Love and Lies

by Duelist96

First published

After all the hardships that everypony has gone through to save Equestria no pony has ever felt love. Now with Equestria safe can everypony finally express their love, even if somepony is hiding a dark and terrible secret.

Everypony can now share their affections with the special somepony that they always dreamed about. Love was something that none of the ponies ever believed they could ever feel. This can now happen thanks to the helpful and hardworking ponies that helped protect Equestria. With the ability to share their feelings somepony will figure out a dark secret. Can the heroes keep the secret away from everypony or are they going to have to deal with this in a brutal way to keep everypony happy.


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With Discord rehabilitated to use his magic for good (most of the time) and the queen of the changelings expunged from Canterlot everypony is now able to relax and enjoy their friendships that they have created. With years going by in the time of peace everypony began maturing into even more beautiful Mares. Through this time of aging everypony began to grow closer as friends and now they might even want to get closer possibly past the boundaries of friendship and become lovers. Through this new found affection everypony has for one another they will see if they are able to keep the peace.

"Dash get back here and clean up this mess you made practicing your new techniques!" AJ yelled as she looked around for Rainbow.


Even with being the two toughest mares in Ponyville their relationship could still be looked at as though they were just friends. Their love bloomed when Dash took Applejack on a trip to Cloudsdale to see the Wonderbolts. Applejack was reluctant to go because she didn't much care for the air show in general but decided to go when Rainbow had VIP tickets and had this look on her face that she really wanted AJ to go with. AJ goes with Dash up to Cloudsdale to watch and enjoy the show. During the ride up though AJ saw Dash was squirming all over the place and couldn't tell what was making her so nervous.

"Dash is everything alright, because you look very nervous about something?" AJ asked with a worried concern voice as she saw Dash getting even worse.

"To tell you the truth Applejack I haven't been completely honest with you." Dash said in a very hesitant way.

"What are you talking about sugarcube, I thought we were coming to see the Wonderbolts perform?" AJ asked with a look of confusion on her face.

"We are going to see them perform but I also have an ulterior motive for going." Dash said with a sly grin going across her face.

"Well what is the other reason for want to bring..." AJ started to ask until Dash locked her lips on hers and gave her a very passionate kiss.

As Dash broke off the kiss that seemed to last an eternity Applejack was able to collect herself from the unforeseen kiss and able to calm down.

"What was all that about Dash?" AJ asked as she looked at Dash very quizzically trying to figure out why she did that to her.

"That is the other reason why I wanted to bring you to the air show." Rainbow replied as her cheeks started to turn into a crimson hue.

Seeing Dash's face turn crimson started to make Applejack blush a little to. Noticing that Rainbow wasn't looking at her yet she quickly hid her blushing face. After her face was no longer showing any crimson she started to think to herself on how tease Rainbow and see if she can get this stubborn pegasus to become even more red in the face.

"You brought me all this way in the sky just to kiss me and make me look like a fool." AJ's voice sounding a little betrayed and angry at her friend.

Dash realizing that she may have hurt her friend started to explain the planned events she had for AJ. The plan was simple in Dash's mind. First she would get VIP tickets to the next Wonderbolts show and try to get Applejack to come with her. They then would head up to Cloudsdale and watch the show. After the show Dash would take Applejack to one of the popular bars in Cloudsdale. As they were in the bar Dash would try and get her friend drunk enough that she wouldn't be able to make it back to ponyville. Once she was nice and drunk Rainbow would then take AJ back to her house. Once inside her house Rainbow would try to seduce Applejack into taking a shower with her to help calm her down a bit from her drunken state. Knowing that AJ would be drunk getting her to comply shouldn't be to hard to do. As they were showering Dash was then going to tease Applejack with her tail and try to get her in a good mood. If all of this worked then Rainbow would finally be to get her in bed and finally make love to her.

"That was going to be the whole entire day and now it is ruined." Dash said with disappointment in her voice seeing how she ruined her own plan by acting on her own instincts.

"..........." AJ just looked at Dash with such a happy face that she was smiling ear to ear after hearing the work Dash went through to get this plan to work. Not only that though but Dash also had feelings of love towards her then just seeing her as a friend.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Rainbow asked nervously as she saw AJ grinning very widely at her.

"Just thinking about all the thought you put into your plan just to get me in the sack." AJ said in a very seductive tone that made Rainbow start to blush a very bright red.

"Well it was a good plan since I am the one..." Dash trying to boast before Applejack jumped on top of her a gave her a long and deep kiss.

Applejack's tongue entered Dash's mouth trying to explore it. Rainbow could feel it all over and did the same with her tongue in Applejack's mouth. As Dash was starting to black out Applejack quickly broke off the kiss leaving Dash in a state of euphoria that she has never felt before. Dash even gave a look at Applejack that contained disappointment for having broken off the kiss and leaving her in an unsatisfied state.

"If you want more we just have to go through all the things you had planned for me." AJ saying in such a seductive tone that Dash almost fainted from how alluring it was.

"Wait a minute you actually want to go through with my plan?" Dash asked with a look of confusion on her face at Applejack.

"Of course I do sugarcube because I also have been wanting to get you into bed for a long time." AJ replied with her face bright burning red at finally confessing her feelings toward Dash.

"Then lets get this party started then!" Rainbow screamed in excitement as she finally heard that AJ loved her to.


"Fluttershy could you please come to the living room and show off my new ensemble I created?" Rarity asked to her nervous companion that was in the kitchen.


Now this may have been the most unexpected relationship to have happened over the years. Rarity who always had an eye for fashion and getting everything that she wanted. Fluttershy who was pretty much scared of her own tail and couldn't even get a word in a conversation because she always whispered when she talked. This relationship was actually pushed by Fluttershy of all ponies. Most never expected Fluttershy to be so bold when it came time for her to finally express her feelings toward Rarity.

The day pretty much began with Fluttershy feeding and watering all the little critters she had around her cottage. She noticed Rarity walking by with a vibrant smile on her face as she headed to her boutique. Fluttershy always saw this vibrant smile more often when Rarity walked by when she was around. This made Fluttershy a little confused because she has feelings for Rarity but was a little nervous to express them. Also with seeing this smile more often she started to question if Rarity really liked her. Fluttershy needed to find out for certain so she didn't hurt herself or Rarity if it wasn't true.

"O...okay Fluttershy you can do this. Just knock on her door and tell her how you feel." Fluttershy said in her head trying to give herself some encouragement.

Fluttershy knocked on Rarity's door a couple of times. Listening close Fluttershy could hear hoofsteps coming to the door. Rarity opened the door and was excited to see Fluttershy standing there. Rarity invited Fluttershy into her boutique and asked if she would like anything to drink. Fluttershy graciously asked for a glass of water. As Rarity left Fluttershy looked around the room and noticed Rarity's new line of clothing hidden under a sheet. Curious as to what her new ensemble was Fluttershy went over to get a little peek. When she lifted the sheet Fluttershy let out a little squeak at what she had seen.

"Everything okay in there darling? You didn't hurt yourself or anything?" Rarity asked in a worried tone after hearing the squeak Fluttershy let out.

"E...everything is okay." Fluttershy replied as her cheeks started to turn crimson.

Everypony knew that Rarity was a refined fashion designer that always made the best looking clothes for each and every individual pony. Though after Fluttershy lifted the covers she also saw that Rarity had started creating lingerie for ponies. The lingerie she saw was designed for her size and meant for her. As Fluttershy started to panic she quickly was able to calm down and come up with a plan to finally tell Rarity how she felt. She could hear Rarity coming back and quickly covered the clothing with the sheet and went to sit down on the couch.

"Here you go darling. One nice glass of sparkling water." Rarity said in her sing-song voice as she levitated the glass toward Fluttershy.

Fluttershy looked down into the sparkling liquid working up the courage to ask Rarity a question.

"Everything okay dear because you look like you don't feel well?" Rarity asked in her concerned voice.

"Well I was wondering if..." Fluttershy started to ask but her nervousness kept her from completing her question.

"Come on dear no need to be so nervous. You can ask me anything." Rarity said trying to give Fluttershy a boost of confidence to finish her question.

"Okay then. If you didn't mind I was wondering if you needed somepony to model some of your designs?" Fluttershy asked hiding her face behind her mane so Rarity couldn't see her blushing face.

"Well I have been needing someone to model a dress I made." Rarity replied with a smile on her face that Fluttershy wanted to help her out.

"I would like to model that for you then but I would like you to wait outside before I call you in to see it." Fluttershy said with a slight grin on her face seeing as this might work out.

"That would be great, but why do I need to leave the room for?" Rarity asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"It's because I want it to be like a surprise when you come in and see how the dress looks from a different viewpoint." Fluttershy replied hoping Rarity would agree to the request.

"Okay then darling I will be waiting outside for your approval to come in." Rarity said with joy in her voice.

As Rarity left the room Fluttershy quickly looked around to make sure Rarity was nowhere to be seen. After seeing no trace of her Fluttershy quickly went back to the lingerie under the sheet. She quickly took off the sheet and began to inspect each piece to decide which she was going to wear. After a few minutes Fluttershy took the one that looked as green as grass and began to put it on. After she put it on she looked into the mirror and noticed how stunning she looked. After a few deep breaths and some words of encouragement she called for Rarity to come in.

"Oh my goodness." Rarity said with surprise seeing Fluttershy in the lingerie she created for her.

"So Rarity how do look?" Fluttershy asked in a sweet seductive tone that sounded even more sexy because it was just barely above a whisper.

".............. you look just absolutely magnificent." Rarity was finally able to say of just seeing the shy little mare being so bold and sporting her lingerie.

"I thought you would like seeing me in this since you pretty much made it for me and all." Fluttershy said with a bright smile and her crimson cheeks showing off her sexiness.

"I'm just so glad that..." Rarity started to compliment her until in a surprise move Fluttershy came over and gave her a delicate but very passionate kiss.

"Rarity I love you and I always have and I want us to be together forever." Fluttershy said as she broke off the kiss with Rarity who was in a state of confusion.

"Oh darling you don't know how long I've felt about you until now." Rarity said very happily to her marefriend.

"Would you like to continue you this event in a more private setting?" Rarity asked as her cheeks began to burn bright red across her face.

"I would love that Rarity." Fluttershy replied with a smile to know that all the times Rarity showed that smile she always did love her.

Rarity went over to the door and locked it and flipped the open sign to close. They went to Rarity's bedroom and did not come out for some time.


"Pinkie could you please stop teasing me so much and give me a hoof organizing these books?" Twilight asked as her face started blushing looking at the party pony.


This relationship never made any sense to anypony. It was weird not because of their different personalities but how they came together. Pinkie was well known for throwing the greatest parties in Equestria, but was also known as being a big tease to the other ponies. Twilight was just a bookworm that didn't mind the parities Pinkie threw as long they weren't during her study sessions. Pinkie usually teased everypony in some way but when she was around Twi she would push her teasing to a more sexual tease.

"Pinkie please stop wrapping your tail around mine." Twi asked as she noticed everypony looking at them curiously.

"Why should I do that? I'm not hurting anypony am I?" Pinkie asked as she continued to wrap her tail around Twilight's.

"Its just a little embarrassing with everypony looking at us." Twilight said with a little blush going across her face.

Pinkie would always take her friends worries in consideration and so she unwrapped her tail from Twilight's tail. They both knew each others feelings toward one another but did not know how to show it. So to finally make things right and get past that wall that was keeping them from expressing their feelings Pinkie was going to give Twilight a solo surprise party.

"Don't forget Twilight to come by Sugarcube Corner for my surprise." Pinkie said very happily and a little slyly at her little devilish plan she had for Twilight.

"Don't worry Pinkie I have the day off and I would never miss one of your parties for the world." Twilight responded with confidence in her voice with a hint of excitment.

As the day went on Twilight started to head for Pinkie's place. Twilight reached her destination and entered the gingerbread looking house. When she entered there was a giant cake in the middle of the room with a card on it. Twilight picked up the card and read it.

"Dear Twilight I have a quick delivery I need to make but please enjoy some the super duper fantastically delicious cake until I come back." Love Pinkie
P.S. Make sure to enjoy the show.

After reading the note Twilight seemed a little confused for two reasons. One was that Pinkie ended with the word love and the second was the show that she had no idea what it was about. The first one though could be shrugged off since they both knew they loved each other but she was still worried about the show. As she grabbed a slice of the cake the top of it exploded off and confetti came flying everywhere. Hidden in the confetti was Pinkie wearing lingerie. Seeing Pinkie like this made Twilight blush a very bright red.

"Hello Twilight and welcome to your surprise love party." Pinkie said in a cheery seductive tone.

"What do you mean surprise love party and why are you wearing that?" Twilight asked trying to hide her blush until she got an answer from Pinkie.

"Well this is a surprise party that is going to be filled with love and this I won't be wearing for long as the show gets started." Pinkie answered her face a little more pink than it usually is.

"Well that first part makes sense but what exactly is this show going to be about?" Twilight asked looking a little confused and worried at the answer.

"Don't worry my love because you are going to enjoy it very much." Pinkie replied as she started to pull out a chair and had Twilight take a seat in it.

After Twilight was seated Pinkie went over to her stereo and started some music. Instead of party type music it was a seductive love song. As she listened to the music she noticed Pinkie start dancing to it. Twilight tried to get up to join but she was put back in the seat by Pinkie. As the music picked up tempo a bit Pinkie started to take of her lingerie slowly and in a very sexy way. As Twilight saw this she realized that the show was a striptease just for her. Knowing this made Twilight blush and a little bit wet. Pinkie noticed this and turned up the teasing on Twilight by slowly blowing between her legs.

"Please Pinkie don't do that you will make me go crazy." Twilight pleaded in very heavy breaths.

"Just relax and enjoy this. Don't worry either I will make sure we both get the pleasure that we both want." Pinkie said in such a sexy way that made Twilight's whole entire face turn red.

As the song was nearing the end Pinkie decided to turn up the heat and started to rub her hoof between Twilight's thigh and rub her sex. As she did this Twilight started to release little moans of pleasure. When the song ended Pinkie removed her hoof from Twilight's sex and licked her fingers.

"Sweet just like candy." Pinkie said as she licked off Twilight's juices.

Watching her do that and hearing her sexy voice finally made Twilight lose. She jumped on the Pink mare and gave her a passionate kiss. As pinkie laid on the floor getting kissed by Twilight she lifted up her tail and started to rub Twilight's sex. Feeling her tail rub against her Twilight used her magic and summoned a toy. Seeing the toy Pinkie had a little chuckle. Knowing what she had planned she broke off the kiss with Twilight and lifted her legs behind her head. Seeing her do that Twilight took the toy and started to tease her with it.

"Now look who is doing the teasing." Pinkie said with a slight chuckle in between her little moans of pleasure.

"Now you can lay back and enjoy the show." Twilight said with a smirk as she continued to tease Pinkie.

The night was contained with much more teasing until they finally got past that and began to make love on the floor.


With everyponies feelings now out there everypony is now finally happy. At least that is what they think until that dreadful night that made them question their relationships and almost destroy Equestria.

Night of Death

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Night of Death

Nightmare Night is probably the most interesting holiday that everypony celebrates. All the little fillies and colts dress-up in costumes along with the mares and stallions. They go around to other ponies homes and receive candy. They use this candy as an offering to the statue of Nightmare Moon so she would stay away. Now this may be just a tradition more than anything since Nightmare Moon doesn't exist anymore after the Elements of Harmony were used to turn her back into Princess Luna. This celebration takes place during the night so Princess Luna can arrive and try to interact with everypony. Most of the ponies were scared of her just because of her past. Luna did try very hard to have everypony accept her but it would never seem to work. As the night went on though the princess learned that everypony liked being scared during Nightmare Night because it was fun. Seeing that everypony loved her and had no fear of her made her very happy. After this Luna started showing up to Nightmare Night every year. She would show up to scare the ponies and join in on their games. This showed good things were going to come and keep on coming. But that seemed to change when the accident happened that made everypony nervous.


"Pinkie come on all our friends are probably at the festival enjoying themselves and we're still at the bakery waiting for you to finish your cake!" Twilight yelled trying to get Pinkie to move faster.

"Sorry Twi, I just want everypony to have at least a slice of this cake since I figured out that new chocolate cake recipe." Pinkie replied back with happiness in her voice but a hint of worry could be made out.

Usually Twilight would try to figure out why Pinkie sounded worried, but she didn't because she already knew the reason why. The chocolate cake that Pinkie was making was of her own design. She wanted to make a cake that was really delicious that everypony would love. The cake itself took months of trial and error to get it just right. Now getting the cake right was not a fun experience for anypony. During the first attempt at this The cake pretty much got the whole town sick after just one bite. As Pinkie continued changing and fixing the recipe the amount of ponies that got sick started to decline. After a couple of months no pony was getting sick so they were able to give Pinkie tips and pointers on what to do with the cake. This cake is the result of all those changes that everypony asked her to make. Pinkie finally comes out of the door with a 20 foot cake following right behind her.

"That cake just looks completely delicious Pinkie." Twilight complimented Pinkie as she stared at the cake her eyes growing wide.

"Thank you Twilight for the compliment and sorry that it had to take so long." Pinkie said as she blushed a little at the cake she made.

"It's all fine as long as you promise that during our next little fun time together I decide what we do." Twilight said with a smug grin and pink on her face knowing that Pinkie would agree to this.

"Okie dokie then Mistress Twilight." Pinkie replied her face a very bright pink from the thoughts that ran through her head of what Twilight might do.

Pinkie and Twilight left for the festival to get together with their friends and hopefully play a few games with Princess Luna. As Pinkie and Twilight showed up at the festival everypony just looked with amazement at the cake. Pinkie left the cake by the dessert table and joined Twilight and all their friends. The night was filled with music and horror stories as the night went on. Twilight and her friends spent their own time talking about their relationships and future plans that they might have. AJ and Rainbow decided that after their marriage they were going to go get a little farm so Applejack could continue to buck apples and Rainbow would be able to help control the weather better for AJ since it would just be the two of them. Rarity and Fluttershy decided to get a quiet little cottage so Fluttershy could continue to take care of the little woodland creatures Rarity would continue to design clothes for everypony and sell them from the comfort of the cottage since the little fillies and colts would like to come and see the adorable little creatures as Rarity would show off designs for school and social gatherings to the parents. Pinkie and Twilight were going to open a two story bakery shop so Pinkie can continue to make sweets and have an excuse to throw a party and on the second floor would be a library for ponies to check out books.

Luna finally showed up to the party and was very excited to see all her loyal subjects look at her with happiness. Luna has even made a little friend whose name was Pipsqueak that told her that she was his favorite princess of all. Through the years Luna and Pipsqueak have grown very close together. Being close friends with each other Luna and Pipsqueak have conversations pertaining about the festival and what Luna can do to give a little scare to the little fillies and colts. As the festival started to come to a close Twilight felt that it was a little too quiet.

"Does anypony feel that something isn't right about this quiet?" Twi asked worried that somepony might be watching them.

"Aw shucks Twil, I just think your..." "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Applejack tried to reassure Twi until she was interrupted by a loud shriek.

After hearing the shriek Twilight and her friends decided to go check out where the noise came from. After several minutes of searching they found the source of the noise. Unfortunately the pony that made the shriek was Ms.Cheerilee and she was dead. Her throat was slit so she wouldn't have a slow death and in her hoof was a note. Twilight picked up the note and read it aloud so her friends can hear what was written on it. The note was apparently for Princess Celestia. The note contained a warning that somepony knew the dark secret she was hiding and that this pony was coming for her. Twilight and her friends were shocked that somepony knew the secret of what Celestia did but didn't know that Twilight and her friends were also involved in the dark secret.

"So what do we do with the body first off and then we need to warn Celestia about this." Rainbow said as she looked at each of her friends waiting for them to come up with a plan.

"Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity you three will go and bury the body and clean up the blood. Rainbow, Fluttershy, and I will go warn Princess Celestia about what has happened." Twilight responded to everypony so that they could keep this a secret and hope no pony gets too suspicious about Ms. Cheerilee has gone missing.

So they each took off and went their separate ways to deal with this problem. Hoping that no pony has noticed them sneaking around. Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity were able to hide the body and clean up the blood. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow went and took a train and headed for Canterlot to warn the princess of the impending danger that may be coming.

Celestia's Secret

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Celestia's Secret

Fluttershy and Rainbow quickly followed Twilight back to her library so she could send a letter to the princess requesting a conference with her immediately. They arrived at the library scaring Spike so badly that he almost fainted when they barged through the door. Spike was about to ask what was going on when Twilight just started telling him that he needed to grab a quill and parchment. He quickly grabbed the items as Twilight began telling him what to write down. As Twilight finished her urgent message she saw that Spike was starting to cry. Twilight quietly walked over and picked him up in her hooves to give him a big hug to calm him down some. After a few minutes of waiting Spike belched up a letter from the princess saying that she was on her way to meet with her.

They was a massive flash of light in the middle of the library that quickly dimmed as fast as it had appeared. In the middle of the Library stood Princess Celestia. After Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy rubbed their eye's to get rid of the spots that they were seeing as AJ, Rarity, and Pinkie came into the library. All six of the ponies bowed before their princess before starting the terrible conversation that they were going to have about what has happened. Twilight looked at Spike with pleading eyes that Spike understood that she wanted him to go to bed so they could talk. Spike wanted to be there to hear what happened to the nice teacher pony, but reluctantly went to his basket knowing very well that Twilight would tell him if she needed to. After Spike was in bed the princess asked her little ponies about what happened.

As Twilight finished her tale of the incident the princess asked to see the note that was left on Cheeriee's body. As she looked over the note her face began to take on a look of fear and worry.

"Princess Celestia, is everything alright?" asked Twilight worried for her teacher.

"Sadly Twilight everything is not alright. I'm not even sure who would do this or would even know what I have done. The only ponies that would know of the dark secret are me, my sister Luna, Princess Cadence, and Discord. This is also something that I have long forgotten until I read the note." Celestia replied with worry in her tone with a hint of fear coating the words.

"What was it that you did that could have caused this to happen?" Applejack asked confused at the idea that the princess could have done something terrible for this to happen.

Twilight looked at Applejack with daggers in her eye's for even asking such a question to the princess. Applejack noticed the her friend staring at her and kind of shrank back realizing that she had no reason to ask such a personal question. The princess looked between the six mares in front of her wondering if it was safe to tell them the truth. She gave a big sigh as she decided to tell them the reason why somepony would do this.

"Gather around my little ponies as I tell you a tale of my dark past." Celestia said in a serious tone letting all 6 of the ponies know that she is not lying.


Several years ago in the dungeons of Canterlot:

Princess Luna could be heard clopping down the halls of the dungeon coming to a jail cell holding two ponies. One of them is an earth mare named Rose and the other is a unicorn mare named Amethyst Star. Luna looked at the two ponies with what other ponies would describe as a stare that could turn anypony into stone as though you were looking into the eyes of a cockatrice. The two in the cell are there for plotting against the princesses and trying to rally other ponies in their plans to kill them. They have been imprisoned for the past three months for their crimes. Their sentence could be shortened if they said told the princesses why they were plotting against them. The two mares decided to be stubborn and never answer their question.

Celestia got tired of the little game that the ponies were playing and decided to take the matters into her own hooves. Celestia had been talking to her sister, Cadence, and the petrified statue of Discord of what they could do to get the ponies to talk. As everypony sat in the throne room tossing out ideas to only be shot down by another Discord finally to break his silence and give an idea that no pony thought was a good idea to do no matter what the crime is and no matter how severe.

"Let me get this strait Discord, you want us to find their families and threaten to kill them just to get them to talk." Luna said in a very displeasing tone at Discord.

"Well we have sitting here in this throne room for the past five hours trying to figure out what to do and they have been in prison for three months. As far as I can tell they are willing to keep their silence for the whole duration of their sentence until they are set free. I'm just putting in my thoughts since no pony here can agree on anything and I can see that some of you have thought of doing it but keep pushing it down further and further. I'm also not saying to threaten to kill their parents but actually kill them in front of those two." Discord replied in a matter of fact tone through his thoughts towards the three other princesses.

The princesses looked at each other then back at Discord only to look back to each other knowing that what he is saying is true even if they don't want to admit it themselves. After several minutes of silence Celestia rose up and began to walk out of the throne room. Luna and Cadence were worried for Celestia because they feared that they knew what Celestia was going to do. To Luna and Cadence's surprise Discord who had given them the idea seemed to even regret what he said. Even with being the God of Chaos and Disharmony he never once thought that he would mention such an act and especially for somepony to act on it and that the somepony was Celestia the benevolent ruler that cared for all her citizens. Cadence and Luna left the throne room leaving Discord there to dwell on his own thoughts while they chased after Celestia.

"So we are actually going to go through with this idea of killing somepony just to get them to talk?" Cadence asked but knowing very well that the answer to her question was already answered when Celestia left.

"There is no "we," there is only myself that will condone such action and I will let no one else suffer the guilt of having to do this." Celestia answered sternly actually scaring both Luna and Cadence.

"But Tia you can't just take on-" Luna tried to rebuke her sister's statement only to be cut off by Celestia's stare. Her stare though wasn't the usual stare that Luna got from her sister. This one felt different as if she was wanting Luna for once to let her sister do what must be done and for both of them to leave her to it.

"Luna I very well understand your concern I care much that you want to have this guilt split, but I can't let you or Cadence go through with it. You are both still so young and have much more to learn about being a ruler. So please I want both of you to head back to your rooms and promise me to never talk about this with anypony." Celestia said with her eye's stern but caring for her sister and Cadence's safety.

Luna and Cadence left after making their promise to Celestia tears filling their eye's at what the rest of the night entailed. During the night Celestia went out to gather the parents and siblings of both Amethyst and Rose. Celestia used an old sleeping spell that she knew to keep the family asleep so they wouldn't wake up as she transported them back to the castle. After they had been collected and were at the castle Celestia took them below the dungeons to the torture room. The room was filled with different instruments of torture to get answers out ponies that were uncooperative. The room itself was scary because more than the princess like the room was more like a slaughterhouse because the ponies chose death than to answer for their crimes. Celestia proceeded to place a family member a each of the different torture tools. After each was tied to a different torture machine she went to fetch both Amethyst and Rose.

Warning Gore:

Celestia lead the two mares down to the torture room so they can see what will happen if they don't start talking. When they reached the door small murmurs could be heard from behind the door showing that the family members were starting to wake up. Celestia swung the door open with her magic and the two mare's had a look of shock at what they saw in the room. Rose actually started to tear up at the sight of her parents that were bound to the torture instruments. Amethyst just looked petrified at the sight before her. Not once did either of the mares thought Celestia was serious when she mentioned that if they don't start talking ponies close to them were going to be killed.

Celestia lead the shocked mares into the room and got right down to business with asking the one question that she wanted answered. Celestia began with Amethyst to see if she would crack under this kind of intense pressure. Celestia asked the question and proceeded to wait for an answer. Celestia never told the mares though that each of the machines were set to start when she asked the question in a specific order. Once the question is asked it would begin with Amethyst's father then move to her mother then her brother and ending at her sister. The machines also had a time limit set on each of them that if the question wasn't answered they would begin to move. Celestia set the timer for ten minutes on the machines if and when it became their turn.

Amethyst just sat on the ground keeping up her stubborn attitude and not answer the princess' question. After ten minutes of silence the machine that Amethyst's father was hooked up to began to move. The machine began to pull at his hooves in opposite directions slowly stretching them out. The machine continued to move as it kept pulling tighter and tighter on his hooves. After two minutes of being stretched out he screamed his last breath as his hooves were ripped right off his body and letting his torso hit the floor as he just laid there bleeding to death. Blood covered both the machine and Celestia when it finished its job.

Amethyst just stood there stunned at what she had witnessed. She looked over to the princess noticing that she never once broke her expression after seeing that. Amethyst knew that she couldn't tell the princess why they were plotting against her for fear of her safety and the reason behind it. So she sat there for another ten minutes and then her mother's machine started to go. Her mother was strapped down on a table as an axe moving in a pendulum motion began to slowly descend. After five minutes that axe reached the mare slicing open her belly. The cut was small but just one of many more to come. The axe got lower and lower cutting deeper in to her belly and starting to cut through her guts. Blood was thrown all over the room and when the axe finally hit the table it stopped moving and Amethyst's mother was dead.

The next ten minutes went by and Amethyst's brother machine began to start working. His death was fairly quick and less bloody than his parents. His machine had him trapped in a box as it filled with hot tar from the bottom going up to the top. The only sounds heard from him were his screams of pain as he was encased in tar. Amethyst stayed her stubborn way as the final ten minutes went by. Amethyst's sister was lowered by her machine into water. Unknown to everypony though that in the water was piranhas. The piranhas ate at her hind legs up as she was submerged in the water that turned crimson from her blood as she was eaten alive.

Not giving Amethyst any time to say anything Celestia went over to Rose who was at this point absolutely scared out of her mind. Celestia asked the question and let the process begin now with Rose's family. The order for them was her father then mother and her sister. Rose started to panic in her head as what to do. She looked over to Amethyst who gave her a stare that told her to keep her fucking mouth closed. Rose kept her mouth closed as ten minutes went by. Rose's father laid on a table as a bed of nails from above started coming down. After four minutes the nails reached him and began to pierce and crush his body. At the end all that was left was a squashed pony and his pool of blood around him. Rose almost started to cry but quickly regained her posture.

The next ten minutes went by and Rose's mother was getting cut at a quick pace. The machine was designed to cut a pony not too deeply so they could bleed but deep enough that they could feel the pain. Rose's mother screamed at the pain as she was continually cut from bottom to top. After only a minute the machine had cut her one thousand times before she finally died from the excruciating pain that she felt. Rose had pretty much cut her mind from the sight so she couldn't feel the pain of seeing her mom die. Through her resolve she waited the next ten minutes as her sister who was trapped in some strange mechanism caught fire. As she sat there hearing her sister scream as she was cooked alive tried her hardest to ignore it.

After seeing their family die before them they continued their resolve of not talking to the princess. Celestia walked to the middle of the room and looked at the two mares. She said that this was their last chance to answer the question she asked. Celestia required an answer within twenty minutes before she decided to deal with them. As twenty minutes passed Celestia's horn glowed its golden color as she used a spell making both the mares head's explode sending blood and brain matter everywhere. After that Celestia cleaned herself up and walked out of the room at least knowing that the problem was solved, even if it was in a gruesome manner.


Back to the present:

The six mares mouth's were agape as the princess finished her story of her dark secret. Celestia looked at them knowing what they were thinking and how they felt about what she had done. She told the ponies to go get some rest and they can talk about this in the morning. The mares left the library for their respected homes to go get some sleep. Celestia knew this would be painful to talk about but she would decide what to do later in the morning.

The Morning Plan

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The Morning Plan

Celestia began her daily routine of raising the sun for the residents of Ponyville. Twilight was the first to awaken from her slumber as the sun's rays beamed through the library's window onto her face. She trotted down the stairs and greeted Celestia with a heart felt smile. Returning the gesture back to the lavender unicorn Celestia waited for the other elements to arrive. After an hour of waiting AJ and Rainbow were the first to show up. Spike around this time got up and was asked to make breakfast while everypony waited on the arrival of Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. After half an hour passed Rarity walked in while still retaining some of her regal manner and behind her followed Fluttershy who entered in very nervously. Everypony was enjoying the pancakes that Spike made because for some reason they always tasted perfect whenever he made them. Twenty minutes later and Pinkie came in but she wasn't her bubbly self. This had Twi worried because she didn't like seeing her marefriend unhappy. Deciding to take the initiative for the first time in their relationship Twi trotted up to Pinkie and gave her a soft peck on the cheek. This seemed to perk up the party pony as she nuzzled Twi's neck showing her affection.

"Now that everypony is here I believe that it is now time to decide on what to do." Celestia said with a cheerful smile as she saw her student being so caring.

"The first thing we need to decide is who will take Cheerilee's place as teacher. Second would be looking over the situation to see who is behind it all. Then the last thing we need to do is make sure the princesses and everypony stay safe." Twilight stated showing confidence in that everything will be okay.

"The first part of the plan has been taken care of my faithful student. I have requested that Cadence take over until we can deal with this problem." Celestia replied knowing that at least one of the problems was solved.

"Excuse me for asking this question but why was Cadence chosen to take Cheerilee's place? Not that she wouldn't make a great teacher because she is a very intelligent pony and also very courteous, its just that wouldn't the other ponies get suspicious." Rarity asked confused at the choice of the teacher but wasn't afraid of having her here to help protect everypony.

"True that they might be confused but it would be nice for the little unicorns to learn some magic above the basics that they are usually taught." Celestia replied happily knowing that she was right and that it would be nice for some unicorns that knew a little more magic.

After it was decided that Cadence will teach on the foals it was time to now talk about who the perpetrator could possibly be. They all talked about the activities that went on during the night leading up to the point of the murder. Then they looked back at the note to notice anything that might be off about it. Celestia's horn glowed its golden color as she tried to see if there was any magic residue on the note. There was no magic on the note but that doesn't rule out that it could have been a unicorn. As Twi was talking with her friends about their past adventures especially their trip to the Crystal Kingdom Celestia then realized that it could have been him again. After the ordeal in the Crystal Kingdom it was never proven that Sombra could have been defeated and was gone from Equestria. Deciding this as a possibility Celestia's horn was glowing again looking for any trace of him. She noticed his dark energy on the note and then grimaced at the thought that he was also probably the reason behind on what happened to Rose and Amethyst.

"Princess, is everything okay?" Twilight asked worried at the way her mentor was shaking uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry Twilight but it is apparent that an old enemy is back and it looks like he has just come for more than just revenge against me. He may be coming for you six as well along with Cadence and my sister." Celestia replied fighting back tears that started to well up in her eyes.

"Who exactly is it that could be coming after us all?" AJ asked worried not just for everypony but even for her love Rainbow.

"An old unicorn that you defeated. You remember his as King Sombra and he is back to take revenge on those that took his empire from him." Celestia replied to AJ as she began to stand up and head for Canterlot to warn her sister and Cadence.

"What are we supposed to do then?" Twilight asked surprised that Sombra was still somehow around in Equestria.

"The only thing we can do my faithful student. We continue on with what we do and keep our eyes open before this gets out of hoof." Celestia replied walking out the door and getting on her carriage heading back for Canterlot.


Outside the library stood a tall dark stallion on a hillside watching the events unfold in the library. He gave a dark smile as he watched all the ponies inside start putting the pieces together of who was behind this masterful plan. He sat down next to a table with a chess set on it with only a few pieces left on it. The pieces left were six pawns, one king, one queen, and a bishop. The other side had only one piece left and it was the king piece. Smiling maliciously he moved the pieces around the board putting the king piece next to a pawn that was colored orange. He laughed maniacally as he got up and left for phase two of his plan.

Phase Two

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Phase Two

Applejack was at her farm with Rainbow doing her early morning chores. Rainbow actually stayed the night at Applejack's because she couldn't sleep for fear was plaguing her mind. Applejack knew that Rainbow's pride was going to keep her from actually sharing her fear's but she knew that Dash would share her problems when she was ready to talk about them. So for the time being Applejack had Dash fly around with buckets to catch the falling apples and take them to the barn for storage. As the sun started to reach its peak in the sky Applejack thought it to be a good idea to take a short break and check to see how Dash was doing. Applejack trotted over to the barn that Dash was inside of unknown of the dark mist that was looming behind a tree.

The mist thought to itself on how to separate the two mares from each other so he can get after the orange mare. The mist noticed that the sun was at its peak and knew that the orange mare would want to take a short break. Using this to his advantage he followed her to the barn. Inside he noticed the orange mare speaking with the cyan pegasus. As the mist waited there for several minutes he saw the cyan pegasus take off mentioning something about getting them both some lunch. The mist began to laugh maniacally as it began to take its original form.

"Well I must say that I am quite intrigued that she would leave so easily." Sombra stated in a low menacing tone to the orange mare.

"What in tarnation are you doing here and how can you even be here!" Applejack yelled but with slight trepidation knowing that she was trapped in the barn with the evil unicorn with no one to help her.

"I just thought that I would drop by and have a little fun with one of the Elements of Harmony." Sombra stated laughing while his horn was glowing slowly causing the entire barn to go pitch black. Once the barn was entirely void of any light Sombra went and disappeared into the darkness. Losing sight of where Sombra went Applejack began to sweat frantically for fear of what may happen to her.

"Ahhh." Applejack heard a familiar moan inside the dark knowing exactly whose it was. Applejack ran towards the direction where she heard the moan determined to keep her marefriend safe. As she got closer to the origin of the noise she could also hear other sounds. Then out of nowhere Rainbow appeared before her on her knees and her head was bobbing up and down. Applejack walked slowly closer to Rainbow to see that she was sucking on Sombra's cock. Sombra looked over to see the orange mare looking at the sight before her with great pain. Applejack felt betrayed by her friend for what she was doing with Sombra.

Sombra enjoying the torment of the orange mare decided to even have more fun with torturing her. He gently pushed the cyan pegasus onto her back and looked over to Applejack with an evil smirk. Applejack saw the smirk and knew what Sombra was going to do but couldn't find the willpower to go and save Rainbow. Seeing that the orange mare wasn't go to make any moves toward him he went on to slowly prod the pegasus' entrance before completely entering inside her marehood. Dash screamed in pleasure at being penetrated and wrapped her hooves around Sombra holding him inside of her. Sombra began his slow pace building a rhythm as he met the peasus half way.

Applejack just fell to the floor crying at the sight before her. Dash was not only having sex with Sombra but she was also enjoying it. Applejack slowly started losing all conviction of love that she held for Dash seeing that she was enjoying it with Sombra more than she ever did with her.

"...jack." A small yell could be heard coming from somewhere inside the darkness but Applejack couldn't tell from where it came from.

"...pplejack." The yell was getting louder and Applejack could tell it was Dash's voice.

"Applejack don't worry I'm here to help." Applejack could clearly hear the voice now and came to realize that she fell victim to an evil trick from the dark unicorn.

Applejack got up from the ground and filled her lungs with as much air as she could. Once she filled her lungs to the brim with air Applejack gave out a loud shout yelling "Rainbow Dash please save me." After her shout a loud crash was heard and Applejack saw Rainbow Dash fly in.


Rainbow Dash returned from her trip from Sugarcube Corner with two daisy sandwich's and a chocolate cake. Rainbow walked up to the barn doors and tried open to see that they wouldn't budge.

"Applejack." Rainbow yelled trying to get the farm pony's attention.

When she didn't receive an answer she tried again "Applejack." This was still met with no response.

Confused as to where Applejack was she started to walk around the barn to try and find another way into the barn. As she walked along the side of the barn Rainbow heard somepony crying in the barn. The crying she realized was Applejack. Worried that her lover was hurt she yelled at the top of her lungs "Applejack don't worry I'm here to help." With that said Rainbow took to the sky knowing that she would need to perform a sonic rainboom in order to break into the barn. Once she reached the right altitude to build up speed she nose dived straight down to the barn. As she got closer she heard Applejack yell for her to save her. After she heard that her rainboom went off and she broke into the barn next to her mare.

Rainbow saw that she was a wreck and why she was crying. Her thought process came to a halt when she turned around and saw Sombra standing in the dark laugh maniacally. Even with all the fear Rainbow was feeling she was not going to let that show especially in front of Applejack. Rainbow stood her ground ready to fight Sombra to her very last breath to keep Applejack and Equestria safe. When she launched into an attack Sombra disappeared completely from sight along with all the darkness. Rainbow quickly looked around the farm but found no sight of Sombra anywhere.

Deciding to stop looking for now she flew back to Applejack to make sure she was okay. After the talk about what Sombra did to her in the barn while she was away Rainbow just broke down crying. Applejack seeing that Dash was still so caring for decided that they should head to Twilight's place to let her know what happened and see if they can stay with her. As she thought this she thought it be a good idea to bring Rarity and Fluttershy to Twilight's to keep them safe.


Sombra just looked over the hill at the two mares and huffed as his plan didn't fully finish. Deciding that he couldn't waste anymore time with destroying them one by one he decided on just destroying them when they are all together. With that thought in mind he turned himself into his dark mist form and left for the library to wait until they all came together.

Library Battle

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Library Battle

Applejack and Rainbow Dash arrived at the library nervous and out of breath. The reason for being so short of breath is that they both ran around Ponyville asking for Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie to come to the library. After seeing their friends and getting them to show up Applejack and Rainbow Dash told them what had at the orchard farm. After they finished Twilight looked very worried and told them that they are welcome to stay at her house. Twilight then walked over to a desk that had quills, ink, and parchment and began writing a letter to Princess Celestia to let her know what happened. As everypony waited for a response from the princess Pinkie took the time to cook them all some lunch. Pinkie made everypony all chocolate covered daisy sandwiches. After they finished their meal a magical light filled the room and in the middle of the room stood Celestia, Luna, and Cadence.

"Princess, I am so glad that you were able to make it on such short notice." Twilight said greeting her mentor with a look of hope in her eyes.

"Don't worry my faithful student. After I received your letter I made it a priority to come as quickly as possible and aid you in any way that I can. I also brought along the elements with me just in case." Celestia replied with a smile to help keep everyponies nerves under control.

The sun was starting to set and give way to the moon while Fluttershy along with the help of Luna and Rarity made dinner to help keep everpony calm and distracted. Fluttershy made some simple vegetable soup but Rarity could never understand how it was simple when there was no other kind of flavor that the soup made could even exist anywhere else. Rarity made elegant salads made with fresh lettuce, tomato, olives, and a very rich flavoring dressing. Luna made something that no pony that could be food and it was called moon cake. The thing that made moon cake so confusing is that it is a simple cheesecake with chocolate icing on it. Luna explained that the reason it was moon cake was after one bite you felt like you were in space walking on the moon because of the rich flavor. Everypony finished their meals and cleaned up their messes when they heard an evil laugh coming from downstairs. They all headed down wearing their respected elements knowing full well that at the very bottom they were going to confront Sombra and defeat him once and for all.

"I find it so intriguing that you nine think that you can defeat me." Sombra stated with such confidence that everypony felt a shiver run up their spine.

"It's time that you pay for your crimes from when you ruled the Crystal Empire to the little ponies that you have killed in your sick game of revenge." Celestia said hoping to keep all the girls calm and collected so they could face Sombra and defeat him with ease.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs they saw that the basement was gone and was replaced with a big expanse of nothing. They were all able to continue to walk as if they were walking on air. They kept going until that saw a chair off into the distance and halted before they got any closer to see who was in the chair. The chair slowly swiveled around showing Sombra sitting there with a smug grin. He looked at the Princesses and at the element bearers and couldn't help but chuckle at the sight that he would describe as pitiful. He hopped off of his chair and began to walk towards his enemies determination in his eyes to achieve his revenge.

"I'm going to enjoy tearing all of you apart for stealing my kingdom from me and banishing me from ever returning to it." Sombra said venom coming out of his voice.

Celestia was opening her mouth to say something to Sombra was quickly silenced when he fired a dark magic bolt at her. Celestia being no stranger to combat easily summoned a shield and defended herself from the attack. Sombra then cast a spell making nine other copies of himself. They all broke apart and went in and attacked all of them individually. Celestia, Luna, and Cadence are capable of keeping themselves safe but they worried about the others unsure if they could keep themselves safe from any attacks Sombra threw at them.

Twilight was fighting her copy and was getting tired very quickly because the shield she had up to protect her from Sombra's onslaught of attacks was starting to its toll on her. She had to come up with something and fast. She then remembered that a couple of weeks ago she learned a deflection shield. She never had time to practice it to see what she could pull off with it but now was a good as any to see if it would work. She waited for the moment that Sombra unleashed another bolt of energy before quickly switching shields. As soon as she switched the magical bolt was shot back at the clone and struck it right in the chest killing the clone and making it disappear.

Rainbow Dash flew around dodging the attacks her clone was shooting off at her. As she was flying around she saw that she couldn't get close enough to strike at the clone. She knew that the only way that she could get close enough was to sonic rainboom to give her the speed she needed to reach him in less than ten seconds. Seeing as that was her only option she began to fly high into the air and then began her fast descent back down. She reached her max speed and produced a sonic rainboom hurtling herself straight into the clone crushing all of its ribs and sternum killing it.

Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy worked together to take down their clones. Fluttershy flew high enough in the air to keep an eye on the clones while Rarity used and invisibility spell on Applejack to hide her from the clones. As the clones were distracted by the white unicorn and cream colored pegasus they didn't hear the hoofsteps of the invisible orange mare that came charging at them. When Applejack got close she buck all the right in the face shattering their skulls and sending pieces of bone fragment into their brains causing them to bleed out to death.

Pinkie just out of nowhere pulls out her party cannon and shoots it at her clone. From the cannon came a present that landed right in front of the clone. The clone looked down confused at the present and tried to see what it was supposed to do. After a while when the present didn't do anything the clone decided to ignore it and go after the pink mare. As he was about to attack he heard from the present a hysterically evil laugh. When the clone looked back from out of the present came another pink mare but with a straighter mane mane and a darker pink coat. The other pink mare pulled out a scalpel and was so quick that the clone couldn't counter her before she slit his throat. After he died the darker pink mare looked over at pinkie and waved at her.

The three princesses finished up with their clones and regrouped with Twilight and the gang. They looked at Sombra who was too tired to speak or even cast a spell to attack them or even defend himself with. Celestia looked at the girls who knew what to do and activated their elements. As they rose off the ground Sombra's eyes got huge knowing at what was going to happen next. Before he could even say anything a huge rainbow of light came down upon him and destroyed his very essence. All that was left from the encounter was Sombra's crown and his horn.

With Sombra defeated this time and peace returning to Equestria Celestia was able to enjoy the rising sun and be proud of her faithful student and her friends. She knew that without them Equestria may have never known peace and would be ruled in complete darkness. Proud of her student she wished them all a good night's sleep and left for Canterlot to return to her duties and continue to help Twilight is she ever needs it in the near future.