The Play Date

by Blitzle

First published

What started as a play date for Scootaloo and Rumble quickly became... more.

Scootaloo and Rumble have been the best of friends since they could remember, but... are they really satisfied as friends only? The short answer is 'no' they are not. Time for some fun.

(Not meant to be taken seriously).

Trigger: Foalcon... I think Scootaloo is fourteen, and the other two are only a year and two behind.

Rumbling Scoots (Remade)

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The Play Date

Rumbling Scoots (Remade)


It was a calm summer day in Ponyville: the sun peaked over the two mountains that neared Canterlot. The birds chirped loudly as they flew majestically with the Pegasi in the sky. Two in particular were flying with the birds in a fast yet careful pace. Rumble and ThunderLane flew Rumble among them was on top of his elder brother.

"How much further?" Rumble asked his voice weak because of the much air going through his lungs.

"Not much, Rumble, just a little further, I promise," Rumble was over his normal excited level for one reason: he's going to see his foalhood friend Scootaloo, ever since him and his brother moved to Cloudsdale it was harder to see her friend in Ponyville, soon enough he fazed Scootaloo out of his life when acquiring his Cutie Mark. His train of thought was cut short when a quick swoop caused him to cling to his brother as if he were a bird.

Slower than Rumble liked he heard his brother's hooves make contact with the ground. Rumble smiled as he looked seeing his friend's new house. "Wow, well, see you Rumble, pick you up later," with that his brother ThunderLane flew off into the distance.

Slowly Rumble knocked on the oak doorway the door crept open to the sight of an older than Scootaloo unicorn. "Oh, you must be Rumble, correct?" the blonde stallion asked an eyebrow rose.

Rumble nodded happily. "Yeah, you must be Mister Gabriel," Rumble said his wings raising him to the air happily.

Gabriel nodded. "Scootaloo's upstairs, and one more thing: don't play too rough please," Gabriel begged the gray teenage Pegasus.

"We won't play rough," Rumble assured hearing the door to he shop close.

A blue mare walked to Gabriel. "We won't either," she chuckled lightly kissing Gabriel's cheek causing a light blush to form on the stallion.

Rumble ran upstairs to her foalhood friend.


Before he could even knock he heard a faint sound. "Come in," it said he shrugged and opened the door. To his shock his friend was with another friend.

"Sweetie Belle, what are you doing here?" Rumble asked quizzically; it was supposed to only be the two Pegasi.

Sweetie rubbed her puffy mane. "I hope you don't mind, Sweetie wanted to see you again, she kinda wanted to play here anyway," Scootaloo cut in seeing a light disappointed frown on the foal's face.

"Don't worry you won't know she's here too much. Hey, Rumble, by the way you're just in time for the game," Scootaloo pat his back.

"Game w-what game?" he asked his wings giving a light twitch.

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "We're playing Spin the Bottle of course," Scootaloo snickered at the colt's reaction.

"S-S-Spin the bottle why?" Rumble inquired rubbing his mane.

Scootaloo shrugged. "Just seemed like fun, Sweetie agreed to just observe for the first time," Scootaloo said a blush forming on her normally orange face.

Rumble bit his lip. He knew he wasn't the best kisser. As told by Cloudchaser at least, that's a story for another day though. "I-I don't know, it-it's kind of a game I haven't played for a while," he muttered something under his breath (At least not without Cloudchaser and Flitter).

Scootaloo shrugged. "So? It'll be fun," Scootaloo snickered with more than what she is telling.

With a sigh Rumble nodded. "Fine, let's get this over with," he used some of his strength to focus on keeping his wings folded.

"Yeah!" Scootaloo smiled widely as she pulled out an empty soda bottle and gave it a large spin. it of course landed on her and Rumble.

Rumble bit his lip again as he inched his head to his friend's own lips. He has to look over the rules of Spin the Bottle; maybe you need more than just two players. Rumble kissed Scootaloo lightly on the lips. Scootaloo looked displeased. "Wow, you're a bad kisser," Scootaloo said in front of the colt.

Something ate at him. "You can do better?" Rumble hissed at Scootaloo who nodded.

"Yeah, watch," with that she kissed Rumble shockingly she used her tongue a little. As she pulled out of the kiss Rumble was speechless granted, Scootaloo's sixteen now. "See, better kisser," she chuckled patting Rumble's back with no warning his wings whooshed to the air to its fullest extent. Scootaloo smiled. "I see you enjoyed the kiss, want another?" Scootaloo offered another kiss. Rumble with a heavy blush nodded.

"Yes please," he said getting what Scootaloo offered with a little more tongue.

Scootaloo saw as his dick unsheathed itself.


Scootaloo looked to Rumble's member which was totally erect. "Ready to get rid of that Rumble?" Scootaloo asked tilting her head to the left.

Rumble nodded. "Yeah." With that Scootaloo licked Rumble's large member making it pulse once. She then stopped after a little repeating. She then put Rumble's cock half way in her mouth. Rumble cooed to the feeling of Scootaloo bobbing her head left and right along with that feeling of Scootaloo's tongue working its way around Rumble's extended member. Rumble moaned as his limit came inches closer. He soon felt Scootaloo's hoof caress the other half of his member. She stopped rubbing her 'friend''s other half of his member. She inched her head closer to the end of the road. Soon she was with Rumble's elongated penis she inched her head back and forth making Rumble moan even louder than before.

She continued for a good three minutes then stopped at the end where she felt the girthy cock hit the back of her mouth. Scootaloo waved her tongue around the dick and began fiddling with the colt's wings. His already large cock grew larger and stiffer. Scootaloo stopped and looked to Rumble. She smacked her lips a bit. "Okay Rumble, your turn," Scootaloo said smirking as she saw Sweetie Belle turned to a corner just staring blankly into a wall.

Rumble grabbed Scootaloo by the hooves and placed her just right. "Y-You ready?" he asked his stutter coming back.

Scootaloo nodded happily. "Do it," she demanded of the colt.

"O-Okay," he said beginning to thrust his lower half into Scootaloo's clit. Scootaloo felt as her clit began to feel wetter than before as pre-cum was brought out.

"Oh," she cooed happily as the foal kept on thrusting. He as well as Scootaloo felt something coming. "S-Scootaloo I-I'm going-" that's all that he could get out before liquid pleasure blasted out of Rumble's stallionhood; luckily he was able to get his horse cock out of Scootaloo in time before it was too late. Rumble felt as the liquid was licked by Scootaloo quickly. Scootaloo was watching as Rumble smiled pleasure obviously overwhelming him.

Rumble looked to Sweetie Belle. "Scootaloo, you want to let Sweetie in on this?" Rumble asked his eyebrow rose to the ceiling.

Scootaloo shrugged. "I guess, c'mon Sweetie Belle, you want to do this with us?" she asked the now fifteen year old teenager.

Sweetie looked to Scootaloo. "Really, can I?" she couldn't believe this. "I mean sure!" she squeaked out.

Scootaloo nodded as she dove for Rumble's oozing member. Sweetie wanting to experiment fiddled with Scootaloo's wings, making the already 'playful' teenager happier. Sweetie then looked to Rumble's basted cock as Scootaloo kept licking it. Scootaloo smiled as she lowered herself to Scootaloo's clit. She then proceeded to lick the exposed skin.

Scootaloo moaned and gave a gaze to Rumble. "Mind thanking Sweetie Belle Rumble?" Scootaloo asked seeing the colt nod.

Rumble thought how to thank the teenager. Then came the sight of her horn. He knew the horn was the sweet spot when it came to sex for a unicorn. Rumble soon quickly licked Sweetie Belle's horn a shutter of pleasure came through her as she continued to lick her friend's clit. Rumble still being cleaned by Scootaloo. Rumble shuttered with pleasure as did Sweetie Belle.

Rumble soon came to a stop as Scootaloo felt pleasure flow out of her. "Oh," she cooed as she kept intently going back and forth exposing Rumble's unsheathed short sword being dressed in his own cum. His cum squirted onto Scootaloo's face making her smile widely. Her normally orange face painted with white at some points. Scootaloo held back her liquid pleasure but, Sweetie Belle had other plans as she dug her muzzle into the teenage Scootaloo's vagina. Scootaloo felt the warm breath of Sweetie Belle along with the feeling of her tongue exploring every inch of her mareparts. "S-Sweetie-" that was her warning soon, a powerful waterfall of cum dripped out of Scootaloo's clitoris coating the already white filly even whiter and glossier. She felt light headed as she could only smell cum as it was as well inside her nostrils.

Rumble felt as the tide changed from Scootaloo to Sweetie Belle licking his enlarged horse cock. He felt his member tingle without any warning but the twitch he unloaded right into the white teen who jumped backwards. He along with her fell backwards forcing his load to squirt everywhere in Scootaloo's room. He got up seeing his two friends get up as well. His cock dripped with cum. Rumble felt as Scootaloo hastily took hold of his snake and sucked on it. Nothing came out however.

Rumble finally stopped unable to cum anymore. "Okay, that's enough, wait, how will we get clean?" Scootaloo bit her lip hard. Rumble being the least messy of them all peeked his head out of the door; his cock creating a loud thud as he looked outside of the room. There he was; there Gabriel was. "Uh..." he pondered the idea of telling him.

"What's a matter Rumble, you seem scared," Gabriel said taking note of his look.

Rumble knew there was no going back now. "Can you pinkie promise not to freak out?" Rumble asked his cock still pulsing from the pounding he took.

Gabriel nodded. "Uh... sure cross my heart hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Now, what's wrong?" Gabriel asked the gray and slightly white colt.

He bit his lip. "Can you please give us a bath?" Rumble chuckled nervously at the older stallion.

Gabriel tilted his head to the right. "Why do you need a bath?" he asked not even seeing the light reflective look on Rumble.

Rumble hen opened the door. Gabriel in horror as he saw Scootaloo's room covered in love fluid. "Oh sweet god!" he fell gap-jawed at everything being somewhat reflective. "Get in the tube now," he demanded of the foals who of course listened to him and ran for the tube; Rumble's member not in the slightest down. Gabriel sighed. "How'd this happen..." he stopped. “Don't answer that please," he said cleaning the hardest first; Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle chuckled nervously. "It started with Scootaloo and Rumble playing Spin the Bottle."