The Seamstress and the Night

by Abydos

First published

Rarity is summoned into the Royal Chambers to service Princess Luna

Rarity is summoned into the Royal Chambers to service Princess Luna.

The One and Only Chapter

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“Princess? You wanted to see me?” Rarity asked as she poked her head inside Princess Luna’s bedchamber. She had been called from Ponyville by a letter from the princess of the night herself, saying that she and she alone was required to come to Canterlot immediately. For what reason, she did not know, but she was just about to find out.

The princess of the night was sitting passively on her bed, which was decorated with the stars of her night. A book lay below her as the blue alicorn drank in its contents. Her face was passive, but a smile drew across her face when her gaze fell upon the white pony. “Ah, yes, Rarity. How nice of thee to show up...”

“Umm… yes. If I may ask, your highness, what is it that requires my being here so immediately, princess?” Rarity asked hesitantly as she stepped inside. Shutting the door behind her, she nervously walked towards the bed, feeling her way across the dark bedroom. The only source of light came from the small pinpricks that represented her stars, barely lighting the dark room. Letting her eyes adjust to the darkness, Rarity looked from side to side, trying to gauge the distance to the bed, unaware of where exactly on it her host was sitting.

“We find Ourselves in a … predicament, my little pony, and don’t believe We can rely on anypony else but thee.” Luna said in a stressed tone, slightly splayed out on her bed. “Come closer…”

Rarity trotted forward until she was standing right beside the bed. “Yes, your highness? Your wish is my command.”

“We are glad thou wouldst say that, young one. We…” Luna trailed off for a moment, unsure of how to bring her thoughts to light.

“Yes, your highness?”

“Please, lay beside Us,” Luna said, motioning for Rarity to lay beside her. As the white unicorn nervously climbed onto the bed, Luna lifted a wing and smiled softly as her beautiful subject crawled under her comforting embrace.

At first Rarity questioned the intimate approach. She was a lady by all means, and didn’t think that uncourted mares such as they should act so familiarly like this. Yet before long, the passionate nature of the night princess became too contagious, and Rarity could only decide to enjoy herself. Pressing herself against Luna’s soft and warm coat, Rarity looked up and asked, “So, what is it that you want, my princess?” She had an inkling of an idea where this was heading, and she was completely for it.

“We have an a matter which has vexed Our minds greatly as of late. And We do not think that there is anypony more suited to help Us, lovely Rarity, element of generosity.” To the surprise of the unicorn who was humble before such great loyalty, Luna started, blushing slightly. “You see I am in… heat.” Saying this, the alicorn slowly raised her left hind leg, displaying her slick, pink marehood for the unicorn, and Rarity got a strong whiff of Luna’s scent emanating from her slit. “We don’t know of anypony that could help us… so… would thee…”

“Help you?” Rarity cut off the princess. Her voice was full of compassion before anything else.. Rarity looked up into her eyes, feeling nothing but love and care for the princess in need.

“Well… to put it simply, yes,” Luna stated a little nervously, glancing from side to side. “We can understand if thou do not wish to partake in this most forbidden act, but We assure you that We will also take care of your… needs.”

Rarity glanced down, averting her gaze. She hadn’t really expected this. At most, she had thought that the princess would have wanted to have her craft some beautiful piece of lingerie, but sex? She thought hard on it and came to the conclusion that she would do anything to help anypony in need, no matter the cost.

“So...what did you have in mind, princess?” Rarity asked as she started to feel the area between her hind legs moisten from excitement.

“Anything that you’re comfortable with, and I’ll make it worth your while… Please help me, Rarity, you’re my only hope,” Luna said, trembling as she felt her love juices start to seep out from her clenched hind legs. She tried to stem the flow from her engorged lower lips, but she couldn’t. Her body needed to be rutted, and rutted hard. She had already tried playing with herself, but that was nowhere close to the rutting that her body demanded of her.

Seeing that she was so desperately needed, the white unicorn looked at the needy alicorn, shaking from uncertainty. She was really to service the true princess of the night? What a fabulous honor! Tossing her mane, she lifted a dainty hoof onto the bed and lifted her ladylike body to rest on the majestic sheets of her mistress. Gazing intently into the eyes of her deprived princess, she sauntered forward across the large bed, swinging her sumptuous flank from side to side until she came within inches of the mistress of the moon.

With confident desire, she lifted a hoof to touch the luscious coat before her and ran it through the silky fur, the feeling sending a shock up through her foreleg. Luna was so soft, and she giggled slightly at her touch. She moved closer, as her hoof traveled from her side down towards her nethers below, making its steady trail to graze across her sensitive moon-cutie mark. The night princess moaned softly in pleasure as it lingered over it, and proceeded to glide over her butt. Rarity’s body touched hers and grinded against her barrel, even as her hood trailed down to rub all over her lovely rear.

Rarity shivered as she graced it. Luna’s ass was so smooth, so soft, so desirable. Rubbing across the huge pony flank quickly proved to be too much for even the ladylike unicorn. Slowly, with a sly smile, Rarity inched closer and closer to the hidden treasure between Luna’s lovely legs. Then, when she was a centimeter from her vulva, the doors of Luna’s bedroom suddenly burst open, revealing the huge form of the sun princess. Without any warning at all, Celestia swiftly conjured a massive black dildo, and lunging forth, she slapped Rarity hard in the face with it, shouting, “Nopony messes around with my sister but me!”

And Rarity flew out the window of Luna’s room from the force, knocked out cold.