Trixie, or Treats

by Ponyess

First published

NightMare Moon Night, you know how that goes? Trotting around town, knocking on every door and begging for the treats.

From the Crystal Fair and right into the library of Ponyville. That's the twist, and Trixie found herself in a situation where she had lost all control as Twilight guided her into a new existence. Twilight rules all.

At least, this is the perspective of Trixie.

There was no way out since magic had turned the world upside down, leaving her on the lower end?


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It is the third time around, the fair at the crystal Empire. For what it is worth, it had just been completed, and the heart is once more in full force, keeping the city safe, just as it had been intended to, in the first place.

For the sake of it, Pinkie Pie had had her performance, just before the actual ritual. Who can bring a smile on your face, like Pinkie Pie, just the question Celestia had asked us? Ofcuase, there is no other way.

Then again, on the other hoof, we had had Rainbow Dash perform her Sonic Rain Boom, staring out in her fashionable blast, just to light up the sky, clearing the sky of all clouds, just for the sake of it, for the opening number. In between, there had been the fair, just as each year.

In amongst the other shows at the fair, Apparently, Trixie had had her joy, since most everyone had loved her show. Though ponies had been cautioned, not to take any baits on her part. She had been assisted by none others then Snips and Snails, just for the extra effect. I had been told, they were great, in their respective parts.

I had tried to enjoy the show, though I am the princes now, and an Allicorn at that. What could I say, I'm apparently not quite used to it, just yet. Will I ever?

In the end, it had all been the blast it had been intended to be. We had packed the square to the brink, there was no other way. We wanted it all to be just as jolly an occasion as it could possibly be. It's what it was all for, since we need to lift the spirits of everyone present.

As the Princess, I had had my hooves full, thus I had been spared the entertainment duty. I guess I could be thankful for that, it's not my part, it never was.

After the Fair:

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It had been a very long day. For me at least, it had been. I guess it came with the royal duties. I had been prepared for it. All the years of study?

Most every pony are in a very jolly mood. Even if some ponies, like myself are feeling spent. I guess I had made my best, not to weight the mood down, just because of my own duties? I couldn't ruin this, just because I had duties?

Only now, just as the sun was coming down, there is the one, and final challenge of the day; Trixie. For some reason, she was still holding a grudge? Or is it just her usual self?

Now she had issued yet another of her pointless challenges. I had made my best, avoiding it, but at this point, at the time of day, I guess I had reached my limit? With that, I had decided on quieting her, stopping this, once and for all. Maybe I shouldn't have?

“As you wish. You asked for it!” I simply muttered under my breath, knowing full well she was the only pony to hear it. Earth Pony, Pegasus, or Unicorn, that is. I knew there was no other Allicorn anywhere close by. Just as well.

As I had pronounced the words, my horn took on a bright deep blue glow, deeper then usual. Maybe it is more, then just me, now a full Allicorn? The glow soon reached full intensity, then shot out towards a dumbstruck Tixie, who had been entirely unprepared, as to the choice of spell. She had failed to even realise, such a spell had been possible, not just the fact that it may be a rare and very high level spell?

What came next, is the utter shock, at least for poor Trixie, who had her hide changing, from the regular light blue fur, into what could be seen as nothing, but an electric metallic blue rubber hide? For the longest of times, she had been incapable to move.

From here, it was a fairly simple task to move her, to where I had in mind for her to stay, where she would be out of the way. Out of sight, and out of mind? Where she could never bother anyone with her presence.

As I look closer, once I had placed her in the small room, she looks dumb founded, maybe she had not quite been expecting this turn of events? Though I knew she wasn't exactly up to asking me anything, right now, so I just leave her where she stood, moving back to my home, where I stay while I'm here.

Just another Day:

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Oh, but for the joy of being the alicorn, since al the duties had been performed. It may be a high price to pay? Yet, I'm coping, for the most part.

I had enjoyed my breakfast, and royally, which goes with the territory, since I'm basically royalty, as an alicorn. I'm a princess, even if I had been spared the honour of a throne of my own, very much unlike Cadence. I did not envy her, just as I did not pity her. I guess it's just not me. She had been perfect for the role, in the first place.

It's not just that the Crystal Empire did require a new princess, after the debacle of King Sombra. She is the perfect pony to take the throne, in the current state of the Empire. Her being the Element of Love, as it were.

I guess I'm happy for her, if anything, she deserve a place of her own, and it is truly hers to take. Not just because it was a high and honoured spot that required to be filled, it is hers, because it was the way of things. Just as it had been my place to hold the Element of Magic from the Harmony, thus leading the group, consisting of my friends. Thus saving Equestria from many a danger.

Maybe that's more me? I had enjoyed the many adventures we've been though, and truth to be told, I'm still looking forwards to many more in the future, even if I could stand to wait, just a few more weeks, to the next?

Even as an adventurer, I still do enjoy hanging out with my friends, and in general, have a life, as normal as it could be for a pony such as myself, here in Ponyvill.

Only then, a special pony came to mind, I had left her in the small room, even after I had left the capital city of the Crystal Empire. I'm back to the library of Ponyvill.

Just as the thought struck me, my horn got aglow, growing in intensity, until the peak came, and the light shut out, gathering in a pool of luminance in a small room, out of the use of common ponies, a small closet as it were.

The closet being a good place to hide someone, whom you did not want any-pony to see. Some-pony, just like the Trixie I had just stashed for safe keeping. I guess she isn't quite as great or powerful right now? If I am to ever allow her out into the common light of day?

Once she had appeared in the small room, I promptly levitated to the door, before opening it, and slipped inside. Closing the door behind me.

“How are you feeling today, oh Great and Powerless Trixie?” I taunted her, knowing full well she couldn't respond.

Maybe I should allow her to? Giving her some control of her mouth, it could give me some satisfaction, after all. Considering I did not have a special Some-pony, after al. As a Mare, even as an alicorn, I still do have urges. I would enjoy having her taking some of the loads off of it.

In the end, there's but the one thing to do. I allowed my horn to come alight, glowing while gathering the required magic, as I turned her yet again, only this time, it is merely her mouth, I had affected.

“You should know better, then to challenge an alicorn!” I teased.

“Yes, princes Twilight!” she uttered, apparently realising, she had been defeated.

“That's much better, I guess that'll do, for now!” I pondered.

“Is there anything I could do for you, while you hold me in this form? Since I can't do anything good out of my time on my own as it stands?” Trixie pleaded in a fairly pitiful tone of voice.

“Now as you mentioned it, or is suggested more to the point? I guess there is something you can do now. Something you could never have done, as your old self!” I informed her.

“Which is?” Trixie teased, in a more back to her self kind of voice.

“Aside from teasing rants? Oh, yeah. That's the one thing I can see you performing properly. I would have you eating me, as a royal favour, which's the highest honour, for a pony such as yourself. If you see what I mean?” I pointed out, ending the statement in a royal laughter.

“With you, I have no idea, but I guess I could try to enjoy myself, in the one instance you saw fit. With, or without implied honour, such as you put it!” Trixie pondered, not quite sure of herself, in the position, in which she had found herself.

Ofcours, Trixie could never be quite comfortable, in any situation, in which she wasn't in complete control. Maybe I shouldn't blame her, it is who she was, simple as that.

Leaving a Tease: 4

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For now, I had left Trixie mute again, her muzzle sealed firmly. I like her quiet for a while. A sealed muzzle makes for a quiet poni, after all.

As for the tease, she needs to learn her place, the new one I had made for her, that is. It isn't as if I'm going to have her roaming free, any time soon, why would I? I had come to love her the way she is. In part, because she isn't up to any tricks.

I can play with her, as I please. Leaving her to enjoy what I'm doing to her as much or as little as she's able to. That part is none of my busyness as she stands. She's merely my toy. She's made out of the rubber I gave her, and it is all she is, until I choose to change her.

What I can't change, is who she is inside, but I may be able to twist it, pushing her buttons this way and that. You are after all an effect of what you experience, your personal history. I'm forming hers, by what I'm doing to her.

If I couldn't build her a room on top, since this is after all a tree my library had been built inside. It's a big tree, granted, but a tree nonetheless. I can't do anything about it, besides, I guess I've come to grow used to this tree as the library and my home.

What I had in mind for her, require a room of her own, a space I can put her in display, without exposing her to the public of Ponyville, or more to the point, the foals, the fillies and colts, aside from all the screamish ponies who couldn't see Trixie like this, even if they had no fond memories of her. I couldn't blame them, Trixie had played the part well, making her self a hopeless victim of what had become my plan for her.

This would be when my magic would prove the most useful, excavating the dirt, in a manner of a unicorn, rather than an earth poni. Building the room, a chamber, large enough for her to stand.

I have created what is to the eye a glass exhibition case, in which to place her as perfect sample of joy and tease, in her private prison. Maybe this could be likened to the time Luna had been exiled on, or rather in the moon. I guess I could ask her. Or I just ignore it.

Her case will have more than ample room for my games. I made it seven feet by ten feet, and seven feet high. That should be all I need. Being a unicorn, do I really need a door to her showcase, I just had other ideas for her.

I'm hiding my price under the archive, where I keep the rare or less popular books, behind a bookcase, even if one may find it an obvious place, but you need to know you're even looking for her down here. I haven't even told Spike about her being here in the first place. Why bother him with such details.

Having Royal backing for my library do have a few advantages. Not just the rare books I've managed to gather for my studies and exquisite tastes. I can add things ponies are never really looking for in the first place. Like my prised Trixie toy selection, even if I have only this one single sample of her. Pinkie Pie has demonstrated how I could change this, though.

Teleporting into her exhibition case is no challenge to me as a unicorn. We all knew I'm good at it. To an earth poni or pegasus, it's impossible, as it is a small feat to a unicorn.

I stand behind her stiff rubber form, looking at her, enjoying what I see. There is no point in denying it. What she felt, is locked within her skull at this time. I'm not inclined to enquirer.

Leaving her with the appearance of a solid rubber mannequin felt just right, in part due to the fact that it wouldn't make anyone consider her an actual poni in her current state, as close to the original appearance as she may be, but a stiff rubber doll never will be taken for a poni.

Being alone with her, in her present form, gave me the chance to enjoy her, in ways I never could have, had she been her regular, genuine self, or if I had had any poni in here with me, or even the chance, or risk any could enter the chamber and see me, or her in here. Naturally, I could have done it in the dark, literally, but why, I enjoy seeing her before me.

At first, I just allow my right fore hoof slide along her back, from the edge of her mane to the root of her tail, just to enjoy feeling her under me, while I know she feels my hoof trailing down her spine, just as acutely as I felt her back. Maybe this is part of the joy and exhilaration. Even if she wouldn't use these words, if she was to express her feelings and experiences no. Am I mean, just because I feel like this?

If I like to enjoy her like this, I do so, but for the tease of it all. I can do as I please, just as when she used magic to remove Pinkie Pie's muzzle. Not that I do this as any kind of revenge, just for the joy of it.

Moving up the tease, I move up, and bend in under her, slipping my muzzle onto the tip of her mound, feeling the slippery rubber of her orchid. It's the price, the target of my tease. She can't refuse, as much as she may like to, or express how much she love, or hate what I'm doing to her. That's only driving me further. I feel wet, as I part my lips, slowly licking the outer edges of her orchid. Feeling the taste of the rubber.

Feeling just how tight she is, despite herself, just because it is the effect of the rubber in place of what was her skin.

After a few minutes, I could feel her reaction on my teasing stimuli on her orchid. I slowly lick at the petals, never did go deeper, even if she couldn't have stopped me, if I had desired to do it to her. Yet, I chose to make due with just the petals, at least for now.

The rubber is too thick, too stiff for her to do anything about what I enjoyed doing to her, though the involuntary reactions of my stimulation obviously did give me something to go on, which only made it all the more exciting. Making a full tease out of it, I break of, leaving her excited orchid.

Lust looking at her for a moment, before I teleported out of the showcase I had her in, before I moved out of the room, and closed the bookcase behind me, leaving no traces of my activities.