Love at Sundown.

by trahzo

First published

A story about the crack shipping: SunsetSpike

Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria now that she's finally graduated high school & college. She asks for forgiveness from the ones she wronged on the night she stole Twilight's crown. The only ones to accept were Twilight, Shining Armor, Spike, and maybe a little of Fluttershy. Before any of the others could ever hope to trust her after that mishap, Celestia & Luna decide to put her on parole and as a twist of events, her parole officer is Spike! I'm doing this, hoping it will encourage you to make more of this shipping.

Prologue: Sneaking In The Night.

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It was a normal night in the human version of Equestria (Gag, I'm gonna try & speed-up the narration for us to get out of this world & to the good pony world as fast as I can!). What's this? A young lady walking across the streets at night with a few bulging bags of stuff. She tiptoed her way to a statue of a horse. This statue has a special characteristic to it actually. After every 30 moons, you can walk into the pedestal of the statue & enter another world, but in a different form!

"(Okay Sunset Shimmer, time to return home, you've finally graduated College, I think that it's about time that you returned to your true home.)"

So, she enters the pedestal a human, but when she exited the other side, she came-out through a mirror & transformed into a unicorn. Sunset Shimmer snuck past every guard in order to escape the castle. She galloped through the streets to a Crystal Empire hotel building, she decided to have her important plan for forgiveness tomorrow, for the mane 6, Spike and the princesses of the sun & moon would be there tomorrow.

"I gotta have them forgive me for my wrong doings, especially Twilight Sparkle." She said to herself.

End of prologue.

Ch.1: I'm Sorry.

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It was the next day, and Sunset headed for the castle.

"Ah, hello everypony, I bet your all wondering why we've brought you here today?" asked Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadence if you'd prefer an abbreviation. "But before me & Shining Armor make our announcement, Princess Twilight?"

"You don't have to tell me twice!"

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves & do a little shake!" they said simultaneously while doing the dance that came with it.

"(Come on Cadence & Twily, that's starting to get old.)" thought Shining Armor.

"(Man, that's seriously getting old!)" thought Spike.

"(It gets worse every time I see it!)" thought Princess Celestia.

"Okay everypony, get ready, Pinkie Pie, drum roll please."

"You got it!" then she began rapidly tapping on a drum.

"Me & Shining Armor...................................... are having a baby!"

The room went silent, all of them, with dropped jaws!

"Yay, I'm gonna be an aunt!" Twilight said while squeezing Shining Armor.

"Well ah'll be, congratulations!" said Applejack.

"Aw yeah, there's a chance of it becoming either an alicorn or a Pegasus!" Rainbow Dash said insensitively.

"Oh, I'm so happy for the both of you!" said Fluttershy.

"Oh I think you too would make great parents, knowing how you too have looked after Twilight when she was a filly."

"Your dead meat...I mean Congratulations!" said Celestia, while trying to hold back the urge to use the incineration spell, that only she knows about.

"She still hates me!" whispered Shining.

"When is she gonna accept the fact that it was an accident when you tripped Spike, causing him to be in the wheelchair for a week!" she whispered back. "Man, she sure is really protective of him."

Back when Celestia was teaching Spike all the skills he knows today, something in her made the princess realize that Spike was her son & she would keep him safe no matter what! When Twilight became an adult, she thought that Twilight needed a lesson in responsibility and seeing that it was her who birthed Spike, decided to give Spike to Twilight, but Celestia is still the registered parent. Celestia is always making Spike go-on royal business so she could spend time with him.

"WONDERFUL!!!" Luna said with the royal Canterlot voice.

"Well, guess I'd better start planning the baby shower." Pinkie commented.

"Wow, great job cousin, I just know your gonna be an excellent mother. Oh, and Shining, I just know your gonna be one heck of a father!" Spike said.

There were all happy faces in the room, but that's when a teal aura appeared in front them. The aura then made a bright flash, after that, Sunset Shimmer was where the aura was!

"Sunset Shimmer?!" They all gasped.

"Hello everypony, I know you don't like me for what I've done that one night I stole Twilight's crown, but I'm here apologize for my wrong doings!" She then cleared her throat. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, I'm sorry for trying to steal your crown in order to have my very own army of teenagers take-over Equestria! Spike, I'm sorry for having my 2 pathetic monkey faced idiots: Snips & Snails kidnap you." Her heart then started beating fast when she turned to meet the gaze of her former teacher. "Princess Celestia, I'm sorry for abandoning my studies to pursue my own path. I'm sorry for everything that I have done, I came back to Equestria hoping all of you would forgive me, I just-just had redeem myself, I had so much guilt that I couldn't take it anymore. I'm sorry!"

The room was silent, Sunset Shimmer knew this wouldn't work if she tried, but she just had to get it out of the way. She then slowly started walking to the door, but that's when...

"I forgive you!" said 2 voices.

Everypony turned their heads to see that it was Twilight & Spike who had said it.

"Well, if Twily believes her, then so do I!" said Shining Armor.

"Me too, but only by a little bit, if that's okay." said Fluttershy.

The others replied with, well I still don't trust her.

"But I got an idea, we'll put you on parole for a month. If you don't try to do anymore serious crimes, then we can trust you, does that sound like a good idea?" suggested Celestia.The others nodded in agreement. "Good, Spike my son, you're Sunset's parole officer!"

"WHAT!?" Spike shouted.

End of chapter.

Ch.2: Parole Officer Spike Reporting for Duty.

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"M-me, as her parole officer? But Princess, she's a unicorn, she can just teleport away!" Spike exclaimed.

"I am very well aware of that Son, but I'll be making a few arrangements ensuring that she doesn't try anything." Celestia replied.

"(Son? I had my 2 ugly dumbass minions kidnap Celestia's son during the fall formal dance & I just admitted to it, I'm so dead!)" Sunset thought.

Then a ring with flame like markings on it appeared.

"Huh? What's that Tia?" Asked Luna.

"This is a magic negating ring. Only the one who put it on can remove it & Spike, I'd like you to put it on her."


"Yes, now here, go put it on her outside, I must speak with your friends, and please stop calling me Princess Celestia, I want you to call Momlestia!"

"Sorry, but it's a force of habit." Spike said, as him & Sunset Shimmer exited the thrown room.

"Okay everypony, here's the truth, Me making Spike, the parole officer was a façade, I'm actually trying to set those 2 up!"

"Pardon me Princess, but, what do yah mean bah, set-up?" Applejack wondered.

"What? Sunset is hot & I'd like my son to have a very hot mare as his wife!" Celestia admitted.

"Okay, so you think it was a bad Idea when I wanted your non-Unicorn guards to replace their spears with dodge-balls, but you thought it's a good idea for Spike & Sunset Shimmer to get married?" Pinkie angrily said.

"Well, I'm okay with it, Spike really needs to get over his childhood crush on Rarity!" said Twilight. "I mean, Rarity is only going to keep on using him for her own selfish gain, which would eventually break his heart."

"Yeah, Rarity is at her most selfish when toying with the squirt's emotions." Rainbow Dash added.

"Yeah, poor Spike, doing so many embarrassing things for a mare who'll never love him back & he's a such good kid." added Cadence.

"I'm right here you jerks!" Rarity said, with an annoyed expression.

"Oh, sorry, didn't notice you." said Luna.

Spike & Sunset Shimmer were outside the castle & the magic negating ring was already on her horn.

"Okay, there we go. Now...blargh!" Spike burped out a scroll.

"Dear Spike, Sunset will be spending her parole in Ponyville, so I'd advise you to take her there right now! Don't worry about your friends, they're needed at the Crystal Empire. Hugs & kisses, your loving mother: Celestia."

"I had no idea she was your mother." said Sunset Shimmer. "So your a prince?"

"No, if I was a prince, then ponies would be bowing to my presence & ask if I need anything constantly, I mean come-on, I can do all that stuff myself. I don't need somepony to get it for me. So when the time came, I rejected Mom's offer to be a prince."

"Y-you never wanted to be a prince?"

"Yeah, I don't care if I'm royal or not, I just care that I'm surrounded by friends & family who love me no matter what."

"(He rejected something that could've been his big break for love & friendship. He's so selfless.) Spike?"


"Before we go, I brought a bunch of things with me that I left in a hotel by here, is it okay if I get it?"

"Okay, I'll help."

"That's not ne-"

"Don't worry, I wanna help."

"But why?"

"I accepted your apology, you looked like the kind of pony who was in desperate need of forgiveness, so now you also have my trust."

"...(He's so nice...wait, what's?)"

She felt something in her heart react to Spike's kindness, but it was very weak.

"Okay Spike, you can help me pack!"

Later, they got off the train & made it to Ponyville. Spike & Sunset Shimmer put down all the bags she brought with her when they entered the Golden Oaks Library.

"Alright, hey Owlowiscious, is the guest room available?"

Owlowiscious entered & wrote something down on paper.

"We don't have a guest room, remember?" is what it said.

"Oh yeah, well, guess your sleeping in my room. Don't worry, I'll sleep on the couch."

Ever since Spike started to naturally grow, he was getting too big for his dog-bed & was given the old guest bed across from Twilight's own bed & was also given a room Spike discovered a few years back.

"No, I want the couch."


"No, insist, please let me sleep on the couch!"

"Okay(What's up with her?)." Spike wondered.

"(What's wrong with me? It's like his kindness is...well, I don't know yet!)"

The thing she felt within her was getting stronger, but was still weak!"

"You see, she's starting to fall in love with him!" said Celestia. "Oh, and once this is over, I'm going to have to wipe your memories of how I'm able to know what all of my subjects are doing!"

"Awwwww!" They all groaned.

End of chapter.

Ch.3: Do I Love Him?

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It was now the next week & Sunset Shimmer was having some strong thoughts. She wondered if she was beginning to fall in love with Spike, for he's been nothing but helpful this week and the thing she felt within her heart was growing stronger & stronger.


"Yeah Sunset Shimmer?

"Well, don't you get lonely when Twilight leaves the library?"

"What, no, in fact I think she should go-onger adventures more often, gives her more time to be social."

"Did you just say go-onger instead of go-on?"

"Yeah, as in Engine Sentai Go-Onger!" Then he did a pose.

Sunset giggled a little

"Spike, what do you do when your alone?"

"Well, I do chores, feed the owl, pretend we're closed so the CMC don't find me or ruin the library, plant a fun prank for Twi when she enters the door, and watch some T.V."

"How about when your out of the Library?"

"I head to the arcade, make sure the CMC don't find me, and hangout with my guy friends, well not Snips & Snails, those 2 are idiots."

"*giggle*(Quit it you laughing fool, it's not that funny, well actually, calling Snips & Snails idiots or any variation of that word is pretty funny.) Hey Spike, can we go out & do something?"

"Like a date?"

"WHAT? NO, NO, NO, I mean, we can go around town & you can give me the tour."

"I was just teasing yah."

So they left the library & set-off for their 1st stop, Sugarcube Corner.

"Spike's really got some swag going on, did you see how red her cheeks were when Spike mentioned the word date?" asked Rainbow Dash

"It's still not good enough, her feelings for him must become stronger!" said Princess Celestia.

now back to Sunset & Spike

They made it to Sugarcube Corner a little later.

"Ah, hello Spike, who's the cute mare next to you, your girlfriend." said Carrot Cake.

"NO!" yelled Sunset "(Well...I want to maybe.)

"Woah, simmer down, Shimmer! No, she's not my girlfriend, I'm her parole officer."

"Parole officer?"

"Yeah, she's on parole for a month & if she doesn't do anymore serious crimes, then my friends can trust her."

"...I choose to go along with this. So, what would the both of you like?" Asked Carrot Cake

"1 dozen donuts with powdered sugar, just like how Kamen Rider Wizard likes 'em." answered Spike

"Um...I'd like an apple pie." said Sunset Shimmer, while trying not to look at Spike who was right next to her.

"Coming right-up!"

This is what happened while they were waiting.

"So, have you ever kissed anypony?" Asked Sunset Shimmer

"No, I've never had, well unless you count a dog-kiss as an actual kiss."

"Hm? Maybe, explain."

"Remember when Twilight defeated you on the night of the fall formal?"


"Well, when she was unconscious after using the her harmony power, I licked Twilight's cheek to wake her up."

"Oh, hmm..."

"Don't laugh, younger siblings sometimes show their affections for the older sibling with a kiss on the cheek."

"Yeah, but it was when Spike was a dog! Ha, ha, ha, ha..."

Now back to Spike & Sunset.

"Well, here you go Spike, 1 dozen powdered sugar & for you young lady, an apple pie, & here's a can of whipped cream if you'd like. Well, I'm gonna go take a break, today's been slow. See yah."

So Spike & Sunset ate in silence. Spike was thinking Sunset was getting bored, so he grabbed a couple of straws from the kitchen.

"Hey, check this out." He put one up his left nostril & the other up his right. He began exhaling air out of his nose, creating nose whistles.

"Ha, ha, ha."

"So, you've finally cheered-up?"

"Huh? What do you mean I've finally cheered-up?"

"Well, you we're looking a little bored, so I wanted to make you laugh." Spike said, while the straws were still in his nose & each time he spoke, made them whistle a few times.

'*giggle*, please Spike, Stop talking with straws up your nose."

"Oh, sorry."

They later finished their food & left the bits on the counter.

"Spike, I'm getting tired, can we go back to the library?"

Sure thing and if your tired..."

Spike then picked-up Sunset Shimmer, bride style & flew back to the Library. Sunset Shimmer felt like she was an actual bride, for in her daydream, she imagined Spike wearing a tux & her wearing a wedding dress, heading back to their home.

"I do love him, why else would I'd have that kind of imagination?" she grumbled. "(Wait, aw-man, please don't let him hear that.)"

"You say something?" Asked Spike


"Alright.(Man, she's being so weird.)"

"Son, why must you be so oblivious?" Celestia said to herself.

End of chapter.

Ch.4: Wanna Watch The Sunset?

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It's now the next day & Sunset Shimmer woke-up in a happy mood.

"Morning Sunset Shimmer." Spike greeted, while walking over to her.

"(Good morning my sweet.) Good morning Spike." she replied.

"Wow, you look rather chipper today, what's got yah so happy?" He asked.

"I've come to a realization, but that'll have to wait."

"Oh, okay, well anyway, I got something for you & I to see, here!" Spike then handed her a ticket.

"What's this?"

"Last night while you were sleeping, Princess Celestia sent me 2 tickets to watch this romance movie I've always wanted to watch that's premiering today."

"You watch romance movies?" She asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I'm a romantic. Good ahead & laugh." Spike joked.

"I'd rather not, and instead ask if this is your way of asking me out on a date." her eyes had a beckoning look to them.

"W-what? No! It's just that I don't like watching movies at the theater alone. So, will you still go with me?"

"Okay." she said.

"Good, because you'd still have to go with me anyway since your parole isn't over yet."

Sunset Shimmer then rolled her eyes.

Later at 5:40 PM...
"Spike?!" said 3 familiar voices.

"Huh? Oh, hey girls!" he said back.

"Wow, your on a date?" Sweetie Belle blurted out.

"NO! I-I'm just watching a movie with my parole officer!" Sunset responded.

The CMC backed away.

"Don't worry girls, she's not so dangerous since she has this magic negating ring on her horn!" Spike said, while motioning them back. "Okay, I gotta go get our seats & snacks, I can trust you 3 to watch Sunset Shimmer right?"

"Spike, we're childhood friends, you can trust us with anything!" replied the orange chicken *bitch slap from Pinkie Pie* I mean Scootaloo. (I swear you'll get yours one day!)

"Good to hear, I'll be back." As Spike left...

"Yer so lucky!" said Applebloom.

"Huh?" she wondered.

"Look at all the mares walking around the streets, wanna know what makes dem all similar?"

"What would that be?"

"half of 'em are in luve wit Spahk!"

"Really? Care to list them all down?"

"There's too big of a list, we all tried make Spike fall for us, and ask us out on a date." added Sweetie Belle

"Your so lucky, you get to go out with him, something all of us have competed so hard for! Good luck."

"Hey girls, I'm back, let's go Sunset, the movie's about to start."

"Sure, it was great speaking with you girls! Bye!"

So the movie started & had a great ending to it, that it felt as if, you were watching displays of beautiful artwork. Spike noticed, that few times that Sunset Shimmer leaned on his shoulder & sighed a bunch of times during some good parts. Yes, Spike was oblivious to that as well & he also was oblivious to the half smiling, half jealous faces watching them. Regardless, they gave Sunset Shimmer support from the sidelines.

"Aaaw, they look so cute together." said Fluttershy.

"They'd look more cuter if my Damn son wasn't so oblivious! COME-ON!!!" She yelled in frustration. "( You can figure this out, it's not that hard!)"

Now back to the impromptu date. So they left the theater & strolled along the streets.

"(I've never seen a mare this happy since I gave Rarity that Fire Ruby years ago...Hmm, I wonder.) Hey Sunset."

"Yes Spike?" She asked with a cute face.

"(Wow, I was not expecting to be right.) Want to watch the sunset with me?"

"YES! I-I mean yes, I'd love to!"

"Well alright!" Once again, picked her up, bridle style & flew to a field that had a perfect view of the sunset. They were sitting right next to each other.

"Man, have you ever seen a much better view of the sunset, Sunset?" he asked. "This is where I go to watch that sun-set everyday."

"Really? Tell me, why do like the sunset so much?"

"I don't like the Sunset, I love it!"

Shimmer started becoming bright red, which turned to absolute crimson after feeling a surprise kiss from Spike! Sunset didn't know what to do except return it!

"Does anypony hear, grandma Celestia?" She asked. "(Now I have the sun, a son, and one day, a grandson! I'll have 3 suns!)"

Now back to the 2 lovebirds

Sunset Shimmer's eyes, well, shimmered in delight.

"Wow, that was awesome."

"Yes it was!" Spike replied.

Later, they returned to the library once the moon began to arise. After dinner, they brushed their teeth & kissed each other goodnight.

"Wait, would you like to share the bed tonight?" she offered.

"Sure, but no funny business got it?" He teased.

"*giggle* You perv."

Then, the new couple got into bed & fell asleep while embracing one another. So, Sunset's parole ended & was excepted by Twilight's friends & family. As Spike removed the ring negating her magic, let's go a few months later to see Spike put on a different ring around her horn.

"I now pronounce you mare & drake! May now kiss the bride!" said Luna.

Well, you can fill in the blank from there.

The End.