Prudent Mischief

by THoD

First published

Loki is just your average anti social 17 year old named after the Norse god of mischief... Oh, except he gets thrown into a world full of technicolor ponies on the whim of the god of chaos Discord for a duel.

My name is Loki, no not the Norse god of chaos, I'm just your average anti-social 17 year old hermit. Although I'm average, fate apparently decided my life shouldn't be and I find myself pulled into a strange world full of technicolor ponies, mythological creatures and a borderline insane god of chaos all due to some stupid misunderstanding.

Chapter 1 - Prologue

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Chapter 1: This is not a chapter it’s a prologue!

Here’s a fun fact: last year had been the most mundane year of my relatively short life. I don’t mean to be such a downer but it has come to my attention that everything I’ve been doing that past few years has been fruitless; school, making friends and all that “important” stuff. Every day felt like every other day and it just didn’t feel like it was going anywhere, so I dropped out of school and became a hermit of sorts.

Who am I? My name is Loki. Life is just full of irony isn’t it? Me, one of the most boring and unsociable people on the planet and my parents decided to name me after the Norse god of mischief. It seems my parents were big on mythology, I suppose I inherited a little of that from them. Notice I said ‘were’, my parents had passed away when I was just a toddler, then I had to be taken in by my grandparents and when I was finally old enough to take care of myself; they died too.

Don’t bother feeling pity for me, I’ve already come to terms with all of it and taken a valuable lesson from it too: ‘don’t bother forging relationships with people, they either betray you or die’. Cynical, I know and I suppose cynical is what I’ve become after years of those dearest to me vanishing and so called “friends” hanging around me just to use me.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not as if I don’t want friends, it’s the exact opposite. It’s just that I haven’t had many people I can trust in life and those who I did trust either died or weren’t who I thought they were. The rest were just random groups of people I hung out with at school so I didn’t look like some loser eating lunch by himself.

Life isn’t all that bad though, it has a few saving graces; anime, video games, the internet, junk food and smithing. I suppose the last of the few would be a little surprising. Another irony I think, I can forge daggers but I can’t forge bonds. It’s because I’ve always had a fascination with swordplay due to all the stories I was told by my grandparents but the question still remains; why in this day and age would some anti-social teenager want to make things out of metal? Because bite me, I enjoy what I enjoy and I’ve actually gotten pretty good at it for only practicing it for a year and some. I even managed to sell a few knives online, it’s satisfying work to say the least.

Enough about me though. I’m not too fond of talking about myself for too long. This is about the day things changed, the day I went to an entirely new world…


Beep! Beep! Beep! Goes my as the clock hits 10:30, sleeping in was one of the pros of being a hermit.

“Ugh…” I groan as I open my eyes and get out of bed to turn off my alarm.

10:30 huh? Another day in paradise… I think sarcastically to myself, still a bit groggy after waking up. That’s the good thing about being a hermit; you can get up and go to sleep whenever you want.

I walk over to the vanity mirror in my room to see how I look. Lookin’ good there Loki! I think to myself as I look my tired self over.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the sexiest beast of them all?” I say as I wait for a reply that doesn’t come. “Fine, fuck you then.”

For an anti-social hermit, I don’t look too bad. I stand at about 6’2, have a slim build with a bit of muscle that I never had until a few months ago; I suppose hammering metal will do that to you, dark brown eyes and messy brown hair that goes down to my shoulders.

I walk away from the mirror and prepare to begin my boring daily routine with the so called “most important meal of the day”; breakfast.


I open the pantry and look at its contents.

Cornflakes… All I have is cornflakes. Well that’s alright, I guess it’s better than nothing.

I pour the cornflakes into a bowl and go the fridge only to find that I was out of milk.

Of all the days… Whatever, I’ll just eat them as is, it’s better than having to walk down to the general store.

That was one part of being a hermit that I loathed. I lived alone but I didn’t have an unlimited supply of food and I couldn’t just order it off the web like I do my steel. Once in a while I’d have to go out and… Ugh… Deal with people.

After reluctantly eating the rather dry cornflakes, I went back to my room to spend the rest of the day on my computer. Maybe I’d marathon an anime or something.


I just wish I could have been born someone else, to start again… So that I could have friends... As soon as I finished that thought, I could have sworn that I heard someone trying to hold back laughter but I knew better and decided it was just my mind playing tricks on me and forgot about it.

“Time to check the emails… Increase your penis size… Once you’ve read this you can’t stop… Mail order wife…“ I sigh at the sight of all the spam. Maybe it’s time I made a new one, this spam stuff is getti- What’s this?” I cut myself off after I saw a strange looking email titled ‘Dear Mr. God of Mischief’. Usually I would have immediately passed it off as spam but it sounded as if it was talking about Loki, the Norse god, not me.

“Someone couldn’t have possibly thought I was the real Loki could they? Ha! Ok Mr. Uh… Chaos? Let’s see what you have to say”

Dear Loki,

You existence has come to my attention and it is quite the pickle – Not the delicious kind, the problematic kind. You see, I am the god of chaos and you are known as the god of mischief; a trickster. Do you see the problem? Two gods can not bear synonymous titles. That would be, well… It would be chaotic – but not the good kind! Therefore I have come to the conclusion that one of us must step down from our godhood, that one of us being you Mr. Mischief.

Let me get straight to the point. I challenge you to a duel Loki but not just any duel; a chaos duel. The loser gives up their powers and relinquishes their title, I’m sure you understand. After your reading this, I have made arrangements for you to be brought here. Do wipe your shoes before making yourself at home will you? Tata~

Sincerely, the one true god of chaos; Discord

“That’s the weirdest email I’ve gotten since the one about the goldfish questioning its own sexuality, this guy has sense of humour! Well my day just started to look a whole lot brighter, I guess it’s time to-“

That’s all I was able to get out before I was enveloped by a flash of light and blacked out. That’s strange, I can smell chocolate milk…


Well that’s all I’ve got for the prologue folks, I hope it was enough to at least get you to read the next chapter. The next chapter will be a lot bigger, I promise!

Do you Pinkie promise?

WOAH! What the heck was that?


I know who you are! What are you doing here? Aren’t you jus- I forgot you were Pinkie Pie for a second, I shouldn’t question it.

That’s funny, that’s exactly what all my friends say- OO! Will you be my friend? Can I throw you a party? It’ll be so much fun! I’ll go get my party can-

Damn it all, Pinkie Pie, answer my question! What are you doing here?

Oh well I saw that you were writing this story here and I thought I’d take a look, it’s a bit short though…

That’s because it’s a prologue Pinkie…

Prologue-smologue, you didn’t even write about anything fun! Oh and there were a few mistakes an-

Pinkie! It’s enough to have the commenters say it; I don’t need you to start pointing out my mistakes too.

Oh… Well ok! Will you Pinkie Promise now?

If I do, will you leave me alone?


*Sigh* Fine, cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Can you go now?

Okie dokie loki… Hehe, I made a punny~ See you later Thody!

Thody? She’s giving me nicknames now? Ugh, whatever… Anyway folks, make sure to comment and tell me your thoughts so far, the next chapter will be out soon… Probably.