A Lifetime Forgotten

by 15MadyCat

First published

After serving a major head injury, Spike has forgotten everything about the recent years. Now it is up to Rarity and the rest of his family to help him get it back.

After serving a major head injury, Spike has forgotten everything about the recent years. Now it is up to Rarity and the rest of his family to help him get it back.

Gem belongs to cat4lyst on DeviantART

Chapter 1

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"Be warned he is still a bit jumpy and scared." The light purple haired dragon-blood held tight to the door knob while facing away from it. "But I'm sure if you don't excite him or confuse him he'll be fine. Just act natural." He smiled worriedly at the unicorn-blood and the mixed-blood beside her. "Ready?"

"Yeah, but I have a quick question." The male raised his hand lightly still a bit confused about the whole thing. "Can we tell him who we are?"

"Yes, but don't mention anything serious like the fact that you're his wife." The dragon-blood motioned to Rarity by nodding in her direction, "And not that you are his son, but simply your names and possibly a little info about your age what you are and where you live. We don't want to overflow him with important information to fast." The messy light purple haired dragon motioned with his hand by slowly pushing it forward. "He get's pretty bad headaches if you talk to loud or to fast so just..uh..give him his space, alright?"

The other two nodded in unison as the dragon-blood smiled and opened the door slowly. The mother and son walked into the dimmed room with a chair in the middle and a dragon-blood sitting in it. His head was down as he stared at his feet with his spiky green hair falling over his face. The stapled gash in the crown of his head was obvious and it was no wonder why he had lost his memory. "Spike, darling?" Rarity asked as she lightly placed a hand on his shoulder.

He sat up immediately staring into the unicorns eyes. He looked terrified and lost, but in the mist of his deep green eyes there was a tint of sadness to them. Rarity jumped a bit at the sudden action, but quickly calmed herself and smiled at the adult dragon-blood. "How are you feeling?" She asked in a quiet tone rubbing his back softly.

Spike thought for a little bit looking back down at his feet and kicking them lightly. "Hungry." It was more of a question than a statement. He looked back at the smiling woman who was oddly close to him. Did he know her? Why was she so close to him? How come he couldn't help but feel guilty about not knowing her? Was she someone important to him? He felt as if he knew her but he couldn't quite put a finger on it.

Rarity giggled lightly. "Well it's good to know you haven't changed." The unicorn stood up from her crouching position, but never stopped smiling at the dragon.

"S-so what's your name?" Spike asked in a shy tone like he was meeting someone for the first time.

"Oh how rude of me!" Rarity dramatically put her hand on her chest and huffed out air. "My name is Rarity, and this is Gem." She said after quickly composing herself. Spike looked over at the boy with lavender hair, a light gray unicorn horn, and blue ear tufts. He was shifting from leg to leg and rubbing his left arm.

"Hi Gem." Spike said making the boy jump a little looking up at his father. The teen merely waved shyly. Spike didn't know why he wasn't talking. Was there something wrong with him? Could he talk? "How old are you?" The adult male asked watching Gem's reaction.

Gem frowned. His father should know this. "I'm 19, D-" Gem stopped himself before completing the last word. Looking back to what his uncle had told him his dad wasn't allowed to know that he was his son. That's ridiculous! Gem thought angry. Why should he have to hide that? His dad was going to find out anyway. In fact somewhere in that injured brain of his he already knew.

Spike raised an eyebrow. "What was that last part?"

"Nothing..." The kirin mumbled under his breath. The door slowly crept open revealing the light purple haired dragon-blood.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt but...um...I gotta talk to Spike alone." He walked into the room and sheepishly smiled at Rarity and Gem. The unicorn nodded and grabbed her sons hand walking out of the room slowly. Rarity stood in the doorway for a second turning back to look at her husband who was watching her and Gem leave. She lightly waved and smiled before closing the door behind her.

A loud clap brought Spike back to reality. "What?" Spike asked a bit annoyed. The sudden clap was enough for Spike's headache to return. He winced a bit and rubbed his temples.

Gnarl sighed. "Sorry." He walked over to his little brother and kissed him on the cheek. Something very common for dragons to do to family members or even close friends, and sometimes its a quick kiss on the lips. Dragons are very expressive of their love and personal display of affection is common within the Dragon Kingdom.

"It's fine." Spike smiled at his brother. He was one of the very few people Spike could remember. Most likely because his brother was with him when he lost his memory and when he awoke a month later, in fact his brother was the one who saved his life.

"Ready to get out of this room?" Gnarl held out his hands to his younger brother, and Spike accepted happily. The purple haired dragon-blood helped his kin stand up and made sure he wouldn't fall over. "The unicorn-blooded woman you just met is who you will be staying with, alright?" Gnarl led Spike out of the small room and into a sitting room that was alined with chairs that only occupied two people. The curly purple haired unicorn and the lavender haired kirin.

Spike walked over to the two as they both stood up to greet him. "Hey." The adult dragon simply said.

"Ready to go?" Rarity smiled hoping to get out of the hospital and get started on getting her husbands memory back right away. The green headed dragon-blood nodded.

"Okay, but before you go remember what I told you earlier." Gnarl pointed at the unicorn with curly purple hair as she nodded and smiled.

Taking Spike's hand Rarity led him and Gem out of the hospital and finally back to the boutique.

Chapter 2

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Rarity looked up at the cloud covered sky as her and her family walked to their home. Spike walked with a small blush on his face watching the unicorn as she held his right arm tight to her body. Their hands were intertwined and her delicate thumb was making small circles on the back of his sharp nailed hand.

"Shame. Today could have been glorious." Rarity looked back to where she was going still holding tight to her forgetful husband.

"Yeah the pegasi have the worst timing." Gem shoved his hands in his light purple skinny jean pockets. "Or it's just Northern Lights trying to give me a hard time like usual." He kicked a rock and sighed. "I hate stormy cloudy days."

"Well, Gem dear if it makes you feel any better there doesn't call for a storm today." Rarity replied trying to make her son's attitude lighten. "Plus, we'll be indoors all day anyway, and tomorrow will be bright and sunny." Carousel Boutique had just come into view as the family walked up. Spike was unsure about the girly appearance of the boutique and wondered why he had to live there with the two.

Rarity pulled her key out of her black leather purse and unlocked the door letting Spike and Gem inside. "This is where we live, and where I work." She explained to Spike who looked more than confused about the whole situation. "It is called Carousel Boutique if you couldn't tell how the exterior is designed." Rarity laughed a little feeling more awkward than usual. She held the door open for Gem and Spike to walk in, but smiled lightly when The adult dragon-blood grabbed the side of the door for her to enter.

"What a gentleman. Thank you." Rarity strutted her way inside feeling pleased that even after her husband lost his memory he still knew how to be a gentlemen.

Spike nodded as he gingerly closed the door behind him. He took in his new home, or old home, he couldn't remember right this instant, but it was a sight to see. From ceiling to floor it was purple and pink, though they were light shades it still made him feel a bit uncomfortable.

Spike still felt unsure about all of this. "Excuse me?" He tried to get the unicorns attention.

"Hmm?" She turned to face him and smiled. "Yes?" Her voice was smooth and strangely calming.

"If you don't mind me asking, who are you to me?" He didn't like how his question came out and internally winced. Rarity continued smiling as she walked up to the dragon holding up his left hand with hers. The answer was obvious as he could see they were both wearing rings on their left ring finger indicating they were married.

Spike blushed a little. "I-I'm sorry I just-"

"It's fine, darling." She kissed his cheek and let go of his hand. "Oh, and by the way Gem is our son." She smiled and looked over at the kirin who was currently sitting on the small runway in the middle of the shop cutting gemstones into perfect shapes.

"What time is it?" Gem asked still using his natural blue nails to cut away at the stones.

Rarity put her hands on her hips. "3:30 why?" She asked knowing the answer and knowing what her response is going to be.

Gem looked up at his mother who was lightly glaring at him. He smiled sheepishly, "Nothing, never mind." He quickly said as he looked back down at his small project. Rarity lightly smiled and sat down next to Gem then patting the spot next to her for Spike. The dragon-blood tentatively sat down next to his wife. He felt a warmth being next to her that he couldn't explain, like he remembered her but at the same time he didn't. It was all so confusing, and strange.

"Dad, what do we usually have for dinner on Tuesdays?" Gem quizzed staring at his father.

"Uhh..." Spike's mind reeled looking for the answer before quietly and uncertainly saying in a form of a question, "There's no set schedule?"

Gem smiled, "Good. Now I'm starved so what's for dinner?"

Rarity frowned, "Gemstone. Don't be so rude, and it's not even evening yet. You can wait."

The kirin pouted. "I'm not being rude I'm being practical. He should know these things." Both Rarity and Gem turned to Spike who only shrugged. Was he supposed to say something? Why were they both looking at him like that? So many questions soared through his brain giving him a headache. He lightly rubbed his temples as Rarity and Gem began to argue once more.

"Ladies please! You're both pretty. Now, can we go at least decide what we're eating because I'm with the kid. I'm a bit hungry too." Spike's face was one of annoyance as the two settled down and looked at him.

The mixed-blood shot up, "Please." He stated to his father who was now on his feet as well. Spike nodded at Gem as he hopped off the stage and hurried upstairs to the house part of the boutique. Spike politely held out his hand to Rarity and she gladly accepted it.

"We've missed you so much." She leaned against her husband smiling. Spike slowly and cautiously wrapped his arms around her and, lightly nuzzled her with his cheek. She smelled so good, like vanilla. He took in a deep breath enjoying her sent. It felt so good to have that familiar warmth pressed against him. His heart felt swollen as he continued to nuzzle her. She giggled lightly looking up at him. Her eyes were a beautiful blue that shown like sapphires.

The door that lead to the stairs swung open, "Eww." Gem faked gagging himself as he stuck his forked tongue out and pointed in his mouth. "Can we please go get food now?" He complained folding his arms over his dress shirted, black blazer chest.

"Yes, Gem we can go get food now." Rarity's tone had a bit of annoyance in it as she pulled away from her husband. Though she knew Gem was joking and didn't really mind his parents showing affection, but that didn't mean she had to tolerate it. She took Spike's hand in hers and headed upstairs in search of food for her famished family.