
by brony laughsatme

First published

this pony has a horible life filled with death misery and bullying.

A sad filly, just coming out of an abusive relationship. She lost her mother and father when she was only a foal and her brother quit the royal guard duties to raise her. She is not happy with her life, but can something help her? Can she actually find something to live for in her sad, pathetic life?

Warning: contains a rape scene... You've been warned.

Love you all,
brony laughsatme

No school

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By; brony laughsatme

Chapter 1: School Sucks

A ray of light entered my room accompanied by the creaking of my door hinges. “Wake up sis, it’s time to go to school,” a tall skinny stallion said.

“I’m already up…” I said, climbing out of bed. I got to my hooves and sighed. ’looks like another sleepless night,’ I thought to myself. I didn’t bother brushing my mane.

I walked over to my door and walked out. Strolling slowly across the hall into the bathroom. I took a good look at myself in the mirror.

As always, I was pasty white with a pure black mane and tail. I stormed in my room yesterday and didn’t come out for dinner. The black eye I had would have been a bit suspicious to my brother. After examining myself and concluding that I was still ugly and in no way good for my coltfriend. I walked out of the white tiled room and through the fluffy carpeted hallway and into my dark room.

I sighed, grabbing my dark grey hoodie and slipping it over my head. I walked over to my dresser and pulled my favorite pair of socks on. They were striped blue and black, my two favorite colors. Most ponies don’t wear clothes, they always walk around naked. I knew that I was too ugly and fat to do that though.

I trotted to my door, opening it a bit to peer out in both directions. ’I better go before he sees me,’ I thought to myself, walking the rest of the way out of my room. I stared down the hallway. It had white walls and a fluffy white carpet running along it. Said carpet stopped abruptly at the end and a hardwood floor took its place. I walked down the carpeted floor and came to the kitchen. My brother’s stupid fillyfriend was cooking pancakes.

“Oh hello, Ember. Want some pancakes before school?” She asked me.

“Um… no, thanks though,” I finally answered.

“Oh my goodness! What happened to your eye?!” She yelled and pointed.

I gasped quickly covering it up with my hooves. My brother walked out of the living room and into the kitchen. I pulled my hood over my head and acted natural. But, as always, Roseluck had to be persistent. “Honey, look at her eye!” She cried out. “It was that colt again wasn’t it?”

My brother lifted my head up while my soon to be sister in law was going absolutely insane in the background. He examined my eye for a second and then went back in the living room. He came back with a wooden baseball bat in his mouth. “I’ll be back,” he said, somehow clearly despite a bat in his maw.

As he went to walk to the door I jumped in front of him, “No you can’t!” I cried out.

He spit the bat out. “And why can’t I?” He asked me in a very sarcastic tone.

I thought for a second. “Be…because he didn’t do it, Thunderlane said he’d never hit me again and he meant it,” I lied. I lied because I love that stallion, even if he gets mad I still love him.

“Then how did it happen?” He asked, twirling the bat in his hooves. I had no answer for this one. My brother’s ears were met only with complete silence. “Mhmm I thought so, don’t worry sis. Your brother will make sure it doesn’t happen again.” My brother walked past me.

“Strong Shield wait I-“ I was cut off by him turning and glaring at me. I hung my head. I knew there was nothing I could do. My brother was in the royal guard, so I knew once he wanted to beat somepony up he could very well do that without me stopping him.

“Oh, and you’re staying home from school. End of discussion.”

“I can’t wait till I get my own place! I hate it here!” I screamed, running to my room and slamming my door. ’Thunderlane will be mad at me for Strong getting into it,’ I thought wiping a tear away.

I didn’t bother taking the hoodie or socks off when I plopped into bed. How I hated my life, my over protective brother, his big mouthed fillyfriend. Sometimes I just wanted it all to end.


I was home alone, I must have fallen asleep, because it had to be close to noon now and I was hungry. I got out of my bed and opened my door. My brother was at work by now and Roseluck was probably at work at her flower shop, so there was no reason why I couldn’t eat. I don’t know why, but I always feel self-conscious about myself when I do eat. Like everyone is staring at me. I felt fat. Like I was annoying ponies by being near them when I ate, so I ate alone.

There was leftover pancakes in the fridge. I grabbed them, bringing them over to the microwave. I popped open the door and places the plate in the microwave. In about two minutes they would be done. I smiled, going to my room to play some music. Loud music.

I was home alone and everyone was at work. So there was nopony to yell at me for playing it too loud. I was at my radio, and I popped in the CD. It wasn’t a real album, just a bunch of songs I burned off of my computer. The music started blaring out and I could barely hear anything. This was how I liked it, nice and loud.

I started to sing along, swaying my hips back in forth and bobbing my head to the beat.


I sat in my brother’s chair, happily eating pancakes and listening to music. I was just about to take another bite when like a flash of lightning I was thrown to the ground. Pancakes and syrup went everywhere. I got up and looked toward my assailant.

He was a dark grey pegasus pony. It was my coltfriend, Thunderlane.

Problems worth escaping

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Chapter 2: Problems worth escaping

Thunderlane walked over, almost at a limp, toward the radio. Slamming his hoof down on top of it, it shattered.

“Thunder?! You can’t just come over an-“

“Shut the buck up!” he yelled, cutting my sentence off. “Your brother paid me a visit. I’m going to give you what he gave me…” He growled.

My eyes widened, I got up and took a few steps back and then turned. I made a mad dash for my bedroom door but before I could reach it I was tackled. I bumped my head against the wall of the thin hallway and landed on the soft fluffy carpet. I looked up with enough time to see him wind his hoof back. My eyes widened a second time before I quickly covered my head with my forelegs.

He started hitting me. He slammed his hoof against my forelegs, trying to hit me in the face. After he was done, he took a hoof full of my mane and started dragging me. I cried, I screamed, I kicked, but he wouldn’t let me go. “Please babe, I didn’t mean to,” I pleaded.

I was answered with a slap to the face. He dragged me into my room and threw me on my bed. I tried getting up. He pushed me back down and got on top of me. I whimpered, looking up at him.

I felt something touch my most private of areas and gasped. I tried to close my legs only to find he was holding them open. “Th-Thunder… S-Stop!” He just laughed and slapped me. The force of the slap cused my vision to blur a bit.

I looked down. His member was fully erect. He shoved it in me, making me scream. It hurt a lot as a couple drops of blood leaked out onto the bed. I looked away, tears falling from between my closed eyelids. I sobbed as he raped me. I gave up trying to fight him. He was just too strong.

His thrust got faster and the almost unbearable pain skyrocketed. He kept this pace, causing me to scream in pain. When he finally slowed down I could feel the warm, disgusting liquid pour into me. I felt so bad, like I shouldn’t exist. It was horrible.


Thunderlane left. He trashed my house, and he left a note for my brother. I didn’t wanna come out of my room. I just stayed there and cried.

“Holy shit, what happened here?” I heard my brother from inside the house. “Ember?! Are you alright?!”

I didn’t answer.

He knocked on my door, opening it a bit. He saw me crying and ran to me. “Emmy, what happened?!”

“H-He raped me…” I sobbed out. There was an overwhelming silence.

My brother crumbled the note in his hooves he had found and walked out of my room. I laid back on my pillow. For a few seconds I looked at my alarm clock and then I got up. I walked out to the hallway and past my brother’s room. He was crying. I couldn’t cry for him. I was too busy planning everything. I grabbed my saddlebags from the closet beside my brother’s room and looked inside. There was nothing inside them.


I walked down the cold, dark side walk. Bags filled with clothes and a small kitchen knife. I was running away. I knew my brother was sad that he couldn’t protect me and couldn’t face Thunderlane. I wanted to find a better life, because the one I was living now didn’t quite cut it.

I had a bag full of bits in my saddlebags too, but I wouldn’t need them unless I got hungry. My brother taught me how to camp and live off the land when I was just a little filly.

The sidewalk ended abruptly, so did the dirt road. This was the end. I walked into the grassy plane. I was never scared of the Everfree like most ponies. Usually because my brother was always there to protect me.

As I neared the Everfree I looked back. “Goodbye Ponyville, you won’t miss me,” I said walking in.

~~Strong Shield’s Point Of View~~

“Ahhhh!!!!” I screamed slamming my hooves against the punching bag. My sister had gotten raped and I was going to murder the one who did it. Nopony hurts my little sister. I hit the heavy bag one last time before pulling my bleeding hoof away. ’I need to check on her,’ I thought to myself. I opened the door to my bedroom. I stepped into the hallway. It was a short walk to her bedroom door.

I tapped lightly on the door. “Emmy, are you alright?” I called through the door.

No answer.

“Ember?” I asked, opening the door a little. I peaked inside, no sign of life in that room. What I did notice, however, was a note on her bed. I trotted in and looked it over. My eyes widened. “No…”

Don't just barge in

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Chapter 3: Don’t just barge in

The train from Ponyville skidded to a halt in front of me. The brakes causing it to squeal and screech loudly. Some sparks could be seen emanating from the wheels grinding the surface. I was heading to some place far away. Actually I had no idea where I was going, so I looked on the front of my ticket. My eyes widened. I was going to Canterlot.

“Well buck,” I said flatly. I hated all of the rich, snooty ponies that walked around thinking they’re better than everypony else.

Well it I was going to need sleep if I was going to deal with the ponies of canterlot. I put my bags down at one end of the red cushioned train booth. I laid my head on the bag and rested. Rest and sleep, however, are two very different things. And sleep wouldn’t come. It hadn’t come in about two days. I was so tired, but the nightmares couldn’t hurt me if I wasn’t sleeping.


I was up for most of the night thinking about Thunderlane. I couldn’t imagine the pain he would feel when he found out I had left. ’ugh, why am I thinking about him, I can’t think about anypony. I have to start over.’ I wiped a single tear away from my cheek. And sniffled. This was going to be harder than I thought.

It was daytime now, and I had arrived at Canterlot a while ago and was strolling around looking at the buildings. ’Rich snobs,’ I thought to myself. Stepping out of the way of a pale white mare with a neon blue mane, who was wearing purple tinted shades. I was shocked when she smiled and stopped… looking right at me.

I froze, did she know me? No she couldn’t. Then why was she smiling? I decided to play it cool and lift my saddle bags over my back. I calmly walked past her but stopped as she shoved her hoof out in front of me.

“Hold up a sec, you’re not from around here are you?” She asked, still wearing that devious grin.

“H-how’d you know?” I stuttered out nervously. ’Keep your cool ember, she hasn’t figured out that you’re a runaway yet.’

“Because, you’re wearing that.” She stated blandly. I looked away, now a bit self-conscious. She snorted, seeming to catch on. “Don’t worry, it looks good on you.” I smiled at the compliment. Celestia’s pearly flanks says I needed it at the moment.

“Thank you,” I said. Trying to walk by her again. Again, she stopped me. I grew frustrated.

“Now wait just a minute. How old are you?” She asked.

“Old enough,” I said dryly.

“Yeah, yeah. I was old enough when I ran away too,” she said with a big grin on her face.

My jaw dropped. “How did you know I ran away?”

She smiled and calmly answered, “you just told me.”

I sat on my haunches and looked at her pleadingly. “Y-You wouldn’t turn me in… W-would you?” I asked a bit fearful.

She just smiled at me and began walking. “Follow me,” she said.


We had walked for a while now. Not a word was spoken the whole walk. We came by a very large house and she stopped. “Your brother told me you had run away, I figured I’d meet you at the train station,” she said, causing me to flinch a bit in shock.

“Wait what?” I asked completely dumbfounded.

“Word travels fast, and he was a part of the royal guard ya know. The second you got on that train he knew where you were and where you were going. He sent me a letter. He wasn’t very happy and wanted me to take ya back. But, after a lot of arguing I convinced him that you would be alright here. I mean it’s not every day I get to have my cousin over,” she said with a wink.

My mouth hung agape. No way in hell that she was telling the truth. I mean that fast? This was weird and how in the buck did my brother figure that out in that short amount of time? I was completely dumbstruck.

She clapped her pale white hooves in front of my face. “Equestria to Ember!” She all but screamed in my ear.

I shook my head, snapping out of my thoughts. “So I get to live here?” I asked quietly.

She nodded. “Yup, long as you want,” she said, smiling warmly.

“Dibs!!” I yelled, running to the huge house and opening the front door. The place was like a mansion on the inside.

“Ember, wait! I forgot to tell you abou-“ Her warning was cut off when I was firmly smacked in the head with a skillet. Vinyl sighed. “About Octavia,” she finished after it was all done and over with.

I fell on the floor with a plop. If I looked hard enough I could probably see little blue birds flying in circles around my head. Then I blacked out.