Pinkie Pie the Porn Director

by Diablomuerte2

First published

The sequel to Fluttershy the Phone Sex Operator. This story follows Pinkie Pie in her attempts to make it big at directing... pornography.

After the events of Fluttershy the Phone Sex Operator, things have changed in Ponyville. The cakes have split leaving Pinkie Pie out of a job, Moaning Mares has been banned as a service in Equestria due to some political decisions, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have been pulling a dissappearing act at random intervals, Rarity has completely overtaken Sweet Apple Acres, and Twilight is pregnant with no idea who the pony is that impregnated her.

Facing potential costs of a child if it's her's, Pinkie Pie has decided to attempt becoming a famous director. She begins writing a script, finding a producer, and hiring some actors to make a film. What kind of film you ask? A porno film.

Also Luna has been secretly impregnating unsuspecting mare's in order to fulfill some ancient alicorn army prophecy that was never written or ever discovered.

All Thanks to Fluttershy

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All Thanks to Fluttershy

Ponyville was once a great town for ponies to live their lives. It was a place where ponies could learn about life and friendship. It was the safe haven for a group of unique friends that had been forced to fight the forces of evil as impromptu superheroes. The town was reputed for it's kind and humble citizens and it's sincere hospitality. Sadly that town had shifted with the consequences of one pony's actions.

After Candy Clit's identity was revealed to be none other than Fluttershy, the angry mob had nearly given up taking revenge. Once their revenge plan had been pushed aside the crowd separated leaving scarred lives to try and return to normality. Unfortunately not all damage could be ignored.

The Cakes marriage had suffered when Mrs.Cake couldn't trust her husband anymore. The two, once happily married, ponies had split up and closed the shop. The bakery closing had left a jobless Pinkie Pie and a town with a craving for sweets to be forced to seek their fixes elsewhere. The tragic end to a great relationship had sullied the town's mood temporarily.

Rarity had been feeling extraordinarily dominant due to the events that occurred during Candy Clit's employment. She began slowly winning over Applejack's family and gaining their approval regardless of their beliefs about mare on mare relationships. It was causing a rise in Rarity's ego with how easy she was able to gain their acceptance and she slowly began craving more. She plotted away and eventually became the owner of Sweet Apple Acres using a devious plan and shady business practices.

Applejack had never imagined she would have been in the relationship she was in and that her farm would have workers on it. She was slowly getting used to the new order at Sweet Apple Acres. Her initial disgust with Rarity's take over had waned when Rarity convinced Applejack it was for the best. The sex didn't hurt keeping Applejack's mind off the atrocity and helping her get settled to the new regime.

The rest of the Apple Clan tried protesting Rarity's claim to Sweet Apple Acres but she easily dissuaded them with threats of taking over all Apple businesses if they didn't 'mind their own business.' She was adamant about her new role as lead pony of the farm and all around manager of the Apple family businesses.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had been casually seen flying off together with luggage and no explanation as to where they were going. The group, minus the two pegasi, had a meeting about it and Twilight suggested they were probably going to therapy to work out their issues from what happened in the recent past. It was a mystery to all ponies and they eventually learned not to question it.

Twilight had found herself pregnant. She had discovered this when she missed her period and was unsure of who the pony that impregnated her was. She had remembered during her sexual barrage, that she endured thanks to a needy Pinkie Pie, that she felt pregnant but thought it was just her imagination. She was hoping it wasn't Luna’s foal inside her since Twilight hadn't heard from Luna since their unplanned sexual encounter.

Pinkie Pie had the worst experience after the fiasco with Candy Clit's identity being revealed. She had lost her job and her somewhat family due to Candy Clit keeping Mr. Cake so entranced that he got caught. She lost her place of residency and almost had to move back home. Twilight offered her a place to stay but it was only due to their potential offspring. Pinkie wasn't sure how she would pay for care of a foal when she had no job and had no skills besides partying and taming strange.

Spike had left Ponyville to find his roots. He wanted to meditate so the memory of his trauma would go away and vowed never to return to Ponyville until he was cured. That lasted for two days in which he returned when he got hungry and couldn't locate a source of food. He returned defeated in his quest but not without hope for a new chance at freedom from the ill construed thoughts.

All of these events had transpired thanks to Fluttershy, who seemingly got away with no punishment, much to the chagrin of her victims. She and Rainbow Dash were unaware of the constant changes going on outside their own world since they have been running off together doing mysterious and private things.


Pinkie Pie was in Twilight's library thinking about a potential job to secure her finances in case the foal inside Twilight was hers. It had been three months now since Fluttershy's Candy Clit days and it was hard times for Pinkie. She had been looking at ads and attempting all sorts of jobs and being inexplicably fired from each one. "Damn it all, Why can't I find a good job that I won't get fired from."

Twilight who was extra affectionate lately was nomming on Pinkie Pie's ear despite not helping anything. "Don't worry Pinkie, I am sure you will find something you are good at." She tenderly nibbled on the pink ear and began lapping away at the sensitive appendage.

"Twilight just because I am the possible father/mother/whatever to your foal, doesn't mean you can sex me up whenever you feel like it." Pinkie halfheartedly admonished. It was impossible for Pinkie to find a job in the midst of sexually pleasing a hormonal alicorn. She had to sometimes hide herself from Twilight or be privy to sexual anarchy.

Twilight chuckled and continued licking away at Pinkie's ear before she sensually whispered into it "Just play with me and I will leave you be."

"Fine, but I won't be gentle," Pinkie angrily replied. She put her newspaper away and shoved Twilight off her. She stretched herself to relieve the tension from her awkward sitting position. "Well what are you waiting for? Spread your legs so I can begin devastating that pussy." She lazily ordered.

Twilight blushed at the treatment she was receiving, it was a turn on for her. "Yes Pinkie, right away," She said while getting in position and opening her legs allowing her musk to start escaping from her hungry snatch.

Pinkie Pie had no time for pleasantries because she wasn't comfortable owing Twilight bits already. She also knew the potential of owning a lot more would be a thing if she didn’t find a job soon. She put her face near Twilight's crotch and was slightly apprehensive about going down on her. "Twilight... when was the last time you showered?" She hesitantly asked.

Twilight was slightly embarrassed and offended, "Yesterday why?"

Pinkie Pie sighed and just whispered, "When in Roam..." before going down on her friend. She began licking away at the musky marehood and ignored the pungent scent. Pinkie's tongue slid itself deep into Twilight's cunt and began lapping away at her walls. The motion of the tongue was stimulating the sensitive inner walls and was making Twilight moan in pleasure.

Twilight was enjoying the gratifying pleasure she was being given. Her marehood was leaking from the attention and her previous affliction of being horny. She had been overjoyed since Pinkie had moved into her library. It was the best thing for Twilight who wasn't sure of how she could have made do without Pinkie's support and attentiveness.

Pinkie Pie started getting into the act of eating Twilight's slightly musky pussy. She was enjoying the bittersweet taste, and was gently moaning into the moist cavern. Pinkie's hoof slid it's way to Twilight's clit and began rubbing it gently while her tongue continued attacking the slit with fervor.

"Pinkie... oh Celestia, don't stop." Twilight insanely moaned. Her body was shaking at the intensity of the pleasure being surged through her pregnant body. She was self conscience about her weight ever since she started showing but Pinkie had made that issue seem moot.

Pinkie's hoof continued it's gentle massage of Twilight's clit causing Twilight to begin reaching climax. It wasn't until Pinkie's tongue darted at an insane speed that Twilight began becoming more vocal of her impending orgasm. Pinkie Pie was amused at the reaction she was getting from Twilight as she listened to her vibrant moans.

"OH BUCK Pinkie, I am so close.... oh going to cum." She huskily yelled as her body began spasming. Her back arched and her pussy was on the edge of erupting violently and spraying her lover with sticky bittersweet mare-cum. She tried holding back a bit more to keep the intense feeling but eventually gave out to Pinkie's expert tongue and hoof.

Pinkie's mouth was flooded with Twilight's juices. She began drinking the fluids rapidly and even licked away the remaining mare-cum from Twilight's snatch. "Mmm' even when stinky it tastes good to Pinkie." She gingerly noted.

Twilight was on cloud nine and didn't register the insult. "Oh ... that was... amazing."


After their awkward sex Twilight went to shower leaving Pinkie alone to think about her current situation. She was aware she needed money fast and with Moaning Mare's banned from Equestria it was not an option. She had thought about other kinds of jobs unsuccessfully since the recent sex with Twilight filled her mind.

"Sex... hmmm... if only I could make sex somehow lucrative without having to degrade myself... oh I know... I can direct..." She was on the verge of coming up with her greatest ploy to earn money yet. "I got it... I will be a porn director!" Pinkie excitedly shouted. She bounced around in joy until she realized she needed a few things to begin her career.

"Well I will need a script, a producer, and some actors... now to start a script..." She began scratching her chin with her hoof until an idea for a movie came to her. "Yes this will be the best porno ever!" She joyfully yelled out. Pinkie Pie began writing down her thoughts and had plans to formulate them into a script and that would start the rise of a career that would change everything!

It was the first time she was ever in a good mood about her current troubles and whispered to herself "All thanks to you Fluttershy, wherever the buck you and Rainbow Dash are."

Who is Brian Shadow?

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Who is Brian Shadow?

Pinkie Pie was done with a first draft of a script that involved many sexual scenes with a somewhat coherent story. "Spike, are you there?"

Spike was meditating his impure thoughts away. He had realized that the reason he is haunted is because his mind is still full of conflicting thoughts. He tried to meditate the trauma away; the only problem was the damn mares he lived with were needier than a helpless foal. "What do you want Pinkie? I am busy."

Pinkie Pie wasn't in the mood to take shit. She had already pleased a horny princess; then when said princess returned from her shower, she was practically assaulted again. Hormones were Pinkie's enemy in making this movie. Twilight was a horny pregnant mess and Pinkie was the only pony who had to deal with the craziness. "Spike, just tell princess preggopants that I will be going out to find a producer. If she asks where I will be going exactly you just say 'I don't know' got it?"

Spike nodded and closed his eyes and resumed his peaceful meditation for a mere three seconds before Pinkie slammed the door shut. "Bitch, ah darn it I swore...This mediation thing is really not working." He sat there and tried to relax himself again before he was ready to begin meditating again.

Five seconds into meditating, after gaining his inner peace, he was disturbed again. The offending pony this time was Twilight Sparkle. She was looking around in frustration and when she started grumbling it broke Spike's concentration. "Let me guess you're looking for Pinkie Pie?"

Twilight blushed. "I was hoping she and I would have a nice dinner and then..."

Spike knew where it was going and didn't want to hear it. "She left to look for a producer, and she didn't tell me where exactly she would be."

Twilight frowned, "Oh, okay that's fine. I will just wait for her to return and then I might slather her with-"

Spike yelled in frustration, "Enough...This isn't helping...I am going to the basement,"


Pinkie Pie was strolling through Ponyville with the script in her saddlebag. She was going to potential investors which meant trying to hit up Filthy Rich. Filthy Rich, as his name implies, is probably a dirty rich pony who loves sleaze. She was excited in having a wealthy backer to support her artistic masterpiece that combines all the genre's of sex into one crazy film.

With the beautiful sun shining and the clouds looking perfectly in place, "Thank you Rainbow Dash," the day was looking great. She finally made it to Filthy's house and rung the door bell.

When no one answered she rung the bell five times in a row within a time frame of two seconds. She waited for a good five seconds more before she frantically rung the bell until Filthy Rich had opened the door in such a fuss.

"What in Celestia's good name could be so important that you would violate my tranquility?"

"Well funny you should ask, you see I am totally going to make your day."

"I don't need sex from a young baker this fine morning, if you want to prostitute yourself try starting from the bottom."

"What?! I am not offering you sex, I am offering you a deal. Deals are better than sex."

"Well...I do love a good deal, alright you have a minute to pitch your idea or I will eject you from my premises."

"Alright so I have written a masterpiece of a porno and I want you to be the producer for this movie. It will be so hot that even the sun will feel warm in comparison."

"I will pass, I have a daughter now and I can't in good conscience invest in such trifle garbage anymore."

"But, but...I need a producer, can't you just please do this one project and pretend you didn't?"

"No, but I can give you the name of some new upstart pony who seems to be loaded and into sexual things. I have heard about him when I met up with some other business ponies like myself in Canterlot recently. He goes by the name of Brian Shadow and he is always seen with an assistant that is probably just eye candy."

Pinkie Pie was excited at the prospect of possibly getting a producer. "Ooh, Ooh, tell me where he lives."

Filthy chuckled, "That's the thing no one knows where he lives or what he looks like. The only information I can give you is his office is in Canterlot."

Pinkie Pie was satisfied with that and was ready to begin her search for the mysterious Brian Shadow. "Okie Dokie Lokie, thanks for the information and have fun staying pure for your daughter. I got some dirty shameless porn to make."


Pinkie Pie made it to Canterlot after a long train ride. She felt guilty about borrowing money from Twilight but what she had to endure to get the money made her guilt slowly disappear. "I need to get this movie produced and fast. I don't know how much more of it I can take. She is so ravenous."

She decided that bitching about a horny housemate wasn't going to solve anything and made sure to search high and low for the building where Brian Shadow worked. She ended up asking random strangers if they knew of where it was, and most of them had no clue who Brian Shadow was.

One pony she asked though had answered with "Yeah it's that building over there that was finished being built recently. It hardly seems to be open and no one really knows what product or business they are dealing."

Pinkie Pie was feeling a surge of energy going through her body as she neared the end of her search. It turned out she had to use the bathroom, so she used a restroom at a mini mart after threatening to urinate all over the floors if she wasn't allowed to use it.

She left there with her head held up and her dignity still intact. She made her way to the office building where the infamous and mysterious Brian Shadow lurked.


Brian Shadow was enjoying another day of being awesome without having done anything awesome. He was already being whispered about and his business was booming. His business was the business of being awesome, and also investing wisely in things thanks to his beautiful assistant who was giving him a blowjob.

Brian Shadow enjoyed having his beautiful assistant in his office because she was a sexy pony who knew her place. "That's right keep licking that spot you dirty mare."

The mare sucking on his phallus was moaning in delight at being verbally abused. She had enjoyed being his assistant especially when she was able to make all of his stress go away. "I wubl thifth comk" she managed to sound out while pleasing his erect manhood.

Brian Shadow was about to say something very demeaning but his door opened and a pink nightmare entered his office without any warning. "What the buck?" he said in confusion at the sudden intrusion.

Pinkie Pie was shocked when she saw Brian Shadow especially cause he looked so familiar. She then noticed the lovely assistant scrambling from beneath the desk and wiping her mouth off. "You have got to be bucking kidding me."

Brian Shadow was blushing and wondering how to respond to the intruder. "Well I can explain Pinkie...You see it's sort of..."

Pinkie Pie was floored by who Brian Shadow actually was. "Sort of what? Is this what you two really have been up two this entire time?"

The assistant blushed and spoke up, "Well you see, it started out as just a role-play, but then an idea came up and we started a fake business."

Pinkie Pie was now eyeing the thing dangling between Brian Shadow's legs. "So what the hell is that then?"

Brian Shadow looked down and chuckled. "Well Pinkie... that's my cock," he replied proudly.

"So let me get this straight, you two have been sneaking around and disappearing just to have role-play sex in some office when you could be doing it at the comfort of your home? What a waste of money and time."

Brian Shadow removed the black wig and revealed the rainbow hair hiding underneath it. "I guess it sounds stupid when you say it that way. I wanted a spot that was just ours, a place where she and I could go when we needed to get away from the world. Also this was going to be the last time we did this since well...Fluttershy is pregnant."

Pinkie Pie blinked and froze, "I don't even..."

Fluttershy removed her disguise and tried chiming in. "Well I know this may be all a shock but stay with us Pinkie."

Rainbow Dash could see the wheels turning in Pinkie's head. "Well it all started after the-"

Pinkie Pie didn't care when it started she was just not in the mood. "You guys have been yucking it up; enjoying life and getting pregnant while I have been forced to suffer and live with a horny alicorn?"

Rainbow Dash had forgotten all about the trouble Fluttershy had caused during her Candy Clit days. She removed her fake phallus and got from behind the desk to talk to her friend. "Alright Pinkie, what can I do for you? It's obvious you came here to meet a business man, who doesn't exist, for something."

Pinkie Pie gritted her teeth and opened her saddle bag. She pulled out the script and calmly said "I need you to produce my film."

Rainbow Dash didn't even look at it and said "Done! So what kind of movie is it?"

Pinkie Pie grinned, "It's a porno and it's going to be the most revolting and shocking porno that has ever made a pony want to masturbate furiously to."

Rainbow Dash had a huge smile. "Dirtier than Naughty Mares 7?"

Pinkie Pie laughed, "Naughty Mares 7 will feel like a children's movie after this is made."

Rainbow Dash pulled a check book from her desk and asked "How many zero's should I write after this one?"

Pinkie's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.


After discussing the business end of the production deal they were making some contracts were drummed up and they would have their lawyers look them over. Pinkie Pie was in a better mood and decided to finally ask about the pregnancy.

"So what's the deal with Fluttershy being pregnant? Are you two like engaged or secretly married?"

Rainbow Dash nuzzled Fluttershy and smiled, "No we aren't married but we will be getting married. We haven't told anyone because of that Candy Clit business still being a thing."

Fluttershy kissed Rainbow Dash's muzzle and smiled. "I was surprised at us getting together as well, I thought I lost Rainbow as a friend and we ended up talking for a long time one night and that lead to...Other things. After that, we realized we loved each other strongly and pursued a relationship. That lead to us having role-play fun and eventually this."

Pinkie Pie was still confused as to whose seed was inside her. "So the donor?"

Rainbow Dash scoffed, "As if I would let Shy get some stallion jizz in her. That baby is part me and part her. I would explain the science of it but you would have to talk to egg head. It seems there are measures for mares to make baby with mares, the safest method is expensive but it was worth the bits."

Pinkie Pie was hoping that magic wasn't a part of the process. "Say Rainbow Dash, was magic a part of the whole...thingy?"

Rainbow Dash got defensive, "Yes magic did play a role but it was totally safe, I wouldn't have let Shy get injured just to satisfy my ego."

Pinkie Pie sighed softly "Then I am so the father of Twilight's future foal...Well enough of the boring stuff how would you two like a part in the film?"

Rainbow Dash was hesitant to reply, "S-sure?"

Fluttershy was red in the face and made an "eep" sound.

Pinkie Pie was already jumping to stage three. "Well you see I need some actors and I figure since Fluttershy has experience in adult entertainment business, " Pinkie pie paused to give Fluttershy an accusing look, "and you are willing to do kinky things with her it would kill two birds with one stone."

Rainbow Dash pondered upon the thought for a minute and said "Alright, just as long as you don't have any scenes in which Fluttershy is with some other pony."

Pinkie Pie giggled, "Oh Dashie, I would never purposely ruin your happy relationship even though my life got ruined. That would be silly!"

Fluttershy felt guilty again. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it would end like that; had I known, I would have never taken the job."

Pinkie Pie mulled it over, "Well I accept your apology, and now that we are in agreement I am going to have to see you two in action."

Fluttershy hid her face behind her bangs. "What?! Why?"

Pinkie Pie grinned, "I am just kidding, you guys should have seen the look on your faces. Anyways, I have to go home now and get molested by Twilight, you two have fun and I will see you when it's filming time."

Rainbow Dash watched Pinkie Pie leave and went to lock the door. "Well Shy, how about we get back to having fun?"

Fluttershy nodded and laid on her back with her pussy bare and she spread it with a hoof. "Why don't you evaluate my potential in this office Mr. Shadow."

Rainbow Dash got excited and felt the urge to devour Shy's delicious pussy. "You asked for it, you slutty mare," she said before she launched herself towards her victim and began munching away like a hungry beast.


Pinkie Pie had an interesting day, to say the least, and when she returned to the library she was going to tell Twilight the good news. That was until she walked in the door and saw an angry princess staring her down. "Hey Twilight, what's with the creepy look?"

Twilight was snorting out of her nose and stomping the ground. "I saw your note... you plan on moving out as soon as you have the funds from the producer don't you."

Pinkie Pie had never had been so scared in her life. She was staring down an angry all powerful princess, who was hormonal and suffering from mood swings, that she had managed to piss off. "Well about that, I...Yes."

Twilight began crying hysterically, "It's because I am fat isn't it?"

Pinkie Pie knew she had two options at this point; comfort the pregnant mare that potentially is siring her spawn or get the buck out of there. She cursed herself for being a decent pony and choosing the first option. She got really close and began gently rubbing Twilight's side. "Oh come on, you're not fat. I just missed having my own place to stay and didn't want to be a burden to you."

Twilight sobbed a bit more before she replied. "Pinkie, you aren't a burden to me. I love having you around and I would be really sad if you left."

Pinkie Pie was getting into rubbing Twilight's sides and began feeling around. While her hooves were busy, exploring Twilight's body, her mind went back to earlier in the day. "You know what suddenly I am feeling inspired to stay. I really hope this foal is ours Twilight. If it is ours I promise to be there for it and for you."

Twilight was blushing and brought her lips to Pinkie's and kissed them passionately. "Oh Pinkie that was the sweetest thing anypony has ever said to me. Take me!"

And then they had sex.

Auditions Can Also Be Sexy

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Auditions Can Also Be Sexy

Pinkie had woken up peacefully with something soft wrapped around her. She was still a bit sleepy so she wasn't sure why her blanket felt different but noticed it was a bit more lavender and feathery. She looked over to where this wondrous comfortable makeshift blanket came from to notice a sleeping alicorn. "Oh so this is what it feels like waking up with you? I might have to change our sleeping arrangements..." She gently stroked Twilight's cheek and yawned into her free hoof.

Twilight mumbled something unintelligibly and moved her head closer to the warmth she was receiving earlier.

Pinkie Pie chuckled as Twilight got real close and then stopped chuckling when Twilight's leg got in between her own. She was hoping that Twilight didn't move her hind right leg any further up or this morning will begin with some sex. She already could smell the faint smell of fluids that had stained the bed and her coat from the night before.

Twilight opened an eye slowly and took in the information her mind was receiving optically with a smile. "You never sleep with me Pinkie, not that I am complaining but why the change?"

Pinkie blushed and gave Twilight a morning kiss before answering. "I just was too tired to move but I’m glad I didn't leave."

Twilight giggled and stretched herself a bit. "Well I hope you continue to get too tired to leave."

Pinkie Pie watches in awe at Twilight and for some reason it made Pinkie horny. "Twilight, Let's make love."

Twilight blushed and nodded and then they had sex.


After an hour of passionate love making Pinkie Pie was ready to begin the day. She and Twilight had been preparing the library for the potential flock of ponies wanting to star in Pinkie's movie. The news of Pinkie's big film had been spread through Ponyville and a lot of ponies have been wanting to take part in it.

Rainbow Dash had spent the night with Fluttershy making Fliers and applications to give out so that the auditioning process would go smoothly. When they had finished handing out all the paperwork Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy went to Twilight's library.

Twilight and Fluttershy decided to let Pinkie and Rainbow Dash handle all the hopeful actors while they hung out at Fluttershy's cottage and gassed on about their pregnancies.


Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were in the middle of a random conversation when the first batch of ponies had handed in their applications and went to the waiting area to be called upon. Rainbow Dash looked over some of the candidates and noticed that there were many male candidates. "Say, Pinkie? Are there going to be male roles in this movie?"

Pinkie Pie was in the middle of looking at some applications. "Actually, There are some male roles, This movie isn't just for the mares, Dashie, there will be some of everything."

Rainbow Dash kinda wished she looked at the script a bit to make sure she knew what exactly she was producing. "Alright well how will we screen these actors?"

Pinkie Pie grinned wickedly and looked over at her friend. "We are going to make them perform of course," she said with glee.

Rainbow Dash never expected Pinkie to be a voyeur but she wasn't going to complain. "Just as long as I don't have to get involved, I don't care what you make them do."

Pinkie Pie licked her lips in anticipation and was ready to call in the first victim...


Many ponies had been in the waiting area when suddenly Pinkie Pie had called in her first potential choice. "Alright I am going to need Zecora to please enter the room."

Zecora smiled and walked into the other room where the screening would happen. "Here I go, wish me luck, and hope I get, a chance to buck."


Rainbow Dash waited for who Pinkie had called to come in. She noticed Pinkie had a beaming smile which meant they must have been in for a treat.

Zecora had walked into the room and was ready to read some lines if they have given her any to look at.

Pinkie Pie dimmed the lights and grinned. "Instead of lines I want you to play with yourself and convince me that you enjoy showing your pussy to the world."

Zecora's usually white and black striped face went red and she took a step back. She wanted the role but didn't know if she was going to be trolled. "Is this a joke, or a serious deal, because I am ready, to keep it real?"

Pinkie Pie narrowed her eyes, "The attitude I like but I’m being deadly serious. I need for my actors to not get camera shy and to perform to their best. Just think of it as a fun and awesome party and let loose."

Rainbow Dash stayed silent and put her shades on to hide her emotions. She wasn't sure how to react to Pinkie's aggressive demands especially since she never had seen this side of Pinkie Pie...Except that one time when she was held captive by her.

Zecora cleared her head and focused on the endgame of gaining the role. She would be in a movie and potentially in a scene with either a handsome stallion or smoking mare. It didn't matter to her which she was partnered up with as long as she had fun doing the scene. "Alright my friends, get ready to see, my lovely and tight, juicy pussy."

Zecora laid on her back and moved her hoof slowly down the sides of her slender body. She closed her eyes and imagined herself being eyed at by an admirer. She paused when her hoof had found her clit and she gently rubbed it a bit before she proceeded. "Take a good look, at what you desire, and drink up the sight, and I'm sure you will hire."

Zecora spread her pussy open using her hooves and moaned softly with her thick accent enhancing the exotic beauty. She brought a hoof to her lips and licked it lavishly before sliding said hoof into her moistening pussy. Her hips began to buck against the hoof before it even had a chance to get inside her wanting pussy.

Pinkie Pie could feel her own marehood begin to become needy and wanted to pleasure herself while watching Zecora get off.

Rainbow Dash knew that Zecora's way of speaking wasn't going to be a huge turn on but that body she had was going to make mares and stallions blow their load when it was in action.

Zecora continued pleasuring herself in front of Pinkie and Rainbow Dash. She started expelling heat from her sensitive pussy as the hoof continued to make it's way inside her. She was slowly building a rhythm while her free hoof explored her own body. She returned the other hoof to her clit and rubbed it gently.

Pinkie couldn't believe how turned on she was getting especially since she had been oversexed by Twilight. Then the thought of Twilight had made Pinkie contain herself. "Alright, Zecora, you can finish up now and we shall get back to you when it's filming time."

Zecora kept playing with herself but sped up the process. She quickly used her hoof like a piston and jammed it in and out with blinding speed. Her juices were pouring from her pussy as the Zebra was on the brink of orgasm. "Oh excuse me for the mess on the floor, but I can't hold back my orgasm anymore," she manage to moan out before she came hard and her juices splattered all over the floor.


Pinkie Pie needed a minute to cool down before she could proceed with the next candidate. "So Dashie what do you think? I say she is definitely a 'yes'."

Rainbow Dash had rigid wings at this point and concurred with Pinkie's insight.

Pinkie Pie looked at the applications and noticed some names on their that made her wonder just how big her movie was going to be. "Rainbow...what if I told you that most of the royal ponies were outside in that room?"

Rainbow Dash removed her glasses and raised an eyebrow. "Come again?" she asked in confusion.

"Well look at these names, Lunette, Solaria, Cade Amor, Shine Arm... these are definitely Luna, Celestia, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence."

Rainbow Dash chuckled, "I see...Wait aren't you upset with Luna for possibly impregnating Twilight?"

Pinkie Pie didn't like the fact that Twilight's foal could be Luna's and had just the perfect way to get back at Luna. "Well I am sure that it would be mean to exclude fact I think Luna can have a special audition."

Rainbow Dash was going to enjoy whatever dish Pinkie was going to serve...


Pinkie Pie went into the room where all the ponies were waiting and decided to call two of them this time. "Can I have Lunette and Solaria both enter the room this time."

With that Pinkie rushed off to the audition room and got in her position.

Luna and Celestia both were confused as to why they were called together. They just hoped their disguise and fake names were able to hide their identities. They both wanted to be in the movie but not get recognized. It would be a scandal for the ages if they had been found out.


Pinkie Pie watched with infinite glee as the two royal sisters had made their way into her trap. "Alright now that it's just us why don't you change into your true forms Princess Celestia and Luna."

Rainbow Dash put her glasses back on and stayed silent offering them two no solace.

Celestia was ashamed of how easy she had been caught and transformed into her alicorn body. "Darn, I really wanted to be in this movie."

Luna transformed back while noticing how Pinkie was looking at her. "This is an outrage, you can't let anypony know we were here."

Pinkie Pie grinned at the sisters and spoke in a serious manner. "Actually you two can be in the movie. I just need to see how convincing you two are at being sexual fiends and then I can hire you both. It doesn't matter if you're royalty to me."

Luna and Celestia perked up a bit. Luna was the first to talk, "Huzzah, we can have fun my dear sister. Now we can enjoy being normal ponies for a day and try something new."

Celestia smiled brightly. "Thank you, my little pony, I will surely be grateful for this day."

Pinkie narrowed her eyes and licked her lips lewdly. "Don't thank me yet, since I have you both here and I want to see something more exciting than a pony getting herself off...I think I shall have you two pleasure each other like lovers."

Celestia had felt her heart skip a beat. Only in her wildest of dreams had she ever thought of having sex with her younger sister. "We are related by blood, Pinkie, How can you ask this of us?"

Luna could tell her sister was nervous and she also could see that the pink ex baker was enjoying the torment. "Give me a minute with my sister..."

Celestia felt nervous as her younger sister approached her. She felt Luna's lips hitting her ear and heard Luna whisper, "If it helps just pretend it isn't me."

Luna was ready to defile the sacred bond of family if it meant making her sister's wish of being a normal pony for a day come true. She felt Celestia's mouth upon her own ear and heard Celestia whisper, "I rather it be you than anypony else."

Luna smiled at the realization and decided that, after the auditions, Celestia would be her next victim of impregnation.


Pinkie dimmed the lights and feasted her eyes on the action as it started.

Luna and Celestia faced each other and began kissing hesitantly. After the initial awkward kisses they began pressing their lips against each other's with passion and soon the kisses lingered. When Luna slipped her tongue into Celestia’s mouth it earned her a moan.

Luna's pussy was becoming moist and her urge to defile her sister had increased with haste. Her tongue was probing her sister's mouth and explored it lewdly. She met with Celestia's hiding tongue and urged it to play. Soft strokes coaxed the tongue to meet with Luna's and they danced for a while before they wrestled.

Celestia was leaking onto the floor with anticipation of the pleasure that was to come. She had already surrendered her mouth to Luna and was willing to surrender even more than that. She whimpered as her saliva was building up and felt embarrassed.

Luna pulled her tongue out and watched the saliva trail break apart and took a small breath. "Dear sister, suck my horn and make sure you don't bite."

Celestia's perfectly pale coat was crimson red. She was sure her pussy's stench had filled the room by now and she was being ordered like in her fantasies. "Alright Luna, I will suck your horn like a slutty mare."

Luna almost died from how lewd her sister sounded. She had never heard Celestia speak in such a way and it turned her on even more. She leaned her head a bit and waited for Celestia's tongue to bathe her sensitive horn.

Celestia began licking the horn from the base to the tip. She had imagined this happening so many times that she was able to memorize how to properly please it. Her tongue started to wrap around the horn and she sucked it hard as if it was a loaded cock. She shamelessly moved her head to and fro while using her mouth to suction the saliva that was leaking from the sides of her mouth.

Luna's horn was glowing and tingling like never before. She made sure not to stab the roof of Celestia's mouth and allowed the pleasure to roll over her body. Her legs started to buckle as the pleasure was overwhelming her senses. She moaned loudly and tried to hold back from releasing too soon.

Celestia could feel the magical energy pulsating inside Luna's horn and sucked greedily to get that yummy magic juice. She used her hoof to rub the spot behind Luna's ear as she sucked the horn with all her might. Celestia was rewarded with a resounding orgasmic cry from her sister as well as the magical juices that had been welcoming to Celestia’s palette. "Mmmm' So good," Celestia moaned as she licked the last of the cum-like liquid magic.

Luna wanted to magically form her fake cock and impregnate her sister right now, instead she decided to continue using the audition as an excuse to have fun with her usually uptight sister. "As I am sure you perverted ponies haven't had enough...I shall now make my sister cum by dining on her sopping pussy."

Pinkie Pie was actually too enthralled to protest even though the horn sucking had seal the deal.

Rainbow Dash was going to jump Fluttershy, as soon as she got home. She needed some relief after seeing such intense action.

Celestia turned around and wiggled her hind quarters to entice her sister. "Eat away Luna, this pussy is all yours," Celestia said in a husky tone.

Luna had a different position in mind and gently tipped her sister over using magic to help her soft landing. She then turned her sister so she was on her back and spread her legs with desire. "I want you to look at me as I devour your snatch, Tia," Luna demanded before licking her lips and diving right in.

She waited for no reply because she already knew that Celestia was going to obey. She started attacking Celestia's pussy with vigor and licked up the sides. After cleaning off her sister's dripping pussy she pushed her tongue into her sister's hole. It was diving into the already drenched cavern with force.

"Mmmm' tasty" Luna moaned before she pushed her tongue in as deep as it could go into her sister's tight pussy. She spread her sister's pussy apart to push her tongue in deeper but to do so her muzzle was penetrating Celestia's meaty pussy. Luna had to hold her breath while she went to town on Celestia's delicious snatch.

With her hooves free she began using one of the hooves to play with her own sopping marehood and used the other to rub Celestia's solar clit. She was on a mission and didn't even care what role if any she obtained. It was the last thing on her mind while devouring her sister's sex.

Celestia's moaning was making Luna work harder and the reward that would follow her sister's orgasm was too much for her to stop right now. She wanted the pride of making her sister cum and the ego of having claimed her sister's pussy. She moved her head back to breathe and then switched her free hoof and mouth for a bit.

Celestia could only watch in ecstasy as Luna ate her out. It wasn't even registering that this was for a possible role of a movie as her brain melted a while ago. Her body was already prepped to release an intense amount of juice from the super orgasm building up.

Luna could only hear Celestia moaning unintelligibly as she sucked on her sister's sensitive clit. Her hoof had replaced her tongue in pleasuring her sister's marehood. Her hoof went deep into her sister's pussy and felt a lot of resistance. She was beginning to wonder if her sister was a virgin and if so should she pop her cherry. "Tia, have you never given yourself to any pony before?"

Her sister didn't answer or rather couldn't and so Luna figured it was time to finish Celestia off. She removed the hoof and pushed her muzzle in and used her tongue to spell out the alphabet inside her sister's pussy. Luna got to the letter H before Celestia came with the intensity of the sun itself.

Celestia's back arched and her mouth expelled a loud and powerful "Oh Luna!!!!" before her pussy erupted and filled Luna's mouth with her juices. She had never felt so alive and couldn't believe that pleasure like this existed, "Oh...Oh...I can't even."

Luna was drinking down Celestia's offering and smiled when she saw what a quivering mess her sister was. She quickly finished herself off over her sister's face. She watched as Celestia opened her mouth and accept the tiding of mare juices.

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash both had their jaws wide open and were stunned. Pinkie Pie decided that she needed a new scene in her movie that would utilize the scenario she had just witnessed. "Well...I vote yes..."

Calling All Stallions!

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Calling All Stallions!

After Luna and Celestia's incestuous love making the floor had to be cleaned. After a quick lunch break the auditions were in full effect and this time Pinkie was going to be searching for some stallions before she continued hiring mares. Since she wasn't able to judge how wet a mare would get from watching stallions plow mares she had to get some straight mares in as consultants.

Rainbow Dash had been not too keen so she allowed herself to be replaced with a mare who could appreciate the tenacity and value of a stallion. She decided to just spend her afternoon with Fluttershy and give her an afternoon delight since she was already horny from earlier.

Pinkie Pie knew all the ponies of Ponyville and decided her best bet to consult her was Cheerilee and Mrs. Cake. Since Mrs. Cake wasn't with her husband anymore she was excited about helping Pinkie in picking out a fine stallion from the lot. Cheerilee was with Big Mac and warned Pinkie that she would not doing anything other than casting.


Pinkie Pie was ready to call in the stallions but first she had to bring in Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. She wanted to see how married couples go about having sex. She didn't know why but something about being a family with Twilight made her query important to her.

"Alright Shine Arm and Cade Amor please come with me," she announced to the room.

The two ponies followed her into the auditioning room and she was eager to get the show on the road.


Shining Armor and Princess Cadence had been feeling adventurous in their sex life and being in a porno felt bold and risky to do. It was a rush for them and they had hoped they could easily just get a part since they knew Pinkie Pie. What instead they got was a on the spot break it or make it deal.

Pinkie Pie easily figured out who they were and unveiled the truth. "So you two royal ponies want to be in this film eh? I just want you to know that I already accepted Celestia and Luna but not without them showing me how good they are at 'acting' can you guys 'act' good?"

Princess Cadence was up to the task since Exhibitionism was the next step in her to do list. She had a sexual list of things she would like to try that wasn't pushing too many boundaries. She had always wanted to have sex with others watching and wanting her as they feasted their eyes on her every inch. "I assure you that you two mares are in for a good show."

Shining Armor was nervous about performing in public. He wasn't as wild as Cadence was which surprised him at his own honeymoon. "Alright...If this is absolutely necessary."

Pinkie Pie chuckled, "Oh it absolutely is. I can't wait to see some stallion on mare action. How about you Mrs. Cake?"

Mrs.Cake had never had sex outside the standard procedure and was ready to learn so that her next marriage if any doesn't fall on hard times. She had talked things with her husband and the leading cause of his betrayal was that she was boring in bed and he needed excitement. She wasn't sure how to do anything besides open her legs and moan. "Sure this could be a learning experience for me," she said with a hint of nervousness.

Princess Cadence was aware of her husband's discomfort and decided to ease him into it. She slowly licked her way from his neck to his lips before kissing him gently. "It's alright my love, if you wish to go home and cease this then let me know," She whispered softly into his ear.

Shining Armor knew his wife was wanting to try something new and he was supportive of it. He wasn't going to back down even if it meant plowing his wife in front of hungry eyes. "No, we can do this, I just needed a second."

He started kissing her more passionately and soon the atmosphere of the room changed. His tongue was easing it's way into her mouth and was rewarded with her submission. Her open mouth was his to explore and explore it he did. His tongue was moving to and fro in her mouth searching for something with diligence. He finally decided to seek out her tongue and played with it while his manhood became active.

Princess Cadence gently pushed her husband away and giggled. "Honey it seems you're cock wants my attention. Why don't I take that yummy meat into my mouth and let these mares know how big your 'weapon' truly is."

Shining Armor had decided to lay down on his back and waited for his wife to get in position. "Alright babe, but if you're sucking then I want to eat."

Cadence smiled and got herself on top of her lover in a 69 position. She began blowing air to the tip of his cock to tease it. She watched as the member twitched and she cooed at it. "So cute," she moaned before she started licking the sides and rubbing the balls with her hoof.

Shining moaned into his wife's pussy and began bathing it with his tongue. He started out with soft and gentle licks but decided to go in deep with his tongue. He was being flooded with tastes and sensations from their position and was so lost in the moment he forgot that there were eyes watching them.

Mrs. Cake was beet red and was feeling a bit tickled in her nethers. She didn't know sex was that naughty and had wondered if she was game to try that sort of thing. She looked over to Pinkie who seemed lost in her own world while watching the married ponies go at it.

Pinkie Pie watched but wasn't paying attention. In her mind the vision of a family had seeped in and she was slowly becoming more intrigued with a happy life. When Cadence started going pro on Shining's dick that brought her out of her whimsy.

Princess Cadence had started suckling her husband's cock and moved her pussy on his face as she felt more pleasure. She knew that he would last longer if he was distracted and her grinding had made it so. She continued moving her hips while sucking the meat in her mouth all for the end result.

She played with his sensitive balls some more and removed her mouth from his throbbing cock just to suckle them roughly. She sucked his balls while gently massaging his cock using her hoof. Her mind was focused on bringing him to the height of pleasure before allowing him to release.

She continued grinding her sopping pussy on his mouth and could feel his tongue slipping in deeper even with the manic motions. She knew that she was going to cum if he kept up the pace and she wanted him to cum with her. She let go of his balls after making a lewd "pop" sound and sliding her tongue back to the tip of his erect penis.

She started sucking the cock even harder as her pussy was ready to ejaculate her juices into his awaiting mouth. Just as she was about to release herself she felt a surge of liquid rush into her mouth and down her throat. She had got what she wanted and was now overloaded with stallion cum in her mouth.

She swallowed what she could but some had dripped out the sides of her mouth and she licked her lips to capture what she could. She came right in the moment and moaned out her husband's name while filling his mouth with her juices. She waited to catch her breath before she got off him and prepped him for another round.

"Shining, my pussy is hungry, I need your cock!"

Shining Armor wasn't sure what got into his wife but he was ready and willing to go the extra mile if it meant having her on cloud nine.

"Alright Cadence, I am going to rut you like a mare in heat."

He helped his wife off the ground and waited for her to be in a stable position. He made sure they got near some walls in case she would have to use them to hold his weight.

He waited for her to be ready and began mounting her. He started pressing his cock into her drenched pussy and pushed it in with one go. He could hear the moans coming from her mouth as he pummeled her pussy mercilessly with his erect cock. His cock was kinda what helped him seal the deal since he had the endurance of a younger stallion.

He was able to maintain going for rounds at the cost of being fatigued after. His cock continued driving into his wife's snatch and the room was echoing with lewd noises and wild moans. He was proud of the way he made his wife moan and even went as far as to move her hind quarters using his fore legs.

His cock was now tunneling into his wife's pussy with no sign of stopping. It pushed past the resistance and even threatened to hit the womb. "Oh shit! I think this is the deepest I have gone before," he called out while in the middle of ramming his cock into her slick pussy.

Each forceful thrust had brought Cadence's mind further into the melting point until she could take no more. Shining knew at this point it was going to be seconds before she was a quivering mess on the floor. He continued with his motions and even felt his limit about to be reached. He wasn't sure if he should cum inside her and risk getting her pregnant or pull out.

He opted for cumming inside his wife and filling her pussy with sperm. He came with a mighty whinny and felt himself shake a bit from the orgasm. He held on to his wife as she was in the middle of her own orgasm and had been shaking a bit due to the sheer pleasure.

When it was all said and done the floor in which they stood over had a mixture of semen and pussy juices that would stain the floor if not cleaned.

Mrs.Cake was in need of some pleasure and needed to excuse herself while Pinkie Pie took that as a good sign.

"Well...That happened, so I guess you two got what it takes and that means keep your schedule open because you guys are in."


Discord was bored of waiting for his chance to shine and as soon as Pinkie Pie came to the waiting room he made his way to her.

"Hey Pinkie, I know I didn't really sign up, and I am not technically a pony but...I need to be in this movie!"

Pinkie Pie was surprised, "Seriously? Hmm' I don't see why I can't cast you in the movie but I doubt there would be any mares willing to do a scene with you."

Discord felt offended for a mere second before remembering he didn't give two shits about his appearance.

"Well I'm sure there is a pony willing to act out a scene with me. Please Pinkie...I really am bored and the only other alternative is me being evil..."

Pinkie Pie rubbed her chin and thought it over for a second. She knew that having to fight Discord again would set her schedule back a bit and she didn't need any delays.

"Alright, stud, you got yourself a chance. to shine. I will have to check your goods in the audition room before I can promise you anything."

Discord grinned wickedly, "Of course, let's proceed with the formalities and we can both be back to our merry ways."

Pinkie Pie giggled at the thought of Discord being jovial and decided to lead him to the auditioning room.


Mrs. Cake was still a bit hot and bothered by the previous show she watched live. She was really needing to get herself off and hoped she would be able to hold her urges until the next pony was selected. She figured there would be a break soon and she could use the little mare's room to relieve herself.

What she didn't expect was the lord of chaos and master of anarchy himself to appear before her.

"Pinkie Pie, isn't that Discord? Is he seriously going to audition to be in the movie?"

Pinkie Pie got very close to Mrs. Cake and whispered, "If he is big enough then why not? A little interspecies sex would only spice up the movie."

Discord could hear the whisper and grinned again knowing he was going to be accepted. He didn't tell any of the ponies but Discord wasn't just a feared draconequus because he was powerful, he also had something going on for him in the pleasuring department.

"I am ready for my close up, Ms. Pie," Discord said sarcastically.

Pinkie Pie looked at him and narrowed her eyes, "Alright, Discord, show us what you got going for you."

Discord allowed himself to become erect and once he did both Pinkie and Mrs. Cake's jaw dropped. Discord's cock, if you could even call it that, was enormous. He easily surpassed Big Mac and some. He was flexing himself as he made poses to show off his member to the mares.

Mrs. Cake was getting hungry and couldn't hold herself back.

"Pinkie, you should let me check if it's real or just Discord using magic," she whispered into Pinkie's ear.

Pinkie Pie nodded and made a mental note about what behemoth Discord kept at bay during his normal life.

Mrs. Cake got close to Discord's monster member and did a sniff test. She took a whiff of his male musk that emanated from the member making it smell authentic to what a male's scent should be.

"Alright it smells real, now Discord this is only for authentication purposes, I need to check if it feels real."

Discord winked at Mrs. Cake and whispered, "Do what you need I don't mind."

Mrs. Cake blushed both at the suggestion and the proximity to the enormous member.

"Alright now relax yourself, and stop me if it feels weird," she said gently before she began rubbing his cock with her hoof.

The feel of his cock was similar to a stallion's cock. She could feel the rigidity and texture of the solid form that she was massaging subconsciously. She didn't know she was giving him a hoof job, as she studied the massive meat.

She suddenly lost objectivity and began wanting to do more to Discord and feeling ashamed as she realized that she was supposed to be a helper to Pinkie. She was going to stop since now technically she and her husband were somewhat even for what happened three months ago.

For some reason even after making the decision to stop she didn't let go of the cock she was desiring to do naughty things with. She even closed her eyes and licked it softly and slowly while shuddering in lust.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that..." she said before turning away.

Discord put a claw to her chin and turned her face towards him, "I didn't object to it did I?"

Mrs. Cake was at the crossroads she could either stop and possibly make things up with her husband of many years or she could forget him and decide to experience new things and move on.

"If we do this, I want you to promise me you won't get attached. I have just separated from my husband and divorce is still happening. I just don't want to be in another relationship so soon."

Discord nodded and rubbed her chin to entice her a bit.

Mrs. Cake looked at Pinkie who was pretending to look at papers for her sake. She was glad that Pinkie wasn't objecting since a mare had needs and shouldn't feel ashamed of getting them fulfilled if they didn't hurt anypony.

She looked back at Discord and began to gently lavish Discord's member with her tongue. She started licking it from the base to the tip having to stretch herself to do so. She couldn't put a flavor to the meat she was licking and the smell was powerful and alluring.

She started kissing the cock from the mid range to the tip before she looked into Discord's eyes and took his cock into her mouth. She moved her head to and fro, mimicking Cadence, while she sucked the member.

She figured it would have been easier if she started with a smaller cock but she was glad she tried something new. She was starting to feel her lower region burn with need and put more effort into sucking Discord's cock. She wanted to taste his seed and see if it was something she was willing to do when she found a new pony to be with.

She continued suckling the meat while bobbing her head and she used her fore legs to massage the parts of the cock her mouth couldn't reach. She tried taking him in deeper but her gag reflex was kicking in so she couldn't take him in any further. Her hooves sensually rubbed his cock as she sucked it more vigorously.

She lost track of time and let herself get lost in the moment. It wasn't until Discord was about to erupt that she realized she was sucking on his cock for a while. She had her mouth full of his meat and her pussy was dripping on the floor. She could smell her own arousal and that made her feel embarrassed but she moaned while she sucked his cock wanting to coax Discord's orgasm.

She increased her bobbing speed and secured her lips even tighter around the cock until she finally got the desired reaction. She was shocked at how much cum was being shot into her mouth and the strange noise Discord made as he came. She was trying to swallow in all the semen but she ended up having to cough out some of the load.

Discord looked over to Pinkie who was red faced and asked the obvious question, "So am I hired?"

Before Pinkie Pie could respond Mrs. Cake licked her lips and spoke, "Yes...I can't wait to see you on set."

Discord smiled and felt almost happy until he realized how awful that good feeling was. He teleported away leaving two horny mares in a room.

Pinkie Pie could see how much Mrs. Cake needed relief, "Hey Mrs. Cake. I know it must have taken everything in ya to not let Discord ravage you, So how about you take five and we can continue finding actors later?"

Mrs. Cake was glad for the opportunity to let herself cum. "Thanks Pinkie, I won't take too long."

Pinkie Pie giggled, "Take all the time you need, we have all day."


Twilight had finally come home after letting Pinkie Pie have the library to herself. She saw Pinkie Pie looking kinda tired and decided not to bother her. She was going to go to her room until she felt a hoof touch her.

"Twilight..." Pinkie said before pulling her into an embrace, "I missed you."

Twilight held Pinkie close and nuzzled her. "I missed you too. I was worried you wouldn't want to deal with me since you're so tired."

Pinkie giggled before yawning, "Nah, I love dealing with you...I think I love you, Twilight."

Twilight was hoping she wasn't dreaming, "Do you mean it?"

Pinkie Pie kissed Twilight's lips softly before whispering, "Yes I do."

They spent a glorious night together and this time Pinkie was staying till the morning by choice.