Something's up with Derpy

by whovianpegasisterforever

First published

Derpy's acting strange... What's with her?

Derpy has been acting strange. Well, stranger than usual. Her friends noticed. What's up with Derpy?

Heart and Hooves day

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Derpy was acting very suspicious lately, Carrot Top noticed. She was more nervous and seemed more... sad. Just this morning Derpy was being odd. <Carrot Top walked up to the mailmare and said, "Hey, Derpy! What are you doing for Heart and Hooves day?"
"Nothing much", the Pegasus replied.
"I'm thinking about asking out that Time Turner colt. He seems okay."
"T-Time Turner?"
"Yeah, are you asking somepony out?"
"NO! I mean...I dunno.... I have to go", Derpy flew away, leaving Carrot Top in a confused haze.>
After reflecting on that conversation, Carrot decided to discuss it with her friends Bon Bon and Lyra.
'Maybe Derpy was being odd around them too', she thought.


Lyra Heartstrings was waiting at Sugar Cube Corner with Bon Bon. Carrot Top had contacted them the other day telling them to meet her at Sugar Cube Corner to talk. Lyra pondered why Carrot would ask her and Bon Bon to meet. It was probably just to talk, but then why would she not invite Derpy? Lyra scrunched her forehead.
"She's 'ere!", Bon Bon pointed a hoof toward the orange figure galloping in the distance.
"Hello girls! How are you?", Carrot Top greeted her friends.
"Oh we're all good", Bon Bon said and Lyra nodded her head in agreement.
They ordered banana shakes from Mrs.Cake and sat down around a pink table.
"So, why did you tell us to meet you here?", Lyra asked.
"Well... Derpy has been acting different. I wanted to know if she's been weird around you guys too", Carrot Top said, telling them about the events that took place the other morning.
"Now that ya told me, I have been noticin' something odd 'bout that mailmare", Bon Bon said in her manehattan accent,"Just a while ago, I asked her 'bout the time and she jumped like I just scared the derp right outta her! Then, she just blushed massively when I repeated the question."
"Yeah, she has been out of character, expecially when you bring up Heart and Hooves day", Lyra said,"What do you think is up with Derpy?"
"Lets go over what we have so far", Carrot told them,"She is a bit panicky when you bring up Heart and Hooves day."
"She blushed when I asked her the time", Bon Bon added.
"Hmmmm....", Lyra was deep in thought.
The mares were silent. After a few minutes, Lyra shouted,"I GOT IT!"
"What?!", the two others were desperate for the truth.
"She has a crush on Time Turner! See, it makes so much sense!", Lyra explaimed.
"Derpy likes Time Turner? Oh, that's why she acted like that when I said I thought I might ask him out!", Carrot Top said.
"You're asking Time Turner out", Bon Bon questioned.
"Not anymore, Bon Bon! We need to hook him up with Derpy!", Carrot replied with excitement dancing in her eyes.
Bon Bon and Lyra gave neighs of approval. With that, the three friends galloped off to Derpy's house.


Derpy threw her mailbag aside and was about to bake some muffins when she heard a knock on the door. She opened it to find her friends, Bon Bon, Lyra, and Carrot Top.
"Hey girls-", Derpy got interrupted by a wave of exclaims from the other mares. She could only make out a few words.
"Heart and-"
"Him and you-"
"We know-"
"GUYS!", Derpy shouted and they calmed down. "What are you ponies talking about?"
"We know you like Time Turner!", Bon Bon blurted out.
Derpy felt her face turn bright red. "Wh-what are you talking about?"
"Don't deny it! We know you do. That's why we came take you to Time Turner!", Carrot Top said.
"WHAT?! I'll admit that I like him, but-"
"knew it"
"- he probably doesn't even know me! What if he doesn't like me?"
Lyra rolled her eyes, "Don't be silly, Derpy! I just know he'll like you."
"What about your date with him, Carrot?"
"Don't worry about that! I didn't even ask him", Carrot assured her, "Come on, now."
Carrot, Lyra, and Bon Bon pushed Derpy out the door and led her into the thick of Ponyville. Derpy was very nervous; She was shaking. There, Time Turner was talking to some other colt. Carrot nudged her heard toward him, implying that she should go talk to him.
"I...I can't", Derpy whispered.
Carrot sighed and shoved her to Time Turner.
"Excuse me, but my friend wanted to talk to you", Carrot Top told the stallion, then ran off to her friends.
"Hey, Derpy", Time Turner greeted the Pegasus.
"You know my name?", Derpy said in disbelief.
"Of course I do! You're the best mailmare in Ponyville", He blushed slightly.
'Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea...', She thought.


It was Heart and Hooves day and Carrot, Lyra, and Bon Bon were cruising around the town.
"I wonder what 'appened with Derpy and Time Turner since we left 'em to talk last night", Bon Bon wondered.
"See for yourself", Lyra said, pointing her hoof toward a couple sitting at a table drinking smoothies.
Bon Bon and Carrot Top were surprised to see that the couple was, in fact, Derpy and Time Turner. They seemed happy and relaxed and in love.
"Mission accomplished!", The three bumped hooves.