
by JohnHoly

First published

Hello. It happened slowly. Can't write a lot. Need to be readyjtt to fight the holders and the new rulers. They are too cruel. Gotta go. Bye.

Phew. Found a safer place to write. I'm at the harmonized base. It all happened 10 years ago. It started with the downfall of the holders of the Elements of Harmony. Barely anybody knows how they became... corrupted, but some ponies believe it's linked to the Elements of Harmony stones.


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My name is Nobuyoshi Kurii. I am a pure black pegasus with lightning-colored eyes. My cutie mark is a yellow lightning bolt. I dyed my tail yellow and my mane blue, which is a boss mohawk. 10 years ago, the 6 holders of the Elements of Harmony became corrupted. Remember how the Nightmare Forces consumed Princess Luna? It was like that, but the force that corrupted them came from the stones themselves. It was like smoke mixed with clear water came out and surrounded them while they were alone. Weird, huh? Discord swears he has nothing to do with it, but we're pretty sure he's behind it all. The water-smoke came after their element glowed 10 shades darker than the actual stone's color 10 times, each getting 1 shade darker. I have no idea what is going on or why it is, but I do NOT like it.

The 1st one to become corrupted was Rainbow Dash, or as she now prefers, Rainbow Factory Dash, who holds the Loyalty Stone. She kills her fellow pegasi who fail the flight test by converting their blood into rainbows. She wears a cape which is red with a yellow trim and seems to be part robot. She is the one who killed BOTH of my parents. Now all I have left of my mother is her scarf. I only have a weird ring with some strange symbols on it, and conveniently fits around one of my hooves. Only 1 has escaped alive. Her name is Scootaloo. She was the only one to expose the truth, but the Princesses did nothing to the factory.

The "strikes", as we call them, do nothing but cause harm to other ponies and occurred yearly. The strikes even affected the Princesses mentally and then they changed and became cruel to all the residents of Equestria as they became Solar and Satellite. Discord was forever banished to stone. Solar controlled the sun (no duh) and made all of the Earth Pony residents of Equestria become slaves. Satellite controlled the moon and helped spread chaos throughout the world by entering pony's dreams and spreading lies, often betraying her subjects for her own self. Solar caused greed and cruelty to occur by forcing the Earth Ponies to be sold around like property to the highest bidder. Only Pinkamena Diane Pie and Deadjack roam freely because they help maintain the chaos.

The 2nd one to become corrupted was Pinkie Pie, who now prefers her real name, Pinkamena Diane Pie. She kills ponies while leisurely torturing them and talking to them casually, like it is nothing. It is hard to escape from the factory, but this time, nobody has escaped from her. She asks them to "help" her make some cupcakes to lure them in, knocks them out with a pan only to have them wake up when they have their legs tied up. For pegasi, the wings are chopped off by Fluttershy, who is now Butchershy. She is, err, WAS the holder of the kindness stone and is a little... never mind. One pegasi feather costs a *FORTUNE* in the black market due to how hard it is to get just 1 perfectly. Anyways, unicorns have their horn removed to prevent magic use, and all of the above for alicorns.

Rarity, who is now Lil Miss Rarity, takes the dead carcasses from the Rainbow Factory and Pinkamena Diane Pie's "leftovers" to make dresses for us to wear. How gross can you get? Her sister, Sweetie Bell, knew she would try this after she killed Opal for scratching her right in the eye. Lil Miss Rarity tried killing Sweetie Bell, who escaped and told us her story.

Then there is Applejack, who is now a Chingeling, the evolution of the Changelings. She's now Deadjack by the way. They turn others into Chingelings by forcing them to drink a purple potion and feed off of emotions AND mana. They especially LOVE the taste of unicorn mana mixed with the emotion of love. Applebloom was almost changed into one of them, but was able to escape. When a unicorn, alicorn, pegasus or Earth Pony lose ALL their mana, they disappear into thin air. But, when they lose most, they become sick and regenerate it very slowly. Chingelings do this to torture others and survive forever.

We try to keep them at bay, and we managed to take over Hoofington, Fillydelphia and Saddle Arabia as rebel strongholds, along with The Crystal Empire Queen Cadence is the only good alicorn left and is one of the 2 leaders of the rebellion. The other one is Twilight Sparkle's brother, or as she is now, Terror Killer, King Shining Armor. Terror Killer is a terrorist who causes destruction everywhere she goes. When Shining armor learned about this, he was devastated.

Terror Killer is a hardcore terrorist, who stopped at nothing to leave Equestria in ruins. She almost destroyed our bases 10 times!!!!! We search for her, day and night. She uses dark magic to elude and kill others~~~~~----~~-=+. Fuck, she is here! You guys need to catch up to now. Here's the rest...


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"GET UP, HIDEYOSHI!!!!!!!!!" yelled a familiar voice.

"I'M UP! Give me a second, Haichi! Where are you? DAMN YOU! You do know that I hate it when you go all stealth mode on me! Anyways, why the HELL are we getting up?" The rebel army NEVER got up before 4:30 A.M. without a reason. The main ones are these: They are either under attack or they are moving from one base to another one. Rarely are they able to do a surprise attack on the enemy at all, and even when they do, they fail 98% of the time.

That's Nobuyoshi Kurii's best friend, Haichi Oda. Codename: Hanzo, who is a red furred unicorn that lost both parents because Terror Killer murdered them both RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM! Nobuyoshi Kurii heard about the death of them, so he at least I lived not knowing how they died. We are not usually aloud to say each other's real name, so we call them something close to prevent identification. Calling someone by their last name is illegal in Equestria, or as it is called now, Sotellite. I have no idea why it is, but it just is. And the current name of our country is is just plain stupid.

"We're moving to the 1st base we got."

"You don't mean..."

"Yes, I do."

"THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE? HELL YEAH!! I AM NOT GONNA MISS THAT! I'm getting ready right away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed in pure glee because The Crystal Empire is the ONLY, and I repeat, ONLY base we have right in Sotellite. Yeah, it's a bad name. That place holds the wealth of Sotellite. and keeps the economy stable. Without it, the economy has been HIGHLY unstable in there. It even caused a MAJOR depression. All rebels can only dream of going to see the king and queen of the rebels. They don't prefer to be called king and queen, but they are the leaders of the rebellion, plus they ARE the ones highest up on the status quo. Who are they, you ask? Why none other than King Shining Armor and Queen Mi Amore Cadenza! She prefers Cadence though. (I hate repeating things). Shining Armor is the leading General for attacks, which is why we have the bases we have now. Cadence helps eliminate chaos and disharmony by spreading love everywhere she chooses to. This is kind of a big secret of mine that no pony else knows, but I actually kind of like Butchershy. She's actually the nicest of the bunch.. If I told some pony this, I'd be dead right away because they may think I've spilled some secrets, or been secretly going out with her, and I might've been forced to join them, which I can understand, but come ON!

"Hurry, or you'll miss the train!" Hanzo yelled towards me.

"I'm coming!" As I got on the train, I realized I was finally getting out of my crude home with my bed and pillow that had the hardness of a motherfuckin' DIAMOND! I HATED that place. Oh well. Time to go now!

Equestria (cont.)

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Alrighty then. The whole rebel army of section 18 has boarded with not a single pony missing.

"LISTEN UP! We must be ready to strike at any given moment, YA HEAR? We could be attacked anytime. Stay vigilant all the time, but not too vigilant. Dismissed." The rebel army dispersed afterwards.

Anyways, we came through the force field guarding our destination, The Crystal Empire. It is protected by the Crystal Heart itself, which is creating a force field to where no living creature with dark intentions may pass through to enter. Anybody can exit, no doubt there.

"ALRIGHT! Get to your posts! NOW!" The army then went straight to their assigned posts to help ensure the safety of the Empire.

Me and Haichi have our rooms right inside the Crystal Castle on opposite sides.

"I don't think this is such a good idea. This is where the 1st battle of the rebellion took place. We almost LOST THE WHOLE FREAKIN' EMPIRE!"

"Look Hanzo, we are here to ward off an incoming attack that was sent by mail. We need to stay cautious, but lighten up a little bit, aight?" Nobu exclaimed to Hanzo. "Anyhow, goodnight!"

"Goodnight!' yelled Hanzo as we entered our separate rooms. There was a mattress made out of cloth along with an oval-shaped black mirror on top a crystalized dresser with 3 drawers that were empty. There was also a door with a blue star inside a circle and my ring just started glowing when near it. The closer I got to it, the brighter my ring glowed. Weird, huh? The bed looked more like it belonged to a royal or something. There was another door that I'm guessing was the closet. When I got onto the bed, I noticed that was 1 purple rectangular pillow with Twilight's cutie mark. Her cutie mark changed when she got corrupted, along with the other wielders. I then went to sleep after putting my gear away. I decided to keep my ring on, along with my scarf, to go to bed with.