A Soldier's Pain

by BronyKiller1

First published

What will happen when a soldier of war finds himself in Equestria?

Pfc Slice was looking forward to finally going home after a long war in Iraq. He looked forward to leaving the horror he saw and did behind him after the year of Fighting terrorists. On a final patrol before the drive to Kuwait his platoon is ambushed going through a village north of his FOB. During the firefight he is hit by an RPG blowing him into a strange light see what happens

Chapter I

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NAME: Slice




Great I thought, Here I was out in the open exposed yet again ground guiding the lead stryker for yet another patrol (yay).

"HURRY THE FUCK UP SLICE!" Yelled my squad leader. Great now SGT Dick is pissed for some stupid reason and takes it out on me.

"Great" I thought.

ROGER SGT MOVING! i yelled back starting to run. As soon as i got to the gate i ran back behind the stryker so my friends could lower the ramp and get to my gunner hatch and load my M240 machine gun i named rrrrrrrronda. As i got my headset on my friend berger asked if i could hear him i gave him a thumbs up and finished loading ronda

up and started scaning my sectors. Burger and i started talking about what we where gonna do once we got home, we were leaving in two weeks for a two day drive to kuwait

I didnt like that it was a lot of vehicles and taking mostly a direct drive to the border on a main highway, i didnt like it.

So what you gonna do when you get back home dude? asked burger.

I dont know man just relax i guess after i visit the parental units. I said as i chuckled

As soon as we got done talking i heard a popping sound and looked around, i didnt see anything. i could see Dick and SSGT Stroopaloop was on edge so i knew what it was then, it was gunfire, but to far to be a threat so we ignored the sound but were cautiously scanning our sectors extra careful.

Then our lead vehicle was hit, by an IED(improvized explosive device). It disabled the truck so we stopped and checked to see if everybody was ok, they were fine no injuries just shook up, two tires where done, then as the rest of the platoon was moving in to provide cover in case of ambush. As soon as the trucks started moving all hell broke loose.


RPG! someone yelled

We took cover by a car as the rocket struck the building behind us showering us in rocks and glass as the two buildings across the way opened up on us also, we responded in kind with 203, rifle, machine gun, and 50 cal fire at the buildings.


I didnt say anything as i opened up on them with ronda, she thundered with the sounds of her sisters as she sent death and destuction to the enemy. I looked left to my best friend and someone i saw as a brother go down from a shot to the shoulder.

"MEDIC!" I screamed as i continued to fire at the enemy.

Danvan our medic yelled at me to drag him over to him cause he was taking care of a couple of other wounded guys. from what i could see no one was killed or seriously injured but that didnt mean that it could'nt change if we didnt end this and get these guys some help.

i just hope that QRF(quick reaction force) gets here soon, it was startin to get bad as i dragged burger to davan, another rpg was fired barley missing one of our strykers. i started firing ronda again, i guess i got there attention cause my position was getting pelted with rounds i knew i had to move or id be dead.

"FUCK! Someone give me some covering fire so i can get to a better cover!" i yelled, but everyone was busy just trying not to be surpressed to think about me at the time. Seeing me, my friend hopkins fired a M203 round at the building that had me pinned down. As soon as i saw i wasnt suppressed anymore i ran for the stone wall behind me.

When i reached the wall i jumped over and set up my gun and began to fire again. As i was firing i didnt notice some sparks starting to gather behind me or the rpg soldier moving on my left flank.


THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IM TRYING TO DO SGT! i yelled back as i gunned down three enemy soldiers running down an allyway to reinforce the 2nd building firing at us. As i was reloading ronda i looked up just in time to an rpg bein fired in my direction, i knew i couldnt get out of there in time.

It hit the wall i was at i flew back into the sparks and disappeared the last thing i saw was the building where i was shot from explode and more strykers roll through laying down heavy fire... Our QRF finally arrived.

Chapter II

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TIME: 13:33(1:33)


A bright light above the trees of the everfree forrest started to grow brighter and brighter and exploded fire out a object in the shape of a animal, a pony to be exact firing right into the forrest trees and into the forrest floor making a trench through the snow and into another tree. The explostion from the light was loud enought to be heard in Canterlot even going so far as to rattle windows or shatter those close to the blast which was most of ponyville.

All the pony that heard the explostion saw the light disappearing wanted to know what it was so six ponys said they would go and investigate. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy,Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack stood at the entrance of the everfree forrest looking in not wanting to go in but knew they had to incase anyone was hurt or if there was a danger to ponyville so without waiting anymore they ventrued in.

"What u s'pose it is Twi"?Applejack asked. She was nervious she hoped it was just another weird thing that happens in the forrest all the time. She still had a whole bunch of window that needed to be replaced and a hospitalized Granny Smith and a petrified Winona to calm down and a very excited Applebloom who wanted to come but AJ bout had to tie her down to make sure she wouldnt follow them into the forrest.

"Dont no AJ i just hope nopony is hurt that was a really scary explostion all of my windows are going to need to be replaced back home." The ponys started down the path thinking what could have caused the the light and explostion, plus for Twilight she needed to talk to Zacora for cold meds for spike, turns out he was the cutie mark crusaders with there cutie marks and they tried for a ice fishermans cutie mark, but it didnt work out spike was going to burn a hole in the ice for them to fish in but he walked on a part of thin ice and fell in the crusaders helped him out of the ice but he was running a fever and couldnt stop shaking, the poor guy was in his bed by the fire trying to keep warm.

As they where goin down the path Applejack spotted something wrong with the trees all the branches broken and headed one way Rarity spotted it also.

" Hey girls take a gander at them banches, there all broken" said Applejack. Everone who didnt notice it looked up and saw what she was talking about. Pinkie Pie got exiced and started bouncing around talking about all kinds of different things, Rainbow had to clamp her mouth shut.

"Pinkie Pie you are so random" said Rainbow. Still holding onto Pinkie who just kept bouncing following the path of broken limbs, as they continued there trek Applejack saw something in the snow it was long, black and stuck out of a pile of snow as she looked closer she saw something that didnt go with it was a strange color that looked like clothes she moved the snow some more and saw a PONY!

"Girls git over here theres somepony in the snow and he looks pretty bad" yelled AJ. The pony was a unicorn he had on some stange clothes with some sort of helmet and bulky vest looking thing with other pocket things all over it the pony himself was brown with balck stipes in a few places he had a mask on his face that was torn in some places, his mane was a reddish brown, what really caught her attention was the tree limb sticking through his right shoulder.

I woke up hurting all over, all i wanted to do was go back to sleep but i was cold and wet i needed to get moving as soon as i tried to move i had bite back a scream i started to open my eye to see myself and see what kind of damage there was when i saw a horse lookin at me, i didnt give it much thought ive seen enough of them since ive been in iraq i looked down and saw the stick in my shoulder but what really got me was the snow last i remember it was 132 degrees outside and i was in a dusty little village in the desert not a snowy forrest. Then i heard some voices i looked around and didnt see anyone then i realized it was coming from the hourse in front of me, thats when i saw a hat on its head and it was talking to me.

"Ah said stay still theres a big limb in yer arm so dont move" said AJ. As she looked at the stallion he was lookin pretty rough besides the stick he had numerious cut and scrapes all over his body. She was wondering how he got this way when he spoke.

"Ah'm defenately not with the unit anymore" he said and promply passed out, Applejack looked confused but she shrugged and had twilight help carry him, he was heavy bout the size of big mac as they got the snow off him and saw the rest of him they gasped his lower body was really bad he had all kinds of metal bits sticking out of his hind legs and his front left leg was broken. They were shocked what could have done this to him thats when they noticed all the blood they had to get him to the hospital and fast or he would bleed out. Twilight and AJ moved fast but carefull not make him worse. As they where headed back they didnt forget his things the long metal things one was strapped around him the other was with Pinkie Pie who was using it as paddle to row along the ground as if she was in a boat how she did these things theyed never know.

They burst through the front door carring the pony, nurse red heart saw his condition and started to shout for a doctor and to get him into surgery. It was later that night when they finaly got him stable he lost alot of blood, now he was in a room being monitored.



SLICE MOVE! GO GO GO GET TO THE TRUCKS LETS GO GET OUT OF THE OPEN! yelled my sgt, over all the incoming mortar strikes, i glanced left and saw the rest of my platoon doin the same goin to a truck to help in taking out the enemy mortar teams, all i could think of is that its bullshit we couldnt fire our big guns back at them but something about property and collateral damage to civilians. As i ran i looked behind me to see one of the men ive served with for the past 8 months have a enemy go through his back out the front of him hit the ground and explode blowing him in a rain of blood, i looked in front of me and saw one of our 4 ton trucks get hit i saw the driver jump out on fire screaming as men tried to put the fire out and save him i looked right to see a brand new kid just met him today huddled behind a conceat barrier holding himself crying calling for someone i never found out as round came through the barrier taking his head off. I couldnt move it was the first real deaths i saw in person of people i knew dying in a very violent way. As time started to go back to normal i was in my kit (body armor, rifle, extra mags, extra ammo for my baby girl and just in case extra ammo for rondas sister jessie(my m-4). I knew it wouldnt matter once we started to roll out the shells stopped by the time we got to the mortar site they were gone.

Applejack was getting worried she came to see how the pony they found was doin only to come into his room and see him struggling in his sleep the heart beat monitor was going crazy it was beeping rapidly he was sweating and had a look of pain on his face, she called for help but no one was there she started to panic she ran over to the struggling pony, he calmed down a little bit he wasnt struggling anymore but his heart rate was still off the chart still and he hasnt stopped sweating she didnt know why but she called out to him trying to calm him down.

"Hey partner ya need to calm down ok parkner its ok" she said. She calmed down alittle bit when she saw he stopped sweating so much and his breathing wasnt as ragged, she grabbed a near by chair and held his hoof while brushing his mane and spoke calm soothing words as she saw him visable starting relax his breathing slowed back down to normal he stopped sweating and his heart rate slowed down to normal. She didnt know what it was, it was like she know how to help him relax.

I opened my eyes and saw something beautiful she was gorgious. 'Beautiful" I said as i looked into the most dazzeling pair of eyes i ever saw, i started to go back to sleep as i saw other figures run in talking rapidly i couldnt make out what they where saying i was just so tired.

Applejack was stunned she never had anyone call her beautiful before course shes been call that by her friends and family but since theres so few stallions in ponyville she didnt get those from compliments from them before. She looked at him he had a content smile on his face, now with the mask off she saw a jagged scar going from the bottom of his chin to the top of his cheek bone along with others a small one on his left eye they both looked fresh but it wasnt hidious, with his smile he looked cute. Just then a nurse and doctor ran in and went straight to the pony on the bed they check him over and looked at her and asked what happened.

"Ah was just coming to check up on him and found him like goin all kinds of crazy i shouted for help but nopony was around so ah started to panic so i started to talk to him and he started to calm down but he was goin crazy so i started to brush his mane and he calmed down all the way, i remember Granny Smith doin that to me when i was upset and she talked me down.

*UGH* i felt like shit i looked up and the i was lookin at the white tiles i looked to my left and saw all the get well cards, I was just about to get out of bed when i felt something wrong i looked down to see myself i nearly choked. I saw a horse body i freaked out a little bit just a little im a combat veteran i dont get freaked out by small things like being in the body of a horse.



i looked up to see who said that and standing in the doorway was another pony dressed in doctors uniform, like i said i dont freak out over small details... I passed out.

Chapter III

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TIME 1553(3:53)


HEY SLICE GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE ITS TIME FOR SOME FOOTBALL MAN YOUR ON D! My friend Jake yelled at me as I was headed to the smoking area talking to my other friends CC and Burger.

WHO WE PLAYIN AGINST? I yelled back.


UGH! Why do they always want to play us? I thought so far its us 23 them 3 and that three was because we got called up on a mission before the final play so we had to quit at the end, or get called to do a detail, hahaha but the i do have to give them props for persistants though but ill give them one thing they can kick our ass two ways till sunday in soccer though.

OK JUST HOLD ON A SEC ILL GET THE TERP AND SOME WATER! I yelled to him as i ran to grab the terp and water my sgt dick came running up to me yelling at me to grab the guys we got called up we got to do a mission. I ran and got the guys, all i could think is we just lost another game to the I.A.

As I ran and got my gear i double checked it to make sure everything was good and ran out to join the rest of the guys. We mounted up after the ramp brief and headed out to the gates that lead to one of the highways leading to the road outside our OP( outpost) and headed down RT Conooks to RT BullDog for a mounted patrol and once we got to the village do a small foot patrol and make sure everything was ok, we had gottin reports that there was a arms stash there so we were to check it out.

"Hey Slice what are you doin for R&R you leave in like two weeks right and please dont tell your just gonna sit at home with your parents and read man". My buddy burger said as we rolling down Conooks to our patrol area.

"Nah i dont know man my brother said he has a surprise for me but knowing him he'll have either weed or liquor hopefully some cognac, i hate beer makes me feel sick". I said as we stopped at a crossroad to dismount and start our foot patrol.

The ramp lowered and we dismounted check our fives and twenty fives for IEDs, we knew what we had to do meet up with the leader of the village and see what he needed help with and see if there had been any bad guys around that they could point out.

We were there for four hours while our captain talked to the village leader and we were dying from the heat and bordom, there were cows out in the field and we were all making jokes on if the meat would be any good as my sgt came up to us saying we should be rolling out soon.

"Thank god ah was bout to shoot myself im so fuckin borded, when we get back im soooo takin a six hour shower i still think we should take the cow though thats some gooood eatin right there boys yall dont know what yall missin out on i could grill yall up a nice fat mississippi burger boys". I said as we started to leave. A little iraq boy came up to us asking for candy, i had some jolly ranchers in my cargo pocket my mom sent me in a care package three days ago.

I gave the kid a box and told him to share it with the rest of his brothers and sisters i asked the terp if he could translate that to him so the terp told the boy what i said he looked like he didnt want to so i told the terp if he did the next time i come through town ill have a big bag just for him if he shared and asks the terp to translate for me, when he did i thought the boys face was gonna break he smiled so big i just laughed and told the boy to go on back to his family.

I never got the boys name as we left i saw the boy with his siblings all around him gettings some candy talking about the cool American that gave it to him as he pointed at me and started waving as were turning a corner. That was the last time i saw the boy i found out later that he and some of his friends were killed in a suicide bomber attack as they were in a market place getting food for there families. As we rolled away back to the OP we dismounted and had a debrief and went back to our tents for now till we get called out for another mission.

Hey Slice what you doin man you busy? My friend Carlson asked.

"Not really just gettin the sand out of Jessie here i hate bein in the rear vic, i gotta eat all the sand and shit the other strykers kick up it sucks, but aint know use and complaining aint know one gonna listen to it anyways, SO what'cha need jelly bean?" I said as i continued to clean my litte girl from the shit today, it sucks getting dust out the star chamber you got to bend you a Q-tip to get any of it out.

"Me and some guys from 3rd platoon need some help with fixin up tower two you know how the floor boards are loose? Well Jackson fell through the other night on duty and now we got to fix it cause he hurt his ankle, it was funny as shit though i heard him yell from the other end of the OP in tower one he sounded like a little girl screaming" He said laughing

"Ah dont see why not just let me put Jessie back together and we'll be off" I said as he nodded and left, I put jessie back together and went outside to help at tower two.



I turned around and looked to see who was there, it was nobody but i kept hearing mister being called out to me.I kept turning around and around nobody but i kept hearing it then it started to get really bright. I opened my eyes to see the same pretty green eyes looking back at me, it was then i realized i had been asleep. My eyes shot open when i realized that it was the horse calling out to me.

Well boy howdy mister Ah didnt think you was ever gonna wake up how you mister? The horse said as it looked at me with worry in its eyes. My names Applejack whats yours mister? I just stared at the horse as it looked at me waiting for my answer, I couldnt believe it this horse was really talkin and couldnt think of anything besides that ive gone crazy from the war or something so i desided to play along and introduce myself it'd be rude to just stare at it, my momma raised me right so i stuck out my hoof and introduced myself with a big smile and shook.

Ah'm Private First Class Slice of the 4-9 INF battalion, stryker division Ah'm 20 years young im from Mississippi and proud southern boy Ms. Applejack pleased to meet'cha if i do say so myself my friends call me Slice what can i do you for Ms. Applejack? I said as I shook her hoof.

I gotta say the girl was speechless and I might have shook her hoof a little to hard her eyes were going all loopy but she shook her head and smiled at me. I dont know why but her smile made me smile wider and i got the butterflys in my gut but i brushed off as to being in a strange place with talking ponys.

Well boy howdy id say thats a mighty fine greeting you got there and a mighty strong handshake to if i do say so myself, now how bout yall tell me how yall ended up in the Everfree forrest three days ago if you dont mind me askin? She said

The Everfree Forrest? Ah aint never heard of that place before, excuse me miss but you look real familar do i know you from somewhere?I said as l looked at her with a confused look on my face.

Yall aint never heard of the Everfree Forrest? Where you from cause ah aint never heard of this Mississippi either come to think of it." She asked. I was so confused hasnt heard of Mississippi how is that possible then i remember that i snaped and now im in a land of talking ponys and so decided to tell a little white lie dont need them thinking im a crazy and put me in a nut house even if i think i am.

"Well Ah'm from a far off land from this place call the United States ah dont suppose you heard of it, its past the um forrest place you were talkin bout and Mississippi is one of the states in our nation and i serve in the military there in the infantry like ah said earlier but just to clear things up um where am i ?Oh and just call me Slice miss." I said as i looked at her she had the same confused look on her face as i did mine.

Well alrighty Slice if you say so then just call me Applejack everypony else does, and i cant say ah ever heard of where your from maybe the princess will know more about it and as for where yer at yer in ponyville hospital in the kingdom of Equestria, ah'm just a farmer at Sweet Apple Acres with my brother Big Mac, Applebloom,and Granny Smith just down the road from here,we go visit once if yall want to surgarcube we sell the best apples in all Equestria." She stated proudly

"Well Applejack I do thank you kindly ah dont suppose yall know when ah'll be gettin out of this hospital would you" I asked her i hate hospitals because of all the times i had to stay in them myself or to visit family and friends, its also where i lost alot of them as well if i didnt loose them on the battlefield. Just as Applejack was about to reply a new pony came in with a clipboard, she looked up and smiled.

"Well sir im glad your awake we ran some test and your just fine besides the cuts, broken leg and stick that was in your arm your good to go you can pick up your things at the front and dont work those legs to much ok AJ you want to escort him out"? The nurse asked Applejack.

"Sure might as well give him a tour of ponyville while ah'm at it, so you ready to go surgarcube"? AJ asked me

"Lead the way Applejack".I said as i way led away from the room towards the front dest to get my gear from the security guard. We talked a little small talk on the walk down the stairs and outside.

"So Applejack what should ah expect from tha people here ah just hope it aint nothin like where i was before i got here"? I asked the last part i muttered hoping that she didnt hear me but i wasnt known for my luck.

"Well the ponys here are real nice yall be makin friends in no time at all, why is where yall from not that friendly?" asked AJ. I didnt want to say anything at first but seein has how she sounds like a southern girl i knew she wouldnt let up even if i tryed so i might as well tell her.

"You see Applejack where im from we'er at war and ah'm a soldier from that war ah've seen things and done things ah'm not proud of and ah'm not feelin up to talk about it if yall dont mind its just not tha kind of things i like to remember ok." I said with my head down with a far away look in my eyes as i heard the sounds of gunfire, screams of the wounded and dying. As i got my gear and weapons it made me feel a little better to be with something familar.

AJ saw the look in my eyes they were glazed over with a far away look on my face she didnt push the issue any further... for now.

"Ok surgarcube i wont ask yall bout the war lets get somethin ta eat at sugarcube corner ill buy."She said

I smiled at her and nodded my thanks as we were walkin i got a shit eating grin on my face as i saw the place we were going to eat at."So your gonna pay huh ah never had the girl pay for the first date." I teased as i looked at her face it was great she was doing a great inpression of a big red apple as I busted out laughing as i trotted to the cafe.

Chapter IV

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TIME: 1615(4:15)



(FLASHBACK) (4 months into the depoyment )

"Slice cover to the left over there by that house, your sector is from that tree to that one over there that far one to the right roger?" Sgt Dick said as we set up for another talk with village leader in another poe dank dirt village in the middle of no where while we sitting out here in the heat of the day while our CO and senior sgts were inside the big dung house in the AC, gotta love it.

"Sigh" so here we are again without anything happening again guarding another open field with nothing but cows in it and the occational dog or person coming along the field or something. 'Man this is so gay man we've been up and down this sector with nothing happening for the past month so what the fuck are we still doin here, UGH! I hate just sitting here with my thumb up my ass all day while those assholes sit inside the A.C. where its all nice and cool UGH!'


"NO Im up sgt just thinkin is all dont yall worry bout me but i think you need to check on Moe Moe over there he aint lookin to good there he look like he's bout to fall now man so old and all" I said laughing as I went back to watching my sector as he went to check on Moe Moe and see if he needed to be swaped out for a second with one of the privates. As he went and did that I went back to thinking how much I hated upper brass and stupid ass missions.



"Johnsons down! MEDIC! Doc get over here he's not moving!

"Contact left!"




The sounds of the fight rang in my ears after the RPG exploded blowing me from my position and knocked me a little loopy from the blast. "SLICE! SLICE! YOU OK MAN!" I heard my buddy Burger started yelling at me from his position. I just raised my hand and waved as I got up."SLICE GET THE FUCK TO COVER NOW MAN" Jake yelled to me as I staggered to cover by one of the wall to a hooch.

"GET BACK ALL OF YOU! MOVE!" Moe Moe yelled at some of the Iraq's to get them out of harms way.


"SLICE FIRE YOUR WEAPON!" Sgt T yelled to me. I was with my baby Ronda and 500 rounds to send to who ever is shooting at us so I guess Ill return the favor right back at them. I moved to another slab of cover as rounds hit the ground as I was running, I just hit the wall as rounds hit the wall where I was at. I returned fire as another wave of rounds hit my cover.

I looked to my right to see my friend Burger pinned down by enemy fire, I saw someone move around to his right flank it was a boy no older than 12 he had in his hand an AK 47. And he was going for Burger and Moe Moe, I wasnt the only one who saw him my friends Jake and Sgt. T saw him to I was just able to act faster.


(End Flashback)

"Slice you ok, Slice?"

"OH! Im so sorry AJ I just had some... stuff on my mind is all its nothin to worry about ok." I said as I looked away from her and tryed to not look at her.

"Hey sugar cube its ok you want to talk about it its not good to hold bad things in it'll eat you alive sugar cube." She said as she tryed to look at me in the face.

"Miss. Applejack even if I told you what it is thats botherin me yall would never understand what its like for what I went through over there ma'am yall just cant ever understand what ah have seen an done..." I said as I tryed to get up and leave, I had just made it out the door but she cut me off standing in front of me blocking my path. I just wanted to be alone for a bit this was to much for me not only am I in a whole new world but im a pony a FUCKING PONY away from my family and friends after all of what I went through to come back home after all Ive done to come back home after all the friends I lost FOR A FUCKING STUPID WAR they'ed never understand.

Applejack could never understand what I had to go through no one could ever undstand, this place its to peaceful there looks like theres never been war no real crime nothing like my world this place... would never understand the reality of my world and how ugly and beautiful my world is.

"O no you dont sugar cube your not gonna change the subject this time you cant let what happened eat you up inside like this you can-

"Miss Applejack move aside please I dont want to talk about it please dont yall worry none bout me ok ah'm just dandy." I said as I planted on a smile and tried to assure her that I was fine as tried to move around her but she just moved in front of me again "Please move Ms Applejack yall just couldnt understand what ah've had to do ok please dont ask me to please ah dont want yall to judge me like they did to me back home" I begged her I couldnt take it anymore so many memories the sceams of being called a murderer I just cant take it, it was getting to much for me I dont what it was about this female pony but she's hitting to hard against the walls I put up and she was breaking through the to fast for my liking.

"Please sugar cube I know its hurtin yall inside ah can tell by how yall dodged the questions when ah asked the way yall stare off into space the bags under yalls eyes from no sleep." She said " YALL CANT JUST KEEP BOTTLIN IT UP ALL THE TIM-


"Who did yall kill sugar cube what happened tell me I wont judge yall ah promise." She said concerned trying to calm me down.

"Yea right fine I dont care anymore" I said as my eyes glazed over as I fell into my memories.

" We were on a patrol in a village in the southern part of our patrol sector for our battalion we were to visit the village leader and talk about any enemy activity in the area and the higher ups were gonna have dinner as well with the leader and his family, I was standing guard over a section of a field when we were attacked by a sniper and some infantry my cover was blown up and I was knocked for a loop for a second and was told to move out of there I got to some more cover and fired back at them, when I got back into the cover I looked to see one of my friends in trouble when a boy came around a corner he was armed and was goin to kill my friends so I fired first I shot 3 rounds into him one in his arm one in his chest and the... the last was where the boys left eye was. The boy was younger than my sister and I took his life before it even began, I KILLED A CHILD I TOOK A LITTLE BOY AWAY FROM HIS PARENTS I-

I didnt get a chance to finish what I was saying as I felt myself being pulled into a hug by the orange mare, I didnt know it but I had been crying and ive only talked about one mission but it was the worst one and the one nightmare that keeps coming back at night.

"Ah'm so sorry didnt know it was like that where your from ah'm so sorry sugar cube im so sorry, but it aint yalls falt yall where protectin yalls friends from him if you didnt do what yall did then yall might have lost yer friend, why I dont know what I would of done if I was in yalls position I dont know if ah could of done it sugar cube. Ah'm so sorry sugar cube ah didnt mean to bring those memories up ah just couldnt stand seein yall with that pained look in yer eyes when yall get that far away look."she said still holding onto me while squeezing me.

"AJ thank you, thank you so much you have no idea how much that means to me for you to just be supportive to me is more than I ever had back home once people found out what I did they turned on me they called me a baby killer and a murderer that I should've died there." I felt her squeeze me tighter as said that I could feel tears on my neck from where her head was as I pulled back I saw the tear streaks down her face she tried to pull away. I couldnt see her face she was trying to put up a tough face but I've seen that face every time I look in the mirrow, so I held her face there and looked right into her eyes and smiled at her.

"Has anyone told you got very beautiful eyes Ms. AJ" I said smiling at the blush that was coming on her face it was very cute but all good things must come to an end and it came when I saw we were pretty much in the middle of town and everypony was looking at us.

"Um well as much fun as this has been ah need a place to stay an I dont see no hotel or apartments or anything um you got any ideas Ms. AJ?" I asked as we started to walk down the road.

"Well ah got a room back on the farm if yall are interested but it aint free yall gonna have to pull yer weight round there yall get a room with a dresser and a home cooked meal after a hard days work. Ah'll introduce yall to the-



"OWWWWWW! What the hell was that?" I cried rubbing a knot on my head as I started to get up but there was a weight on my chest, I looked down and saw a creature with wings looking up at me when I realized how close we were to each others faces.

"Ummm ma'am if you dont mind could you get off me these guns aint really soft on my back and they're startin to dig" I said as I tried to get up but she hasnt moved off me she just kept staring at me, it was starting to weird me out a little but I was saved yet again be AJ.

"Gilda? What in tarnation are yall doin get off him did yall not hear him? She yelled at the griffon who was still staring at me that when I started to notice something familiar about her she reminded me of someone id love to forget with all my being.

"Whats your name girl?" I growled

"Gilda whats it to you?" she said

"Ms. Applejack you mind givin us a moment please I believe this griffon has some answers to some of my questions if you dont mind and I want to get those answers NOW! So please just give me a sec with this mare please, I believe me and this GRIFFON know each other real well." I asked/stated

"Um sure Slice um ah'm gonna head on over to the farm just follow this road and you wont miss it." She said waving as she left and headed home. I watched her reaction as Applejack said my name and thats when I knew it was her, her eyes where wide and she looked a little pale. Once I was sure Applejack was out of hearing range I turned to her with pure hate and rage.

"So this is where you went huh Jess, where is it where is my baby, WHERE IS MY BABY JESS WHAT DID DO WITH MY CHILD BITCH!



"Dont ever say I love you after what you did to me bitch I'd never forgive you for what did so dont think Id ever love you. NOW WHERE IS MY CHILD YOU WHORE WHAT DID YOU DO WITH IT!" I screamed in her face as she was she was staring at me with a shocked look on her face from what I said and did, she was holding her face as she looked at me with tears in her eyes.



She started shake as she saw me walk over to my kit I had a baton in my back pouch


She was babbling about something about the baby so i stopped and asked her what she said but she stopped talking again but kept shaking, I was standing over her again and looked at her with pure hate.
