
by lar_siam

First published

Twilight has a problem with her wings she is quite reluctant to admit to.

Twilight has a problem with her wings she is quite reluctant to admit to.
However, she gets unexpected help when Luna visits her for a stargazing session.

Edited by Zenith042 and Cover Art by SilFoe, thanks!


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The havoc hit Twilight like a wave, as she entered the room.

"Spike," she called, slightly exasperated. The not-so-much-a-baby-anymore baby dragon got his own room in the library some time ago. While he was overjoyed when Twilight told him about her plans, from the moment he took a step into it, it was an average teenager’s room’s mess. Very unlike his tidiness around the rest of the library, which Twilight was silently grateful for, "you're going to clean up this mess before you go out to see Sweetie Bell!".

"I told you, I'm helping Rarity organizing her new cloth delivery," came the reply from downstairs, "and besides, it's not that bad!"

"And what if you bring her home someday," Twilight asked, completely ignoring his futile denial, "would you want her to see your room in this state?".

"Twilight," he said in a do-you-have-to-do-it-this-way, before he meekly surrendered, "…on it."

The fact that Spikes well known attraction for Rarity had shifted to her younger sister over the last few months was an equally well known “secret” to the citizens of Ponyville. For Twilight it was a relief and convenience alike. She loved Spike dearly, but that included loosening the strings as he grew to become the dragon he was. It also meant she could focus more on her studies and other activities that were of priority to her.

One of said activities was the weekly meeting with Luna to study the skies. It began some time before her coronation when Luna discovered to her amazement that Twilight’s knowledge of the night sky and the celestial bodies within was rather extensive. After some correspondence and a meeting they started to convene once in a once in a while, and now after the coronation even regularly.

This day, or rather this night would be one of such meetings, and Twilight was looking forward to it.

She took some of her astronomy books from the shelf and held them in a magical aura in front of her. She knew the contents of each book so well, she might as well have written some of them. Maybe someday, she thought. But she didn't pull out these books for herself, she merely used them to get some ideas which discoveries, theories or just simply beautiful sights of the night sky she would teach Luna tonight.

It turns out you miss a lot when you spend a thousand years on the moon, not because of the view of the night sky, rather because of the significant lack of scholars and students with fresh ideas and and valuable critics.
A well-used grey book caught her eye, The Playground of the Stars, they looked into it a few sessions ago, but didn't quite finish it. It would make a good start, Twilight was convinced.

Even though it was a popular science book and sometimes drifted off into daring theories instead of relying on hard facts, Luna seemed to like it. The imagination of the ponies about the night sky seems to fascinate her just as much as the night sky itself, she remembered as she laid the book down on the balcony.
Next to the books she placed some empty scrolls, waiting to be filled, along with quills and ink and smiled as she imagined which forgotten knowledge the Prin- no, Luna would reveal to her in return.

It was quite harmonic in its own way, Twilight ruminated briefly as she trotted down the stairs. With Spike settled on a not so secret mission to conquer a fillies heart, Owlowiscious out to do whatever verbally versatile owls do at night and a library that would not need a reshelving for another day or two, she opted for a light snack before her guest would arrive.

Though halfway through her dandelion sandwich someone knocked on the door. Twilight blinked and threw a glance to the clock.

"Come on in!" she tried to answer the door and immediately regretted it as the last bite in her muzzle threatened to go down the wrong hole.

"Twilight, I'm…" Luna began as she made her way through the door but was cut short by Twilight’s coughs and grunts. She was throwing her head around and her wings were flaring uncontrollably.

However as Luna rushed to her aid, Twilight was already recovering and all Luna could do was levitating her a glass of fresh water which Twilight accepted with a smile and another fit of coughing.

"I'rr…" another gulp of water, "I'm fine," she claimed in a hoarse voice that was not yet her own again.

"I can see that." Luna gave her a sarcastic grin which earned her a playful stab to her chest.

"As I wanted to say," Luna continued, "I'm sorry if I might be a little early, the air currents were quite strong and it took me less time than I expected it would."

"You flew?" the voice which still didn't quite sounded like Twilight asked incredulously as she poured herself a new glass of water.

"Sure, they have to be good for something, you know." Luna lifted her right wing and nudged Twilight’s left one as if to make a point.

Twilight reflexively took a small step back at the sensation. Though she did use them occasionally since Rainbow Dash had personally recruited her for flying lessons they still felt uncomfortable from time to time. Sometimes they were even annoying her, when she just couldn't find a comfortable position to lie down.

Another point was the sheer amount of energy necessary to maintain flight, she was exhausted after just a few minutes and all that it left was an ever increasing admiration for Rainbow’s limitless stamina.

And then there were the feathers. Everywhere. As if loose strands of her mane weren't enough already.

"Still sensitive, huh?"

Twilight nodded, Luna knew of her reluctance against her new appendages, so there was no sense in hiding it.

Luna pondered over this as she shifted her view from the wings to Twilight’s face. Then, in a swift move she turned around and placed one forehoof on Twilight’s back, surprising the alicorn who unwillingly stretched her wing which in turn was caught by the other forehoof.

Feeling awkwardly exposed Twilight squirmed a little under Luna’s hoof but to no avail, "Luna! What… are you doing?"

"Helping you, Twilight. I know you didn't warm up to the idea of having wings yet, you will eventually. But neglecting them won't do the rest of your body any good, not to mention your state of mind."

"I'm not neglecting them, it's just…"

"Did you sleep well tonight?" Luna interrupted her.

"I…" Twilight was baffled, partly due to the interruption, partly because of the sudden jump of topic. It dawned on her what Luna was aiming for and she didn't like it, but it didn't look like she had much of a choice, "…no I didn't.".

"Do they itch?" Luna pursued as she finally let go of Twilight’s wing.

"Terribly," Twilight broke the eye contact and looked away, "I don't know how pegasus can stand it!"

"They don't," Luna answered drily, "when cared for properly, wings do not itch."

"Yes. Yes, I know that! I read all about wings even before I had them."


"It's not working. I tried. So many times that I could recite the name of each feather as I tugged them one by one, but it just isn't working!" Twilight wailed.

Her gaze followed Luna who circled around her to take a look at the other wing and then made her way out the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Twilight asked and hurried after Luna.

"Relocating the classroom."

"The bathroom?" Twilight looked at Luna confused.

"The Bathtub, to be precise." Luna threw her a neutral glance.

"Luna… I appreciate what you are trying to do, but I don't think this is necessary…" the discomfort from her wings was now forgotten but just to be replaced by the unnerving thought of being in her bathroom with another pony, even worse, taking a bath while another pony would be watching.

"Not necessary? Twilight, your wings are driving you crazy, you might not think you need this now, but eventually you will need somepony to help you through this. If you don't want me to help you I won’t hold it against you, but you must promise me to seek out someones help sooner rather than later. Preferably from one of your pegasus friends."

Twilight’s mind raced, she knew Luna was right but the thought of approaching Fluttershy or even Rainbow Dash with this problem and letting them too come so intimately close was not one, she was comfortable with.
She might just as well get it over with right there and besides, after their stargazing sessions she considered Luna a friend just as close to her as the other Elements of Harmony.

"It's fine, I'm okay with this," Twilight faced Luna, "I think."

Luna gave her a reassuring smile and shuffled through the selection of lotions with her magic as Twilight made her way into the bathtub.

While Twilight put the first batch of shampoo into her mane and coat, Luna examined the makeshift classroom. It wasn't exactly spacious and the tub which was located against the outer wall was obviously designed to fit one pony only. This meant she could only work on one wing at a time, not the optimum, but it will have to make do. However, first things first, there was something that needed to be done.

The by now soaking wet Twilight jumped at the touch, up to this moment she had done everything she could to ignore Luna standing right next to her and looking right at her. She knew something like this would eventually happen and chastised her mind for leaving her unprepared, just as the touching sensation continued.

Luna started her simple massage at Twilight’s shoulders and after her patient calmed down from the first touch she advanced with less resistance in circling movements to the base of her wings. "Relax…" she said calmly.

Even though Twilight didn't feel like it in her mind, her body complied and gave up the tension in some muscles.
Luna’s hooves were slowly increasing their range and not too soon were they moving from the top of her neck, over her shoulders or a long way down her back, but always did they find their way back to the base of her wings.

Eventually they also moved down her sides around the area where her now half spread wings would reside when folded.
It was not a particularly sensitive area, other ponies might brush against you there, if you were standing close. The dedicated movement of Luna’s hooves however made her shiver a little, but she conceded. Satisfied with the trust she gradually gained from Twilight, Luna moved back to Twilight’s spine and slowly worked her way first up to, then along Twilight’s left wing.

"Gah! Hah…!" Twilight jerked against the wall at the contact, away from Luna’s hooves. Water from the tub splashed all around the bathroom and at Luna. Both Twilight’s wings twitched vigorously, but while the right one immediately hit the wall as it unfolded, the left wet wing slapped right into Luna’s face.

"Oh, I'm sorry Luna! I didn't mean to…" Twilight hastily apologised.

"No, Twilight," Luna cut her off. "I am to blame for this. You trusted me and I moved too fast… I'm sorry."

Twilight took a moment to collect herself, then turned around as far as the tub allowed und nuzzled Luna, who was now just as wet as she herself anyway.
"It's alright, I was just startled. I didn't know I was even more sensitive there, though I should have guessed, there are a lot of nerves coming together…" she mused.

"Don't blame yourself, I moved to fast," Luna said, "at least nothing serious happened…".

The solved situation was followed by an awkward silence, which both mares tried to break at the same moment.



Luna continued as Twilight motioned her to go first. "Twilight, if you do not wish to continue, I'm sure we can find another solution." After this scene she was a lot more cautious, she didn't really take into account before that she could hurt Twilight in the process. And now she feared she had lost Twilight’s trust for good.

"No, no, it's okay for me. We can continue, just maybe a little slower at that point please?" Twilight said, but soon realised she was not the only pony involved in this, "that is, if you still want to?"

Luna sighed relieved to herself and gave Twilight a short but friendly hug. Without further words, she once again placed her hooves on Twilight’s back and started her massage. Even though they allowed themselves plenty of time, they arrived at the sensitive joints in question soon enough.

"Are your ready?" Luna asked after she went around the base of Twilight’s wings countless times.

"Will never be, go ahead!" Twilight clenched her teeth.

"Relax, Twilight. It really helps," Luna tried to calm the trembling Twilight.
While she left one hoof at the joint, she let the other trail around the areas she already massaged and eventually managed to calm down Twilight.
She continued with this as she slowly shove her hoof forward onto the wing.

Twilight gasped, but remained still. She squinched her eyes shut and exhaled sharply. The sensation and discomfort growing exponentially in her head.
"You're alright?" came a worried question as Luna saw her face.

"This is tor-ture!" Twilight claimed "In-capacitating me-he in my own tub, I will tel-ell that to the princess!"

An in-joke between them. So it can't be that bad, Luna thought as Twilight continued her accusations. "Why don't you j-just pull out the ropes and tie me down, you're torturing me any-iahy…" a mischievous idea started to form in Luna’s mind, "…and don't forget the crop!"

Luna smiled as she leaned close to Twilight’s ear and asked quietly, but in a dead serious tone, "Do you want me to?"
This halted her. Halted her mind, her body and her bugging nervous system in a speed that might have skipped one or two laws of physics.

"Luna! That was a joke! I said that under distress! You know I didn't mean that!"

Luna had to fight the grin that was rushing to her face, but managed both, not to throw away her mask and not to answer. "Luna?!"

"I know, Twilight. But do you want to know what else I know?" She didn't wait for an answer, "It worked!".

And sure enough her hooves were moving along the muscles of Twilight’s wing.
As the mare in distress realised this, the sensation immediately rushed back to her head a little, but she managed to keep it under control. "You're terrible!"

"While I am known for unconventional methods, this one was your idea"

Twilight groaned "Well, the end justifies the means, I guess."

"I'm glad you think so too, that means we can proceed to the rough part."

"The rough part? Luna, wha-Aah!" she almost screamed as Luna brought her muzzle close to Twilight’s feathers and began tugging them with her lips and tongue.

This was yet another onslaught of sensation but unlike the first one of discomfort, this one was a comfortable sensation. Really comfortable actually. She tried to block it out, but with every new feather that Luna swirled her tongue around came a new wave of sensation that worked against her will. Every tugging, every straightening slowly crumbled her constitution.

It was then, that the mare at her wing found the first loose feather. The relief she felt when it was plucked out of the soft flesh of her wings elicited a small moan from Twilight, she had to stop this.

"Luna, this…" was all she managed. First words, then speaking, she told her uncooperative mind.

"Yes, Twilight?" Luna’s reply came through a bunch of feathers, not helping at all.

"Luna, you don't have to to this." Twilight's voice carried every bit of the bliss she felt, "I can't ask you to do this."

"Do you really want me to stop, Twilight?"

Twilight tried to gather her last clear thoughts and evaluated the situation, which was quite a feat, given her current state.
She was here, in her tub, and next to her was her friend, a friend, Twilight reminded her subconsciousness. So far so awkward.

Now this Friend was caring for one of her most sensitive body parts, do friends do that? At least she knew Luna was doing this out of her own volition. And both of them had given each other plenty of opportunities to abort this whole… thing?
And then there was the perspective of not itching wings, she hadn't told anyone but it did keep her from maintaining her concentration for the past few weeks and her sleep was all but resting with her itchy appendages.

And at last she had to admit, it felt really, really good. So there was no doubt when she turned her head to Luna and admitted abashed and blushing, "no, Luna. I don't want you to stop."

"Wh-Wha?" a puzzled Twilight asked sleepily to noone in particular as she opened her eyes after the best sleep she'd had in months. A glance out of the window told her that it was still early morning and the sun won't rise for another hour or two.

"You passed out just shortly after we switched to your right wing." Came the unexpected answer from behind. Twilight snapped around.

"Luna?" she blinked, piecing together bits of information. Luna…Wing…Oh!

Luna smiled at the array of expressions Twilight managed to put up in record time, finishing with a cute blush as realization struck her.

"So… that happened?" Twilight asked.

"I should think so. How are your wings?"

"They're…" Twilight pushed herself up and spread her legs and wings like she used to do every morning, "They're not itching, I can't believe it! Thank you so much, Luna! You have no idea how much they annoyed me!" she stepped forward to throw her legs around Luna.

"I'm glad I could be of help to you, Twilight," She said before her head turned to the window, "though, I am afraid we will have to reschedule stargazing to next week. I should get on my way back to canterlot it seems"

But Twilight held on to her and looked her into the eyes, "Aren't you forgetting something?" This time Twilight didn't leave Luna any time to reply, "Our Agreement?"

"Agreement? What are speaking of?"

"That every week –" Twilight moved closer "– for every time you show me some knowledge of the past –" she fluffed her now comfortable wings and closed the gap between their faces to mere centimeters "– I shall show you the imagination of the present."