Crimson Blaze

by Ice4smaster

First published

Crimson Blaze, a vampony mare, awoke in the middle of the Everfree Forest after she jump through a portal. Soon she realise she's strand in an alternate world and her struggles star a new.

Crimson Blaze, a vampony mare, awoke in the middle of the Everfree Forest after she had jumped through a portal while fighting against a cultist who's goal was to kill all that is tainted, vamponies, changelings, and whoever they get in contact with, even normal ponies. Soon she learns she is no longer in her world, or reality, when she bumps into a friend, who had died in her hooves.

Now, before she can even hope to get back to her own reality, if that's even possible, she has to try and rebuild her life, circle of friends, allies. Or she would be forced to be an outcast, being what she is, a deadly predator of the night.
This is a side story for Through Crimson Eyes and sort of a fast forward jump to the future, some events that will be refered here will occur in the other story.
Tags may change as both stories progress.

Editor: Warrior Kitten

Chapter 1 - A friend from the past

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A friend from the past

Bird song, soft cool morning breeze, this what greeted Crimson as she woke up in the middle of a forest. She slowly cracked her eyes open. Trees, more and more trees were all she could see as her eyes slowly scanned the surroundings. Lazy even to lift her head off from the ground where she lay on her belly.

'No more jump into random portals. On the other hoof I did avoid the cultist magic missile. Heh, once I get back, I so gonna buck them to the afterlife.'

Crimson got up on all four, and looked around properly, and she saw even more trees in every direction.

'At least it's shady, under the canopy and I'm not reduced to a blind mole.'

Crimson stretched out her legs, back, neck and her brand new mechanical wings, popping her stiff joints. She quickly made an inspection of her metal blade like wings for any damage or issues, she extended it, flexed it, everything was in working order. With a nod she clear things good to go, and pick a direction at random to begin her march in search for an exit of this seemingly endless forest she just ended up in.

Crimson got bored quite quickly, no wonder as there was nothing exciting, or anything to break the monotone and quiet scenery. To make time go faster she recall some of the melodies Octavia played for the gang, quietly hummed to the relaxing tunes. Then she remembered how Vinyl pranked her on the very same day. Crimson chuckled at the memories, though if anypony would see her then, they could question her sanity, not that this would stop her. Especially after a year she regain her freedom, and most importantly, her spirits, surrounded by friends, supported by allies, accepted by ponies all across Equestria. She has grown truly strong, not just body, but in mind and heart.

'I hope the others fine. Heh, I'm sure Midnight mop them all up and demands more cultist to reduce to a pulp.'

Crimson suddenly stopped in her tracks, with her own kind of 6th sense pick up something interesting, another pony. Now she focused her ears, and she could hear a cart being pulled in the distance. Without a second though she began canter towards the source at a leisures tempo. She kept her ears peaked, and could hear the pony in question quite exhausted from pulling the cart, heart pumping quick and labored breathing.

After a few minutes she got close to her new found goal, she could spot the cart in the distance. She felt this cart look familiar, but couldn't put her hoof on it, just yet. She needed some directions towards civilization, and might as well give a hoof to the struggling soul. Crimson just broke through the last of the bush that was in her way and she froze.

'What in the bloody hay'

The cart stopped before her, and Crimson eyes meet with the unicorn mare who pull the cart, wearing a magician cape and hat, azure fur coat, almost white, ice blue mane and tail, a magic ward with a wave of magical energy as cutie mark.


Trixie looked surprised, but confused. They looked eye to eye for long seconds, quite awkward silence ensured until Trixie broke it. Lift her nose high and swing her head to the side a little.

“Trixie surprised to meet with a fan in the middle of a forest, it's shows how magnificent Trixie is.”

Crimson could only nod, she blinked a few times and composed herself quickly. Her mind raced million miles a minute, and for a very good reason. Trixie, the mare she knew, was long dead, she was a cultist, but she left them once they attack innocents, foals, who have nothing to do with the age old conflict, and she died in her hooves, drown in her own blood after an assassin cultist slit her throat. And yet, she stood before her, it was her, every little movement, muscle tones, her voice, the sound of her heart as now Crimson pay a closer attention and being so close to her. Even the smell, her mane, fur coat, choose of perfume, and the very smell of her blood. It was bizarre to say the least.

“Hey, are you there?!?”

Snapped Trixie, Crimson gave a sheepish smile in return and quickly catching on of what to do, she played her part, for now.

“Sorry, I was a little zoned out hehe. Not every day you meet with somepony as Great and Powerful as you Trixie.”


The azure mare snorted and lift her nose high, Crimson frown inwardly while force to keep her smile.

'Yep, the same arrogance, well, will tone it down later on.'

“Say, do you need help with the cart? I'm kind of lost and don't mind helping with it.”

Trixie gave more of her arrogant self, Crimson was itching under her skin to size down her ego, but she decided against it. She figured this portal sent her somewhere else entirely, a different time line, or another reality, but if so, this would make things far more tricky, and soon she would be even deeper trouble, she began to feel hunger, it's has been two days she haven't drunk blood, but there was no avoiding this, she had to get some blood, preferably with out hurting anypony in the process. For now she cantered beside the magician and let her place the helm on her.

“Trixie appreciate the help.”

“No problem Great and Powerful Trixie, it's my pleasure.”

Crimson forced her smile, even more when the bragger mare sat on the cart comfortable, sure she didn't though would go down this way, but might as well roll with it. She knew Trixie, and that she have a ton of armor on her heart, but if one did reach it, gained a life long loyal friend.

The trip was uneventful, and boring. Trixie fall asleep, not that without reason, she pulled the cart alone for quite a while, and even her thanks to her ego she did not show it or would admit it, she was exhausted. The view of the sleeping mare brought a smile on Crimson face. Non less, as time and quiet were ample she run through her options.

'Well, I wonder where we will end up, but if it's a larger village or city I might be lucky, if I can sneak into a hospital and liberate some blood bags. Also better not bite Trixie or anyone else if I can help it, not just yet. Could spell my doom. Oh mare, I’m starving.'

The vampony stomach rumbles loudly to signify it's agreement with her thoughts. She sighed, she still hate the red liquid of life, more so the way to obtain it, but there was no avoiding it. Her thoughts now returned to Trixie, and possibly other ponies she might meet up.

'It's nice to see she is alive here, and hay, it's feeling a bit nostalgic, but I’m sure I will correct miss little bragger here. If Twilight could do it, I can do it too, I just hope I can do it with out give her a black eye. On the other hoof I wonder about Octavia and Vinyl, and matter of fact, my own self, if there is a me in this world, now that gonna be a truly awkward occurrence. Twilight and the gang will be interesting too if things alike as back home, I’m sure I will freak them out if I know everything with out meet them before ever, well with their counterparts of this world. Oh dear Lauren, two Pinkies, as two real Pinkies, the universe could not take that, and Rainbow Dash, I’d fear for the world end in sonic rainbooms.'

Crimson just shook her head to these thoughts, it was entertaining, yet scary. Her hooves carried her and the cart slowly but steadily to the unknown destination. She noticed the canopy less and less thick and more and more sunlight pierced through it. It was a good sign, but also an uncomfortable one, with the lack of her shades, which she lost in the fight back in the Crystal palace, left her vision vulnerable to sunlight, and by judging by the angle of the light it was still early, and if it would be possible she would avoid walking blind in the sunlight. That, and wake up Trixie, she would never hear the end of it.

It didn't take to long indeed, and she reached the edge of the forest. It was a true challenge to make things out as she had her eyes near closed. It was just to bright for her, with a heavy, reluctant sigh she stop, turn her head around and call for Trixie.

“Trixie! Wake up, we are almost there.”

The azure mare turned around, she tried to tune out the annoying voice which dared to interrupt her beauty sleep. Crimson called out again, not harshly, but sure to be persistent to wake up the boasty magician.

“Trixie, time to wake up, we are at the edge of the forest, and the town isn't far off.”


“Great and Powerful, the sun is up high, wakey wakey wakey.”

“mmm.. Trixie wants to sleep more.. mmm.”

Crimson sat down on her haunches, she been patient mare, and kept calling her.

“Trixie, wake up please, we almost arrived to the settlement.”

Trixie turned towards Crimson, she guessed she send daggers at her with her magenta eyes.

“Why had to force Trixie up?! And why are your eyes closed?!”

'Well, here we go...'

“Trixie, I'm a batpony and my eyes are very sensitive to strong light, like sunlight, and... you know I can't see a thing if this bright and sunny.”

She didn't hear any reply from her right away.

“So you wanna sleep and Trixie pull the cart?”

Her words had some venom in them. Well one all mighty buck in the flanks was on the to do list of the vampony now.

“No, that’s not needed Trixie, but if you could lead me that would help a lot. As I suppose you wouldn't want the cart end up in a lake or any other place. Unless don't mind to wait until night to continue.”

“Trixie supposes she could give a hoof.”

'Oh. It. Is. On.'

“And to be truthful, you did help Trixie a lot. You may rest in my cabin once we reach the town center.”

'Alright, I didn't expect that, there may be still hope for her, in regard of today, that is.'

“That's sounds perfect. I'd love to help more, but really would need shades for my eyes.”


Crimson could hear the azure mare deep in thoughts.

“Trixie won't promise anything, but if the show pays well, might consider it to get you one. If you stay and help Trixie, and be her assistant.”

“That's sounds awesome!”

Crimson gave her happiest smirk, and she like this idea, of course not that enthusiastic about it as she showed to the unicorn, but this was better than totally alone, sleeping under the sky. Shortly after she could hear the boasty mare hop off from the back, stretch out, with loud pops in her joints, then trot next to her.

“Follow Trixies lead.”

She pressed slightly to Crimson then began trotting forward, she followed suit, keep close to the mare ahead. Her inner sonar was even more useful now to follow the mare. Crimson closed her eyes as much as she could, still it was uncomfortable, Celestia's sun stung even more then she remember it.

“Here, this should help, but take good care of it.”

The vampony was stunned, Trixie just placed her own, priced magician hat on her. This was a true relief from the constant assault of the sun on her eyes.

“Thank you very much Trixie!”

She could just open her eyes a little, but did catch the azure mare give her trademark smirk. No matter what, under that very thick, stone cold exterior the mare had a good heart, but that outer shell needs to be melt away, hammered down. All that built up around her heart was due her not so easy, nor happy past.

“So, tell Trixie, where are you from?”

“I born and grew up in Manehatten. I had a family, but... they passed on.”

Crimson had a fair guess this Trixie was, like the one in her world, an orphan, and the sudden change in her heart beat did confirm this, but truly, these been the cards what life deal to them, they had to make most of it the way it was possible.

“Trixie.. sorry to hear that.”

Her voice was neutral, but the hints of sadness were there, even for the best efforts to hide it, after all this was a sore spot for both of them.

“That's quite alright, It happened a long time ago and I come to accept it.”

“Trixie sees, hope though haven't steered... your feelings up.”

“Crimson, Crimson Blaze, and no worries Trixie.”

There was silence, awkward silence, she knew her new boss was ashamed of herself, not asking for her name before, but she didn't hold it for Trixie this short coming, she wasn't the most sociable ponies in her world, and this seemed to be perfectly true to this worlds Trixie.

“Honestly it is fine Trixie.”

Crimson gave her a sincere smile, and with a hoof adjust the big hat on top of her head, and so to break the ice, she shot back her own question.

“And what would be the story of the Great and Powerful Trixie, if I may ask?”

“Trixie doesn't mind, born in Trottingham, in a poor family. They gave all they could to Trixie, but once Trixie grown old enough she set out to find her own fortune and freedom, and so became the Great and Powerful Trixie, most magical unicorn alive.”

The end was quite theatrical, the vampony didn't expect any less from the azure unicorn and her ego, sure of it she had her trademark smirk. But she knew already what lay beneath the surface, under the mask Trixie wore to hide her true, fragmented self from the world. She gave a reassuring marvel, feeding said ego, though feel a little guilty doing so.

“Trixie had many adventures since then, she even vanquished magical beast of great power.”

Trixie was careful about this titbit part, this only reinforced Crimson of her theory so far, likely she had a run in Ponyville already with the ursa minor, and Twilight Sparkle, but to be sure of it, she will have to ask later, and just smartly, but she gamble a little and push on this front.

“Whoooaa, and what kind of beasts did you best?”

“Hmmmp, Trixie best almost all kind of dangerous beast that out there. Tamed cockatrices, diamond dogs, even the vicious manticores...”

There was no waver in her tone, nor her pulse change, indicating this all was true, Crimson become more interested, as this seam to show Trixie was a brilliant combatant in this world, not just a mere bragger.

“-even gone up agents monsters such as a hydra, and a ursa minor.”

At this part her voice wavered a little, it was true to an extent, but the vampony was sure it wasn't much of a toe to toe like fight, more like an desperate escape from said monsters, using her tricks and spells to avoid being killed.

“Thats just awesome!”

'Sorry Dashy, I had to borrow this reaction from you, but hey I gave credits haven't I?'

She show the hotshot pegasie expression to Trixie while chuckle internally, right now stroking the ego of boasty mare was fun, even if was a bit of wrong. She was sure a little guilty pleasure like this is fine once in a while. Trixie gave snort, she was very smart, no less she did enjoy the admiration.

As the two mare made their way into the town, Crimson began sense familiar presences. Ponies she knew from her own world, one such pony, Nurse Redheart. She knew at this point the town is no other then Ponyville.

'This place is truly strange, it's like a magnet drawing in all the action, bizarre, a true cross road of life and fate.'

Mused quietly the white mare, and she was more then sure, she would not get bored in this town, especially with Trixie on her side now, though she did hope things wouldn't take a turn to bad, just once for a change really. She guesses they almost reach the town center as she found herself in the midst of a loud cascade of heart beats, chatters, and smell. It was, in fact electrifying her, and she bite her lower lips. Soon after hope no-one noticed it, she was starving, and morbid as it was, it was almost like stand in a candy shop with empty stomack, all and every candy tempting her will and resolve.

'I gotta hold out, darn it. At least till night time. Urgh, it's hard as it is, but I also have to play my act for the time being before Trixie.'

“Trixie sees you troubled, are you feeling alright?”

'Yup, just the thing I needed'

“I'm alright, more or less. Just going blindly so long made me dizzy a little, some rest would help until the sun goes down.”

“That is alright, you can have a rest in my cart, Trixie have to run some errands anyway.”

The mare had her usual, emotionless voice she reserves to mask her feelings, but was more than clear she had her doubts. The vampony was sure her act really fail once she entered the town and surrounded by so many ponies, and the best she could do, to try and blame it on something believable, though will Trixie buy it, was a different story altogether. Suddenly Crimson felt herself engulfed in telekinesis field which tried to lift her up.

“Crimson Blaze, how in Equestria are you such heavy?”

Complained Trixie, now clear she tried to lift her up, her best guess was to put her down inside the carts cabin. Crimson gave a sheepish smile toward Trixie, based on the direction of her sound. Moments later she could feel wooden flooring under her hooves.

“I'm not that fat Trixie.”

“Har har, now rest. Trixie must do her rounds, and maybe able to get a performance arranged tonight.”

“Thank you Trixie.”

“Don't mention it.”

With this the azure mare made her leave, Crimson smile in her direction a little longer the feel around with her hoof and made her way inside the cabin, closing the door behind her. She now opened her eyes a little to see how bright or dim was inside. It was a relief it was relatively dim inside. Now more comfortable she wasn't a blind mole, she sat down at the middle and assume a meditation pose and began slow down her breath. Her 6th sense was still swirling from hunger and the busting amount of ponies outside. Her heart rate slow down soon enough, clearing her mind with meditation.

Chapter 2 - Melancolic night

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Melancolic night

Crimson woke up once she felt a soft poke on her nose, snap her eyes open only to meet with Trixie's. The unicorn mare smiled and began.

“Trixie began wonder have you been hit by a petrify spell.”

Crimson gave half lid eyes as she answered to Trixie.

“No of course not, I was meditating. I thought would be rude sleep in your bed”


Was all Trixies answer, she quickly opened the door, the sun long gone, instead in it's place Lunas moon was high up, on it's was to it's apex. It was truly a beautiful night, clear sky with brilliant stars adorn it, with an almost full moon to crown it.

'Lunas night. It's never gets old.'

“Follow Trixie, Crimson, now it's time to setup the stage for tomorrow.”

“Yes boss.”

Trixie rolled her eyes, but gave a little smile. It would been a lie to say she didn't like the sound of it. Crimson quickly followed her, and helped Trixie deploy the stage quickly, and as quietly as possible. A sound proofing bubble helped a lot in this regard, but it was draining along side with the telekinesis spells Trixie done. Crimson took her fair share from the tasks, non less she had to hide her strength as well conserve her energy. Even doing less in terms what she could normally do quickly undone what the meditation provided for her. Luckily for Crimson this wasn't that big issue at that time, mainly as most ponies been further out and they all been calm, sleeping or so about to.

“Trixie thanks you for your help. It was quite faster and less draining this way.”

“No problem Boss.”

Crimson gave a quick wink to Trixie who laughed on the antic of her new employee and travel companion. The vampony could hidden her burning hunger way better without so many ponies around, but it still was a challenge give Trixie perfect and natural expression and movements. She hated it, they way things been at that moment, she had to feed, and that night, she could not prolong it. Thankfully she had been in Ponyville before many times and knew her way to the hospital, and how to get around inside as well, that if it was the same as back at home. She quickly formulated her plan to get the bitter sweet nourishment she so needed.

“Trixie, is it fine by you if I take a walk around town? I got more than enough rest, and I'm kind of nocturnal soul.”

“Trixie don't see why not, though will sleep soon, tomorrow going to be a long day for Trixie, and she needs her beauty sleep.”

She emphasized it by stroke her beautiful mane with a smug smirk on her face.

“Yes oh Great and Powerful Trixie.”

Crimson gave a theoretic bow to Trixie, and they chuckle together. The vampony waved to her and she trot off, walking in the direction of the park. She planned to have this detour to make things less suspicious. She got near the park, to the point where she would have turned away with her true goal, the hospital, when she heard faintly somepony cry in the distance. She is frozen up for a minute there and then. Her will failed as her sense locked on the source of the cry, and to the very torn heart beating painfully in this miserable pony. Before she knew, she got closer and could make out the pony in question. She cried on a bench at the very edge of the park, next to thick tree lines and bushes. The predator awaken in her and fight would been all but pointless, so instead she choosed the lesser bad and tried to steer the inner beast, not to take full control, but let the primal urge vent some steam out. She got behind the sobbing mare in a flash, silently. Crimson recognized her and gave her more will to compose herself.

'Bon Bon, why have to be you. Oh Lauren, give me strength to refrain myself.'

The light cream colored earth pony mare bawled her eyes out, shaking, her normally wonderful blue and pink mane completely mess. The vampony began her advance on her prey, kept her eye wide open not dare to blink, not dare to let her consensus crumble under the weight of the feral monster buried inside her.

What happened next happened in mere moments, something that snapped Crimson out of her blood thirst. Bon Bon raised a large kitchen knife to her own throat with trembling hoof. Before she could comprehend what happened the knife been yanked out from her hoof and thrown away, far behind into a tree trunk, with such a force the blade sinked all the way into the core of the tree. The hilt destroyed and the tree scared with a massive crack running a meter or so in both directions. But sadly not before the knife sank into her flesh, and draw blood. The very smell drove Crimson into her own blood lust madness, but she had just enough sanity left not do something completely stupid, and irreversible, fatally wound a friend. Even if wasn't the same pony from her own world, home reality, yet felt to be the same.

Crimson yanked Bon Bon from the bench with ease, fuelled by her blood thirst, dragged her off behind the bushes under the same tree where the knife got embedded deep into the trunk. The vampony muffled the helpless earth pony mare, and Bon Bon was anything but weak, nor a pony clueless to fight if needed, but all her efforts been pointless. She couldn't even bulge an inch on the almighty hold of the white bat pony. The candy maker mare was rendered in full shock when her eyes stared into the crimson orbs, an abyss of pure ferocity. At this point she resigned her life.

“What the buck you been thinking you do, go ahead and try to kill yourself Bon Bon?!?!”

Snarled Crimson into the face of the earth pony, adding insult to injury, confuse the frightened mare. This very monster, one that pinned her down, knew her name, had stopped her slice her own throat and likely about to kill her, eat her. The vampony stared deep down into her very soul, in an awkward silence. Moments felt like eternity until the white mare broke the quiet of the night.

“You are lucky I have been near by Bon Bon... forgive me for what I about to do.. I'm starving, and my very consciousness and will slipping... I must feed... But you will live, live and have the chance to reconsider your life, unlike if you would succeed with your suicide attempt.”

She was stunned, could not compute the very absurdity of the situation, but soon all this was thrown into the far corner of her mind as the pain registered in her right foreleg as got yanked forward and bit down. Crimson fangs inflict a sizeable wound on Bon Bon foreleg and she greedily began sucking, drank all the blood she could all the while the frightened pony watched her. It was quiet, the two mares eyes locked, and both began to calm down somewhat. Crimsons maddening thirst got satisfied somewhat while Bon Bon see this in her eyes. The ferocity slowly leave the eyes of the mysterious white mare and in it's place she saw sorrow, regret, a tormented, cursed soul. The candy maker also began to feel the blood loss, feel dizziness and more and more harder to stay awake. The world was twisting for Bon Bon when the vampony stopped, she could feel a sudden burn where she got bit by the demonic mare, her gaze moved to her foreleg, and she could see small smoke rise from the wound. It was truly burned somehow, and thus seal her wound on her foreleg, stop all bleeding.

“Sorry I had to do this Bon Bon. The hunger was just to great.”

Crimson was full of regret, far cry of the rage and primordial roar she had a few minutes before. It was truly awkward, she knew her, yet she knew nothing of her, and to top it all, she could see care, compassion in the red orbs now, something she could not believe, yet there it was. And then the mysterious attacker let her go, slowly withdraw a few feet and lay down, eyes closed, a few drops of tear escape her eyes.

It might been a hour pass on, the two hidden behind the bushes, Bon Bon sat on her haunches while Crimson lay before her. No words being said, but both mare mind were ablaze of thoughts. Bon Bon had time to take in all the details of the bat pony before her, her fearful fangs, strong, two colored, red mane and tail, and cutie mark.

“What's your name?”

Crimson look up to the worn-out candy maker and had a pleasant surprise given the circumstances. There was pain in her eyes, fear, but also calmness, understanding and forgiveness. The vampony swallow down the bolder in her throat and obligated, answering the question.

“Crimson.. Crimson Blaze.”

Bon Bon acknowledged Crimson with a solemnly nod. The vampony got up and slowly began to make her leave when she felt a hoof on her side, she turn around and saw the earth pony, with pleading eyes.

“Please.. don't leave me alone.”

Bon Bon looked down to the ground, it was clear she was shaken up still, by more things then just have happened this night. Crimson turn around and quickly got Bon Bon on top of her back.

“You never alone so long you have friends... don't forget that Bonny.”

The earth pony eyes widen a little, this pony knew her pet name, and only two ponies ever knew it. Crimson began to make her way out from the shadows with her, took a few moments to form the words she could think of in this situation.


“Let's say... it would be one crazy story.”

Came the answer from the white mare as gave her a quick glance back.

“I think I have time for it.”

“Tell you what Bonny, I will tell you tomorrow night, but now you need rest, a long sleep... me feeding on you certainly didn't make things better.”

'Oh Bon Bon, what could drive you this far... that you need the companionship of one who just hurt you, and you know nothing about. You also tried to kill yourself, I hope it's not about Lyra.'

“I kind of disagree there... you did stop me doing something truly stupid... but would be a lie to say being the main course was a dream come true...”

Crimson gave a sad smile, she felt her limbs being heavy, heavy with guilt. She turned her glance forward to avoid her eyes.

“What.. could... possibly drive you... to do.. that?”

Bon Bon gave a bitter look, bit her lips, her heart felt like being crushed in iron fists as began tremble and hold on the bat pony like her life depend on it.

'So stupid! I shouldn't have asked it!'

Crimson screamed on herself mentally, and if she could, would done a double face hoof , right there and then if not for the fact Bon Bon was on her back. She quickly composes herself, save what could be saved.

“Sorry I-”

“My Colt friend...”

Crimson paused, both in her track, and apology as Bon Bon bawded into her neck uncontrollably. It was truly a heart shattering night. She let the distraught mare ease her load of rocks from her heart.

“..he died..”

'Oh mare...'

“..I'm so sorry..”

Bon Bon quickly found herself in a comforting hug of Crimson. The tears of Bon Bon soaked the white mare's coat at the start, but slowly and surely it dried up, as the confectionist mare slip into blissful slumber. Once she was sure she sleeps deep enough, Crimson deposit Bon Bon on her back carefully, and began her walk towards Bon Bon's house, at least that is was she hoped for, as her home could be somewhere else entirely then back at home.

She easily made it to the center of the town, just a bit far off from Sugar Cube Corner when she run into somepony she hoped so she would, that if Lyra and Bon Bon were close or meant to be close. The mint colored unicorn however looked wasted her self, likely from some good hard apple cider. Crimson shook her head, one more unconscious pony to carry. She knew Lyra not the type who drink a lot, but if she have meant she had her problems on her own as well. Crimson stood up to her hind legs as now carry both mares under her forelegs, use her metal wings and tail to balance herself.

'Well this going to be interesting to see, I just hope I have the right idea.'

She made her way to Bon Bon and Lyra house, and managed to do so with out fall. The house was like any other in Ponyville, not to small and comfortable. And like any house in this peaceful town, had it's door open, after all crime was non existent here and ponies knew each other. This was one of the charms Crimson loved about this place, and she had some worries deep down, that she might disturb this by her mere presence and her dietary needs. She entered quickly with both mares in her hold, careful, not to bump them into any objects and cause more headache then already was in for them the following morning. Swiftly and with care deposited both her charges on the sofa, cover them with a cover. She began to make her way out from the house, but she had a gut feeling. She could sense a heart began race behind her, Bon Bon. Crimson stop and turn her head back, and saw she was awake now and stare back at her with eyes that shred enough tears for a night, or months to come. She gave her a sad smile.

“If you want... and trust me, I could come by tomorrow night and we could talk.”

The candy maker nodded slowly. The vampony smile grew a little.

“Alright then, I’ll have to leave for now, hope you will be alright with Lyra on your side... she will have one mighty hangover the morning after so much drink she had.”

Bon Bon looked at her friend, who was totally passed out. Snoring loudly enough, she sighed but had a small smile appear on her face. She turn back but Crimson had left already, with the door closed, without a single sound made, and so fast too. Bon Bon shivered to this, this creature, unlike any she knew before was scary in her powers, but she also felt a soul with enough past to shoulder, somepony who she could relate to, and understand her. She slowly turned around and rest her head on Lyra side, quickly drifted away to deep slumber.

Crimson meantime, not to far away stood outside, looked up to the Moon in the night sky, sitting just a bit above the horizon, signalling the end of the night. With a deep sigh, she walked back towards her current home, Trixies cart.

By the time she reached the cart the sun risen behind her, and with ever more light poured in the land of Equestria, began blind the vampony. This annoyed Crimson no end, she knew the sun was the best thing for all living things, but her eyes and the light of Celestia could never agree, not without a good shade that is. Trixie was up already and let her in.

Chapter 3 - First steps for a normal life

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First steps for a normal life

Crimson woke up, the loud noise, cheer from outside did it's job. Quickly stretched out, joints popping as the stiffness left her body. She slept in Trixies bed, after she assured it shouldn't be a problem, though she expected the bed be neatly done. A quick look confirmed for Crimson the sun is still up, but judging by the colors it's had to be later afternoon, all the while more she heard more cheering from outside.

'Well, seams Trixie got her show going, and they like it.'

Smirked Crimson, knowing her friend giving an amazing show to the ponies outside. She hopped off the bed, and quickly changed the sheets, packed her own away and got Trixies out. It was truly surprising how generous the mare was with her, of course not in public, she still was Trixie, but she sure have learned her lessons after the hardship gone through.

'Well, surely this Trixie is far better off than the one I knew, no Cult influence, well... as far I can tell.'

Crimson felt optimistic, but she did still learn to be careful, especially now that stuck in an alternative universe. As she finished with the bed something got her attention on the small night stand, and her smile got bigger. It was an orange shade, just the right size, magically enchanted. The type like Vinyl had in her world, and the Vinyl in this would likely have as well. She had one from Twilight at the start, when they took her in and she began to recover from her rough train ride to freedom.

She picked it up and also took the note left beside it.

Good morning Crimson or evening.

Hah! Trixie got your shades, so no more slacking during daytime, as for sleeping, we figure out something.

The Greatest and utmost Powerful Trixie!

Crimson shake her head, Trixie antics sure had an impact, even if you supposed to be used to her. She got out of the cart to enjoy the afternoon, deeply inhale the fresh air of Ponyville. Crimson began to make her way now towards the hospital, she still had to get a proper meal. But now that she wasn't on the verge lose her mind due to starvation, she could use her tricks, but carefully, as they do tax her energy reserves.

Then she was suddenly interrupted, by non other than the resident party animal, alas Pinkie Pie. The Pink Mare did manage to knock Crimson down, which is quite impressive as she been a slightly larger Mare, near the size of an average stallion, and she was full of muscles under neat her white coat, and add to this her metal wings, which was anything but a feather weight. Pinkie stood on her looking down with her typical crazed skull cracking smile with the ultimate sugar rush behind it. The vampony gave a genuine surprised look, not one that held fear, but she never thought this would happen.


'My ears, oh Faust, please, make her stop shouting.'

Pinkies elevated voice did hit it's mark though, in the form of a tidal wave of pain. And the response was simple and clear, both front hooves cover her ringing ears.

“..ouch.. A bit quieter please.”

“Oh!Okiedokiloki!You'renewIknow,andifyou'renewyouneedawelcometPonyvillie!Webethebestof bestfriendsWeeee!OHMYGOSHIGOTTOSETUPTHEPARTY,upppsss,sorryforbeingloudBUTMUSTPARTY!”

After a minute she got up, and dusted herself off.

'Well, this going to be a busy night then, but hey, if it's Pinkie, plus party, equals Vinyl Scratch.'

With this promising though she trotted for the hospital. Ponies were around and about on her way, doing their daily errands. They did shoot her a quick look as she passed by, being a 'new pony' in town, but otherwise they not been bothered. Soon the big building came into view, which was the hospital of this decent sized town. Crimson quickly found the back side of the place, and she did her gambling, as so far most things matched up to the world she known. With ease, she opened the ground floor window of a dimmed room and she swiftly entered.

The room was a simple storage room, but not to far down on the corridor lay the emergency treatment room, where they had, all the time, medical blood prepared in case of emergency, and usually more then they needed. Crimson began focus to the other ponies in the building, their heartbeats, recognizing a few, and thankfully none were nearby. She opened the door and at a rapid phase made her way to the destination in mind.

The room was filled with disinfectant, and in the utmost cleanliness which was on pair with an actual operating room. After she laid her eyes on the cabinet she has been looking for, made her approach. It was filled medical blood bags, shelf after shelf. It was mesmerizing for the vampony, as she licks her lips. With care she opened the cabinet and took twelve bags out, 3 of each type, and still leave several dozen of each type in the cabinet. She focused again quick, with no-one near to her at that moment she made her retreat to the small storage room.

Once in there she quickly began to consume the medical blood. At this time was much easier to get through as during night they had magical ward alarms on to alert any activity, plus her hunger induced state the other day would made her unpredictable and her hunch was right. Firstly, she forgot about the wards, then she got 'distracted' by Bon Bon on the way to this place, though she was glad she was, otherwise the cream earth pony would be dead by her own hooves.

Once she finished with all the twelve bags she rolled on her back and just lay there in utter bliss that is a full tummy. The amount of blood she downed did make up what she missed out in the past days, and far more, to last days to come. Crimson however forced herself to listen to her surroundings, even she didn't want to move after so much blood. She got a decent tummy ache truth be told, but she just giggled.

Then she heard something, something she didn't think of, but then realization hit her. They activated the magic wards for the night, and effectively trapped her. She would have facehoofed but moving was a true chore. The vampony quickly took a few calming breaths and run through a mental list.

'Great... way to go mare. Okey, Emergency room cabinet closed back, door closed back, storage room door closed back, empty blood bags well hidden and disposed, storage room window closed back, also no one near this section of the hospital now. If lucky and it is a quiet night then no one come to this section, especially this room.'

Then Crimson noticed something in the corner, which sound the alarms in her head. It was a sleeping bag and pillow in the corner of somepony. She just groaned as began massage her templates. Now she forced herself up to a sitting position and looked around carefully, not to get any more surprises, as well, if possible a spot where she could hide in this storage room if the owner of the sleeping bag returns Sadly she saw nothing that could be helpful to hide her in the room. This left her with two options, she quickly breaks out from the storage room through the window and set off the alarms, or once the door opens, she tries to sneak out behind the pony who comes to sleep, eventually.

She didn't have to wait for to long, as she could feel one pony approach the very room she hide in. And she had mixed feelings about this one, the heartbeat she recognized. Red Heart. She quickly got up to her hooves and moved to the darkest corner of the room against the all the protest of her body. The door open halfway, lean into it was the white earth pony nurse, exhausted from a long day at the hospital, her eyes were barely open. After a minute standing there she troted in, close the door behind her. But then she stopped midway to her sleeping bags, taking deep sniffs, and her eyes open up, confusion in them.

'Tonight gonna be perfect...YAY!'

Was all Crimson thoughts as the nurse looked around the storage room and her eyes stop, staring right at her. At this point Crimson predatory instincts kicked in and she rushed forward, muffle the mouth of the stunned earth pony mare and hold her in an iron grip from behind. The pony tried to scream with all her might, all in vain. The moment passed and Crimson composed herself, ignoring the struggle of the nurse.

'I can not be seen, not yet at least, I need to gain their trust... Who am I kidding, I doing a wonderful job now doing the opposite of it.'

Scold herself mentally as Red Heart gave up her struggle as she couldn't even bulge the vampony a single inch. The poor mare's heart wanted to tear her ribcage open and run, it pounded so heavily. After a minute stand still Crimson spoke up, in a quiet but authoritative manner.

“Remain calm and don't do anything stupid and you will be fine.”

Red Heart tried to nod, but couldn't in the strong grip but Crimson felt she meant to do that motion as she felt the right muscles tense up for it.

“Good... now I didn't plan to have this situation, I’m sure neither you. I need you to open the window for me, I know about the magical ward around the hospital, and you are one of the hospital nurses you can open it without setting off the alarm. And again nothing stupid, I know the hoof sign used to set off a silent alarm, as both hoofs up, then down on the window and two rapid pushes.”

Crimson guessed again this, and indeed it was a match, as her heart rate spike again just as she told the exact moves. She gave a minute to the white nurse who was even whiter now than it should be possible. She picked her up, as she stood on her hind legs, Red Heart dangled off the ground by a few inches, tremble. They stopped before the window and Red Heart opened it wide as she been instructed without any struggle.

“Thank you. Now I am going to put you sleep, which is surely was your original idea when come here, you gonna feel a tingling feeling on your chest and your heart will begin slowing down. I won't stop it but slow it down to 30 beats per minute for a while, the adrenaline will drain from your body and you will pass out, and you'll wake up in the morning. Sorry for the scare and distressed I causing now but no other way around it.”

With no further delays, the vampony sat down on her haunches, and interlocked her hind legs with the earth pony to have a firm grip. Red Heart was a mess, drenched from sweat and terror. Crimson tapped her chest reassuringly before she started to use her blood magic.

“Just take in deep and slow breaths.”

And with this she planted her left fore hoof on her chest and reached out with her magic aura, she could feel the nurse heart beat in her hoof almost. She began to slow it down, little by little. This had it's effect on the nurse who tremble, hyperventilate at the start, but slowly and surely calmed her down.

“Think of it as a sedative, just without the medication itself. Now I gonna slow your heart beat down more, you should feel sleep as I do so. Just let go and relax and you are off to dreamland.”

The earth pony hooves cling onto Crimson's one that had it's hold on her heart, a slight, barely visible red glow oozing into her chest. The nurse now calmed down, intently took in all the details and sensation she could see, feel, hear and smell. And true to her words the rhythm of her ever ticking clock slow, yet she remained aware of her surroundings, she has done loads of mediation before. She could feel her body get heavy.

Crimson removed her hoof from her mouth at long last, with a quick wipe into a canvas cover on the side she began to caress her light pink mane as she spoke quietly, without knowing the white mare still aware and hear her.

“..way to go Crimson... urgh.. hope she won't hold a grudge... okey, it's time to tuck you in bed... why are you here and not at your home Red...”

With care the vampony set her down on her sleeping bag, tuck her in properly before quietly troted to the window and hopped through it with ease and made her way back into the town.

As Crimson made her way through the town, some ponies still been around here and there, it was late but not to late yet. She head towards one specific house to meet one pony who she had a promise to fulfil. The home in question soon came to her view, lights still on and she could sense both occupants in there. Her trot ended as she stopped right before the door and knocked twice on the oak wood surface. A muffled response came from inside, it was Lyra.


She opened the door swiftly and was taken aback slightly by the mare standing before her, seeing her own reflection in the orange shades the white pony wore.

“Hiya, my name is Crimson Blaze, I came to visit Bon Bon.”

Lyra strained a smile on her face as she reply to her, her pulse sky rocketed, and didn't take a diploma to figure it out why, yet the Mint green unicorn stood aside and let her in. Crimson walk inside and looked around.

“I hope it's not a trouble at this late.”

A loud gulp and a nervous laughter came first from behind.

“N-no of course n-not hehe, we are just about to eat hehe.. yeah.”

Crimson shook her head inwardly, starting everything from square one wasn't fun, but she had to deal with it. She made her way to the dinning room, leaving Lyra surprised, and more jittery how in Tartalus she knew her way around the house.

“Good evening Bon Bon.”

Crimson gave her an apologetic smile as she did so. Bon Bon was a bit tense but nothing compared to her friend Lyra, she had plenty of time to reflect on the events of the last night.

“Good evening Crimson, I see you are a mare of your word.”

“That I am Bonny, and good to see you doing well enough, well after the last night.”

Bon Bon rubbed her fore hoof where Crimson bite her, gave an awkward smile and chuckled a little.

“Well, it's not that bad. It's just like you said i'd feel afterwards you feed on me, but you forgot the mighty itching part.”

Crimson chuckled as well and rubbed the back of her head, then took a deep sigh. All the while Lyra stood there mouth agape, she had a hard time believe all truely, it was like out of a fantasy novel, and she was part of it.

“...I'm sorry again I feed on you Bonny.. That's the issue being a vampony, if you reach a certain point of starvation, instincts take over..”

“Hey, don't worry about it to much, you did stop me doing something incredibly stupid at the end and thanks to it could work a few things out with Lyra. But please, have a seat..umm do you.. well.. eat anything else?”

Crimson obligated to the confectionist request and sat down.

“Well, I can consume liquid egg for example or other liquids, but solid food is out of the question, and these are quite weak, they good to tickle my taste buds but nothing more.”


Lyra snapped out of her trance and made her way to the table and sat down. Bon Bon gave her a reassuring smile.

“So.. um.. Hello.. I'm Lyra... sorry for.. being jumpy..eheheh.”

Crimson gave her a friendly smile and shook her head.

“Hey, no problem, I kind of use to it, though I have already befriended you two... Well your counterparts from my world, that is.”

“So.. are you an Alien?”

Crimson chuckled to this question made by the musician of the house.

“Well, in a sense could say that.”

“Crimson are you, you know, hungry?”

Bon Bon asked her, and Crimson shook her head in response, gently patting her belly which was quite round still. Bon Bon's eyes grew as she saw this.

“I took care of it not that long ago.. ehehe, I kind of sneak into the hospital and drowned 12 medical blood bags down.”

Both mare's eyes were big now, after a short moment they blinked and shook it off, Lyra was the most relived for sure, as not being on the menu for the night.

“So.. as I see you could pop like a balloon.”

“Yeah that’s about right, but yes, that was my original intention last night but my head was all but clear..”

She trailed off at the end, but Bonny gave her a reassuring smile.

“Let's forget about it, really I am not going to hold it against you.”


The vampony now took off her shades, and put it to the side of the table, but quickly realized the odd looks she received from the pair, then it hit her, her eyes were glowing.

“Oh yes, that's how my eyes look like if I’m full of energy.”

She gave a sheepish smile to this. Lyra just watched and listened intently as the two talked for now.

“So when they are quite dim, you are starving I take.”

“Yes that's correct.”

“Guess then we know when we gonna have an itchy hoof haha.”

Bon Bon laugh at this whole heartily, surprise Crimson as how well the earth pony take things.

“Don't worry, I’m fine to donate some blood for you time to time, but need to ask nicely.”

Bonny waved her forehoof at her with a sly smile, still had some trace of tension in her but a lot calmer than before.

“Yes my Queen!”

Crimson gave a bow to her, the atmosphere lighten up considerably as they laugh, and Lyra began to relax as well. And so she approached the vampony with her own series of questions.

“So.. um, what was your world like? I mean you know your way around here like you live your life at these parts, to borrow some words from the Apples.”

“Oh yes, Apple Jack and the others.. and guess best way to put it, my world almost like this one, I saw some differences but as far I can tell it matches up quite well with my own. Now, do you have vamponies here? Or only myth?”

“Well they are only a myth, though can't be quite sure. I doubt your kind would wander around in the open like you do.”

Answered Lyra, who was quite interested about myths and other supernatural stories, but this strange meeting put other stories in a new light as more feasible.

“Speaking of walking around, isn't the sun hurt you?”

“Oh no, it doesn’t hurt me, if you refer to the silly belief vamponies burst into flames if sun light touch them. Though my eyes are quite sensitive to strong light. These candles strong too, but still in the bearable level, I’ve kind of got used to them while I was staying in Canterlot castle back at home, but sun light hurt.”

As Crimson explained this, Lyra curtly moved the candles to the side with her magic so they would light the room from the sides. The gesture earned a sincere smile from the vampony.

“Thank you for that Lyra.”

“No prob!”

Smiled the lyrist. Then she continued on, all the while Bon Bon eat her food, she was hungry.

“That's do explains the shades, by the way they look amazing.”

“Thanks, and it's from Trixie, we run into each other in the forest as she made her way to town.”

Realization hit Lyra.

“Oh! Then I saw you yesterday as you pulled her cart near to the market. You wore Trixies hat back then. It was a bit strange now I think about it.”

“Well yeah, you see I didn't have this lovely shade then, Trixie got it for me today, she is kind of my boss now.”

Chuckled Crimson, and sure the curiosity of the present mares peeked. Now Bonny chipped in.

“So she knows your dietary needs, why didn't she try to help.”

“Uhh, about that... You see, she kind of don't know. I told her I am a bat pony you see... Which is technically still true as I did born as one, until I been turned into a vampony..”

“I see... But you have to tell her at some point, more so... Come clean before the town about your strange condition.. Speaking of turning, will I be a vampony now?”

With these thoughts surfacing Bon Bon began panicking. Crimson quickly hold both her forehoof up in the air in a calming manner.”

“No no, you won't turn into a vampony just because I bite you, that's also a false belief, partly that is... You see, we have magic, blood magic. And to turn some one I do need to bite them, but instead of focus on suck their blood, I would need to pump my magical aura into their blood stream, a lot of it, and for that I must have a lot of energy to spare. Plus, it is an ungodly painful for the receiving party.”

Bon Bon nod in understanding, and she calmed down, Lyra relaxed as well hearing all this.

“You see.. Now I could turn one of you into a vampony.. And not much would change visibly, but inside the changes are severe. Your physical strength increase ten fold as well durability and stamina, and your natural talents.. Like for you Lyra magic, would be boosted as well. Your eyes, the iris would turn crimson red, and would follow the intensity changes as mine based on how much energy you have. Also you would grow a pair of fangs, smaller than mine but still good enough to bite.”

The pair listened intently to the detailed explanation of Crimson. It was fascinating, and a bit scary too.

“And yes, as your eyes change, you would become sensitive to strong light, same for your hearing, it's become much sharper and sensitive.”

“Heh, then I guess you would avoid Vinyl Scratch by a mile.”

Smiled Lyra as Bon Bon shook her head with a slight smile on.

“Well, I sure to pull the plug from her rig and smack her on top of her head, and you have no idea how many times I've done that. You see she is a dear friend in my world, we technically grew up together with Octavia, in an orphanage.”

Crimson smile as she drifted away to the sweet old memories, before all changed.

“Ohhh, maybe you can give us some good gossip or hints of the pair.”

Lyra was giggling mischievously, until Bon Bon smack her on the head, Lyra gave the 'why I get this for' look to her friend. Crimson just laugh at the antics of the pair.

“I know you'd love that Lyra, numero uno Human fan.”

Teased the vampony the now blushing unicorn, Bonny had a sly smile on her face as she look at the minty unicorn.

“But no, I won't spoil such secrets, nor will spoil your secrets, well, which I asume you likely have. But I am surprised you aren't together, you see the Bon Bon and Lyra I know are mare friends. Then again not everything same in this world.”

Lyra had a dreamy look in her eyes which Crimson did catch, Bon Bon had quite a bitter look now though, and it did occurred to her why the earth pony wanted to end her life just the other night.

“Um... sorry Bonny..”

“That's fine.. It's just hard... Guess I tell you the story.”

There was quiet in the dinning room as they wait for the candy maker gather her thoughts.

“I meet with this stallion few years back, his name was Woods Slicer.. He was a simple earth pony with a big heart. Then 4 years ago her run away for no apparent reason, leave me on my own. I was... devastated, but thanks to my friends I got over it. But I end up not wish for any relationships what so ever.”

Lyra was nodding to this knowingly, she already her the story.

“Then last week I received a letter, it was from his sister who live in Manehatten... In the letter she told me why he run off... They diagnosed him with cancer... And he run away to spare me...”

Tears were running down on the light cream coat of Bon Bon.

“He suffered four long years in the hospital... trying to overcome the cancer eating him alive the inside... He loved me, but could not put me through the stress and misery to watch him die slowly... As he and his sister watched their own mother claimed by the same wrenched thing...”

“I'm so sorry Bon Bon.”

Crimson got up and walk over to the shaken earth pony and give her a strong reassuring hug. She calm down quicker now. It was over, but old wounds heal like this slow. Then Lyra troth over, her golden eyes carried deep emotions, it was clear how she felt for Bon Bon, concern, but uncertainty lingering there. That did melt away somewhat when Bon Bon embraced her. Crimson stood back and sat on her haunches and let Lyra comfort her crush.

After ten or so minutes they decided to go to the living room and sat down there, Lyra carried her food, she was starving at that point, and had to silence the bottomless pit which was her stomach, earn some good laughs from the others as it gave loud voice of it's discomfort. The rest of the night they spent chatting away about various themes, and Crimson were glad she had two ponies who could call friends who also accepted her true nature. All the while she knew two others to make up for, Trixie for her kindness, and Red Heart for her intrusion. She leaned back and closed her eyes, just listen to the fire crackling, enjoy the normality of the moment.

Chapter 4 - Jabs, bites and agreements

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Jabs, bites and agreements

It was little over midnight when Crimson made it back to Trixie's cart. She carefully tapped on the door of the cart not to make to much noise. Moments later the door opened and there stood Trixie, without her usual magicians attire, but she sport quite an angry face. Crimson bit her lower lip and rubbed the back of her head.

“Now... Where have you been, Trixie is quite curious to your explanation, Crimson Blaze.”

She gave a sheepish smile.

“I had to do something important and personal. Sorry it took up so much time. But it is done for now..”

'Those eyes, she sure could kill a lesser being with that look, only second to Flutter Shy.'

Trixie ever so slowly raises one of her eyebrow without even blinking and stare down the vampony mare with her cold bemused look.

“Trixie is quite disappointed, to say the least. Do not mind if have to do an errand or alike, but Trixie wanna know before, is that clear?”


She snorted and rolled her eyes as she turned around and beacon the white mare to follow her inside the cart. Crimson followed shortly afterwards, as she did, she closed the door behind her.

“Now I suppose I wanna hear the truth, changeling.”

Crimson paused, and only paused for a fraction of a second hearing.

“Hit me with a detection spell then, I’m not a changeling.”

She sat down comfortably before Trixie, who locked her eyes with Crimson's, as she took off her shades, closed eyes. Crimson knew what a detection feels like, and she, or for the fact, any sane pony wouldn't call it peachy, but ratter outright painful. But the mare wasn't alien to pain, not that she enjoyed it.

“As you wish...”

And as the azure mare finished this she blast Crimson with the detection spell, and she did put some hefty extra juice into it. Crimson cringed in pain as the arches of energy danced up and down on her body. After a minute it stopped, she pant heavily, and she realized, this would have easily killed a normal pony or a changeling for the matter. The unicorn sat across the small cabin, mouth agape that she not just survived it, but remain conscience and just mildly, for a short time, phased by the powerful, overcharged spell. Crimson turn her look towards the mare who quickly snapped out of her trance and readied herself. Crimson raise her right hoof in a calming manner.

“I don't wanna fight you, Trixie, and please, don't do a spell like that again... as... let's just say, it's not nice.”

“...O-kay... what do you want then? And what are you for Luna's sake?”

“I gonna explain it, I wanted to do it, though you beat me to it in a sense... as I wanted to wait until the time was more... favourable.”

Trixie attention peeked, she was tensed and ready to fight if she forced to. Crimson knew this all well, even without her keen vampiric senses. She slowly lifted her head, turned it towards the mare as she finally opened her eyes, ever so slowly. Trixie's eyes widen to what she saw, Crimson's red eyes, her once slightly milkish, reddish eyes were glowing. A few sweat droplets trickled down on her temples.

“I'm, what you can call a vampony... Trixie.”

The azure unicorn wasn't that much azure any more, as she paled considerably.

“And as to what I want... well surprise surprise... to live, and to do so I sadly do need blood.”

She didn't enjoy this, her sarcastic remark was quite stretched. But she continued on, without making any threatening moves in the now quite distressed mare in front of her.

“As for the personal errand I mentioned not long ago, that was to the Ponyvillie hospital, where I took and drank 12 bags of medical blood. Before you go down the road and label me as mere monster, I don't like hurting ponies. At. All. And I rather steal... Then frighten the living out of a pony as I bite them, or outright kill them so I don't die from hunger.”

Crimson expression softened, took on a sorrow, regretful look.

“I just wish I could live normally and wouldn't need to deal with this, or cause distress to other ponies... I used to be a bat pony, until a true freak of vampony, an unicorn... Black Blood turned me, and made me to his personal plaything... and even though he is dead and I am free, I’m still chained by this curse.”

“...but you refuse it to mark you...”


The unicorn calmed down considerably at this point, but was far from being the element of calmness and confidence.

“..Are you going to feed on me?”

Crimson gave her a healthy laugh as she shook her head, Trixie was surprised by this reaction.

“No, no, I won't.”

She looked up, and bare her red, glowing orbs into Trixies in a serious manner as she continue.

“I will not, not without your counsel and approval.”

There was a short pause as she looked to the side and in a much quieter tone finished.

“.. Unless I'm on the verge to die from starvation... Then I lose control and I have truly become the legend... a savaged beast...”

Now She looked back up at the mare and she points to her eyes to emphases what she meant to say.

“If you ever see my eyes black as night. You better do not hold back and knock me out for the first try, and then force feed me with blood, a lot. I've been kept in such state for 3 long years by my... Dear... Late... Master... Black Blood.”

The finishing words dripped thick from venom and pure hatred.

“You do not wanna know what kind of Tartarus that was to live in.”

Trixie nodded slowly, absorbing all the information, revelations shared with her. She learned far more than what she wished she would, and it was a frightening knowledge, but the hardened magician composed herself.

“I understand now... the whole situation, quite well. Even if not fully. But then you are likely being on the run forever unless you can win the hearts of many ponies... or the very rulers, Princesses of Equestria so they can grant you... your nourishment in peaceful and acceptable means.”

Crimson nod solemnly at that.

“Now there's a nice twist to this thought... you see, I’m from an alternate reality, I have ever so smartly jumped into a portal without much thinking to avoid a magic missile from ruthless hunters. Cultist... and what you just described I have achieved to a degree, I was part of a secret force of Equestria to deal with dangerous vamponies as well the ancient and ruthless cultist of hunters, and add in the hostile changeling hives as well.”

There was a pause, Trixie eyed the other mare, every inch of her eyes for a speck of delusion, she saw none.

“If you wouldn't have those eyes of yours, and not see what I saw tonight, I’d say this is crazy, and it is still crazy, but I believe you.”

Crimson cracked a toothy smile, while Trixile rolled her eyes and looked aside.


She shook her head, then rubbed her neck, Crimson began to crack up, in all honesty, there was a few good points being a vampony, and this reaction she saw many times was one of them, it was just hilarious how they all rubbed their neck at some point even if she did nothing. Trixie figured it out quick enough and she cracked a small smile.

“You sleep on the floor.”

Said with her smile grew as Crimson stopped and look at her looking hurt. After a minute Trixie ended up laughing while the white mare was bemused.

“Haha, just joking, you can sleep in the bed, but no love bites please.”

“You worry to much Trix.”

“Trix... hmmm, let me guess, you know me, my other self from your world.”

There was a sudden temperature drop.

“I Knew you, yes... you... she.. died.”

Now it was more then comfortably chilling in the cabin, it was outright like a bite, the cold was such. Or as it felt for the two mare.

“Well.. That's sure put things in a very new light.”

Said Trixie after a short while, finish it with a gulp.

“You could say that, just stay out of fights if can help it.”

Trixie nodded. They remained silent for the remaining of the night, fall asleep in the bed they share.

It was the middle of the day when a loud knock could be heard on the cart's door. It woke up the occupants from their deep sleep. Both sit up and look at each other, groggily Trixie got out from the bed and began to make her way to the door not so far away while Crimson snatched the shades from the small night stand where she left them last night. Trixie opened the door to see who thought to disturb their sleep. In the door stood an earth pony, a very annoyed nurse Red Heart. Trixie just raised her eyebrow at the spectacle before her, both from confusion and annoyance. Crimson however placed her hoof to her head in a slow motion. She suddenly got a headache knowing what might come.

“Good morning Miss Trixie Lulamoon, or rather afternoon.”

“Good morning Nurse?”

“Red Heart.”

“...and why may Trixie own the pleasure?”

“I think I have a some issues with your new friend in there.”

Trixie brain turn, she recalled the last night conversation with Crimson, and the nurse, and the mention of the hospital and 'eating' clicked. Trixie slowly turned back to look at the vampony who sitting on the edge of the bed, staring ahead, annoyance clear on her face. Trixie made her mental note, to stay out of any trouble for now, and be diplomatic in the current situation. With a moment's pause she fully turn around and beacon the nurse to follow.

“Crimson, I think you have some business to finish.”

Crimson snort but look in the direction of the nurse, who was quite pissed off.

“Hello... Red...”

“Crimson Blaze, I presume?”

“Yep, that's me. Have a seat, I’m sure this gonna be a long scolding.”

The earth pony snort to this, her eyes threw spears of fire in the wish to incinerate the mare before her as she made her way inside. Trixie willed the door shut with her magic, and placed an sound dampening spell on the cart as the nurse stop before the slightly larger mare. Inhaled and Trixie acknowledged mentally 'so it's have begun..' and observed the unfolding scene.


Crimson ears folded back airtight almost to try shield herself from the sheer volume of the nurse outburst.


The nurse swinged her hoof forward and hit Crimson squire in the face. As the nurse hoof impacted the fur and flesh rippled from the force, but surprisingly for the nurse Crimson didn't even flinched to the punch, and scandalously, her hoof was in pain as she fell back on her haunches and keep swinging her hoof in the air to lessen the pain. Crimson look at the nurse, it was clear she didn't get all the details right, yet she figured out it was she who broke in. She took her shades off, eyes closed and inhaled slowly, to explain herself, the second time that day.

“Nurse Red Heart... I believe I own you with an apologize as well a proper explanation of myself and my actions.”

She glared at her, rubbing her hoof with the other as still in pain.

“I'm sorrow what I have done the other night. I did not intend to cause any distress to you, originally I only went in for the blood, and no, it was not for a prank, and no it was not wasted, yes I know I could cause issues with the rest of the reserve, and I was careful. Might not show, but I have medical training.”

Anger was dominant still, but now confusion added to the mix that it was Red Heart expression. Trixie on the other hoof was listening intently, as she didn't get the part about the hospital, and was clear she could learn even more about her.

“To clarify things... I'm not a unicorn with some disguise spell to hide a horn.”

Crimson chose this moment to open her eyes, doing it the second time that day, she got a quite good practice about 'dramatic' effect.

“I'm a vampony, a magically transformed bat pony into a 'supernatural' blood sucking creature. I did not choose it, but happened. It is irreversible and I stuck drink blood for the rest of my natural life that can easily reach up to a millennia.”

Crimson snickered quietly at the look of the nurse, how quick it all evaporated, all the anger, reduced to the classical, 'wha-what?' state, spiced up with plenty of fear.

“And yes... I was starving, and I prefer to get blood through the most 'peaceful' way possible... Which was to raid the blood reserves of the hospital the other night. Normally I would either ask ponies who I trust and are fine to be a blood donor, or have an allowance of medical blood. Right now neither available... as I also not from this reality, but from an alternate one, where I had these... Now here... I don't, though I hope I can earn it... I know my actions so far not make the argument strong in favor of acceptance, but I have been desperate, and I do admit, and know it wasn't the morally the best path to take.”

Crimson observed the nurse, as she processed everything with her mind that she just told her. Trixie was nodding slowly on the side. She already had a fairly good perspective on this situation. After a minute she finally spoke up, composed.

“...yet you still feed off a pony already... I have treated Bon Bon yesterday, at the early afternoon with a strange bite wound on her hoof, which she refused to explain to me... and as I see your fangs now..”

“I won't deny that either...”

Crimson sigh and regret was in her eye.

“When.. A vampony is starved out, close to dying... they began to lose their mind, and carnal, animalistic instincts... I was on the border line... I couldn't restrain myself... but I had enough will power not to harm her to much while feeding on her.”

“..I see..”

“She was in the park, alone, late night, and she wanted to commit suicide by slit her own throat.”

Now this revelation shock both mares, though after a minute Red Heart shock deepened as she recalled the time when she cared for Bon Bon the other day, and the small wound, cut on her neck, close to her veins.

“Yeah... I did hurt her, but at the bright side I did stop her at the last moment before she end her own life, and so she lives... And she rethought her situation thankfully... thought wouldn't be a bad idea to keep a close eye on her and support her.”

“Trixie can't believe all this...”

She shook her head slowly.

“..You're here for what.. 3rd day now, and already..”

“..Yeah.. I kind of steer up the quiet water where ever I happen to go.”

She added a nervous chuckle as she rubbed her head and glared to the side. Both, unicorn and earth pony gave a displeased look at her, Crimson slowly stopped her chuckle and hung her head.

“What should we do with you... mare...”

Was Trixie who broke the silence. Crimson looked up at her, she had a bitter look.

“Well... you don't seem to be evil, but you are troubled. I'd suggest we take you to Princess Twilight, Crimson... with Bon Bon and Lyra on the side.”

Red Heart looked at Trixie after this statement to see is she have similar thoughts, and the unicorn agreed with a simple nod.

“I just hope that won't go sour, then I can't even run off.”

“Well... yes, Trixie can see why feel uneasy, you have good chances to be thrown into a dungeon, but I doubt they would let you die... You sure would be fed, it's far easier to do so than say feed changelings.”

“I agree with this statement. Neither Celestia or Luna would be heartless to leave you to die if you willingly come forth.”

“But then would I ever get a chance to prove I’m more than a monster, which is I am if I go feral?”

“Well you did prove that in your own world, haven't you?”

Asked Trixie, and she was right with that statement.

“Yes I have, but the circumstances were different, a secret all out war between vamponies, the cult, and changelings, and in the crossfire civilians. Here, as far I can tell no such thing exists, though I could be wrong.”

“Hmmm... Well still the best way, Crimson.”

Remarked the azure mare.

“Plus I and the others will back you up, might be rough a little but should turn out alright.”

“Yeah, you are right, I just feel jittery about this... Say, could we wait some time, and maybe get more ponies support before we go all out and say, 'Hey world, guess what.' and all that jazz?”

“We can, but you know... You can't canter off now, not without letting us know what you'd like to do?”

Red Heart state it mater of factly. Crimson couldn't argue with that, of course she didn't like it, but still was better then run around for dear life.

“Fine fine, but I hope you won't follow me to the toilet.”

That made Trixie laugh while Red raised her eyebrow to this replay.

“Oh, don't you worry... I might not even shove a thermometer up your flank every day.”

Trixie rolled on the ground after this one. This slightly made the vampony worried, with all her experience with Red Heart in her world, she wouldn't try taunt her, be weaker or not, she could get her way if so she want it after some knowledge learned how a vampony works.

“Ehehehe... dully noted.”

“Now then... we gonna go to the hospital, it's my day off but I would like to do a check up on you.”

“Trixie, would be ok if I make a mad dash... right about now?”

“You can try.”

She snickered.

“But doubt you can bash through the barriel Trixie put up, and it's just a show begs to be seen.”

“Is it me or a vampony scared from some blood tests and jabs?”

Now Red Heart was snickering as well, the white mare just deadpan, she didn't even bother to respond to the statement, just waved her hooves to all get going and get over with all this, as she put on her shades.

“I hate you all...”

Crimson voice was dripping from thick and venoms acid as she glared ahead. She was hold down by Trixie telekinesis while Red Heart jammed a huge injection into her flank. Trixie winced at the view while the nurse had quite a satisfaction in her eyes.

“That's for yesterday when you been toying with my heart dear.”

“I doubt I’d ask you out, like... ever.. Red.”

“Oh... that hurt you know... now where did I put that other vaccine I needed to give you.”

Crimson closed her mouth slowly to hold out any more response to this, one shot was enough, she didn't need another one.

The nurse checked everything in a full professional manner, well perhaps not the part where she made sure she make her 'revenge' for the last night discomfort the vampony caused. Then Red Heart began.

“It's good to know telekinesis good to hold you in place, if powerful enough.”

“Then thank Trixie is around, as only a handful of unicorns strong enough to pull it off, if I don't count the princesses.. And actually, I could break free, not easily, but I could...”

“Trixie doubts that.”

“Oh I can, trust me Trix... Though there would be property damage, and the cover I still enjoy, little it may be, would be blown.”

“And I think you wouldn't wanna run around with that in your flank either.”

'Oh Red, I so going to bite you in the flank, hard, so you can share the sensation... grrr'

Crimson was boiling, and the nurse enjoyed this. It was rare she come to this, but if one dared to hamper the well being of sick ponies or hurt her truly... She made it sure to introduce this side of her to the offending Pony. Red Heart walked off to her station and picked up a second vaccine, the response of the vampony was quite clear, feral, deep, rumbling growl. Trixie shook her head rapidly side to side to say this was a bad idea.

“Okey, I may enjoy this to much... but, this must go as well. And fine, I be gentile with this one, as well fix up your flank from the other one.”

Crimson was growling, although, somewhat quieter. Red wasn't phased by the display, mainly as Trixie had her in her grasp. She has swiftly done the shot and took the other injection out from her flank as well.

“... you know... I going to bite you in the flank... hard...for this...”

“Don't you need our support dear?”

Crimson groaned loudly at this, Red holds the cards, and the only way she could reflect to this is by headbutt the metal examining table she was laying on, against the unicorn powerful telekinesis hold, and dent the metal in. Trixie gulped, and the nurse as well, this was a clear sign, better not piss her off more and enough retribution been made already about the other night incident.

“ehehehe...Trixie thinks it's a good that shade wasn't on you... How about we just... relax for now?”

The magician tried to steer every on to calmer water now, though she was mainly thinking about saveing her own flank, if from nothing else, then a huge vampony bite.

“...alright, then do you care to let off that telekinesis of yours, oh Great and Powerful.?”

Trixie nervously chuckled to this. Red re-evaluated the situation in the mean time and she shook her head violently. Trixie gave her an apologetic smile and let off her hold. Red gave a scared, sheepish smile to Crimson who was looking at her then, her eyes glowing red, though she was still laying on the metal construction.

“I'm quite full still... but then again... I do feel a little peckish now... You wouldn't mind if I have a little bite now... Red.”

It wasn't even a question, She began slowly rare away.

“Now, now... I won't hurt you.”


Red Heart stood there and stare, she was waiting for the miracle but never came.

“Trixie... I hate you..”

Crimson giggled evilly now, still hadn't moved an inch, not that the nurse could out run her, even with the head start.

“Now, now...just come back here, it will be... delicious.”

She has just rooted there and then, not even move a muscle or blink. Crimson just shook her head disapprovingly.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk...”

A sudden gale of wind blowed through the room, and when she processed it, the vampony wasn't there any more, rather standing right behind her, as she ever so slowly was wrapping her hooves around her from behind, giggling. Then she took a serious tone when she had a solid grip around the smaller white mare.

“Now... Let's just agree on one thing... You as well Trixie. That we don't go down this road, or at least not a lot. Now... I wouldn't hurt you seriously, and I hope you wouldn't hurt me either. Plus I do know I did earn this special treatment last night... It's sure not fun.”

A very loud and hard gulp was all Red could make then. Trixie nodded as well in agreement, and was she ever so glad she choiced let her go instead keep hold her down and now be grilled by the vampony.

“As for the bite... I still gonna bite you Red. Try to relax, all you gonna get is some dizziness from a little blood loss. I know you don't like it... Well I didn't like it either how you jabbed that huge needle into my flank and left it there casually for minutes.. Plus, you like to learn about vamponies. Experience feeding on sure intimate, but quite a valuable, no pun or jokes intended there. Red Heart in my world did volunteer to it.”

The poor earth pony mare was trembling in her solid yet gentle grasp. She closed her eyes to gather her thought.

“At.. this rate we going to toss the ball forever.. Crimson.. look. I'm scared to death right now, last night too, I don't think you been scared this badly by anything me and Trixie done combined.”

Crimson smile at this and gave a sigh

“Yes you are right, assured, you aren't the only one who has a temper. After all we born in the same month.”

“Oh Mare... Scorpions... and two”

Trixie gave a proper facehoof to herself. Red just gave a resign sigh, still trembling a bit. Crimson gave an evil smile to her, but not the kind evil that screams monster, but the one that friends gave to each other when doing their usual antics.

“You gonna bite me on the neck, aren't you.”

Deadpan the nurse.

“Yuppery yup.”

“And sure I won't be hurt badly by a huge, pair of hole on my neck, bleeding out? Or be suspicious to like... The rest of the village when we try to convince them you are friendly?”

“Mmm... Damn you Red, you argue to good... tell you what.. I not gonna do it now, but this will be merely proseponed.”

All the tension that was in her body deflated after she heard it, and rest her head on Crimsons shoulder.

“Thank you, and yeah I know you just want my neck... I have a feeling it's a 'snack' you denie yourself normally.”

“Yup, ever so sharp there Red.”

Crimson was chuckling now. Trixie was massaging her forehead, under her horn, all the while Red Heart just laid in the vampony forehooves, content to avoid being the desert on the menu, for the time being.

“Anyway, it's getting late and you sure need some sleep, but... why you sleep in that storage room in the first place?”

“It's.. a long story...”

Trixie got closer to the pair, intent to hear more stories, as was the whole day, full of interesting bits of Ponies life's.

“Trixie interested as well, and we heard Crimson life story so far in detail, we haven't heard of your story yet, Miss Red Heart.”

“Nor yours Trixie, but I guess Red first.”

And so she let go of the earth pony as they formed a small circle on the ground. Red Heart then began her tell, how she end up as homeless mare and forced to sleep at her workplace.