Soarin Into A Rainbow

by soarin_dashie

First published

Rainbow Dash joins the Wonderbolts and meets the pale blue stallion, Soarin. Can Soarin change Rainbow's mind about love or will the rainbow maned mare be left wondering what love is?

Rainbow Dash has everything, five awesome friends and a job as a Wonderbolt. When she meets a pale blue stallion she starts to have doubts about whether she has everything.


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The fillies and colts sat at their desks, concentrating.

" Question forty-eight, A. Question forty-nine, C. " A young cyan pegasus thought to herself as she filled in the last questions of the test.

She quickly filled in the last question and shoved her hoof into the air.

" Yes Rainbow Dash? " The class's teacher, Ms Weatherzap, said.

Rainbow Dash trotted happily up to her teacher's desk and showed her the finished sheet.

" Alrighty Rainbow Dash, go join the rest of the finished students outside. " Ms Weatherzap said as she pushed open a draw and neatly layed the paper down in it.

Rainbow Dash bounced outside the confined spaces of the classroom into the open meadow that surrounded their small school. The wind was sushed and the sun shone onto Rainbow Dash's bright rainbow mane as she cantered towards a group of colts playing Cloudball.

" Hey guys, can I play? " The cyan filly asked the three ponies infront of her.

The three colts, a yellow unicorn Lightning Zap, a blue pegaus Wave Chill and Soarin, who was Wave Chill's twin brother, all looked up at her with humorous expressions.

" Your a filly though and fillies have cooties. " Lightning Zap said as he stuck out his tounge at Rainbow Dash.

Soarin, who was standing beside him kicked his friend in the hoof and smiled at the rainbow maned pony.

" Sur.. " Soarin began.

" You can play of you can catch this! " Wave Chill interupted.

Rainbow Dash puffed out her chest in amusement at the silly colt's challenge.

" Alrighty then Wave Grill. " Rainbow taunted.

The three colts stood behind Rainbow as Wave Chill threw the Cloudball as far as he could. Rainbow shot into action, taking to the sky. She strained her wings as she flew against the strong wind. The Cloudball zoomed overhead as it rushed to the ground.

" I got it! " Rainbow cried as she slammed onto the ground with the ball in her hooves.

Wave Chill and Lightning Zap stood in astonishment, starin at the small filly. Soarin was suddenly by Rainbow's side checking if she was ok.

" I'm ok Soarin, I caught the ball. " Rainbow muttered to the taller colt as she stood up.

Soarin nodded and took the ball from Rainbow. The two pegasi trotted slowly back towards the two other colts who where still standing in astonishment.

" Wow Rainbow Dash! That was so fast! "

" You were all like, whoosh and then boom! " Lightning Zap yelled.

The two colts jumped infront of Soarin and beamed widely at the filly. Soarin glared at his twin and took to the sky.

" So Dashie, want to come to my house for a play date. " Lightning Zap asked excitedly.

" But I thought I had cooties? " The cyan filly said to the yellow colt beside her.

" Well yeah Dashie, but now your counted as one of the colts. " Wave Chill said, puffing out his chest.

Rainbow stopped and turned towards the three colts who were now behind her. Her eyes were blazing and her face was a bright red.

" I AM NOT A COLT AND MY NAME IS NOT DASHIE!!! " The angry filly yelled at the colts.

Lightning Zap, Wave Chill and Soarin shrunk backwards at Rainbow's sudden outburst. Rainbow flew away angrily landed on a cloud above the school. Using her hooves she delicately removed a large chunk of cloud from itself. She broke the chunk into three pieces and rolled them into a perfect sphere.

" Lightning Zap! " She yelled as she quickly threw the piece of cloud into the unexpecting colt's face.

Lightning Zap fell down and clutched his face with his two front hooves.

" Wave Chill! " She yelled as she threw the cloud at Wave Chill.

" Soarin! " She yelled, getting ready to throw the cloud into Soarin's waiting face.

Her cyan hoof went back down to rest by her side as she studied the nervous pegasus below her.

" You actually didn't do anything to me. " She said surprised.

Soarin dropped his hoof from his eyes, to the ground and looked up at the rainbow maned pegasus above him.

" You mean, you don't hate me? " Soarin asked.

Rainbow watched Soarin closely before answering.

" Yeah, I quess I don't. " She said, flying down to land infront of the pale blue colt.

Soarin beamed at Rainbow Dash, his friend and his twin brother.

" Your cool Dashie. " Soarin said humerously, nudging her side with his muzzle.

Rainbow Dash giggled in horror as the colt continued to tickle her. Rainbow spread her wings and took off into the sky, hovering over Soarin.

" Bye Soarin. "

" Bye Dashie. "

Chapter One- A New Friend

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" Ok troops 500 laps! " A fierce yellow mare yelled out to the seven ponies standing before her.

Everypony groaned in response to their captin's order, stretching their wings out slowly.

" NOW!!! " The angry mare yelled.

All seven ponies suddenly sprung into action, flinging into the air and buzzing around the track.

" Better. " Spitfire muttered to herself.

As Wonderbolts, the greatest flight team in Equestria, all the ponies had to take their job seriously. They had to keep in good shape, eat right and most of all, train. Spitfire, the captin of the legendary team, stood on the sidelines watching everypony zoom round the track.

" Ok Rainbow Dash and Soarin, last lap. " Spitfire yelled loud enough that the ponies on the track could hear her loud voice.

Rainbow Dash strained her wings as she zoomed around the long track. It was her first training session as one of the Wonderbolts and it felt like she had something to prove. Plus, she had no friends on the team and surely being the fastest pony would help her make some. In Rainbow Dash's years of school the only ponies that were liked were the ones that could do cool things. Rainbow Dash, the only pony in Equestria that could do a Sonic Rainboom, hadn't learnt to do the until late flight school. In her normal school she had no friends. Everypony else could conjure and apple, run the fastest or be able to do fifty wing ups. Rainbow Dash could only fly fast, so she wasn't noticed by any pony.

' There was that one pony, the pale blue colt. What was his name? Soapy, Simon, Scittles? ' Rainbow thought as she zoomed past the finish marker.

Rainbow continued flying around the track, now obviously lost in her train of thought.

" Hey Rainbow Dash, we were aiming for 500 laps, not 1000! " Spitfire yelled at the rainbow maned pegasus.

Everypony giggled quietly as Rainbow came back towards the group, who were now all standing on the ground.

" Hehe, sorry Mam. " Rainbow said nervously, pushing her mane out of her eyes.

" Ok everypony, today I will partner you up as lead and wing pony and we will be doing the cloud kicking exercise. " Spitfire said loudly to the group of waiting ponies.

Everypony stood in a straight line and waited as Spitfire paired them up.

" Fleetfoot, your with Rapid Fire. Wave Chill, your with Suprise. " Spitfire began.

' Wave Chill! That was one of the colt's names. ' Rainbow thought.

" Rainbow Dash, you will be with Soarin. " Spitfire finished.

Rainbow looked around for the pony who was named Soarin, but there was nopony in sight that wasn't partnered up.

" Hiya. "

" AHHH!!! " Rainbow yelled as a pegasus pony suddenly dropped from above.

" Haha, sorry did I scare you? " The pegasus giggled.

" Hehe, it's fine. Name's Rainbow Dash. " Rainbow said, puffing out her chest.

The pegasus was obviously a stallion, with a pale blue coat. He had dark blue mane that was styled up, with the same coloured tale. On his Wonderbolt uniform a cutie mark as a lightning bolt with wings was sewn on.

" Hey Rainbow Dash, name's Soarin. " The handsome stallion said, sticking out his hoof for Rainbow to shake.

Rainbow blushed as she shook Soarin's hoof. Soarin put his hoof back onto the grass and began to study Rainbow.

" Hey, I remember you from school, you were the awesome really fast filly. " Soarin said suddenly. " Do you remember me? I was Soarin, the colt that you didn't hate! " Soarin laughed, waiting for Rainbow's response.

Rainbow laughed at the stallion's sudden burst of happiness.

" Yeah I remember you, I also remember Lightning Zap and your broter Wave Chill who is over there. " Rainbow said pointing to where Wave Chill was now kicking clouds.

Soarin just grinned at Rainbow as they took flight. One cloud, two, three, four! Rainbow and Soarin quickly sped up, leaving almost no clouds for the other groups. Rainbow's eyes narrowed on a lonesome cloud in the middle of the sky. She flew quickly for it reaching for it. ' SMASH ' Rainbow felt a sudden impact as she slammed into Soarin, who was also flying at a high speed towards the cloud. The two pegasi tumbled onto some clouds below with a soft noise.

" Ow, sorry Soarin. I quess I didn't see you going for it as well. " Rainbow said, sitting up.

She looked over to her right and found Soarin in the exact same position.

" That's fine Rainbow. Sorry. " Soarin said, rubbing his muzzle.

Rainbow quickly stood up and gave Soarin's tail a tug.

" Quick, let's go before Spitfire sees us. " Rainbow said urgently.

The two pegasi sped off smashing through clouds that were in their path.

" Six minutes, forty nine seconds. Good job Rainbow Dash and Soarin, you two can head to lunch early. " Spitire said as the group landed before their captin.

Rainbow trotted inside the massive Wonderbolts Head Quarters, weaving through hallways and doorways. She finally reached the kitchen where the scent of freshly baked goods hovered.

" Hi chef, that smells good. " Rainbow said as she grabbed a fresh apple pie.

The chef smiled back at Rainbow and went back to cooking. Rainbow swerved on her hocks and came face to face with none other then Soarin.

" Oh, hey Soarin. Good job today, see ya. " Rainbow mumbled, with the plate of apple pie still in her mouth.

" Thanks Rainbow, you weren't so bad yourself. " Soarin said, his gaze on the apple pie.

Rainbow trotted off towards her room in the head quarters, leaving Soarin to get his own lunch. She trotted up three flights of stairs before finally reaching her room. Her room was a simple 8 by 8 meter square. It had a large queen bed that was made of the fluffiest cloud, a flat screen t.v, a cloud dining table with four cloud chairs and a dresser. In the corner was also a small bathroom, which contained a toilet, sink, mirror and shower. Rainbow considered herself lucky to have such great facility, since she had to sell her cloud mantion in Ponyville. On the dresser was her rainbow lava lamp and a picture of her five friends. Rainbow walked over towards the dresser and picked up the picture. Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity and herself all stood infront of the Crystal Enpire, where Rainbow was announced a Wonderbolt. A tear slowly ran down Rainbow's cheek as she looked at the picture.

" I wonder what they are doing without me? " Rainbow said outloud as she set the picture back on the dresser.

Rainbow stripped off her Wonderbolt's suit and stepped into the shower. The warm feel of the water cascading over her withers made all of Rainbow's muscles relax. She stood there for a few minutes, just letting the water run over her dampened coat. Finally she washed herself over with soap and washed her mane and tail. The water was turned off as Rainbow stepped out of the warm comfort of the shower.

" Knock, knock. Hello, anypony home? " A familiar voice said through the wooden door.

Rainbow quickly chucked the towel over we back and ran to the door.

" Oh, hi Soarin. What's up? " Rainbow said nervously.

" Oh yeah, hi Rainbow. Just wanted to say hi. Hi. " Soarin laughed nervously.

The two pegasi kicked nervously at the cloud floor, avoiding eye contact.

" So, um, just wondering if you want to, would you like to go for a fly? " Soarin said nervously, breaking the awkward scilence.

" Uh, sure Soarin. " Rainbow said, shaking the towel off.

Rainbow quickly trotted inside and put her towel away. She quickly shook her head, making droplets of water fly everywhere.

" Hehe ready. " Rainbow said locking the door.

The pair trotted out of the building into the fresh air. They flew at a leisurely pace, the beating of their wings putting each others minds at ease.

' She looks so beautiful with her mane flowing behind her. Say something impressive you big dummy. ' Soarin thought, looking over at his companion.

" So Rainbow, what's it like being the element of loyalty. " Soarin asked the cyan mare.

" It's fantabulously, awesome! " The now excited mare yelled, doing little flips in the air.

Soarin laughed at the Marie's sudden outburst.

' Wow Rainbow, great reaction. I never realized how cute Soarin looks when he's flying. ' Rainble thought.

" Eww, I'm not turning into a sappy, love struck pony like Rarity. " Rainbow said quietly to herself.

" Pardon? " Soarin said, taking a sidewards glance at Rainbow.

" Oh nothing Soarin. " Rainbow laughed nervously.

The pair continued flying until Soarin decided it was time to turn back.

" Anyway, thanks Soarin. I had fun. " Rainbow said, leaning on her doorway.

" No problem Rainbow. " Soarin replied gleefully.

The two ponies sai their goodbyes and departed from each others view. Rainbow was grinning ear to ear as she walked into the bathroom to check her appearance.

" Hehe, looks like I'm making a new friend. " Rainbow giggled to her reflection. " Soarin.