Champions of Mareth

by SkyDreamer

First published

Rainbow Dash tries a Virtual Reality version of Corruption of Champions, unaware of what she's getting herself into.

The NeuronGear Headset, a breakthrough into true virtual reality gaming, has taken Equestria by storm. Everyone who is anyone has got one, and Rainbow Dash is definitely someone.

Having had her fill of the First-Person Shooters and Fighting games that she bought at launch, she decides to mix it up a little, and try out an RPG.

She really should've taken the time to read the box blurb more carefully.

A crossover with Corruption of Champions, a game by Fenoxo.
I'm not allowed to link to it due to site rules, but here's a website where you can find links to it.

You don't really need prior knowledge of the game though.

Come, let me initiate you...

Chapter 1 - Skipping the intro

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The demon quickly closes the distance between the two of us, throwing a kick to my ankles that knocks me off guard. I fall to the ground with a crash, but recover quickly, and manage to roll aside just in time to avoid the beast's body slam.

Leaping to my feet, I dash towards my opponent, flapping my wings to boost me up as I jump, launching a flying kick at the monster's head. It connects, and knocks him down to the floor, giving me a brief respite with which to glance at our health bars.

I bite my lip. That was the first damage I've managed to land on him, while my health is in its final quarter. It's going to be tough to make a comeback now, but if anyone can pull it off, it's Rainbow Danger Dash!

I dash towards him again, hoping to launch a combo that would keep him from retaliating. As I get close, however, he springs suddenly up from the ground, slamming both of his feet straight into my chest. I'm winded, but I manage to stay standing, and raise my arms up in a block as I see his fist flying straight me.

At the last second, his fingers uncurl, and he grabs me by the wrist. Whoa crap! Before I can react, he lifts me up into the air, and slams me into the ground like a mallet!

My body crumples up, and I watch the world fade to black, as my HP drops to zero.



"Argh, **** this ****!" I cry in frustration, slamming my fist into the "NO" hovering in front of my face. There is a sensation of wind rushing past me, and then I'm stood back in the Main Menu Zone. The MMZ in this particular game was designed to look like the rest area for competitors in the game's martial arts tournament.

Still fuming, I furiously swipe at the air. Nothing happens. I swipe again, even more furiously, and even more nothing happens. I try this a few more times, getting more and more furious, until I finally resign myself to calm down, take a deep breath, and flick the air in a calm, precise manner, that the system wouldn't misinterpret as an attack.

At last, the menu screen appears before my eyes, and I quickly tap the "Exit Game" button.

There is a brief sensation of falling, as all the lights rush away from me, and suddenly I'm on my back, lying in complete darkness. I reach up to my neck, undo the clasp, and slowly slide the helmet away from my face, placing it beside me on the bed.

Sitting up, I give my limbs a stretch, stiff as they are from lying immobile for so long. I'm still seething a little inside: I've played through the arcade mode for "Immortal Kombatants" dozens of times, but can never manage to beat that damn final boss.

I stand up, and do a few more stretches to loosen up my limbs, before walking over to the shelf where I keep my games. So far my collection was rather meagre; the system had only released last week after all. I thumb idly through the stack of boxes, looking for something relaxing that would quell my rage.

I'm still not sure what all the games I have actually are. It'd been chaos in the game stores on release, so my only option had been to grab whatever titles I could get my hands on, until they reached my budget cap.

I'd got hooked on "War Of Shooting" from the very start, but I'd finished the campaign now, and the multi-player was even more rage-inducing than the fighting game. So my remaining options were "Tony Gryphon's Professional Rollerblading", a skating sim where you tried to pull off complicated tricks, "Excellent Lettuce Gentleman", a platformer where you fell off the platforms more often than not, and "Champions of Mareth", an RPG, by the looks of things.

I pull the latter off of the shelf, and give the text on the back a skim read. It seems pretty generic: Fantasy world, wizards and demons, random encounters... All-in-all, your typical RPG.

Shrugging, I walk over to the NeuronGear, plug in the disc-drive attachment, and slip the disc in. RPGs were generally pretty relaxing affairs, after all, so why the hay not? On the bed, I see the lights in the headset spring on, and a loading bar appear on the outer display screen, showing the progress of installation.

Noticing a lull in activity, my stomach decides that now is the time to speak up, grumbling in disgruntlement. Figuring I have a wait ahead of me anyway, I wander away to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich.

Once I return, wiping the crumbs from my mouth, I notice the green light displaying on the headset, indicating that the installation had completed. Flopping back onto the bed, I unplug the disc drive, and push it out of the way, before slipping my head inside of the console and fastening the strap.

Once the strap is connected, the system flares into life, and I'm surrounded by the blue light of my desktop theme. The bed disappears from beneath me, and I start to plummet into the endless sky.

After a moment, the menu flashes up beside me, the icons rotating themselves to be in line with my head-first descent. I reach out, and tap the "Play" button in the games tab. A shining rift opens up beneath me, and I fall straight into it.

Flapping my wings, I prepare myself to land in the Main Menu Zone, but no ground presents itself. As far as I can tell, this area is just as empty as my sky desktop, with the difference being that I'm surrounded by sepia rather than blue, and there aren't any clouds for me to get my bearings on.

For a terrifying moment, I wonder if the NGear might have frozen up on me! I desperately wave at the air, and to my relief, the menu appears in front of me, presenting me with options.

Before me are the buttons for "New Game", "Instructions" and "Settings". I'm a "hop right in and learn as I play" kind of gamer, so I tap the "New Game" button straight away.

You grew up in the small village of Ingnam, a remote village with rich traditions, buried deep in the wilds. Every year for as long as you can remember, your village has chosen a champion to send to the cursed Demon Realm. Legend has it that-

Blah blah blah, I skim through the exposition text quickly. Stuff about famines, diseases and the like striking if they don't send the player through the portal into the game world.

This year, you have been selected to be the champion.

What is your name?

A keyboard flashes up beneath the screen. I ponder whether to give the character a cool name, but can't think of one that's cooler than "Rainbow Dash", so that's what I enter.

Are you a man or a woman?

Whoa, never had that choice before! I thought they hadn't manage to program gender-switching for this system yet. Wait, no, maybe it just can't tell what gender I am without me telling it. Sighing, I tap "woman".

You are a woman. Your upbringing has provided you an advantage in speed and intellect.

"Bullshit, I'd still be this awesome if I were a guy- oh, hey! This game doesn't have censoring. Frickin' sweet!"

What type of build do you have?

Slender Average Curvy Tomboyish

I think of my body, with my toned muscles and shrunken chest, which are perfectly fine with me by the way they make sports easier anyway so whatever!

I sigh, and click "Tomboyish".

It continues on like this for a while. Complexion? Light. Hair colour? Rainbow isn't an option, which isn't much of a surprise. They're probably keeping it back as an unlockable. I select red.

Every person is born with a gift. What's yours?

"Being awesome!" I declare, which of course isn't an option either. Some of the options that are there were rather peculiar, however: things like "Big Breasts" and "Wet Vagina".

"Holy crap, this game's got balls..." I muse.

I'm tempted to go for big breasts, just to see what they'd feel like. But I guess that it's probably a trap, to put players at a disadvantage by robbing them of precious Skill Points, so I instead select "Speed".

The next screen is similar, asking what the character's plans for life were before she became a champion. Since there are no "Become a Wonderbolt" or even "Athlete" options, I decide to go for my second love: "Slacking".

As soon as I press this final option, I feel my body change slightly. My hair feels tingly, and I grasp a lock of it to see that it's now turned a bright scarlet. My back feels lighter, as my chest suddenly gains weight, and I look down to see that, even with the tomboyish body selected, my breasts have still grown a little compared to those of my real body. I heft them in my hands, relishing in the way the soft flesh feels between my fingers.

Looking over the rest of my body, I seem to be mostly unchanged otherwise, although I do feel kinda sluggish. Glancing at the status bar that pops up on my HUD, I realise this is probably on account of my level 1 stats being so low. I'll have to do some serious grinding once I get into the game, it'd suck to not be able to move in the way I want to.

All of a sudden, my vision is bathed in a bright light, forcing me to shield my eyes. A brisk wind blows past me, and as I'm forced to take a step back, I realise that a coarse, uneven ground has risen up to meet my feet.

"Looks like the world's finally loaded," I grin.

As my eyes adjust, I can see that I'm stood on a clifftop or hill of some kind, overlooking a medium-sized village. To my right is a path leading downward, presumably toward the town. To my left, the path ascends even higher, overlooked by a dark, intimidating mountain.

"You are prepared for what is to come," a voice speaks into my ear suddenly, making me jump round, my guard raised. Strangely, there's no-one behind me, at least, no-one visible. I keep my guard up as I glance from side to side, my expression a mix of wariness and confusion.

"Most of the last year has been spent honing your body and mind to prepare for the challenges ahead," the voice continues. "You are the Champion of Ingnam. The one who will journey to the demon realm and guarantee the safety of your friends and family, even though you'll never see them again."

I sigh, relaxing my posture. It's just the narrator.

I cock my ear, waiting for him to continue, but am greeted with nothing but silence. He's probably waiting for me to proceed into the story, I guess.

I look around, pondering my next move. Left is generally the way to go for story in these games, which means that I should go right first, to look for treasure, naturally. I turn to my right, and begin to trek down the hill. However, my journey is cut short at the first corner, where I encounter an imposing wall of rock, that looks to have been formed by a landslide of some kind.

I frown, folding my arms. A move like this probably means there isn't any treasure to be had this early in the game... but, maybe the devs wanted to have different rewards accessible to different players? Most players couldn't climb this, but it poses no problem to me.

Grinning, I unfurl my wings, tense my body, and... release!

And then promptly fall flat on my face.

"Gahh, what the hay?!" I look back, trying to figure out why my wings aren't giving me any lift.

My wings...

Where are my wings?! They're gone!

"Are you freaking kidding me?!" I yell, fists curled. "After all that character creation, I'm forced to play as an Earth human?!"

I slam my fist into the rocks, feeling my earlier rage billowing back up. Focusing my mind, I take a deep breath, and turn to head back up the path. It's no big deal, I tell myself. I saw pegasi characters on the box, so I'll probably unlock my wings back soon.

After returning to my starting point, I continue on upwards, reaching a wide open courtyard situated atop the hill. To one side of it stands a large temple, adorned with all sorts of markings that seem to have some kind of spiritual significance. Outside of the main doors stands an elderly man, dressed in a long dark robe.

"You wipe away a tear as you enter the courtyard and see Elder Nomur waiting for you," the narrator continues. "You are ready."

I feel an odd sensation against my face, and reach up to brush it away. When my finger comes back wet, I roll my eyes, and shake it away, walking briskly over to the old guy.

"Hey there!" I hail him as I approach.

He says nothing, simply nodding his head in reply, before turning around and pushing open the temple doors, stepping swiftly into the darkness within.

I shrug, and jog to catch up with him, falling into step alongside the old guy as he proceeds quickly through the building.

Walking down the main corridor, we reach another ornate door at the opposite side of the temple, which Elder Nomur pushes aside without hesitation, showing a decent degree of strength for one so old.

I cast a longing look at the side-rooms that branch off into the temple, thinking of all the treasure that could be hiding in there. But the Elder shows no signs of stopping, stepping out into the daylight without so much as a backward glance. I sigh, and run to catch him up once again.

"The walk to the tainted cave is long and silent," the narrator states.

"Elder Nomur does not speak."

"There is nothing left to say."

"The two of you journey in companionable silence."

"Okay, okay, it's quiet, I get it!" I yell to the air at large. I cross my arms, tapping my finger in impatience. I want to get on with the game already, but as fast as this old guy is walking, it isn't fast enough.

I wonder if I could run on ahead. There's only one path, it's not like I'd get lost. There is a chance I'd need Nomur to open some more doors for me, but I could always just wait if that were the case.

Deciding to get the show on the road, I sprint ahead down the path, leaving Elder Nomur still walking amiably in my dust.

"Slowly the black rock of Mount Ilgast looms-"

" You shiver and glance at-"

"Despite his age-"

The narrator's lines keep getting cut off, as I pelt down the track. The large mountain does indeed loom in front of me, and after a while I can see the base of it coming into view. At the end of the path sits a large cave, the entrance adorned with large stalactites, making it resemble a monstrous mouth.

"The entrance of the cave gapes open, sharp stalactites hanging over the entrance, giving it the appearance of a monstrous mouth," the narrator reiterates.

I frown. This narrator is really breaking my immersion. It'd be fine if he were at least an amusing character, like the ones from Warphole or The Steve Story, but he isn't, he's just mundane!

I flick open my menu, and am greeted with a text-log of the narrator's lines. Down in the corner, I see a tick box entitled "Enable Narrator," which I promptly click off.

Closing the menu, I turn my attention back to the cave. Cracking my knuckles, I grin, and stride forward. Now THIS is a game! I'm really diving into the unknown here.

As I duck under the stalactites, I notice the air in the cave is stiflingly humid. I tug at the neckline of my beginner's equipment, my face quickly reddening with heat, which then travels further down my body, and seems to pool into my nether regions.

My breathing becomes ragged, as I can feel a dampness building between my thighs. I notice movement on my sidebar, and see that the stat below my HP bar, entitled "Lust", begins to slowly rise. I don't know if the devs made sex such a big part of the game for immersion purposes, or just to be pervy, but either way I don't care. It's a whole new level compared to what I had previously played, and I'm excited to see just how far they'll take it.

As I venture further into the cave, I become aware of a bright pink glow emanating from deep within. Other than a few stalactites, there are no real hazards within the cave, so within a few minutes I'm able to reach what appears to be the deepest level.

On the back wall stands the source of the light, a large purple-pink oval with a swirling, shifting pattern playing across its surface. I know a portal when I see one, and step towards it. For some reason, my body suddenly tenses itself up, as if in anticipation. For a few moments I stand stock still, expecting a surprise boss to pop-out, but nothing happens.

Shaking off my wariness, I focus my resolve, and leap towards the portal. As I come in contact with it, however, an incredible wave of vertigo suddenly knocks me from my senses, and I find myself unable to recover. Falling into a pink void, with no wings to stabilise myself, the dizziness overwhelms me, and I black out.

Chapter 2 - Welcome to Mareth

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As my mind drifts lazily across the sea of sleep, it finds itself floating close to the shores of consciousness. While it ponders whether or not to make port, the ocean suddenly gets choppy, and from the depths emerges my body, which picks up my mind and forcefully runs it aground with its storm of sensations.

"Ahhhh, fuuuuckk..." I groan, clutching at my aching head. Did I party hard last night or something? It feels like DJ Pon-3's hosting a rave inside my brain.

As I massage my temples, my other hand trails itself across my body and down to rub between my thighs. I'm amazed that I could still get such a crazy case of morning girl-wood with this awful pounding in my brain.

I roll onto my side, and feel something rough and sharp dig into my arm. Moving myself over a little, it dawns on me that the hard surface beneath me does not feel like my bed, nor is it a cloud. That doesn't leave many options that I can think of, so where the hay am I?

I blink open my eyes, and am greeted with blindingly bright sunlight. I must've slept until noon, at least. I shield my eyes, which gives me a clear view of the ground beneath me. It's rugged, rocky, and barren, and unlike anything you'd find within or around Ponyville. Just how wild a night did I have last night?

Just then, a shadow flits by overhead. A bird, or something? The sound of flapping wings emanates from nearby, and I get the feeling that it's hovering around me.

Begrudgingly, I look up, still squinting against the light. My eyes scan around the area slowly... I definitely have no clue where-

Holy fucking balls, what the shit is that?!

I leap to my feet, instantly wide-awake, and stagger back away from the creature floating in front of me. It seems to be some kind of small devil, kinda like the imps that I had to fight in-

Of course! I'm still playing that game! I must've blacked out when I jumped into that portal. Sneaky game devs.

I quickly slap my cheeks to wake myself up fully, and take another look at the creature I've encountered. It's definitely an imp of some kind, so it's probably low level. It's holding an empty glass vial in one hand, and has a surprised look on its face as it stares at me.

It- no, he, is pretty puny in most respects, with the one exception hanging between his legs. Wearing nothing on his body, his big, red, disproportionately-sized, throbbing, pulsing cock sways back and forth on full display. It's not even erect yet, and yet I imagine it could fill my virgin pussy all the way, with meat to spare, just as it is.

Just as I'm about to go and put this to the test, I freeze, and ask myself what the fuck I think I'm doing.

Well, why not, my libido reasons. It's only a game, I may as well test how "fleshed out" the devs have made our bodies.

But wait, my gamer's instinct cuts in. The combat music isn't playing, so this is probably a scripted event. I'm seeing "Bad End" written all over this guy, and then I'd have to go through the whole intro all over again!

Ohhh, fuck that, my laziness yells, I'mma fuck this guy up!

Taking up a combat stance, I focus, preparing to fuck this guy... up, definitely up.

As if reading my mind, the Imp suddenly chuckles. "I'm amazed you aren't already chasing down my cock, human. The last Champion was an eager whore for me by the time she woke up. This lust draft made sure of it." He smirks, and shakes his empty vial to emphasize his point.

A lust potion? So that explained why the party in my brain seemed to have moved down into my pants. Well, there was clearly only one thing to do in a situation like this...

"Diiiiicccckkkkk..." I cry, sprinting towards him, my eyes locked on his swaying member.

He smirks, and spreads his arms wide, beckoning me to embrace him. As I approach him, I stretch out my arm, reaching for his long shaft. My fingers find purchase, wrapping themselves around his throbbing cock, and his cocky grin widens in victory.

"Atttttaaaaccckkkkk!" I finish, my grip tightening mercilessly. I watch with satisfaction as his smug expression immediately switches to one of utter horror, and it's my turn to grin cockily. I yank on his shaft, and his body has no choice but to get pulled along like a ragdoll behind it, as I swing him round and round above my head.

After listening to his screams gradually climb higher and higher in pitch, I eventually release my grip, flinging the imp off into the distance. His wings start beating at the top of his arc, and he hovers in the sky, a safe distance away from me.

"FOOL!" he yells, or more accurately squeaks, his hands massaging his member. "You could have had pleasure unending... but should we ever cross paths again you will regret humiliating me! Remember the name Zetaz, as you'll soon face the wrath of my master!"

I watch as he flies away into the distance. There's no quest log popping up about this Zetaz, so I assume this game doesn't have those. Wondering what it does have, I open up the menu.

Now that the intro's over, the narrator's text-log has disappeared, and in its place are the typical bunch of options: Stats, Perks, Character, Inventory, Save & Exit.

I open up the inventory, and see one item already listed, entitled "Camp Gear". I press it, and a tent springs into life beside me with a poof. I can hear a few more poofs popping up around the area as well.

Finally taking the time to properly survey my surroundings, I notice the portal I came through nestled amongst some nearby rocks. The pink glow from it mixed with the light from the crimson-red sky gives the ground an eerie glow, although I'm not sure the dirt isn't just red on its own anyway.

Deciding to explore, I take a step forward, and my thighs brush together, sending a shiver up my spine. My arms hug themselves around my belly, and my hand comes to rest on my newly-enhanced breast.

...Okay, exploring can wait. I have to know if the game will let me go all the way with this.

I slip behind some nearby rocks, feeling a little awkward about doing this out in the open. But I remind myself it's just a game, and quickly strip out of my comfortable clothes.

Leaning back against the rock, I cup both of my B-cup breasts in my hands, giving them a soft squeeze. Mmmm, fuck, so this is why everyone raves about bigger breasts! Although, I guess these'd still be small to most people...

Still massaging my breast with my left hand, I slide my right slowly down across my belly, before letting it roam across the lips of my pussy. My inner muscles clench with desire, my cunt aching like never before.

I quickly oblige it, sliding two fingers into my depths, pounding them in and out rapidly while my thumb strokes against my clit. Fuck, this feels just as good as doing it in reality... no, better! After just a few minutes, my body is already teetering on the brink of orgasm.

My fingers brush against my G-spot, and it throws me over the edge, my back arching as my pussy contracts tightly around my fingers. I let out a loud moan, mashing my hand into my breast, as my toes curl up and scrape across the ground.

Finally, my body collapses back, my breathing ragged.

"Shit..." I think aloud, pulling my fingers free of my depths. "And that was just at forty Lust... I can't wait to see how much crazier this game can make it..."

And then I close my eyes, laying my head back on the rock, and drift off into a contented nap, smelling of sex.

Chapter 3 - Exploring

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A chill wind blows over my body, making me shiver, and shaking me from my slumber. I quickly reach out and grab my clothes, slipping my shirt onto my chest and huddling into it for warmth.

As I stand up to put my pants on, I realise how gross I feel: my fingers and thighs are still caked in my drying fluids. Looking around, I spy a river over by the edge of the camp, and jog over to it, carrying my bottoms along with me. Placing them by the riverside, I slip my shirt back off and lay it down beside them, before tentatively stepping into the water.

It's cold! Although, I'm not really sure what else I was expecting from it. Washing myself quickly, I hop out, and it's then that I realise I don't have anything to dry myself with.

The sun is starting to dip below the horizon, making the red tint of the sky look normal for once. If I try to drip-dry, I'll probably still be wet come night time, and then my character'll probably freeze to death.

Looking around for anything to use, I glance towards my tent. Maybe the camp gear came with a towel? It's a long shot, but I jog over to the tent and step inside.

It doesn't seem to be one of those bigger-on-the-inside deals, just a regular tent. On the floor lies a bedroll, and- yes, a towel! I grab it, and quickly dry myself off.

After I'm done, the towel doesn't seem to be any less dry or warm than it was before. I guess it's so that laundry doesn't become an integral part of the game. Speaking of which, I dash back to the riverside and grab my clothes, slipping into them quickly.

Now then, what to do? The clock on my sidebar says that it's about seven pm. There still oughta be time to explore before the night mobs come out.

Taking another look around, I realise that the campsite is sunken into the ground compared to the surrounding area. There are shallow inclines all around the perimeter, and while these won't really act like a barricade, at least they presumably make the camp harder to spot.

I head over to the side with the shallowest slope, and climb up the incline to get a look around. The campsite sits in what appears to be a wasteland, with nothing but dirt and rocks as far as I can see.

Which isn't actually all that impressive, since the render distance is tiny! I can see to about a hundred feet, and then the world just becomes enshrouded in fog! That's ridiculous! Ahh, but all right then, I'll play your game. Let's embark on the mission to solve the mystery of what's hiding a minute's walk away, shall we?

Marching off in a random direction, I almost don't spot the dark object lying on the ground in time. Flinching away as it snaps closed, its fangs crunching into the air where my leg was a moment ago, I bend down to examine the bear trap.

This must be what all those other poofs were from before, I realise. Looking around, I see that there are indeed a bunch more traps scattered around the camp. Not that they'd really do much against demons that can fly, of course.

Watching my step carefully, I manage to complete my journey away from the camp. Taking another look at my surroundings, I can see the semi-circle where my draw distance ends marked out with fog. Around me are a few patches of grass and some desiccated trees, which I can thankfully at least see to the top of. Maybe the render distance isn't limited upwards? I could see the imp in the sky, after all.

Turning back around, I notice that I can still see the light coming from my camp. Frowning, I decide to experiment. Taking care to avoid all the traps, I sprint back over to the campsite, and look round.

The trees that were just around me are now visible from here, the semicircle of fog remaining unmoved.

This isn't render distance, it's friggin' fog of war! The game just won't let me see a place 'til I've been there!

Okay, there's gotta be a point to this, I think, tapping my finger against my arm. Maybe you start off only being able to see wasteland, so that once you can see all the beautiful areas of the game from here, you'll appreciate them more? Way to bank on your players caring enough to get that far, game devs.

Well, there's no real sense in stopping after playing this far, so I guess I'll try to map out as much of the area as I can. With this in mind, I traipse determinedly off in a random direction.

The clock ticks over to eight pm, and I still haven't found anything. Well, I doesn't feel like it's been a real-time hour, but still.

Looking behind me, there fog forms a weird corridor leading to my camp. Maybe I should head back and try a different direction? It'd suck if I'd accidentally chose the way of endless wasteland.

All right, five more minutes, then I'll head back to camp. I turn to face forward once more, and... see my campsite straight in front of me!

"Aww c'mon, I looped round?" I cry, incredulous. I turn to look back once more, and see that the view behind me has radically changed. There is now a wall of fog in that direction, and my footprints appear out of nowhere a few steps back.

What's going on? Is this some kind of maze level? Or... wait, I got sent back to camp just as I was thinking about it!

I slap my palm into my forehead, incredulous. "Who in the hay maps the fast travel button onto just thinking about the place?!"

Well, at least there's fast travel at all. Given how big this waste seems to be, trekking back here all the time would not sound like fun.

Okay, one more time! Choosing a direction perpendicular to the path I had just cut through the fog, I set off again, determined to find some actual gameplay in this game.

After about another game-time hour of walking, I'm starting to think that maybe the entire game is just an empty wasteland, without even any monsters roaming around it. Tempted to just give up and go play Excellent Lettuce Gentleman instead, I open the menu, and hover over the Save & Exit button.

Oddly enough, it's grayed out. I give it a press, and a message appears beside it.

Can only save in safe areas

Yeesh, I guess I have to be back at the camp then. Well, it's not like it's so hard to get to. I just need to visualise it, and- hey, what's that?

A cool breeze suddenly brushes against my face, carrying the rich scent of pines and damp grass. I turn to walk against the wind, following the smell to its source, and find that the dry wastes suddenly give way to lush foliage, with huge trees climbing up into the sky, their bases surrounded by dense shrubs and vines.

As I gaze around at this, a message pops up in the corner of my HUD.

You have discovered the Forest!

Awesome, finally some progress! I'm about to step into the plant life, but pause, and look back down the path of fog behind me. It occurs to me that once I explore more area, I might lose this path, and with it the way to the forest. Unless I can fast travel here, I should mark out some kind of route.

Closing my eyes, I think about the campsite. A moment of dizziness passes over me, but it passes quickly, and I open my eyes to see that I've returned to camp.

"All right, now to see if I can get back there!" I close my eyes again, and picture the forest I was just in front of. I open my eyes, and... haven't moved. Great.

Oh, wait, hang on, a message just popped up in my HUD.

Cannot fast travel at night

Ahh, I guess it has gotten a bit dark. The sun's completely set now, and the sky is currently lit up by a creepy, blood-red moon.

Well, at least I know fast travelling there is an option now. Since the game doesn't seem to want me to do anything else right now, I may as well let my character sleep.

Heading over to my tent, I slip inside, and look around to see if pyjamas were also included in the camp kit. Sadly, this doesn't seem to be the case.

Oh well, I guess I can just sleep naked. I quickly slip out of my comfortable clothes, making sure the door on the tent is folded shut, and climb into the bedroll. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I feel my mind drift off into a relaxed slumber.

I step out of my tent, yawning, and stretch my arms above my head, basking in the morning sun. This game's really good at simulating sleep, it seems.

Realising that I'm still naked, I quickly dress back into my comfortable clothes, and walk to the edge of camp, wondering how to proceed.

I could explore more of the waste, hoping to find another location, but I was bored sick of that from yesterday. No, for now I'm going to do something actually interesting, and check out that forest.

I try to picture the lush trees in my head, and smile as I feel the world shift once again. It seems to be making me less dizzy each time it happens, too.

I open my eyes, and before me is rich greenery. My fast travelling seems to have spawned me at a different area of the forest than I was previously at, since I don't remember there being such a clear opening, with its own dirt path, no less, presenting itself when I first encountered it.

Oh well, no skin off my nose. I crack my knuckles, and step into the dark shadows of the forest.

Chapter 4 - The Forest

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The forest gets pretty dark as I venture inside, the sun still hanging low enough in the sky to cast long shadows from every vine and tree.

I follow the path for a while, but it gradually becomes harder to keep track of, as the foliage starts getting thicker and denser, slowly enveloping the track.

At one point, I have to fight my way through a giant thornbush that had grown onto the path, and by the time I come out onto the other side, the route is nowhere to be found.

I look around, trying to decide how best to proceed from here, and spot an area that seems to be more brightly lit than its surroundings. I head towards it, and come out into a wide clearing, the canopy overhead parting to let in the sun.

As I step out into the open space, I feel a squelch underfoot, and flinch back instinctively. Looking down, I see that the grass appears to be slick with some kind of sticky fluid.

Just then, something flies past my head, and I only narrowly manage to dodge away from it. My eyes follow it, and I see the grass where it landed now has a fresh coating of whatever fluid this is supposed to be.

Tracing back along its arc, I look up, and see a particularly large vine hanging above my head. It's lumpy, and appears to be... throbbing? Its tip is slick with yet more of that strange fluid.

Like one of those optical illusions falling into place, I jump back as I realise the vine looks exactly like a dick!

I look deeper into the clearing, and see a lot more of these dick-vines hanging around the place. What's more, on the ground, there are flowers growing, whose petals form the perfect shape of a vagina.

I place my hand on the trunk of a nearby tree, leaning on it as I look on, incredulous. At this point, I can't even work out what the devs were thinking... did they just want to have a game filled with as many dicks as possWHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ON MY HAND?

I pull my hand away from the tree, and wipe it quickly on my shirt. The trunk that I was leaning on seems to have started leaking dark sap from... what looks like a nipple, of course.

Nope. Just... nope. Screw this, this is way too weird, I'm outta here. I don't even care if there's treasure in the middle of this grove, it can just stay there. There've gotta be less weird parts of the forest to explore.

Ducking quickly aside from another shot of vine-cum, I hurry quickly away in the direction I came from.

After a while of trudging through the bushes, I manage to find the path again, or at least a path, and the journey goes back to being uneventful.

Just as I'm starting to wonder if this like one of those artsy games where all you do is walk, from out of nowhere the background music changes from a relaxing melody to a dramatic anthem. I hear rustling in some nearby bushes, and hop over to the other side of the path, crouching into a fighting pose. Could this finally be some combat?

The bush across from me explodes into a shower of leaves, as a red blur bursts out from within. It comes to a halt a few feet away, and a text bubble appears above its head.

Imp (Level 1)

It's similar to the imp I encountered in the intro, but not identical. It's only a few feet tall, with tiny wings on its back, that somehow manage to keep it airborne. Unlike the other imp, this one actually has a loincloth around his waist, though the bulge of his shaft is still unmistakable. His hands are tipped with sharp claws that look like they could do some serious damage in reality, but they'll probably be played down here. He's only level 1, after all.

The two of us stand eyeing each other for some time, and since it doesn't look like he's about to make the first move, I figure I may as well take the initiative.

I dash quickly towards him, raising my fist and slamming it square into his chest. A large "8" pops out of him, and his HP bar decreases a little.

He seems rather unfazed by the attack, and is quick to retaliate with one of his own, swiping at me with his claws. He's small and fast, and manages to get around my block pretty easily, raking his claws across my stomach.

His claws aren't sharp enough to even tear my shirt, let alone my skin, but it stings nonetheless, and my HP is reduced by 11. I raise my arms, expecting him to continue his assault, but surprisingly he's retreated back to hovering about a foot away, eyeing me carefully.

I'm briefly confused. Why did he stop his assault halfway through? It then dawns on me that this could be the game trying to mimic turn-based combat. If that's so, then the enemies probably only actually move once I move.

Pfft, this'll be even easier than I thought then. Even if his attacks do more damage, I just have to avoid his retaliations and I'll be good.

"All right, here I come!" I yell, charging at him again. My fist connects with his jaw, knocking him for eleven. I jump back, preparing for his counter, but I don't make it as far as I'd expected. Stumbling, I'm left completely vulnerable, and the imp takes full advantage of this, slashing his claws across my boobs.

Gah, this body is too slow! I'm not used to having my stats reduced like this. If I were my normal awesome self, I coulda kicked this guy's ass three times over by now.

Ah well, all part of the grind I guess. I suck it up, and come at him once more.

Boom, critical hit, right in his dick! I watch in satisfaction as his HP drops rapidly, only remembering at the last second to defend myself. I recoil, expecting him to be right up in my face by now, but instead he's just hovering in place. Did I stun him? No, he's moving... he's just swinging his arms back and forth in weird patterns.

Whatever he's doing, he seems to complete it pretty quickly. His hands join together in front of him, with his index fingers pointed straight at me. The tips of his fingers glow pink, and my body suddenly feels really warm. Especially between my thighs... it reminds me of the warmth I felt back in the cave.

Crap, that must've been some kind of spell! I see that my Lust bar had risen to about one-fifth full after that. I'll have to be careful not to let him hit me with that too many more times... I'd probably go crazy if it filled up completely.

After that last attack, he's already more than half-dead. I crack my knuckles, shake off the dirty thoughts that are trying to creep into my head, and launch myself at him once more.

It takes three more attacks to completely bring the imp down, but in the end I emerge the victor, his body crumpling to the ground in an unconscious heap.

A text box appears in front of me, detailing my winnings.

You gain 18xp!
You find 5 gems on your defeated foe's unconscious body and pocket them.
There is an Incubi draft on your defeated opponent. You place an Incubi draft in your first pouch.

All in all, not a bad haul for a level one opponent. These guys should make for some easy levelling-up for now.

I'm tempted to go look for some more, but this one managed to hit me with a bunch of those arousal spells before I could take him out, filling my Lust up by more than half. This could be a hindrance if I don't get it taken care of... and besides, it's making me really want to masturbate again.

I picture the campsite in my head, and watch this time as the world flows past me, bringing me to my destination. Once I arrive, I quickly slip down behind the same rocks as before, disrobe, and get straight to playing with my pussy, pushing two fingers inside myself right from the get-go, sliding them as deep as I can 'til I feel them bump up against my cherry. As I vigorously pound my cunt with my one hand, the other gives attention to my breasts, roughly tweaking and pinching my nipples.

Going like this, it doesn't take me long to reach orgasm, my moans so loud it's a wonder I don't attract any mobs. After taking the time to bask in the afterglow, I stand up, clean myself off in the river, and slip back into my clothes.

At this point, I wonder how long I've actually been playing for. I've been unconscious several times so far, and it's difficult to tell how long I was out for in each of those times.

It's probably not been that long, but regardless, I should probably take a break. Flicking open the menu, I hit Save & Exit. A little circle spins as it saves, and then I feel the world rush away from me, as I fall back into my horizontal body.

Unclipping the helmet, I sit up, stretching out my limbs. Glancing at the clock, I see that I've been playing for about two and a half hours, which is about what it felt like.

My throat is telling me it needs a drink, so I get up, brushing a strand of red hair away from my face, and head off to the kitchen. As I pour myself a glass of water, I look out the window, and contemplate going for a fly. Video games are great and all, but they won't make me a Wonderbolt any time soon.

Come to think of it, maybe I should start lying on my side or something when I'm using the NGear. My wings still feel completely numb from where I've been resting on them. I try giving them a flap, but they don't seem to even want to respond.

All right, that was enough lying around for now, time for some serious exercises! Downing the water, I head back into my bedroom, slip out of my pyjama trousers, throw on my tracksuit, and head out the door.

Standing in my yard, I decide to try some warm-ups to help wake up my wings. A couple hundred laps round my house oughta do the trick!

Forty-nine laps in, and I'm already wheezing, my jogging reduced down to slower than Tank's walk. As I complete the fiftieth, I collapse, falling back onto my butt, with my palms on the cloud to support me.

What the hay is wrong with my body? Is this what just a week using the NGear does to me? I'd got sucked into other gaming systems before this, and had never fallen into a state this bad.

My body is pouring with sweat, and I manage to crawl back inside the house, dragging myself to the bathroom to take a cold shower. As I enter the room, I happen to glance across to the mirror above the sink... and freeze. My blood turns cold, as the reflection gazes back at me in horror.

The reflection that is me, and yet not me. The reflected me, with her purely bright-red hair, who has no wings upon her back.

Chapter 5 - The reality

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I pace frantically around my living room, my hands clutching at my head. What the hay was going on?! It's like I've really turned into my character from that game!

I stop. Could it be that I'm still inside the NGear? Could it simulate me waking up and walking around my house? No no no no, I don't want to think about that, that opens up a whole can of existential worms. Besides, how would it know what my house looks like?

No, it had to be something else. The headset had somehow transformed my real-life body into this weak, red-headed, non-flying body. It was some kinda freaky magic!

Of course, Twilight! If it's a magical problem, she's the one I should go and see. If anyone knows how to get my body back to normal, it'll be her.

Still in my exercise clothes, I run to the front door, sprint to the edge of the cloud, and then stagger back as I look down, remembering my situation just in time to avoid trying to take off.

Suddenly, living in a cloud several yards off the ground doesn't seem quite so smart.

Okay then, if I can't go to her, then I'll have to get her to come to me! I jog back up to my bedroom, sit myself in my computer chair, and am greeted with an empty desk. Of course, I sold my PC to pay for the NeuronGear!

Well, if email's out, then I'll just have to call her! After spending several minutes hunting around for my mobile, I flip up the lid, and... the screen remains black. Dammit, the battery's dead! I don't think I've ever actually owned the charger for this... I'd normally just let the battery sit inside a thundercloud for a few minutes, but obviously going to get one isn't really an option right now.

I start pacing again. Surely there's got to be some way of getting in touch with her? If I could just get down to the ground... the ground... Of course!

I run back outside, lean over the side of the cloud, and shout down at the top of my voice, "TAAAAAAANNNNK!"

I wait. And wait. And wait some more. Eventually I decide that I should go take a shower, so I do that, changing into my normal day clothes as I come back. I sit back on the cloud, and wait. And wait.

Finally, I hear the whirring of propellers, and the tortoise comes into view.

"Tank, c'mon, get up here!" I call, though I can't really tell if he increases his speed at all. After another few minutes, he finally draws level with the house, and he gives me a smile. Which quickly changes into a confused stare. That's about the fastest I've ever seen him react to anything!

"Tank, it's me, Rainbow! I know I look weird right now, that's because something really weird happened to me. Anyway, long story short, I lost my wings, so I need you to carry me over to Twilight's place, kay?" As I say this, I reach up and grab his shell, pulling him above my head. "Try taking off here, so we can see if you can lift me," I tell him.

He's still giving me a confused glare. But after a few minutes, my words seem to finally catch up in his brain, and his usual smile returns. He nods, and without any apparent effort, starts to ascend. I feel my feet lifting off of the cloud, and I make sure to cling on tight to his shell.

"Woo, all right Tank! C'mon then, let's go!"

Albeit with his usual slowness, Tank begins to move forwards. I look down as the cloud drifts away from beneath me, and watch as we float over the houses of Ponyville.

It suddenly dawns on me that if I were to lose my grip on Tank, I would fall, and possibly die! I feel helpless, and for the first time in my life, the height scares me.

This must be what it's like to be Fluttershy.

I quickly turn my head back upwards, and try to distract myself by making small talk with Tank. "So, uh, I guess this'll be the second time you've carried me in my time of need, huh? Guess that means I owe you two now!" He gives me one of his big, slow grins, his cheeks lighting up, and I feel mine do the same as I think about how lucky it was that I chose him as my pet. I doubt a falcon would be able to comfortably carry me anywhere.

Although it could probably take a letter. In fact, so could Tank. Y'know, maybe I should've though of that first.

Well, it was too late to turn back now. The house is already above us, indicating that we were losing altitude fast. It wasn't much of a surprise: Tank might be strong, but it was the propellers that were keeping him in the air, and they weren't designed for a full-grown human, even if I do have a pegasi's lighter bone structure.

In fact, at this rate, I'm not sure we'll get to Twilight's before we reach the ground. I don't want to end up drawing attention to myself in this shape by landing in the middle of town, so I tell Tank to just slowly lower me to the ground instead, and I'll take it from there.

We reach the ground a few minutes later. Tank does down a lot faster than he does up. I let go of his shell, my arms burning: I doubt they could have held my weight all the way to Twilight's like this, so it's doubly a good thing I changed my plan.

I thank Tank, giving him a quick Eskimo kiss once I'm sure no-one's looking, and then run off in the direction of the library.

It takes a while to get there, as I skirt round the edges of the town, ducking behind shrubberies whenever I see someone who might know me, which incidentally is everyone. But finally, I make it to the street across from the Golden Oaks Library.

Standing in an alleyway, I press my back to the wall. It feels weird to not have my wings between me and something behind me, but I bear with it. If I get seen now, I'll lose all my reputation.

Making sure the coast is clear, I sprint across the road, and dive into the bush beside the library. Am I good? I think I'm good. I look both ways again, just to be sure.

"Um, can I help you?"

I jump as the voice comes from behind me, and spin round. Twilight has pushed open the ground-floor window just above the hedge, and is staring at me in confusion.

"Wait, Rainbow, is that you?"

"Shhh!" I hiss, diving through the window. Frankly, I don't think either of us were quite expecting me to do that, so Twilight and I kind of land together on the library floor in a crumpled mess. In a perfect world, my head would have had a soft landing upon her boobs, but alas, I instead end up braining myself on the hardwood floor.

"Gahh!" I yell, clutching my forehead as I sit up quickly. I hear Twilight cry in similar pain, and I extend my palms towards her, in the universal gesture of apology. In a perfect world, my hands would have ended up grabbing onto her boobs, but instead I just end up with one hand ramming into her face, my thumb going up her nostril, and the other getting caught in her hair.

Realising that I'm still sat astride her lap, I quickly get to my feet, and offer her a hand up. "Sorry, sorry!" I repeat over and over, as Twilight slowly gets to her feet, clutching the back of her head.

I hear a clatter, and spot Spike, Twilight's baby dragon, doubled over on the floor, clutching his stomach as his body shakes with laughter.

"Rainbow, what exactly is going on?" Twilight asks. Her hand has moved from clutching her head to rubbing it, and she seems to have mostly recovered from the ordeal that just happened. "You've changed your hair, and... oh Celestia, what happened to your wings?!"

"Yeah, that's uh, kinda what I came over to talk about," I tell her, closing the window that I entered through. "It's a long story..."

Twilight listens, enraptured, as I tell her about the game, and my experiences with it in the NGear. I leave out most of the sexual stuff, since even though Twilight's one of my best friends, there's only certain kinds of best friends who won't actually mind hearing about their friends' masturbation habits.

"So basically," Twilight says once I finish, taking a sip of her coffee, "you created a character in this game, and now your real body has been transformed into this character?"

"Exactly!" I nod enthusiastically. "This's gotta be some kind of magic! Please Twilight, you've gotta help me!"

She folds her arms, leaning back in her chair, and seems to go into deep thought for a while.

Just as I'm about to check that she's still awake, her eyes suddenly spring back open, and she stands up. "...All right, I think I have an idea. Follow me."

She heads up the stairs, leading me to her private living area of the library. In the corner of her bedroom, I spot a familiar-looking box.

"Whoa, I didn't know you had an NGear too!" I run over to it, and take a closer look. This is no ordinary NeuronGear, this is one of the Gold limited edition ones. The box looks to be unopened.

"Princess Celestia sent me that," Twilight informed me, "saying it could be useful for research purposes. At first I thought she was just testing to see how I focused I could stay on my studies with distractions like that around, but now I guess it will have some practical use."

The box lifts itself up suddenly, caught in Twilight's trademarked purple aura. She quickly undoes all of the packaging, far faster than anyone could do it by hand, and pulls the helmet out of the box. Along with it comes the instruction manual, which she quickly flicks through.

"Ah, you want me to help you set that up?" I ask.

"No need," Twilight tells me, closing the booklet. "Apparently Gold editions come pre-set-up. See?" She taps a button on the side, and the lights flare into life. "Now come on, slip your head in here."

"All right, if you think it'll help..." I'm not sure where Twilight's going with this, but follow along anyway, laying down on her bed and slipping the helmet over my face. I reach up to fasten the strap, but she stops my hand with hers.

"We don't need you to Deep-Dive for this, just keep the helmet on your head," she says. I peek through the visor, and see her horn start to glow brightly, indicating that she's building up some serious magic.

"Okay, now since the NGear apparently has the ability to transform your body, I'm going to try and use this feature to return you to your original form. Just hold still."

I'm about to nod, then realise, and keep my head still on the pillow. Nothing seems to happen for a few minutes, and then before I even notice it, I'm being shaken awake, hearing Twilight's voice in my ear.

"Rainbow Dash... Rainbow Dash!"

"Huh, wzzt?" I grunt, my eyelids flickering open. I see Twilight leaning over me, a concerned expression on her face.

Once she sees that I'm awake, her face quickly softens, as she breathes a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness, I thought something might have gone wrong!"

"Whhen did I fall asleep?" I mutter, rubbing my eyes.

She simply smiles. "It was all part of the process. Now come on, there's someone you should meet." Taking my hand in hers, she pulls me up from the bed, and drags me over to her dresser. Planting me in front of her mirror, she spreads her arms and cheers "Ta-da!"

In front of me... is me! Good old me, with my rainbow hair, my toned muscles, my regrettably flat chest, and my awesome wings! Oh Celestia, I have never been happier to see these babies than I am right now.

I pounce on Twilight, wrapping my arms around her in an overly-excited hug. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you! Twilight, you're a life saver!"

"Easy, Rainbow, you're welcome!" Twilight laughs, hugging me back.

After a minute, I let go of her, and run over to the nearest window. "Got to go, I've got a lot of flying to catch up on!" With that, I throw the window open, and take off, reveling in the feeling of the wind rushing past my face.

"Hahahaha, I'm awesome again!" I cheer, to the world at large.

After about half an hour of getting awesomeness out of my system, I land back at my house, and consider my options.

On the one hand, that game is bad news, since it messes with my body. On the other, it's actually pretty fun, and since this might become a common feature in other NGear games at some point anyway, I probably shouldn't worry too much about it.

Now that I know Twilight can fix it, there's not too much to worry about. The trouble is getting to Twilight when I need her...

Light bulb.

Of course, it was so simple! This was one of the reasons I decided to live on a cloud in the first place, after all.

Flying round to the back of the house, I find the seam where the two clouds that make up my home meet, and slide my hands into the gap. With a little pushing, the two split apart, and start to float away from each other.

One of the clouds holds my rainbow fountain, and I quickly reach out to grab this one. I don't want it moving about dripping spicy-hot rainbows all around Ponyville, after all.

After I'm sure that it's fixed in place, I fly over to my house, and with a little exertion, start to push it over in the direction of the library.

It might be big, but it's still just a cloud, after all.

"Uh, Rainbow, what're you doing?" Spike asks, a serious look of confusion on his face, as he watches me adjust the placement of my house above the library.

"Oh, don't mind me Spike," I call down to him. "Just moving house is all."

Once I'm satisfied that it's where I want it, I reach down to my belt, and grab the coil of rope that I borrowed from AJ on the way here. Tying one end to one of the pillars by my front door, I let the other end trail over the edge of the cloud, dangling down until it's just a little way off from the library's top-story balcony.

"Awesome, now that I've got my safety line, I can dive back in!"

I head back up to my bedroom, pull off my t-shirt and socks, flop back onto the bed, and grasp my helmet.

I hesitate for a moment: Do I really want to risk going back to being unawesome? But Twilight fixed me, and she made it seem like it was simple, so she can do it again, right?

I'm wary, but the call of all of the unexplored possibilities that the game offers, both in terms of the world and new sexual experiences, are too tempting to chicken out on. I steel my resolve, put the helmet on my head, and fasten the strap.

Chapter 6 - Taking inventory

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I step out of the tent with a yawn, awakening from my nap. Having to come back to camp for rest and masturbation after every imp fight is pretty time consuming, but that's just the way RPGs work at first, I guess.

I close my eyes, and flash back to the forest once more. Once again I'm at a different part of it. It's almost like the game is trying to stop me from learning my way around the place.

There's no path this time, so I just have to force my way through the undergrowth. Unable to see where I'm putting my feet, I end up tripping on an exposed root, tumbling face-first into the ground.

My forehead feels like it smacks straight into a rock, and I clutch at it in agony. For about the dozenth time today, I curse at my character's low durability and capacity for movement.

I push against the rock for support as I try to stand, but slip straight back down as it slides away from me. As I wipe dirt from my face once more, I blink open my eyes, and get a good look at this boulder that's been causing me so much trouble.

To my surprise, I'm instead greeted with what looks like a piece of some kind of armour. It's coloured a deep black, with a gold border around the edge. Reaching over, I pick it up, and examine it more closely. Here and there, there seem to be bits of some sort of yellow fuzz stuck onto it.

Is this a shield or something? If so, lucky! It's pretty lightweight, and my head can attest to its toughness.

I give it a tap, and a name appears beneath it.

Large shard of chitinous plating

Bah, it's just an ingredient. Figures the game wouldn't just hand over a shield to me like that. Oh well, I'll hang on to this, it could come in handy later.

I tap the chitin against the item pouch hanging by my belt, and it fragments into a glowing-blue dust, which is promptly sucked inside the bag.

Now that I think about it, I haven't really looked at the other items I've picked up yet. I give the pouch another tap, and the contents pop-up in front of me, floating ethereally.

Aside from the chitin, I'm greeted with two potions, both dropped by imps. "Incubi Draft" and "Succubi Milk", huh? I don't recognise either of those words, and the item descriptions don't really shed much light on what they do either.

"Maybe they're like this game's HP and MP potions?" I hazard a guess. It was either that or buffs, and what kind of buffs drop from level ones? Yeah, that must be what they do.

Well, I don't need either of them right now, regardless, so I close up my inventory again, and continue on my way.

Another imp down, and once more I'm forced to head back to camp to work off my built-up lust. I didn't think it was possible to turn masturbation into a chore, but this game found a way.

Come to think of it, that guy dropped another one of those potions just now... since I have a spare, maybe I should take the opportunity to test out what they do? Trying to experiment in battle could end up leaving me wide open, after all.

Tapping open my inventory, I grab one of the two bottles of succubi milk from out of the air, and pop the cork. Inside is some kind of creamy milk drink, and the aroma it gives off once opened smells totally delicious.

Putting it to my lips, I take an experimental swig. It tastes even better than it smells! In fact, I think it might taste better than anything, ever! I quickly chug it down, draining the bottle to its last drop, and lick my lips in satisfaction once I'm done. I'm really glad I have two of these things now. This just made imp-killing a whole lot more rewarding.

Suddenly, my centre of balance shifts a little, and I stagger forward. Was that drink alcoholic? No... I don't feel light-headed.

I look down, and my eyes nearly pop out of my head, as I watch my breasts visibly increase in size, rising like loaves of bread. My nipples start to ache, and I bring my fingers up to rub them through my shirt. As I do, I can feel them increasing in size as well, to match my newly-inflated tits.

After a few more seconds, they stop, my extra chest-meat having made itself comfortable in its new home. It's now that I notice I can feel a tingling in my face as well.

Bringing up the character window from the menu, I'm greeted with a full-length mirror, and I can see my changes look even stranger than they feel! My face has gone a bit girly, like Rarity was trying to give me a makeover but I managed to escape half-way. And my boobs have gone from B-cup all the way up to DD!

This is so weird... it's like I'm a model or something. This isn't who I am... I've always been one of the guys. I never even really felt all that envious of the pretty girls, I mean what was so great about being pretty anyway?

But, I must admit, now that I'm experiencing it myself, I do kinda like it.

And I have got to find out how it feels to really play with these things!

Sliding into my usual spot behind the rock, I pull off my shirt, which is now clinging to my body rather more snugly, and let my new boobs pop free.

"Ahhhhh!" I can't hold back my voice as I squeeze them in my hands, they feel so tender! I can't even fit a whole one in my palm! I slide my hands over and around them, massaging different parts, finding the softest spots, which elicit yet more moans from me.

I bring my fingers up to my nipples, but they're so sensitive they almost hurt! I gently rub them, moving my fingers softly back and forth along their new length. They harden up, and it makes them way more noticeable than it used to.

Finally I can't take it any more, and I drag my pants from my body, quickly thrusting my fingers into myself, pushing myself to my release.

As I cum, my back arches, and my breasts flop back up my body. They're so close to my face, I can't help but lean up, and run my tongue along as much of my skin as I can reach.

The feeling is electric, and it only makes me cum harder, my pussy clenching so tight around my fingers it's almost painful!

At last it subsides, and I collapse back. As I drift off into a nap, I hug my new chest-pillows, a giddy grin on my face, like a kid who just got a new toy.

Once I've cleaned and dressed myself back up, I consider taking another rest, but there's not much time left in the day. The sun is low in the sky, and once I woke up I'd probably just have to sleep again anyway.

And so, with a comfortable two-thirds HP remaining, I head back to the forest once more.

As I arrive at the edge of the tree line, my nose immediately picks up an odd scent. It's enticingly sweet, and I find myself drawn to it. I sniff the air repeatedly, trying to determine the direction which it's coming from, and heading off that way without really knowing why.

As I move deeper into the trees, the scent gets heavier. A new tune is playing in my ears, although after a moment I realise that it actually seems to be coming from within the game, the background music having fallen silent to make way for it. It's like... buzzing? No, humming! No, definitely buzzing. But in a tuneful way, not a lot unlike someone humming.

This thought train arrives at the confirmation station soon, as the source of the music comes into view. Atop a giant flower sits a bee-like woman, adorned in yellow and black... armour? No, skin? Her breasts are on full display, and the only clothing on her body seems to be a set of black arm-length gloves with matching thigh-high boots.

The item I picked up earlier springs to mind, and I pull it out of my inventory. Sure enough, the chitin matches the black sections of her arms and legs. So yeah, she's probably completely naked then.

Besides her colour, she's mostly humanoid. The exceptions being the large stinger at her abdomen, the antennae on her head, and her lusciously deep-black eyes and lips, which smile at me as she sees me enter her grove.

Standing up, her wings give another little buzz as she spreads her arms wide, welcoming me into her embrace.

Just as I'm about to gleefully throw myself into her arms, my gamer's instinct kicks in, and I realise the scents and music had been dulling my senses, luring me into a trap!

Heh, I guess I owe an apology to all the characters I've yelled at for falling for similar tricks. Maybe it's not as easy as I thought, being a video-game hero. I step back away from her, folding my arms.

She looks rather taken aback by my hesitation. "Y-you zzzure you don't want to cuddle with me?" she stammers, thrusting out her exotic black and yellow breasts in an enticing manner. They look pretty tempting, but I'm still in the period of enjoying my own too much to really care.

I glance back up, looking just above her head. Her name hasn't appeared yet, so she's not necessarily an enemy... maybe she's just an NPC? I could try talking to her I guess.

"What're you trying to pull by luring me in like this?" I point accusingly at her.

She giggles, her laugh carrying an odd buzz to it. "Well where elzzz would I lay eggzzz? The coloniezzz alwayzzz need more workerzzz, and as one of the Queen'zzz handmaidenzzz I get zzzooooo full of eggzzz... I promizzze to make it feel gooood if you come to me."

She wants to lay eggs in me?! This game just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

"What? Uh, yeah, no, I'm thinking not" I promptly turn her down. For a moment I think this might trigger a fight, but instead she just hangs her head and walks away, looking kind of dejected. I almost feel sorry for her. And I definitely feel sorry that I couldn't fight her. She'd have probably dropped more chitin, after all.

I'll have to fight one of those things the next time I see one. Given how tough I know their chitin is though, it could be tough... If I lose, it might make me go through with her intentions after all.

I can't fault the game for being interesting I guess, but there are some things that I don't even want simulating happening to me. I know I want to try going past just masturbating while this chance is in front of me, but I'm going to need something more... normal, to try fucking, at least to start with.

Maybe it's just this forest? If it's all bug- and plant-themed, then I guess any sex they bring in will be pretty weird. Maybe I should try finding some other areas. Maybe they'll be more normal.

Maybe that's just wishful thinking.

Nonetheless, once I'm back at the forest's edge, I do start pacing the perimeter rather than heading straight in. If there's an area connected to the forest, I'll find it a heck of a lot easier this way than traipsing aimlessly through the wilderness.

It takes quite a bit of pacing, the forest being much larger than I'd anticipated, but eventually I catch a fresh scent blowing on the wind. It feels... relaxing.

Shuddering as I remember the last relaxing aroma I encountered, I keep my guard up, walking slowly in the smell's direction. All of a sudden, the fog in front of me rushes away, and I'm greeted with the most stunning view I've seen so far!

The trees and grass of the forest thin out, making way for a huge lake, so big I can't even see the other side of it! And that's not because of fog either. From how it looks, it seems the fog doesn't exist in this area, which lets me bask in the sight of the clean, shimmering water, that stretches way, way off into the distance.

You have discovered the Lake!

Chapter 7 - Chilling by the Lake

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Once the sun arises, I return to the lake, and take my time walking around its shores, absorbing the calm and beautiful atmosphere that surrounds the place. I'd gotten so wrapped up in brown-and-grey dystopias and brightly-lit arenas, I completely forgot that the NGear was capable of making nice-looking places as well.

I lay down by the water's edge, and close my eyes, letting the cool breeze wash over me as I bask in the early-morning light.

Five minutes later, I stand back up again.

"Bored now," I huff, stretching out my limbs. "If I wanted to go chill by a lake I can do that in the real world, and at least then I can bring my deck chair."

Nonetheless, I start walking along the shore once more. There's probably more to find here than meets the eye, so I shouldn't write this place off yet. And at least it's nowhere near as weird as the forest.

As I come around a large bush, I stop, and jump back behind the plant, as I spot a hunched figure in front of me.

It's dressed in a long, tattered set of hooded robes, which conceal most of its form. However, from the muzzle extending out from his face, and the long, thin tail trailing out behind it, I can tell that it's some kind of rat-thing. It currently seems preoccupied with stirring a large cauldron, filled with some kind of thick liquid, and I notice a stack of beakers and vials on the ground next to him. It reminds me a little of Twilight's lab.

"Come closer child. I will not bite," the rat says, turning towards me with a smile. I flinch, but from the looks of him, his non-rat half seems to be that of an old man. Not the most threatening of creatures, then.

I step tentatively towards him, but ease up when he starts to monologue. Guess he's just an NPC after all.

"I am Rathazul the Alchemist. Once I was famed for my miracle cures. Now I idle by this lake, helpless to do anything but measure the increasing amounts of corruption that taint its waters," he tells me, pulling back his hood to reveal his bald, wrinkly head.

"Nice to meetcha! I'm Rainbow Dash, here to kick demon butt!" I reply enthusiastically.

He nods, and his eyes are drawn down to my item pouch. He gives it a thoughtful look for a moment, before looking back up at me.

"I see you've gathered a piece of chitin from the giant bees of the forests. If you bring me five pieces I could probably craft it into some tough armor."

Woo! And also oh no. Woo because five is less than I was expecting to have to find, oh no because this means I can't do my own crafting in this game. Guess I'll be seeing a lot more of this guy later then.

He continues. "I also see you have a number of demonic items on your person. For 20 gems I could attempt to remove the taint from one of them, rendering it a good deal safer for consumption. Of course it would not remove most of the transformative properties of the item..."

Demonic... he means the potions?

Ah, now that I think about it, the stat called "Corruption" did go up a little when I drank that sexy-milk. A stat that starts off at zero, and raises with little effort on my part... I probably should've been suspicious of that sooner.

Getting it too high probably wouldn't be a good thing, I'm guessing. But on the other hand, I do want to drink more of that stuff... I guess I'll get him to purify it for me then.

Bah, it would be one gem over my funds, wouldn't it?

"Okay, wait right here old guy. I'll head back to the forest, beat up some bees, and you can do all those things you just said, kay? Seeya later!"

Without waiting for a response, I rush off, headed back towards the forest once more.

Bah, another imp. I'll take him down easily.

Or so I think, but this one actually manages to put up quite the fight, opting to scratch furiously at me the whole battle, rather than just arouse me. I'm actually bleeding here and there by the end of it, and have no choice but to pull back and rest at camp.

On the bright side, he did drop another Succubi milk.

After I'm rested up, my wounds obviously healing themselves rapidly in my sleep, I delve back into the forest once more, and am met with yet another imp.

What is with these guys putting up a decent fight all of a sudden? We both manage to bring each other to our last legs, him filling my lust up so high I can't stop the dirty thoughts from intruding into my head. I picture myself sucking and fucking his cock in all sorts of different ways, and it turns me on more than it has any right to.

Nonetheless, I manage to deliver the final blow, and get another Incubi draft out of it. In addition, there's an extra message attached to the victory screen.

Fifth victory complete. Tutorial-mode combat has now been disabled.

Huh, wonder what that means? Was the turn system just to train players? Well, whatever it is, it surely won't pose a problem for me. Rainbow Dash doesn't need any tutorials anyway.

Or so I claim, and yet I still have to hobble back into camp, my hands stroking between my legs of their own accord.

After wasting half of the game's yesterday with my head on the pillow or my fingers between my thighs, I march back into the woods with renewed determination to get stronger.

As I enter, a bush rustles beside me, and I prepare for yet another imp fight. However, to my surprise, the creature that strolls out of the leaves is a rather different one, though still roughly the same height. She's green-skinned, and as naked as any of the other monsters I've seen so far. I have to admit she actually looks kinda cool, with her cropped purple hair, and a crazy number of piercings across her body. Her eyes are bright red, and practically aglow with lust as she gazes at me.

"Time to get fucked, slut," she says, her tone seductive, as the combat music starts playing.

Goblin (Level 1)

Apart from her height, she's probably the most normal candidate for some sexy experimenting I've found so far. Too bad she's a girl...

As I stand staring at her, she suddenly rushes me, leaping up and headbutting me in the stomach. I stagger back, both out of surprise and sheer force.

"What the hay, I hadn't moved yet!" I yell at her. It's then that I notice a new feature of my HUD: Down in the bottom-right, a small circle spins, with a number inside of it.

9... 8... 7...

A countdown! So that's what the tutorial-combat being disabled meant. My turns must have a time-limit now.

Shrugging off the blow, I ready myself, and swing my own attack at her while I have the chance.

After it connects, her foot comes flying up towards my face, and I narrowly manage to dodge away from it. Oddly, it keeps going even once it's passed me, stretching all the way up to her head, where she holds it in place. With her other hand, she strokes the lips of her pussy, giving me a "come hither" look. I avert my gaze, but my lust bar still goes up.

Keeping my eyes away, I swing at her again, but my fist only grazes her. Resigning myself to the fact I'm going to have to look at her if I want to win this, I cringe as I see her lift up her other leg this time, spreading her pussy lips further apart with her fingers.

And she just keeps on doing it. It's putting me off so much that my attacks are barely registering with her, and my lust just keeps going up and up.

Finally, I manage to land a decent hit, which knocks her back down from her one-legged pose. Clearly a little ticked-off now, she stands up, brushing the dirt off of her ass. I don't realise she might have another reason for reaching behind her, until she pulls out a flask of green fluid. She uncorks it, and flings it towards me, drenching me in the stuff before I have time to react.

It feels gross, and I retch, having to clap my hand to my mouth to stop myself from straight-up vomiting. My head feels woozy, and I see my HP bar start to move in a bad direction. Crap, I've been poisoned!

Realising that I have to finish this fight fast, I attack the goblin with everything I have. She's back to trying to tease me, but I ignore it, taking as much advantage of her lowered guard as I can.

As I come in close once more, she suddenly pulls out another bottle, splashing it directly into my face. More poison?! I don't feel any sicker... although I am starting to find this girl pretty fuckable after all...

Double crap! That must've been a lust potion this time! C'mon, Rainbow, keep it together...

With both of my bars now passing each other in opposite directions, I know my time is limited. Her health is down to a third... good, but will it be good enough?

I could try running away... yeah, like a chicken! That's not my style... but I'm really at risk here...

Lost in turmoil between pride and self-preservation, I end up taking too long, and the goblin manages to get in a free hit.

Argh, screw this! I am not going to lose to this little pipsqueak! It's time to show her just who she's messing with.

"HIYAAAAAA!" I yell, slamming into her with a double-palm-strike, straight into the giant piercings hanging from her nipples. Critical hit! She's down!

She collapses to the ground, sniffling softly. A little voice in the back of my head whispers "fuuuuckkk heerrrrr~," but I manage to ignore it.

"Nothing personal," I say. "I just don't... swing that way."

It's turns out it's really difficult to be witty without my sunglasses.

Thankfully, as the battle ends, the effects of both potions seems to evaporate from my system. I'm about to walk away, when I get a message.

There is a flagon of potent goblin ale on your defeated opponent. There is no room for a flagon of potent goblin ale in your inventory. You may replace the contents of a pouch with a flagon of potent goblin ale or abandon it.

...What? What?! My inventory is full?! I only have like three things in there! I guess it's lucky that they at least have item stacking, or I'd never be able to carry anything.

All right, well there's no option to use one of my current items right now, so the obvious choice seems to be to drink the drop loot. Hay, I need a drink after that fight anyway.

I click the loot icon, and a mug of frothy ale appears in my hand. I sip it carefully, remembering the toxins the goblin girl was carrying. Thankfully, it just tastes like normal alcohol, smooth and potent.

I drain the mug down to the last drop, and giggle, feeling slightly tipsy. Whoa, or maybe more than a little... I'm friggin' hallucinating. My skin looks dark green to me!

I give it a few minutes, but it doesn't seem to be going back. Did that drink really change my skin colour? It's not like I haven't experienced a body change already, but I thought it'd be limited to potions.

"Hehehe, silly alcohol, it thinks it's a potion," I titter, drunkenly picturing my camp. Thankfully the game can still recognise the location I want to go to, even when it looks all wobbly to me.

It then occurs to me that alcohol following a nauseous spell wasn't really such a good idea, as I nearly throw up once again. Crawling into my tent, I all but collapse onto the bedroll, falling quickly into a light nap.

Chapter 8 - Item management

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My skin is still green when I awake. Looks like change is the name of game when it comes to items here. It's lucky I can rely on Twilight, or I could end up stuck looking really weird forever.

Although... does it actually make me look sexier? I strip down, examining my body in the mirror. Ignoring the green for now, my skin is certainly darker. It reminds me of Zecora, who has a pretty attractive skin tone herself... the word "exotic" comes to mind.

My pussy certainly thinks it's sexy enough, as it begs for my touch. I quickly give in to its call, bringing myself to yet another orgasm. Since game time isn't real-time, this is probably a new record for most orgasms in a single day.

Come to think of it, it's probably getting pretty late by now. I should take a break... soon. A couple more hours or so couldn't hurt.

Now then, what to do? With my inventory being this ridiculously small, hoarding items isn't really an option. I haven't found anywhere I can sell them yet either, so my only options are consuming them or throwing them away. Now I can consume any new items straight away when I find them, but what if I find a material item like the chitin? Then I'd have to throw something away.

I examine the items in my possession. The Succubi milks I know have no combat purpose, but what do the Incubi drafts do? They seem to be related to the milk in some way...

Turning one of the bottles over, I notice an engraved image etched into the glass. It's a stylised drawing of a human, or humanoid, with an excessively large dick. I check the second draft, and it has an identical image.

Now that I look closely, the contents of the bottles looks a little... off. It's white-ish, like the Succubi milk, but as I shake the vial, it seems to ooze more than it sloshes. It looks... slimy.

"Holy crap, is this a bottle of some dude's cum?" I nearly drop the containers to the ground, but manage to regain my grip on them... items are items, after all.

But seriously, what is this game trying to make me drink? I mean, sure, drinking cum might be kinda hot, but context is important here. Straight from the source, or with it at least nearby, fine, that's sexy. Out of a bottle that's who-knows-how old? Ick. I know game items don't technically go off, but still...

I decide to hold on to these for now, putting them back into my inventory. I'm curious as to what they do, but not quite curious enough. Maybe later, if my Lust bar gets so high that it clouds my senses.

Regardless, I still need to make space in my inventory, and fortunately there is a stack of items that I do want to drink. Closing up my pouch, I head off to the lake, in search of that old mouse guy.

It takes a while, but I eventually manage to find the aged alchemist, still hunched over his equipment.

"Yo, mouse-dude!" I wave as I stroll over to him. "Clean up these Succubi milks for me, would ya? I've got the money now."

I pull out my two Succubi milks, and offer them to him. He reaches out slowly, and carefully takes one of them from me.

He walks away into his tent for a moment, and when he returns, he offers the bottle back to me. I guess whatever the purifying process is, he's already finished it.

There is no room for an untainted bottle of Succubi milk in your inventory. You may replace the contents of a pouch with an untainted bottle of Succubi milk or abandon it.

"Wha- the- buh- I can't stack the pure one on the other one? Then do both of them at once, dammit old man!" I slap my head at the oversight in this game's item system.

Well, I still have the option to drink it now, so I take it from his hand, pop the cork, and down the creamy treat. It's lost a bit of its sweetness, but it's still delicious.

No sooner have I finished the vial, than a crazy wave of arousal takes hold of my body. It's simply not an option, I have to masturbate, now!

Tossing the old guy the 20 gems I owe him, I dash away, leaping into the first hidden area I find, amongst some dense bushes.

Not bothering to undress, I slide my hands underneath my clothes. While one hand frantically tweaks and caresses my nipples, the other thrusts its fingers inside my pussy, vigorously pounding in and out with wild abandon.

After a while, I climax, clutching my breast so hard it probably left an imprint. Panting, I slowly stagger to my feet.

As I right myself, I notice that the inner legs of my trousers are soaked down to the knee. Holy crap, I don't think I've ever been that wet before!

I consider going back to the old guy like this, but even though he's just an NPC, it still feels embarrassing to be walking around looking like I've pissed myself. Thinking quickly, I sprint to the lake, and dive in head-first.

Once I climb out, my clothes are soaked completely, and there's no way of telling what went on in my pants. I'm a genius!

My shivering body seems to disagree with me.

Heading back to the mouse, I hand him the other milk bottle, and another 20 gems. He returns with the purified milk, and this time I actually have room for it in my inventory. Though now I am completely out of money.

I head back to camp, and strip off, draping my clothes over a rock facing the sun. They'll probably be dry in one time-cycle, which should be about as long as it takes me to drink the other bottle of milk.

I chug the drink down, and nearly fall on my face as my chest gets heavier once again. This time I'm expecting it though, so I take hold of my expanding breasts, and relish in the feeling of the flesh pushing back my hands and overflowing through my fingers. They're so sensitive while they're like this, and everywhere I touch them sends electric pleasure coursing down my spine.

The growth stops more quickly than the last time, my breasts settling themselves into an E-cup. Which is probably a good thing, too... the extra weight is throwing off my balance, any more and I might end up stuck lying on my stomach, like an incredibly sexy tortoise.

As I walk around experimentally, they don't get in my way as much as I'd have thought... I noticed the potions were increasing my Speed stat each time, maybe that's to compensate? Whatever the case, I'm not complaining.

Grabbing my now-dry clothes, I slip them on, my shirt stretching to accommodate my larger chest-pillows. The fabric rubs against my enlarged nipples, which seems like it should chafe, but it actually feels kinda good, and my teats perk up and stiffen in reaction to it.

Once I'm adjusted to the feeling of the fabric, I mentally tick-off one of the two jobs I had for the alchemist guy. Now for the other one... it was time to kick bee ass.

After beating down another Goblin, I hear a little chime, and some glowing text appears on my HUD.

Level up!

About time! All right, time for to spend some stat points. Hmmm... keep increasing Speed, or balance some other stats? Normally I'd say balance, but since this is actually affecting my body, I'll go Speed. I'm just not used to being this slow.

It then tells me that I have a perk point, but do not qualify for any perks right now, so it'll save the point for me to use later. A little annoying, but I forget about once I try a little jogging. Now this is more like it! I'm almost back up to my old self again.

I'm low on health, so I go back to camp to rest, and return quickly. I'm beginning to wonder if there's even any point staying in this forest now. It's clearly an area for beginners, and now that I'm level 2 the mobs will pose even less of a challenge. Would any armour gained from here even be that useful?

As I walk along thinking about this, I hear a rustling nearby. Great, another imp or goblin. Why do these bees have to be so damn hard to find?

I sigh, and take up my fighting stance. I spot the bush nearby where the movement is coming from, and watch, waiting for the enemy to appear.

The bush parts, and out shambles... another bush. A big, green plant, which is somehow moving across the path in front of me. And it has dick vines growing out of it. It's a bush of dicks. A dick bush.

It stops in it's tracks, and turns towards me... or at least, it turns, I'm not sure where the front of it is. It seems to have sensed my presence though, as it suddenly lumbers towards me, dick-vines outstretched.

Tentacle beast (Level 6)

Level what?! Whoa whoa whoa, what's with suddenly ramping up the difficulty like that?! It's just a bush!

Well, it's nearly upon me, so I'd better act fast. Dodging aside as a tentacle flies past my face, I slam my fist down on the outstretched vine.

The tentacle drops to the floor, but before I can celebrate, another vine has speared me straight in the stomach, knocking me to my knees.

H-holy crap! That one really hurt. It's pretty much what I'd expect from a creature 4 levels above me. Should I run? This is a beginner area though, it must be beatable at my strength.

I manage to get back to my feet. There's only a couple of seconds left to make my move, so there's no room for indecision. I am Rainbow Dash! And I do not pussy out of fights!

I dash in under its branches, throwing a punch into what seems like its centre. Now I'm in close, it can't maneuver its tentacles as freely towards me. I can do this!

Suddenly, everything gets dark. I look up, and see about five vines falling towards me. With nowhere to run, they slam into me, crushing my body into the ground.

"GAHHHH!" I scream in pain, my bones aching under the sheer force of the tentacles. They pull away, and somehow I manage to get up, amazed that my skeleton didn't shatter under that attack.

Okay, being close doesn't help. Perhaps I should put some distance between myself and it. I bap my fist on one of its tentacles, then quickly try to dash out of its range.

Not fast enough! Tentacles dart at me from every direction. I try desperately to dodge the onslaught, and somehow manage to get out of the way of the first few attacks. Have they slowed down?

I feel something on my ankle. Looking down, I see that one of the vines has wrapped itself around my foot! Before I can wriggle free, it pulls away, dragging me to the ground. I quickly sit up and try to reach for it, but the other tentacles now take advantage of this chance, wrapping themselves around my other ankle, my legs, my arms, my wrists, my torso, everywhere! They hoist me up into the air, and trap me there, immobile and helpless!

Before I can even try to move, another tentacle comes down from the bush. This one is different... while the others look like dicks, this one seems to have some kind of sucker on the tip. I watch as it slides its way into my pants, and feel it latch itself onto my clit.

Oh Celestia, it's like a vacuum! My clit starts swelling up, and my skin starts to flush hot. I'm gonna have to escape quick, or this could end... weirdly.

I struggle as hard as I can, frantically twisting my limbs in the monster's grip. As it tries to readjust its hold, I manage to slip my leg free, and kick it as hard as I can in its face.

It lets out a terrifying screech, and lifts me higher, before throwing me with all its force. I fly through the air, and collide straight into a tree so hard the trunk actually shatters, and I fall into the dense foliage.

My everything is in agony! I'm on 1HP, and I can't coax my body to even move. Shit, is this it for me? I wonder how bad the death penalty in this game is... wait, what if I really die?! This game can change my real body, so maybe... oh fuck! I have to get out of here! I have to run! I stagger to my feet, using every ounce of energy, and try to escape.

A vine whips at me from the corner of my eye, slapping me straight in the face. I crumple to the ground, defeated.

With my health now gone, I feel the energy drain from my body. I literally cannot move a muscle. With ease, the tentacle hedge wraps its vines around me, lifting me into the air once more.

It pulls my legs apart, lifting me spreadeagled above the beak of the creature. Fearing for my life, I scream, and try to force my limbs to move, but the best I can conjure up are weak twitches that have no chance of swaying the bush's grip.

Tearing my clothes out of the way, the beast sends another type of tendril at me. These ones seem to have a sharp thorn on the end. Quickly, the three of them pierce into my breasts and groin, making me cringe at the sharp pain.

"Ahhhh!" I cry, as my skin burns where it's been pricked. As I watch in horror, I see the tentacles start to swell along their length, and feel fluids leak from the tips into my body, flowing into my veins.

My clit and breasts start to swell as the liquid is pumped into them, and the pressure builds in my breasts, until it feels like they might explode! Looking down, I watch in shock, as a white fluid starts to leak from my nipples. I'm making milk!

Its jaw slowly opens wide, and I'm afraid it's about to bite into me. Its long tongue wriggles out of its mouth, and it looks more like a dick than any of the other tentacles so far. This must be its main member for fucking, I realise.

As if confirming my thoughts, the tongue immediately seeks out my pussy, prodding its tip against my lips. I clench as hard as I can, trying to prevent it from entering me.

No, fuck off, I wanted to experiment fucking a hot guy, not a fucking plant!

Unfortunately, it seems to merely mock my attempts to stop it, flexing its tongue and pushing its way into my cunt with ease. With a sharp thrust, it slams deep inside, ripping through my cherry!

"AHHHHHHH!" I scream, a stinging pain coming from my torn skin. Opening my mouth quickly proves to be a mistake, as one of its other dick-vines quickly slips in past my lips, flowing in and forcing its way down my throat. I gag, nearly vomiting, and bite down, but it doesn't even seem to register with the plant.

With surprising coordination, the beast quickly gets into a rhythm, thrusting into my pussy as it pulls out of my throat and vice-versa. The sucker tentacle latches back onto my clit, and two more appear to connect onto my nipples as well, forcing more milk out of my tits.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This was nothing like using a dildo, this was intense! Its dick is filling out every inch of my pussy, and it hurts, but crap, it's kinda starting to feel good too. I get the feeling the fluid pumping into me might be an aphrodisiac, but I'm slowly losing the will to care.

After a few minutes of brutal fucking, I feel myself able to move again, and I start bucking my hips in time with the creature's thrusts. It keeps getting deeper and deeper... oh Celestia, I need to feel this thing bottom out in me! I start to buck harder and harder, trying to coax it into going those last few inches. My tongue slides up and down the shaft in my mouth as well, really getting into the throat-fucking now that my gag reflex has stopped bothering trying to make me retch.

Finally, it happens. I feel the tip of his cock slam into my cervix, and a sharp wave of pain floods across my body. But riding the wave is a feeling of intense pleasure, and it brings me to my orgasm, my pussy tightening around its shaft.

The beast reaches its own climax a moment later, and I feel its tentacles swell as the semen races along them, shooting out of the tips into my womb and my mouth.

Oh Celestia! I can feel it inseminating me! The feeling of cum in my pussy, the feeling I would never want to risk in reality, it was more intense than I could have ever imagined! As I taste the hot, musky fluid on my tongue, any resistance I had left dissolves. I need more of this inside me!

The monster frees one of my arms, but all I do with it is grasp the tentacle in my mouth and start pumping it up and down, trying to coax as much cum out of it as possible. After a few pumps, I switch it up, reaching down to stroke along the dick in my pussy as well. Its not enough to swallow it, I need to devour this thing's cum into my womb.

I can see my belly swelling up with all of the semen being pumped into my body, and my skin feels taut as I reach maximum capacity. The beast keeps cumming, but it's shafts are pushed out of my body by its own cum, taking up all the space within me. Its remaining shots of sperm splatter all over me, on my face, my huge tits, my stomach, my thighs, and all the way down to my feet.

Having gotten what it wanted, the hedge promptly drops me onto the dirt, and lumbers off to wherever it was going in the first place.

I cough up a large amount of cum, before sitting up and surveying the damage. A large puddle is forming under my ass, the semen leaking from my pussy like a waterfall. My clitoris looks like a miniature dick, having swollen up to about four inches long!

My body aches, and I still can't bring myself to move, so I lay where I am, and pass out into unconsciousness.

Chapter 9 - Ice cold

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My clit seems to have returned mostly to normal when I wake up, though its still a little larger than it was before. I try to sit up, and immediately feel every nerve in my body scream out in unison.

"Gahhhh!" I cry, my body flopping back onto the dirt. That beast sure did a number on me... I just have to hope none of the damage is permanent.

Closing my eyes, I picture the campsite, and am relieved to feel the familiar rush of transportation blow over me. Graciously, the fast-travel lands me directly inside my tent. I'm not sure if that's how it's programmed or just luck, but I'm thankful for it either way. I don't think I could even manage crawling a few feet in this state.

I wake from my nap a few hours later. My HP hasn't filled up much, but it's enough that I can stand up without feeling like my body's trying to self-destruct.

Stepping out of the tent, the chill air reminds me that the tentacle-plant had torn up my clothes. Ah great, where am I supposed to get new ones now?

As if answering my question, I hear a fwump nearby, and look over to spot a neatly-folded replica of my original clothes, lying on a nearby rock.

I breathe a sigh of relief. They might not give much defense, but they're better than nothing.

After a long soak in the river, in which I finally manage to clean of most of the stubborn plant-cum off of my skin, I dress, and then reconsider, undress, and go back to sleep.

I'm jolted awake by a shiver that ripples through my body, and find my arms automatically clutching at my bedroll for warmth. This feels much different from the normal chill I get from sleeping naked. It's a lot sharper, almost like the conditions needed for...

I dress quickly, hugging my clothes to my body, and peer out of my tent. Sure enough, though there may not be much of it, on the far side of camp I spot the patch of white I was expecting to see.


I jog over to it, and take a closer look. It literally is an isolated circle of snow, even the cloud above sticks out like a sore thumb against the clear red sky. Is this some weather flier's idea of a joke? Or maybe the weather here was just random.

Well, either way, I'm not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. It's still summer in reality, so I haven't got to play with snow in ages! Though the patch here is small, I reckon I could probably make a decent-sized snowman out of all this.

Fetching the ever-dry towel from my tent, I use it as a makeshift glove, and set about rolling the white powder into a ball.

After not too long, I'm satisfied with the size of the base, and roll it into the centre of the snowfield. Once I'm confident that it's not going to roll away or crumble, I let go of it, and start rolling up the second ball for the torso.

There's less snow to gather, but I have to make it strong enough to survive being lifted up. Still, I manage to build it up in less time than the first, although the time it takes me to carefully place it atop the base probably evens it out.

The cold is really starting to get to me now, and it makes me wish the sleeves of this shirt would at least extend to my wrists. Rolling the last ball up quickly, I place it atop the torso, and stand back to admire my work.

Hmmm... three balls in a pile don't really make a snowman, I guess. Looking around, I grab a couple of sticks to use for the arms, and tear off a loose flap from the fabric of the tent to give him a scarf. Wrapping my towel around my own neck, I hop out of the snowy patch, and turn back to admire my handiwork.

It's looking better, but it's still missing a face. I look around for some pebbles, but don't see any nearby that would be a good size.

I could use those gems that the game uses for money... if I had any, that is.

I sigh. Do I dare venture out again to fight more mobs? After the ordeal I went through last night? Honestly I was planning on getting the hay out of this game as soon as I woke up, but then the snow distracted me...

I shake my head, slapping my chilly palms against my cheeks. "Ahhhh, get it together, Rainbow Dash! This is just a game! Are you about to let some team of egghead game-devs get the better of you?"

No... There's no way someone as awesome as me is gonna let that happen. This is just a game. They may have replaced death with rape, but the same rules still apply. So long as I'm careful, I won't have to go through that again. Yeah... that's right. I'm gonna beat this game! That'll show them!

But... at the same time, the forest is getting pretty old. No harm in avoiding that for a while or several, right?

While exploring the barren wastes around the campsite, I stumble upon possibly one of the oddest things I've seen in this game so far. And that's saying a lot.

In the middle of nowhere, stands a door. The frame isn't connected to anything, and realistically, opening it shouldn't lead anywhere.

So obviously, I grab the handle, and give it a push.

As the door opens, a warm draft blows out through the gap, making me realise just how cold I still was from the snow. Pressing my face to the slit, I peer through into the room beyond.

It's difficult to make out at first, as a thin vapour, like fog or smoke, clouds my vision. What I can tell is the door leads to a medium sized room, with a desk on one side, and a long table on the other. At the table, I can see what looks like a goblin sitting on a tall stool, wearing nothing but an apron and some kind of headband.

As I widen the gap to get a better look, I hear a bell chime above me, and the goblin spins around to look my way. I flinch, but stay where I am... I can't even tell if she's seen me through those goggles of hers, but even if she has, she doesn't look like much of a threat.

After a few seconds, a wide smile spreads across her face. "Cuths-tohmer!" she yells with a thick lisp, beckoning me inside.

I shrug, and push the door open all the way, closing it behind me as I step inside. Taking a better look around, the whole place looks like one of Twilight's science labs. The table is covered with vials and beakers of various liquids, many bubbling or smoking or the like. On the walls are shelves full of sciency-looking doodads.

The goblin has wheeled her chair around to the other side of the table, and seems to be monitoring several different beakers while still presumably keeping an eye on me. For some reason she's removed her apron now, so I get a good look at her yellow-green skin and B-cup breasts. Her long orange hair is tied back in a ponytail, and she seems to have painted her nails orange to match. All in all, she does seem kinda cute, but the thick goggles covering her eyes are a little unsettling, so I'm not sure what to make of her.

"Stho, what can Lumi, Gobin Aochomist Extwaordinaire, do fo you today?" she asks, droplets of saliva spattering out as she talks.

"Yikes, say it don't spray it missy," I tease, mostly joking as I take a half-step away from her nonetheless.

She stares at me, her face impassive, and sticks her tongue out. Before I can respond in kind, I notice the enormous stud in the middle of it, which explained her little impediment.

"Ehehe," I laugh awkwardly, "so uh, this an alchemy shop then? You sell potions?"

Lumi nods, apparently over my comment already. "Lumi can sell you some of her finely cwafted poetions fo a good pwice, ore, if you’ve alweady got some nice poetions or reagents, Lumi can make them even bettar. But tha cost a whole lot. If you were one of dee Followers, den maybe Lumi could make a special deal wit you; but the boss don’t want me playin wit outsiders. Wat will it be?"

She then points to a price list of potions available for sale. I'm still broke, so I tell her I'll keep her in mind, and head back out the door.

After a couple of close fights with an imp and a goblin, I'm pretty sure I have enough gems to make a face for the snowman, so I head back to camp.

I can divide the gems into different denominations, so I split them all into one-gem's worth, and use two of them for the eyes, and about seven for a smiling mouth. It's almost complete, but it still lacks something...

Sure enough, a snowman's not a snowman without a carrot for a nose. But where the hay am I meant to get a carrot around here?

I sigh. Well, the snow doesn't seem to be going anywhere, so I guess if I do manage to find one, I can always come back to it.

I can feel my nipples rubbing against the fabric of my shirt. The combination of cold mixed with arousal from the goblin fight has hardened them into diamonds. I sigh again, and quickly jog back to my tent.

Wrapping myself up in my bedroll, I wriggle out of clothes, and begin to gently stroke my body. The cold of my fingertips makes me jump with each touch, giving myself a masochistic kind of pleasure as I pinch my nipples between finger and thumb.

I let out a girlish squeak as I touch my pussy, before sinking my fingers deep inside to warm up.

When I'm done, I notice a notification in the corner of my vision, telling me that I now qualify for perks. Bringing up the menu, I'm presented with a choice of two perks, both speed related: Evade, to up my evasion chance, or Runner, to up my escape chance.

After a moment's thought, I pick Evade. After all, if I can dodge everything my enemy throws at me, then I won't ever need to run, now will I?

Brimming with confidence, I decide to head out in search of new areas once more. But first, I do an inventory check, and notice a vial of Purple Hair Dye that I'd forgotten about, a drop from one of the goblins I beat.

I can use it, discard it, or let it keep wasting inventory space. Given that I think it'd look pretty cool anyway, I decide to use it. I try to make it so that one side of my hair is dyed while the other stays red, but unfortunately I'm not used to using hair dyes, and it just ends up looking a mess, so my only option remains to completely colour the rest of my hair.

Taking a look at my reflection, I chuckle when I realise I'm really starting to look like a goblin now. Green skin, purple hair, huge boobs... all I need now is to be really tiny and you'd never even know I was human.

Again, really glad I can rely on Twilight to put me back to normal.

Another shiver runs through me, my hair still wet from rinsing it in the river. Okay, that's it, I have got to find somewhere less cold!

You’ve discovered the Desert!

...You have got to be kidding me.

Chapter 10 - Sweltering

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I groan, wiping the sweat from my forehead. All around me, nothing but sand stretches out for as far as I can see.

"Is there even anything in this damn desert?" I mutter, before promptly tripping over something hidden in the sand, smacking my face straight into the sizzling sand.

"GAHH, FUCK!" I scream, jumping back to my feet and brushing the grit from my face, my eyes blinking rapidly. Looking back, I see the culprit; a large wooden box is jutting just out of the dune.

Bending down, I take hold of both sides, and tug as hard as I can. It takes some effort, but finally I have the whole thing pulled free.

My best guess is it being a treasure chest, though it doesn't look very decorated. Still eager to discover the contents, I kick open the lid, and peer inside.

"...Are you freaking kidding me!?" I yell, giving the empty trunk another kick.

I sigh, closing the lid, and sitting atop the box. It's actually surprisingly comfy, a lot better than the rocks and dirt back at my campsite. It might make a good addition to my home base...

"Would this thing even fit in my inventory?" I ponder. Standing up, I open my item pouch, and point it towards the chest. To my surprise, it actually fragments, and flows into the bag.

Key Item added: Storage chest

I slap my head at my own noobishness. Of course, it's an item bank. Well, that'll come in handy when I return home.

For now, I turn my attention back to the desert. If loot like this is lying around, then maybe I'll find something else around here too. There's no way I'm finding this spot again later, after all.

After another game-hour or so of walking, the heat is really starting to get to me, and I really need a drink. As I'm about to give up and head back to camp, I spot something on the horizon. A cluster of palm trees growing close together, presumably around an oasis.

It could be a mirage, but I feel it's worth a look anyway. I pick up from a slow trudge to a jog, spurred on by the promise of shade. I swear, if this isn't really there, I am so done.

But fortunately, I manage to reach the pool of water without it disappearing into a haze. Sitting down in the shade of one of the trees, I take a sip of the clear water, before leaning back, and dipping my feet into the pond.

"Ahhhh," I sigh contentedly, relishing in the feel of the cool water around my ankles. Now this is comfort. Think I'll just sit here for a while, might look for some treasure hidden in one of the bushes... y'know, later. I yawn, drifting into a half-asleep state.

Sadly, I'm not able to rest long. I realise I've been staring off into space when I catch some movement off into the distance. Sitting up, I peer towards it, and make out the silhouettes of a large group of... people?

They're heading this way, so I cautiously duck behind one of the bushes. Better to know what I'm up against before getting spotted.

As the group gets closer, I can make out more details on them. They're a mixed group of tan-skinned demons, with a wide variety of features. There are those with twisting horns, spikes jutting from the heels of their feet, and swaying tails. Also swaying are their cocks, of all shapes and sizes, on clear display since the group wear almost no clothing. This also allows me to see the breasts on the females, ranging from my flat-chested brethren to breasts larger than the bearer's torso. These mostly hang above a variety of pussies, though there's a few chicks with dicks in there too.

I guess there's about twenty of them in total. I could handle them if they're the same level as me, but from the numbers I can tell this is probably meant as a high-level battle. If it's a fight at all, that is... as they draw up to the oasis, they seem in pretty cheerful spirits, laughing and bantering amongst themselves.

Before I can decide on a course of action, one of the smaller demons looks my way, and notices my head poking out from behind the bush. He lets out a cry, and suddenly all eyes are on me.

"Uh... hey," I wave uncertainly, stepping out of the bush. "You uh... come here often?"

A look of confusion passes through the group at my attempt at small talk. The big one in the cape, who I assume to be the leader, gives me a scrutinous glare, before throwing his head back in a deep, thundering laugh. He gives me a grin, his sharp fangs on full display. "Yes, I suppose we do."

We stand in silence again for a while, until the leader initiates the conversation this time. "It is quite the strike of fortune that you would come to us just as we were to rest and feast. Perhaps you wish to partake with us?"

I feel like this isn't really an offer I can back out of without a fight. If he's hinting that I'd be on the menu, then it'll end the same either way, but maybe he just wants to party? I figure it couldn't hurt, and give him a shrug. "Sure, why not?"

A buzz of excited chatter spreads through the group, and the leader gives him a genuine smile. "This is excellent. It has been so long since we last had one of your kind join us." Behind him, the demons are slipping out of their tattered rags, for all the difference it makes.

Cocks harden, pussies dampen, and lips are licked, as I begin to suspect this is not going to be a typical feast. The leader steps up close to me, putting his hands on my body and running them across my curves. I bite my lip, anticipating what I can guess is to come; I'm about to be in an orgy with the first attractive characters I've met in this game. I'm nervous, but also excited. This is exactly what I'd been hoping to find, after all. Crazy sex, but without real-world issues connected.

The leader slides me out of my clothes, and pushes me back down onto the hot sand, my legs splaying and spreading out in the process. There's a shrill laugh somewhere in the crowd, followed by a howl, which seems to be the signal for the demons to swarm me.

The demons' hands are all over me, but are mainly clustered around my pussy, as they try to push each other out of the way in order to have the first go with me. Eventually one of them wins out, and kneels in between my legs, positioning his hefty dog-cock against my pussy lips.

This is it, I gulp. Fucking a plant doesn't count, so this is seriously going to be my first fuck. I watch, heart racing, as his tip pushes into me.

With a swift thrust, the demon slams himself inside me, stretching my pussy wide. I let out a loud moan, throwing my head back as I lean on my elbows, stretching myself out. There's a guy inside me, and it's so hot!

But this isn't a solo affair, and I'm quickly reminded of this as I feel a pressure at my pussy lips. Without warning, another cock shoves itself into my already stuffed pussy.

"Nnnnghahhh!" I cry out, my elbows giving way and dropping my back straight onto the sand. My pussy is being stretched further than I thought it could be, and though it should probably hurt, my head is too swimming with arousal to notice.

"Oh Celestia yes, fuck me!" I moan, though the demons don't need any encouragement, as they've already found a rhythm, one thrusting inside as the other pulls back, so even the deepest parts of my cunt don't get a rest.

They fuck me for what feels like forever, until one of them tenses up, his cock twitching inside me. I can feel him shooting his hot demon cum inside me, and lift my head up to watch his balls tighten with each spurt against my cervix. Fuck, it's so much hotter when I know it's real cum, rather than sap or whatever. After another few thrusts, the other guy cums as well, and this pushes me towards the first of my own climaxes, my pussy clenching down on both of their cocks.

Not waiting for my orgasm to finish, the demons pull out of me one at a time, but their cocks are quickly replaced by those of other participants, plugging up the cum and ensuring that my cunt is never empty. They quickly get into a rhythm of their own, and the feeling just keeps getting better and better, as they fill me with their own cum, and are again replaced, and so on.

I'm kept on a constant orgasm high, my last climax not having completely finished while the demons start building up my next one. My breaths are fast and shallow, and the world starts to go dark as I lose myself to the pleasure, feeling my wet twat clamp down on the flesh inside me again and again.

I manage to get my breathing in check, and bring myself from the brink of unconsciousness, pleased to find myself still plugged up with demonic dick. I lost track of how many fucked me while I was blacking out, but I get the feeling we aren't close to done yet.

I can feel hands grabbing and groping at my ass, lifting my hips up from the sand, as the demons once again struggle against each other for position. One of them slips their cocks in between my ass cheeks, and before I can find the breath to comment, the tip has found my pucker, and with a rough thrust, the demon forces his way into my tight asshole, claiming my anal virginity.

"Gahhhh!" I scream, a sharp pain breaking through my haze of pleasure, but it fades after a short while. I can feel the friction of the three cocks in my body rubbing against one another, and it's a weird, sexual bloated feeling to have my lower body as absolutely stuffed as it can be. I feel myself nearly black out again as I cum hard, both my pussy and ass clamping down hard on their occupants.

The demons fuck me hard and fast, and I feel the first cumshot to fill my ass spurt out of the demon's cock, the warmth and slickness registering much more clearly than the cum in my pussy. He cums until he can cum no more, at which point he slips out of my tight ass, which is still trying to clench around him. It is quickly refilled by another dick, as a similar cycle of ass fucking begins to match that of my pussy.

It's clear I'm not the only one enjoying myself, as a female demon drops face down on the sand beside me, lifting her ass in the air to allow the two demons beside her to each claim one of her holes, making her scream in ecstasy as they fuck her roughly. All around the oasis, the same scene is playing out. No hole is unfilled, and every cock is plunged deep into someone else's flesh.

The girl beside me reaches over and starts to fondle my breasts, giving me an ecstatic grin before she latches her lips around my nipple. Her moans send vibrations through me, and push me to cum yet again.

Through my haze of orgasm, I see another girl walking over to me. There are demonic spikes jutting out of her heels, making her tower over me. She looks down at me, giving me a sultry gaze as she strokes her pussy lips. "Hello sweetie," she purrs. "These guys are hot, aren't they? But sadly, they have poor self-control, and I don't really feel like having any of their babies. Think you can help a girl to get some pleasure elsewhere?" She stands over my head, and starts to lower herself down, her dripping twat heading for my face. Even in my blissful state, the thought of another person's vagina creeps me out, so I try to turn my face away from her, looking around for a way out.

A little distance away, I see a bull-headed demon who's obviously just got done with his current partner, and is looking around for a new target. I manage to catch his eye, giving him a wink and licking my lips. He approaches me and kneels down, and I quickly slide my lips around his shaft, narrowly evading the demoness's cunt reaching my mouth.

The taste of sweat, cum and feminine juices catches me off guard, a bittersweet flavour that I find simultaneously delicious and repulsive. I give a few licks as I bob my head back and forth, hearing the girl above me click her tongue in annoyance, as she starts to stand back up.

I give the demon I'm blowing another wink, running my tongue along the base of his shaft one last time, as I pull my mouth free. The bull-headed guy seems to get the idea, as he grabs the demoness and pushes her down onto the sand, holding down her wrists and spreading her legs with his knees.

"W-wait!" she cries, but the demon pays her no heed, lining up his cock and thrusting sharply into her pussy in one smooth movement. Watching them fuck gets me even more turned on than before, and I synchronise my moans with hers, imagining each of the bull-head's thrusts going inside me instead. The demons fucking me seem to catch on, as they match their pace with him too.

When he finally cums inside, eliciting a despairing yet clearly ecstatic "Noooo!" from the girl, the three shafts inside of me blow their loads as well, throwing me over the edge of a climax worth at least five of my previous orgasms put together. I think I really do lose consciousness this time, though it's hard to be sure, since the constant cycle of dicks leaving and entering my orifices is relentless.

It's impossible to try and keep a record of the types and number of cocks that have been inside my body, so I settle for assuming that just all of them have been everywhere at some point. The sand beneath my ass is soaking with the seed spilling from my pussy, and it doesn't look like we're even close to the end yet.

It's hours later that the pain, pleasure and exhaustion finally overtake me, and one final orgasm, stronger than any of the previous ones, shudders through me, making my brain finally black out properly. I float near the surface of consciousness a few times, finding my knocked-out body still receiving attention from the demons, but quickly sink back as the hands of pleasure drag me down once more.

It's presumably much later that I wake up proper, finding that the seemingly endless string of orgasms has finally ended. Sitting up, my body aching, I look around, and see most of the demons laying sprawled out on the ground, snoring away. The few that are still awake are still fucking wildly, including the demon-heeled girl from earlier, who seems to be managing to take three cocks in her pussy all at once. The sand below her is sopping, but her belly has a visible bulge protruding from it, indicating the cocks are plugging her so tight that none of the cum can even leak out of her. She's probably already gotten pregnant from all that, but it's hard to tell how upset she is about it with the mad-with-pleasure smile she has spread across her face.

Feeling like I've run at least three marathons, I manage to push my muscles to let me stand up. I quickly find my clothes, then before any of the others notice me and try to pull me into a round ten-thousand or whatever, I picture my campsite, and flash my way out of there.

Chapter 11 - The stranger

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I pull off my helmet, and take a refreshing gasp of cool, fresh-ish air. My body is slick with sweat, but thankfully that seems to be the only fluid that made the transition back with me.

My room is dark, lit only by the small amount of moonlight coming through my window. I reach over to my desk, and grab my alarm clock, lighting up the screen with the press of a button. It's more-or-less midnight by now. I should probably call it a night there.

I yawn, stretching out wide, loosening out my muscles that had stiffened up from not moving for so long. Once my arms and back are feeling more flexible, I swing my legs down off the bed, and hop to my feet.

I then jump straight up in the air, and land back on the bed ass-first.

What was that?! I just stepped on something... soft! And squishy! And... breathing!?

Now that I've noticed it, I can hear the soft sounds of someone, or something, breathing quietly. Someone who isn't me, since that's certainly not how my breathing sounds right now!

Crawling along my bed, I reach the foot of it, and tentatively step down. I'm met with more softness. I flinch, but then remember that the foot of my bed is where I keep half my clothes.

"Sheesh," I sigh, but quickly clap my hand to my mouth! Did it hear me?

I stay motionless, until I'm convinced that its breathing hasn't changed. Sighing another sigh of relief, a quieter one this time, I stealthily hop down from the bed, and walk carefully over to my light switch.

Okay Rainbow, I tell myself, I can do this. Whatever it is, it'll be disorientated from the light. While it's still recovering, I'll strike! Okay, three... two... one... now!

I shield my eyes, and hit the switch. The room is bathed in light, and though I have to squint, I can see the intruder now, laying on the floor.

They don't seem to react to the light at all, so I'm assuming they're asleep. Inching forward, I open my eyes wider, and take a good look at what I'm dealing with.

Well, it's a person at least. Though given it's a guy I don't recognise, sitting in my bedroom while I'm prone, and dressed in a pink tutu, I'm not sure that's all that comforting after all.

Still, it looks like he was content with not trying anything. I can't see his face, it's obstructed by the NeuronGear that he's wearing. I know I don't have a spare, so he must have brought it with him... for some reason. At the very least, I can make out his pale skin, and wispy blonde locks curling out from underneath the helmet.

Right. Okay. Yeah. No. What? Seriously. What the fuck? I- Why? I mean- Okay. Fuck this. Nope. Not dealing with this. Just- Right. Okay. I obviously have to do something about this. What should I... Hmm. Okay, got it!

I leave the room, and head down the stairs to the front door. It's unlocked... damn, that was careless of me. Opening the door, I step outside, and shiver. The night air is much cooler out here, and it now dawns on me that I'm still not wearing a shirt.

Shaking it off, I look to the pillar by my door, and examine the rope tied around it. There's some leftover length to it, enough that I could probably cut it off and use it as a binding on that guy.

As I'm heading back to the kitchen to get a knife, when something else occurs to me. That guy didn't have any wings, that I could see at least. So to get up here, he must have used the rope. The rope hanging by Twilight's balcony. So to get there, he'd have had to go through the library. So either Twilight let him up... or he forced his way past her. Either way, I should probably go and check on her.

I return outside with the knife, slice off a good length of rope, and carry it back upstairs. Peering into my room, I see the guy still lying where I left him, so I tip-toe quickly towards him, crouch down, and bind up his arms and legs. Once I'm comfortable with the security of the knots, I grab a t-shirt from the pile, struggling briefly to get it to fit around my new E-cups, and head back out.

Sliding down the rope, I drop gently down onto the balcony, and rap at the window. It's late, but if I know Twilight, she'll still be up.

Sure enough, I see the light inside flicker, and Twilight walks into view, carrying a dim oil lamp in her hand. She peers out into the darkness at me, gives me a strange frown, and slowly opens the door.

"...Rainbow?" She shines the light over me, looking me up and down. "Celestia, what happened... you went back into the game, didn't you?"

"Eheh, yeah..." I rub the back of my neck awkwardly, looking away from her judgmental gaze.

She sighs. "Rainbow, you know that's got to be dangerous. We don't yet know what that thing is capable of."

"I know I know, but it was so fun, and you can always put me back, right?"

"Yeah, hypothetically, sure," she throws her arms up in exasperation, "but that's not really something you should be relying on!"

"Sure sure, I'll be careful. Anyway," I quickly shift the subject, "did you see anyone climb up to my place earlier? Like a blonde guy maybe?"

She looks confused. "A blonde guy? No... Oh, Pinkie did head up there earlier though. Come to think of it, I haven't seen her come back down at any point, either."

"Pinkie?" I frown. "But she's not..."

Oh crap.

Oh crap oh crap oh crap.

"Gotta go!" I yell, turning away and dashing back to the rope. Climbing frantically, I pull myself up onto the cloud, and sprint to the door.

Bounding up the stairs, I swing into my room, and pause at the doorway. The guy's still in his NGear.

Sliding myself down next to him, I examine his headset more closely. There's a wire plugged into it, leading to, yep, an installation drive.

I hit the eject button, and out slides the disc, for Champions of Mareth.

Chapter 12 - Show me whatcha got

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After putting the game's disc back in its box, I kneel down by the guy once again. I consider untying the ropes, but then, I'm not completely sure that he is actually Pinkie. She could've popped by and left, and some other guy could have come in afterwards.

Or even if it is Pinkie, I don't know how she'll react when she wakes up. The game has a lust system after all... what if hers is really high right now, and it makes her pounce on me?

So yeah, best to leave the ropes on him or her for now. Well, might as well get this over with; I take a deep breath, and hit the 'Ping' button on the headset.

It only takes a couple of seconds before I see his eyes flicker open, and he stares up at me, expression blank.

"Who are you?" I ask, my voice wavering awkwardly between trying to intimidate a stranger and trying not to scare a friend.

"I'm Pinkie Pie!" he cheerfully answers, giving me a familiar grin. "And who are you?"

I sigh, relieved. "Phew! Don't scare me like that, Pinkie. You snuck into my room and turned into a guy, I didn't know what to expect."

Pinkie's eyes travel around the room for a second, as if he's trying to remember where he is, before settling back on me. "Oh, Rainbow!"

I chuckle. "Yeah, it's me. I'm guessing I don't really need to explain why I look like this, given your state. Although, good job on staying human-looking."

He giggles. "Well, most of me."

I wonder what she means by that, although I can probably guess. Also, should I be calling her a he or a she now? And while I'm on the subject of things I'd like to know...

"So how come you're here, anyway?" I ask.

"Oh, well I- hang on." He pauses, and starts fidgeting his arms, pulling against his bindings.

"Oh, right!" I slap my head, and quickly lean down to untie the knots. "Sorry, I didn't know you were you, so I didn't really wanna be too trusting with a random guy in my room."

"Oh, that's okay," he says reassuringly, as he sits up and pulls the NGear off of his head. "I did kinda sneak in, after all."

"I'm actually lucky it was just you," I concede, flumping down onto the edge of my bed. "I left my door unlocked, got too cocky 'cos I live in a cloud. If someone else had come by, I could've been in real trouble." I turn back to him. "But yeah, how come you're here, playing... that?"

"Well..." he takes a deep breath, and that's all the warning I have. "I was playing my new game Space Dog that I bought for the NGear, but I ended up playing it way longer than I meant to, so to make sure no-one thought I was dead I went outside to play with you guys, but your house wasn't where it usually is, so I thought you must have died or drifted away, so I went to Twilight's house, but then you were above Twilight's house, so I climbed up the rope, and I saw you playing on your NGear. So I thought, if I leave you be, then everyone might think you're dead, since you can't spend that long away from your friends and still survive, unless of course you're Twilight but I mean she didn't even know what friends were, now that she does know she probably wouldn't live very long without any social company either. So anyway, I wanted to join in what you were doing so you wouldn't feel lonely, so I installed the same game you were playing, 'cos I thought it might have a multi-player mode, shame that it doesn't actually, that could be cool. But yeah, I hit random buttons on the character creation, and ended up turning into a guy. Being a guy is fun, but my penis is very unreliable."

Now, I know my attention span has never been the best, but I don't really think anyone could blame me in this case for taking pretty much none of that in. I just kinda drift off, watching his masculine lips moving but following none of what's coming out of them.

It's only once they form themselves into a hard line that I realise he's actually stopped talking. "Oh. Uh, cool. That's... fair enough then, I guess," I flounder, nodding and pretending to understand. "So, uh... how's your game going?"

"It's super fun!" He spreads his arms enthusiastically, almost knocking over one of my stacks of games. "I met a cute mouse girl, she's cute. The trees can't be trusted though, one of them tried to beat me up."

Oh, the tentacle bushes. I was trying to forget about- wait, only tried to beat her up? So she managed to win? How? Those things are beasts!

"Oh, yeah, I've uh..." I glance away, not really wanting to admit to being beaten by her. "I've met those. The plants, that is, not the mouse-girl."

"I also met some girls that look like you," Pinkie continues, "but they were way shorter. I think I had sex with them, though I don't really remember."

"Oh, the goblins..." Wait, she did what? Wow. I know she's a guy now, but still... "Hold on, really? You didn't feel weirded out? I mean, even though you're a guy now, you're still a girl inside..."

"What does that have to do with anything?" he asks, tilting his head.

"Uhh..." I realise that I never actually knew anything about Pinkie's sexuality before now. I guess I just wrongly assumed she was straight. "Nothing, I guess." I chuckle. "Man, you're pretty casual about talking about your sex life now, huh? Is that a guy thing, or were you this open with your escapades before, too?"

"Well, I haven't..." He pauses. "Yeah, I haven't had any es-ca-wubbles before playing this game, so I never had anything to talk about. No-one asked me to keep it a secret though... You don't think they'll mind that I told you, do you?"

Something about that pause seemed... odd, but I shrug it off. It's just Pinkie being Pinkie, I guess. "Well, it's not usually something people talk about. But the ones you did it with are just NPCs, so if you don't mind then there's no big deal. At least, not for me. People like Flutters or Rarity though, you might wanna keep it more on the down-low around them, okay?"

He nods. "So, do you wanna see my penis then?"

"What?" I recoil back, more in surprise than anything.

"No no, not like that!" He frantically waves his hands in front of his chest. "I just mean, it got a really weird transformation, so I thought you might wanna check it out."

"Hmmm..." I ponder for a second. Having hung out with guys a lot during puberty, I'm wise to their tricks. "This better not be a set-up for a 'I showed you mine, you show me yours' kinda thing."

"Whoa, you've got one too?" Pinkie's eyes immediately lock-on to my crotch.

"What?" It takes me a second to work out what she's talking about. "No, I mean don't go expecting me to flash you my tits or anything." I can't help but chuckle at that. "You're a guy now though, so I suppose telling you that is futile."

He shrugs. "Okay, but I already saw them earlier anyway. You were topless when I came in, after all. They felt squishy."

What?! I instinctively fold my arms around my chest, frowning at him. "You groped me?" I'm not sure how to feel about this. I mean, on the one hand, it's not like anything bad came from it... But on the other, no-one's ever done that to me before. I mean, in reality at least. Not that I ever had anything to grope anyway, but still...

Hmmm... Actually, maybe I can use this to get a look at what he's packing without seeming like a perv. "...You know what, yeah, show me your dick. You owe me that much now."

"Okie dokie lokie," he says cheerfully, seemingly paying no attention to my frustration. Standing up, he reaches under his frilly pink skirt, and pulls down his panties.

I swallow, as I watch them drop down to his ankles, seeming so out of place around his masculine legs. The skirt quickly follows suit, meaning I'm now alone in a bedroom with a pants-less guy, whose hard red dick is pointed straight at my face. I swallow again.

"Wow. That looks... weird." That's kind of an understatement. It's like a dog's dick, all red and fleshy, and looks kind of swollen at the base. "Does it not hurt?"

"Nope!" She replies, grinning her usual grin. "Not so long as I don't get kicked in him, anyway."

"I see..." Now that I take another look at it, it does have a strange charm to it. I feel my cheeks flush red as I remember the first demon to fuck me in the oasis had a similar-looking shaft.

I shiver. Just remembering that fuck has me all hot and bothered again, and there's a dick right in front of me. I wonder if she'd let me touch it...

"Oh!" A surprised voice comes from the doorway. My head spins round to see Twilight standing there, hand over her mouth, wings erect, eyes wide. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt!" She turns, and starts to quickly walk away.

Shit, this must look reeeaaaallly bad! If I let her go with this misunderstanding, I'll never live it down! "Ah, Twilight, wait! It's not what it looks like!" I yell, running after her.

"Yeah!" Pinkie calls after her, following a step behind me. "I know we look like strangers, but it's really just us, Rainbow and Pinkie!"

"Pinkie?" Twilight stops at the top of the stairs, turning to stare wide-eyed at the guy behind me. "So, you played the game too. It can even change gender? That's incredibly high-level magic!"

"Yep! It's suuuuuper fun being a guy!"

With a flash, Twilight teleports over to Pinkie, eyeing her suspiciously. "But that makes no sense! It's just a machine, it shouldn't have that much power!"

She then spins around, turning to glare at me with her serious face. "Rainbow, lend me that game. I need to study it!"

I nod, as Twilight is already dashing eagerly into my room. She grabs the Champions of Mareth box from my desk, and in a flash, she's gone, leaving me once again alone in my house with a pants-less Pinkie.