In search for "it"

by Glacia

First published

Celestia and Twilight go in search for the last slice of pizza

A Long time ago, when apple cider still cost 1/3th of a bit, Celestia hid a slice of pizza, in the hope that if it ever went extinct, she would be able to savor the taste one more time. Sadly for her, she decided to hide it in a temple filled with "deadly" traps.

Story Made for: Chaotic's Pre-Summer Writing Contest: The Preliminaries

This story is ancient by now and definitely not up to par with my more recent works

Chapter 1

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“So, why were we here again, princess?” Twilight asked, as both alicorns walked through the dense Everfree forest. “We’re looking for “it”.” The white solar monarch simply stated. “It?” Twilight asked somewhat quizzical. “Yes, it.” Celestia repeated once more.

For reasons unbeknownst to Twilight, she and Celestia had been walking through the dark Everfree forest for hours now. At first, Twilight had enjoyed the time with her former mentor. It had been a long time since they had talked but her hooves were getting a little sore and Celestia still hadn’t told her what on Equestria “it” was.

What could “it” be? Maybe it was an ancient spell book, way back out of the nightmare moon era, containing hundreds of foul and destructive spells. Or just maybe it was a demon like god, imprisoned in stone her mentor wanted to reform, much like they had done earlier with Discord.

“We’re here!” The white alicorn yelled out cheerfully as Twilight was shaken out of her stream of thoughts. In front of her and Celestia was a massive stone building, encrypted with hundreds of weird symbols Twilight had never seen before. If she would had to estimate the age, she would date it around 235 ARoD (Which, like everypony knows, means “After Reign of Discord”.)

“P-princess, what is this?!” The purple alicorn asked in awe. “This is the temple I’ve ordered to be built in honour of “it”.” Celestia explained as she removed some of the vines blocking the entrance with her magic. “In here lies the last of it’s kind. The temple contains hundreds of humiliating traps to defend it from plunderers.” Celestia continued.

“Humiliating traps?.... Wouldn’t deadly be better? You know, you do realize nothing stops them from ignoring the humiliation and simply continueing, right?” Twilight asked, resisting the urge to facehoof.

“I… Uhm…” Celestia said as she looked away, somewhat embarrassed by her failure. Then realization hit her, the realization that “it” could be gone. Running into the temple like a madmare, Celestia failed to notice the rather obvious red cross painted on one of the tiles. Stepping on the tile, Celestia was met by a rather big cake smashed into her face.

That didn’t stop her though, she kept running and running. As if the gods had played a cruel joke on her, Celestia had managed to step on every tile with a red cross painted on it.

Noticing the tiles, Twilight made sure to avoid standing on them, something, given by the looks of her cake covered mentor, Celestia had failed to do. “Uhm, princess are you alright?” Twilight asked, not really surprised by her mentors failure.

“Twilight?! Twilight where are you?!” Celestia shouted somewhat panicked. “I’m behind you… Now turn around and stop eating cake, princess.” Twilight deadpanned. “Oh right…” Celestia said with her mouth full of cake while turning around.

Swallowing the cake and striking a heroic pose, Celestia made an battle cry before running off, unquestionably falling into the next trap.

Twilight could only sigh, moments like these made her really wonder if her becoming an alicorn had been worth the 80 percent brain capacity Celestia lost due to magical overload.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Around 38 traps later~~~~~~~~~~

“Which one do you think we should take?” The now covered in pink paint alicorn asked while staring at the signs above the two different paths.

“Do we go for “Do not go this way, really many traps and certainly not the path leading to the treasure.” Or, “Go this way, no traps and free treasure.” Celestia asked while staring at the two signs, one could easily see she was thinking hard by the looks of her face.

“Well, princess, I think it’s quite clear which path we should take.” Twilight said as she stood next to Celestia. “I agree, Twilight it is quite clear which path to take.” Celestia said before trotting of to the path with the sign saying “Go this way, no traps and free treasure.”

“Princess what do you think you’re doing?” Twilight asked, not really surprised the princess thought that that would be the best way. “I’m taking the save path, I’m sick of all these traps.” Celestia said as she tried to get a couple weird puddings stains out of her mane, which were quite obviously still there from one of the traps.

“You realize this path is obviously trapped?” Twilight said somewhat loudly, clearly losing her temper after all these hours with the nowadays brain death Celestia. “But the sign says-I KNOW WHAT THE SIGN SAYS!” Twilight shouted as she interrupted the confused Celestia.

Celestia stayed silent for a moment. “But the sign says-AAAAAAAAAARGH” Twilight screamed as she interrupted Celestia. once again. Twilight was sick of it, lifting the alicorn with her magic, Twilight took the “trapped path”.

“I’m floating! Wohoow!” The princess happily said as she was lifted by Twilights magic.

~~~~~~~~~~~a hallway without any traps later~~~~~~~~~~~~

“We’re finally at the treasure chamber, Twilight.” Celestia said as she walked over to the golden chest containing “it”. Opening the chest, Celestia found something but certainly not “it”. “Princess is that “it”?” Twilight asked somewhat curious, maybe it was a deadly spell after all.

Sniffing the paper a couple times and giving it a lick, Celestia came till the conclusion that this certainly wasn’t “it”. “By the tastes of it it’s a note.” Celestia said, giving the paper another lick, just to be sure. “Well what does it say?!” Twilight asked anxious, maybe it was a deadly spell after all!

“It Wasn’t Luna, signed by Luna.” Celestia said as she read the note out loud. “Hmmm, well atleast we know it wasn’t Luna!” The alicorn happily said, knowing that her sister wasn’t a thief. Twilight could only facehoof, being an alicorn certainly wasn’t worth that 80 percent.

~~~~~~~~~~Somewhere in the Canterlot Castle~~~~~~~~~~

Lying on her satin couch and savoring every bite, the lunar princess was happily munching on the last slice of pizza in Equestria. At first Luna had considered sharing it with her sister, but why would she? Celestia would have forgotten the taste after 5 seconds anyways.

Taking the last bite and swallowing it, Luna closed her eyes. Falling happily asleep with the knowledge that she was the last one on Equestria to taste this wonderful snack instead of her sister.