Nightmare Night giving love some fright

by fluttercord45

First published

Its nearly nightmare night but there is one pony who is too scared to go out, who will help Fluttershy have fun on the night and what could be in store for her?

It will soon be nightmare night, the streets of quiet little ponyville are alive with excitement, games are being put up for the little fillys and colts to play and costumes are being made for the night. Everyone is excited but one, Fluttershy has never been on a nightmare night, scared by her own shadow, how could she possibly get through the night, maybe with a little push she can have fun, maybe with a bigger push something more.


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In Ponyville tomorrow is nightmare night, everypony is excited for it. ponies are decorating and putting games up for the little fillys and colts. Twilight and the girls were walking and talking getting ready for nightmare night.

A jumping blur of pink shot in front of the group, "YAY! I cant wait for nightmare night, I'm so super duper excited " Pinkie pie was all happy and jumping up an down.

"Ah know sugar I cant wait I'ther pinkie, all the fun games and grub there is going to be" said Applejack with a smile.

"Oh now darling don't forget all the the amazing costumes, sure there all scary but there's lots of wonderful costume too" said Rarity.

The cyan mare who was hovering above the group had a devilish grin, "Hey don't forget about the pranks, that's the best of nightmare night all the pranks and I have many ideas for tomorrow "said rainbow dash.

"Yeah everypony is so excited and everypony in Ponyville is getting ready for tomorrow and I cant wait to see Princess Luna coming to Ponyville" Twilight said with a smile.

Most of the mane six was excited about nightmare night, everypony exept Fluttershy. Fluttershy doesn't like nightmare night because she still knows that ponies are just wearing costume but to her they are still scary, everywhere she goes they just stare at her. Applejack looked at Fluttershy she was curious about her she hasn't said a word. "Suger cube are you alright you haven't said a word all day "said Applejack.

Fluttershy look up at applejack, "huh um I'm fine applejack, really," she said in a quiet voice behind her mane.

"well okay Suger cube"

Pinkie pie interrupted "so what costume are you going to wear for nightmare night fluttershy "

"Um.."fluttershy mumbled.

"I'm sorry can you said that again," Pinkie pie asked.

"um Im ..," fluttershy mumble again.

"One more time a little bit louder "pinkie pie asked again.

"I'm not going," Fluttershy shouted.

"WHAT!!!" Pinkie pie shouted with a surprised look.

"Fluttershy why are you not going," Rainbow dash asked.

"Well I don't like nightmare night," she hid behind her long pink mane. .

"WHAT!!" Pinkie pie shouted with a surprise look again.

"Darling, why don't you like nightmare night, its fun," Rarity asked.

"It's scary," said Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy, darling it's not scary its just ponies in costumes"

Fluttershy came out behind of her mane, "I know Rarity its just ponies in costume but still there scary looking at me and look like there going to eat me," Fluttershy looked away looked down and cry a little..

Applejack walked up to Fluttershy and put her hoof on her shoulder then Fluttershy looked at applejack, "Suger cube don't cry we know your scared how about this, tomorrow we'll show you its not scary and we'll play some games, eat, dance and others things that you'll like, if you don't then well take you home, hows that Fluttershy "applejack smiled at fluttershy.

Fluttershy stopped crying and smiled a little, "well okay I'll try, thank you Applejack for cheering me up," Fluttershy hugged her.

"No problem Shy, what are friends for," she hugged back

"GROUP HUG!!!!" Pinkie pie shouted and they all hugged together.

"So Fluttershy what costume are you going to wear," Rarity asked Fluttershy and let go of the group hug.

"Oh my, I don't have a costume, what am I going to wear," Fluttershy began to freak out.

"Darling relax, just come to my Carousel Boutique in fifteen minutes and we will find a costume for you, hows that," Rairty said.

"Okay ill be there, I have to go now, I have to feed my animals, I'll see you soon, bye," Fluttershy waved good bye and flew off to her cottage home.


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Fluttershy went to her cottage to feed all her animals, it only took a while and then a knock came from her door, when she opened it no one was there just a jack in the box. Fluttershy picked it up and went back into the house closing the front door behind her.

when inside she went and sat down at her table leaving the creatures to eat their food, when she got comfortable she turned the Handle of the Jack in the box around and around, whilst she Turned it there was music playing, after she finished turning it for a while it did nothing, no pop or anything came out of the box, "huh nothing I though..." Nightmare Moons head suddenly popped out and Fluttershy scream as loud as she could quickly bolting behind the couch.

While she was hiding behind the couch she heard a familiar laugh, she took a peak over to the jack in the box saw it transform to a Draconequus, it was discord, he spoke whilst hiding a few tears back, "you should seen the look on your face, it was priceless," laughing he wiped a tear from his eye.

Fluttershy came out behind the couch with an attempt at an annoyed face, "discord that was not funny you know I hate to being scared " Fluttershy huffed just past a whisper as discord stopped laughing.

Discord then snapped his fingers and appeared next to Fluttershy, "I know that Fluttershy and I'm sorry, I hope I didn't scare you too much,"

"it okay discord you didn't scare me too much still it was scary though, so what are you doing here?" Fluttershy asked.

Discord snapped his fingers again as a pink cloud appeared, he then mounted it to lie down, "oh I thought I would drop by to see how my dear friend is fairing plus I heard Said friend is scared of nightmare night, tomorrow I thought I should go with you, it would be fun to celebrate it with you," Fluttershy blushed as she hid behind her pink mane so that discord could not see her face.

"That's thoughtful of you discord, I am scared of it but I would like to celebrate nightmare night with you," Discord happy at this thought but wonder if she had been to one before.

"My dear Fluttershy I just have to ask, have you been out before on nightmare night," he waited for an answer Fluttershy.

Fluttershy stood there for a minute thinking how to answer, would he be mad at me or be surprised, she took a deep breath to relaxed and let it out, "well this will be my first nightmare night cause I don't like nightmare night its scary, please don't be mad at me," once again she hid behind her mane.

Discord snapped his finger, appearing next to Fluttershy and put his claw on her shoulder to see her, "my dear Fluttershy I would never be mad at you I was just surprised that you had never celebrated nightmare night before, I know your scared of the event, well this year you will have me, I will show you how fun nightmare night truly is, how does that sound?" Fluttershy gave him a smile.

"Okay that sound wonderful,um....thank you discord, your a true and thoughtful friend," Discord smiled back at her.

"What are friends for my dear, so what costume are you going to be wearing," he asked.

Fluttershy realized something in her head, oh that's right I have to go to the carousel boutique to see rarity, "I amost forgot, Rarity is going to help me pick a costume, you want to come with me?"

Discord thought about it as he put his claw up to his chin rubbing slightly, "sure and I have to get a costume too, lets see if Rarity could wip one up for me whilst were there too," Fluttershy was ready and heading out for the door.

Fluttershy quickly went over to the animals who were watching in a group, "you be good now I am just going to Raritys I'll be back later, well okay, um..... lets go then"

Discord sighed, "Fluttershy, you have a spirit hear who can teleport, why walk when you can poof then in an instant?"

"well okay then I don't mind," discord smiled.

"excellent off to Raritys place then in a flash, 3, 2, 1," in a snap they disappeared


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Meanwhile in carousel boutique Rarity was just finishing her costumes, "there I'm finished, it took all day but it was worth it," she put everything away, even her costume as well.

Then Fluttershy and Discord appeared, "hi rarity," Fluttershy said Rarity turned around to see Fluttershy.

The follower surprised her a little but she carried on, "Darling Fluttershy and........ and discord, so are you ready to look for costume for you," Fluttershy nodded, "well okay come over here I have many costumes that you may like," Rarity said.

"Okay I hope there's a costume I like that's not scary"

"Don't worry darling they are not scary, now what do you think," there was a princess costume, a bunny costume ,a good witch costume ,ladybug costume and an Alice in wonderland costume.

"I think I should go with Alice in wonderland costume it looks wonderful, if you don't mind can I try it on," Fluttershy asked.

"Of course darling, I want to see how you look," Fluttershy took the costume to try it on.

Discord looked over at rarity, "hey what about me," rarity look at discord at every angle for a costume to fit him,

"Well discord I don't know about you I'll have to make a costume that can fit you," Discord had an idea,

"What about a mixture of different costume for each piece of myself," Rarity was shocked of what she heard,

"Discord your being very awkward, that would just be chaos to make"

"Exactly, still maybe something like a gangster suit with a fedora might suit me I don't know it! I think I will leave it to you, you always get brilliant ideas"

Rarity thought and thought about the idea for the costume and then she had a brilliant idea, "I don't know about a gangster but how about a mad hatter to Fluttershy's Alice and then try to *amah* kiss *amah* her *amah*"

Discord ignored that last part, "HAHA I love the idea, Rarity I knew you would do it, madness ,this is CHAOS!!! I'm sure me and Flutteshy will make a quite the couple"

Rarity couldn't believe what she just heard, "I'm sorry what was that last part about you and Fluttershy being couple," Rarity smiled at discord.

Discord blushed and looked away, "I don't know what your talking about, me and Flutteshy are just friends"

"Oh really then why are you blushing and everypony knows that you like Fluttershy "

"I am not blushing I'm just ... itchy that's all, me and Fluttershy are just friends"

Rarity rolled her eyes, "oh okay then you and Fluttershy are just friends," she said in a sarcastic voice.

"Yes just friends that's all, end of story," Discord said.

Fluttershy came out wearing the Alice in wonderland costume, "so what do you think of the costume is it good," Fluttershy asked.

"Darling its wonderful, I love it," Rarity answered.

"Thanks Rarity, what you think Discord," Discord looked at Fluttershy and zoned out as he thought to himself, she looks beautiful, she looks wonderful, then he started to blush, "um discord are you okay," Fluttershy asked as he snapped out of the trance.

"Huh, yeah, I'm fine, you look wonderful Fluttershy," Fluttershy started to blushed a little.

"Um thank you I'll just go take the costume off now," she went back to take the costume off.

"Just friends huh, the way you look at her, the way you blushed at her, you like Fluttershy," Rarity said with a smile.

Discord sight, "okay fine you got me, I like Fluttershy, there I said it"

"Don't worry discord, I'm not going to tell her, so when are you going to *amah* kiss her"

"When the time is right,"

Fluttershy came out, "well Rarity I'll take the costume, how much is it," Fluttershy asked.

"No charge darling, it's free"

"Oh thank you Rarity but I cant take it for free, its not right," Flutershy said.

Rarity thought over how to make it the cheapest possible to help her friend, "how about you give me five bits, how's that"

"Well okay, that's fine, thanks Rarity" Fluttershy gave Rarity five bits.

"Your welcome Fluttershy anything for a friend and discord here is your costume," Rarity gave the costume to Discord and pointed a hoof at the changing room, "why don't you try it on, fitting room is just back there"

"Why cant I just change here its as fast as a snap," Discord complained.

Rarity whisper in discords ear, earning an odd look from Fluttershy, "I want ask Fluttershy something"

"You better not tell her about me liking her," discord said with a little anger in his voice.

"Don't worry I am not going to tell her that, just something I need to ask okay"

Discord sighed in relief, "fine," he went to the fitting room.

"Um Rarity, can I tell you something," Fluttershy asked.

"Sure darling, what is it"

"Um well I was wondering, do you think.." Flutteshy mumbled the last part

"I'm sorry dear, can you say it one more time, I couldn't hear you"

"Um you think Discord .." she whispered.

"One more time, this time a little louder," Rarity asked Fluttershy.

"Do you think Discord likes me," Rarity couldn't believe what Fluttershy just said.

Rarity was curious why she asked that question, "um ...well Fluttershy," Rarity thought about what Discord said a minute ago, she looked at Fluttershy waiting for an answer, "I don't know Fluttershy, why do you ask,"

"Um can you keep a secret"

"Of Course Fluttershy" 'pinkie promise' "cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," Rarity said.

"Well I..........I like discord," Rarity was this close to fainting, what she heard Flutteshy say mirrored Discord.

"you like Discord, since when," Rarity asked.

"Well after I reformed him," Fluttershy said.

"Well have you ever tried to *amah* kiss him," Rarity asked.

Fluttershy started to blush even more, as she started to look like big mac, "well no I'm too nervous to do that"

Meanwhile in the fitting room Discord was eves dropping on there conversation, Discord was flattered that Fluttershy liked him back too, "okay discord she likes you, just play it cool," talking to himself he came out with the mad hatter costume on, "well what do you think," Discord asked.

"I love it, it is so you, it screams chaos," Rarity said.

"Hehe thanks Rarity, how about you Fluttershy, what do you think "

"Um you look amazing Discord," Fluttershy said with a little blush.

He then snapped his fingers changing out of the costume, "thank you Rarity for the costume, here is ten bits for th extra effort"

"No problem, this is more than enough, anything I can do to help," Rarity flitted over to Discord and whispered into his ear, "try to kiss her..."

"Oh Rarity, cheeky, cheeky but great idea," he slowly crept behind the cream Pegasus and tapped her shoulder, when she turned he landed a kiss upon her cheek earning a squeak from the mare.

"Oh my," Fluttershy blushed turning red as rarity started to blush too.

"Oh my, darling aren't you going a bit too fast," rarity said.

Fluttershy started to blush even more, "not like that," she ran out the door embarrassed.

"Oh my, discord I didn't mean now! I mean when you were alone." she picked up Fluttershy's and Discord's costumes and gave them to him, "and you can give this to her," Rarity said.

"Sorry I couldn't help myself, I'll take this to her when I go pick her up, thank you again Rarity your are a dear friend," Discord said.

"No problem darling, I cant wait to see you guys all dress up together, now don't make too much trouble for Fluttershy, you'll end up scaring her," rarity said.

Discord had a toothy grin on his face, "I would never hehe much "

Rarity gave him the serious look, "I mean it Discord, please don't scare her too much"

Discord sighed, "fine I pinkie promise"

"Good, now run along I will see you later," Rarity said whilst waving good bye.

"Alright see you later Rarity," Discord said as he snapped his fingers, flash he disappeared.