pulling away, straightening herself after getting off the bed. "I must be heading home, it's rather late...I promise to visit tomorrow, ok sweetie?' Giving a wink, Rarity's hips swung teasing side to side as she left, leaving a panting Twilight on her bed, desiring for another go tomorrow night.