The Story of Sun Drifter

by SunDrifter

First published

A story of a lonely and heart torn pegasus that forgotten after his sweet words had finished only to be rescued by the kindness of a stranger.

The pony Sun Drifter, is left alone for years till he is rescued by another pony. A pony who had dealt with his pain of being alone. Together, this duo will grow to understand each other with much pain to overcome. Will they fall in love and be happy or will they break apart and be alone again?

The Beginning

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The Beginning

Chapter 1

Sun Drifter is a pegasus pony and was raised as a weather pony. He had a shiny coat that was as blue as the skies he flew in, his gleaming eyes are a sparkling shade of periwinkle and his shimmering mane were a green and light purple glow of color.

His job is to clear the clouds that didn’t belong in the western sky. There was a problem with that job though. Sun Drifter liked the clouds and loved how soft they were. Like any other pegasus, he could lie on any cloud. There was something special about the western clouds though, something that had him trying to keep them around.

Whenever it came time to clear the clouds, he would attempt to keep a small cloud aside. Just so that he could relax on later. Most of the time the other pegasus ponies would see the cloud and stomp it out before Sun Drifter could stop them. When he finally managed to hide a cloud for the first time since he had started, he laid on it for hours.

The soft tuffs of clouds against his coat felt so nice, so relaxing, and so perfect. The cloud followed a drift in the wind and drifting into the perfect sunset that always tended to have a hint of cloud in front of it. There was something different about this sunset though. He suddenly felt compelled to fly out and look at the sun.

It was the most beautiful sunset he had ever laid his eyes upon. The sun was a fall orange with a glistening sparkle of white, given off by the clouds. When Sun Drifter saw this, his cutie mark appeared. It was a cloud drifting in front of a sun. He assumed it was because of him saving that cloud, the cloud that shaped the sky for a perfect sunset. Every evening since, he set the clouds up just right to cause a perfect sunset every night with clouds from where he had worked.

6 years later

Sun Drifter was the pony that always loved to help his friends no matter the problems that they had. He was the one that everypony could rely on to help them when they were in need of help. If it would be emotional or physical pain, he had the shoulder that everypony could cry on. The sad part about all of this is he didn't have a shoulder to cry on when he needed it. All Sun Drifter had was his cloud to cry on.

Him being the thoughtful pony he was, he always did his best to keep at a distance to where others wouldn't be disturbed by his crying. Most of the time, he would have to stomp out his cloud because too much water had built up inside of it from his crying. These clouds were the same clouds he had saved from his work. Now instead of the weather team kicking them out, he had to be the one to destroy them.

The amount of cloud he had to use dwindled swiftly, due to how much he cried. This eventually came to the point to where he couldn't see the sunset that he set up every night. He didn't live near where he had made the sunset and he had no place to lie down and watch without a cloud. All he was able to do was fly in place for a few minutes to observe his work, but it wasn't very comfortable.

While everypony would sit in awe of his work while having no clue he was the one who causes it, he would walk around in the park pondering why he had the only shoulder to cry on. Why was he alone? Sun Drifter never could find an answer. He helped pony after pony with their problems and they continue with their lives. Not one of them thought to support Sun or to even be his friend. He was just a counselor to them. He was alone day after day and night after night, making beautiful sunsets for everypony. This had been his life for years. The continuous routine of him setting up the clouds and while everypony watched his work fade, he would sit and cry in the park.

One night while he was crying on a park bench, a pony over heard him and flew over. She nudged him slightly on the side. Sun Drifter poked his head up slowly and looked at the pony. He immediately knew who she was. It was a mare who he had a crush on. The pony who nudged him was sapphire grey a pegasus pony none other than Ditzy Doo or better known as Derpy Hooves around Ponyville. The main thing that alerted him that it was her was her crossed eyes, her beautiful warm green apple eyes.

A few seconds after looking, Ditzy broke the silence with a question. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

Sun Drifter was caught off guard, not knowing how to respond. He was never asked this question before. Ditzy broke the silence by saying “Don't worry. I can see what’s wrong. You need somepony to talk to and a shoulder to cry on. I’ve been there and never really knew what to do. I just became use to it; my eyes kind of weird others out. I’m starting to ramble. Come here. You need a hug.”

Sun didn't do anything for a few seconds and just looked at her in bewilderment. He soon after hugged Ditzy with waterfalls of tears coming from his eyes as she wrapped her wings around Sun. “It’s all okay now. I’m here now and I promise never to leave you alone to cry.” Sun never knew this feeling before. This was the feeling of acceptance. He wasn’t alone anymore; finally he had a true friend.

After that night, he could sit on his cloud and watch his creation set behind the hills. Not one tear fell that night as he watched his art piece for the first time in years. Finally after years of crying and despair, years of pain, all of those years of the same routine had finally been broken.

As Sun Drifter was flying from work, he decided to ask Ditzy if she would like to come and watch him set up the clouds. No pony knew that he was the pony who set up the sunsets every evening so she was kind of skeptical. She agreed to her new friends request though.

Ditzy Doo and Sun Drifter met at the park where they had originally met then headed to the western field. Sun Drifter brought a cloud for Ditzy to rest on as he worked.

While Sun Drifter was setting the clouds into place with almost perfect precision, Ditzy sat on the cloud in awe as every other pony does each night. She was in awe for a different reason though. She was curious why somepony like Sun Drifter was all alone.

Ditzy whispered to herself “He makes something so beautiful and has the sweetest heart. How could he ever do anything to feel all that pain in him? If he creates something this beautiful every night for everypony, why is he alone? He never did tell me why he was all sad and stuff. Well, I didn't ask him either. I should ask him. Not now though. I don't want to ruin this night.”

As soon as he finished, he joined Ditzy on the cloud she had been resting on. She sat there just admiring the artwork Sun had created. Sun broke the silence this time telling Ditzy “There is still one cloud that needs to be put out. Would you like to set it up? It’s the least I could do for you.”

Ditzy, in a confused state, asked him “I’m going to need some help on where to put it.”

Sun nodded and carefully instructed her on where to position the final cloud. Once the cloud was placed just right, Ditzy rejoined Sun on the small cloud that they had been sharing.

Ditzy Doo’s curiosity got the better of her and she asked him soon asked him why he does this for everypony. Sun answered her question with ease in a sweet and thoughtful tone “I do this so everyone can enjoy their evening to the best of their ability. So they can share an evening picnic with the friends or even their special some pony. Simply so they have something to look forward to every night. It just feels amazing to be the one to create this. I love to bring a warm feeling in everyponies heart when they see this. Who knows, it may be as warm as Celestia’s sun. ”

Ditzy showed a small blush with smile on her face as she looked at Sun. He said it with such joy and so much compassion. He was just so different. It’s not every day when you meet a pony as sweet and thoughtful as Sun Drifter.

He was too occupied on the sunset they had worked so hard on together to notice Ditzy's sweet and innocent expression on her face. Sun thought to himself “I’m so happy I’m not alone anymore. I’m not sure how she feels about this; how she feels about me. I hope Ditzy is enjoying this. I know I am.”

As he finished his thought, he turned to see Ditzy looking at him with the cutest expression. “You have some of the most beautiful eyes you know. They are different and suit you perfectly.” Sun Drifter said to the blushing mare.

“D’awwwwwww. Okay, that was cute. You’re making me blush.” Said Ditzy as she became flushed red.

“I hope that’s not a bad thing.” Sun replied.

“Not at the least.” The flattered mare chuckled.

They shared a laugh then turned to watch the sunset set over the west hills. Ditzy laid her head on Sun Drifter’s shoulder and smiled. Sun Drifter was overjoyed with the evening. He finally got to watch his sunset, have a friend and most important to the both of them, he was finally happy.

That evening, Ditzy gave Sun the very thing he needed to be happy, a great and loving friend. Sun was as happy as anypony could ever hope to be. He was with the mare who he hoped would turn from a friend into a relationship of pure love. The two ponies, Sun Drifter and Ditzy Doo, shared the rest of the evening chatting and admiring the beautiful sunset they created, together.

Accidents Happen

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Chapter 2

Accidents Happen

“Hey Ditzy, can you get that storm cloud over there?” Sun Drifter asked as he pointed over to a dark grey cloud.

“Sure thing Sun Drifter.” said Ditzy with a wide smile on her face.

“Be careful with that thing though. No one needs an electrified Ditzy Doo now.”

“I’ll be fine.” Soon after, Sun Drifter hears a buzzing noise quickly followed by an agonizing scream.

“Ditzy!” Sun Drifter spun around faster than he had even spun before only to see a grey mare falling from the sky leaving a trail of smoke.

Sun Drifter flew as fast as he could to catch the rocketing pegasus. With several feet below them and the solid ground of dirt and grass, Sun drifter was able to get under Ditzy to break her fall. When Ditzy landed on Sun, he let out a wrenching cry of pain.

As the scorched mare opened her eyes, all she saw was a blue face covered in tears from fear and pain. “Sun….”

Putting his hoof to her lips Sun told the mare “Quiet Ditzy. Save your strength. I will get you to a doctor.” Sun Drifter arose from the ground and drew out his wings to fly when a sudden wrenching scream left his lips.

“What’s wrong!?” Ditzy whispered in worry as she tried to reaching for him.

Sun Drifter looked at the scorched mare “It’s nothing; I need to get you help now!” drawing his wings back to his sides.

“Sun, your wing is broken!” Ditzy mumbled with the little strength she had.

“It doesn’t matter, you need help.”

“Sun Drifter…..” Sun pulled Ditzy onto his back and a sharp scream broke from his lips as he sped off down the path to the nearest hospital.

It had been three weeks since they met and wasn’t sure how to feel about all this. All Sun Drifter knew is he had to get Ditzy help and get it now.

He carried Ditzy for three hours till they finally made it to the hospital. Ponies along the way tried to figure out what was going on, but he ignored them and continued to run. As they got there, several Stallions and mares in white coats met them outside. “We saw you running up the road and came out to see what was going on. Are you two alright?”

“Ditzy needs help now! She got shocked really badly by a storm cloud!” Sun told the doctors in a panic.

“We will take her from her. What about you? Are you okay?” One of the mares asked, seeing his wing was a bit mangled.

“l will be fine. Help her!”

All Sun could do was sit in the waiting room. The tables had several magazines scattered across them and a single painting of the Canterlot castle was on the wall. There were a few other ponies there. A green unicorn with white slicked back hair and a ring in his hooves looked especially scared. He was shaking and rubbing his ring every other minute. Sun walked over to the distraught pony and sat with him to talk.

“What’s your name?”

The unicorn looked at Sun as a tear fell from his face. “My name is Sleek Mane. What’s it to you?”

“My name is Sun Drifter. I saw you were scared and thought you needed to talk to somepony. Is it something with your wife? That is if you don’t mind me asking that is.”Sun asked while pointing at the ring in Sleek Manes hooves.

“No. My wife passed away three years ago to a heart attack. She had a bad heart you see. I promised that I would protect our daughter, Swift Light. While we were walking, she fell to ground clenching her chest. She had a heart attack. When I got her here, the doctors told me that her condition was hereditary. Now I’m here and about to possibly lose the last thing I have in this world.” Sleek Mane broke down, barely finishing his sentence.

Sun was heartbroken by the Stallion’s story to the point of almost being in tears himself. “Well, I’m sure things will be alright. Keep hope in your daughter. I’m sure she is a strong little filly and will come out of this a-okay!”

Sleek Mane sniffled and looked at the pegasus a bit skeptically but relived, “She is a strong one. Just like her mother. Thank you Sun Drifter, I really needed to hear that. I hope whatever happened to bring you here get resolved soon as well. You’re a great guy for coming to talk to a complete stranger. If only there were more like you.”

“The pleasure is all mine. I love to help out where I can. I gotta go and wait for the doctor now. It was nice to meet you.” Sun said as he returned to where he had previously been waiting.

As he waited, the clock seemed to tick slower and slower. Every minute seemed like forever leaving plenty of time to think about the day. “This entire thing is all my fault. I should have never asked you to get that cloud. How could I be so stupid? She may die because of me. She doesn’t deserve this. I do, I deserve to be in that emergency room. Not you Ditzy.”

After several hours of agonizing waiting, a stallion in a white coat came through the door and headed over to Sun Drifter.

“I have good news and bad news. The good news is that Ditzy with be okay. The bad news is that she will have to stay here for three to four months before she makes a fully recovery. If you hadn’t gotten her here when you did, she may not be around anymore. You’re a hero son. Also, I need to take a look at your wing and run a few x-rays to make sure it will be alright.”

“What room number is she in!?” Sun Drifter exclaimed.

“She is on floor two, room nine. Before you do anything, you need to get your wing fixed up.” The doctor then took the overjoyed pegasus to have his wing treated.

4 Hours Later

“Thank you Doctor. Could you get my friend Blazing Furnace here while I go get something? He is the royal blacksmith. Also, leave this note by Ditzy’s bed.” Sun Drifter requested.

The doctor that had taken care of Sun Drifter looked at him with a gleeful smile. “Oh we certainly will Sun Drifter!”

“Thank you again. I won’t be long. Now off to the bakery.” Sun Drifter turned to the road inspecting his bandages delicately wrapped around his wings as he troughed down the dirt path.

Ditzy Doo woke up and propped herself up in the hospital bed. She was dressed in a sea foam green gown. The confused mare looked around for Sun Drifter, but all she found was a couple magazines on the table and some hospital machines to her left. On her right was a table with a box of tissues and a fold piece of paper covering its surface.

What’s that paper? Said Ditzy as she grabbed then unraveled the page.

The paper said “Dear Ditzy Doo, I left the hospital to go get something important. I will be back as soon as can be so please don’t worry. I promise I will come back. Sincerely yours, Sun Drifter.”

Ditzy slowly set the paper on her lap as she laid there waiting. “I hope Sun is okay. He brought me all the way here to save me. I didn’t think anypony would have done something like that, but he did. His wings looked pretty bad and he beats himself up a lot. I hope he will be here soon. I never thanked him for bringing me to the hospital. I hope he will be able to forgive me for this. I wasn’t very careful and he ended up risking his job, his wings and his health in general. He did all of that to protect me. No pony else has ever risked so much for me. I can’t believe he did all of that for me.”

Sun Drifter entered the bakery Joe’s Doughnuts with much haste, passing the colorful sign over the door. He passed a few ponies on the way to the counter. They were enjoying their afternoon snacks as usual. A lot of ponies come to Joe’s in the afternoons for their treats and bread since he was the only bakery open during the morning and afternoon. Sun walked up to the counter of Joe’s Doughnuts, admiring the freshly baked goods in the display case. “Hey Donut Joe, could I get a dozen blueberry muffins and a dozen oatmeal muffins?

“It would be my pleasure. That will be 20 bits.” Sun Drifter set the bits on the counter while doughnut Joe got the muffins ready.

“Are you alright? Something happen to your wings?” Doughnut asked out of curiosity.

“There was an accident this morning. Everything is alright now. I’ll be on my way now. Have a great day Joe!” Sun Drifter said as he began to make his way to the door with the two dozen muffins.

“Thanks Sun Drifter. Don’t push too hard yourself now. Such a nice guy that one is.” Joe told Sun with a smile.

As Sun Drifter made his way to the hospital, he met his friend Blazing Furnace at the entrance. He is a rustic green pegasus pony with a red and tan mane and eyes of shimmering gold. His cutie mark was a bronze emblem of a unicorn horn over a pegasus wing. He usually has too many orders at the castle to hang out.

“I came as soon as I heard. Are you two alright and what did you need?” He exclaims in a panicked tone.

“Were both alright Blazing so please calm down? Ditzy is going to be in the hospital for three to four months and it’s my fault entirely. What happened is I asked her to take care of a storm cloud while I was moving a few clouds. Something went wrong with the cloud and it gave her a really bad shock. I flew down and caught her on my back. Her falling on me messed my wings up but it was the only way to save her. I quickly rushed her to the hospital and had her taken care of.” Sun Drifter explained in haste.

Blazing finally calmed down as he took a deep breath, “Well I’m just relived neither of you died. What’s with the muffins?”

“These are both of her favorite flavors. I thought it would cheer her up. Also, I need you to do me a favor, but don’t tell anyone. This is going to sound really crazy but I’m the one who sets the clouds up every evening to cause a perfect sunset. My wing is too hurt to fly. Could you do it for me? I really need you to help me.” As Sun finished his request, Blazing Furnace didn’t know what to think.

He knew he had to help his friend though. “It will be a stretch to get there every evening and run the blacksmith range, but business has been slow since we haven’t had a reason to use our equipment. Ever since when the changelings invaded, we haven’t had to pick up a spear or anything. So sure I can. Do you have any directions?” Sun Drifter grabbed a piece of paper off the receptionists counter and drew a picture of what the clouds and sun are supposed to look like then gave it to Blazing.

“Thank you so much Blazing. This means a great deal!” Sun Drifter said as he shook Blazing’s hoof with a firm grip.

“It’s no problem Sun. What are friends for?” Blazing then left to get started on the clouds while Sun started to head towards

Ditzy’s room on floor two.

Sun Drifter knocked on the door to room nine where Ditzy was staying. A sweet, but tired voice said for him to come in. As soon as Sun entered, Ditzy jumped up at him saying “Sun Drifter, your back!”

They share a long passionate hug for several moments. “I brought you something.”

Sun pulled out the bags that held two dozen steaming moist muffins. “Consider it a get well present.”

“Oh you sweet stallion, get over here.” Ditzy grabbed the blue pegasus over and then kissed him on the cheek.

Sun, not knowing how to react, stood in a frozen state while forgetting to hide his blushing face. Ditzy chuckled at him and said “The doctor told me that you saved my life. Thank you. I couldn’t imagine what would have happened if you didn’t catch me. You’re the only pony to ever be here for me like this. I hope you can forgive me for me messing up your wing and how will you set the sunsets up? I really messed up didn’t I?”

Ditzy was at the brink of crying at this point. The guilt of all of this was running through her mind. Sun noticed this and spread his arms waiting for her to accept his embrace.

Ditzy leaped herself into Sun’s hooves with tears running down her face knocking him over to the ground. “You don’t need to apologize. It was an accident and I would do anything to protect you Ditzy. You mean a great deal to me and I don’t want to lose you.”

Ditzy looked at Sun and stared into his shinning periwinkle eyes “Oh Sun Drifter, you always know how to make me smile. You won’t be leaving me anytime soon either, right? Promise me that.”

“Of course Ditzy, I promise. What did the doctors say about this whole thing?” Sun Drifter asked.

“They said it was different than the usual pea up the nose and they called you a hero. You’re my hero though.” The smiling mare shared as she rested her hoof on Sun’s chest which was damp from Ditzy’s tears.

“I think I could get use to that title.” Sun said chuckling wholeheartedly.

As they continued to talk, the subject of work came up. “Yea, what do you do for work?” Sun Drifter asked.

“I’m Ponyville’s mail mare. Oh no! How will I do my job? How am I going to be able to deliver the packages and letters? I’m going to lose my job!”Ditzy Doo said in a frantic state.

Sun Drifter placed his hoof on hers saying “No you won’t because I will take care of it. I may not be able to fly but I can still run. I will head up to the post office first thing in the morning and do your job till you get better. How does that sound?”

“You really are my hero. Thank you. I really can’t thank you enough, but thank you none the less. You have done so much

for me since we have met. Just, thank you.” Ditzy Doo said as she went to hug Sun Drifter.

Sun held her close as he stroked his hoof through her blond mane “Get your rest Ditzy. I will check on you tomorrow after I do your rounds.”

Ditzy whispered over Sun’s shoulder into his ear “You will have a ton of ground to cover.”

Sun kissed Ditzy’s forehead and told her “I will figure something out. I promise.”

A New Filly

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Chapter 3

A New Filly

“I got five minutes to deliver this last package. I’ve got to hurry. Ditzy’s job is harder than I thought.” Sun Drifter said to himself as he took off down the road.

“Let’s see. This package is to Celestial Orphanage? Alright, I didn’t know Ponyville had an orphanage.”

Sun Drifter approached the two large doors of the orphanage and knocked on them as he took out the small package from his mail pouch. One of the doors creaked open with a little filly eyeing the blue pegasus trying to catch his breath.

“You aren’t Ditzy. Where is she and why are you wearing her mail bag?” The little unicorn asked.

Sun looked at the adorable grayish violet filly and began to explain “My name is Sun Drifter. I’m Ditzy’s friend and I am going to be temporarily doing her job. She got into an accident and had to go to the hospital. She will be all better very soon. I promise. Could I ask your name?”

“My name is Dinky Doo. I’m Ditzy’s niece. Are you a nice stallion Sun Drifter?” The curious filly asked waiting for a response.

“I do my best to be. Could I ask you to get an adult so they can sign for this package? If you could, I may have an extra muffin in here for you.” Sun said shifting through his pouch.

The little filly gasped as she ran to get somepony from another part of the orphanage. Sun Drifter was soon met with a ruby colored earth pony with an honest smile. “I understand there is a package I need to sign for?

“Yes ma’am. Just sign here and here and here. Then this will be all yours.” Sun Drifter requested as he held out a pen and clipboard.

“Thank you mister?”

“Sun Drifter ma’am.” He finished as he shoved the clipboard and pen into the mail bag.

“Thank you Sun Drifter. I heard Ditzy had an accident. What happened?” The ruby pony asked sincerely.

“She was helping with some clouds and something happened with a lighting cloud. She got shocked and I carried her to the hospital.” Sun explained.

“Well I hope she is okay and why is your wing bandaged?”

“I had to get under her to break the fall and it broke my wing.” Sun told the mare as he pointed at his delicately wrapped wing.

“That is a very admiral act and along with you taking over her job I assume?” The mare asked as Dinky came up beside her.

“Only until she gets better and Dinky, I have something.” Sun said as he rummaged through his bag and pulling out a paper bag. “I believe this is for you.” handing the bag over with a smile across his face.

“Oh thank you so much mister Sun Drifter! Thank you, thank you, and thank you! The ecstatic pony shouted as she ran up and hugged Sun Drifter.

“It’s my pleasure dear. I better be off before I’m late. I will tell Ditzy you said hi. Have a good day now.” He said as he waved his hoof at the two and took off down the road.

“Why do they leave me these magazines? There all about farming equipment and the latest fashion. Bleh, I don’t understand them.” Ditzy said to herself as a knock came upon the door. “Come in.”

“Hey Ditzy, you have a hard job especially since I can’t fly.” Sun Drifter said with a relieving tone as he sat at the head of Ditzy’s bed.

“I told you that there would be a lot of ground to cover. You should listen more often.” Ditzy said with a chuckle.

“Yea, I should. Also, I met a little filly named Dinky today. She was very nice and she says hi. I’m curious though, why is she in the orphanage?” Sun asked while he handed a white bag of muffins over to Ditzy.

“You met my niece? Alright, what happened is my brother was in the guard and he had to go fight the changelings. One of them hit him with a spell while he was protecting his wife and Dinky. He fell down and didn’t get back up. His wife grabbed Dinky and ran. She didn’t get far, but Dinky managed to escape down here to Ponyville. I wanted to take her in but I couldn’t afford to feed another mouth. I love her so much and I thought it would be best for her if she stayed at the orphanage until I could get a job to pay for her to be here. I haven’t been able to get one though.” Ditzy explained to her close friend with tears falling off her face. “I miss them Sun. I miss them so much.”

“Come here Ditzy.” Sun said holding the mare tight while her tears ran down his back and landing on his bandages. “I will adopt Dinky.”

Ditzy pushed back on Sun Drifter in disbelief. “Are you serious? You would do that? You don’t have enough bits to support that filly.”

With a blush turning him as red as an apple “I would if you were to be my special somepony. What do you say?”

Ditzy paused at the question then spoke “Sun Drifter, I don’t know what to say. You are just so great. Of course I will be!” Ditzy squealed as she pulled Sun close to her hugging him tight as can be.

“Ditzy! I can’t breathe! Loosen up a bit please.” Sun Drifter said forcing the words out of his mouth.

She then relaxed her grip of her friend. “My bad Sun, I’m just so happy right now. I have you and I may be getting Dinky back soon too. We will need to save some money. Can we move in together, to save money and all that?” The mare said with a blush enveloping her.

“Of course we can. Do you have an idea were? It would have to be on the ground because unicorns can’t walk on clouds.” Sun Drifter asked the ecstatic mare.

Ditzy tapped her chin pondering on a thought “I had one place in mind, but we will have to wait till we are both working before we can adopt Dinky. Oh no! I just realized you can’t fly! What about the clouds for the sunset?”

Sun looked at the mare with an assured smile “Don’t worry Ditzy, my friend Blazing Furnace is taking care of that. You know him right? He’s the royal blacksmith.”

“How did you meet him? I wouldn’t expect you to be meeting anypony like that. No offense intended.” Ditzy asked in confusion.

“It was about a week after we met and it turns out we get our baked goods at the same place. I was going in to get you some muffins and then I ran into him on my way out. As an apology, I bought him lunch. We talked for a bit and got to know each other. He is a great guy and apparently his favorite food is anything with dandelions in it.” Sun Drifter finished chuckling.

“Wow. That is amazing. I have another question. Why did you bring me eleven muffins? You always bring me a dozen. You didn’t eat one did you?” Ditzy said pointing into the bag.

“Yes. I ate one. What are you going to do about it?” Sun joked.

“I’m going to nom on you! Om nom nom nom! Ditzy said grabbing the blue pegasus nibbling on his good wing.

“Uh Ditzy please don. . .” There was a sudden pomf of air. Ditzy was pushed back by the wing and Sun Drifter was redder than a tomato.

“Oh my, I think I found one of your turn ons. I will have to keep wing nibbling in mind. Wait until we go to the store together.” The grey mare teased.

“You can be really evil sometimes you know.” Sun said as his wing was coming out of its pomf.

“It’s just so cute to see you blush like that and this seems to be the easiest way to do it.” Ditzy squealed as she finished her sentence lost in thought.

“I’m going to get you back you know.” Sun said pointing at Ditzy who was just laughing about it all.

“How are gonna do tha. . .” Ditzy was cut off by Sun Drifter, but not with words.

With a swift and sudden movement, Ditzy was wrapped up in Sun Drifters hooves. She felt the soft and delicate feel of Sun Drifter’s lips against hers. Ditzy was caught off guard, unsure what to do. She decided to close her eyes and enjoy ‘Sun

getting her back’. Both Ditzy’s and Sun’s wings pomfed up as their lips tingled and a spark of passion that ignited the flames of their hearts ablaze.

Sun left Ditzy’s lips as gently as he had embraced them. Ditzy was speechless. Sun looked at the blushing mare and chuckled. “My special somepony alright.”

A Healthy New Start

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Chapter 4

A Healthy New Start

“Miss Doo, we will need those gowns back now.” One of the nurses said to the overjoyed pegasus. She gleefully gave the gowns she had worn at the hospital with a gentle smile and nod.

It had been three long months of waiting. In that time Sun Drifter’s wing had healed up from its broken and useless state and was again ready and eager to continue his cloud placement and his job. Blazing Furnace was relieved that not only he didn’t have to do the cloud placement again, but his friend was yet again healthy. Along with Sun Drifter, another pony has managed to heal up as well. Ditzy had healed enough to leave the hospital; just in time for a special day.

“Thank you ma’am, you two have a great Hearts and Hooves day now.” The nurse told them smiling at the excited couple.

“We will!” Ditzy and Sun said as they left, waving to the nurse.

Taking a deep breath Ditzy said “It feels so good to be outside again, very refreshing! I will never understand why they kept leaving me all those magazines. I didn’t like a single one of them. So where are you taking me Sun?” Ditzy asked with a sweet smile.

“I was thinking the park.”

“You really like that park.”

“Well its one of the places I know best. I had spent a lot of time there.” Sun Drifter said with a quivering tone as he was on the brink of tears. Having to remember the hours he spent each night for months crying in the trees, on the benches, and grass plains was almost too much for the blue pegasus.

Then he remembered the night Ditzy approached him. Those warm apple green eyes looking at him, understanding him, and saving him from the pain. He looked at Ditzy, seeing what others did not. I saw a beautiful and thoughtful mare where others saw a stupid mare, all because of her eyes and clumsiness.

Ditzy hadn’t noticed him starting to tear up as she was humming a small tune to herself. The park entrance was coming to a near. With every crunch of dirt under their hooves softening as they neared the grassy park, Sun looked to Ditzy with thoughts of love coursing through his mind. Thoughts of their first kiss, of the night they met, and nights where they watch the sunset.

Ditzy turned after they had entered under the metal arch of the park and saw Sun looking at her with a passionate stare; eyes burn of a flaming love like none ever seen before. “Sun, why are you looking at me…. Whoa!”

Sun leaped on to Ditzy kissing her with his hooves holding her closer than fire to the sun. As they shared the kiss, Sun pulled Ditzy down as he fell onto the ground. As two lovers released from their electrifying kiss, they readjusted to a more comfortable position on the grass under a thick oak tree. “It looks like it was you who knocked me down this time.” Ditzy said giggling at the fact.

“I know. I’m gonna steal your job of it.” Sun said teasingly. So are you ready for the surprise?”

“Wait what? You never said anything about a surprise.”

“I didn’t? Oh never mind. I will take you to it after we finish our picnic.” Sun Drifter said as he took out a basket hidden in a hole of a tree trunk. “Let’s eat!”

“What’s the surprise Sun? I want to know!”Ditzy said in a whining tone.

“You’ll see it soon enough and why would I spoil the surprise?”Sun began to unload the picnic basket laying out the blanket, muffins, and apple cider. “Have some muffins before I eat them all.” Sun Drifter teased.

“Oh no, you don’t! No pony messes with my muffins! Come here sweetie pies.” Ditzy said grabbing all the muffins in her hooves.

Sun Drifter chuckled wholeheartedly as she struggled to keep all the muffins from falling out her hooves. Sun rose to his hooves and sliding the basket to Ditzy saying “Get up Ditzy. Put your muffins in the basket. We’re going to have a dance!”

“What? There isn’t any music though.”Ditzy said as she dumped her hoof full of muffins into the basket.

Sun pointed out to the entrance of the park waving to three musicians over to them. As they made their way over holding a cello, violin, and saxophone, Ditzy looked at Sun Drifter and said “You know I can’t dance Sun.”

“It will be fun. Follow my lead and you’ll be fine. Alright Octavia, start them off now please.”

“Yes Mr. Drifter, from the top ladies.”

As they began, Sun held his hoof out to Ditzy. Taking a hold of her closely, he led her steps making sure she didn’t fall. “One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. There you go! You’re getting it! And a one, two, three, four.”

One hour later

“Thank you three so much for playing. I’m surprised you weren’t fully booked for today. Here are your bits.” Sun said handing each pony a small, but weighted pouch.

“It was our pleasure sir and that happens when you book us two months in advance. You have a thoughtful one Miss Doo.” Octavia said pointing her cello bow at Sun.

“I know. He’s so amazing!” Ditzy said blushing.

Octavia chuckled and said, “Well we have another client to play for. You two enjoy the rest of your day.”

“Goodbye and thanks again!”

Ditzy looked at Sun Drifter and pulled him close kissing him intensely. “Sun, I want to ask you something. It’s important.”

“Of course Ditzy, what is it?”

“Can we see the big surprise now?”

Sun chuckled as he set off in down a dirt path saying “Yes we can see it now. Follow me.”

“What’s the big the surprise? Is it a ton of muffins in the shape of a heart?”


“Is it a new dress?”

“No. I thought you hated dresses.”

“I do, but it’s still a guess.”

They walked the dirt path for several minutes trailing into a plain like area near the edge of Ponyville. Sun was carrying the basket as Ditzy chomped down on one of her many muffins. Her face glowed brighter and brighter after each bite of the sweet and moist muffin.

“We’re here.” Sun said cheerfully as he slid a key into a cottages doorknob.

“You didn’t.”

“But I did and somepony else is also here to say hi.”

As he opened the door a small filly was in the middle of the room coloring in a book. She turned and saw the two ponies standing in the door frame.

“Ditzy! I missed you so much. I’m so happy to see you again!” Dinky said as she ran and hugged the tearing mare.

Sun looked at Ditzy and saw the expression over her face. Confused at the fact, he walked closer to her asking “What’s wrong Ditzy? I thought you would be happy.”

“I am happy. These are tears of joy. I have never been so happy before in my entire life. Thank you, Sun Drifter. Thank you one thousand times over. You have shown me more kindness than I had ever thought was possible. Just thank you so much!” Ditzy Doo said as she leaped into his hooves, crying on his shoulder. As he felt the salty tears of joy run down his neck and back, Dinky began to approach the delighted couple.

“Thank you too Sun Drifter. It means a ton.” Dinky interjected, unsure if she had chosen a good time to speak.

“The pleasure was all mine you sweethearts. You two deserve it.”

“Sun Drifter. I need you to know this. I love you with all my heart and never want you to leave.”

“I - I love you too Ditzy Doo.”

Sun was overjoyed to hear this. It was the first time she had said those three words, those three special words. He returned those words with a smile bigger than Pinkie Pie’s and beamed brighter than Celestia’s sun. Hearing those words, he was positive that he would never be alone again. He spent years all alone, but now he won’t have to relive that pain.

Still being held by Ditzy, he turned to Dinky and said “I had Dinky make a family meal. Could you set the table Dinky?”

“I already did. I did it while you were gone.” Dinky announced proudly.

“Thank you sweetheart. Let’s get to eating now. I’m starving.” Sun said as he pulled a chair out for Ditzy after whipping her tears away.

“Thank you Sun. It means so much to be here with you two.” Ditzy said as she looked at the flower soup that Dinky had placed in front of her.

“It the least I could do for you both. Dinky, I need to find out who thought you to cook and get lessons.” Sun said filling his mouth up of the soup.

“You’re as modest as always Sun.” Ditzy said with a heartfelt grin crossing her muzzle.

As Dinky finished her bowl, she looked at the two pegasus sitting side by side and asked “This will sound really weird to ask, but can I call you mommy and daddy? Since you are going to be doing mommy and daddy stuff, I wanted to know.”

Sun and Ditzy were taken away with the request as a joy filled smile crossed over there face. They turned to each other and nodded. “Of course you can Dinky.” Ditzy said with a shutter as she was about to break down into tears of joy all over again.

Dinky rose from her seat and ran over the two pegasus leaving there seats to meet the delighted filly. “I love you so much mommy and daddy.”

Sun busted into tears at this. “I’m an actual father now? I have always wanted to have a child and now, I have an entirely complete family. I never thought this day would come. I love you two so much!” Sun said as he kissed Dinky on the forehead and Ditzy on the lips.

“Ewwwww. You two are icky!” Dinky said as she covered her eyes with her little hooves.

“Now now Sun, not in front of Dinky.” Ditzy said placing her hoof around Dinky, holding her close.

“My bad dear, I’m just so excited over all of this.”

“I saw a swing in the back while I was exploring. Can you push me daddy?” Dinky said pointing at one of the windows to the backyard.

Sun Drifter noticed the sun was beginning to get low and a thought came to his mind.

“Of course I can. Come on Ditzy.” Sun said as he rose up with Ditzy by his side. “Afterwards though, I have something really special that I want to show you tonight Dinky.”

A Content Future

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Chapter 5

A Content Future

“Whoa! You two do this every night?” Dinky exclaimed as she stared at her new found parents moving the many clouds into position.

Ditzy flew down to talk to Dinky and told her “Well, yes and no Dinky. It was Sun Drifter who actually started doing it. This is his little gift to everypony. Then he got really sad because no one really wanted to hang out and be his friend. He was so sad that his clouds were filled with tears and had to be bucked out. This made him sadder because he couldn’t watch his gift set.”

“He looks so happy though, what made daddy stop being sad mommy?”

Ditzy looked at Sun with a blushing smile crossing her muzzle “I came into his life. One night, I saw him crying his heart out on a park bench. I went over to see what was wrong. We talked for a bit and then the next day he invited me here. He showed me this and I was so surprised that anypony hadn’t befriended him. He is just the nicest pony in all of Equestria.”

“Daddy is the nicest.” Dinky stated as she cuddled with her mother.

“He is isn’t he?”

Ditzy sat snuggled with Dinky and kept her warm as Sun Drifter was finishing. He flew over to where the others were resting and sat on the checkered blanket with them, snuggling with the two as the sun set.

“Thank you Ditzy for everything.” He said, kissing her on the cheek.

“It’s my pleasure Sun Drifter. You are the love of my life and since Dinky is here, were our own family.” Ditzy said as she snuggled closer to the ponies.

Their soft and warm fur against her own brought a smile to her face. The first night of them all together as a family is a night that will be remembered for several years to come and with many more to be made.

One month later

“You have fun at school Dinky. I left you something special in your lunch bag.” Ditzy said as her and Sun waved the school carriage off.

“I love you sweetie!” Sun shouted to her as the carriage took off.

Ditzy looked at him giggling at his fun display of affection. “You’re going to embarrass her Sun now come inside because I have a little surprise for you.”

“I thought I was the only one allowed to give surprises.”

“Not this time. I have a very special one for you. You’ll never guess it.” Ditzy said giving off a sarcastic evil laugh.

“Does it have anything to do with muffins?”

“Maybe a couple muffins, give me a break though. You know those are my favorite thing in the whole world, besides you and Dinky anyways. Here it is.” Ditzy said as she took out a manila envelope from under the bed. “I have been saving up for something. I finally managed to get enough bits and get you something. I thought you deserved a gift. I know it’s nothing like what you have given me, but it’s the thought that counts right?”

Sun took the envelope in hoof with a look of suspense and carefully opened the package. The content that laid inside were two silver wing bands that said, “Ditzy’s special muffin” and a matching one that said, “Sun’s special cloud.”

“You got this?”

“I know we don’t have all that much extra money, but I swear it is only from a small part of my checks and I…”

Ditzy stopped mid-sentence when Sun rested his hoof over her lips. “You shush now. Thank you Ditzy, I love it!”

Ditzy stared at her lover for a brief moment before pouncing him down onto the bed, laughing as they went down. She focused her sight as they settled into each other’s hooves comfortably on their bed. “If you couldn’t tell, I’m glad you like it.” She said giggling softly.

“I would never have guessed. Now how about we make some of your famous blueberry muffins?” The content stallion responded.

“Sounds perfect! I’ll get the flour and sugar and you get everything else.”

“Fair enough” Sun Drifter said with a small smile on his face.