Cops and Robbers

by TittySparkles

First published

Scootaloo and her boyfriend Rumble have a little fun on Nightmare night

It's Nightmare Night, and lots of fillies and colts are out and about, collecting candy in the spirit of the holiday. For some it's a night to meet up with friends and have a good time. For others it's the same thing, only with a sexy twist. For Scootaloo and Rumble it's the latter, and after a long night of collecting candy, they both wind down with a little secluded fun in the CMC clubhouse.

Contains foalcon

Pre-read by: Skeeter The Lurker

Edited by: Pearple Prose, SolidFire, and Mikemeiers

Chapter 1

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It was the middle of the night and Luna’s moon hung overhead. Though it was Nightmare Night and parties were taking place, one small filly—wearing a black and white striped robber’s costume—sat on the floor of her friend’s clubhouse, waiting patiently for a very special pony to visit her. Beside the orange pegasus rested a pillowcase full of candy, ready to be compared and seen which pony would have more. The filly in question was Scootaloo and the pony—or rather colt—that she was waiting for was her boyfriend, Rumble. Both agreed that they would collect candy and the pony with the least would agree to whatever the other wanted of them.

Scootaloo sat in her spot, holding the matching black and white hat in her hooves as she wondered what she could get her boyfriend to do. Walk around town wearing make up? Make him kiss her hooves and call her princess? As much as she liked the childish ideas, and many others like it, she only wanted one thing from her little stallion that night. She just wanted to see him and feel the warmth of his well-groomed coat against her. She wanted to feel him nuzzle her; speak into her ear, whispering sweet words of love into it. Then it would get more intimate; a nibble on the ear, a lick on the neck. That would become kissing and then her resting on her back while he… Scootaloo stopped her thoughts, not wanting to set herself up for disappointment. For all she knew, he could have the most candy, and if that was the case, then things would get rather… kinky.

Beside her a candle flame danced around wildly in the cool breeze rushing from the open clubhouse door. Scootaloo’s young wings fluttered from the cold, hugging tightly against the suit that trapped her body heat. Feeling a feather get caught in the fabric, Scootaloo grumbled and reached for her shirt and fought with it until she freed her wing.

“This costume is so itchy,” Scootaloo whined to herself as she grew more tired as time went by. “He better get here soon or mom is going to kill me for staying out so late.”

As if on cue, the distant sound of wings flapping outside the clubhouse made Scootaloo’s ears perk up. A smile quickly hit her face as she rushed to the window and saw a grey pegasus wearing a royal guard costume flying towards her. Hanging over his side was a large pillowcase full of candy, showing he had almost, if not more, than Scootaloo had collected. While the armor shone like the genuine article, Scootaloo could see it was plastic thanks to the flimsy sword at his side and the array of nicks and scratches from where he flew too close to trees. Despite this, Scootaloo loved the idea of seeing her knight in shining armor, coming to sweep her off her hooves.

“Hey, babe! Sorry for the wait!” Rumble shouted to her as he quickly landed in front of her and gave her nose a quick nuzzle.

“I’ll forgive ya,” she replied as she returned his nuzzle with a kiss on his dry lips. “But you sure took your sweet time getting here.”

“I love making you wait.” Rumble closed his wings and gave his toy helmet a quick adjustment before sitting on his haunches. “Absent makes the heart grow fonder, you know.”

“You mean absence, you dork,” Scootaloo replied, correcting him before raising her hoof up and bopping him in the nose softly.

Rumble winced and his face scrunched up for a second as he realized his blunder.

“Uh, I knew that. Just making sure you did,” Rumble replied, too quickly.

Suure you did.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes at him as she turned back for the clubhouse. “I’ll ignore how cheesy that was and let you come inside.”

As she turned, the tip of her tail brushed against his face and quickly rested below his chin. Mhming softly as it hit, Rumble closed his eyes briefly, just long enough to miss seeing Scootaloo peer over her shoulder at the bag of candy at his side.

“Impressive sack you got there as well,” Scootaloo purred.

Rumble blushed and quickly adjusted his back legs before he opened his eyes and saw her looking at his candy bag. He was predictable and somewhat absent-minded at times, but that was why Scootaloo loved having him around her.

“You’re not the only mare who was impressed by how big it was,” Rumble replied, knowing the little game she was trying to play. “They kept ogling it as it swayed back and forth you know,” He finished up as he got up and walked in and stood in the middle of the dimly lit house.

“Heheh, you’re such a perv you know?” Scootaloo chuckled at him as he grabbed the case with his teeth and dropped it on the floor in front of him.

“Almost as big as you are.” Rumble turned his eyes from her and focused them on the bag of candy she had collected. “And depending on who has more, we may just find out who’s the bigger one is after all.”

“You know the deal.” Scootaloo walked to her bag and grabbed the top before pushing it over, letting the contents of it spill onto the floor. “Pony with the biggest load gets to be in charge.”

Rumble smirked as he closed the door behind him, causing the candle to flicker violently. Reaching for his bag, he followed suit and poured it on the floor as well, yet far enough away from her’s to avoid mixing them up. Neither wasted time and quickly started to count their spoils.

Time dwindled by slowly; both solely focused on counting while their adolescent minds pondered how they would treat the other. Scootaloo would occasionally peer over at Rumble’s pile, fearing yet hoping his mound would be bigger than her’s. She loved to be a submissive mare for him, and when she did so, his confidence would increase while his awkwardness went down a bit. She would pander to his needs faithfully and knew she would be rewarded with kinkiness only he could think up. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to lose and—having a good feeling about what he wanted to try—Scootaloo snatched a slender tootsie roll candy and held it behind her back.

“Alright, I got one-hundred and seventy four pieces!” Rumble spoke up; impressed with the load he accumulated. Remembering the number, Scootaloo quickly finished counting hers and found she was a mere dozen under his mark.

“One- hundred and sixty two. Hmph, seems like you get to be in charge for tonight,” Scootaloo replied, acting like she was a bit frustrated with her loss.

“Hah, I knew I would be on top, as usual!” Rumble straightened up, his face pointed up to the ceiling like a spoiled brat.

“Yeah whatever. So, how do you want to play tonight?” Scootaloo asked as she rose to her hind legs and rested her back against the wall.

Rumble looked at his mare, his cheesy smile still apparent as he grabbed the pillow case and pulled it up into the air. Scootaloo watched as something extra fell out of the bag and landed on the floorboard with a rather loud clang. Her eyes widened and her ears perked up as she looked at the shiny metal object resting on the floor with a curious yet naughty desire in her eyes.

“Hoof cuffs?” she answered back simply.

“Yeah! Why not play in character?” Rumble asked with a smirk on his face as he brought the hoof cuffs up with his mouth and moved closer. “I’m a guard, you’re a crook. I’ll ‘search’ your body for illegal contraband.”

“Oh? You feel like frisking me do you?” Scootaloo chuckled as the grey pegasus was mere inches from her face.

“All strictly business, mind you,” Rumble replied. “Hooves up against the wall and spread your legs.”

“Strictly business? Heh, you’re such a liar,” Scootaloo replied, slightly amused.

“Seems my tone needs some work,” Rumble said as he cleared his voice. "Hooves up against the wall and spread your legs.”

Scootaloo smiled as his tone became stronger and his expression changed from a stupid grin to a look of a stone cold captain. The switch in tone made her pause for a few seconds but she knew that playing the submissive mare would end nicely.

“Mhm, someone is eager to start.” Scootaloo obeyed his order and turned her body around before she rested her front hooves on the wall while she slowly spread her hind legs apart.

Wanting to keep her horny boyfriend entertained, she swished her tail about, only letting him steal quick glimpses at the pink slit he so rightly desired. Like the horny colt he was, Rumble kept his eyes low as he dropped the cuffs and moved closer to her. Bringing his hoof up, Rumble rested it against her thigh before stroking her toned leg. The softness of his hoof made her shiver and her wings flutter slightly under her costume, but Scootaloo ignored the itching sensation that came from it. Positioning himself perfectly, Rumble sat down behind her and started patting her down on both sides of her flank.

“What are you going to do if you find something?” Scootaloo asked, wanting to be humored by his answer.

“Oh, I have plans,” he replied mysteriously, patting along the inside of her thigh, letting his hooves slowly travel upward.

Scootaloo waited a second to see if he was going to go right for the prize, but while watching him over her shoulder, she saw him pause and quickly move his hooves to her hips and start to pat down from there.

Dork… you should know the guards start at the hips before they go down. Scootaloo rolled her eyes, but continued to play it cool.

“You going to lock me up and throw away the key?” she spoke softly, giving her hips a small shake.

“Maybe,” he replied, stopping his hooves on her firm tush before giving it a small massage. “But I’m sure you wouldn’t want that.”

Scootaloo felt herself blush slightly as he pushed her tail to the side, letting his eyes stare at both of her holes. Scootaloo felt another flutter in her wings and felt herself become aroused as he stared at her behind. Turning her face to the wall, she steadied herself as Rumble moved down and rested his hooves on her calves before going back up.

“Hmm, maybe I like being locked up,” Scootaloo said quietly.

“Oh? Being locked up by yourself?” Rumble replied as he pressed his hooves between her thighs, pushing her legs further apart. “All by your lonesome with no stallions to tend to you?” With a bit more room, Rumble leaned into her body and inhaled deeply, enjoying her scent.

Then he blew a breath of hot air on his marefriend’s slit. Scootaloo trembled and shivered and was ready to give him a soft moan of gratification, but stopped as she peered back over her shoulder and saw a puzzled look on his face.

“Hey, you actually got something hidden in your…” Rumble’s voice trailed off as his hoof pushed at her puffy pussy and a bit of paper appeared from inside. “Let me check.”

Curiosity driven, Rumble moved his mouth closer, letting his cold muzzle brush against her body. A soft yet surprised moan escaped Scootaloo as she felt the little surprise she prepared earlier start to get pulled out. Rumble took his time, wondering if he was pulling something he shouldn’t have been. Listening to his mare moan softly, Rumble decided not to stop and finally pulled out the mysterious object. As it came out, his teeth let go of the paper and he licked the edge of them, letting the slight taste of arousal dance against his lips. Yet, while he was too preoccupied to properly enjoy it, Rumble spoke up as he tilted his head.

“Did you put a tootsie roll inside?” Rumble started to look back up and saw the cheesy smile on Scootaloo’s face.

“Oh dear, I thought I had hidden that so well that even an experienced guard like yourself would miss it,” Scootaloo replied, doing her best to remain in character, while she willingly pushed the act along. Rumble stared awkwardly at the candy, but quickly realized the intentions behind her act.

“Well, seems a certain pony needs to be taught a lesson then,” Rumble said with a smirk as he undid the strap keeping the makeshift armor in place. The young filly stared as the armor fell to the ground before locking her eyes on the lean body of Rumble. Scootaloo smirked back whilst sticking her tongue out at him in a playful manner, causing him to reach up and lose the helmet as well.

“Aww, I wanted you to stay in uniform,” Scootaloo whined.

“It’s actually not very comfortable,” Rumble replied, stretching his legs and rolling his neck gratefully. “Plus my mane keeps getting caught in the helmet.”

“Well it’s no fun if only one of us is dressed up.” Scootaloo stared at him with a pleading look on her face, desperately wanting him to dress back up. “Besides, you look good in uniform. Could you leave it on just for me?”

Rumble stared at his mare; the pleading look in her eyes was something he couldn’t say no to. Letting out a deep sigh, Rumble grabbed the chest plate and quickly reattached it.

“Fine, I’ll wear the chest plate, but the helmet is really annoying,” he replied as the strap clicked into place.

“That works, the helmet looks silly anyway. Now, how were you going to punish this naughty criminal?” Scootaloo quickly got back into character, whilst giving her rump a small shake in order to draw his eyes back to the prize.

“Simple.” Rumble grabbed the cuffs with his teeth. “Front hooves together and stand straight.”

Scootaloo obeyed as she pulled herself down and did as he instructed. Once her body was positioned, Rumble moved forward and slapped the cuffs on her legs. Scootaloo felt the metal clasp into place; thankfully, it wasn’t too tight. Moving her hooves slightly, she knew the real ones had a more special property to them in which they numbed the prisoners body with magical energy. In a sexually depraved way, Scootaloo wanted to experience that feeling and have Rumble have his way with her. Of course, she knew getting real cuffs would be impossible and she simply settled for what she had.

“Good, now bend over for me,” Rumble instructed as his eyes went back to her ass. “Face down, ass up, and legs spread.”

Scootaloo nodded her head and did just that, her cheek resting against the smooth floorboards as she raised her ass in the air. Purposely keeping her tail in place, Scootaloo waited patiently for him to make the next move. Not quite satisfied with her position, Rumble put his hooves on her ankles, shoving her legs apart. Scootaloo winced a bit as she felt her tail being yanked away to uncover her rear.

“Ahh, now you’re getting into the spirit of things,” Scootaloo replied, but her words fell on deaf ears as Rumble glided his nose along the curve of her toned ass, before he inhaled deeply and shuddered.

“Kinda hard not to when I got a mare as fine as you,” he replied, breathing warm air against her pussy. “Especially a mare who has a pussy as clean and tight as yours.”

“Good enough to eat out I hope.” Scootaloo’s breathing increase in anticipation, hoping Rumble would tease her a bit before he simply stuck his dick in and fucked her.

Rumble mumbled a reply before he flicked his tongue out and gave her tender pink lips a small lick. The warm sensation made her body jump a bit, but she quickly relaxed as Rumble moved his front hooves up and rested them against her ass. Once his hooves were planted, Rumble quickly broke into a motion of moving his tongue up and down the full length of her, purposefully avoiding her clit. Scootaloo moaned; the sweet sensation felt divine.

“Hope you plan to return the favor as well,” Rumble said as he pulled away for a second, before moving back in with his nose. “It will make your punishment much more… fun as well.”

Scootaloo turned her head, noticing his growing erection. Swallowing, Scootaloo knew how she would treat it. Knowing Rumble was well groomed and very clean all the time, Scootaloo had no qualms about servicing him with a blowjob. In a way, it was her greatest skill when it came to intercourse since she had a knack for it. She loved to see him squirm and wince when she would brush her teeth against his sensitive flesh. The pleasing look he would give her would show a shift in power as Scootaloo would become the dominant one and she would switch it up and go on top of him. She looked forward to it, but she turned her mind back to the present as Rumble pressed his tongue over her clit and wiggled it.

“Oooh,” she moaned, her voice low and almost monotone. “You know I will.”

Hearing her answer, Rumble let his tongue move downward, the tip of it brushing against the little spot of fluff she had just above her clit. Touching it briefly, he brought his tongue back, focusing his tongue on her clit, hoping to excite and get her to a higher level of arousal. So far his intentions were working very well, and Scootaloo felt her body heating up quickly, her hips starting to move in tune with his licks.

“Glad I got a boyfriend who has a sharp tongue,” she said with a sigh as she closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling more.

“Glad I got a girlfriend that I can please,” Rumble rebutted as he moved one hoof away in order to stroke his growing erection. Keeping his licks steady, Rumble tended to her pussy, waiting patiently for any softness in his erection to go away. Once it was stiff as a rock, Rumble pulled away from the trembling slit and leaned back, letting his front hooves go behind him in order to keep himself up.

“Now let’s see if you can return the favor.” Rumble smirked, his erection twitching and almost begging for attention.

Catching her breath, Scootaloo quickly pulled herself up, doing her best not to trip over the cuffs on her front legs. Quickly turning around, she kneeled back down, letting her lusty eyes be mere cunt hairs away from his dick.

“Mhm, I never get tired of how big you are,” Scootaloo spoke out, raising the grey pegasus’s confidence up a level.

“Heh, what can I say? I’m a gifted pony,” he replied, letting his growing ego get the better of him.

“Gifted indeed,” Scootaloo pressed her warm lips against the base of his shaft, giving it a quick kiss before she started to move up.

Each small kiss made his erection twitch and Rumble stared at Scootaloo’s face, watching her eyes slowly close while she started to coo softly. Coming to the tip, Scootaloo stuck her tongue out and pressed it against his shaft before trailing back down and coming to a stop at his balls.

“Mhmmm, seems you showered up before you left home,” she said to him, tasting a bit of soap on him.

“Gotta make sure you stay happy, you know,” Rumble replied as he brought his hooves up and rested them on her hat before pushing it off and letting it fall to the floor.

The scent of girly shampoo filled both their nostrils and both sighed from it. Leaning his head back, Rumble relaxed as Scootaloo switched it up and placed her lips on his shaft. Still moving her head up and down, Scootaloo wiggled her tongue out, letting it lap at a spot before letting her lips touch it. The sensation was soothing and only got better as she started to suckle as well. As good as it was, Rumble looked forward to feeling her deepthroat his erection and wondered if she was going to get him off that way.

“You’re so good at this,” he said with a sigh, feeling his heart rate quicken. “Kinda curious to know how you’re so skilled.”

“Porn,” she replied simply as her mouth came back to the head of his cock. “Watch enough of it and you learn things.”

Right after the words left her mouth, Scootaloo pressed her tongue in the little hole at the end, causing Rumbles hips to squirm in response. A small groan of pleasure escaped his mouth as he felt her try something completely different. Scootaloo brought her cuffed hooves up and rested them against the base of his shaft and started to gently stroke it as her tongue continued to hit the mark. The sound of jiggling metal greeted his ears and the feeling of soft hooves made his erection spasm in response. The touch she was providing was enough to make his wings flutter and his forehead start to sweat. When he didn’t think it could get any better, Scootaloo paused for a second, looking deeply into his eyes before she opened her mouth and placed the tip of his cock inside of it.

“Ahhhh, that feels good,” Rumble moaned, his wings starting to open up.

Scootaloo let out a mumble of approval before she started to take more of it inside her mouth. Done with her teasing, Scootaloo quickly pressed down on it, taking as much as she could before it started to hurt her throat. A large amount of it was stuck in her mouth; her throat bulging out slightly before she started to bob up and down with gusto.

Rumble watched the filly work, his eyes not able to look away from her face as she moved. Feeling his gaze, Scootaloo locked her eyes onto his, both unable to look away from each other. Rumble loved to watch the perverted filly work; the way she suckled and nurtured his erection made her look so innocent yet so damn naughty it nearly blew his mind. Finally their gaze was broken as Rumble moved his eyes to her flank, looking forward to rutting her so hard that any nearby sleeping animals would wake up with a severe case of morning wood.

Scootaloo saw his eyes looking at her ass; she was also looking forward to getting pounded senseless. Her body was ready for the act, and—if it weren’t for the cuffs—she would be rubbing herself just to make sure she was nice and wet for him. Instead, she kept working, minutes slowly ticking by as she made sure his dick was nice and slobbery for her. Finally, after a bit, she pulled her mouth off and gave him a sultry grin before she got up and quickly turned around. Her initial plan was to ride him, but why do all the work herself? She knew she wasn’t far from her own climax and she knew he would last longer than her regardless. Scootaloo settled for silence and resumed the same position she had when Rumble was sampling her previously.

The young colt didn’t need prompting, and, with eagerness in his step, he moved himself over the small filly, letting his nose brush across her neck, while his rock hard erection hovered mere inches from her slit. Scootaloo relaxed a bit as she felt his lean chest press against her back gently and sighed contently as he gave her neck a quick kiss. He kissed her a few more times, slowly moving forward until his erection stopped at her hole.

“Mhm, wrong hole, dork,” Scootaloo warned him, feeling his erection touch her poop chute.

“Hard to position it right half the time,” Rumble replied as she shuffled his body a bit until he found his penis aimed at the right one.

“You know you could stand up and guide it in right?” Scootaloo looked over her shoulder, giving him an annoyed glance.

Rumble blinked and knew she was right with her words. Quickly pulling himself up on his hind legs, Rumble rested his hooves on her ass and watched his erection stay centered on its target.

“Rather hover over your body,” Rumble replied, the act of standing on two legs almost alien to his mind. “But this works I guess.”

“Just put it in and lean back down. You can still enjoy it.”

“True,” Rumble replied as he started to slide his well lubed erection into her folds and moved back down. “But any kind of sex with you is enjoyable. Odd positions or not.”

Scootaloo moaned and felt her wings starting to extend under her shirt. Knowing she couldn’t remove her shirt thanks to the cuffs, Scootaloo did her best to keep them at her sides. Sadly, that was no easy feat once Rumble jutted forward, burying most of his erection inside of her with one single thrust.

“Ahh, not so hard,” Scootaloo winced slightly, the act of penetration was still somewhat new to her mind.

“Sorry, babe,” Rumble said as he resumed the more natural position he was accustomed with. “I’ll be more gentle.”

Rumble eased up as he pulled his erection out a bit, before slowly moving forward. That time Scootaloo didn’t mind as she enjoyed the slow moving erection going deeper inside of her.

Rumble quickly came to a stop, finding his hips on her ass. Standing still, Scootaloo shuddered as she felt the throbbing mass inside of her, ready to move in a swift motion. With it not moving, she couldn’t help but realize it felt bigger inside of her and gently grinded her ass against him.

“Slow and steady, Rumble. Don’t go too quickly and finish before I did last time,” Scootaloo warned, wanting to savor the sex.

“Okay,” Rumble replied swiftly.

Slowly, yet still eager with his movements, Rumble started to pull back, feeling his erection leave her quivering pussy before he pushed back in. Her body rocked and a stifled moan left her mouth. Rumble repeated the motion and started to nuzzle her neck in affection. Scootaloo smiled and craned her neck out, letting him move more on it as his hips worked.

“Perfect. Just like that.” Scootaloo smiled as she stared forward, her eyes staring at nothing in particular.

Rumble smiled as he continued to nuzzle her neck and put a bit more speed into his thrusts. Though they were short and a bit awkward thanks to his stance, both were slowly getting off.

“Try moving to the left a touch,” Scootaloo said. Rumble mumbled his response and once he finished, both found it more enjoyable.

“Much better,” she moaned, feeling his warm breath caress her neck as he never stopped kissing it.

Rumble mumbled again, but this time he pulled out rather quickly only to send it back in. A loud, wet slap resounded from it and, though Scootaloo was annoyed he wasn’t going the slow pace she wanted, she stayed silent, knowing she would cum very soon.

“Sorry,” Rumble said quietly, almost surprising the filly. “Hard to go slow, you know.”

“Whatever, dork,” Scootaloo rebutted but quietly calmed down. “It’s cool though, since I’m actually almost there.”

“I’ve barely rutted you,” Rumble responded.

“I blame your tongue work for me being so close,” Scootaloo replied.

“It’s a skill,” Rumble said sarcastically. “I can’t help it.”

Scootaloo was ready to answer back, but Rumble gave her another hard thrust before his motions became deeper, if a bit jerky. Biting her lip to keep herself quiet, Scootaloo relaxed, opting to enjoy the constant nuzzling he was providing. As nerved as she was, Rumble was smart enough to give her attention and that’s what made her happy. Any other colt would simply rut her and just grunt at a wall. With Rumble she was guaranteed affection and she wouldn’t have traded it for anything.

Slowly and surely Scootaloo was getting closer. Her moans starting to pick up more and more while her lean frame got rocked endlessly. Though she couldn’t see it, a small pool was forming under her pussy, showing she was indeed enjoying the rutting provided. She listened to her colt closely, his grunts far from frantic, signaling she would indeed cum before he did. Digging her cuffed hooves into the floorboards, Scootaloo gritted her teeth, feeling the end quickly approaching.

“Almost there, Rumble!” she moaned out to her colt, making no attempt to quiet herself.

Rumble said nothing, instead his speed increased and his thrusts became shorter. Scootaloo was finding it hard to keep her body afloat, her back legs starting to feel like jelly being slapped around. Her body quivered and her wings started to extend again on her. Though they were poking the fabric, she ignored it in order to fully enjoy the sensation. She was ready to warn Rumble that she was going to cum but feared it would come out more whorish than she wanted. Instead she stifled her moans as her body stiffened up and her orgasm greeted her. Feeling her hot walls clench around his erection, Rumble groaned and gritted his teeth as he felt a warm sensation wrap around his erection, almost making him want to thrust faster. Though her moans were stifled, soft gasps of pleasure still came from Scootaloo as she felt her body tense up with pent up energy from the last few days she hadn’t got laid.

“Awesome,” she cooed as she quickly caught her breath. “You’re going to last longer than me finally.”

Rumble just snorted hot air into her neck, his mind focused on getting to his own climax. A few more thrusts, yet the number never seemed to go down as he continued to rock her. Though the sensation felt godly, he wanted to cum so badly his groans started to turn into small whinnies. Scootaloo smiled and relaxed her body, letting the extra thrusting lure her into a calm state, but she was brought back as Rumble’s body jerked violently and felt his erection leave rather quickly before she felt a single line of jizz spurt out and cake her ass. What didn’t hit her rear, hit the floor and began to pool on the small amount of cum she let out. Breathing heavily, Rumble stared weary eyed at the same wall Scootaloo was staring at. Both were too tired to say anything and, while they found it awkward, Scootaloo broke the tension as she shuffled back a bit in order to rub her head against his chin.

“Not bad, lover boy,” she teased, moving her head in a cat like motion of affection before she kneeled down to rest.

Beginning to bask in a proper afterglow, Scootaloo smiled while trying to ignore the fact that her mid-section was touching the spilled semen on the floor. Rumble smiled and said nothing, his heart still beating so quickly he didn’t want to form words. Though he was quiet, Rumble side stepped and quickly kneeled down beside his filly while extending his wing out in order to rest it on her back.

“I aim to please,” Rumble spoke up after a few seconds of silence. “And I aim to please whenever you want me to.”

“Putting my needs before yours,” she cooed as she brought her hoof up and rubbed his chin. “You’re working to a very special treat you know.”

“Oh? Something special for me?” Rumble asked, enjoying the attention he was getting.

“Well, you do ask for blowjobs while you play video games,” she replied simply, the casualness of her comment lost on Rumble as he straightened up at the idea.

“Seriously? How much longer until I earn it?” he asked, excited by the mere idea.

“Umm, maybe I’ll consider it if you get me off in a shower one day,” she replied, the idea of shower sex so appealing that it was starting to turn into a fetish for her, though she never experienced it.

“I can do that. Maybe I could finish on the weekend.” Rumble nuzzled his cheek against hers, hoping the extra love would make her say yes.

“Works for me. Parents are going out for dinner Friday night and I highly doubt Ms. Cheerilee will give us lots of homework. But we’ll worry about that later. I just want to sit here with you for a bit.”

Rumble chuckled softly to himself and smiled back at her. Wanting to show he was thankful for her proposal, and plus being her boyfriend, Rumble turned her head in his hoof, lining his lips up for a quick kiss. It lasted for a second before they broke and looked into the others eyes and dove back in and let their tongues wrestle. Once they stopped, both went quiet as they turned their heads to an open window and stared at the endless amount of stars Luna had put into place. Watching stars form constellations, both smiled and watched with tired eyes as the princess of the night worked her magic.

“Hey, Rumble?”


“Can you get these hoof cuffs off me?”