Endless Love

by BassWaveEX

First published

Basswave saves the Queen of Changelings from a life or death situation and falls for her in the process.

Basswave is a DJ pony living in the small town of ponyville who, after a series of events during the Canterlot Wedding, saves Queen Chrysalis from a life or death situation. They start to have a very deep relationship, but will his friends approve of his actions? And what is this strange feeling when he kills. It's almost as if he has his own Hyde living inside him.


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Nopony seemed to think about why she was the way she was. Nopony cared to know why she craved love from others. They all thought it was their only way of survival but i didn't think so. I thought- no, I knew that that wasn't the case, she couldn't just live off of love, could she? I wanted to get to the bottom of it all so I could understand why. Why they excluded her from everything. (Beside the fact that she almost completely destroyed Canterlot with her army of changelings. That was a really tough time after that invasion had happened, but couldn't help but think about her afterward.) How she changed from different ponies and how she had this determined look in her eyes. I felt really conflicted, like something was trying to resolve itself, but couldn't find the answer. I guess I should recollect all that had happened in those two years. Well, here goes nothing.

Chapter 1: The Start

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It started like any other day in ponyville. The birds were chirping and drowsy ponies were awakening from their slumbers. I had a nice dream where I was DJing in front of all manehatten to see. I was killing it with my wubs of mayhem. Then I awoke to a completely different song which scared the crap out me. I awoke so suddenly that i fell out of bed face first and half asleep.

'Seems Vinyl is doing the dishes again.' I thought to myself as I rubbed the part of my face that hurt. She seems to do that every morning since I moved in with her. I'm pretty sure she's wanting for to snap or something, but I tend to like electronic music so jokes on her. I got up off the floor and went into my bathroom to make myself look decent. It took me a while but I finally got my hair the way I wanted it to lay. I was a unicorn with a dark blue and electric yellow fauxhawk along with yellow eyes that matched my hair and a deep purple coat all around my body. Satisfied I brushed my teeth and put on a pair of blue jeans with holes in them a yellow v-neck and a purple hoodie. I put on my glasses and headed down stairs to find Vinyl, as I suspected, washing the dishes with her custom dishwasher she had made for her house in ponyville.

"Hey Vinyl!" She couldn't hear me."Vinyl! VINYL!" Her ears finally pricked up, then she turned and gave me a smug grin when she saw the sleep on my face. We're pretty cool friends, we met when I went to one of her concerts and we just started talking about our talents and what we wanted to do with our lives and stuff. Could talk about it but I'm not, so moving on. She walked over to me and sized me up and down. I said "Rest is a beautiful thing you know."

"So is my dishwasher." She retorted back with a smirk. I just shook my head and laughed, that's Vinyl for ya. I got me some oats and sat down to talk with her. "So, any big gigs coming up?"

"Oh yeah! We got one that's supposed to be happening at one of Pinkie's parties. Don't exactly know the details but knowing Pinkie it could be anything, and then we got an invitation from Princess Celestia to DJ at a wedding in Canterlot." I choked on my oats when she said that. "A gig in Canterlot! This is huge! Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Because the mail didn't come until I started the dishwasher, duh."

"Whatever." I got done with my oats and then i put my bowl in the washer. I got my shoes on and walked to the plaza in the middle of ponyville. As I walked I noticed that the plaza was a lot more empty than usual instead of the usual sight of ponies walking to their selected destinations. I opened the doors to my favorite shop: The Soundboard.

"Yo! Electro Beats you here!" Another pony stepped out from the back and looked at me with a warm smile. She was a powder blue colored pony with long orange hair. She was wearing a light green beanie with an orange hoodie, dark blue skinny jeans, and powder blue shoes.

"Whats up Bass Wave! What can I do you for?"

"Well I was wondering if my order came in yet."

"Yeah its in the back let me grab them real quick." She walked into the back and I waited there thinking of what kind of playlist I would make for the wedding. As soon as she put the headphones on the counter it broke my train of thought and I was excited to get my hands on them. "Oh man thank you. You do not know how much I wanted these." They were a pair of monster DNA's that had a purple outside band, muffs and underside of the headphones. "I believe you owe me 200 bits."

"200 bi- I swear the prices of these headphones are ridiculous." I Paid her the owed amount and took off with my new headset in hand. All I could think of is the jealous look on Vinyl's face when I would get home. On my way there I was looking at my iPod when I ran into another pony and fell on my ass.

"Hey! Watch it!"

"I'm sorry about that mi-" I choked on my words when I looked up. She was a yellow mare with a dark blue mane that was pulled into a ponytail. She wore a grey camo hoodie under a dark gray coat. She had black skinny jeans and black shoes on with grey fingerless gloves on her hands. Her emerald eyes were twinkling with rage and I was transfixed. Her face softened and then she blushed. She quickly said sorry and ran the way she was going. I got up and I was blushing as well as my heart racing.

Who was she? I haven't seen her around here before.

I decided I would just go back to the house and chill, but I had a feeling I would see her again very soon.

Chapter 2: Me and AJ

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The next day I woke up and was going to look around for that mare that I saw. First place I went to was the plaza, it made sense, that was the place I met her. She had to be there. When I got there it was the same as usual. Just regular ponies coming through, nothing out of the ordinary and no sign of that mare. I waited on a bench, walked around the shops, even played with some of the fillies that admired me. I waited pretty much all day, and no luck. I decided to take a break and get something to eat. I went to the apple stand that Applejack was running. She was just saying goodbye to yet another happy customer when she spotted me.

"Why howdy there sugarcube, what can ah do you for?"

"Hey there A.J., I just need like 4 apples. Hey you know what, yeah you can help me have you seen a yellow mare with dark blue hair and these emerald eyes?"

"Hmm, ah'm sorry I can't say that I have, I'll keep an eye out for ya If ya'll want me to." She looked at me with a concerned look, I guess she saw how crushed I looked.

"No, it's alright. How much for the apples?"

"Oh, uh 12 bits." I paid the amount and started walking off when she called me back.

"Hey Basswave, c'mere for a sec."


"Are you okay? Ya seem kinda distressed. Is there somethin' the matter?"

"No no, I'm fine, really. I've just been running around so much lately. I guess I'm starting to wear myself out." She gave me another concerned look before she let me go. I don't blame her, we're practically family. See, my I never knew my dad and my mom and I were in the lower economic state. We moved around too much so I never really got to have any friends.

One night my mother had gotten me up and dragged me through the streets and kept telling me everything was going to be okay. I didn't understand we just kept running and running. Eventually we went into the Everfree forest and came across bridge. I looked behind me and found that we had been running from a pack of timber wolves. Their growls could be heard behind us as we crossed the bridge. When we got to the middle my mother turned and used a shield spell to block the timber wolves from crossing closer towards us, but she was weak she could't hold on much longer, so she turned to me and said her final words to me.

"Basswave listen to me not far from here is a village named ponyville you are to run there and don't look back or come back for me. I will always love you and I will always be with you." I had tears streaming down my face, I knew what she was going to do.

"No mom, don't do this we can make it, we can stay together don't make me leave!" All she did was take her favorite ring off and gave it to me. It was a stainless steel ring with a glowing black band around it. she gave it to me and pushed me towards the end of the bridge. "GO!" And I did. I ran all the way to the end of the bridge and got then stopped twenty feet from it to look back. She looked straight into my tear-filled eyes and with one final intent she took down the shield and shot a spell at the ropes to the bridge. "NOOOOOOOOO!" I slid to the edge to try to catch her but to no avail. She was gone, and there was nothing I could do.
That night I ran through all kinds of branches, thorn bushes, and brambles all the while clutching my mother's ring. Eventually I hit a clearing and found a farmhouse in the middle of an apple orchard. There I pounded on the door for some help then I realized one of my cuts were worse than the rest. I must have severed an artery or something because all I could see on my chest was red. .When somebody did answer the door I turned and it was Applejack. I looked at her and could only utter two words before passing out. "Help. Me." Then I fell forward and I saw black.

When I woke up my arms and legs and chest all had bandages on them. When I looked I saw Applejack rubbing a cool rag on my forehead. "Well hello there sleepyhead. You've been out for quite a while." She took the rag from my forehead and put it back in a bucket. "Mind me asking who the buck might you be?" I thought for a second if I should trust her or not. She seemed nice enough that I could trust, but would remain wary.

"Basswave. My name is Basswave."

"Nice ta meet ya Basswave, my name is Applejack." She stuck her hand out to shake and I reflexively put my guard up to protect myself. She looked at me with a confused expression, then she realized her mistake, she didn't take things slowly and gently the way you're supposed to when you come across a damaged person.

"Ah'm sorry there sugarcube, I'm just really tired." She sat down on the bed and looked down. "You see I have to buck all the apples in this here orchard. Every season and all day I work and work, but sometimes I forget my manners." I just stared at her for a while. It must have been about five minutes before she looked up and when she did, I looked into her eyes and she looked just as broken as I was. Almost as if she had recently lost someone, or someponies. We looked at each other and after what seemed like forever, she finally asked me a question. "Where are your folks?" My heart skipped as I suddenly remembered what happened last night and my mind had snapped. I rushed forward and she yelped but instead of hurting her, all I could get out was my wails of despair and anguish. She seemed awestruck as I lay there heaving and sobbing. Then she did the only thing she could think of, she pulled me into her arms and put my head on her chest to try to sooth me.

"Shhhhh, shhhh its gonna be alright. Calm down now." But I couldn't stop, they just kept flowing out like a river. At some point she started to sing and that's when I calmed down enough to listen. It sounded so sweet and innocent, as if all the weight of the world was lifted off of my shoulders. I was at peace again and everything was okay. As soon as she wavered I looked up and she too had tears streaming down her face. "You can stop, I'm fine now." My voice was strained and sounded cracked but I didn't care. I was not going to force her to sing a song that made her sad. She looked at me and collapsed in the same fashion as I had. I just held her and we sat there both sobbing and letting our emotions show, we let the world know of our loss. I never felt closer to her than that day. Since then I stayed at sweet apple acres until I could get a place of my own and helped A.J. with bucking season and still do whenever I can. We have been as close as brother and sister could ever be. Those were the best years of my life.

Chapter 3: The Wedding: Part 1

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I had searched up and down ponyville for the mare and couldn't find her anywhere, so I had given up on searching for her completely. I was heartbroken for some reason even though I didn't even know her. None the less I had a gig to get to, more specifically the wedding in Canterlot. Vinyl said that the princess picked us personally because she knew that we would bring the party. Me and Vinyl were loading equipment into the van and as soon as we got the last bag in we sat and took a breath before heading out. "So how much longer until we have to leave?" She looked down at her phone and checked the time.

"About half an hour." She looked back up and laid down to look up at the sky, pulling down her shades. "Plus I'm starting to get hungry, where should we hit up?" She asked.

"Um, the fridge. Where else?"

"I thought we could go to some restaurant somewhere and eat." She gave me a puppy dog face and laid her ears down flat on her head.

"Hmmm, alright let's go to town." She pumped her fists in the air with triumph and raced to the garage. I got up wondering why she was going there when the van was right in front of us. I found her standing at the garage door with a huge grin on her face.

"What are you so smiley about?"

"Okay look, I was going to save this for your birthday but seeing how you've been a bit upset about not finding that mare you were looking for, so I got you a little something that will blow your mind." She stepped away from the garage and pressed the button. When the doors were fully open, there stood a Harley-Davidson VRSCDX Night Rod Special matching my colors and matching helmet. I was speechless, literally I couldn't talk I was so shocked.

"Uhhh, Basswave you okay." She had to wave her hand in front of my face for me to come back to reality.

"I- you- bu- Vinyl, I don't know what to say but, thank you so much." I quickly gave her a hug and turned to my bike to check it out. I got up to it and got on and felt the grips, the pedals, everything. It was my dream bike come true. Then Vinyl jumped on and put on the helmet.

"Well then let's go get something to eat!" As she grabbed my waist I shifted our weight of the stand and started walking us forward. I turned the key and revved it up. After letting it settle I looked back and said "You ready?" She gave a quick nod and held on. I twisted the handle and blasted off down the road. I took the scenic route around ponyville to soak up all the wind rushing through my mane. It felt great, being free, feeling like you could do anything. I looked over at the Canterlot's castle and noticed something weird. There seemed to be an abundance of pegasi flying towards the castle. I couldn't help but feel an ominous sensation, almost exactly like how I felt about my dream. I shook it off and focused on the trail ahead, but the feeling stayed. We quickly got to the cafe and ordered two daisy sandwiches and ate outside. I decided to talk to Vinyl about what I saw so I turned to her and asked "Did you see the castle?"

"No, what was wrong with it?"

"Well there were huge masses of pegasi heading towards the castle. I took one look at them and they just didn't seem right." I looked at her as she just sat there eating her sandwich.

"It's fine man, there's nothing wrong with a bunch of pegasus going to the castle now. They still have a lot of prepping to do for the wedding, might I add royal wedding, so just loosen up man there's nothing to worry abou-" She stopped mid-sentence which made me a little worried.

"Um, Vinyl everything okay? You seem a little tense." She looked with wide eyes and showed me her phone. The time was 12:26, we have to be at the castle at 12:30. "Oh shit." We scarfed down the rest of our lunch and sprinted to the bike. I revved it as hard as I could and blasted off as fast as It could carry us. We got home and Vinyl jumped off and ran straight for the van as I ran around the house grabbing our bags that had our formal and DJ outfits. I came back out and the van was already all the way down the road. 'You've got to be kidding me.' I thought to myself. There was one option left, strap the bags onto the bike and punch it. Once the bags were tied down I put on my helmet and hit the gas. I sped up next to the van and started cruising next to it. I turned on my Bluetooth and called Vinyl, when she looked she facepalmed herself.

"Look Bass, I know I screwed up but look I'm going to turn around now."
"No need, look left." She did and she almost dropped her phone.

"I knew that bike would come in handy, so I guess you got our bags too?" I pointed straight behind me to signal they were right there. "Great, oh uh by the way can I have my glasses they kinda got stuck in your helmet."

I took off my helmet and noticed that they were stuck, on me. I put my helmet in one of the saddlebags and turned to vinyl and stuck my tongue at her. "Nah!" I sped off ahead and left her in smoke. 'That was awesome!' I started to focus back on the road and once I got to the gates of Canterlot I couldn't help but be in awe. Everything was so, fancy. 'I'm definitely not moving here, too showy.' I got to the Inn we were supposed to stay at and parked the bike there. I went in and told the clerk who I was and he gave me my key to the room. I set the stuff down there and went out to meet Vinyl and she did not look happy. She punched me in the arm and took her glasses back.

"OW! What was that for?"

"For speeding away with my favorite shades ever." She just put them on and started walking to the van. I just rolled my eyes and got in. When we got to the entrance to the castle, there were a pair of guards waiting for us.

"State your name and business." The guard asked.

"Basswave Length and my friend in the van is Vinyl Scratch. We have come by the request of Princess Cadence to DJ for the reception." He gave me a hard look and nodded to his partner. His partner nodded back and stepped back to let us in. We rolled up to the outside entrance to the main hall and started to unload. We walked into the hall and had the wind knocked out of us. There were ponies running around putting up decorations which were beautiful purple silk fabric hanging down the ceiling. Pink roses petals were scattered around the ground and the most amazing sight I've seen. Princess Celestia was standing right there at the alter with Princess Cadence.

"Hey Vinyl, I'm gonna let the Princesses know that we're here. Do you mind setting up by yourself for a little bit."

"Nah, go ahead just set the bags over there." I complied and placed the equipment down where there was a custom DJ booth outside. I headed straight over to the princesses and Celestia eventually noticed me.

"Ah, Basswave you made it! I hope the guards didn't give you any trouble while you've been here. We have to take extra precaution for the wedding because there are some ponies who would like nothing more but to ruin a wonderful event." Princess Celestia said. I bowed and replied "No not at all, they were actually quite easy on me. I have to say though this looks brilliant! All the silk hanging, the petals, the arch made of branches it's just amazing what you did with the hall." I looked over to Princess Cadence and for some reason I couldn't explain, she didn't seem interested at all.

I mean call me crazy but usually the bride is the one who should be at least be helping in some way or getting ready in some room in the back, but she wasn't moving at all. She just had this look on her face as she watched the other ponies zip around to put together her wedding that was no more than 3 hours away. This look on her face, it was chilling, unlike any look the princess of love should ever have. She had a look of disgust and irritation, like she didn't even want to be there. She looked back and I swear, her eyes, they were emerald slit eyes for just a brief second and then gone. She suddenly had a completely different expression, like in that split second she suddenly found her purpose in life and everything mattered.

"Oh, Basswave I didn't see you there. Are you okay, you look like you've seen a ghost." Cadence asked. I then noticed that it did feel like that all the blood drained from my face.

"Umm, yes I'm fine. How are you coping with all of this?" I asked her as I gestured around the room.

"Oh I'm fine as well, It's just all so much sometimes and today is the day that it'm supposed to get married to the most charming stallion in the world." She had an ecstatic look on her that seemed to bring her back to her old self.

"Well I was just coming over to confirm with your majesties that me and Vinyl have arrived and are setting up. I guess i will leave you ladies to it. I'll see you around then."

"Bye Basswave, see at my ceremony." Then they both walked away. I had no idea what I had just saw, but i didn't like it. There were other weird occurrences throughout the day. An excess of ponies, ponies disappearing and showing back up hours later, even Vinyl seemed a bit weird. I couldn't let this feeling get to me though, the ceremony was about to begin and twilight was nowhere to be found. She was supposed to be Shining Armor's best mare but now nobody has seen her. Nobody knew and nobody seemed to care, not even her best friends. What if something bad happened? What if-.

My mind snapped back into focus when I heard Fluttershy cue her birds. Every pony looked towards the doors and there she was, Princess Cadence looking ecstatic as ever, but there was another emotion. This emotion looked like, hunger. An extreme gut twisting hunger that could be seen from a mile away. She got on the platform and Shining looked over at her, but something was wrong. He had a dopey expression on his face, like he didn't even know he was getting married. Then I noticed it, his eyes, they were a jade color with hints of his sapphire blue in them. What in the world was going on today. All these things happening, it wasn't just a coincidence. Somebody planned this. I wracked my brain for what I had read at Twilight's library. Who used these techniques for a plan sabotage. Then it hit me. Princess Cadence wasn't Cadence she was- Suddenly the doors flew open and none other than Twilight walked accompanied by, I couldn't believe it at first but it was Cadence. Everypony was shocked to say the least. This Cadence quickly explained my theory and revealed the true identity of the Cadence on the platform.

Suddenly there was a burst of green light so bright I had to avert my eyes. When I looked back my body had filled with dread. My theory was correct, standing where the fake Cadence used to be was the queen of the changelings, Queen Chrysalis.

Chapter 4: The Wedding: Part 2

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By this time changelings were crawling through the windows and were morphing out of their forms from the crowd. Everypony else was running in all sorts of directions. I saw the mane 6 run out to find the elements of harmony. I turned to Vinyl to see if she was okay, when suddenly I was pounced upon by a changeling who was trying to suck the love out of me. I thrashed and swung at it and eventually got a hold of its neck and snapped it. I thew the corpse off of me and ran straight for the doors, but they were closed which meant one thing.

"What are you doing here." I slowly turned around and found myself alone with Chrysalis. Now that I got a good look at her, she was tall, with black fur, teal insectoid wings, hair, and tail. Her horn was mangled and distorted which added to the evil appeal. She had on a black and teal dress that split on the right side down her leg, black torn leggings, and teal heels. Her fangs poked out of her lips making her look even more predatory, like she could bite my throat out, and it excited me. No idea why but I just had this feeling of excitement when I looked at her. I shook it off though, I had to find a way to get out. There was a balcony not too far from my current location, I decided to keep her talking while I shimmied my way over there.

"So who exactly are you?" She looked at me as if I had lived under a rock my entire life.
"Really. You have no idea who I am? Course you wouldn't, trying to protect your subjects are you Celestia!" She yelled while looking at a chrysalis hanging from the roof with princess Celestia wrapped inside of it.

"You'll never get away with this!" Celestia yelled back.

"Yeah Twilight and her friends will come back and stop you!" Cadence said while trying to bring back the hypnotized Shining Armor. Suddenly the doors swung open and in came the girls being escorted by a group of changelings.

"You were saying." Chrysalis said with a smug look on her face. She walked right to them with a look of victory and accomplishment. "Thought you could get to the elements of harmony before me did you? Look who isn't so smart now. For a pony who learned under Celestia I thought you would have thought that I would protect the elements."

"I will find a way to take you down, no matter what." Twilight said boring her eyes into Chrysalis.

"Hmm, likely story." Chrysalis walked to the balcony behind Cadence and Shining. She looked back and spoke something in a different language to the changelings and they turned to me with hunger in their eyes. 'Aw shit'

The girls looked my way and they were surprised I was there.

"Basswave! What are ya'll doin here?" AJ asked me. I couldn't move, my only choices were to jump off the balcony and let the changelings feed on my friends or stand and fight so they can have a few more precious moments to think of a plan. I looked AJ right in the eyes and I could tell she wanted me to get out of here, but I couldn't, I wouldn't.

"Saving your lives." I said with a grin. I ran towards the changelings and the first one dived at me. That excited feeling came back but this one was a different feeling. This one was sinister, dark, evil almost. I gripped this feeling and used it to fuel me, suddenly things became so much clearer. I now knew what I would be able to do to kill these changelings. I sidestepped the diving changeling and grabbed its leg then slammed it into the ground. I then raised my foot and stomped it in the stomach, it spit up black blood in my face, and I loved the feeling of it. I grabbed its horn and ripped it straight off, then stabbed it right into its forehead and silenced it forever. I looked up and saw everybody staring at me, the looks of horror on their faces all just staring at me.

Then another two from the group landed near me ready to avenge their fallen brethren. I looked at the girls and said "I'll keep them busy, you figure out a plan." They shook out of their initial shock and nodded their heads as they ran over towards Shining and Cadence. The changelings saw this and started after them, but I got in between them. "No you don't, your fight is with me!"
They launched straight at me and I grabbed the first one and slammed it into the next one. They got back up and one of them came up for a fist fight. He threw a punch and I grabbed it and snapped it at the joint like a twig. He gave a cry of pain then I kicked him away. The other threw a hard kick aimed straight at my temple. I blocked it then punch him straight in the stomach he flew back and knocked himself and his teammate down. I used my magic to lift a piece of the ceiling from the ground and dropped on them, leaving a black bloody mess. There was blood all over me now, and I couldn't feel more alive, but something didn't feel right. I wasn't myself anymore, I felt like an uncontrollable, blood thirsty monster as soon as this fight started. As if there was somebody inside me waiting for a moment like this, then flipped a switch and popped out.

"Basswave!" Cadence was calling me over, but more and more changelings were starting to crawl in. I ran straight for her. Chrysalis seemed too occupied with whatever she was doing on the balcony to even notice what went on behind her. I got to where they were and it seemed as if Shining was back to normal. "I got Shining out of his hallucination but we have no idea what to do now." I thought on this for a bit, and realized there was one way to get rid of the changelings, but there was only one shot at it.

"Okay I have an idea, Shining Armor do you think you could perform you shield spell again?"

"Not likely, Chrysalis drained most of my energy. If I were to make a shield it would only be a small ball."

"Well then, Cadence do you think you could use the power of your love and help Shining with the spell?

"Sure, but why do you ask?" Everybody looked at me with concern in their eyes, and this was the last thing I needed.

"Because I do have a plan, but it involves me being sent away for Celestia knows how long."
Applejack was the first one to speak up. "No ah won't let ya."

"AJ you have to understand-"

"No you understand mister. I won't let you leave us, not now not never."

"AJ It's the only way. Either I sacrifice myself so that everybody in equestria can live or we just sit back and let Chrysalis devour every single one of us." She looked at me tears welling up and streaming down her face. She gave me a huge hug and the girls started hugging me tightly as well, sobbing into my chest. They let go of me and I reached into my shirt and pulled out a locket. I took Applejack's hands and I placed it in her hands. She opened it up and in it was the first picture the apple family and I took together. In the photo Applejack was on the ground with me sitting next to her. I was holding Applebloom as she was still a toddler back then. Bic Mac was standing next to granny smith Who was right behind me. It was the only memento that would remind Applejack to always remember I would be there. "As long as you have this, I will always be right next to you. She looked up at me and I put on a pained smile. I kissed her on the cheek and I turned to Cadence. "On my cue." She nodded her head in understanding.

I stood up and took a final look at all my friends, for I may never see them again. I took a deep breath and I ran at Chrysalis, grabbed her by the midriff and yelled, "NOW!" Cadence and Shining lifted into the air and a bright white light started shining through.

"What are you doing! Let me go! No, stop! Damn you Cadence!" Chrysalis kept shouting through the spell. Then the spell activated and it shot Chrysalis, me, and all of the changelings to the outskirts of the Everfree Forest. I looked down and saw ponyville below me and all the memories that I had there. It was fun, but now I had saved equestria from its impending doom. Then we hit the ground and everything went a solid black as I was knocked out cold for what seemed like eternity. But i'm still here aren't I so don't get any ideas, but after my blackout something happened that changed my life for the better.

Chapter 5: Finding love

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I felt like I was floating on big fluffy clouds, then I looked down and realized that was exactly what I was floating on. I was confused because only pegasus ponies could stand on clouds. They felt soft, like straight out of the dryer robes that were still warm soft. I walked around for a bit to see if there was anything else to be seen, but there was nothing. Just clouds for miles to be seen all around me. Suddenly a voice called out, it sounded familiar. It made me feel warm inside, and safe. It sounded like,


"Yes sweety, it's me." She drifted down with snow white angel wings and softly landed next to me. She had light blue hair that was pulled into a bun with just a few hairs loose and tucked behind her ear. Her fur was a soft purple and her eyes were the same gold color as mine. She had on a white satin dress with ruby accents on it. I was speechless, I hadn't seen my mother in 20 long years and here she was right in front I immediately burst into tears of joy.

"Mom! I've missed you so much there's so much I want to tell you!" I moved forward to give her the biggest hug I could muster, but then she phased right through me. I didn't understand, she was right there how could I not touch her! She didn't even react to my advance, she simply turned to face me and upon doing so she touched my face even though I couldn't feel it, I held her hand there.

"Basswave, I've looked upon your life growing up without me and I am very proud to have gave birth to such a handsome young man, but I'm afraid this is not the end of your story. There is so much for you to see and so much for you to do I just simply couldn't keep you here for my own selfish reasons. As soon as I leave here, you will be transported back into your body to fulfill your destiny that awaits you. I love you my son, goodbye." She started to fly off, and as she did I raced after her now fully crying out of great despair now.

"No, please mom don't leave me here. I want to come with you! Please mother don't leave me again!" The clouds opened up and she flew through as they closed once again. "MOOOOOM!" Just like that, she was gone. Leaving me in my own grief to wallow in. Suddenly there was a sensation of falling. I looked down and found that I was heading towards a clearing in the everfree forest. I saw my body laying there motionless and braced myself for the worst.


I woke up in the center of a clearing where corpses of changelings were laying all strewn about. Some were in twisted positions with their limbs in directions the weren't supposed to be in, bones sticking out with black blood spattered all along the ground. One changeling was impaled upon a tree, the tip of it poking through the sternum, as well as his intestines falling out of his stomach. I threw up at the sight and smell of all the death around me. I wiped my mouth afterwards and got up and surveyed myself. I checked my arms and legs then realized there was a sharp pain inside my chest. I checked my ribs with my magic and found that three of my ribs were fractured and one was cleanly broken.

This is gonna suck.

I thought. I took a deep breath and used my magic to mend them together. I cried out and fell to my knees as soon as I tried. As my bone structure was being put back together it made very sickening cracking and popping noises that felt like somebody stabbed me with a white hot knife.

When I got done I got up and assessed my newly mended ribs.

Still a bit bruised but nothing but a little time can't fix.

I moved on towards the end of the clearing when I saw her. Chrysalis did not look okay to say the least. She had gashes and scrapes all over her body. Her leg was pointing in a sickening way that clearly showed that it was dislocated. Blood was flowing out of her like a river and she looked very pale. She looked at me, barely conscious, and reached out her hand towards me.

"Please. Help. Me."Her arm fell by her side and she lay motionless, breathing, but motionless. I started to walk away, disgusted that she would even ask for help after what she pulled back there, but I stopped. I looked at her motionless body, so broken, so frail. For some reason I felt as if I should help her, like I should protect her. So I did one of the stupidest thing anypony could do at this moment. I walked over to her and gently lifted her from her position. She gave a screech of outrage when her leg moved out of it's position. I got her into the middle of the field and laid her down so I could work on her. She looked terrible. The gashes were still oozing her blackened blood, the bone looked like it broke cleanly but some of it had torn out of her calf muscle to the exposing air. I looked around for anything that could help me.

Come on there's gotta be something around here.

Then I spotted some branches on a tree that looked sturdy enough to hold her weight. I ran over and tugged on them till they snapped. Once they were separated I ran back and laid them down next to her.

I shook her shoulder just a little bit so that I could get her awake. Her eyes fluttered open and she focused them on me, she was very pale and couldn't hardly talk, but what I could make out was something along the lines of this.

"Thank you. You won't regret this." She said tears rolling down her face.

"Hopefully not." I said playfully trying to lighten the mood. "Now look Chrysalis, I'm gonna have to push the bone back into your leg. Now fair warning this is gonna hurt like a bitch." I took off my shirt and ripped it into strips to use as binding. "Alright you ready? on the count of three. One-" Then I pushed as hard as I could to get the bone back in. She let out an ear-splitting scream that could have been heard from a three mile radius. Blood squirted onto my hand as it went back inside the calf. When it was inside I used my magic to realign the bones back together so they can heal properly. The grinding bones and smell of fresh blood gave me another excited feeling, but I had to push it aside so that I could focus. Once the bones were put back together, I pressed the branches against her leg and wrapped the makeshift splint with the strips from my shirt. Once that was done I helped her up, she was on the brink of fainting when I did.

"Your coming to my place, it shouldn't be too far. You'll be safe there until your leg is better." I could see the castle in the distance so I started walking in that direction.

Hopefully I'll get there before it gets dark.

And with that I started my long trek to my place.


I had been walking for almost an hour and I had to take a rest, so I propped Chrysalis up on a nearby tree so I could sit down for a little bit. My rest didn't last very long because I heard rustling in the bushes to my right. I quickly stood up and looked in the direction of the bushes getting more excited even more than before.

No Basswave, you have to stay cool. It might not be that bad. It could just be a bunny. It could be-

Then they jumped out of the bushes right in front of me to see. It was a pack of timber wolves who looked very hungry for some pony meat.

No, not timber wolves. Anything but timber wolves. I fucking hate timber wolves. I ran from- They killed-........They must die

One jumped at me and I simply grabbed by its throat, then proceeded to squeeze it. It started to whine for air, but I didn't care, they had to die for what they did. The timber wolf's neck eventually caved in and exploded, splattering blood all over the ground and me. The warm sensation of it dripping down my face unleashed all the excitement that I was holding back into one giant emotion. Revenge. I threw the timber wolf's corpse down and licked the rest of the blood off of my hand, the metallic taste ever so amazing. The next one went for me and I grabbed it by the torso and threw it on the ground on its back snapping its spine. Then I jabbed my hand into its chest and grabbed its heart then ripped it out. The last timber wolf started backing up as it saw its fallen comrades dead on the ground. I turned to him, half my body crimson and dripping with blood and a heart in my hand, walked to him.

"What's wrong buddy? Are you scared? Well guess what, that only excites me more." I took a bite of the heart and threw it behind me, then quickly snapped the timber wolf's neck. I looked at my masterpiece, finally content that I had my revenge. I threw my head into the air and laughed maniacally, then immediately felt very light headed. I looked at Chrysalis and saw she had passed out. My senses finally came back as I saw her there.

Oh shit.

I ran over and picked her up bridal style and sprinted the rest of the way to my house. When I got there I pounded on my door until Vinyl answered.

"What do you want- Holy shit!" Vinyl exclaimed as she saw the wounded changeling queen in my arms, the crimson blood mess that I was, and the tears streaming down my face.

"Please help her." I handed her off and leaned over and kissed her on the lips. When I straitened back up I collapsed onto the ground, back into the darkness that is my soul.

Chapter 6: Revelation

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I had no Idea how long I was knocked out, but when I came to the sun was coming back up. I looked around and found that I was in the living room on my couch. There was what sounded like running water going on in the kitchen. My head was pounding like I just got over a hangover. The water stopped and footsteps started coming my way, it was vinyl with a cold rag in her hand. I started to sit up but she pushed me back down.

"No, you need to rest you're burning up." She said. I complied and let her put the cold rag on my forehead. The sensation of the cold rag on my broiling skin felt amazing, so I let a sigh of relief escape my lips.

"You are incredibly stupid for coming here, you know that right?" I chuckled under my breath, because she was right. It was stupid coming here because now I put Vinyl at risk. With Chrysalis staying at my house nobody can come here until she is better.

"How is she doing by the way? Last time I checked she was in my arms passed out from the blood loss."

"She's fine now. I gave her some meds to knock down the fever. All she needs now is plenty of water and rest." She sat down at the end of the couch with a thump. She looked at me with a nagging look that only meant one thing, worry. "Why did you bring her here?"

"I was scared I didn't know what to do."

"But why did you save her?"

"Because she was hurt."

"Why didn't you just leave her there."

"Vinyl please just-"

"You couldn't just leave her there."


"SHE KILLED ALL THOSE PONIES!" At this point I stood up and snapped right at Vinyl.



"BECAUSE I LOVE HER OKAY!" She stopped dead in her tracks when she heard this. At first there was confusion, then realization, then disgust.

"How could you love something like that." My mind snapped even further and I felt like that different person again. I started shaking and gritting my teeth. I bared my fangs at Vinyl which made her move back a little bit, her ears flattened against her head and her eyes grew wide.

"Don't call her that, she has a name. Use it." My migraine got even worse after that. I gripped my head in pain and sat back down on the couch. Vinyl was on the wall wide eyed and chest heaving. She eventually calmed down and approached me very cautiously, as to not trigger some sort of meltdown again. She squatted down to my eye level.

"Okay. Chrysalis has hurt a lot of our friends, so my only concern with you and her is just how did you end up liking her this way?" So I looked up and she was a little surprised, I didn't know what was so bad about me until she pointed it out. "Um whats wrong with your eyes?"

"What about them?"

"The edges around your pupil is like icy blue."

"What?!" I got up and ran straight for the nearest mirror to see this change for myself. What she said was true, my eyes had seemed to start turning as blue as the sky from the inside out.

This doesn't look good, maybe I should visit nurse redheart and get this checked out.

I turned back to Vinyl and she looked dumbstruck.

"Alright time to tell me, what the hell happened while you were gone?" I complied and went back into the living room, took a deep breath, and told her what happened in the everfree forest, including the graphic parts. She retched for a little while after the incident with the timber wolves, but otherwise she seemed to be content with this information, except for one question.

"Why did you save her?" She asked arms crossed, determined to get the answer out of me. I sighed and turned towards her.

"I saved her because she was helpless. Fluttershy had told me before, be kind to every person you meet because eventually that kindness will come back around to help you one day. So with that moral in mind I repaired her wounds the best I could, carried her through nearly four miles of that forest, and killed those timber wolves to save her life. No living creature should die the way she would have died, even if she did all those terrible things."

We sat there in silence for a while, wondering why fate had planted this kind of future for us.

"So, How is she?" I finally asked after what felt like five minutes.

"She seems to be healing very slowly and every time I try to feed her she rejects it." I rubbed my chin in thought.

She isn't eating, that isn't good we need to get some food in her before she runs completely out of energy.

That's when it dawned on me, changelings don't eat pony food. they feed on love from ponies. I gulped when I realized what must be done to actually feed her. I got up and started walking upstairs when Vinyl stopped me.

"Where are you going?"

"To check on her, and if I'm not back in ten minutes come and get me."

"Why do you want me to do that?" I stared straight ahead so she wouldn't see the worry in my face.

"I'm going to feed her." I took her hand off of my shoulder and climbed the rest of the stairs to my bedroom where Chrysalis was resting.


I opened the door very slightly as to not wake her up right away. She was sleeping soundly in my bed but she looked very pale and was shaking slightly. Her leg was propped up on a couple pillows with proper bandages on. I tiptoed to the edge of the bed and gazed down at her form, she looked like shit to say the least. I reached my hand down and shook her shoulder lightly, her eyes fluttered open and it took her a moment to focus on me, when she did a small smile spread across her muzzle as she realized I was standing there.

"Hey there Chryssi! How you feeling?"

"Like a thousand hot needles have been stabbed into my body." She laughed weakly then started a huge coughing fit.

"Hey now, take it easy. You might hurt yourself more." I slowly laid her back down as she began to calm herself. "So I've heard that you aren't eating your food and water like you're supposed to. Is this true?" She slowly nodded her head to me. "Any reason why you would do that?"

"Why would you care pony scum." She retorted with a sneer.

"Because I'm the one who saved you and feels responsible for your injuries."

"So it was you who grabbed me! You little insolent- AHH!" She grabbed her chest in extreme agony.

"Whoa hey Chrysalis don't give up on me, not now. Look I'm here for a specific reason and that's to give you your food, and yes I do realize the consequences of helping you but i don't give a shit. So here, feed on my love." I pulled my shirt away from my neck so she may feed on my love. She looked at me with daggers as she could not put make words, then her expression softened as she realized how much I really cared for her. Then without any further hesitation, she sunk her fangs into my neck. I could feel warm blood start to trickle out of my neck, and I think I actually enjoyed the pain. There was a sort of high that came with it that made me feel wonderful. As i started to feel the pain of her needle-like teeth in my skin, I also felt all the positive emotions leaving my body. Its kinda like getting out from under warm blankets and then stepping outside into the cold winter air. All the warmth just leaves and there is nothing but bitterness and sorrow in your soul, but that wasn't the case in my situation. There was one emotion that was always there and will always stick with me, hope.

As she finished she unlatched her maw from my neck, then I fell on the floor weaker than a twig. She looked down at me from the edge of the bed, with blood-stained teeth, she looked up to full strength once more. She was practically glowing like some sort of dark angel. What she did next though surprised even me, she leaned over and used her magic to levitate me onto the bed with her. She tucked me under the blankets and made sure I was nice and comfortable, then she kissed me on the forehead and whispered, "I love you too." Then with that I snuggled up to her breasts and laid my head on them like a soft plush pillow. We then drifted into a world of slumber, with me knowing that changelings are not the beasts that others may say they are. When in reality, changelings hold more love than any creature in equestria, and I love them all for that reason.