The event of skyfall

by magical2451

First published

an event that ponies call skyfall When ponies came down from the sky and attack innocent ponies of Equestria. for just five ponies.

an event that pony call skyfall When ponies came down from the sky and attack innocent ponies of Equestria. for just five ponies.

(is my first fanfic some criticism will be good)


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Two royal guards go with an earth pony hanging around them, one hoof on the back of the royal guards. pony have a red fur, the mane different blue colors and blue tail. They walk into the room. inside the room their is a table, two chairs and another royal guard. They who carries the earth pony put him to the chair and walk out. only two left was the earth pony and royal guard.

"The unknown pony : What do you want from me."
The guard smile.
"The royal guard: only your reaction."
"Unknown pony: reacts to what?"
smile back.
"The royal guard: our documentary on skyfall."
The earth pony`s smile turn into frown
"Unknown pony: why do need me for a reacts?"
"The royal guard: Not only you but your group."
"Unknown pony: why?"
"The royal guard: by order of the ruler."
"Unknown pony: so it is the thanks we get for saving this word."
"The royal guard: you know what happened"
"Unknown pony: it dose not do the right thing to do."
"The royal guard: ok, just let us begin with the documentary one."

Chapter 1: welcome party

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Chapter 1: Welcome party

It was a normal day in ponyville. Purple unicorn shelving the books at ponyville´s library. While under work some pony knock´s at the door. It is Almost broke her concentration with books still floating in air.
"The unicorn said: It´s open! "

The door slammed open and she hear a familiar voice.
"Twilight !"
Twilight turn around to see a mare with pink mane and fur. Before she could do anything. The pink pony looked behind and begun to talk.
the pink mare: Twilight, you look have a lot work"
Twilight looked behind her and saw the mess on the floor book ever on the floor, some on pile, some was just stacker around. was a moment quiet
they silent broke up by the pink pony begun to talk

"The pink mare: But is not I here for. I need you help for a party"

"Twilight: For what? respond angry"

"The pink mare: A party to welcome five new. but before could finish the sentence"

Twilight grown of frustration

"Twilight: have´t se any pony look new around here."

The pink pony giggles.

"The pink mare: I known why. It because their leader do not allow go ponyville or to talk any pony but I find them." When find the camp. I Saw a unicorn and earth pony talk to each other. I lend in forward, So i could her what they say. I hear they say."

"The camp leader: Don´t go near the city or talk to anyone."

"The pink mare:The Since it become black for me and i awake up near ponyville."

"The royal guard: the was a first documentary of sky fall. we royal guard call the discover. because of your group is a point of view of Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Diane Pie. He stood up from the chair and went to the mirror."

"the royal guard: Have one question. He turn to face the mirroring the room. Did you do anything to the mare?"

"Unknown pony: No, our friend didn't allow it. He sat down again. You mean your leader?"

The stallion begun face away and the royal guard smile, he begin to talk again

"The royal guard: Your mission or just his guard."

"The royal guard: Ok, i think is enough. Take him back."

When stallion was gone from the room begin write down.
first documentary of skyfall

reaction from Smoochipuff

home: unknown

gender: male, earth pony

born date: unknown

full name: Smoochipuff Ncoier

Chapter 2: The party

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A green fur and yellow mane Pegasus came to the to room with angry inside. but only walk to the chair and sate down. The guard only smile

"The royal guard: It look like you hear some rumors"

"The pegasus: You know is true and my friend won´t lie to me,with angry respond."

"The royal guard:Yes, i know. with calm voice. But still you know why i do is."

"Yeahyeah, can we just start now. said the angry pegasus."

"the royal guard: Ok and he have told you of the first documentary."

he simple nod his head
"The royal guard: Ok, then let´s begin"

he took some paper on table and read the first page

"the royal guard: the royal guard: The second documentary of skyfall"


Twilight and pink pie. they was in the wood of north- west of ponyville.

"Twilight: Are you sure their camp was here?."

"Pinkie pie: Yes, I sure."

"Twilight: but is look they want not to disturb,."

"Pinkie pie: Maybe but dose not mean can´t be go through a village as ponyville."

Twilight:yeah but huuuuffe."

Twilight collide with pink pie.

Twilight walk beside her and saw the camp with five pony. It look like they packing up their camp. It was two earth pony and pegasus. Only one unicorn. all look have same gender. One dark fur and his was dark blue and light blue color mane. The another pegasus have green fur and yellow mane. One of earth pony have very spike mane and tail with color red and green mane. His fur is dark green. Another earth pony was blue mane and have red fur. The unicorn have dark green and light mane.

"Pinkie pie: Ok, i gonna distract them and you gonna take their bags."

"Twilight: Why are we do is?"

"Pinkie pie: because, we here for show how great ponyville is. smile at her."

"Twilight:Ok but is right interrupt some pony, said Twilight with wondering voice."

"Pinkie pie:Yes, is true but when the get to the party and they will be happy when they get there, said Pink pie."

"Twilight: Ok, what was the plan again, still not convince."

"all right was the plan, wait i told you already, said Pink pie."

"Yes, you distract and I take their stuff, Twilight respond nervous."

"let´s get start, said Pink pie and point at a big old broken tree."

Twilight walk to the old tree and Pink pie walk a little another way. Twilight saw Pink pie from the other side and thought
to her self. she is really focus Twilight
signals to Pink pie. she move in the camp and try get their attendance. they seem in kind of shock. Twilight walk in closer for the bags. she use her magic to pick up the bags. she make a run thought the five pony and Pink pie follow her. The five pony follow them like a pack of timber-wolf.

The came to sugar cube corner. Twilight and Pink pie ran inside. Put down bags on table. try to hide fast as they can.
The five pony some follow them. They came in to the room. for them was the room almost dark .Only light came form the windows. When five ponies was at middle of the room. some pony turn on the light.

"Everypony in the room said: Welcome to ponyville."

All look at five pony. Four of five is look happy but only the unicorn look as not happy like the other of his friend. The red fur pony begin to whisper to the unicorn ear. He gave a heavy sigh and walk off to most empties table. The four pony hoof-five. after the hoof-five, party have dance ponies and ponies who want a good time. Twilight walk to the red fur pony and he was at the drink table.

"Twilight: Hi."

"The red fur pony : Hi, he look kind drunk."

" The red fur pony: Were is my manor? my name is
Smoochipuff Ncoier."

Twilight: Twilight Sparkle," shake his hoof and walk with him to a table empty.

"Twilight: I hope a you like the party. she sitting down next to him."

" Smoochipuff: Is good. Is better then in forest. He finish his drink."

"Twilight: Why are you and your friend in forest? Twilight ask."

"Smoochipuff: I don´t know and can´t remember, shake his head."

"Twilight: To much alcohol," laugh at him. She like to se how many people can push their limit.

"Twilight: Why do live outside of ponyville?"

"smoochipuff: Dan said we can´t." he stop shake his head.

" Twilight: Why?" only smile at him.

"Smoochipuff:We need jobs to stand,put down his head."

"Twilight: Ok, her smile become more a thinking look."

"Twilight: But have to go now, she was about to leave him."

"Smoochipuff: It was a pleasure, he was gone of his drunkenness."

Twilight walk to table before she stat down, took a last look and she saw three ponies and Smoochipuff but was not them got her eyes look closer.

"aaa Twilight, a voice come from behind her. When She turn around saw rainbow dash."

"Rainbow dash: Are you ok? she look like want to know What happen."

"Twilight: I´m ok. all her best friend look at her. Pinkie pie broke the silent."

"Pinkie pie: Do know why the can´t stand in ponyville."

"Twilight:They need a job."

"A job? said all her friend same time." Twilight continues.

"Twilight: And they are mark less."

"Twilight:What now?"

"Yes, they don´t have cutie mark. Twilight answer."
Applejack: Ok, I can give a job for one of them. Because of Big Mac over work him self again."

" Rarity: I need some male model to my new fashion line.

"Twilight: I need help at library. I get a lot of request from princess Celestia."

"Fluttershy: I can help to with job to."

"Applejack: Ok but the unicorn will he want a job?"

"Twilight: I don´t know."

"Applejack: Then some need to talk to him."

"Fluttershy: I can try, if ok with you."

"Twilight: Are sure?"

she just nod in respond.

she din´t know why she want talk to a complete stranger but something call to her.

"Twilight: ok, you gonna talk to him and try give him the offer."

"Pinkie pie: And we do the same, she walk to one of mark less."

all her friend walk to each pony. Futtershy become nervous just look at him. She begin to walk closer but she din´t want go. She was next to him. It's now or never.

"Fluttershy: ahhhhh mr Dan, he seem not hear her."

She was closer to give up but her memories of the flight camp. Made her think they have be bullied. So she gather her courage.

"Fluttershy: Ahh mr Dan, he look at her."

"Dan: Who, pardon, he point at chair. She sit down."

"I sorry, i was in deep thought. he look Around but not her."

"Fluttershy: What was you think about? She try have a discussion."

" Dan: Is mostly private."

"Fluttershy:I understand. she try give a convincing smile."

"But it not I here for".

"And what are you here for? he look to her eyes."

"Fluttershy: A offer, she said calm."

"Dan:What kind offer? he stare at her with open eyes. him just look at her make her more nervous."

"Fluttershy A job offer, she become just more nervous just said that words."

" Dan: I have to decline, he look away."

"But you have not hear what kind a job we can give. said Fluttershy. He stand up and pick his bags."

"dan :It was a good talk, Fluttershy." He was gone before she can said anything.
When he came near the door. He whistle and his friend react on whistle sound. They gather around him. Me and my friend state at table before and saw their discussion. After few minutes later. The pony she talk previously.

"dan: what kind of job you can offer to? he ask."


"The royal guard: The was end of the second documentary, the guard put away the pepper."

"The royal guard: Ok, do remember what your grope work at one year work time,he sound not give a shit about what they work."

"the pegasus: I know and you know too, he give smile."

"the royal guard: Yes is true but your old memory is back , the guard respond."

"the pegasus : All right, let´s begin with dan. he was a assistant for the yellow one. Sebastian work as farmer and librarian. Linus as model and I work with weather control."

"The royal guard: Yes, you remember, the guard wrote down the answers."

"The pegasus Do I get point now, smile at the guard."

"the royal guard: You can go, the guard said calm."

"the Pegasus: I had funny, he walk out of the room."

The guard writes down the same ting like the last time.