Sweet and Sour Pie

by BurritoMilk

First published

Pinkie Pie feels starts feeling mean... Pinkamena wants to be kind... Read to see what happens!

Pinkamena has only wanted to be alone, to make everyone else as unhappy as herself, and to eat her own baked cupcakes.
Pinkie has only wanted to throw parties, make everypony happy, and to be there for her friends.

But when they start to become eachother, only one can imagine how dangerous things become...


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Who am I?

I thought I was a pink, happy, silly, mare.

Did YOU?

Well, you are WRONG!!!

I'm so sorry...

It all started when I was going outside to get the mail. I bounced happily to the rusted metal box and saw that there wasn't any mail.

"Whoops!" I thought aloud, realizing that I don't get mail on Sundays.

I smiled and began to hop away when a shudder of cold overwhelmed my body. I opened my mouth, and without me even meaning to-

"UGH! Why did I have to go ALL the way outside for NOTHING?!?"

My own voice startled me. It was dark and strained. My eyes widened in fear. That was NOT me.
What's happening to me?

Still stone cold, I ran back inside, shuddering with tears streaking down my cheeks. I calmed down after a while; writing a couple random party invitations to lift my spirits.

Later, at around 6, I remembered I had planned to say hi to Twilight, who was, at the time, sick. I was nervous to head over there, but I reassured myself. "That was a one time deal. It won't happen again." And with that thought in mind, I gently placed a couple lollipops in my saddlebag, along with a get well soon card and a balloon,

And I slowly walked to Twilight's house.

I knocked on the door gingerly. "Come in," a some what decrepit voice called from inside. I slowly opened the door. "Oh no! You two are both sick!"
Twilight smiled softly.

"Yes, poor Spike wore himself out trying to tend to my every need, and,"

she stopped, blew her nose quite loudly, and continued,

"he got himself sick, little guy was working too hard."

I looked at her and her dragon for a while. With them both sick, they seemed so alike.
The same red nose and tired eyes, with a sort of handicapped feel to their bodies that were dwarfed in comparison by the bundles of blankets and used tissues that were piled all around them.

"So what brings you here?" Twilight asked as she sipped some hot tea out of an old mug.

"I heard you were sick and-" My voice cut short as my throat tightened. I looked down and swallowed. A cold sensation enveloped me and I felt angry, like I knew I was right in an argument and the pony I was arguing with was clearly wrong. I looked back up again.

"I heard you were sick and I COULDN'T. CARE. LESS."

I tore open my saddle bag. The balloon floated out. In one swift movement I tugged it down and stomped all the air out of it. A sickening POP! echoed in the library and woke up the sleeping Spike.
After pounding and tearing apart the handmade card I created for her, I stopped. The iciness in my heart melted away, and hot tears sprang to my eyes.

Ashamed, embarrassed, and afraid, I ran out the door, not even shutting it behind me as I stumbled on my own hooves.

I collapsed on the sidewalk, not a block away from home, and cried myself to sleep.

I woke up in the morning at around sunrise. For a second I had forgotten about am the terrible things that had been going on, but then reality hit me over the head like a bat.

My head hung as I began my way home, to Sugarcube Corner. When I got there I pondered what to do.
If I dared to socialize with anypony, I would hurt them in some way, so I knew it was best to lock myself it my room and do nothing.

Once in my room, I read some Daring Do, ate candy, and slept. Until a knock came at my door.
"Pinkie, honey, are you alright? I haven't heard you lately, and you usually give Carrot, Pound, Pumpkin and I Good Morning cards."

Mrs.Cake. I looked at my nightstand, and 4 Good Morning cards rested there. Quick, think of an excuse!
"I er, I've been really tired lately, I want to be left a-"

I bit my lip and my ears went flat on the back of my head as I stuttered over the word,
"alone. I want to be left alone. Please."

"OK honey, if that makes you happy, I'll make sure to let Carrot know."
First I'm hurting ponies' feelings, now I'm LYING?

I scooped up Gummy, who had been staring at me for a while now, his emotionless purple eyes staring at me aimlessly.

"Aww I love you," I said, rubbing his little head with my hoof."You're the best!"

I sighed. If only he could help me now. But I knew I couldn't count on a pathetic reptile to help me with my issues. I had to help myself.

I packed my saddlebag with food, water, a blanket, and Gummy, and with out a word to any of the Cakes, strolled right out the door and into the open Ponyville, my confidence high. But as I walked around, ponies whispered.

"How 'bout Pinkie yesterday?"

"Look, it's HER,"

And other rude things were spoken, and the more I heard, the more my confidence plummeted. Who was I kidding? I wasn't going to just be normal again. That wasn't how it worked. "Hey, YOU."

I was jolted out of my train of thought.

"Huh?" I looked around frantically.

"Yah, YOU."

Me? Were they talking to me? "Wha?" I asked again, louder this time.

"Want to play hopscotch?" I whirled around yet again, only to see a little colt and a filly agree to playing hopscotch. What was I thinking?

Responding to a colt?

Am I desperate for socialization?

Embarrassed, a picked up a canter and didn't look up until I heard the call of a strange bird and felt the wind blow my mane. Leaves rustled. I looked up quickly. I ran all the way here. It seemed to pull me in.

A voice in my head whispered in a scratchy voice:

"Go, go, go inside, here we understand you..."

I looked up and gulped. I didn't want to in there.

But it understood me. I had to go in.

And without even looking back, I ran straight into the Everfree Forest.

"Pinkie, welcome home! We CARE about you here. Stay for a while!"

The voice felt like part of me.

"Wh-who are you?"

"You know who i am, Pinkie,"

"I don't under-"

"Of COURSE you do..."

But how? How did this pony, this THING know who i was? It all made no sense...

"Pinkie, i know who you are, your thoughts, your feelings, because-"

the raspy, dark voice paused. Then, the terrible voice changed into my own-

"Pinkie, I'm YOU!"

No Cupcakes!

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You look edible.

May I eat you?

The name's Pinkamena. Pinkamena Diane Pie to be specific, if you even care. Because I don't, and I suppose you don't.

I hope you know I HATE socialization so the fact that I'm even talking to right now should mean something.

So here's the thing. There was something clearly wrong with me. For one thing, I hate being social. I only host parties so that I can get some food on the table. My specialty?


But one morning I was gulping down a cupcake when I realized I had run out. The time had come for me to host another party. So I tore out my tattered phone book and called around 4 ponies, inviting them to come over. The day was long and I unhappily starved myself through lunch time. As the hours passed I watched the clock, setting up fake party supplies like balloons, polka dot napkins and bright red plates. I adjusted a party hat on my head and strapped a few over my left front hoof. And right when I finished hanging the last streamer:

Knock knock knock!

"Food!" I exclaimed to myself, but then quickly putting the kindest expression on my face that I could muster and answered the door.
"Hello there! I kindly said to 3 ponies standing at the door. I supposed the 4th hadn't arrived yet. I studied the ponies before letting them in.

All 3 were mares.

One was mint green with a cutie mark of a lyre. I smiled. I could add a green horn to my necklace of them. And on top of that, a lyre to add to my cutiemark quilt.

The next had A dull yellow mane with a grey body. She smiled at me, her eyes looking in opposite directions. I figured a new set of wings would do, and her eyes would make a wonderful decoration. Her cutie mark, however, bored me so I looked soon the last mare.

She avoided eye contact, her pale yellow wings and long pink mane shielding her face. I figured she'd be easy kill, based on her shyness, but something was holding me back. Like I was close to her. I glanced back at the other two and felt this jolt of pain, like I shouldn't be wearing their pelts and baking there eternal organs.

"Come in, come in, take a seat," I beckoned them in. They all sat at the table. I wanted to wait for the last pony to come before I fed on them all.
"So what's the party for?" The only unicorn asked as she sipped some punch. That punch had poison in it that made your stomach hurt, but it wasn't fatal.
"Well," I used the same excuse as always "I'm new here, and I like inviting ponies to my house for parties, and since I don't know anypony here, I decided to host a party to meet a few of you!" My pupils were tiny even in the dark room and my dirty straight mane kept hanging over my face. A brushed it away and grinned big.
Time passed as i waited for the 4th pony to show up. Unlike usual, my guests stories actually interested me.

Soon enough, I realized that that my last guest was not showing up, and released my plan.
"Why don't we play Hide-And-Seek?" I offered kindly, my cheeks sore from my fake grinning.
Everypony instantly agreed as if they were too as bored as i was and rather get murdered by me than sit and chat.
"I'll be it, you guys have 30 seconds to hide. The boundaries are this room, that room, and that room," I pointed to each area as i spoke. "Agreed?"
"Agreed," they spoke in unison.
Well except for Derpy.
But who cares about her.
"I'm starting!" i announced as i placed my hooves over my bloodshot eyes. "1...2..."
28 seconds later my hooves left my eyes and by random impulse looked up. 2 yellow, crooked eyes stared back at me. Derpy had been standing on the ceiling.
I almost laughed. "Come with me," i instructed the silly mare. She walked right next to me down the stairs into the basement. I quickly locked the door to the basement staircase as I descended it.
"Ooh it's dark in here," the pegasus commented as she stumbled down behind me.
"Yup." I was fairly surprised by the fact that she hadn't asked what i was going to do, but I didn't really ponder on it. i was prepared for the usual fear tantrum to be thrown as I lit the lights when we reached the bottom. But instead-
"Interesting decor! not really my choice of style but..." she trailed off as she intently focused on my Cutie Mark Quilt.This is going to be easy... I thought to myself.
"Lay down here," I ordered her as I gestured to a metal operation table-like object.
"OK!" she jumped on and laid down instantly. I grabbed two belts that were connected to the table. Quickly, i stretched them in a criss-cross position over her body and fastened it. Right when I was about to die of boredom because of how relaxed she was being, the first sign of worry finally escaped her mouth.

"What are you doing?"

I didn't reply.

"Please tell me," she whispered. Sweat bubbled on her grey fur as I sorted through my various tools, including a thin knife and a scalpel. I approached her with my chainsaw and wiped some blood off it with my hoof and licked it.
"Listen cupcake," I paused to cackle at my joke, "I want no fuss." I probed her wings with my hoof and traced around her cutie mark and stomach with the chainsaw as I planned where I'd cut.
"Don't touch my-"
"SHUT IT, I couldn't care less about your physical needs." i walked over to where i had placed my wings that i wore when baking. But I couldn't find them. Buck. I left them upstairs!
I had to get them. Nothing makes me happier than seeing the expression on a pegasus or unicorns face when i wear a set of horns or wings.
"I'll Be back," I grumbled as i ascended the stairs. I unlocked the door and stormed to the living room. I snatched the wings off a nearby chair and galloped back downstairs, forgetting to lock the door behind me- i only shut it.
"LET ME GO!!" tears streaked Derpy's cheeks. Her eyes were shut tight and her ears were flat against her sweat-soaked mane.

I was used to this. Everypony tries to escape and scream. That's why the whole place is sound-proof.

"Oh shut your babbling mouth," I insisted as i struck her tear-streaked face and slipping on my wings. Her eyes opened after i smacked her and she fell silent. She whimpered at the sight of the wings but didnt cry more.

"I thought we were friends," I heard her state firmly even though I had revved my chainsaw quite loudly. Pretending not to hear her i grinned ear to ear and began to bring the screaming chainsaw down to her flank .

I thought we were friends.

My smile faded and i stopped the saw.

I thought we were friends.

I slipped off the wings and unbuckled her.

I thought we were friends.

I fell to the ground and did something i hadn't done since i was a filly.

I thought we were friends.

i cried.