Derpy meets Film Maker

by marineproductions100

First published

Rainbow Dash had an accident and broke her wing. Derpy is hanging out at a bar until she hears a voice coming from the alley and its Film Maker.

Rainbow Dash had an accident and broke her wing. Derpy is hanging out at a bar and then she hears a voice coming from the alley and its Film Maker.

Fanart by: rarityxspike

Chapter 1: The Bar

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Derpy meets Film Maker

Chapter 1: The Bar.

Derpy was in the lounge of the hospital with her children. Package and Dinky. Derpy was sitting on one of the chairs. Dink was on her left and Package was on her right. Derpy was looking at the ground with an expression of worry on her face. Dinky was leaning up against Derpy while sleeping. Package leaned on Derpy while sleeping as well. Derpy wrapped her wings around them. She looked down and smiled at them. A nurse walked into the lounge and walked up to Derpy. Derpy looked at the nurse.

"Ms. Hooves?" She asked.

"Yes." Derpy replied.

"Please follow me." She said.

"Okay." Derpy said.

Derpy gently rubbed her hooves on Package and Dinky. Dinky got up and Package stretched his wings and hopped on the floor. Derpy got up and all three of them followed the nurse. They kept on walking down multiple hallways and passed by so many rooms. Every room they passed had a couple of moans of agony. Derpy put Dinky and Package under her wings. One for each side. The nurse stopped in front of a door and walked inside the room. Derpy stopped to look at the door number. '396'. "I'll try to remember that." Derpy thought to herself. She walked in the room and they saw Rainbow lying down on the bed. Derpy looked at the nurse.

"Is she going to be fine?" Derpy asked.

"She will. We did a cat scan and it turns out she broke her left wing. Won't be able to fly for a 2 months. We just need her here for tonight and then she can go home tomorrow." She replied.

"Oh thank goodness." Derpy said.

Dinky lifted Derpy's wing with her magic and Package just used his wings to lift Derpy's wing. They ran towards Rainbow. Rainbow smiled.

"Hey." Rainbow said.

"Mom are you going to be okay?" Dinky asked.

"Don't worry i'll be here for the night and i'll be home tomorrow." Rainbow replied.

"Mom wanna see what I can do?" Package asked.

"Sure." Rainbow replied.

Package stood back and started to fly around the room. Rainbow smiled.

"That's amazing Package. Once i'm all healed up we can go flying sometime." Rainbow said.

Package landed and started to laugh and ran up to Rainbow to hug her. Derpy walked up to Rainbow right behind Package. Derpy looked down and smiled.

"Hey Rainbow." Derpy said.

Rainbow stopped hugging Package to look at Derpy. Derpy leaned in and they gave a quick kiss.

"You mind telling me what happened?" Derpy asked.

"I was practicing a new trick during break at work and than one of the workers accidentally set off a lightning cloud the second I went under it and I crashed." Rainbow replied.

"What will happen to the employee?" Derpy asked.

"He came by earlier and apologized. The weather team told him not to work for a couple of weeks but nothing serious." Rainbow replied.

"Do you want us to stay with you for the night?" Derpy asked.

"Nah. Go take the foals back home. I'll be good find." Rainbow replied.

"You sure?" Derpy insisted with a concerned look.

Rainbow pulled Derpy in for a kiss. Once the kiss was broken. Rainbow looked at Derpy with a smile.

"I'm positive." Rainbow said.

"Okay. Package, Dinky let's go home." Derpy said.

"Bye mom." Package and Dinky said.

"Bye." Rainbow said.

Derpy put the two ponies under her wings and they walked out of the room. Rainbow looked over to her right and saw a Daring Do book on the counter. She picked it up and began to read.


11:30, night, Derpy and Rainbow's house. Derpy put Package and Dinky to bed and slowly walked out of the room. Derpy walked down the stairs and went up to the front door. She opened the door and locked it. She looked under the mat to make sure that the key was still there. She closed the door and started to fly towards Ponyville. She flew up towards a bar and landed right in front of it. She walked inside and saw Pinkiepie inside with Applejack. She walked up towards the two and sat down next to them. Applejack looked at Derpy.

"Howdy Derpy. What are you up to tonight?" Applejack asked.

"Just getting a couple of drinks." Derpy replied quietly.

"What's the matter sugar?" Applejack asked.

Derpy sighed. "Rainbow had an accident at work today. She's in the hospital with a broken wing."

*gasp* "You kiddin'?" Applejack asked.

"No. She'll be back tomorrow. But I just hope we'll get that things get better." Derpy replied.

"Sugar. Everything will be fine. Why don't I buy you a drink?" Applejack said.

"Thanks but i'll be able to pay for my own drink." Derpy said.

"Sugar. You need it. Trust me. After those medical bills kick in. Y'all thank me for buying this drink." Applejack insisted.

"Thanks Applejack." Derpy said.

"What are friends for? So what'll it be?" Applejack asked.

"How about some shots of Tequila." Derpy replied.

"Feelin' heavy tonight are we?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah. But only one shot. I'll take some light beer after this shot." Derpy replied.

"It'll save you the embarrassment." Applejack said.

"What do you mean?" Derpy asked.

"Look at Pinkiepie." Applejack replied.

Applejack had her hoof pointed at Pinkie. Derpy followed her hoof until she found Pinkiepie on the karaoke machine. Derpy and Applejack started to crack up laughing while Pinkie was singing.

"Hey waiter two shots please!" Applejack yelled.

The waiter pulled out two shots and poured Tequila for each one. He slid down the shots to Applejack and Derpy. They caught their shots and raised it in the air.

"For a good recovery." Applejack said.

"For a good recovery." Derpy acknowledged.

They tapped the glasses together and drank their shots. Applejack got up.

"I'll be back." Applejack said.

"You okay?" Derpy asked.

"I just gotta go check on Twilight." Applejack replied.

*Gasp* "You mean Twilight came?" Derpy asked.

"Yeah Pinkiepie convinced her to come and Twilight might have had one too many." Applejack replied.

Twilight came out of the bathroom and walked towards Applejack.

"I'm fucking beat." Drunk Twilight said.

"Wow did Twilight have one too many?" Applejack asked.

"Just shut the fuck up and take me home." Twilight passed out on the ground.

Applejack chuckled and picked up Twilight. Pinkiepie walked up towards Applejack. Pinkiepie looked at past out Twilight with a loopy look.

"Fuck Twilight. I didn't know you were a drunk. You you you fucking drunk." Pinkiepie started to laugh.

"Pinkiepie leave Twilight alone. In fact you should go home yourself." Applejack said.

"Alright alright keep your fucking.....Your fucking.......fuck what was I going to say. You know what i'm going home." Drunken Pinkiepie said.

Derpy and Applejack looked at each other and started to laugh. Twilight started to moan.

"I'll see y'all later Derpy. Make sure to tell RD that I said 'get well'." Applejack said.

"I will." Derpy said.

Applejack and drunken Pinkiepie walked out of the bar and into the street. Derpy heard puking noise and Applejack shouting. Derpy smiled and turned back to the counter.

"Waiter can I get something light?" Derpy asked.

"Coming up." The waiter replied.

He put a can of Coors light in front of her.

"Thanks. This will the last drink i'll have so i'll just pay now." Derpy said.

"Okay. That'll be four bits please." The waiter said.

Derpy pulled out four bits and put it on the counter. "Here you go. Have a good night." Derpy said with a smile.

"You too ma'am." The waiter said.

Derpy chugged down the can and left the counter and headed towards the door. She exited out of the bar and heard something coming from the alley way.

"What's that noise?" Derpy asked herself.

Derpy headed towards the alley and the noise was singing. She couldn't make out the words until she got closer.

"Pour me, pour me, pour me another, it holds me, holds me, like no other. One more drink than I swear that i'm going home so pour me, pour me, pour me another." The voice sang.

Derpy saw a colt pegasus lying on the ground with earbuds in his ears and a bottle of vodka in his right hoof.

"Young colt are you okay?" Derpy asked.

The colt didn't move. He just kept on humming the song that came from his earbuds. "Maybe he can't hear me with those earbuds in his ears?" Derpy thought to herself. Derpy lowered her hoof towards the left earbud. She stopped and decided to poke him on the back. He jumped up trying to hide the vodka. Derpy looked at the colt with concern. The colt sighed and showed the vodka. Derpy looked at the bottle and then looked back at the colt. His head was lowered with his eyes closed.

"What's your name?" Derpy asked.

He looked up and pulled out the earbuds. Derpy cleared her throat and repeated herself.

"What's your name?" Derpy asked.

The young colt sighed and lowered his head with his eyes closed.

"Film Maker."

Chapter 2: Hello

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Chapter 2: Hello

"Film Maker." Film said.

"Film what are you doing out here?" Derpy asked.

Film still had his head down. Tears started to go down his cheek. Derpy's face turned from concerned to worried. Derpy sat down in front of Film. Film slowly looked at her.

"Why don't you sit down and tell me." Derpy said.

"Okay." Film said quietly.

Film slowly sat down and took a drink from his vodka. Derpy's expression on her face turned into concern again. She watched Film drinking the bottle of vodka.

"How old are you?" Derpy asked.

Film stopped drinking and grabbed his throat (Because vodka burns your throat after drinking it). He cleared his throat.

"I'm fourteen." Film said.

Derpy grabbed the bottle and took it away from Film.

"Please give it back." Film said.

"I can't do that. Too much and you'll get drunk." Derpy said.

"So." Film said.

"So don't you care about your body?" Derpy asked.

"No I don't." Film replied.

"Why are you drinking?" Derpy asked.

"Because I hate my life and if I don't get drunk I'll end up killing myself." Film replied.

Derpy put the vodka in the trash can in the alley way. She looked back at Film and he started to cry.

"Why the...the fuck would that?" Film sobbed.

Derpy sat herself right next to Film. Film laid his head on Derpy's shoulder. Derpy put her wing around Film. "You poor poor colt." Derpy thought to herself. Film was still crying and Derpy started to pat Film on the back gently with her left hoof. Derpy waited until Film started to calm down. Film stopped crying. Derpy looked down at Film. He still had his head on her shoulder.

"Where do you live?" Derpy asked.

"I don't want to go back." Film replied.

"Why not?" Derpy asked.

"I dint want to be yelled at anymore." Film replied.

"Do you have a place to go?" Derpy asked.

"No." Film replied.

Film lifted his head off of Derpy's shoulder. He went further down the alleyway and pulled out a blanket. Derpy's expression on her face turned into worry. She watched Film make a bed on the concrete ground. Film looked at Deroy and saw the look on her face.

"Are you running away?" Derpy asked.

Film lowered his head and sighed. "No. I told them I don't want to live here anymore and I walked out."

Derpy started to think about a place where he could stay. She put her hoof on her chin to show Film that she was thinking. Then Derpy stopped rubbing her chin and a smile appeared on her face.

"I know a place where you could stay." Derpy said.

"Where would that be?" Film asked.

"There is an abandoned house I used to go to all the time when I was your age. I'm pretty sure that the mattress is still there and hopefully no homeless ponies have tooken over it." Derpy replied.

"I guess that sounds good as long as they have a mattress." Film said.

"Follow me." Derpy got up and waited for Film to pack up his blanket and pillow. They left the alleyway and out of Ponyville. Derpy was heading down the familiar road she used to take all the time when she was a filly. She stopped and saw the abandon house and gasped. The house was not abandoned. She saw three ponies sitting inside the living room talking to each other. Derpy looked at film.

"I'm sorry Film. I thought that it would be abandoned." Derpy sighed.

"Its okay. Thank you for trying um...I'm Sorry I didn't catch your name." Film said.

"Its Derpy." Derpy smiled.

*Thank you Derpy but I think I'll just head back to the alley." Film said.

Film started to walk away until Derpy stopped him.

"Film!" Derpy yelled.

Film stopped and looked at Derpy. "What?"

"Maybe you can sleep at my house until you solve everything out with your parents." Derpy smiled.

"Why would you do that for me?" Film asked.

"Because I know the path that your going on. It's the same road I've gone down as well and I hate seeing a colt as young as you go down it." Derpy replied.

"I guess." Film sighed.

Derpy clapped her hooves and extended her wings. She looked at Film.

"Can you fly?" Derpy asked.

"Yes." Film replied.

"Then let's fly." Derpy smiled.

Film and Derpy hovered over the ground for a moment and then they started to fly towards Derpy's house. After a short flight they made it to the house. Derpy unlocked the door and let Film go inside. She looked at Film. His head was lowered in shame. Derpy put her head on Film's shoulder. Film looked up and Derpy nodded. Film had a small smile on his face. Then, they walked inside the house.

"I need you to be quiet for Package and Dinky. They're asleep and I don't want them up." Derpy whispered.

"Okay." Film said.

"How about you put your pillow and blanket on the couch." Derpy said.

"Thanks." Film said.

Film laid out his blanket and out his pillow at one end of the couch. He pulled the cover up for a quick second and laid down under the cover. He laid his head on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling. Derpy stood right next to him.

"Goodnight. If your still around in the morning we're going to have muffins for breakfast." Derpy smiled.

"We'll just see." Film said.

Derpy walked up the stairs next to the living room and headed upstairs to her bedroom. She went into her and Rainbow's room. She looked at her bed and her smile disappeared. "Oh rainbow, please come back safely." Derpy said to herself. She pulled up her cover and laid down under it. She slowly closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Chapter 3: Good Morning

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Chapter 3: Good Morning

Derpy woke up with the sun shining through the window. She turned around and saw nopony in the bed next to her. She sighed quietly and got out of bed. Derpy went downstairs and saw Dinky and Package staring at the couch. They saw Film on the couch sleeping. Derpy stood herself right next to them and noticed that Film had a bottle of vodka in his hoof that was hanging over the bed. "Where did he get that from?" Derpy thought to herself. She looked over towards the end of the couch and saw an open backpack. Derpy sighed and took the bottle out of his hoof. Derpy walked over towards the kitchen and threw away the bottle. She went back into the living and Dinky looked at her.

"Mommy who is this?" Dinky asked.

"His name is Film Don't worry he's four years older than you." Derpy replied.

"Why is he here?" Package asked.

"I found him in an alleyway. So I told him he could spend the night here if he wanted to." Derpy replied.

"Is he drunk?" Dinky asked.

"Yes. But he needs help." Derpy replied.

"With what?" Package asked.

"He's heading down the wrong road and he needs help going back on the right one." Derpy replied.

Film moaned and sat up. He shut his eyes tightly and put his hoof on his forehead.

"Ow my fu....Morning." Film stopped himself from cussing when he noticed the children.

"Good morning." Dinky said gleefully.

"Morning." Package said.

Film leaned his head back against the pillow and looked at his right hoof.

"I could have sworn I fell asleep with a bottle." Film said.

"You did. I threw it away." Derpy said.

Film looked at Derpy. "Why did you do that?" Film asked.

"You need to quit that habit. You're walking down the same road I did. It took me a while but I found the way back to the right path. I won't stop until you're back on track." Derpy said.

Film sighed and got off of the couch. He looked down and smiled at Dinky and Package. "What are your names?" Film asked.

"My name is DInky." Dinky replied.

"And my name is Package. Package replied.

They both looked up and smiled at Film.

"My name is Film." Film said.

"Hi Film." Package and Dinky said together.

Derpy smiled and started to head towards the kitchen. She stopped in front of the door and turned around to face Film.

"I'm going to make us some breakfast." Derpy said.

"Okay." Film said softly.

Derpy smiled and went inside the kitchen to make some muffins.


10:00, Derpy's house. Derpy was sitting in front of the oven watching the timer tick down to zero. Film walked in the kitchen and walked up towards Derpy.

"Derpy where is your bathroom?" Film asked.

Derpy looked at Film and noticed that he was really pale. "He might have drank too much." Derpy thought to herself. Derpy made a small smile.

"Upstairs to the right." Derpy replied.

"Thank you." Film rushed out of the kitchen and went upstairs. Derpy slowly walked out of the kitchen and went upstairs. She stood right in front of the bathroom and she heard Film puking. Derpy went back downstairs to check on the muffins. The timer dinged. Derpy walked over towards one side of the kitchen to put on kitchen gloves for her hooves. She opened the oven with her mouth and gently pulled out the muffins and set them down on the kitchen counter. She took off her gloves and opened a cupboard to take out four plates. She picked up one muffin for each plate. She cut the muffin in half and split them up far enough to put butter in the middle. She pulled out four plastic knives and placed one on each plate. She grabbed two plates one for each hoof and went out to the living room to give then to Package and Dinky. Dinky and Package grabbed their plates out of Derpy's hooves. Derpy went back into the kitchen to grab the other two plates. She came back into the living and set one plate on the couch. Derpy started to eat her muffin.

Derpy started to worry about Film. She went upstairs to check on him in the bathroom. She leaned her head against the door and heard him throwing up still. Then, the toilet flushed. Derpy knocked on the door with her hoof.

"Is everything okay in there?" Derpy asked.

Film came out of the bathroom pale. He looked up at Derpy and smiled weakly.

"Somethings wrong." Derpy said.

"No i'll be fi.." Film started moaning in pain.

"I'm going to need you to lay down on the couch." Derpy said.

"Okay." Film said.

Film slowly walked down the stairs and stopped in front of the couch. He picked up his plate and started to eat his breakfast. Derpy looked at him and smiled. "At least he's eating." Derpy thought to herself. She walked up to Film and put her hoof on his forehead. His forehead was hot.

"I think you have a fever." Derpy said.

"No I think I drank more than I usually do." Film said.

"I'm going to get the thermometer." Derpy said.

Derpy walked upstairs and into her bathroom to grab the thermometer. She walked back downstairs and stood right in front of Film.

"Open." Derpy said.

Film sighed and then opened his mouth. She put the thermometer in his mouth and Film closed his mouth. After a few seconds the thermometer beeped. Derpy pulled it out of his mouth.

"Oh goodness. You do have a fever." Derpy said.

"No it's probably nothing." Film said.

"a hundred degrees is not nothing. You need some sleep." Derpy said.

"But you've done so much for me. I don't need you doing this for me." Film said.

"It's nothing. Now why don't you lay down on the couch and try to get some sleep." Derpy said.

Film sighed and looked at the couch. "Okay." Film said. He laidd down on the couch slowly and pulled the cover over his shoulders. Derpy looked at Dinky and Package.

"Why don't you two go upstairs and play." Derpy said.

"Okay mommy." They both responded.

Derpy smiled while they walked upstairs. There was a knock on the door and Derpy went to answer it. She opened the door and saw Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow." Derpy said gleefully.

"Hey Derpy." Rainbow said.

Derpy leaned in and kissed Rainbow on the lips. Rainbow responded back. The kiss broke and Derpy had a huge smile on her face.

"I have to tell you something." Derpy said.

"What is it?" Rainbow asked.

"Well I went to the bar last night and found this fourteen-year old colt in the alleyway. He was drunk so I took him home and he slept here. He's not feeling well so he's laying on the couch." Derpy replied.

"Really. How does he look?" Rainbow asked.

"Horrible. He tried to convince me on letting him go but I couldn't do it. Come look for yourself." Derpy replied.

Rainbow walked inside the house and looked on the couch. *gasp* Rainbow pulled her head back. Film was asleep and his face was super pale. Rainbow's face turned into worry within seconds.

"Wow he looks horrible." Rainbow said.

"I know. But I don't know if it will get better or worse. I think he needs to go see a doctor." Derpy said.

"Let's give it an hour. If he gets worse then we'll take him to a doctor." Rainbow gave a small smile trying to cheer up Derpy.

"O-Okay. I guess." Derpy said.

An hour later. Film's temperature went down and his face started to gain its actual color. Derpy felt calmer. She saw the sleeping colt and for some reason she felt like as if the colt was her own son. She smiled and Film slowly started to open his eyes.

"Oh god." Film grabbed his stomach quickly.

Derpy gasped and ran up towards him.

"Do you need to throw up?" Derpy asked.

"Yes." Film grunted.

Derpy helped Film upstairs to the bathroom. Once they made it to the bathroom, Film quickly went inside and closed the door. Derpy stood in front of the door waiting for Film to come out. Ten minutes, Film came out of the bathroom.

"How do you feel now?" Derpy asked with a worried tone in her voice.

"Yeah. I feel better now." Film replied.

Film gave Derpy a weak smile and Derpy smiled back.

"Can I get a glass of water please?" Film asked.

"Sure."Derpy smiled and went down to the kitchen to get Film's water.

She grabbed a glass from the cupboards and got tap water from the sink. She went into the living room and saw Film folding his blanket from the couch. She walked up to Film and handed him the glass of water. He gently took it out of her hooves and drinked all the water. He set it right next to the couch and continued folding his blanket. Once he was done folding the blanket, he put it in his backpack. Derpy looked at him in confusion.

"Are you leaving?" Derpy asked.

"Um yes I am." Film replied.

"But you just got better and you shouldn't just leave like that." Derpy said nervously.

"You've done more than just letting me sleep here. You've nursed me back to health. There's nothing else you have to do for me." Film started coughing.

"Your not healthy. You're still sick." Derpy said.

"It'll go. But I can't be found here with you." Film said.

"And why not?" Derpy asked.

Film put on his backpack and started heading for the door. Derpy stopped him by standing in front of him.

"Derpy please move." Film said.

"You didn't answer my question." Derpy said.

"Okay fine. I ran away from home. I didn't want you to know. But you kept on putting out your hoof and it was so hard for me to deny it. If I was found here with you. The town would think of you as a coltnapper." Film said.

"Film let's take you home. You need to fix things with your parents. You can't just keep on drinking away your misery." Deroy said.

Film lowered his head to the ground and Derpy lifted his head with her hoof.

"Film lets take you home." Derpy said.

Film sighed. "Okay."

Derpy opened the front door and they both flew towards Ponyville. Once they arrived Film's house, Derpy knocked on the door and waited for somepony to reply. Somepony answered the door and it was Film's mother. Once she saw Film she quickly pulled him in for a hug. Film started to cry once his mother held him. Film's mother looked up at Derpy and Derpy was smiling.

"Thank you." Film's mom said.

"You guys have some things to work out. But your welcome." Derpy said.

"We do indeed. How can I repay you? Film's mom asked.

"Listen to him and that's all the repayment I'll ever need." Derpy replied.

"Okay" Film's mom slowly closed the door on Derpy.

Two weeks later. Derpy was in the park watching Package and Dinky playing together in the grass while Rainbow was eating lunch with her. Derpy looked last Dinky and Package and she noticed Film sitting on a park bench. Derpy got up and headed towards Film. She sat herself right next to Film and he smiled at her.

"Hey I wanted to say thank you Derpy." Film said.

"All I did was give you a place to stay and get you better. I'm just a mother who helped out another colt." Derpy said.

"No its not that. Its for helping me get back on track. I mean I still drink now and then but not to get drunk anymore. I got s marefriend a few days ago. My parents are trying to change the ways that they've been treating me. That's why I'm saying thank you." Film said.

Derpy wiped a tear from her eyes and looked at Film. "That's great to hear. Your welcome." Derpy said.

"What are you going to do now?" Film asked.

"I don't know. I seem to have a lot of hardships in my life but what are you going to do about it." Derpy replied.

"I'm trying go make myself better for my marefriend. I wanna make sure that she knows that she means a lot to me." Film said.

"That's very thoughtful of you Film. Your life does seem to be back on track." Derpy said.

"Not fully but its getting there and its all because of you. You made me realize how much I meant to other ponies." Film said.

"Its only because I understood what you were going through. I can't save all of Equestria but I can try my best to save those I can." Derpy smiled.

"That's nice. Did you come up with that right now?" Film asked.

"A couple nights ago" Derpy replied.

"I don't know the next time we will see each other. But if we ever do I'll try my hardest not to forget you Derpy." Film smiled at her.

Derpy got up. "I know I won't."

Derpy sat walked over towards Rainbow Dash and sat herself right next to her. She wrapped a wing around Rainbow and held her tight. She gazed up at the sky and made a bigger smile.

The End.

Written by: Cameron.

Hope you enjoyed.