Dark Magic

by newHelm

First published

Spike decides to try and end the war, but first he must protect the Elements of Harmony form King Sombra and the duke of the drakos.

It's been three years since Spike and Big Macintosh joined the war. Spike has a secret that is the cause of his joining the war that he feels would destroy his friendships, but can it stay hidden? King Sombra has returned and has joined forces with the duke of the drakos. The Elements of Harmony are called in to defeat Sombra who is turning the war in favor for the drakos, and Spike's squad is called in to protect them. Sombra has a grudge against the purple drakos, and leverage.

War is Ugly

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Spike held the back of private Sunrise's head, their foreheads touching. "It's alright Sunrise, it's ok."

"I'm sorry sir. I couldn't help."

Spike smiled, tears running down his cheeks. "You did help private, you saved us. We won this battle thanks to your bravery. Say your peace."

Sunrise took in a wavering breath. "Captain, can you tell that blue mare, she was beautiful for me. I would have liked to married that one."

"She would like that. What about family?"

"Died in the drakos attack on Fillydelfia. Think they are proud of me?"

"I know it. If nothing else, we're proud to have served with you."

"Thank you sir. You and captain Apple are my heroes. Thank you for letting me serve with you."

"Thank you for the good memories. Ready?"

Sunrise clenched his eyes and teeth shut. "Thank you sir, I'm sorry I couldn't do more. Don't blame yourself sir." With everything he had left, he placed his hoof on Spike's claw. The claw covering horribly bleeding wound in his side. He nodded, pain coursing through his body. He was ready.

Spike smiled gently as he raised his other claw to his subordinate's, his friend's jaw. With a swift jerk, it was over and the life left the young colt's eyes.

The smile left Spike as rage consumed him. The squad's medic, an older stallion with a dark green coat and orange mane, took off his helmet and threw it across the dessert. His scream filled with hate and fury. "Damn it all!"

Spike rose from above the cooling corpse. The air around him darkened as he stormed over to his friend and partner. Macintosh had his hoof over the throat of a brown drakos. He gave Spike a hard look before nodding at the disabled drakos. "I know. Has he said anything?"

Macintosh huffed. "Nope."

Spike looked over their prisoner's wounds. Just to make sure the right muscles were cut to keep him from moving. "So, this is how it goes. I ask a question, you answer. Don't answer, pain. Understand?"

The drakos smiled up at his enemies. "So, you lot are going to kill me anyway. My pride can not be bought by the likes of you and your pathetic friends." The drakos sneered. "Ponies are good for only one thing, lunch." He let out a ravenous laugh, until the hoof on his throat pushed down harder. He sputtered and gasped helplessly, until the hoof lessened allowing him to breath and cough.

Spike sneered at their captive. "Listen idiot. I don't want you to die, I want you to feel every painful moment I have for you. Now I can be merciful and allow a quick death, if you answer. Now, understand?"

The drakos nodded. "Good, now, you have a supply depot around here, where is it?"

The drakos smiled. "Under your tail." He let out a ravenous laughter. "Oh, Shadowfang that was good."

Spike lowered his claw to the drakos's leg and clawed out a chunk of scales and flesh. The drakos yelled in pain. "The depot, now."

"When you come back to your own race 'your majesty'." It continued like that through the rest of the day and into the night before the drakos finally succumbed to his wounds and died in excruciating pain.

Spike walked to the small gathering of his fellow troops. He sat next to Macintosh who slid a small box purple box to him. Spike eyed the box till he saw the small card attached and read it. 'From Rarity. Keep up you strength. Miss you.' He gave his friend a quizzical, till he opened the box and saw the gemstones inside. He smiled like a small child, it had been a long time since he had a good gem. He nodded at his silent friend before eating a few. He looked up at the bright desert sky, a longing for home filled him. They all wanted home, unfortunately most end up like Sunrise, a casualty. He hated that word. As if there was anything casual about death.

Spike dropped his head into his hands, rubbing his cheeks before laying down to sleep.

Spike snapped up, sword drawn. He looked at the pony that had woken him at his feet. The pony was one of the older soldiers, with a dark brown coat and a white mane. Corporal Cliphoof, he threw his head behind himself, it was Spike's turn to guard.

Spike waved him off as he stood, putting away his blade. This would be a long night. He stood at the western side of the camp, his eyes peeled for any activity. His eyes stayed sharp, but his mind wandered. He thought of Sunrise, and good of a pony he was. Spike smiled thinking of the first time they met, fan colt extreme. He had rambled on and on about Spike's and Macintosh's feats of greatness. Spike had puffed his chest and strutted, while Macintosh had just rolled his eyes. He had exclaimed his joy for finally getting to work with his heroes until he realized that he was in the guard and needed to act as such. It had taken weeks to get him to become comfortable with the group again.

Was that movement towards his left, no, just the wind kicking up some sand.

It was a weird day when Spike had learned that Sunrise had developed a crush on his home town friend Rainbow Dash. Apparently, he had been working on a letter to her for a week, but nothing had came to him. Spike had found the letter and at first teased him about his marefriend, until he read the part about the rainbow mane and stood stunned. Macintosh handled that one, until Spike was asked to be his wing pony. Spike laughed at the thought of his athletic friend with the childish, desperate to please, goofy private. He agreed in the end, but just to help a friend, not to play hook up. As he thought about it all, while sitting in the sand, it may have worked between the two. From the fact that Rainbow Dash actually sat down to write out long letters back, and the fact that she wrote longer letters to Sunrise than to Spike. Now all of that was gone, now that he had killed the young colt.

Spike released a heavy breath. It was going to be another long, contemplative night.

Spike took a little too much joy in kicking Macintosh awake. "Come on sleepy head, time to move."

Macintosh opened his eyes lazily. "Awake the whole time huh, well than get up. Spoil sport, I was hoping to get you back for all those kicks I get. I'm losing my rugged good looks from lack of sleep."

The red pony got up and smiled at his drakos friend. His face turned grim as he nodded in Spike's direction. "Yeah, I'm fine. Well as fine as I can be. I know he was going to die in pain, and I helped ease that pain, but it still feels wrong, and very sad."

They sat together for a moment. "He had it in him. Could of been better than us."

His companion just uttered softly. "Eeyep."

"Rainbow Dash is gonna take it hard."


"I'll tell her."


"I know her better. She'll need someone to cry with, someone who knew them both. She wouldn't let herself cry in front of you, I can save my tears for then. Don't take that the wrong way."

Macintosh simply placed his hoof on Spike's shoulder. He nodded in understanding.

Spike stood and looked around the makeshift camp. The rest of their squad was packed and ready, two of the ponies had a stretcher between them with Sunrise's body on it. A yellow pony with a black mane approached him and Macintosh, saluting. "Sirs, corporals Cliphoof and Burns have volunteered to take private Sunrise back home. I suggest sending private Brass as support. That would leave us, medic Hawkeye, and sergeant Cloudcutter to assault the supply depot."

Spike shook his head. "No, Bumble, you lead all the men home, and than straight to the Crystal Kingdom, me and Mac will deal with the depot."

"But sir! The depot would be heavily defended. Should a larger force and a well placed plan be a better just the two of you looking?"

Macintosh shook his head. "Nope."

Spike grinned. "Don't worry lieutenant, I have a plan, but it will make the trip home harder. You need all the men you have to get there. We will give you a two hour head start, get going."

Bumble saluted as he turned to relay his orders, but stopped as Spike call out to him. "Lieutenant, you've grown to fit your rank. You're no longer the bumbling officer demanding respect, you've earned it now. Lead the men to safety."

Bumble saluted before turning back to the men and leaving.

Spike looked over at his co-captain and friend. "About two hours. You ready?" He pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He lit two and offered one to Macintosh as he stuck the other between his lips. The pony looked at the thing, brows furrowed and a look of disgust. "I know, I know. Your gonna quite, but we may die here. Plus we both know your gonna take it." Macintosh shrugged as he lifted an eyebrow, before taking the cigarette in his mouth. "Taste worst than hay, huh."

Spike stretched and drew his bone handled machete. "Alright, the locator spell will tell us just were the green drakos is. He commands the depot, so it should lead us there. We blow the thing sky high and get the hay outta there. Kill as many as we can so the main troops have less to deal with. We win, in a week Equestria will be that much closer to the drakos capital and killing the duke. All in a day right."

Macintosh chuckled as he tightened the sword around his hoof. He checked his spiked shoe and short shoulder mounted blade as well. He turned to Spike and nodded as he placed a plain metal mask over his face. Spike nodded back as he put his antler drakos skull mask on. "Once I do the spell, every drakos in the area will know where we are and come running. So we gotta be fast and hit hard. Well here goes." With all said, Spike let loose a mighty breath of green fire. It twirled in the air before shooting off to their left at incredible speed. It took a lot of strength just to keep up with the arrow shaped fire as it shot towards its target.

As they ran, an orange drakos with blue spines jumped from the sands to their right. Without missing a beat Macintosh sliced his blade across his throat, killing him. They kept running.

They knew they were closing in as more and more drakos showed up to challenge the two, not one of them stood a chance. With whirling blades, claws, or spiked hooves being their demise. Spike nor Macintosh stopped until the green arrow of fire shot into the ground.

Spike grinned as he pulled his blade from the body of a dead drakos. "Smart, nopony would think to look under the sand. Let's go." With a mighty breath, Spike blew mighty torrents of fire at the sand, making a large dark hole in the ground. "Sometimes I love this black magic."

They jumped into the hole and found what they were expecting. A large green drakos was pierced by the magical fire arrow and was withering on the ground in pain. Seven other drakos stood around them, ready and armed. Spike looked over at Macintosh who had finished his cigarette and grinned back. "Aw man, you still smoke faster than me. Well how about we show these wack jobs who we are?"

A nod in response and they began their attack. Spike blew a burst of fire at one and charged another. The drakos raised a spear at him, he rolled to the side and slashed the drakos. The burned one finally extinguished the flames turned to Spike, sword raised to strike. Spike raised his blade to deflect the blow, than swiped his claws across his opponent's throat. A third drakos slammed a war hammer into Spike's back, using his comrades death as an opening. Spike screamed in pain as he was knocked down. The pain was intense and if not for the chainmail suit, unbearable. He grunted as he forced his worn and weary body up. He heard the drakos over him, as he went to drop his hammer on Spike's head. Quick movement saved him as he rolled onto his back as the hammer landed right next to his head. Spike gave no time for the drakos to try again, his blade was gone so he grabbed at a spear next to him and jabbed it through the larger drakos. It went through his opponent's arm as they both screamed in pain and effort.

Spike recognized his opponent. They had meet in battle many times, names were never exchanged but he knew the black scales and red spines. The enemy drakos had a scar over his left eye cheek. It was this drakos that had used his claws to permanently scar Spike's cheek. They had gone blow for blow on may and neither could kill the other, the war always came first and always got in their way.

With a mighty roar, the black drakos raised his hammer with his good arm and slammed it down onto where Spike use to be. Spike had dropped the spear and rolled forward, grabbing his machete as he went. He stood and went to swing at his rival's back, but meet with the wood of a hammer's handle. The black drakos had turned around and blocked the blade and had swung his tail hard at Spike's head. Unable to free his weapon, Spike raised his arm to block the blow. He heard bones snap in his forearm from the mighty tail. Spike winced at the pain, he wanted to scream from the pain in his back and arm. He knew that as soon as he showed an opening, he was dead, and a scream would be his last. He did open his mouth though, but instead came out a gush of green flame. The black drakos threw away his hammer and the machete embedded in the handle, just as he ducked under the blast. His claw came up and clamped around Spike's jaws, shutting his mouth and stopping the fire. Spike raised his foot and brought it down on his opponent's chest, separating the two.

Spike went to charge his slightly winded opponent when he felt a hoof on his side. He looked down at Macintosh who flung his head over his shoulder. Spike glanced over at the magically embedded bomb set to go off a minute after being set.

Spike glanced over at the ready black drakos. He smirked and yelled out playfully. "Well gotta go, maybe we'll finish this next time." He snatched up his machete and followed quickly behind Macintosh

Spike and Macintosh sprinted down one of the tunnels. Both were using every last ounce of power they had left to make it out before the place went up. "Do we even know if this is the way out?"


"Business as usual than." He smiled as he realized that they had started to incline. "Then again, we get lucky." They threw open the sand covered wooden hatch at the end of the tunnel. They kept up the pace as they noticed drakos coming from behind them.

No one was prepared as the bomb went off and sand flew everywhere. Spike snuck a quick look behind him and quickened his pace, Macintosh beside him did the same. The ground was collapsing into the now unstable depot. The drakos behind them did not stand a chance, and didn't care. As they fell, buried and slammed into the rocky underground, they hurled spears, swords, rocks, whatever they could to harm their enemies.

Spike felt a spear harmlessly bounce off his covered arm, and knew they were in trouble. He glanced back and knew they would not make it. He grabbed his companion and jumped. His scales darkened and his spines greyed. With a mighty breath, fire burst from his mouth, sending them skyward. Just barely, but visible to Macintosh, translucent wings were sprouted from his back.

Spike landed softly in the sand and his color returned. Safely away from the enormous bowl in the ground. Grinning and fist raised, Spike laughed loudly. "Now that was crazy!"

Macintosh raised a hoof to the fist, grinning. He soon changed tone though. He glared at Spike with hard eyes.

"I know, I know. My magic is dangerous, but if we hadn't risked it we would be choking on sand and rock."

A nod was his reply. Sympathy entered his eyes and Spike lowered his head.

"Yeah, you're right. I chose to do this horribly reckless action because of what happened to Sunrise. He had my back and he died. Plus I'm the one who snapped his neck. I know what Hawkeye said, blood loss and internal bleeding if we closed the wound, no chance of survival. I know it was a good thing to end it fast and painless, but it still feels wrong. Plus this whole stinkin war is my fault."

Macintosh glared at his friend. He shook his head slowly.

Spike sighed. "I know. It just feels that way. Come on, we have to get to the Crystal Empire. Wonder what special assignment the princess has for us."

The two friends walked side by side, off into the distance, away from the land of the drakos, and closer to their destiny.

We Keep Trying

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Two cloaked figures walked into the Equestrian Guard's encampment. Everypony knew who they were, the Traitorous King and the Silent Blade. Rumors had spread across Equestria of their great deeds and mystery.

One such rumor was that they were a drakos defect and a mutilated pony. Another claims that they are changelings that have learned to feed off of fame. Yet another claims that they are monsters escaped from Tartarus looking like a pony and were repaying Princess Celestia for past crimes. Spike's favorite was that they were simple Discord's attempt, and joke, to support the war. Macintosh on the other hand found the one about them being the princesses in disguise hilarious.

The fact that nopony had ever seen their faces or bodies helped the rumors, it just didn't help the Guard. Fortunately Macintosh was a brilliant pony who came up with a hand signal for Spike to use.

Within minutes of walking into the camp, they stood before colonel Break Hoof. The colonel was in charge of most of the main forces and worked directly for the major general, that included Spike's ragtag squad. He was a sickly green color with a bright red mane. "So, success as usual. Sorry bout the loss of your pony. He was up for promotion too. Damn good soldier if I ever saw one."

The two saluted their superior officer. "Yes sir. He died honorably."

The colonel shook his head. "No such thing captain. He lived honorably, and fought as such. Now, you have your orders. Report to transport, a pegasus carriage will bring you to the train station, which in turn will lead to the Crystal Empire. When you get there, the captain of their royal guard will meet you at the station and explain your new orders. He will be your new superior from this point forward. Your troops as well as private Sunrise's replacement should already be there." He raised a hoof as Spike stepped forward. "I know how you feel about the quick replacement, hell I feel the same, but it keeps ponies alive. More ponies means less work on all. Plus the newbie will learn and hopefully won't end up like his predecessor. Now dismissed." As the two began to leave, the colonel raised a hoof. "Hold on, here you go Spike. I know you collect these, to give to the families." He tossed a chain with two metal tabs on it. "Private Sunrise would be honored if you had them. Good luck boys."

They nodded and left the tent. Spike fiddled with Sunrise's dog tags. "Ya know, he has no family to give these to."

A hoof landed on his side. "Nope."

"Then who?"


Smiling, Spike took the tags and placed them around his neck, next to his own and five other sets. "And we'll remember him always."


The two boarded the carriage and left for the Crystal Empire, and away from the drakos border.

Rarity paced around their seats of the train, needless to say she was nervous. "So we are now a part of this war."

Twilight rolled her eyes as she set her book down. "Yes Rarity, we've been over this. Princess Cadence has asked for our help in the war up at the Crystal Empire. King Sombra has returned and joined with the drakos to retake the Empire. Our job is to get to Sombra and use the elements to take him out."

Rarity looked down and stroked her necklace as Rainbow Dash spoke up.

"What I wanna know is how he's still alive. I thought that Cadence and Spike killed him when they restored the Crystal Heart."

Twilight fluffed her wings and scratched her head in embarrassment. "Well, uh, I have been studying his dark magic and talking to Discord." Her face darkened. "It is very powerful magic. I did a few test, it was too strong for me to do little more than simple things like projection. It also had a bad habit of burning anything I used it on. Discord found out and sat with me as he explained it out for me. While magic is personal and revolves around natural talent, dark magic doesn't. It revolves around emotions, sorta. Anger, hate, greed, that's what powers it. He said most dark magic users loss themselves in the sins of flesh. He also told me, it passes down in family. A tainted pony taints their child. It scares me to think that I've used it." Rarity looked into her frightened eyes, and it passed through her as well. "He also told me, the only possible immortality spell is black magic."

Applejack scratched her head. "I thought that Discord and the Princesses were immortal. Did they use black magic?"

Twilight shook her head, relief passed over her face at the change of subject. "No, I was told that they aren't really immortal, just everlasting. I don't really understand and the princess said she doesn't want me to understand, so I just left it alone. Rarity are you ok?"

Startled, she raised her head up. She had been rubbing her chin as she stared at the floor, deep in thought. "Oh yes dear, I was just pondering on color schemes. Sorry to have bothered you. I need to get a breather, I'll be out back if you need anything thing of me."

She faintly heard Rainbow Dash whisper out as she left the cart. "She's thinking of colors at a time like this?"

The last cart was empty as she stepped out of the door to the back. 'Good, I need to be alone. I wish I could ask the princess about this. Oh how I wish Spike was here, for many reasons.'

The door behind her opened and she rolled her eyes, believing Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy was coming to check on her. The booming raucous laughter surprised and delighted her, if not make her nervous. "Bro, I'm telling you, she was digging you so badly. I almost heard her eyes beg you to come home with her."

Two figures stepped past her and her corner as they leaned on the side. Apparently they did not see her "I know you don't just hook up but she was smokin hot dude. If I didn't have somepony I was totally into back home, I would have been all over that." She knew she was wrong as she noticed the large red pony smile down at her sitting form. He tried to nudge his loud companion as he smiled knowingly. Unfortunately the purple drakos dug his grave deeper. "I mean, she wasn't as pretty as you know who, but dang, I almost went after her." He lit two cigarettes and went to hand his friend one and turned. As he finally saw her, he dropped both of them, and his jaw. "R-Rarity, didn't see you there!"

"Hello Spike, Big Macintosh, how are you today? See any pretty ponies?" Her voice sounded like pleasant bells, but her glare was anything but pleasant. She flipped her mane and turned her gaze to the retreating tracks.

Macintosh Apple just chuckled as he picked up the cigarette and stepped over to the unoccupied corner of the train. Spike on the other hand stuttered as he tried to speak. "Uh, wuh, umm. Hey, what are you doing here?"

She raised her head and turned slightly away from him. "Riding a train. I would ask you the same but I believe that I have heard enough testosterone speak for one day. Is this the traditional smoke after a perceived job well done?"

A chuckle escaped the lips of the red pony on the other side. Spike growled at him. "Sush you." His eyes turned toward the white pony who's wrath he had incurred. "No, nothing like that, I didn't, I mean I haven't. You know what, what if it is, hmm?" He raised an eyebrow and leaned on the railing. His eyes popped as he quickly retrieved his smoking treat before trying to resume his posture with dignity.

She turned her head to him lowered, as she raised one eyebrow. "Nothing to me, but I just never took you for the ruffian to disgrace some poor mare by rubbing her dignity into dirt. Bragging about some fictional score with you buddies just was not the kind of behavior I remember you having. Mr. Macintosh over there had the dignity to at least try and not to speak that way in front of a lady." She flipped her mane as she turned her head away, nose held high. "Cretin."

Spike rolled his eyes, a large smile on his face. "What, I thought ladies liked the bad boys. None badder than me."

Her eyes flew open as she glared at the drakos. "Silly fillies like bad boys, not ladies. We like dignified, courteous, and gentle stallions."

He wiggled his eyebrows. "I'm a drakos, I ain't no stallion. Maybe the ladies like their ponies gentle, and their reptiles rough."

Her eyebrows and jaw dropped. "Well I never. Spike that was just crude. How can you even use that mouth to kiss with much less..." She twirled her hoof as she looked away.

He rubbed two claws on the side of her head. "Easy, I've never kissed anypony."

She turned to him, her eyes narrowed and her lips pursed. "I do believe I have kissed your scaly hide before. I'm regretting ever doing so now."

He grinned, mischief all over his face. "I never said I've never been kissed. All the ladies want a piece of this, but I like to think my heart's been stolen away."

She smiled as her face relaxed. "Ah, ther is the horribly poetic Spike I know. How have you been since I last saw you?"

He leaned his back on the railing as he puffed on the awful substance in his mouth. "Better than before. Still missed everypony horribly, you?"

She leaned her head on her hooves. "I've been better. The rest of the girls are in the second cart if you wish to see them."

He shook his head. "Nope, not ready to see them yet." He leaned his head to the side. "Plus it seems that our company has left, and no gentledrake leaves a lady alone. How does he smoke so fast?"

Rarity closed her eyes as she laid her head down. "He use to smoke when him and Applejack first took over the farm. He quite when Young Apple Bloom started coughing whenever he was around. Poor colt he was had a rough time then. Applejack was too young to work the fields and it was all up to him. He actually had only just completely quit when you and Twilight came into town. He would hide in the fields and town just to get a puff. The war must have gotten him started again."

"Nah, well yeah. A pony in our squad use to smoke and would offer us all one. I was kinda the one who pushed him into doin it again."

"Ahh, well than. You are the bad influence here. You and that other pony."

She looked up at him as his eyes glazed over. "Corporal Cane, Sugar Cane the ninth. Family name, overbearing folks, typical rich ponies. Not looking forward to meeting them."

A smile spread across her face. Humming, she leaned into his side. "Sounds like you all are a close nit bunch."

A light clanking noise caught her ears and she looked up at him. He was fiddling with a pair of the many tags he had around his neck. Why had she only now just noticed them. "Yeah, war does that to ya."

Concern covered her features. "I do not like the look on your face. Whatever is the matter dear?"

He smiled sadly as he laid down next to her. "Nothing to worry your gorgeous head about. Oh look, the sun is setting, beautiful isn't it?"

Her eyes looked over at the sun as it started to hide behind the mountains. The orange light was stunning. She was glad to be sharing that moment with her favorite drakos. "Quite beautiful my dear little Spike."

"Hey, I'm not so little anymore."

"Little anymore or not, you will always be little Spiky Wiky to me."

He grumbled and she could feel him being upset beside her. "Oh no, not in a bad way. Just that first meet when you were so small and cute. You were so small with such a big heart, it just left an impression on me."

"Well at least I outgrew cute into ruggedly handsome."

She nudged him with her head. "I don't know, I think you are quite cute still."

"You know, I'll take that as a compliment. Come on, let's get inside, it's getting dark."

She walked inside the cart in silence with Spike. She turned around when they reached her section of the cart, words hanging on her lips, but he was gone. Pain filled her chest. "He can be the bravest, most selfless at times. When it comes to feelings, he cannot seem to gather an ounce of courage."

Once she was through the door, Spike lowered himself from the ceiling. Head down, he walked away to his lowered.

She walked in and laid on her bunk as she drifted to sleep, but was rudely awoken by a pink set of curls. "Hey Rarity, we were wondering when you would get back. AJ said you probably found some cute colt and were flirting and just lost track of time but I knew better. I said 'nu uh, she doesn't just find somepony and keep on them like that, she only spends a little time flirting unless she really likes them.' But everypony just rolled their eyes at me. I mean you flirt a lot but you got standards girl and they agreed with me on that. I said 'she's a lady and ladies just find somepony, they find the right pony.' Rainbow laughed and said it was a good impression of you. Than we talked about boys in general and Rainbow went on and on about Sunrise and we all poked fun at her for liking a clumsy soldier boy." A piece of popcorn hit the inflated pink poofy mane. "We all know that when he gets back she's gonna jump on him and smooch on him till he can't take it anymore. Than we tried to see who we all liked. Twilight seems to like Flash Sentry and his guardyness. Than we found out Fluttershy has a little crush on Big Mac and I went ahhh!" She put her hooves to her cheeks and gasped. "Three of us like guard ponies! Than Applejack said she meet a colt at one of the ponyville dances that she's been writing to who was in the guard also! I couldn't believe it! More guard ponies! Nopony has caught my eye just yet, but now I'm gonna watch guard ponies to see if one of them catches my eyes now. Anywho, we were wondering, well I was wondering, since we were talking about boys, do you have a special pony you have an eye on?"

Rainbow Dash went to speak but light blue magic surrounded her mouth. An effective way to keep rumors from being spread. "Pinkie, you are a dear friend, all of you are. However, I wish for my private love life to remain just that, private. Sorry but I do not wish to speak on this matter further. Now if you don't mind but I need some beauty sleep. Good night girls." Her back was turned before she could get a reply from any of her friends.

Even after her firm statement, she could still hear her friends talking about her. Applejack's drawl reaching her ears. "What's got her tail in a knot?"

Twilight was the next to add her statement. "Ooh, maybe it's a secret love affair. Like a bad pirate who is learning how to be kind from her?"

Fluttershy whispered softly. "Um, Rarity is just over there, maybe we should respect her wish and leave it alone. This isn't a book Twilight."

Pinkie Pie inhaled deeply but was stopped suddenly. The voice of reason came in the form of Rainbow Dash. "Look guys, she's having a hard time. If you were having a hard time, would you want eveypony to pry into your troubles? Hey Rarity, you ok?"

"Yes darling, just tired. Thank you for your concern but I'm fine." She raised a hoof to her eyes. Wet tears ran down her cheek. In a whisper that nopony could hear, she spoke true. "Everything is most definitely not fine."

To Find Out

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Spike was furious. Meditation didn't work, he had nothing to punch, and for a second he thought about jumping out of the window. Except Rarity had seen him. If he left now, it would upset her. Claws flew this way and that as he ranted off to his silent friend. "How could she do this to me! She knows the work we do isn't pretty! How could she give me a mission the same time Twilight and everypony was going to be there! It's bad enough Rarity and Rainbow had to see in Ponyville, now the rest get a peek at this bloody war! Uhh!" He spun and pointed a claw at Macintosh, who just kept on reading his book. "And don't you tell me she didn't know! Even as a princess, Twilight has to tell her precious mentor every little detail! Rahh!" Spike grabbed his head spines squeezed his elbows on his temples.

Finally, Macintosh set his book down and took off his small pair of reading glasses. He cleared his throat loudly. He looked up at the upset drakos, a small smile and an eyebrow raised.

A claw pointed into his face. "You shush up.... you! Your sister is out there too! What would she think of your new profession?!"

Macintosh lowered his head and looked away. Moments later, his head lifted a little and nodded towards his companion. Eyebrows wiggled at him.

Spike flung his claws into the air. "You're hopeless." He flopped down onto his seat and laid back. Soon a smile crept onto his face. "She was beautiful, and I did have a good moment with her. I thought she would be upset after the whole Bloody fiasco. I figured that maybe after this whole war business was over, we could start from where we all left off." He paused as he inspected his claws. "But that whole plan revolves around them not knowing what kinda blood I have on my claws. It would take awhile, but we could've gotten back to who we were."

Macintosh went back to reading, glasses in place and focus set. He lightly shook his head. "Nope."

Glaring, Spike snarled out. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Macintosh's eyes never left the pages. "You're changed, no goin back, but still who you were. Just older and new experience. You'd have ta forget all our dead buds to get back like that." He lifted his eyes to the drakos. Words rarely left his lips, unless they were important. "Can you forget Sunrise? And even if'n ya could, would you?" His eyes went back to his book. "Ta forget the past is ta repeat it. If we forget this war, it woulda been for nothin and have to do it all again."

Spike rubbed his eyes in aggravation. "I hate it when you're right, especially when I'm wrong." Raising, stretching, he walked to the door.

The voice behind him stopped him. "Tomorrow."

A growl escaped his lips. "Chatty today, aren't we?"


Spike smiled, back still to his friend. "Goin out for a smoke. "Night."

His reply was simple. "Welcome."

Rarity couldn't sleep, seeing Spike and her friends unknowingly giving her a hard time had shaken her up. So she decided to be in the place this whole mess started. She laid down on the metal grating where she had when she talked to Spike. Something was bothering him and he wouldn't talk about it. Further more, she could not talk to any of her friends because they didn't know Spike was on the train. It would not do to reveal such knowledge without his consent and he seemed adamant in his reply. So much in thought was she, that she failed to notice her new companion.

Big Macintosh sat next to Rarity, book on hoof, and cleared his throat loudly.

Jumping, she turned to the red pony. "Oh, excuse me. Sorry dear, you startled me. Is there anything I could do for you?"

He turned his head to face her, an eyebrow raised as he looked over his glasses.

She looked at him apologetic, a hoof to her chin. "I'm sorry dear, I am not as apt as Applejack nor Spike at reading your facial expressions. Those are a nice pair of small, wire rimmed glasses though. Are you nearsighted?"

He smiled as he shook his head. A tap of his book explained it though.

"Ah, reading glasses. I have to wear them too, to read and sow. It can be quite a bother at times but I do feel a bit more sophisticated wearing them though."

He shook his head happily as he set his book down. He placed one hoof on her shoulder and tapped his other on her head.

It took a moment of a confused look on her face, but understand. "Ah, you're curious as to what's bothering me. Well it is just some trivial little thing. No need to worry."


"The pompous, brooding jerk." Her hooves flew to her mouth, she had not ment to say that. "Oh dear, sorry, that just came from nowhere! Please don't tell him I said that!"

He waved a hoof her way to calm her.

"Sorry again about that. It's just, what is stopping him from wanting to come back to us? I fear he despises himself now, and sees we do not want him."

"Do you?"

"Yes, we all want him back!"

"Nope, do you?"

Shock covered her face as she turned to the red pony. "Gah, what?"

He smiled into his book. "Eeyep."

Narrow eyes glared at him for awhile. "Leave out that last bit when you tell him please. I don't want to complicate his life right now. I'm also a bit embarrassed that it took so long to fully comprehend just what I felt for him. He is a dear, and I do not want to hurt him. What should I do Big Macintosh? You know him better than most now, what do I do?"

A shrug was his only reply as he turned a page.

She lowered her head and teared up a little. "You are right, this is my decision, I should make it. Thank you, I'm feeling tired, sleep will help." Standing, she leaned on the reading pony a moment. "Thank you for listening to this young mare's rant."

When she was out of earshot, the red pony stood and stretched. "Welcome." He picked his book up and smiled through the spine.

He went to bed, but not before smiling knowingly at his snoring companion. With a swift kick, Spike was up, weapon drawn.

Spike rubbed his eyes when he recognized his attacker. "I was having a lovely dream too, Rarity decided that I was not cute but awesomely rugged. Boring out there?"

With a smile on, he laid down. "Nope." Then he was asleep.

The train pulled into the Crystal Empire station. Rarity was last of her friends to board the platform. She searched almost frantically for a sign of Spike, while of course keeping her ladylike composure. She saw no sign of her friend.

They stopped as the were confronted by a saluting young unicorn colt in guardpony armor. He was yellow with a black mane sticking out of his helmet. "Welcome princess Twilight, and to you as well ma'ams. The Elements of Harmony welders are to be under the protection of me and my squad. I am lieutenant Bumble Bee and we are a special forces squad. We are here for your safety so any and all activity must be passed by me or my superiors. At all times, one or all of you must have at least one guard with you. May I show you to the castle ma'ams?"

Before anypony could protest to these new rules, Rainbow Dash jumped onto Twilight's head. "Did you say Bumble! You work with Sunrise! Tell me where he is, is he doing good?!" She settled down and got off of Twilight's head. Rubbing the back of her head, she tried to act cool. "Eh heh, well you know. Sup, how's it going?"

A sad look came over the yellow colt, and Rarity's heart sank. She exchanged knowing looks with Applejack, but before anypony could say anything to the oblivious rainbow maned mare, they heard a scream.

"What!!! No!!!" A purple and brown blur zipped past them towards the castle. Big Macintosh stood not too far from them and saluted Bumble, who saluted in response.

"Sir, what are your orders."

The red pony made a circular motion with his hoof before pointing at the castle. His sister went to approach him, but was meet with a quick look before he left to the other side of the train platform.

"Ahem, ma'ams." They all turned back to the yellow lieutenant. "Let's make way to the castle, the captains will meet us there as well as the rest of our squad." He checked his sword on his back and held a spear close with magic. "This way please."

He began to walk toward the castle, Twilight not far behind, rolling her eyes. One by one her friends followed until Rarity felt Fluttershy grab hold of her. "R-Rarity, I'm scared. Why does he need the weapons. Last time they didn't need spears. What's happening?"

She patted her friends head. "Don't worry dear. We have Spike and Big Macintosh to watch over us. Plus Shining Armor and all of us, nothing will happen to you." Although in the back of her head, her thought was 'I hope'.

He was furious and the pink princess in front him had no trouble seeing that. "Why in the Hell am I just now hearing that we are permanently stationed here?! And that we play babysitter between missions!"

Cadence looked sympathetically at Spike. "Listen Spike, I'm not thrilled about the situation either. With you on the front, this war ends sooner, although I am scared for you out there. You were brought here by Celestia to guard the Elements of Harmony as they hopefully defeat Sombra. He has become the biggest threat in this war, even the duke obeys his orders. He is also using dark magic to enhance his drakos troops, our own troops can't keep them back for long. We need you here to keep the empire safe. Could you imagine what would happen if King Sombra got a hold on its power and used it to help the drakos in the war?"

His shoulders slumped and he sighed. "Valid point, but Twilight can handle him, right? I still need to take out the duke."

"We believe the Elements will work on Sombra alone, we need you and your ponies to give them that chance. As for the duke, Celestia has informed me that spies noticed the duke stalking you. It is likely he has come here to fight you again."

The scales on Spike darkened. "Blackie! You mean to tell me I've had plenty of chances to end this war!"

Cadence hung her head sadly. "Perhaps, but we shall never know now. I just hope we can make the Crystal Empire the final battle of this war!" She looked up at Spike and understanding crossed her face. He was upset still, there was more to it than the war. "It's your friends, you don't wish to see them?"

His scales returned to normal as he exhaled. Sorrow filled his voice. "I made the mistake of letting Rarity and Rainbow Dash seeing the killer I am, and I know it scared them. I don't wish to show the rest of them my depravity."

A soft smile came across her lips. "What I was told was that they were grateful to a brave knight who saved their town and families."

"But I didn't. Rarity's father died, and I couldn't save him. A true knight and king would have been able to see that outcome and acted before the evil deed. I sat around and enjoyed my time until it was too late."

Cadence went to say more but was interrupted by the entrance of the Element bearers. Twilight stopped in her tracks as did the rest. Tears filled her eyes, it had been three long years since her assistant, no, family had left her. Now he stood before her, ashamed, upset, with tears of joy in his eyes.

His arms spread wide. "Well, will her majesty greet her old assistant or does he have to tackle her for a hug." She was soaring through air before he was done speaking. Her hooves were tightly around him, and she showed no sign of release.

He picked her up as she clung to him. He walked towards the rest of their friends. "Come on gals, let's meet the rest of the boys, then bed time. Sorry Twi, gotta let you down."

Bumble stood in front of six armored and armed ponies. He addressed the six mares in front of him. "Hello again your highness, ma'ams, captains. We will be your guard ma'ams. I am lieutenant Bumble Bee. I am in charge of all military activity under the captains. This here is our medic Hawkeye Pierce."

He pointed to a green unicorn pony with an orange mane poking out of his helmet. He wore simple camouflage drab with only a medical bag on him. "Hello ladies, welcome to war. Like the rugs? Much better than the ones in the desert, they were full of sand."

Bumble, Spike, and the rest of the guard ponies rolled their eyes at Hawkeye. "Sorry, he is a little weird. Next we have sergeant Cloudcutter, our scout."

Bumble pointed to a bright orange pegasus with a dark blue mane. He was silent as he inspected the mares. He spoke softly. "I see everything, don't leave our sights."

Bumble nodded. "Best pair of eyes in the guard. This is corporal Cliphoof."

The brown pony raised a hoof in a sloppy salute. "Third gen guard ladies. Will keep you safe to the end."

"This is corporal Burns."

A scarred, maneless pink pegasus raised his hoof to his throat. A large burn mark was present.

"Sorry, he's mute, but very reliable. A hero if I ever saw one. This is private Brass."

A dark blue pegasus with a dark green mane spoke up. "Don't care for reg. Got sent here to be out of the way. Happy for it cause these guys are right. Life before order."

"This is our newest recruit. Private Hammer."

A lime green pony scratched the back of his head. "I've only been with these guys for a few days so I'm not as qualified as the rest, but I follow orders and will do everything I can to help."

Rainbow Dash jumped I'm front of Bumble. Her muzzle was inches away from his. "Ok, now where is Sunrise? He was still with you guys in his last letter!"

With a heavy heart, Spike put a hand on her shoulder. "Rainbow Dash, we gotta talk, in private."

Rarity looked through the doorway at Spike as he talked to Rainbow Dash. She felt Twilight and the rest behind her. "What happened Rarity?"

"I don't know Twilight, but I hope that it is not what I think it is."

She noticed Spike take off a set of the dog tags from around his neck and hand them to Rainbow Dash. The blue mare raised her hooves to her mouth as her head turned and she collapsed. Realizing that she was right, Rarity turned and walked away.

Pinkie Pie jumped up and down behind their friends. "I wanna see, I wanna see. What's happening?"

Rarity got angry at her friend. She shouldn't have, Pinkie Pie did not know what was going on, but she was.

Luckily Applejack intervened. "Stop jumpin Pinkie, this ain't good news."

Fluttershy lightly touched Applejack and managed to squeak out. "What's going on? Why is Rainbow Dash so sad?"

Applejack raised her back legs and kicked the wall, leaving a hole. Anger was all her face showed as she sneered. "I need air."

Fluttershy backed fearfully into Twilight. "Sorry, don't be mad." Tears ran down her face.

Applejack stopped at the door and glanced back. "I'm not mad at you sugarcube. Just mad." Then she was gone.

Rarity put a hoof on her crying friend's shoulder, tears running down her own face. "Fluttershy, I need you to be brave for me ok."

The yellow pegasus nodded into her front legs.

"Good, thank you, Rainbow is really going to need you. What Spike gave her is used to identify soldiers, and if he has Sunrise's it can only mean..." She clenched her eyes shut. A hoof stroked her shoulder and she looked into Pinkie Pie's watering blue eyes. "It could only mean they have both lost a dear friend."

Rarity watched as all her friends cried with her. They cried until Spike entered the room and everypony went to comfort their friend. She stayed behind with the purple drakos though. "That could have been you. We all knew that you were in danger, but it just now strikes home. That could have been you and we would be left with two pieces of metal."

His eyes were red and puffy as he stared at her. "It should have been me, until he jumped in the way."

Rarity lowered her head. Shame filled her as she felt gratitude at the ponies death. "Please don't die. I... We can't lose you."

He turned to leave. A goofy smile was on his lips but it did not reach his eyes. "No promises, you know how reckless I can get. Always out for a thrill. Plus somebody has to get this war to end." With that he was gone.

Out the window, Rarity saw Big Macintosh and Applejack crying together. In the other room, her other friends cried together. For her, she curled into a ball and sobbed alone. Every tear was for her dear friend who had practically just told her, he had signed his own death warrant.

Why We Fight

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It was war outside and Spike' squad was called on to fight, and the Element bearers were worried. Rarity sat off to the side and watched her friends.

Applejack sat with Twilight who was barely keeping it together as her brother and her best friend fought outside. Good old A.J. was doing her best to keep a conversation aimed on beating King Sombra, even with her brother along side them.

Pinkie Pie was doing her best to keep everypony happy, unsuccessfully. Although she steered clear of Rarity who would glare when she approached. She was still a little mad at her attempts at joy.

Rainbow Dash could barely lift her head from the ground and Fluttershy never left her side. Rarity was terribly upset at herself for not being with her, like Rainbow had been for her when her father had died, but she had a job at the moment.

She laid on the ground, paper in front and quill in magic. She tapped her chin and turned to the guards at the doorway. "Sir Bumble and Cloudcutter. I have another question. This one a slight more nosey. When his magic is used, what color is it?"

Cloudcutter had been glaring at her the whole time. Now was no different as he gave his short reply. "Green fire. You knew that." Rarity had not been able to get through his rocky exterior.

Bumble on the other hoof had been gushing at her attention. "Oh lighten up Cloud, she's just curious about a friend. We've heard enough about them to practically know the generous lady Rarity. As for your question ma'am, his magic only comes from his fire."

She sighed as she realized this road my in fact be a dead end. Until he spoke again.

He tapped his chin and raised a hoof. "It's mostly that swirling green, but some spells harden into constructs. I have seen him use a dark purple fire once though." He turned to Cloudcutter. "Only Burns, Hawk, and me were in the squad at the time. Cliphoof showed up after that. You came next with Cliphoof." A dark look was in his eyes when he meet hers again. "Macintosh, Hawk, and I were underground at the time so I only had a flash. Burns was topside, almost didn't make it. All I really know was when we got back up, everypony and every drakos was dead except them two. Matter of fact, we thought Burns was a gonner till Hawk saved him. Spike passed out after he calmed down."

"Ah, I see." She scribbled on the paper a moment. "Has his eyes ever changed?"

Cloudcutter went to reply but was cut off by his companion. "Hush you rude pony. It's alright, I can handle her. No ma'am, not that I'm aware."

She looked a little shy as she went ask the next question. "This may be overstepping my boundaries, but do any of you know about dark magic."

"This conversation is over." She looked up into the unkind eyes of Spike. Never in the time she has known him has she ever seen those eyes. He has been upset and angry, greedy to a fault, even hostile to adversity. She sometimes saw his glare he gave her as Nightmare Rarity, in her worst dreams. This glare topped them all. It spoke of reprimand and anger. "Sorry Rare, but keep your nose in your own affairs."

Bumble saluted him and looked apologetically at the mare. "Sorry sir, I saw no harm in the inquiry. I deeply apologize."

He waved off the lieutenant. "Whatever. Just be careful around this lot, they can be crafty. New post in five." Than he was gone.

Rarity looked up to the young colt. "Sorry about that. I ment no harm."

His hoof waved her off. "Nah, he gets like that after most battles. More so when there is losses."

"Still, sorry." She rubbed her front hooves together. I do have a more personal question, if I could?"

He smiled at her softly. "Shoot."

Her nervousness grew. "Has he meet any mares? Well I, I mean... Well you know..." Her hooves flew in the air in frustration. "I don't know! Never mind me!"

His smile grew into a massive grin. "Oh he's meet many mares, just not the way you mean. Something about a special filly back home."

Rarity hung her head as her two familiar guard left and were replaced by two crystal guardponies.

Purple fire radiated from Spike's body. It surrounded him in a dark glow as he paced in the small room. Macintosh, Cliphoof, Burns, Bumble, Brass, Hawkeye, and Cloudcutter all sat in chairs, calmly sitting and occupying themselves.

Spike slammed a fist into the table and glared at Bumble. "Why were you talking to her about dark magic?" A red hoof touched his side and he looked at the reading pony. "Yeah yeah, calm down." He turned back to the lieutenant, calm this time. "Sorry dude. Seriously though, why?"

Bumble scratched his head awkwardly. "I thought they knew, so I thought it was to help against Sombra. I'm sorry, that was incredibly stupid."

Spike rubbed his face roughly and took a deep breath. "Nah, my fault. I kept everything secret from them and kept that little fact secret from you. They don't know my lineage or where I get my magic. Personally, I would like to keep it that way. It's almost worst than showing them just how much of a killer I can be."

Cloudcutter didn't even raise his head as he replied. "Did that already. Nopony seems to hate you."

"Only cause they had a knife to their necks, figuratively."

Brass hovered in the air, wings beating furiously. "Dude, why does it matter. Good friends don't care, well they care but they don't judge. The white one was right there and she seems to hang onto your every word. I think she's just worried."

Cloudcutter put in his short and soul cutting two bits in. "She has a thing for you. Give her babies, she'll leave you alone."

Spike choked on air. "What! I'm not-! I can't just-! Shut up!"

The level headed captain chuckled at the scene. "Eeyep. Babies."

"You too!"

Hawkeye tapped his hoof on the table as he took another swig of his whisky. "As much as I'm interested in the making of babies, what do we do about Hammer's body."

Spike lowered his head. "It's in the tombs. If his family has a grave plot for him, it will be moved after the war."

"He's another orphan though."

"Cadence has reserved a field to be a military graveyard. Monuments are being made now."

"Oh yes, another monument! Here lies young dead ponies! Another never was, never has, never will. It sickens me that two drakos die fifty years ago and war breaks out now. Oh look, somepony died, let's kill thousands more. It almost seems as if the reaper has a contract with those monsters."

Spike gripped the table, but only sadness filled his face. "Close enough. Come on Hawk, let's get you to bed."

Spike puffed his cigarette as Macintosh approached. "Cig bud?"

"Eeyep." Dust fluttered as he landed with a thud.

"Ruff having to watch over little sis and her friends slumber party?"


"Did they pry?"

"Nope. I was told to tell you somethin."




"Color can't lie."

"Damn. That's how she figured it out. Do you think I need to tell them?"


"Good, I won't."


"To prove you wrong for once. And I don't want them looking at like I'm evil. If I told Rarity, she would hate me, Twilight would banish me, Rainbow and A.J. would chase me out of town, and poor Fluttershy would never get over the fact that a friend of hers was a worst monster than any dragon could hope to be."

A chuckle escaped from the pony's lips. He gave a smirk to his partner.

"What, no! I am nowhere as bad as Twilight! She flies off the handle on a late paper, I'm as level as a board."


"Fine, you win, this time."


Spike laughed, it was genuine and felt good. "One of these days. I'm also gonna beat you in a fight too."


They laughed for a moment before enjoying the calm. Spike looked to the sky and sighed. "So Hawk's goin back to his old unit."


"They expect us to do a suicide run with the girls?"

"Nope. Me, you, and Burns."

"Ah, we take out the duke, then they get Sombra."


"Brass, Cloud, Clip, and Bumble staying on babysitting duty?"


"Good, they'll keep them safe."


Spike rose from his spot. "Well it's my turn on watch. Good night big guy."


Spike clutched his sword anxiously as he walked to his post. "What am I gonna do with her? Can't ignore her, she has a problem with making herself noticed. If she ever finds out the truth, I'm as good as dead to her."

Spike twitched his tail at a slight noise and turned to Brass as he walked slowly towards him. A circular motion of his hoof told Spike he had lost track of time. As he went to go to his room, they drew their swords and spun on the sudden voice in the silence. "Spike, be a dear- ahh!"

Rarity stood there with two swords inches away from her. "Well now! That is no way to treat a lady!"

They lowered their swords as Spike, grinning, rolled his eyes at her. He turned to Brass and pointed to his head, than mouth, than at Rarity's door. Spinning on her, he raised a claw to mouth, hushing her. He dropped to three legs and grabbed her front leg, dragging her to her room.

After her door shut, she spun on him with a stern glare. "How-?!"

His finger had snapped to her lips. When he knew she would be quiet, his finger lowered. In a hushed whisper, he explained. "Quiet. The guard has to be able to hear. Your voice could overshadow an enemy intrusion or distract his ears away from it. Worst case scenario, you need help and all he hears is the same noise you've been making. Now, what is it you need?"

Her glare remained stern but she complied with the order. Her whisper was stressed and loud for a whisper. "You know very well what I want to speak with you about. I also know you know all about what I'm talking about. You've been keeping secrets from us, from me. Did you not think that my keen eye would not pick it up? So, tell me, now!"

Spike backed up a bit. A sheepish look on his face as he turned his head away. "Nope no clue what you're sayin."

Her face scrunched up and flew to his. Inches away she whispered more quietly, but with anger. "You are not an idiot, so talk!"

He returned her glare and pushed his forehead into hers. "I kinda am an idiot thank you! I have no clue what you're sayin! And even if I did, I kept it secret for a reason!"

"So you admit it, you have a secret! Why won't you tell me?!" She pulled her face away and all the fight seemed to leave her. Eyes watering, she pleaded with him. "Do you not still trust me? Have I given you reason to doubt me or my intentions?"

Eyes shut tight as he rubbed his temples. "It's not a trust issue Rarity, but a me thing. I can't talk about it to anypony."

"Have you told her?"

"Her?" He cocked his head at the white mare. "Her who?"

"You know who I mean." She glared half-heartedly at him before turning away. "That somepony special back home."

Smiling, he went to speak, but was interrupted. "That same somepony who I had to sneak around her home to find out you've been writing to. Even when you disappeared and we all worried, she knew just what you were up to and said nothing. You wrote to her and left the rest of us in the dark. Have you told her of your secret yet? Am I not as good as her? Am I not as beautiful? Am I not as good of a friend? Not as trust worthy? Tell me Spike, you use to never keep such secrets. Why?"

His head lowered and the sorrow in his heart showed her just how much pain he endured. "Only one pony knows just how deep my secret goes, because she told me. I can tell you this, drop it. When I say it's filled with darkness and evil, trust me. No greater evil exist. Good night fair Rarity." There was none of the charm or flare he normally used as he said those words. He left without looking back at her.

Before the door closed, he heard her whisper out to him. "Just because something is evil, does not mean it can't be used to make something beautiful."

He strolled down the hall away to his own room. Tears rolled down his stoic face. "Yes it does. No good ever comes from evil."

In These Wars

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Spike stood next to Macintosh and Shining Armor. They were on the edge of the Crystal Empire, in the snow, with their armor on. Spike turned towards the white unicorn in gold armor. "I don't like this plan." He tightened his grip on his machete till his knuckles popped. "It's too risky."

Shining Armor slumped his shoulders. "I wish we had more options, but in a straight fight, we'd get murdered. Tactic is something we have that they don't. The drakos are too strong, and the small force they have barrels through our ranks. Plus most of my troops are green at this sort of thing. I mean, not all of us are skilled enough to even learn how to use a sword. If only we had an army of your unit, this would be a breeze."

With a stoic face, the drakos turned to his commander. "Even members of my squad die Shining. Has the rank of general dulled your memory?"

Shaking his head, he grimly replied. "No, I could never forget the ponies I lost." Hope crept into his voice. "But with ponies like you and your team, maybe one more gets to go home to his wife."

Laughing, Spike elbowed him. "What about rugged good looking bachelors like me? I ain't got a wife."

It was Shining Armor's turn to laugh. "From what I hear, one day you might. Make it back to them alive." He raised a hoof to the drakos. "Good luck soldier."

Spike placed his fist on the hoof. "You too general. Bring our men home. There's not enough Spike to comfort all those mares."

Rolling his eyes, Shining laughed. "There's not enough Spike for one mare. Now get outta here you sly devil."

"Yes sir." Spike gave a smile and a nod before running off.

A small burst of green fire blew out of Spike's mouth. He used the fire to warm his hands before rubbing them together. Looking up, he found himself face to face with Macintosh's wide, glaring eyes.

With a roll of his eyes, he looked over at their third companion, Burns. Spike hung his head as he realized he was surrounded by not one, but two silent ponies.

Macintosh tapped his shoulder and pointed at the board above them. Spike grinned as he looked at the snow around him. He was glad to be getting out of the infernal frozen crystals.

"Now!" With a roar and yell, they sprung up from the hole. Looking around, they saw the rear of the drakos formation as well as many ponies jumping out of similar holes in the ground.

Spike mumbled a hope. "Good luck. Hope it works." He took notice that all of the drakos either were black, dark purple, or dark green. Black magic embedded.

Burns turned the drakos around and pointed to a small hill. Sombra stood atop the hill with three purple drakos. Coming towards them were five green and the black drakos with red spines, the duke, Spike's rival. "I got the duke, keep the others off me." The two ponies nodded as they all charged.

The duke and Spike meet first. Blades clashed as Spike swung his machete and the duke raised his large battle ax. Without wasting his momentum, Spike stabbed his tail into the ground and kicked with both feet. Once his opponent lost his balance, he went to strike. He saw a blade come at his head, and didn't flinch. In an instant, Macintosh's blade shot out and deflected it.

He trusted his team to have his back. Even if they died there, it would be protecting each other or fulfilling their mission. None of them expected to die, but knew they could.

Spike leapt at his foe, blade raised, and meet the flat of the ax. Machete pushed on ax, trying to gain force. A purple tail shot out and wrapped around the base of the ax just as a black tail caught a purple leg. They both yanked, sending them both reeling back. Spike rolled and landed on his legs and a claw, and noticed his foe had done the same. They meet in the middle, blades clashing over and over.

Finally it came to an end. The two were locked bladed when the duke roared at Spike. Big mistake because as soon his jaws opened, Spike let loose his fire straight down his throat. The duke dropped his ax and clutched his throat, his other claw swiped at Spike. A purple arm blocked the claws as the machete pierced the drakos' chest.

The duke fell to the ground, disbelief in his eyes. Spike looked down at the foe he had fought so many times. They both shared scars from their battles. Sorrow filled Spike as a single tear fell down his cheek. "Why?"

The duke grinned before coughing. He managed to reply in a gravelly voice. "My father and your mother were weak. Peace and love are meaningless. My father was strong enough to destroy all of his enemies, but he sparred them. Had he killed me when I opposed him, he would still live. Your father would still live and we would have been brothers, soaked in the blood of our enemies. You are weak to defend these puny ponies, but at least you kill your opponent, unlike my father and your dirt of a mother." He let out a laugh, and continued to do so as his eyes dulled. He laughed even still as his voice lowered. He only stopped when his body finally lost all life.

With a mighty roar, Spike screamed to all. "This war is over! Equestria has won!"

All ponies and drakos turned to look at the scene. The pony army cheered at the victory as the drakos chuckled.

With a swirl of his cape, Sombra disappeared from the hill and appearing in front of Spike. "Not quit baby dragon. That is what you believed you were when last we meet?"

With a snarl, Spike swung his blade at the dark pony.

The blade stopped in dark purple and green magic. "Temper temper your majesty."

"I killed the duke. I am also the heir of the drakos throne. Heed my words Sombra. The war is over."

"Not quite young drakos. Shadowfang and his dark magic embedded descendants are the rulers of the Wastelands. Not just his some pony in scales from his lineage. Drakos, attack!" With that, the war resumed.

Spike gaped at the battle. "But their law states-"

"Just what I said. I may not be blood, but my magic is descended from the evil king's. They are warriors and killers. Did you really think they would follow the likes of you? A scaly pony. I, on the other claw, heh, am a furry drakos. More evil in my hoof than most of them also. The only being on the world close enough to the marvel their true king is. Now time to die your majesty." With a pull of his magic, Sombra had the blade and went to jam it into Spike's chest.

Quick as lighting, Macintosh's blade slammed the machete down as his shoulder mounted blade pierced the evil king's side. The large red pony grabbed the purple drakos and threw him over his shoulder. Burns followed close behind, Spike's machete in his teeth.

Sombra yelled out after the retreating trio. "No matter! You cannot kill me with such useless tools! Oh, and Traitorous King, I have the Elements of Harmony. See you soon!" With a swirl of his cape, he vanished.

Spike jumped off of his friend and retrieved his blade. "Thanks, I'm going to check up on the girls, you stay and help Shining defeat these guys."

Macintosh nodded as him and Burns veered off towards the battle. Spike lowered to all fours and ran through the battle. He didn't pause in his sprint. He would slice at one or two of the drakos as he ran through, but it never slowed him. "Sombra, you had better hope you're wrong. Cause if not, I'll kill you in the most excruciating way possible." He ran, not even knowing it was to late already.

Rarity stood in the throne room with Cadence and her friends. Guards filled the room, including the remaining ponies from Spike's squad.

She noticed that private Brass stayed close to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, keeping a close eye on the mourning pegasus. Off by the two princesses stood Flash Sentry, a pony who had a certain twinkle in his eye when he looked at the purple alicorn. She smiled as she saw these possible futures and the hope they brought. Fear had gripped her this entire time, but she stood up and decided it was time to face it, figuratively of course.

She smiled as she focused on Bumble once again try and approach Applejack as she spoke with Pinkie Pie and Twilight. So focused was she, she failed to notice Cliphoof standing next to her. "Hello there miss, mind if an old pony chats with you?"

Jumping, she turned to the stallion next to her. "Not at all, but first find me an old pony."

Laughing hard, he rubbed a tear from his eye. "Thanks for the compliment, but I am more than twice your age."

"That is still not very old, I am still quite young."

"Well I've been in the guard since I was able, and war makes you older everyday."

"You seem to be in good health, how does it make you older, if wouldn't mind my asking."

"No, don't mind miss. I was told about your dad, how's it feel when you think a him."

Head and eyes lowered, her hoof touched her chest. "Like somepony is crushing my heart under their hoof. It gets better every day, but there is a heavy sorrow that never leaves."

His hoof gently rested on her back. "I understand. My paw died just a few years back, maw even longer. War is filled with that feeling as well. These ponies, and a certain drakos, all become like brothers. We don't even have to know or like each other but we're all brothers. We don't always get along, and some are just plain prissy." He coughed and let out a not so subtle. "Wonderbolts. Anywho, but only a brother gets to pick on a brother. Sometimes in war though, brothers die, and it hurts like hell. We see gruesome things and have to live with them. Blood tends to stay on our hooves, even years after water washes it away. And don't forget we do some horrid things and have to live with the knowledge that," He ran a hoof through his mane. "something's not goin home to their families, and it's our fault."

She was shaking. Her nerves were on edge and she bit her lip to keep it from quivering. "Why tell me all of this?"

"Cause captain Macintosh has family to go back to, and will go back to. Captain Spike, on the other hand, feels undeserving, and he's gonna need somepony on those quiet nights. I know that if it wasn't for my wife, I would've jumped off the nearest cliff first chance I had. Glad I didn't, wouldn't have seen my kids grow up."

"You think Spike would.... you know?"

"Probably not like that, no. He likes the sound of his own voice too much. But there's other ways to kill yourself."

Steel entered her eyes. "Well he will not be doing anything of the sort! Even if I have to drag him home and lock him in a basement!"

Cliphoof laughed loudly, earning himself a few stares. "Good on ya girl. Good luck. Oh, just thought you should know. Brass over there, he has family over y'alls way. Look after him over there if you can, all y'all."

Rarity smiled as she looked at the night blue pony trying to cheer up her sky blue friend. That is until he reared up playfully, and found an arrow in his side. Screams echoed throughout the room as Rainbow Dash clung to the bleeding pony.

The world became fuzzy around Rarity. She had her hooves over her head as she laid on the ground, Cliphoof over her. She noticed all the guard ponies running around, spears and arrows went out the windows in retaliation to the incoming array of weapons and rocks. A crystal guard pony fell in front of her, an arrow sprouting from his neck. Her eyes could not leave the body as she speedily backed away, straight into a scaly belly.

She spun around, expecting to find a familiar light purple and green, but her cry of joy turned into a scream of terror. Standing in front of her was practically an army of drakos warriors.

The one she had backed into grabbed her and slung her over his shoulder. His gravely voice reaked of hate and malice. "I've got this one! Hurry with the others!"

As she was rushed out of the room, she managed to she princess Cadence ushered out a passage in the back which relieved her, and a drakos bury his sword into Cliphoof's chest, which horrified and sickened her.

He dragged her out into the streets of the empire and landed with a thud as the brute tossed her. Glancing up, she saw a face she had not wanted to see so soon, nor in these circumstances. Sombra sneered as her grabbed her face. "Hello my little pony. We will have much fun, as I rip you to pieces before your precious drakos friend."

These Ugly Wars

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Spike looked on in the throne room, horror plastered across his face. The drakos around the room were all dead except one who was tied and held prisoner. Many ponies had lost their life in the skirmish, and more than a few had died from the incoming projectiles. Bumble Bee limped towards him and gave a sloppy salute with a bandaged limb. "Hello captain."

"What the hell happened?"

"It seems the battle was a diversion so the drakos could steal the Elements of Harmony."

Crestfallen, he sunk to his knees. He had won a battle, but lost the war. Sombra had beaten him. With a mighty roar, his fist cracked the crystalline floor. He slowly raised his head and looked on with sorrow. Only six of the fifty ponies were left alive that once stood guard in the throne room. "Bumble, were are Hawk and the rest of our squad?"

Bumble dropped his head and shook his head. "Hawk took them. No hope for Cliphoof, dead before he was out of the room. Cloudcutter was still alive, but critical. Hawk said it would be a miracle if he lived. Brass is fine though, just out of commission for now. As you can see, I'm fine, got a scare but it's just a cut."

Spike stood and walked towards the captured drakos. His face was stoic as he spoke. "You said steal right? There's a chance that the elements are still alive?"

Bumble nodded as he moved to stand next to his other two teammates. "Tied them up, took them out. My guess, he needs them for something."

"I hope so, that gives us some time." His attention snapped in front of him, at the dark green drakos. "Now for you. Where are the elements?"

The drakos spit in Spike's face, which earned him claw marks across his face. He smirked at his rightful king. "I'll talk. Heh, even though I'm embedded with dark magic, that hurt more than most. You truly deserve your birthright. Too bad you threw your lot in with these ponies."

"Too bad none of you followed me. Peace is not bad. Now talk."

The drakos smiled. "Some did follow you. And after we crush these ponies, we'll crush them as well."

"Do you have any remorse over killing?"

"Not even my own brother. He's in that stupid rebellion. I will crush his skull with my own claws and restore honor to my family."

"That's not honor. That's just deplorable."

"To each their own. You ponies preach tolerance but try to force your ways onto others. How is that tolerating us?"

"Only cause you force death on others. It would be different if you didn't involve us. We did not want this war, you did. Now I'm going to finish it. Where is Sombra and why did he take the elements?"

"Northwest. He has a castle that can only be revealed through dark magic. As for why, show of strength, cripple the ponies, and to drag you to him. Now kill me Traitorous King, and resolve my honor. I have fulfilled my duty."

Spike glared and ripped off a crystal pendant he just noticed hanging around the drakos neck. It was the same color as his scales, which made it hard to notice.

As soon as the strap snapped, the drakos' scales went from green to a sky blue. He dry heaved a few times before falling to his knees. Spike stared at the crumpled form before him, than at a section of the smooth crystalline floor. "Damn."


Spike turned and faced Bumble and the remainder of his squad. "Nothing Bumble. Ok, you go and inform general Pax not to invade, I'm ending things here. Tell him the duke is dead. Macintosh, Burns, up for one more go? We're going after Sombra. You, crystal pony. Tell Shining Armor that we are moving in on Sombra. In twenty he needs to get as many as he can and invade behind us." He turned back to the two guards holding the blue drakos. "Bring this guy to lock up. Keep his claws bound tight."

"Kill me! I said kill me traitor!"

Spike glared at the kneeling, desperate, angry blue drakos. "That's not how we do things. Live today to fight tomorrow."

"Fine, then you should know my name. I am Skytalon!" With a scream of pain and anger, he tore his claw through his arm. He broke the bone and yanked it out. "For it is Skyclaw who will destroy your puny pony allies!"

He slammed the bone in the first guards neck. The second guard was stabbed through the chest. Blood covered the blue scales as he turned to Macintosh. "The Silent Blade dies!" He pounced, one arm limp, the other raised with bone in hand. Ready to kill.

Spike drew his machete and bound forward. He was too slow. Nopony was prepared. Macintosh had his sword on his hoof. He wouldn't get the strap tight enough. Not in time. His shoulder mounted blade was ready, but he would still be hit. Killed.

Skytalon was desperate, and had nothing to lose. He wanted death. And he wanted to take out a hero with him. Spike roared in anger and futile frustration. His friend was dead.

Nopony could comprehend just what had happened. On moment was the charge. Two were to die. Only one body laid on the ground. A drakos ax stood, embedded in the sky blue scales. Everypony turned to look at the yellow pegasus standing in the entrance way. Flash Sentry stood next to the rest of princess Cadence's guards. He was panting from the exertion of throwing the massive ax. "They took the princess. Where did they take princess Twilight?"

Spike released a sigh of relief. "Thanks. Remind me to stay on your good side. Where is Cadence?"

Flash straightened himself. The anger never left his eyes. "The general has her now, they are safe and secure in their chamber."

Spike and Macintosh shared a smile. "Any noise coming from the room?"

Flash flew into Spike's face. "You're making jokes at a time like this! This is serious!"

Spike grabbed Flash's armor and pulled him to his face. Hot tingling breath surrounded the pegasus as the drakos spoke calmly. "Yes it is. A mad pony has my six best friends. One of which is a princess and like a sister to me. Not to mention that they are one of the most important means of defense to this nation. Let's not forget that we've all just lost many friends. Oh and my partner here," Spike gestured at Macintosh. "Almost got impaled. So yeah, this is serious. But I got a job to do. I have to save my friends and in turn save Equestria. If my nerves get the better of me, I die, then they die. I'm just trying stay calm. Now outta my face, I gotta get going."

He turned to Burns and Macintosh. "Ok, let's go. We got ponies to save."

Before they could leave, Flash was in front of them. "I'm going too!"

Spike pushed him aside. "No you're not."

"Yes I am! I can use a sword and I'm a more than capable fighter. I could probably out throw any of you with any weapon. I'm going." He stomped his hoof in anger.

Macintosh nodded. "Eeyep."

Spike glared at his partner. "Fine. But if you die, I'm bringing you back to tell Twilight. Let her kill you."

But We Can't

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Rarity sat on the cushion and huffed. She was messing with her mane as she and her friends would occasionally glare disdainful at the small orange drakos before them. He was about the size of Spike, when he first left. To make matters worst, he kept insulating them.

"And you pink pony, you're fat!" Not very cleverly, or entirely accurate.

"That'll be all Toothfire. Run along and train." The dark, deep, hissing voice caught all of their attention. Sombra was back. "Sorry to have left you ladies alone, but I had a small problem to deal with."

Rainbow Dash tried to pounce on him but was held back by two of her guards. She was no longer sad, it had been funneled into her rage. "I hope you have even more trouble! Spike's comin for you, and I'll spit on your head after he's done!"

He smiled and put a hoof under her chin. "I'm counting on it. He'll put your heads on a pike and parade them in front of my army. My trouble was the troops want you dead now, but I want the princesses to know my power. With Spike my greatest soldier." He tossed her head aside and turned his back to them.

He walked towards a small table and poured himself a drink. "Do you know his little nickname and how he came to be called such?"

Twilight narrowed her eyes. "What has that got to do with anything."

Audibly smacking his lips, he turned and smiled. "So you are curious. You ponies gave him that name, Traitorous King. You see, most drakos have two shades of the same coloring, except special few. On top of that only one family line is purple and green."

Rarity gasped. "Dark magic!"

"Ah, the prissy fancy one noticed. Yes his line is embedded with dark magic. It comes from his ancestor, the lord, king, and god of the drakos, Shadowfang. He was my master."

He admired the look of shock and horror on their faces. All except for Rarity, who stared defiantly, and Pinkie Pie who looked crestfallen. "I see these two already knew, but how much?"

Pinkie Pie further shocked her friends. "Spike is the rightful king of the drakos. His mother and the previous duke were in love and wished to escape with the kings new egg. They did not want him to be turned into what their race had become. They planned their escape, but she died, along with the king. The duke managed to get the egg to princess Celestia before taking the throne. The king is the only drakos with dark magic and has to rape his future wife to create a future heir. Spike knew all of this. The war is because they blame Celestia for destroying their kingship line. Spike blames himself." Tear filled eyes looked up at Rarity's glaring ones. "I'm sorry, he said he would leave and not come back if I told! He said he would have trouble looking me in the eyes after I figured it out, and could never stand the guilt! I'm sorry! He still won't look at me!" She crumpled to the floor and sobbed. Rarity softened, chiding herself for her petty behavior.

Dark laughter filled the room as Sombra walked slowly towards the pink devastated pony. "This is why you are weak." He put on a mock sad face on. "Oh no! He won't look at me, the world is ending!" He delivered a swift kick to her side and smiled at her gasp of pain. "Bring them to the main hall, I wish to show them how futile their fight is."

They were swiftly brought and dumped on the floor in the main hall. When Rarity looked about, no guards were around them. They had the elements and Sombra in front of them. Twilight's voice rang out. "What are you playing at Sombra?"

"Giving you what you wanted. Me, alone, now harmonize me." He smiled a wicked grin at them.

Twilight hardened her glare as she spread her legs. "Come on girls! We can do this! He's giving us a free chance, let's show him what we have!" They rose into the air, elements glowing as Twilight's eyes and crown blanked. Energy surrounded them and Rarity could not help but think of Spike. She had to save him, to keep this evil pony from harming her Spike, and she glowed brighter for it. The energy spiraled and shot off as a rainbow straight at Sombra. It circled the evil pony till he was hidden. Faster and faster it went until the energy exploded out.

The girls fell to the floor and looked at the cloud of dust that covered the area. Hope burned in their eyes, until the dust cleared. There stood, a little tired but fine, Sombra. He grinned with malice as he approached them slowly.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were the first to recover and sprinted towards him. He smiled as he grabbed Rainbow's tail with magic and slammed her into Applejack. "I bet you are wondering just what happened. Well for a start, I'm in complete harmony."

Pinkie Pie jumped at him. He swatted her out of the air. "I'm not out to cause senseless mischief, or control everything."

Twilight shot a beam of magic at him as Rarity as flung as many items she could, chunks of rock and fallen weapons. He raised a shield and grinned. "I just want what's owed."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack began their own assault on the shield. "I am the king of the Crystal Empire and I want my kingdom back!"

Pinkie Pie began to beat on the shield. "My master created the empire for me to rule! It is mine by right!"

Fluttershy got up from her corner and helped in the assault. "And my magic is perfect!"

He raised a hoof and sent them flying back. Drakos soldiers grabbed the element bearers and dragged them in front of the evil king. "My magic comes from the natural being. True it's the darker nature of ponies and drakos, but still natural. Fear, anger, greed, lust, lies, suspicion, I use these and bring them forward."

He raised Fluttershy's eyes to look into his own. His eyes shined with magic as her's became green with red pupils. Her screams of terror hurt ever ear, till a drakos guard strapped her mouth shut. "Unlike that simpleton Discord, I bring out the worst in you, not try and change you."

He stepped up to Rainbow Dash and sniffed. "Ahh, delicious hate. With a hint of fear. You're afraid to hate the drakos because your friend is not just a drakos, but their king. Here's a tid bit, ponies gave him the name. Traitorous King, traitor to his own kind, but also to ponies. If he were to give himself up, the war would end. His stubbornness caused this war." He grinned as her anger rose, but not at him.

Rarity had heard enough. "You and the rest of those nasty brutes would manipulate him and have him consumed by dark magic! He would become a mindless killer! I have no doubt you would still initiate this war! Spike would never let anypony or drakos die senseless deaths."

It was her turn to face Sombra's evil glare, till it faltered for a moment. "You have a touch of nightmare energy about you. I see, you have come to terms with your faults, because of our drakos friend."

"He is not your friend!"

"Still, corruption overtook you. No wonder he admires you. Shadowfang did like the devil mares more. Seems like Spike picked up some of his heritage's nature. You do remind me of a younger version of her."

Before she could question him of his meaning, they were distracted by the sounds of combat. "Ahh, it seems like our guest is here to save his friends. Tell the guards to die admirably. They will lose and die, but that is no excuse to not fight as hard as they can."

"You're despicable."

Spike was not liking their odds. Macintosh and himself were tearing through the ranks, Burns right behind them. Surprisingly, Flash Sentry was keeping up, not as well but still doing good. The problem was that the halls were filled with drakos and they would be too tired to do much of any saving. He had an idea, but Burns was proof of how dangerous it was. "Guys, I have an idea, but it could kill us all. It will kill everything else though. What do ya say?"


A nod from Burns, who seemed to know what he was saying.

"If it saves Twilight, yes!"

"Form tight behind me." Spike backed up till every drakos was in front of him, the ponies got behind him.

He watched as the drakos charged. He took a deep breath and blew. Purple flames erupted from his jaw. It flew through the hall, burning every drakos in its path. The flames were death itself. The drakos that the flames missed, found small purple flaming imps jump from the fire, drag them back into the inferno.

When Spike stood, the hall was filled with burnt, dead, drakos bodies. "Come on."

He looked back and laughed at the sight of Flash swatting at a purple flame imp. "A little help guys!"

Spike waved a claw and it burned out. With a laugh, he jerked his head. "Come on, let's go."

They sprinted down the hall. Spike blew a burst of green flame at the door in front of them and it turned to ash in seconds. They jumped through the doorway and stopped. Standing in the middle of the room was Sombra, and just behind him were the six ponies they had come to save. "Let them go!"

Sombra grinned. "If you turn yourself over to me."

Before anyone could protest, he tossed his machete down. "Fine, but them first."

He was focused on Sombra, but he still heard his friends scream out against the idea.

"How about I kill them now, or you join me and they could be slaves or maybe your chew toys, if you catch my drift."

"You're sick!"

"They would be alive."

Spike rubbed his face and closed his eyes. He hadn't planned on Sombra waiting for him. He had to stall for Shining Armor. When he opened his eyes, he had to stop from smiling. A new plan had just been formed. Thank you Skrilla.

"I got a new idea. I kill you, and you die."

Sombra smile widened. "How about I do this." He shot off a blast of dark magic at Spike, who fell to his knees and clutched his heart. "And you kill those monkeys trying to free my prisoners."

Let Home Die

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Rarity watched Spike come through the door and hope spread through her, then she felt the tap on her shoulder. She turned and came face to face with a covered face.

A dexterous paw covered her mouth. "Shh, we're the infiltration unit of the Poison Wings. We were asked to come help Spike in the war. Our job is to get you outta here. Come on."

She looked around and saw the drakos guards were still standing, but the knives in them told her they were dead.

She heard a grunt of pain and turned to Spike. He was hurting. "Spike!"

The monkey's paw covered her mouth again. "Shut up! We have to go!" He did not get the chance. A giant purple claw slammed him into the wall.

Rarity turned and gasped in shock and horror. There stood Spike on three claws. He was massive, and his features were angular. His scales were almost black, they were so dark. Two massive wings sprouted from back, and a set of ebony antlers stood upon his head. His eyes are what scared her. Black, completely black. No pity or remorse in them.

Sombra's demented laugh filled her ears. "Looks like he had a lot of pent up anger. Now, kill the girls also. Leave their heads though. I want those mounted."

He turned his eyes on Rarity and looked across the room. Big Macintosh, that Burns fellow, and was that Flash Sentry, were chained to the ground with black magic. When she looked back, there was a softness in Spike's eyes. She bit her lip and hoped this worked.

She lifted a hoof and placed it on the side of his mouth. "Spike, dear, can you hear me."

Sombra laughed again. "Knock knock, nopony home."

Spike growled but stayed still.

"I want you to remember when I thought everypony would forget about me. When the Nightmare took over me. You turned down your greatest wish because it was not the real me. You saved me. Remember your birthday, you learned what was worth taking, and what to leave alone. You learned to fight your fears and to control yourself. I need you now. You have saved me numerous times. You saved me from Bloody. Remember who you are. Let me save you this time." She kissed him lightly on the end of his nose. "I care for you more than you know. Come back to us."

His eyes widened and returned to their normal color, but they were still primal. He turned his head and faced Sombra. A bestial roar escaped his mouth as he charged the dark pony.

"You will not defy me whelp." Sombra let loose a stream of dark magic. Spike let loose a flurry of purple and green flames.

The two forces met and exploded, sending everybody back.

Spike dove for Sombra who grew two black wings and took to the air. Spike lashed out with his jaw, catching the evil king. Sombra shot magic into his mouth and dove out. He shot a burst of magic at the ground and four giant pony statues rose from the ground.

"It seems I must leave, but I warn you. I will be back. Next time I will be ready and the rising will happen." A flash of his horn, and Sombra was gone.

The four pony statues stepped towards Spike, advancing closer to him.

Twilight gasped. "Golems." Spike took no heed.

In moments he had ripped them apart and stomped the pieces. He blew a burst of flame on the shreds for good measure.

He turned and stared softly at Rarity until steam began to come off his body. His body began to shrink and color returned to normal, the wings on his back faded away. When he was in his original state, he fell to the ground.

A claw tentatively touched an ebony antler. "Man, I thought I cut these off." He looked up into the crying blue eyes of Rarity, and smiled, before jumping up ready to fight. "Are you ok Rarity! Where's Sombra?!"

Rarity pounced onto his back, squeezing him in a hug. "I thought we had lost you! Don't scare me like that!" Soon the rest of their friends joined in.

Rarity looked up as he looked down at her. He had a confused, but joyful look on his face. "It's been awhile since I've had this many pretty mares hugging on me. Still feels good." A tearful laugh escaped their lips. They were together again. No war, just seven friends, back together.

"Sorry to break up this heartfelt moment, but we are still behind enemy lines." They all turned and faced the six monkeys in black and grey outfits. One of which was rubbing his chest. "Can we leave now?"

Spike stood next to Shining Armor and the red griffin Skrilla. They looked out at the drakos warriors as they placed their weapons in a pile. They all knew that a drakos was still strong without them, but it was symbolic. Spike knew that the drakos would die before they went back on their word of surrender. "Thanks for coming Skrilla. Didn't know you cared so much."

Skrilla smiled and looked at his once enemy. "Don't, repayment of honor, and a new contract with Celestia. Turns out ponies are a lot more forthcoming with payment than drakos. Plus the benefit of a better concise. I never did thank you for sparing my idiot brother."

Spike scratched his throat. "Hmm, I thought I killed that birdie."

"And my feathers are green. Any way, seems like we came just in time."

"Dues ex machina."

Shining Armor gave Spike a curious glance. "Huh?"

"In a story, a last minute extra shows up and saves the day. Learned a thing or to with Twilight."

Skrilla nodded. "Well I did save the day."

Spike shoved him lightly. "Don't get a big head. Your ninja monkeys were just a distraction for my act."

Skrilla paused. "Speaking of. What is the Rising?"

Spike got a dark look in his eyes. "A fairytale. I'll leave it at that."

Skrilla glared for a moment before he turned to leave. "Fine." He stopped and looked over his shoulder. "Oh, after I bring the drakos back to their kingdom I have one more drakos job. What do you want me to do boss?"

Spike just raised an eyebrow. "Ok? Well there's a rebellion going on there, help them and set up the kingdom for when I show up. I'll be there in about a week."

With Skrilla gone, Shining Armor turned to Spike. "The Rising. That's why you gave me that stone. It's real and dangerous, isn't it."

Spike turned away and began to walk back towards Macintosh, and the empire. "There's two more. Given to beings I trust. Gotta go see a friend." With a wave, he left.

Shining Armor lowered his head as he shook it. "Man, Macintosh is a given, but I bet the third he gave to Discord. I hate having to talk to that loon."

Spike stood over the bed with an old set of dog tags in his claw. The tags belonged to Cliphoof, a now dead friend. Now he stood over a dying friend.

Cloudcutter looked peaceful as he looked around at his team. "Guess this the funeral I get to watch. You all are a fun bunch."

There was a slight laughter from them all. Brass sat by the head of the bed, a sling on his injured leg. "Well we were upset till you pulled a you."

Spike stepped over to Hawkeye and sat next to him on the bed next to Cloudcutter. "There's nothing that can be done right? Anything I could do?"

Hawkeye shook his head and spoke in a strained whisper. "I wish there were. The problem is deep. He had many lacerations to too many organs. We patched him up but, there's too much and every bit of it is seeping and bleeding. We can't keep him under or he stays dead, but if we take him out, it's all undone. This is the best I got. A couple of hours and a peaceful death."

"What about life support?"

"He said no. He'd need one for his lungs soon, kidneys, heart, and new blood in him at all times. I know you and all of us would pay for it, but he would be next to death for the rest of his life. We just turned off the machines he was on. I'll give him a sedative in a bit, so he dies sleeping."

Spike nodded. "Than it's time to say bye." He stood up and leaned against the wall. He looked at his team, Hawkeye, Bumble, Burns, Brass, Macintosh, and finally the dying Cloudcutter. They spent hours just talking and laughing. They told stories about the good times and good ponies they met. They talked until Cloudcutter started to have trouble breathing. Hawkeye ushered them out the door.

Spike took Cloudcutter's tags and added them to his set. Before he left, Cloudcutter stopped him. "Captain, real quick. We fought with you and died. We never regretted that. We regret not making you happy. Please don't vanish from your family. And I know nosey girl is just out the door, do as I said. It'll make it all worth it. Live for me Cap, and don't lose yourself. We won, and we saved your kind also. Thanks for it all."

Spike clutched the door frame, but his face and smile were genuine. "Thanks, and I'll never forget you. We will never forget you. Live for the dead, die for the living."

Cloudcutter smiled and nodded before nodding to Hawkeye. Spike shut the door.

Spike found himself in front of Rarity, who looked a lot better since the rescue. Her hair was still frazzled and her makeup was smeared, but she looked better. "Hello Spike, may we talk?"

He released a shuddering breath. Tears threatened to come from his eyes. "Sorry, not right now. I'll find you in a moment. I need to talk to you too." He turned and went out of the small hospital.

He found a corner of the building to sit and lit a cigarette. Drops of water fell on the paper as he puffed. The tears had finally fallen. He cried, he cried for Cloudcutter, he cried for Cliphoof, Sunrise, and all of the ones before. He cried for the ones he didn't know. He cried for Cloudcutter's little brother and all the other families and friends. He cried for the duke of the drakos and all that had died on their side. Most of all he cried because he was sad for so long but had to be strong. He didn't need to be as strong as he had been now.

When he was done, he stood and wiped his face and smiled, he felt better. He hardened his gaze, he had one more thing left to do.

Save Those You Love

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Rarity was a little irritated. She had been with the rest of the girls and princess Cadence. They had a nice chat and tea, although Pinkie's indomitable bubbly personality was distracting. She was happy for the distraction, it was the first time in months she had been truly happy to have her bubbly friend. The time they had was meaningless, pointless, and irreplaceable. In short, she had a good time.

Until she found out Spike had ditched her to go drinking with "the guys". The messenger had delivered a note that detailed Shining Armor and his entourage where making quite a mess in the downtown area. All of the living and able soldiers were doing it, just not as rough as they were. They managed to start a bar fight with the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash was upset about that, graffiti a monument, and urinated on a general's tent. They had been arrested then released, provided they stayed in their quarters. Spike suggested Hawkeye's quarters because he had a still.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie laughed as the rest became embarrassed, except Rarity. She had wanted to apologize to a great purple buffoon, and he left to go drink. Hell hath no fury! She smiled pleasantly to her friends and excused herself as Applejack attempted to stop her.

She stood outside of the large tent and looked through the screen siding at all of the male testosterone. They were laughing and drinking the clear poison. Rarity's fury had calmed as she began to simply think he was unwinding, as she had just been with the girls. That is until Hawkeye made a lewd gesture about a mare's headquarters. Indignation flared as she flung the simple wood door open, silencing the chuckling males.

One pony she did not recognize, who had thick, bushy, mustache across his lip, raised his eyes toward Spike. "It seems you're whipped already. Even without the good parts."

Spike glared at him. "Shut up BJ."

Rarity glared at Spike before smiling and politely turning to the rest of the group. "May I borrow Spike for a moment gentlecolts?"

The mustached one, BJ, raised a hoof over his chest. "It was nice knowing you."

Bumble scratched his head as he stumbled around a bit, eyes bloodshot from the alcohol. "You sound like he's about ta die."

"She called us gentle. So she's either blind, never met a gentlecolt, which neither is likely, or being nice as she kills him. I'm married, I know that tone."

Hawkeye slumped down over BJ and gave a sly smile. "Who knows, maybe it's the good kinda death. With a smile on his face and cigarette in his mouth." He stood and paced around the room, slinging a hoof around. "They'll find his bones years later and see his pelvis crushed and go, you lucky bastard. What a way to go."

A roar of laughter around the room exploded. Shining Armor decided to add his two bits. "I'm guessing that's how you want to go Hawk. I'm not too sure Spike knows what to do, he still does owe me a bachelor party."

Another bout of laughter. Spike glared at the offender. "You do know that I had to explain that process to your sister right? I just didn't know what a bachelor was, after all I'm usually surrounded by girls, not ugly guys like you lot."

Everypony laughed except Shining Armor, who glared at Spike. "So you're the reason she was asking all those questions. "

"Nope, just her curiosity. She did walk around with a hilarious look of shock on her face when Cadence told her."

They were interrupted Rarity clearing her throat. "Spike, it is dreadfully impolite to keep a lady waiting. Especially with such crude conversation."

Spike lowered his head and spoke weakly. "Yes ma'am."

There was some laughter till Rarity turned towards the group. "I will be sure that your sisters know of the chosen topic, Macintosh Apple, Shining Armor. Your wife will especially find it interesting Shining Armor." With a flip of her hair, she followed Spike out of the door.

Hawkeye turned to Big Macintosh. "She's a firecracker."

He smiled as puffed a cigarette. "Eeyep."

Rarity glared at the now meek drakos. "I said I had something to tell you and you said you were busy. Was your urinating on a general's tent more important than an important message from a friend?"

Spike shuffled his claws in the dirt. "No. I did have something to do, but after I was done, I ran into Hawkeye and he invited me out to drink with the guys. I need to tell you something also, but I figured a little good time could help me get the courage. I'm sorry I didn't come straight to you. I understand if you're mad."

She lost her glare but still looked on with disapproval. "I am mad. With good reason. Now what I had to say is ineffectual. Now what did you want to tell me?"

Spike lowered his head, the stumps where his antlers were stared at her. "It's inappropriate at the moment."

Rarity lifted his head with a hoof and spoke with a huff. "Spike!" She ran her hoof over his antler stubs. "Why would you chop off a your antlers?"

He turned his head away. "Because they represent the darker side of me."

Her hoof turned him back facing her. "And?"

"And I know I'm a monster, the rest of the world doesn't need to know too." His voice was quiet, barely a whisper.

"We have been over this. You are not a monster, just like everypony else you have the capacity to become one though." Her other hoof raised and she placed them both on the side of his face. She stared gently and deeply in to his emerald eyes. "I wanted to tell you, that my emotions are conflicted." She turned her head away for a moment before facing him again. "But I believe that I am falling for you. You are one of the best friends I have ever known, with the kind and gentle heart of a hero. If ever I needed you, you came. No monster would show such kindness."

Spike looked up into her eyes and lowered his head further. "Only because I cared for you."

She raised his head and leaned her forehead on his. "Caring can turn the monstrous creatures into gentle beasts. You care for me and our friends, let that be your proof. Promise me you won't ever do that again."

He nodded slowly. "Fine, you win." He raised his head and stood claws together. A claw to his chest and head cocked to the side. He had an attempted cocky smile that just looked adorable and goofy. "So my wily charm has finally caught you. How's it feel to fall for the most rugged, handsome being in all the lands?"

She giggled and swatted at him. "I would assume the same as falling for such a beautiful mare."

His smile grew even more goofy. "The most beautiful."

She smiled gently before looking seriously at him. "Now I want you to know, I am not in love with you per say, just that I might be. My emotions and thoughts are conflicted. I am willing to find out though."

He smiled sweetly. "So am I. Ya know, I was going to say something similar."

A coy grin appeared on her face. "Oh, and how does it differ?"

He placed a claw under her chin, and lowered his mouth to her ear, whispering. "I know that I'm in love with you, and that I was hoping to earn your affection as well." He placed a gentle kiss just below her ear.

She looked away and pawed at the ground with a hoof. "Well I must say, you are off to a wonderful start."

He puffed his chest out and grinned. "Well I am wonderful."

She could not help but grin as she turned to walk away. "And quite egotistical."

"But true."

She smiled she began to leave. "Go join your friends in your celebration. You have earned it. I will see you in the morning dear."

He waved as he went back into the tent. She smiled to herself, the future looked bright for the two of them. She put a hoof to her chest and closed her eyes. The future was bright for them in more ways than one.


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The doors flew open to the old library and Sombra stepped inside with a dignified walk. Smiling, he poured himself a glass of wine and took a sip. He set the glass down and closed his eyes, then began to fling everything he could get his hooves on across the room.

"Curses! I had it back! My kingdom was in my grasp and all of Equstria with it! Rahhhh!" He yelled towards the ceiling. Anger flowed about him as his magic began to burn tables, books, anything it touched.

He picked up a small glass bottle and flung it across the room. The smoky, black substance in the bottle escaped and held it up in mid air. A deep, soft, feminine voice spoke. "You are not happy. You have failed."

Sombra rolled his eyes and spat at the mystical cloud. "With my primary plan, yes."

"Will the master be revived?"

"Yes my dear Nightmare. Unfortunately it will not be as my slave but once again as my master."

"I will hold a body once again?"

"Yes, one you have held before, if the master so wishes that is."

"I will be honored to serve the master again."

"See, that is why I am the favored one. I do not contend myself with being a simple pawn. You simply love and worship him just as all the lowly peons do."

"I love the master for he is perfect."

"Well no matter. All of Equstria will shake in fear at the return of Shadowfang. Then the world will quake under his rule."