
by General Flutterguy

First published

A pony parody of the NES game Castlevania. Mostly based on Castlevania III

Sparkle Belmont is summoned to kill Drac-luna and restore peace to Equestrania. On her journey she is joined by Rainbow Grant, a pirate who's family was killed by Drac-luna, Syfashy, a shy sorceress with very powerful magic. and Applecard, daughter of Drac-luna.

Chapter 1

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The Belmonts were skilled vampire hunters. There were many vampires that had entered Equestrania in the past. But the most evil vampire of them all was Count Drac-luna. Drac-luna took over all of Equestrania, and thousands of ponies died ever since she had to strike Equestrania specifically. Everypony feared the Belmonts. They had super pony strength, and were considered not to be trustworthy. However, once Drac-luna had taken over, a mighty Belmont was appointed for the job to kill Drac-luna once and for all. Her name was Sparkle Belmont.

Holding the whip of the Belmont family in her mouth, Sparkle Belmont pulled off her tunic from over her head.. She had a long adventure ahead of her...
"This is Warakiya village?" Sparkle Belmont asked to herself. "It looks so... different. It's probably because Drac-luna has covered the land in darkness." She moved forth, entering the village.
She took a few steps forward, and suddenly, a couple of dark, black, and green zombies started rising from the ground. Most ponies would faint from such a sight, but Sparkle didn't even flinch. This was second nature to her. She took the front of her whip with her mouth and lashed her head forward. The whip uncoiled off of her front right hoof and hit the zombie to her left with a loud, painful smack. She did the same for the zombie on her right and they were both stunned. She kicked both of them over. She pulled out a knife and stabbed both of them, and they materialized underground.
The brave pony kept moving towards Drac-luna's castle. Sparkle looked at the castle wall to her left and noticed a glowing candle above her. She took the front of her whip in her mouth and lashed upward towards the orange aura like illuminated candle. The candle broke, and out of it fell a dagger. But not just any dagger. A dagger that, when thrown, flies in a straight line. "It works every time." The vampire hunter stated. She held out the dagger with her hoof, ready to throw when attacked. A zombie jumped out from behind her! She threw the dagger at the intimidating monster's face. Its head fell off and the body de-materialized into nothingness. No blood came from the neck of the horrid monster. Not to long afterwards, the zombie's head de-materialized with its owner.
As Sparkle Belmont moved further into the dark village, she saw a skeleton holding a sword and shield. It was twice her size. Completely un-intimidated, Sparkle ran forward and whipped the sword out of the un-dead monster's skinless hoof. It roared in pain as the whip lashed it's front left hoof, and the sword scraped against the ground. Sparkle coiled her whip around her front right hoof. She also noticed that there was another glowing candle above her. Sparkle lashed her whip upward, and the glowing candle broke. A cross like weapon fell out of it. The Belmonts used these objects as boomerangs. She threw it at the monster and it howled in pain once more.
The monster charged at her and bashed her in the face with its shield. Sparkle fell backward. Her nose started to bleed. She gave a subtle, pained grunt as blood trickled down her face. She rushed forward with her whip and lashed at the un-dead monster's brittle body, and it started to break down.
The skeleton was reduced to a red orb. Sparkle was afraid to touch it, but as a vampire hunter, she knew she had to take risks at times. She put her hoof to the orb. No millisecond after she touched it, the orb started to reform into a pirate looking pony.

Chapter 2

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The pony was holding a dagger. She was curled in a ball. She had a rainbow coloured mane. She also wore an eye patch. Sparkle moved towards the pony. She slowly moved her hoof towards the Pirate. She got slower and slower as her hoof got closer. As soon as Sparkle touched her, she suddenly uncurled and made an incredibly loud gasp.
"It's okay," the vampire hunter assured. "I am Sparkle Belmont. I am here to kill Drac-luna."
"M-my name i-is Rainbow Grant." The pirate was shivering and trembling as she talked. "M-my family was killed by Drac-luna. I had a terrible dream; I saw a skeleton."
"Yeah, that must have been one vivid dream," the vampire hunter said sarcastically. "Are you out to defeat Drac-luna as well?"
"I am," she said triumphantly. Maybe we should work together.
"I usually work alone," Sparkle stated. "But I think I'm going to need all the help I can get." Both ponies spit on their hooves and shook. They moved forward on their adventure towards Drac-luna's castle.
"Since when did you come on a mission to defeat Drac-luna?" The curious pirate asked.
"I was summoned to defeat Drac-luna as a last resort. No one Transylvania trusted us because of our super pony abilities," the mighty vampire hunter replied."
"Well..." the pirate answered, "I guess I'm fighting alongside a Belmont..."
Sparkle had an insulted look on her face. "...We should keep moving before more zombies come.
"Hold on. There's a candle up there," the blue pony pointed at the castle wall beside them. She started to climb up the wall. She was almost up the wall, when she started to slip down. "I'm a little out of practice at climbing walls."
"Couldn't you just fly up?" The Unicorn asked.
The blue pegasus looked at her wings. "Oh, huh huh." The pirate blushed.
Sparkle rolled her eyes.
The pegasus flew up to the candle, and holy water dropped out of it.
Sparkle picked it up. "Yes!" She said in a triumphant voice.
"A capsule of holy water???" The pirate asked in confusion. "How the hay will that help us???"
"You'd be surprised," The unicorn said confidently. She started to move forward with a happier look on her face. "Maybe if I just..." she started talking to herself, "If I use this holy water on the monsters, I could completely disintegrate with one touch of this thing. But I only have five capsules, so I'd better use them wi-"
Rainbow Grant ran up to her gasping for breath in the loudest way possible. "Sparkle, I can't keep up with you if you run that fast, I feel so out of shape. I feel like I've been still for so long, but I don't know why?"
Sparkle remembered the skeleton. "Yeah, it's a mystery."
"Are you accusing me of being slow?"
"No, I just have to keep moving if I'm ever going to stop Dra-"
"DON'T... say that name!"
"Are you trying to help me or not?"
"Maybe I should defeat her on my own!"
"Fine then!"
"If we keep arguing like this the task will never get done!"
"Well that's your..."
The two ponies kept arguing and arguing, and as they kept fighting, zombies were coming out of the ground...
"And that's another thing! I defeated the..." Sparkle looked around her.
"You were the one who... oh pony feathers... what do we do?"
The vampire hunter thought about it for a second; "Run!"
Both ponies ran right through the gaps in the defense surrounding them. They kept running as they got chased.

They got cornered into a wall. Sparkle was thinking about what to do. But then she remembered the holy water. She through it on the ground. The glass capsule broke and the holy water melted all of the attacking zombies.
"Whoa, how did you do that?" The Blue pony asked. "That's so awesome!"
Sparkle pulled out another capsule. "Grant, this is holy water; it destroys evil within almost an instant. Most ponies think that holy water is just a legend, but it will protect us." Sparkle looked forward. There was a stone statue of a pony wearing a sorceress robe. She started to move towards the statue, but then a giant fell from the sky. It was holding a hammer. Sparkle lashed her whip at the giant, but it didn't do any visible damage. The giant growled at her, and slammed it's hammer right on top of her. Sparkle was knocked out.
Grant gasped. "Sparkle!" She ran up to the giant. The giant slammed it's hammer down, but Rainbow Grant was too fast. She jumped onto the giant's back. The giant tried to struggle, but the agile mare would not let go. She stabbed it with her dagger. It howled in pain, as it tried even harder to get her off, but she had her hooves gripped tightly around the monster's neck. However, the monster realized what it's problem was, and reached for the pegasus on it's back. It through her forward, and she crashed on the ground.
Rainbow shook her head and looked in front of her. She could make out a large figure charging towards her. "I think now is about time to move." She jumped out of the way and tried to fly onto its back again, but this time it was too smart for her. It swung it's arm in Grant's general direction. She flew out of the way and dodged the giant's bulky arm. She soared straight into the giant's heart area (if it had one) and stabbed it with her dagger. The giant roared with pain, and it disintegrated into purple dust. The dust formed into another red orb.
Grant ran over towards the fallen vampire hunter. She put her hoof to the hunter's hoof. "Sparkle Belmont, are you alright?"
Sparkle opened her purple eyes. She looked upward. "Whe-where's... ho-how did you... what happened, where's the-"
"The pirate put her hoof to her mouth. It's okay, I defeated it. When you got knocked out by the hammer, I took over and destroyed it."
The vampire hunter's eyes started to water. She got up and put her hooves tightly around the pirate.
She backed up a little bit, but after realizing the reason of action, she returned the hug.
The purple mare was comforted by the pony's hooves around her. Her cold body was warmed by the heat of the blue mare's inner chest. "Thank you," the vampire hunter said in a weak voice. She was so relieved to be okay from the situation, and was so happy to be with her friend. She felt bad about arguing with her before.
"No problem," the pirate assured. "By the way," she began while releasing her hooves from the secured mare, "There was an orb that formed after I defeated the giant. If by any chance do you know what that thing does?"
Sparkle had a flashback to when she first rescued Rainbow Grand from being possessed by the skeleton. "Touch it, it's safe."
Grant moved up to the red orb, and a lightning bolt came crashing down on the statue of the mare in the robe! The statue came alive, and fell forward. It was a yellow mare with a pink mane. She was wearing a blue and white robe.