Everypony loves Blueblood

by Xaldon Ajide

First published

An average day for the Prince of Equestria.

Blueblood visits Ponyville as a request from Celestia in an attempt to curb some of his baser tendencies. Now he's walking Ponyville's streets as the sun has finally set on the seventh day of his 'vacation' and he is searching for another Inn that would take him after his attitude got him kicked out of the last one.
If you read this and it causes your eyes to water, or makes you scream bloody murder, know this now. This fic represents several topics of sensitive nature which I have little care for in any serious discussion save for mental abuse and physical violence, if you cannot stand rape or the sullying of innocence turn back now. otherwise enjoy this twisted tale of pleasure.
Oh, and a slight amount of gore.
You have been warned.

Oh would you look at that, a plebeian.

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Chapter song.


Ughh, such a drab town,’ thinks the white stallion as he looks around the streets and at the lamps on either side of the road. They dimly light the area around them using nearly depleted light stones. ‘Shouldn’t they have a unicorn that can replenish those stones?’ he wonders silently as he traverses the silent roads towards his next destination. Glumly he looks around at the brightly colored structures. ‘This is absurd, how can these lower class wretches be happier than me?’ The stallion’s blond eyebrows furrow together in consternation and anger. ‘Yet with all this. This gaiety. I still find this place boring, I mean not even a piece of intrigue or under hoofed scheme, then again, I am visiting one of my Auntie’s precious, pure! towns.’ The stark white stallion grumbles under his breath as he passes a moonlit couple, his gaze settles upon them as his ire rises, ‘What’s even worse, is that in all five hours after entering this back of the woods town, I have not once found a single brothel. How can a town be so morally clean that there isn’t one place stallons can go to for relief?’ His anger immediately subsides as his gaze falls upon a small yellow pegasus, walking in his direction, her eyes roving from side to side as she looks for something. ‘Hmm...

“Ooh, where could he be?” The yellow filly questions silently, as she walks through the streets searching for her query. She calls out in a bell like voice, barely above a whisper, “Mr. Bat, where are you? Mr. Bat?” A rustling sound comes from a nearby alleyway causing her to jump. “Uhh, Mr. Bat? Is that you?” She asks as she looks into the dark shadows of the alley, her baby blue eyes trying to pierce the blackness shrouding the dingy area between Bonbon’s sweets shop and the Quills & Sofas. She watches the alley, waiting for a reaction, but after a few minutes she turns away with a shrug. The butterscotch yellow pegasus starts walking away from the alley at a slow pace. She did not notice the blue glow coming out of the alley, or she sound of a blade being pushed through flesh, or the wet pitter patter as crimson fluid began raining down upon the ground below the tiny victim.

After a few minutes, watching the bright yellow pegasus walk away from the alley, the stark white unicorn turns back to his work, ‘Hmm, plebeian, but it gets the job done nicely.’ He muses with a slight thrill as he looks into the dull lifeless orbs of the rodent he had caught. It had been trying to fly away until he caught it and now the creatures red life essence was flowing down its brown fur, as it was held in mid air by the head in the unicorns bright blue magic field. The creatures leathery black wings lay lifeless at its sides. ‘Heh, let her try and find it now.’ he says before tossing the dead rodent into the nearby dumpster, pulling the dull, rusted kitchen knife out with a wet squelch. He pulls the blade towards himself and watches curiously as the blood drips off, a small smirk playing on his lips. ‘Aunty never liked it when I left the castle, I always came back dirty from cleaning out some more of the filthy vermin on the streets, sometimes I even came back after taking care of one of the whores on the side of the road. She never liked it when I did it though, trying to say some garbage about not using ponies or some garbage like that.’ he mulls over the memory of his pure white aunt with an aurora mane, her caring smile, the slight hint of ire fitted upon her brow as she scolded him in that kind mother like voice.

With a sigh, he begins whispering his thoughts. “Ah Aunty, you just don’t understand it. The thrill of doing this all without getting caught. Then again, you never did take the time to learn the joys of being able to let go.” He shudders in ecstasy as he breathes in the warm, coppery scent of his recently deceased prey’s spilt life blood, the smile on his lips curling just a bit further, his pupils becoming just that much smaller. ‘I cannot believe it has been a week since the last time! Oh Aunty, this is going to be soo much fun.’ he shivers again in delight as his thoughts turn to the buttercream pegasus with her shapely form, and pert flank. The stallion looks between his hind legs feeling a slight twinge, as his staff begins to rise. Shaking his head at the sight, he turns away from the body and walks onto the main road outside of the alley. He looks around trying to catch a hint of his quarry, as he waits for his sword to shrink back into its sheath. A quick glance down the street immediately tells him his quarry hasn’t gotten that far.

Sticking to the shadows on the side of the street, the white unicorn watches as the bright yellow pegasus continues searching for her bat friend. Silently the stark white stallion follows in the shy mare’s wake, getting closer and closer. As he gets within fifteen meters of his target, he notes another alley twenty meters ahead. With a vicious smile he slinks along the path before lighting his horn in a slight blue glow. Picking up a stone in his light blue magic, he throws it into the alley, letting it clatter on the ground within, capturing the pegasus’s attention as she passes by.

The shy mare stops mid step, and turns towards the dark alley, her eyes trying to pierce the darkness. “H-hello? Is anypony there?“ she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. “Mr. Bat? Is that you there?” As the young mare takes a few hesitant steps towards the alley, another clatter within grasps her attention. Hearing it come from behind one of the dumpsters, she slowly walks into the alley, towards the farthest dumpster, where the sound originated from. “It’s ok, you can come out, i-it’s perfectly safe.” she says as she bravely walks around the large metal construct. “Wha- Mph”

Her voice is muffled as a hoof snakes from behind and covers her mouth. “Shh, we wouldn’t want anypony to hear you now, would we?” asks the stallion as he lifts the butterscotch pegasus, and presses her up against the wall, forcing her to stand on her hind hooves. After another second the same voice speaks up again, a little muffled as her captor’s head snakes around her neck, placing something against her throat. “Now, be a gooh phiwy an’ hol iph poffiffion for me. We wou’n wan’ me cu slip now, woul’ we?” He asks pressing the sharp object just a little harder into the young pegasus’s neck. The yellow mare shakes her head slightly from side to side, afraid that even this little motion could cause the blade to pierce her skin, her eyes beginning to water. “Gooh” he answers gently, before pulling his hoof from the mare’s mouth while holding himself over her with the other on the wall, then uses his free hoof to explore the filly’s body. ‘My, my, my, such a juicy specimen.’ he thinks before speaking around his blade again. “You phu’ feel honork, you are im uu prefenfe of royalfy,” he pronounces imperiously, as his hoof slides further down the yellow mare’s stomach.

The pegasus whines a little underneath the unicorn’s ministrations, tears now freely falling in rivulets down the sides of her face, with small dribbles of snot pressing out of her nose. She could feel every touch of his hoof on her body, making her want to shiver in revulsion at his sick advances, however she holds perfectly still, lest the knife cut into her throat. Then she felt it, the pressure on top of the small of her back, a warm appendage growing, bouncing, snaking further upwards, as opposed to the ice cold hoof of her tormentor, reaching ever downwards until finally reaching its goal, pressing against the very tip of her marehood. “Ahh-, ” she almost cries, before the knife presses into her skin, silencing her once more and forcing her to pant silently as the alabaster unicorn plays with her maidenhood. He smiles imperiously around the knife in his mouth as the butterscotch pegasus becomes wet, her flower spilling juices involuntarily from the stimulation.

The stallion lifts his drenched hoof to the pegasus’s face as if to say, ‘You are a dirty whore, and I own you.’ The yellow mare flinches slightly as the hoof presses against her lips demanding attention. Finally, she tentatively opens her mouth and gently presses her tongue against the frog of the stallions hoof, cleaning away more than just her mare juices.

“Mmh, mmh, mmh.” The stallion laughs darkly as he forces the weak mare to lick his dirty hoof clean, marring her beauty in the process. With his hoof pristine and clean once more, he lowers it over the mare’s back, her wings having fully extended involuntarily as her internal body temperature begins to rise, from both fear and excitement. Deciding he’s waited long enough, the stallion lights his horn with blue magic, then he telekinetically moves his bulging shaft into position between the mares winking lips, while moving her tail out of the way. The yellow pegasus mare stifles another moan as the stallion enters her with a single thrust, pressing almost to the hilt in one vicious push, then he pulls back slightly, his iron rod massaging the mare’s inner walls like a long lost lover. He thrusts once more, using all the strength he can put into that one move and hilting just before her cervix. His massive shaft of meat pulls back slowly, teasing the previousely virginal walls with tingling pleasure.

The pearl white highborn unicorn stallion shuffles his hooves, getting into a more comfortable position, his shaft pulsing with each motion inside the mare’s love tunnel. The stallion’s excitement rises as he pulls back and thrusts once... twice. Again and again, slowly building a tempo as he races to the finish, his heart beating erratically in the ecstatic joy of the moment. He grunts as he reaches the halfway point, his thrusts becoming harder and longer, pulling back further and further with each one, almost like a hypnotic dance. His blond tail was streaked with tears of the little pegasus’s shame, her abused marehood leaking more clear fluid with each thrust, making the the stallions tail glisten in the moonlight. The stallion curls his lips even further upwards as he feels his climax coming near, his breath coming out in pants alongside the pink maned pegasus. The yellow mare begins to let out small moans, as her climax comes near as well.

No.’ He rejects the thought before pressing the knife in his mouth against the timid mare’s throat, letting the blade dig in just a little further, his smile turning vicious as he feels the female shiver for half a second in fear, causing her inner folds to massage his length even more than they had before. “Urrguhhh!!!” The white unicorn cries as the final stroke pushes him over the edge into joyful bliss. ‘Ahh, that was quite enjoyable, well. Time’s up.’ The white stallion jerks his head to the side, making a wet tearing sound. Dark warm drops begin falling down into the puddle of clear liquid created during the stallion’s ministrations.

With a single thought, the white unicorn lights his horn and uses it to pull the knife out of his mouth and flicks it to the side. That done, he watches with morbid glee as the light begins to fade from his mate’s eyes. “Ah, such a rare beautiful gem, one amongst many. Now nopony else will defile you. I have claimed your maidenhood, and in turn you, to do with as I please.” He whispers aloud next to her ear, as her strength finally begins to leave her dying legs, her crimson fluid puddling on the ground. With a wet squelch, her body falls off of the young, virile stallion’s iron rod, the shaft becoming even harder as he listens to the wet plop of the body falling onto the ground.

With nothing else left to do with the body, he walks towards the entrance of the alley. He takes a cursory glance at himself, noticing a few patches of mud and blood caked onto his fur. With a disparaging sigh, he lights his horn, noting the slight change from light blue to teal for half a second before ignoring it and focusing on the wretched stains on his coat. Slowly he peels off the stains with his magic, careful to not pull any hairs out.

Finally letting his horn rest after a few seconds of working the spell, the while stallion looks over his pristine coat once more. ‘Ah, magnificent if I do say so myself. Then again, I’m always magnificent to look at, even when my coat is spattered in filth.’ After confirming its cleanliness and deeming it fit to be presented to the world once again, he lets a genuine smile of glee form on his face. The proud, noble stallion then takes a step towards another day in his bright future.

Oh would you look at that, another plebeian.

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The white stallion takes his first step back out of the alley. In the blink of an eye a yellow blur streaks through the air, like a bullet and barrels into him. It slams the stallion into the ground. Then the creature reveals itself to be a yellow pegasus with a pink mane and, ‘Fangs?’ The white stallion wonders in the half second of sanity remaining, before the yellow disguised creature bites the back of his neck and drags him back into the alley, scrubbing in mud from underneath and delivering pain from above. It lifts him by the scruff before turning around and tossing him further into the alley, slamming him into one of the walls with a meaty thud.

The white stallion barely feels his royal white rump hit the ground, as he worries instead about trying to gather the breath he lost from the impact with the solid wall. Wheezing in a labored breath he finally decides to look up and sees his attacker. His eyes widen as they focus onto a yellow pegasus mare with a bubblegum pink mane and tail, and a cutie mark resembling three butterflies. “Bu-but I just... You! H-how can you still be alive?” He nervously bumbles, trying to raise to a standing position upon his shaky hooves. He succeeds in falling back to the ground as his front hooves slip from underneath him, causing him to slam his nose into the cobblestone below.

“Pitiful,” the yellow pegasus simply states. “Where’s that cruel bravery you had just a few moments ago? What was that phrase now, ‘cleansing the filth’?” The pegasus slowly starts walking towards the cowering stallion, her exhales slowly becoming deeper and slower, her lips pull back revealing sharp black fangs between as she smiles cruelly. “You know? I was going to let you live. But I think I’ll return the favor, you seem to enjoy giving this sort of treatment.” She speaks ponderously, finishing as she stops before the shivering wreck of a stallion.

“P-please, I’m sorry. Let me go, I can give you anything you want. Just please, l-let me live,” the stallion croaks miserably.

The head of the canary yellow pegasus lowers next to his ear, she quietly answers with a single breath. “No.”

The stallion ceases shivering as his horn glows blue,”Too bad.” He says as the same aura glows around the knife he discarded next to the dumpster before it comes hurtling towards the mare standing above him. He smiles in sadistic glee as the knife reaches her. It doesn’t last long as his lips curl downwards in pain, he looks down noticing the same knife with only the hilt sticking out above his beloved stallionhood. “HHHHHHHu, AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!” He screams as the mare’s form disperses into a magical cloud of dust, and she fades into view several paces behind the fading mist, a faint light appearing above her head and a field of green energy appears around the alley, just as the stallion began to scream, cutting off all sound to the outside.

The vicious pegasus crouches down then leaps forward with lightning speed, her mouth chomps down upon the pegasus’s throat, cutting off his air supply and silencing his cries. She twitches, then pulls her head upwards, her serrated black teeth tearing into the soft flesh of her prey with ease, as she chomps down even harder, ripping out the stallions throat. She watches the pure white stallion gurgle and drown in his own life essence, the crimson fluid beginning to puddle underneath him from both his own stab wound and his torn throat, staining his unblemished coat red, the agony in his eyes begins to dull as he starts to lose consciousness.

The green light above the pegasus’s head begins to glow again before sending a green bolt of energy striking through the stallion, forcing him back to consciousness. His eyes widen in pain, his mouth opening wide once more in a silent scream as he gurgles on his own blood. The yellow pegasus then walks over to his back legs, the green light from above her head enveloping the rusted blade cushioned gently within his blessed belly. With a single jerk the knife rips its way out of the stallion’s core, a few cords of pink entrails following afterwards, bleeding a brownish substance onto the ground before him, while the rest of his body jerks from the assault upon his nerves.

The young pegasus holds the knife before her eyes. She glances at its rusted surface and recently sharpened blade, before tossing it to the side and placing one yellow hoof on the white stallions nearest back leg, just above the calcaneus. She sets her face straight as she lifts her hoof. One second, two, three, time passes slowly as her hoof reaches the apex of its rise, and with a strike faster than lightning, and a loud echoing snap. She slams the sole of her hoof through the white stallion’s left back leg, forcing the stallion to jerk again, his mouth opening wide once more with rivers of tears flowing out of his eyes, then a green glow forms around his lower jaw. Before he can even react, she shoves the broken off leg hoof first through his mouth, then slams it shut on the solid appendage, his glazed eyes focussing on the ripped portion before him, fresh crimson life juice dripping out every few seconds.

With a smirk the green glow above the pegasus’s forehead fades to nothingness, her spells deactivate, allowing the stallion to finally lose consciousness, and the sound barrier to fade. The canary yellow pegasus steps away from the body and the puddles of blood. After reaching the edge of the alley, she looks over her hooves, noting several splashes of blood upon her coat. She smirks before the light appears above her head once more and with a loud whooshing sound a green fire spreads from her hooves to her head, leaving her coat once more pristine and without fault.

She steps out into the open area of Ponyville proper once more, a bright smile radiating off of her face. “I’m coming Mr.Bat, now where are you.”


A few hours later, the stallion’s corpse suffered several more injuries including having its stallionhood cut off, and all three of its remaining legs dislocated and or broken in several places, with a knife sticking through both eyes, the orbs themselves popped out of their sockets, one dangling over the nose while the other lay on the road. His body also had its horn broken off and shoved up its own hind quarters.

Ah, time to rest.

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“Hey Fluttershy, tea’s ready.” Calls a familiar rainbow maned pegasus as she trots into the room from the nearby kitchen.

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash.” Answers a canary yellow pegasus with a bubblegum pink mane resting calmly on a nearby sofa. Fluttershy returns her attention to the newspaper before her, with a slight smirk she reads through it one more time, as Rainbow Dash sets the tray of tea on the dining table.

“So Amaryllis, mind telling me what’s so funny?” The rainbow maned pegasus asks, with a quizzically upturned eyebrow.

The pegasus nods, “They just found the jerk that raped me the other night, now they're making a big deal about it since he was of the royal household in Canterlot.” The yellow mare chuckles once more, her eyes flashing green for a half second as her disguise falters.

Rainbow Dash sighs before shaking her head. “He really shouldn’t have done that. Well at least you didn’t leave any evidence behind. Did you?” She asks seriously.

“No, not really. Only a late book that needed to be returned to the library, borrowed by another of the snobs in Canterlot.” The pegasus answers.

Rainbow Dash smiles at her friends ingenuity. “Well, that’s good. So, Tea?”

Fluttershy nods, “Yes please.” Rainbow Dash nods in return, grabbing the teapot in her teeth, then tilts it just enough to pour the steaming green fluid into the cups. “Ahh, Green Tea, Twilight and Zecora sure know what relaxes me best. Thank you, Rainbow.” She answers with a small hug, her lips stretching into a small smile before settling back down and taking a sip.

“So, Flutters?” The rainbow maned pegasus asks with a small amount of perturbation.

Fluttershy looks up from her morning tea, “Yes Rainbow?”

With a sigh, having found no way to ease into it, Rainbow jumps into the topic head first. “So, how bad was it? I mean the being raped and all?”

A sharp glint appears in the kind yellow mare’s eye, for but a moment before disappearing under her deep caring persona. “I w-wont lie Rainbow, it hurt. A lot. But I’m getting better. However, I don’t think it will be safe for anypony similar to him to be around me any time soon.” She answers, her voice wavering slightly, but still calm.

The cornflower blue pegasus nods understanding. “Alright then, but Ammy?”

“Yes Rainbow?”

Rainbow Dash firmly answers “If you’re feeling down. Just remember, me, Gilda, Twilight, and even Zecora are here, and we’ll listen to you. We’re here for you and we always will be.” Rainbow Dash then walks over and wraps her hooves around the canary yellow pegasus.

“Thank you Rainbow Dash, I think I’ll visit Que- Twilight a bit later, For now...” The young mare walks over to the polychromatic pegasus and rubs her muzzle just below the other’s jaw. Rainbow Dash reciprocates the gesture by wrapping both her hooves and wings around her small yellow friend.

“You’re welcome Flutters, lets take you to bed. I’ll clean the cottage a bit while you rest.” Fluttershy nods acceptance into Rainbow Dash’s neck and the cyan pegasus releases her small friend from the hug, before leading the way upstairs and into their shared bedroom. ‘Well Rainbow Dash, at least she’s on the mend. Hopefully the rest of the year remains calm, for her sake.’ After settling her friend into bed, Rainbow Dash walks out of the room, closing the door as she looks at the calender her griffon friend bought her the previous year. Grabbing a nearby piece of writing stone, she marks another day.

Cagnim, 3rd, 999th CR.