Your Human and You: Knight of Thorns

by The Crestfallen Soul

First published

Kirk Thornos has now become A Servant of Chaos and will do anything to protect his "Fair Lady" from the Equestrian slaving hoard

Kirk Thornos was once a normal man but at a tender young age he lost his parents and baby sister in a fire, a few years later after Kirk has been clinically diagnosed with Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, from watching his parents and sister burn to death, he learns of a dark secret that has plagued his family for generations and upon discovery he makes a blood pact with the apparition of Chaos and is sucked into a world where humans are nothing but animals. He is now connected to a dying goddess "The Fair Lady" who has gifted him the power of fire and is tasked with the mission to steal the humanity of Terra Humans to keep the Goddess alive and help the God of Chaos "Discord" gain power...But how long can he stay on this mission before being discovered by...Talking ponies?

Your Human and You created by MadMaxtheBlack.

Slight inspiration from the Your Human and You story: The Watcher

Dark souls crossover.

Prologue: All Roses Have Thorns

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--Eleven Years Ago--

Running, Running is what my Farther always told me to do if I was scared, angry or even sad. He always told me that it was "Therapeutic" that it would always clear your head since the winds would blow out all of the negativity, the reason I was running today though was not because I was Melancholy but because its my birthday and that my Farther had promised he would finally teach me the family secret since I was finally a man. Several Fire-trucks start driving past me at a alarming rate heading towards my neighbourhood but I don't worry, why should I? This day nothing can go wrong! though I notice something different up in the Gray British skies...Smoke...and as I grew closer and closer to my home the thicker and thicker the smoke became. I couldn't move, I couldn't breath, my home is burning...My Home Is Burning...My Home is engulfed by flame that burns with a passion, all I can do is watch as my home is scorched by the flame...and then darkness

--Present Day--

My eyes slowly flutter open but I am met again with the soul crushing dark but this darkness is caused by the cage I am held in. Nothing to entertain myself but telling stories to the other captives and by tell them I mean make groaning noises while I say the story in my mind but I know he is listening and I Actually think its better I explain this story from the very start in case someone new is listening in my head.

--Around Nine Months Ago--

Around 9 months ago I had a easy yet dull life, I would go to work, have lunch, get shouted at, go home, go to sleep and have the same nightmare that has plagued me since I was ten years old. It was a simple life but it was my life but that's not important now, No not important at the slightest though what is important is how I got my self into the predicament I am in at the moment. Now one day, to be more specific the day of my arrival to this woeful land, I open my door to my apartment and sluggishly step in from a hard days work, were I work you ask? That's none of your business...A law firm, and sit my once fat ass on my favourite chair but then I notice something a little peculiar box on my little side table, of course I reached over and snatched it up confused deeply by its presence in my apartment but as soon as I make the first rip in the paper some bellows out and boom!...There he floats with an odd book in his paws.

Honestly when I first saw him I was intrigued by how a creature like him came to be, He had a deer antler on the right of his head, a blue goat horn on the left, one long fang, different-sized pupils with yellow and red eyes, a snake tongue, a goat beard, and white bushy eyebrows. He had the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat. In addition, he had a bat's wing on the right, a Pegasus' wing on the left of his body, what looked like a horse's mane and a dragon-like snake's tail with a white tail tuft. The shape of his body resembles that of a snake with brown fur. If anything it reminded me of those old Japanese dragons but back to the point he just floated there, book in claw, giving me a mischievous look before uttering in a very familiar voice "Oh! Kirk my boy! Its been so long! How are the folks?" he asked as he shook my arm with a great force, I gave him one blank look before uttering "They died eleven years ago.." his smirk is removed from his face as his eyes look down at my face "Well..I would say they were good people...But that would be a lie!" he laughs, I stared at the creature in front of me with true hatred and shouted "How bloody dare you say that! What are you to judge who they were! Who in hells name even are you!" he gained a playful smile and uttered "I'm surprised you don't remember your old pal...Discord."

I froze right on the spot, my mind raced with a thousand thoughts per second at what he just said. "You can't be.." I said "Your not real! Your Not Real!" I spouted again and again trying to make sense of this situation "Oh...Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?" he chirped. "You can hear my thoughts?" I asked "Of course I can Kirky! Don't you remember the good old days?" he answered smugly but I didn't answer my mind was ready to burst from all these thoughts but they were all interrupted when he told me why he was really here.

"Now. I know you are thinking why have I returned to grace your utterly boring life with my chaotic presence. Well I have a little offer from my best pal Kirky!" He said punching me arm lightly "A O-offer?" I sheepishly ask him not truly understanding how my childhood imaginary friend was floating in front of me offering me a deal "Yes! Ya see I come from a world called Equestria where it is so harmonic and peacefully boring and its has gotten even worse now since I had to stop causing chaos to stay not being a statue...Long story" He said while spinning my fish-bowl on the tip of his claw before turning it into a chocolate milkshake "Anyway the problem I am now faced with is I am the god of chaos but I can not cause chaos! But then I remembered your family!" He shouts "My family?" I ask "Yes! and how your mother and farther were my followers and promised to serve me in anyway possible" He explains but at that point some may say I had the best poker face ever devised by mankind or ponykind. "Well I can see you are taking this information with a spoonful of salt so I will be quick, I want you to become my new Chaos servant, come to Equestria with me and cause Chaos...What do you think?" He says outstretching his paw.

Honestly I shook his paw without a second thought, I mean what did I have to lose, I had a shitty job, no love life, shitty apartment and I am pretty sure my boss wanted me dead. "A weighty choice is yours to make, a right selection or a big mistake. If a wrong choice you choose to pursue the foundations of home will crumble without you." he said randomly "Sorry just reminiscing when I could almost destroy Equestria...But back to the task at hand!" He announced as he puts his paw on my shoulder "Now this inter-dimensional teleportation may have some effects and I am pretty sure we will end up in different places but who cares! Jeronimo!" I tried to say something to stop him but poof...We were already gone and I was alone in some god awful forest puking my guts out, turns out that was one of the side effects, but after my little exorcists moment I started to trudge along a old dirt path in this new foreign land and so many thoughts ran ramped in my mind, what were the people like here, how does society work here and why am I up side down?

Turns out while I was in a daze I tripped a trap and ended up upside down for a few hours until the strangest creature came and looked at me with interest and a smile, the creature looked like a pony but it had huge eyes and a weird fur colour like it was something out of a kids story book but the most shocking thing was when it shouted "Hey Spilt-Wing I got another human here!" and that's when one with wings showed up, cut me down and let me full to the ground, now I tried to say thank you but all that came out was "Gargh.." what got me a response of "Easy there big guy its gonna be alright..." Said the thirst one before a large sudden pain on my head knocked me out completely. And now I have been in this Hell Forbid cage for two weeks, sure I was getting regularly feed and I was introduced to what humans here look like...and believe me whoever you are they are not pretty...But I have been hearing whispers from some of those pony things and it turns out my kind ain't nothing but dumb animals these "Equestrians" used for just about anything! Also we are stopping soon in a town called "Ponyville" What I thought was a very original name by giving out a few laughs that horrified my handlers.

--Present day...Again--

I am jolted awake as I feel our caravan is suddenly stopped, I mange to stand up in my rusted cage and give my now small and deflated limbs a good stretch, I have lost allot of weight since I was captured I thought, and by doing so getting odd looks from the my brain dead cell mates. I stifle out a yawn just before the handlers bloody swarm into the room and start opening up cages left and right and herding out other humans before myself was herded out, anyone of the humans that got out of line as we were lead outside was sapped with some kind of glowing stick and at first I thought this was another cleaning day but no...We are in some kind of town, must be Ponyville, and being lead to some unknown location "Alright Everypony!" Yells a grey stallion with a buzz cut that I have duly nicknamed sarge "Lets get this Humans to the market and then lets get paid!" he cheers as a few other ponies cheers as well as we are herded down a long street to the market.

As soon as we arrive at the market I take note of how many ponies I see and bloody hell I see allot of them in all shapes, sizes and colours. We are lead to a certain stall were we are all, around forty of us, lead into around three cages except me and two other, a little boy and girl, we are lead to the front of the stall were we are forced to sit down and told to wait. "These three as you can see Barter are definitely young and good shape" Says sarge while I give him a questionable look, some of my ribs are showing mate! I think to myself "Yes they are! So you get you bucking bonus" Barter says sternly and throws sarge a large sack, sarge nods and runs off to catch up with his pals...Good riddance "I'm gonna get a nice price for you" Says Barter as she pats me on the head "You even come with clothes, who ever owned you must have loved ya...We will see if we can get you another owner like that" She giggles.

I wait and wait until this one normal pony comes up to me and starts to inspect me, she has a pink coat and blond mane and appears to have three lily's tattooed on her arse and gold eyes. "Hey Rose! Rose! How about this one?" she says excitedly as another normal pony comes into my view, she has a pale yellow coat, raspberry mane with light raspberry streaks, chartreuse green eyes, and a tattoo of a rose on her arse. "..W-well He definitely look nice Lily.." She says shyly and she look over me "Excuse me Miss!" Lily shouts to Barter "How much for this one my good mare!" she asks, Barter gives me a quick inspection and utters "Around seventy five bits.." Rose makes a face but Lily gladly hands over seventy five gold coins...Gold Coins...To Barter "Very good, Very Very Good!" Barter says happily. After Barter gains her bits she puts a collar around my neck and attaches a leash to it and hoofs the leash to Rose "Now remember Humans are like children, Discipline always work!" Barters smiles but I frown at her and poke her right in the side, I can tell by Barter face she didn't like that as she huff away but while Lily gives me a worried look, Rose is giggling happily to herself "I think...I will call you Thorn" She giggles and I smile a small smile as she has practically just guessed my last name for I am Kirk Thornos and this Rose seems she needs a few little sharp thorns by her side.

Chapter 1: Roses are Red

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---A Few Hours Later--

The sun had started its descent over the horizon and the whole market was bathed in a orange tango light that made my new "Owner's" furs look more dark and dull, why we are still in the market is a mystery to me as we continue to walk deeper and deeper into the marker area though something I have noticed is that this far into the market there are barely any more stalls and random booths scattered around the area but instead rows upon rows of different kinds of stores that had very obvious signs to show what they have for sale, I don't take much notice of them since most of them have random Fruits and Vegetables on them but one store just near the end of the street has what looks like a Human in a crouched position
"Hey Rose maybe we should head into Humans-At-Home and get some supplies for Thorny!" Lily giggles at the nickname she has juts made for me, If I ever get the chance I will kill her...Slowly..

"Um..I don't know, its pretty late and I don't want to bother anypony.." Rose squeaks out while I give her a deadpan look, are you serious? I thought, does this pony even have a backbone? Well lets see if I can push her into the right direction...Literally. I start to nudge her towards the store in a impatient manner while making a whimpering noise.

"..Oh!..Uh!..Bad T-Thorn!..Uh..Fine lets go in.." Rose says admitting defeat "But we can only stay in there for a few Minutes! And no Treats!" Lily and I both share a large smile as we fist-bump (Hoof-Bump?) but while my smile doesn't seem to effect Lily in the slightest Rose gives me a scared look and a shiver, and this makes my brow furrow in confusion but I ignore this for now as we enter the shop and oh my Discord...This reminds me of the old pet shops back home! There are even Toys!

"Soooo...What are we looking for Rosy?" Lily asks innocently while looking around at the front desk, though I am sure she has no idea what the hell she is looking for.
"..Well..I think we need..A bed?" Rose answers while looking at the bed section, while myself I am tied to a post by my leash up at the front of the store in the "Human Waiting Section" and I watch how Rose is intently looking at the beds just before...

"Hey Rose! Hey Lily Valley! What can I help ya Mare's with!" a light Gray coat, dark Gray mane, and light blue eyes and His ass mark is three four-leaf clovers and to top it off he has a Irish ascent! Though from his sudden appearance and loud vocal announcement Rose literally jumps and dashes to me, crushing me in a bear hug and pushing her head into my chest.
"Nice going Lucky Clover.." Lily sighs "..You know not to shout when Rose is around you Douf!" she says sternly as she trots up to the stallion and smack him in the back of the head.

"Hey! Watch the mane!" Lucky retorts "I just got it styled!" and then starts the bickering between the two of them, then I realize that Rose is still connected to my chest and shows no signs of letting go, I try to remember what to do in these kind of situations so I gently place my hand on her raspberry mane and start to stoke it downwards contentiously while trying to say "There, There" but in the end I only mange making a purring like noise that actually starts to calm her down but cause her to start snuggling into me and causes her to sigh a few times. This doesn't go unnoticed by Lily and Lucky and while Lily grows a gigantic grin and Aw's at us Lucky looks solely at with a confused expression.

"Humans don't do that.." Lucky utters confused "..I have never seen a Human act like that before." his face completely and utterly flabbergasted as he stares at me and Rose.
"Well Thorny does!" Lily smiles triumphantly like she just one a competition "If anything from what I have seen Thorny is the smartest most amazing Human I have ever seen!" well it appears she has just redeem her self from my wrath but also it seems that Rose has removed her self from my person and starts to trot slowly back to the other ponies, blushing like crazy as she approaches them.

Rose coughs a few times "Uh..Sorry guys..I just..Um.." Rose tries to spurt out while the blush on her face threatens to engulf her like a blazing fire "It's just I..Got a little scared." she clears her throat "Mr.Clover me and my friend here would like to buy the necessities products a pony needs for keeping a human happy and well...Please." Well, well I thought, look like some little Rose is gaining her first little thorns, but she still has a long way to go before she could draw some true blood. After talking for a few more minutes and discussing a price Rose ended up buying one bed and a blanket, a few toys, a new collar and leash and finally some bowls and guess who had to carry all of this to her home..Lily thankfully but just as Lily loaded everything on her back and Rose and me were heading to the exit door that stallion Lucky came running up to us asking if he could do a intelligence test, honestly I felt scared at this moment, what would they do to me if they found out I was intelligent as them? Would they kill me? Experiment on me? Let's say when Rose said no I wanted to hug that mare like no tomorrow.

As we walked to wherever Rose's home is I noticed that Rose was trotting close to me and was nuzzling my leg like a happy puppy who thought their master had treats on them, I believe that after I showed her how affectionate I could be she must now see me in a more loving way, I know that when I have to go find Discord and serve him as a soldier or knight I will feel kinda bad about leaving her though I think before I have to leave I'm gonna shape this mare into something more and beside why should I go look for Discord? That lazy arse can come look for me.

When we finally arrive at Rose's house I mistake it for a flower shop at first so I let out a few confused chirps to alert Rose or Lily to my confusion. "What is it Thorn? Don't you like your new home?" I give her a small smile and nudge my head forward a few times like how a cat would signal it would like something, Rose smiles and says as she opens the front door and we all get inside "I knew you would love it! But we are going to have to set some ground rules Thorn." she tries to say sternly.
"Uh..Lily? It's a Human..They Don't really think.." says Lily with a small grin while she puts my bed by the front door and bowls by the front desk, I have to admit that this shop is actually really amazing, the amount of rose's everywhere and in all different colours. They remind me of my mum's old rose garden and how she would purposefully make the thorns grow so no one would ever touch them. This world is odd but from what I have seen from how Rose has treated me so far I think things will go well.

"Well I better be on my way Rosy! See ya tomorrow!" Lily says happily and hugs Rose.
"Have a safe trip home Lily! Bye!" Rose waves Lily out of the front door, after Lily has left I sit in my new bed and Rose comes up to me and sits down in front of me and smiles "..Well about those ground rules..First as long as you don't disturb the customers you can stay in the front room..Second you sleep down here and you can't come upstairs with permission and finally..Um..And no being a nuisance,,Got it Thorn." She tries her hardest to put on a stern face and even starts to scrunch her nose, I smile again, pet her head and nod, she wraps me into a hug "..Thank you..I don't know how you can understand me..But thank you.." she gives me one more hug before she heads up to bed "Night Thorn.." I sigh as she leaves me in the once familiar dark and I drift into a deep slumber.

--The Equestria Abyss--

"Where am I?" I asked the Darkness, I did not care that I could speak again for if this is a dream it does not matter "Where Am I?" I ask again but when I retrieve no response I decide to try to inspect my surroundings but the only off thing I noticed was my own appearance, if it wasn't for a white glow around my body I don't think I would be able to see anything at all.

"You are not Ready"

A voice rings out from the Darkness that chills me to my very core but also reminds me of someone.

"I am not Ready"

A figure begins to appear in my vision range as I see...Well a red glowing...Man? and he is coming closer and closer.

"We are not Ready"

He is almost in front of me but still I cannot truly see him, but what I do see is that he is covered in spikes coming out of any available place on his armour. As he closes the distance between us he pull out a blade covered in thorns...And plunges it into my Abdomen...I give out a choked scream as I feel the blade burn inside my body, the pain is comparable to anything in this world as I watch my blood flow down under the blade to the ground. I stare at his face what is concealed by his helmet and I choke out a "Why?...Why?"

"We are Not Prepared to fulfil are duty yet, but soon, soon you will and the Fair Lady will love us once more and we will feel her touch once more! But heed this, soon you will be called to kill and feed the to our Fair Lady till she is full and well but for now rest Chaos Servant...Rest..."

I let out a choked gasp as he pulls his blade out but instead of falling to the ground I see patches of fire starting to burn away parts of my flesh and sizzle my muscles underneath, I scream out in pain and as the fire starts to melt flesh from bone I Scream with all my might "Who Are You!" and then nothing...


I wake up in a cold sweat...My heart is racing...And inside my head I can't stop thinking about what the mysterious figure from my dreams said.

"soon you will be called to kill and feed the dead to our Fair Lady till she is full and well but for now rest Chaos Servant..."

He said it like he knew me..Like he knew exactly who I am..And how he referred to me as "Chaos Servant"...Whoever he is he most know about Discord..Maybe he is Discords enforcer or something...But who is this "Fair Lady" and why must I kill people to feed her?..Is she a cannibal..I sigh and lay back down in my bed...I hope I can get some sleep...But I feel like I can hear a lady singing something...She sounds so weak...

Go to sleep-y, little one.
When you wake you shall have
All the pretty little horses.
Blacks and bays, dapple grays,
Coach and six white horses.
Go to sleep-y, little one.

Chapter 2: As The Petals Fall

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--Two Weeks Later--

After that nightmare a few weeks ago I have indeed had some trouble sleeping and it has not been unnoticed by my "Master", Rose has taken me to the Veterinarians but after a few little examinations and tests the Vet took Rose into the other room, curios and a little worried I walked up to the door slowly and silently and put my ear to the cool metal door to be introduced with an odd sobbing noise, as I listened I over heard something that made my Blood Chill and my Heart to stop for a second.
"I'm...I'm sorry Miss Rose but it appears that your human...Is Dying" The Vet said calmly, her face as straight as a executioners before he swings his axe.
"I..I..Why!?..How!?.." Rose asked desperately, Roses face was stained with tears. her once gleeful face now torn and desperate for answers.
"Well after my examinations of "Thorn" there are many of things that are just plain out of the ordinary such as his intelligence." The Vet pauses for a second then continues "He passed all the intelligence test I had given him faster then any other human before him, it is quite the shame he is dying but I Believe that his intelligence may be the issue here." The Vet explains as he goes to his desk and takes a seat upon his chair. Rose gives the Vet a confused stare but nods to him to continue his explanation "My theory is that since your Human was born with some minor intelligence and from this his his blood pressure has heightened because more blood need to gets to his brain and the heat from using its brain is causing strain on it."
"What did you just say?" I thought to myself."How dare this Whelp insult my intelligence!" I do not noticed that my vision has now turned red with anger but I do feel something inside of me...A craving...But I do not know for what I crave but, I realize that I am about to walk into the room before I stop myself from entering and I slowly walk back to my position on the bench, I can not relieve myself yet...Its too early..

--Rose POV--

I walk back into the examination room with the Veterinarian, I see my Human sitting on the bench in the conner of them room, I feel tears sting my eyes again I look towards and I think what in Celestia's name am I going to do about him, How do I tell every pony? What am I going to do?
"Thank you Mr. Vet...I think I'm going to take Thorn home now.." I say as I hold back tears, I walk up to Thorn and hook his collar to his leash and slowly taking him out of the Vets. As we leave Mr.Vet gives me one last nod and wave goodbye, I sigh knowing that I only have my Thorn for a short period of time, how did this happen so fast? He looks so young and we have only had him for a good few weeks. Maybe I shouldn't tell Daisy and Lily about this for now, they wouldn't understand and then the situation would be even worse then it is now.
I unlock the door to the shop and lead Thorn in and as I walk to the kitchen I see him walk into the living room and he approaches the fireplace, he then proceeds to sit down in-front of the fireplace with is legs crossed as he stares into the flame. Could he really have intelligence? I wonder as I put some fruit into his bowl and trot towards him with the bowl in my mouth, I bow my head and place the bowl beside him and nudge it forward "Go on Boy...Eat up.." I urge Thorn but he takes no notice in me, tears start to run down my face as I stare at him, his eyes never leaving the fire and before I know it I embrace him in a hug and start to cry softly into his chest.
"..I am So Sorry Thorn..I am So So Sorry..If I just taken you to the Vets sooner they could have helped you..They could have healed whatever is wrong with you but now..Now there is no hope,,There is nothing we can do.." I Sob out "..I should have noticed it sooner..You have been so inactive I..I thought your were just getting used to the house..And how you been staying up until the crack of dawn..I am So Very Sorry Thorn..I love you so much and I promise I will take care of you no matter what..You are my Human and you mean the whole of the world to me.." I manage to say as I cry..But then I feel his arms around me embracing me back, but then my blood goes cold when I hear something..It almost sounds like a pony but something about it sounds disturbing and wrong like it is not from this world..But the worst thing is where it is coming from or more importantly who.

"..Hush My Little Pony..Do Not Weep..Close your eyes..And Say Goodnight..

And then..Darkness as l lose consciousness..

--Kirks POV--

"..Hush My Little Pony..Do Not Weep..Close your eyes..And Say Goodnight..

As I wrap the back of my hand on the back of her head and put her to sleep, when I feel that she is now fully asleep I carry her up stairs and carefully I open the door to her bedroom door and slowly place her on her bed with the up most care, I drape her cover over her body and tuck her in and when I am sure that she is comfortable I lean down and kiss her forehead
"Sleep Well My Little Pony..Dream Of Your Harmony.." I say as I creep out her room and back downstairs to the the fire..Discord awaits..

--A Week Earlier--

It was night time and I was in this horrid nightmare again, I excepted the Dark Figure to come out and kill me again before whispering the the same nonsense into my ear again..But so far into the dream nothing, It appeared I was alone so I did what any sane person would have done and started walking forward, even though I had no idea where I was heading I just had the urge to move forward until he came into my sights, Discord, he seemed to be sitting on a tall throne with antlers spouting from the top of it looking down it I noticed two Blood Red Gems and realized that the top of his throne was a head of some kind, maybe his, but it didn't matter because the look he was giving me told me he had something pretty important to say.
"Well..Well..Well..You took your time getting here..Did you have a nice time today Hmm?..Hanged out with your new hehehehe.."Owners" friends did you..Hahahaha!" His laughed allot at me before recovering and saying "You know when we teleported I didn't think you would become a pet! Maybe Wolf food! But a pet? Priceless.." He grinned at me while my hands tightened into fists.
"Listen Here you Piece Of Sh-" I stop myself from speaking by cover my mouth with my hand..My voice..That isn't my voice..That's His voice..The Figures voice..I looked up to Discord and he had a pure shit eating grin on his face, what does he know about this I wondered and Wondered before his interrupts..
"I can see you are getting used to your new and more impressive voice..I couldn't have the piece of Chicken shit of your original voice as a knight of mine..Hahahaha..Oh! I should tell you been given a promotion!" he said gleefully while he practicality jumping up and down on his throne in anticipation of my answer.
"I thought I was just a servant of Chaos? Now I am a Knight? Why?" I asked Discord, his smile never left his face once as he gave me a once over with his eyes.
"Well..Lets just say that this was kinda the reason I brought you here in the first place..I mean all of the over Lords and Ladies have nights! And I don't even have one and by Celestia's Ass I am The God Of Chaos!" Discord Laughed "..So that's where you come in my dear Kirk..I want you to be more than just a worshipper! I want you to be my Right Talon so to speak..So what do you say?" Discord asked..And of course I nodded and said as I got one knee and sighed
"Yes Mi'Lord Discord..I Shall Become your Chaos Knight.." Discord shakes his head
"No..No..We are not calling you that..Say what lets think of a name next week!..That should give the readers something to wait for..Hehehehe.." Discord says Quietly.
"What was that?" I asked, while Discord clears his throat.
"Oh nothing..Any-who! Cheerio! Oh And Nice Duds!" Wait what does he mean by nice duds I thought as I looked at myself as I looked at myself..I was wearing the figures armour and adopted his glow..Was the figure you me..Uh looks like its time to wake up as the abyss consumes me.

--Present Night--

I sat still as I watch the flames flicker as I remembered that night, though my serenity and piece of mind was interrupted when Discord's face appeared in the flame, He grins at me and then winks "So how do I look Hmm?" He asks while he smiles.
"Ugly as ever..Why did you think the fire would take away the years?.." I said moving my jaw a few times while Discord gives me a sour look "Ugh..Its been awhile since I have managed to talk..Sorry if I am rusty.." I mutter while massaging my jaw.
"Nah..If anything it sounds even more creepy and vile! But unfortunately you wouldn't call me by flame if this wasn't important..So what have you done?" Discord giggles as he appears to be eating some popcorn..I think.
I Sigh "Rose Took me to Vets..Vets Say I Dying..I talked to Rose..Put Rose to bed..Can you help?" I ask him almost pleadingly like I care about Rose.
"By put to bed I hope you mean you just set her down for a nap." He asks and I nod "Good..Good..Last thing we need is a dead pony..But yes I can help, I will erase her memory of today and replace it with the Vet telling her everything is ok..Though this dying thing brings about as issue..Do you feel like dying" Discord ask, eye-balling me.
"No..Not at all..I think the Vet..Got something wrong.." I answer honestly and Discord simply nods and taps his chin a few times
"Indeed..Well you know when I said the last thing we needed was a dead pony?" I nod "Well Looks like we need to handle this Vet..He needs to die" He says and as I go to argue Discords beats me to it "We need to kill him..Because he knows you are smart and he has your medical report..With that he could expose you simply to the scientific community and next thing ya know you are on a dissecting table..Hehehehe" He laughs as I tilt my head "So for your first mission my Knight of Thorns..Hehehehe..Like it! Because your pet name is Thorn.." He clears his throat again and puffs some smoke into my face "Anyhow..You need to kill the Vet and Destroy your medical report..Got it!" I nod.
"..Do I Get Any Aid?.." I ask as he nods his head.
"Yes! Two! First you won't be actually going there..Your Phantom will! and before you ask let me explain.." He takes a deep breath "What I mean by Phantom is that after our talk there will be a gem on your bed..Hold this Gem and it will allow you to become a ghost like creature called a Phantom..You will still be a physical being just you will look like what you do in the Abyss..Also you will be fully equipped with your armour and weapons" He smiles, while I look at him impressed and gesture with my hand for him to continue "The secound thing is from..Lets say a lady admirer..Enjoy.." his face disappears from the fire and the fire launches it self from the fireplace into my hand..I go to scream but there is no pain from the fire..It sits there..In my hand and glows..Illuminating the room slightly..I stroke the flame and smile as still no harm comes to me.
After awhile of just starring at my hand I remember what I must do and close my hand..Making the flame die..But to be sure its not dead I open my hand once more and focus on the palm of my hand..And it rekindles itself..Again I put it out and walk to my bed area and find that on my pillow is a red glowing crystal, I quickly snatch the crystal into my hand and lay down in my bed.."Well here goes nothing" I say as I squeeze the crystal and suddenly a red aura covers my body and the world is flushed away.

--The Veterinarians--

--Third Person--

Mr.Vet sits in his office alone looking over all of today's Human Medical Reports, The only thing illuminating the room is a small candle on a end table near the door. He sighs and pushes the reports away from himself as he rubs his tired eyes, he should be home right now with his loving wife and his newly born foal..Night shimmer..She is such a cute little foal with black fur, blue eyes and a sliver mane, she looks so much like her mother Mr. Vet thought to himself, he just can't simply wait to see her when she is all grown. Bang, Bang, Bang, three knocks on the front door of the Veterinarians sound off "Who is it!" Mr. Vet shouts to the whoever could be outside his Clinic, whoever it is they sound like they have strong hooves.
Bang, Bang, Bang again three heavy knocks echo through the Veterinarians clinic and again Mr. Vet shouts "Sorry! We are Closed pleas come by in the Mor-" Crash! the sound of broken glass and metal echo loudly and Mr.Vet has to cover his ears with his hoofs to stop the noise from deafening him, when the sound dies down his runs out of the office, the gust causes the candle to go out, and sees what has happened to his clinic, he does not see the somepony who had done this but the front door of his clinic has been completely blown off from it hinges and now glass litters his once clean clinic, he examines the door to find scorch marks cover it but also a series of tiny dents in the metal..Slam! Mr.Vet turns his head just in time to see his door slam shut, Mr.Vet runs to his office and kicks the door open to see a singular fire on the ground slowly flicker and die he walks towards the ashes but something grabs the back of the neck of Mr.Vet and throws him out of his office into the hallway wall.
Mr.Vet strokes the back of his with his left hoof to discover his head is bleeding, he looks up to see who grabbed him and what he does see chills his bones, What appears to be a human made of pure darkness surrounded by a dark red aura but this is not the most chilling thing though is what it appears to be wearing, the humans armour appears to be covered in thorns and its face is completely covered by a helmet, The Thorned Human starts to walk towards Mr.Vet though Mr.Vet does not moves at all as he is to afraid. The Humans produces a small Thorned blade from its side and spins it a few times before speaking..

"..How Precious a sight to see..A Stallion Scared to Piss Himself.."

Mr.Vet looks down to see he as pissed him self but before he can look up the Human picks him up by his throat and places the blade just under his Rib cage. "Please..Please..I have a Foal.." but his please fall upon deaf ears as the human slides his blade into the ponies ribcage..Blood is already oozing from under the blade while the pony is screaming its lungs out from the pain..Though this Human is merciful as it pulls down the blade, tearing the flesh as it is met with some resistance but is continuously ripped until the blade meets the abdomen and the intestines slide out, the pony has long since died from this action but the Human continuously starts to stab the heart..The Human stand and stares at its art work, the ponies organs lay scattered around the corpse but it needs something..Interesting..The Human sees a small vase with two Roses in it that are slowly wilting..The Human grabs a Rose in both hands and walks back to the corpse..The Human kneels before the corpse and places the Roses on the ground as it begins to scoop out the corpses eyes and throwing them down the hall and after the deed has been done The Human proceeds to put the bud of the roses in its eye sockets and the thorns around the eyes..The Human Begins to fade out of existence but before it dispersers it laughs and laughs...

"some murder because of love
some murder because it's important
some murder because their nature

pity the victim for what they don't get
pity the murderer for what they should live with"

By maria sudibyo