Just a Hug

by Your Friendly Neighbor

First published

You were always an adventurous stallion. One night: you find a different kind of adventure!

You are lost in the world around you. You are an average stallion by the name of Dust, and you are always looking for an adventure. One night: You find a different kind of adventure!

In glorious second person! My first attempt at a real story.

Hope you enjoy!


Just a Hug: Part 1

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"Actions always speak louder than words..."

You're taking a stroll in the night, like you always do. It seems to clear your mind the best. The cool wind of the summer night blows through your black mane and tickles your grey coat. You are heading a new way this time, the northern outskirts of the Everfree Forest. Hoping you don't get lost, you packed a compass, a map of the general area, and some snacks for the trip. You normally stay walking for hours, so hunger and thirst are an issue. You always make sure you are prepared for what ever nature has to throw at you. You levitate your trusty pocket watch out from your saddlebag and check the time: 10:39 PM. It's getting late quick, but you are determined to stay out well past midnight.

You decide to take a small break and look at your surrounding area. You plop your self next to a tall tree and take out an apple. You scan the area for anything of interest. The Everfree Forest always has the oddest of plants, you are a bit of a trader, and the plants that you find end up in the hooves of a unicorn for a sum of money. But there is sometimes that one plant that is worth keeping, you just haven't found it yet.

Then, you spot something glowing a short distance from you; perhaps it's some type of plant. You walk closer to the glow and you find that it is indeed a plant. It's purple in color and roughly small. You've never seen anything like this before. You get out your book on the Everfree Forest's plants and flip through until you find it: The Nightgleam. According to your book, it's a flower that is very rare unless you are deep into the forest, and can produce a bright glow. It is also used in many potions that makes you more relaxed. So it's like alcohol? Sweet! You pull the flower out of the ground, surprised that it still glows, and put it in your saddle bag.

You decide to walk around the forest for a bit in search for some more plants like these. The surroundings go from a midnight moon glow to a near pitch-black creepiness. You feel uneasy, but that's probably the fact that you can't see as good. Everything off in the distance is black as can be. With no luck on finding anymore plants, you decide to turn back and get out of the forest. The worst thing that could happen, happened: you find that you are lost. You check the time on your pocket watch to find that it is 1 AM. Way past the time that you wanted to head home.

You notice a difference in the distant forest. It looks like a glow from a lamp or fire. You shift position a little to find that there is a small cottage. It has lights shining through it's windows, someone is in there. The first thing that comes to mind is that you found somewhere to stay for the night. The second thing is: What if the pony inside isn't friendly?

Taking up a sense of courage, you trot your self to the cabin. You put your best face on and stick your hoof out to knock on the door.


In a short time, the door opens and standing there is an attractive mare. Her coat is a light blue, her mane and tail are an even lighter blue. Her eyes are a deep shade of purple.

All your courage is lost...

"What do you want?" She says, sounding annoyed from being interrupted from her sleep.

"I... Uh.." You try to say something, but you find it hard to.

"Go on! Trixie doesn't have all day!" Sounding even more annoyed.

Working up all courage, you let out what you were planning to say, "I-I'm lost... And I was hoping... I could stay here for the night."

"HAH! Why would I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, allow a unicorn as weak as you to stay in my home?" The word "weak" was a harsh word to you. You were always called weak as a small colt by school kids, and you hated hearing it still.

"Hey! I am NOT weak! I could out do you any day!" you yell, sounding obvious that you've taken offence.

"Oh yeah? Can you prove it!? Tell ya' what, kid, if you can beat me in a shield breaking dual, then Trixie will do what ever the hell you want!" She says tauntingly. Obviously, she thinks that she's on top of the world when it comes to magic, betting something as serious as temporary slavery on their own dual.

You study her face for a minute, and you can notice a hint of sadness in her determined expression. You think for a minute. "You're on!" you say determinedly. No pony calls you "weak".

"It's settled then," she says, "If you beat me, I can be your little 'slave'. But I doubt you can even dream about beating me!"

She is really starting to piss you off.

"Here's the rules, if you don't know," She says, "You stand here and pull up your best defense against my oncoming spell. Then it's your turn. I'll try to not kill you." She says that last sentence with a slight chuckle.

You take your place and get ready to throw up your best shield. You already have a great offensive spell planned, a "Pony-to-Stone" spell, the strongest spell you know, and is known as a shield buster. You got this. Trixie charges up her horn and plants her hooves firmly into the ground. You passively get your magic charged up and ready to throw out your best shield. In a short time, Trixie fires off her chosen spell and it comes speeding quickly towards you. Thinking on your "Fight or Flight" response, you throw out your shield just in time to absorb the spell.


The spell's force knocks you back, but your shield is still intact. It is now your turn.

You charge up your "Pony-To-Stone" spell and grin as your horn grows brighter by the second. It's a bit tiresome, but it will get the job done. It takes a good minute, but your spell is fully charged. You plant your hooves firmly and get ready to release the hell upon your opponent.

You release the spell from your horn and it speeds towards Trixie. It collides with her shield and shatters it completely, leaving her defenseless. The spell then turns her to stone. With ultimate satisfaction, you walk your way over to the pony statue.

You say with success, "Not so tough as you thought? Huh?" You admit, it sounded pretty rude, but she brought it on herself. You look at her for a minute and decide that you should turn her back. With a quick charge of the horn, you turn the light-blue unicorn back to her original state.

She collapses on the ground, panting furiously. She musters all the strength she has left to talk, "H-how did you.... beat me? N-no pony.... beats The Great and Powerful Trixie," she sighs heavily, "Fine... I guess I... can't go back on my word.... Do what you want."

You stare at her for a minute, thinking of your next choice of action.

"Go on.... Trixe doesn't have all night!" she says.

You help her up on her hooves, and wrap your front legs around her neck and give her what she needed: A hug.

Just a hug...

Just a Hug: Part 2

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... is all it takes...

"Wha-? Trixie says, surprised by your action, "Tha-" She stops mid-thought and begins to cry into you shoulder. You aren't surprised by this, but it warms your heart. You've shown this mare something that wasn't given to her in a long time. You've shown her that there are still kind people in the world.

Trixie resumes to cry into your shoulder. All you can do to make her feel better is hug her tighter and try to comfort her. You nuzzle her on the neck to show her that you still care. She raises her head and brings her eyes to yours. You can see that she still has tears in her eyes.

You can feel her warm breaths on your face as she breaths out, "Thank you." She moves in closer.

Then, your lips meet. You were caught off guard by this kiss, you were only half expected it. You see her eyes flutter shut to get a deeper feel for this moment. You do the same, you want this moment to last for a while. Trixie slowly pushes her tongue forward and into your mouth, gaining a deeper feel for you. She explores the inside of your mouth, giving you a new rush of pleasure. You can hear her give off a small moan of arousal.

This is all moving so fast. Problem is, you don't want it to slow down.

Trixie breaks the wonderful kiss and opens her eyes. She smiles with happiness as she lets go of you and lays down on her stomach. She gestures you to lay beside her. She starts to speak in her sweet voice.

"Trixie is- I'm sorry that I kissed you out of nowhere... It was just that-" You cut her off

"Shh.. It's alright." You say. You start to stroke her mane lovingly. You were always good at comforting another pony.

"It's just that I haven't been given a hug from anypony in a long time." Her voice starts to crackle, sounding as if she's about to start crying again.

You throw an arm around her and nuzzle her gently on the cheek. She smiles in return to your kindness. She looks at you and you notice that she is starting to tear up a bit.

"Can you stay here? With me? I-it's so lonely out here" she requests. It nearly breaks your heart to see another pony like this.

You nod your head, accepting her request. Her eyes light up and she throws herself around you in a big hug. You two continue to stare up at the open patch in the trees, revealing the stars. It is quite romantic, if you say so your self. Trixie starts to speak again, something that you thought you'd never hear.

"Want to come inside? It's getting late." She says.

You can only nod your head. You stand up and help Trixie to her hooves. She walks in front of you and starts to lead you to her home. You ogle at her flank for a second as it sways in front of you.

Stop thinking like that.

You step inside the small cottage. It's pretty comfy. It has a nice, homey look to it. It also has a nice bed off to the- No, stop thinking that that.

Trixie offers you a seat and pours you and herself a cup of tea. You just remembered how thirsty you are, you've haven't had a drink for about three hours. You maintain your manners, just this once, and sip on the tea. It is surprisingly good! It's not too strong, or too sweet. It also has a hint of "nature" in there. It is probably the best cup of tea you've had in years. With a quick drink, you feel more energized. The only thing that would make this better would be a small apple.

"Do you like the tea? It's my grandmother's old recipe." Trixie says, her sweet voice is more steady now.

"It's really good," You say, "It's the best I've had in a while, to tell ya' the truth."

"Thanks." She smiles, "I forgot to ask, what is your name?"

You just remembered, you never mentioned your name. How dumb it was for yourself to never mention your own name. "Oh? My name? My name is Dust "

"Dust? That's a nice name." She compliments. No one has ever said that you're name was "nice". When you were a colt, other school ponies would make fun of your different name, though you saw nothing wrong with it. As you got older, all that stopped, of course.


You don't know what else to say, but you decide to ask her something to keep a good conversation.

"What is someone like yourself doing out here all alone anyways?" you ask.

` "I... really don't like to talk about it." she replies.

There is a silence that follows. Now that you think about it, it was a dumb question and it would probably be something personal. After the short silence, Trixie opens her mouth to speak again.

"Do you think I'm... mean?" she asks. It was kind of a silly question, but the look on her face told you that she was serious.

"No, not at all. Why?"

She sighs heavily, "It's one of the reasons I'm out here.... I got in way over my head. I didn't make any friends, only enemies."

You place your hoof on top of hers, "I'm your friend," You say, "Unless... you want to be more than frien-" You cut your self off, you can't believe you just said that. You are so stupid sometimes. Then, you notice Trixie's face light up, you've done something right. She grabs your hoof and tugs you closer, causing you to drop your empty cup.

She pulls you in closer, you can feel her steady breathing slowly start to speed up. Your heart rate begins to increase as she reels you in for another kiss. You are more ready for this one. You slide your tongue forward into her mouth, giving yourself a deeper feel for her this time. You explore the insides of her mouth. There is a certain flavor to it, but you just can't put your hoof on it. This kiss is lasting longer than the other, way longer. The feeling of it is wonderful, you'd thought this would never happen to you. Being nice has paid off in the best way possible.

Trixie breaks the kiss a second time with a small moan of pleasure. She smiles and gestures you to follow her to the bed. She brushes her tail along your face and giggles slightly.

Hot damn!

Just a Hug: Part 3 [Mature]

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... to change a life.

Trixie leads you over to her bed. She grabs you with her magic and throws you down on the bed. She mounts on top of you and starts to kiss you along your chest, up to your mouth, to your forehead, and finally stopping at the base of your horn. She starts to lick her way up your horn and rests her lips on the very tip. She starts to slowly suck on it, go up and down on you sensitive horn.

You've never felt this much pleasure before. You're horn is really sensitive, and this new feeling is surprisingly wonderful. You can feel your horn pulsate with sparks as you begin to reach your magical climax. You put your hooves on Trixie's lower back and you begin to rub her gently, getting her more aroused.

Your horn gives off sparks as you reach your arcane climax. You give off a satisfied moan of pleasure. Trxie backs off from your horn an gives you a slight smile of satisfaction. You take advantage of her being off guard to grip her flank and push her downward onto your groin. She yelps loudly as you rub against her marehood.

She grips tightly onto your sides and flips you on top of her. She gives you a glance of readiness. You smile shyly as you grip her sides, ready to make the night really unfold. She nods her head and grips onto your flank with both hooves.

You start to push your self forward into Trixie's wet marehood. She moans in excitement as you start to slowly push deeper into her. You pick up your rhythm. Trixie closes her eyes to let the moment set in. You close your eyes too and find that you feel everything with a new layer of sensitivity. You push deeper and deeper into Trixie with a new-found sense of fluid movement.

You start to go at an even faster speed and you can feel Trixie grip tighter to you as she moans in ecstatic pleasure. Your warm and wet shaft burns with pleasure, you are close to your climax, but still so far.

You start to slow down a bit, but you move your grip to Trixie's shoulders and hold her tightly. With a nod of acceptance, Trxie prepares herself.

You ram hard and deep into her. She shrieks out loud enough to break into your thoughts. You resume your grip onto her shoulders and starting ramming harder and deeper with each powerful thrust. She moans out loudly.

Pleasuring a mare as fine as Trxie builds onto your self confidence.

You decide to take a different position. You stop your onslaught and turn her onto her stomach.

You start to ram into the light-blue pony's marehood from behind . She looks for something to grab onto as you continually pleasure her from behind. You grip onto her hips to supply yourself with an extra kick.

It feels REALLY good!

Her body jolts forward with each powerful thrust that you supply. Sweat covers her entire body and her mane is messy and tangled from all the work. You notice Trixie's horn is beginning to glow, she is nearing her orgasm. You start to slow down a bit and ram in easier. You bend down and you start to kiss on her neck. She moans in return.

You turn her over onto her back to start the next position. You grab Trixie's legs and you spread them apart. You start to slide into her for a third time. Your goal now is to make sure she reaches her orgasm. You go at a slow and easy rate, making each small thrust your best. You notice your horn is glowing brightly also, you are reaching your second climax.

Trixie's horn begins to let off sparks of magic as she releases her pleasure. You touch her horn to yours to share the experience more deeply as you let out your blissful liquids. She lets out one last ecstatic moan as you both release your pleasures together. She pants tirelessly as you lay beside her.

"Th-That was.... amazing." She says, panting from the night's work.

You only nod your head in agreement. Trixie moves in to kiss you lightly on the lips. Your are both damp with sweat and... other fluids. She moves close to your ear and whispers something.

"I... love you..."

You return her a smile. Trixie starts to close her eyes and soon drifts off to sleep.

Just a Hug: Epilogue

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"You're such a lucky stallion!"

You wake up in Trixie's bed. It is sometime in the day. You turn your self over to find Trixie asleep beside you. You kiss her on the forehead and get up from the bed. You find your saddlebag and dig out your pocket watch to check the time: 1:36 PM. You sling your saddlebag onto your back and stretch out a bit. You hear a disturbance in the room.

"You're not leaving, are you?" Trixie says sleepily. You glance over to her and notice a look of shock and sadness.

"No? Why would I want to leave?" You say.

"The last stallion that got into my life left me. He just wanted my.. body." You can see tears welt up in her eyes. You go over to her and give her a hug to calm her down.

"I'll never leave you. Promise." You say. You let go of your hug an you see a smile break out on her face.

"Thank you.."

You eventually go back to Ponyville, but only to tell all your friends that you are moving out of town for a long while. You have a new life now; A new life, with the pony that you hold close.