Scar Tissue

by D4RTH4NN3

First published

Second person story: Anthro You are a cutter and a druggie, it's what you've always been. It's how you handled the painful memories. But when your mother sends you to a treatment facility to get better, things change, but whether it&a

Second person story: Anthro

You are a cutter and a druggie, it's what you've always been. It's how you handled the painful memories. But when your mother sends you to a treatment facility to get better, things change, but whether it's for the better or worse, you don't know.

Chapter 1

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Cutting, if it wasn't drugs it was cutting. Those two things you did day in and day out.

You constantly lived in fear of being caught by friends and family, they could never understand your reasoning behind it, the logic you saw. You took the blade in your hand and dragged it down the length of your arm, leaving a fine yet deep gash. The gash begins to ooze blood. You shiver in delight. It was a wonderful sensation. The pain let you know you were alive, it looked good seeing the blood drip down your arm. you lean down and lick it, savoring the taste. Suddenly there's a knock on the door.

"Sweetie, are you in there?" Just my mom you think.

"Yea I'm in here, can you hold on a second?" You ask as you flush the toilet to heighten the lie. You go to the sink and wash the blood from your arms. You then dry them with a towel and hide the knife in the drawer below the sink.

I'll come back for it later you think as you put on your sweater and open the door. Standing there patiently is your mother, a small, timid pony who cares about nothing more than seeing you happy. She has a light blue coat and purple hair, with a cutie mark of a palette.

"What took you so long?" She asks, giving you a funny look.

"Uh mom that's sorta personal. Anyway, I'm gonna be chilling with the guys so I gotta go." You say, maneuvering around her. Celestia that was close. Now to go smoke with Blazer you thought to yourself. You head into your room and open the door. You look around the room, seeing the Rage Against Celestia poster on the wall.

Musical and political geniuses you thought. You head towards the shelf in your room and find it full of drawings you've made over the years. You and your mother both have the same hobby.

"Ah, there it is." You sigh as you move some paper and grab your pipe and a small bag of weed. K2, your favorite. Either that or purple kush. In the bag is 10 grams. "Enough for a day." You chuckle quietly. Then, trotting to your window, you unlock it and open it. The net had broken long ago, so there was no need to worry about it. You step outside of your house and close the window.

"Now let's go to Blazers." You say, starting to run down the road. When you get on Blazer's street, you get a little anxious. This place always gave you the creeps, and it always reminded you of that time...

"Hey Mr. Shine, you called me here?" You say. It's 3 years ago, you remember it well. It would always start off with you saying 'Hey Mr. Shine, you called me here' and then Mr. Shine would throw away the apple he was eating. Then he would smile and yes 'Yes Ms. Blossom, can you come here please' and then he would...he would...No. You suppress the memory, hoping to forget this painful moment.

You shudder slightly. You reach in your sweater pocket and find your cell phone.

You search through your contacts and find Blazer's number. You hit dial and wait. No answer. You hit dial again but lose patience and hang up. "Guess I'll just smoke by myself" You think out loud. You grab your pipe and light yourself a bowl with the lighter in your other pocket. You trot into a nearby alley and hide behind some stones and garbage cans. You light yourself another bowl and inhale deeply. Your eyes water slightly and you cough. You then exhale into the air, looking at the puff of smoke that floats away. Instantly, you get THE feeling, that feeling which can only be stopped by one thing; pain. You take the lighter and hold it under your hand, then light it, letting it burn your fur and skin.

"Celestia YES, it hurts so good." You groan, loving how your hand burns. You then look around the ground searching for something sharp. That's when you find it, a rusty nail.

"Perfect." You whisper. The weed is making things spin, yet you steady yourself as you use the nail as a blade, cutting your arms. You know you won't get tetanus, you've already had your shots. You didn't cut too deep because you don't want your mom to find out. You lap at the blood with your tongue and suck on the wounds. You light another bowl and lie down, getting 'higher than Cloudsdale' as they say. Later you decide to head back home, still high. When you get there, you open the door and trot straight into your mother.

"Oops sorry mom, I'm just gonna go to the restroom." You say. You glance to the left and see the knife on the counter, the one you used earlier today. Oh shit you think.

"No you won't missy, it's been 6 hours since you left and never once did you respond to my calls. Not to mention the fact that I find a knife - a knife! - in our bathroom! Who were you with and what were you doing? You smell horrible! It's 11-o'-clock and a school night, you should be asleep." She says, battering you with questions and remarks.

"Damn it mom I was just at Rosebud's place. We were just riding bikes." You say angrily. Luna on the moon I am so bucked You thought to yourself.

"I called Rosebud's house, she said she was sick today and didn't know where you were. Now I am going to ask you again, Where were you and what were you doing?" She asks sternly.

"I was at Blazer's..." You say, trailing off. Mom puts her hand to her mouth and gasps.

"Mom he's nice and understands me." You say, desperately trying to explain.

"You were smoking that, that weed weren't you? Weren't you?! I was afraid this would happen, after your father died you became so angry. Sweetie it's okay, we can fix this." She says, rushing towards you and embracing you. You push her away. She chokes down a sob. You rush into your room, slamming the door.

No one will EVER know I feel or why I do what I do you think, remembering that one day.

"Hey Mr. Shine, you called me here?" You ask

"Yes Ms. Blossom, can you come here please?" Mr. Shine asks, throwing away his apple. It's 3 years ago. You remember it so well. You would walk slowly over to him, your principle, expecting to get punished or rewarded or something. HE would get comfy in his chair and ask you to sit. You would and he would then get up and walk around you, encircling you like a Timberwolf. Then he would spin your chair around and lean in and forcefully kiss you. you would try to push him off but then he'd...he'd...No. Once more you suppress the memory.

You start crying, the memory always brings back pain.

Instantaneously, the urge to cut returns and you frantically search your room. You look around and find that it appears as thought somepony went searching through your things. Probably mom, looking for 'evidence.' You open the door and head down the hallway into the kitchen. You open the knife drawer and find it empty.

Shit, she went here too You thought. "Oh wait, we have some new lightbulbs in the closet. I can use the glass from those." You thought as you canter to the closet. You look on the shelf and find some lightbulbs. Grabbing one, you put it in your hoodie pocket. You head outside and grab the lightbulb from your pocket. You throw it on the ground, shattering it, and grab the biggest piece of broken glass you see. You drag it against your arm, sighing. "Oh buck yes." You say as you make another gash, deeper this time. You hear the door to your house open.

Oh Celestia I'm screwed you thought as you throw the glass away and push aside the remains of the lightbulb in a vain attempt to hide them.

"Sweetie look I'm sorry, I just care about y- HOLY SHIT! What happened to you?" Your mother shrieks as she runs to you. You panic and attempt to hide it to no avail. "My baby! It's okay, it's okay, we can fix this." She says, bawling. "I've looked into some treatment centers that can-" She starts.

"No," You interrupt. "I'm fine, just, leave me alone. I'm not hurting anypony else." You say.

"Yes you are, Cherry Blossom, you're hurting yourself and me. Look, just go to the treatment center. It's called San Marcos Treatment Center. It'll help you not want to, well, not want to do this." She says, pointing to your cuts. "Please." Your mom begs, tears dripping down her face.

"Okay but I don't need help." You repeat as you hug her.

Chapter 2

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You are awoken by your mother.

"Oh shit, did I miss the bus?" You ask your mom as you get up and gather your things. You're surprised your alarm didn't wake you. Your mother laughs and places her hands on your shoulders, calming you.

"Relax sweetheart, I turned off your alarm so you could sleep in. We're going to the treatment center, remember?" She says, reminding you of the days plans.

"Mom I'm fine. I don't bucking need to go, okay?! I'm fine!" You respond, angrily.

"Sweetie, you do drugs, no good pony, no healthy pony, does drugs. Besides, I've known about Blazer and what you two do for two months now. I've had my doubts but you've just proven them." She says with an 'I know all your secrets' kind of look.

"Buck, well maybe this can help me." You lie, deceiving your mother.

"I'm glad we agree. Now here's what I found out about the place from their website. It's a residential treatment center, or long-term facility. There's visitations but since we live about 4 hours away from the facility I can only visit once every two weeks. I would have sent you to a short-term facility but those are for people in extreme need, or people that have just attempted suicide. You are allowed to bring personal items, like MP3's or books or cards. So let's get you packed and lets go get you there. I called ahead and made sure they had extra space." You mother says, explaining things to you. She hands you a duffel bag and you head into your room.

you go into your closet and pack your MP3 player and the charger, your copy of 'Battle Royale', some shirts and some jeans, a thong and some panties, an extra sweater, a copy of 'Going Bovine', and a notebook to draw in. You zip up the bag and drag it back to your mom.

"Okay, I'm ready to go, just don't get mad when I say I told you so." You say. Your mother wraps her arms around you in embrace. you push her away, denying it.

"Let's just go mom. I want to leave! You yell. Your mother nods solemnly and you both head to the train station.

You get on the train with your mother and sit down in your seat, getting comfortable.

There are two other ponies in the car with you. One is an alicorn and the other a unicorn. You are surprised because the only alicorns you know of are Princess Celestia, Cadence, and Luna. You're amazed by both of their beauty, although the unicorn seems to radiate it. The alicorn is purple pony with a six pointed star as a cutie-mark and the unicorn is white with luscious purple hair and a bedazzling dress on. You decide to listen in on their conversation.

"But rarity what if-" The alicorn says.

"Stop worrying twilight," The unicorn says, cutting her off. "Everything will go fine, besides you're a princess now so you need to relax and show grace."

You stop eavesdropping. A princess huh? Bullshit you thought to yourself, quietly chuckling. You look to your right and see your mother. She is reading a book she brought. You plug in your head phones and pull your hoodie over your head. You play the music on shuffle and it goes to the song. That song. The song you were listening to when you got those horrible news...

You're in your room, ear-phones in your ears. It's 3 years ago. The song playing is 'What it's like' By Everlost. You hear a knock at the front door and you pull an ear-phone out of one ear and trot to the door, opening it. There is a policepony standing there.

"Hello, is your mother home?" He asks, a grave tone in his voice.

"No, she's at work. Is everything okay?" You ask, getting nervous.

"No, I'm afraid there's been an accident. Your father is dead." He says, taking off his hat. You laugh sarcastically.

"That's not funny, I asked what's wrong, you shouldn't joke like that." He shakes his head sadly.

"I'm afraid this is no joke, I can take you to the hospital to see him, but it's not pretty." You drop your MP3 in shock, finally grasping the truth.

The train comes to a stop, jerking you away from your thoughts.

You look up and lock eyes with your mother, she and you both grab your things and step off the train. You've never been here or heard of this place, but the sign says Welcome to San Marcos. The alicorn and unicorn stay on the train and you watch as it chugs away. You wonder if they're a couple. You grab your duffel bag and follow your mother to a bus. You get on the bus with her and sit down as she pays the fee. Your mother sits down besides you and gets out her book. You start to feel depressed and get the urge to cut.

Shit I don't have any sharp objects with me you thought as you pat your pockets. Wait, what's this? you think when you check your pocket and find your lighter.

"Score!" You say under your breath. You take the lighter and ignite the lighter under your hand, heating it. The pain sends shivers down your spine and you gasp softly. Your mother glances at you and, not seeing anything, returns to her book. You continue burning your hand until the pain becomes too much, which it rarely does, and pull away the lighter, allowing your hand to cool. You sigh and put the lighter back in your pocket. The bus comes to a stop at a sports stadium, although you don't know which is sport it is. You and your mother both get off and walk across the street.

Your mother hails a taxi and you get in the taxi and your mother tells him to go up some hills in a very forested area. you see a red roof at the top of the hill but you can't make out the rest of the building. The driver nods his head and begins the drive which, as you find out, is extremely steep. You look at all the buildings, most of which are on stilts due to the angle of the hills.

There are a couple of stone 'houses' with red roofs which is what you guess you saw earlier.

You arrive at the top of the hill at an office. You exit the taxi and your mother pays the driver. You look around at your surroundings. There's a sign that says San Marcos: Celebrating 70 Years. You look to your right and see a huge rock climbing wall and ropes course.

"Holy buck this place is amazing!" You say in amazement. Your mother chuckles behind you.

"I'm glad you like it. It looked nice on their website." She says. You both go into the office and go to the front desk. Sitting there is a Pegasus with a t-shirt on that says donate. You look around and see a glass shelf filled with stuffed animals and creatures. Your mom walks to the front desk and asks about the extra space they had for you, then she starts signing a bunch of papers and filling out forms. you wait around for 30 minutes while she does this, listening to your MP3. When your mother is finished and hands the Pegasus the papers, the Pegasus sends you both into a waiting room to meet the nurse and therapist so they can ask you some final questions and fully get to know your situation. The Pegasus smiles and closes the door and your mother continues reading her book while you listen to your music.

A Stallion walks in and closes the door behind him. "Hello I'm Mr. Garza and I'll be your therapist. You must be Ms. Blossom, am I correct?" He says with a silly smile. Your mother nods and shakes hands with him.

"Yes that's correct, and this is my daughter, Cherry Blossom." Your mother says, directing his attention towards you.

"Uh, Hi." You say awkwardly. This is gonna be interesting You thought as you shake his hand.

"So what are you here for?" He asks.

"Well my daughter unfortunately has taken it upon herself to cut and do drugs." Your mother says as though she knows all your problems. Bitch you think.

"I see, Cherry Blossom, do you know where you are?" He asks you.

"Uh, kinda. San Marcos right?" You ask.

"Okay then, and why do you cut?"

"None of your business." Your mother snorts, holding back an angry retort.

"Okay, we can discuss that more later in therapy. The nurses are all currently on duty at the moment but once you meet them we can discuss more about your treatment plan then and about how long you might stay here." He says, jotting some notes down.

"Hopefully not too long." You say rudely.

"Indeed. Now if you could follow me, I will take you to your house. If you wish to say your goodbyes you may." The stallion says, getting up. Your mother gets up and walks over to you and hugs you and you hug her back, realizing that this is really happening.

Well, here goes nothing You think as you are led out of the office and down a walkway. you walk down some stairs, following the stallion and he leads you to a big building with large windows. It's a gym.

"Here is the group of ponies that you'll be staying with." The stallion says as he opens the door. You walk in and see all the ponies staying here.

Well this is gonna be fun you thought to yourself as you walk slowly up to everypony.

Chapter 3

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You walk slowly to everypony. You see 9 ponies, 4 of them hanging together eyeing you.

You walk slowly to everypony. Cliques. 2 of them are meandering around the edges of the gym. The last 3 are playing basketball. Hmm, they're all girls, I guess they don't let us intermingle you think as you turn to face your therapist. "I thought you were taking me to the 'house'? This is a gym." "Yes but I figured you'd at least like to see the other ponies that you'll be with."

"Yea, that's cool, thanks. Now can we go put my stuff up?" You ask grumpily.

"Yes let's go." He says. He and you trot up some stairs towards two buildings, each in the opposite direction of the other. He trots towards the one on right and you follow. Mr. Garza grabs a single key from from his coat and unlocks the door. You trot down a hallway with doors on both sides. The hallways ends in the middle of the building to introduce a a large living room. There are two huge shelves on one wall, a large line of windows showing the gym and the forest on the other wall, and on the third wall is a large picture of a Phoenix. There is a small desk with a checkerboard on it and a bunch of chairs and sofas surrounding a medium-sized Plasma T.V.. The T.V. is encased in a wood box with a plexi-glass window showing the screen. There are smudges and scratches all over the window. The T.V. looks overheated. Mr. Garza heads over to one of the shelves and looks at a piece of scroll taped to it. "OK, your room is on the East Side and its on the left, last room. you'll be sleeping by the wall." You head in that direction but suddenly feel a cold hand on your shoudler. You flinch and are instantly reminded of that day, that awful day 3 years ago. You freeze and get goosebumps. "Did you hear me?" You hear somepony ask. "Huh, what?" You ask, as though leaving a trance.

"I said, you can't take your bags with you yet, they have to be searched." Mr. Garza says. You finally realize the situation and clutch the straps of your duffel bag tightly. "Woah, hell no. No one is searching through my stuff."

"Yes, I'm afraid we are, and we're going to have search you too. But we can do this after the tour. For now, just leave your stuff here, in this office." He says as he unlocks another door on the fourth wall, with the same key.

"How come no one informed me that I was going to be searched against my will? I'm pretty sure that's against the Equestrian Bill of Rights." You say righteously.

"It's all in the paperwork your mother signed, if she didn't inform you then I apologize for the lack of information. I can have the doctor and the House Manager explain all the rules and rights to you on Wednesday. Now, onto the tour!" He says with that silly smile he had earlier. You follow him as he opens another door with the same key, and locks it behind him. You're in a room with a door on the right and a stairway on the left. The stairway goes both up and down, indicating that you're somewhere in the middle of the building. He opens ANOTHER door with the same key and you enter a backyard like setting, only the floor is entirely cement and there are picnic tables like what's found in a park.

"So what's up with that key of yours? You've used it 3 times now. Does it unlock everything in this building?" You ask, interested. He laughs and gives of that silly smile again. That smile sure is weird, yet uh, calming... you think as he begins to speak. "You could say that, but this key doesn't only just unlock everything in this building, but everything in this whole treatment center. All the staff have this key." He says. We trot up the cement 'backyard' and then find a gravel road with a couple of cars here and there. I guess these are the staff's cars you think out loud.

"Huh?" Askes Mr. Garza.

"Nothing." You reply. You head up a a winding path of of stairs and see at the end of the stairs another gym.

"So as you can see," He says when you reach the top of the hill. "That we have two gym's at this facility, there is also an outdoor basketball court, and behind it is the ropes course, which you'll be participating in every Wendnesday." He points behind him, showing off all the sights.

"What are all these buildings here for?" You ask, pointing to the surrounding buildings. You also notice a Gazebo and a pool. "These are the offices, and these other buildings are the other 'houses' where different ponies stay. We have ponies of all sorts of ages here. We have fillies and foals as young as 6 and ponies as old as 18. I saw that you are 17 in the paperwork." He says non-chalantly.

"Bit of an invasion of privacy. And holy shit that's pretty young to be in a place like this. I mean 6 years old! Wow!" You gasp, surprised by the information. You hear a noise that sounds like static and Mr. Garza pulls out a walkie-talkie and starts muttering into it. You think you can hear the words nurse, and new patient. He nods, and puts the walkie talkie back into his coat. "Well it looks like the nurse is ready to see you so I'm afraid we're going to have to end this tour. You nod and you both head back down the stairs towards the house. You pass the building from earlier on the opposite side of the house and your therapist tells you it's the cafeteria. They serve 3 square meals every day, and there is a snacktime every time the nurses serve out meds. He unlocks the door and you find that all the ponies from before are back. Time to introduce myself you think glumly as your therapist follows behind you, matching your pace.

You walk slowly towards the center of the house, the 'living room'.

You look around at all the ponies staring you. "Everyone, this is Cherry Blossom, she's the new patient here. Please welcome her as though she were your best friend." Mr. Garza says, introducing you to the awaiting ponies.

"Well my best friend is also my fuck-buddy so I guess I'm gonna have to have sex with her...not that I mind." A pony on the couch in the back says, giving you a wink. You shudder.

"That's an SAO right there Jake!" Yells one of the staff. This place is buckin' weird already you think, chuckling quietly. The pony, 'Jake', retorts and then the rest of the ponies all tell her to shut up, which she soon does. "Well I have to go but the doctor will see you tonight and so will the nurse." Your therapist says as he turns to leave. "Oh and I'll see you next week on Tuesday." He walks down the hallway and exits the building. Geez, I actually miss him already you think as you walk over to all the staff. There are two staff, a male and female, both unicorns, and they both have on t-shirts that say San Marcos. Both the staff are dark brown, but the female has a gray mane, and the male has a black mane. The female introduces herself.

"Hey there Cherry Blossom, my name is Ms. G! It's nice to meet you, and this is Mr. Glow." She says with a tone of voice that indicates she's done this a thousand times before. Mr. Glow looks at you and smiles. "Are there any questions you have?" He asks.

"Yeah, when can I leave?" You say with a snarl. One of the ponies, the one from that group of 4 that were eyeing you in the gym, laughs and then the other 3 laugh along with her. You instantly get red in the face, which only makes you angry.

"Hahaha, let's all laugh at the new chick." You mumble, wishing this would all end soon. Suddenly, 'Jake', gets up and yells 'DINNER', and all the other ponies rush up and go down the hallway that your therapist exited from and line up in a row.

Ms. G tells them to start counting off and they shout off numbers, 1 through 9 and then stop, as if waiting for you.

"Come on new girl, we're waiting." You hear one of the ponies say. You look up and see that everypony is looking at you, and that's when you realize you're supposed to count off with the rest of them.

"Ten!" You yell and everypony looks away, awaiting the staff to open the door. Mr. Glow gets out that key that your therapist had earlier and unlocks the door. Guess he was telling the truth you think as you follow everypony outside and up the metal stairs that leads to the builiding opposite from this one. You trot with everypony else until you stand on a metal porch outside outside the cafeteria. The door is ajar and the smells of different spices and herbs have got you craving salad and pasta. Oh dude I can't wait for some food, those herbs, almost as good as the 'herbs' and 'plants' I got back at home. Celestia it's been HOW LONG since I've smoked? You think as you start to get antsy, craving the THC, needing it. Then that's when you see it, a paper clip, on the ground, next to a couple rocks. Thank Luna in the sky above, a buckin' paper clip, now I can cut myself properly you think as you bend down to grab it.

"Hey, what you bending over for? Leave the dirt alone." Says Mr. Glow as he looks behind himself and sees you bending over.

"I ain't messing with the dirt, it's the paper clip I want." You whisper as you stand up, the metal object in hand. You decide to save the cutting for later though.

The pony in front of the line opens the door and walks into the cafeteria and the rest follow behind her. You enter with the rest and find it to be a lot less ghetto than it looked from the outside, with all the stones crumbling and rusty, and vines from trees overtaking the roof, you'd have thought it was a former prison.

"Hey you're new here so we're going to teach you the rules here." Says the pony in front of you. You look up to see two mischevious looking ponies staring at you, holding hands. The one that spoke to you is a pink pony with a purple and white swirl for a hair, you can clearly see her cutie mark one her hip, as she is wearing no pants and its that of a bejeweled crown or tiara. The other pony, the one she's holding hands with is a light gray pony with an even lighter gray hair. Her cutie mark is a silver spoon.

"I think I'll find out the rules when the staff inform me of them, but thanks." You say with a sarcastic smile.

"But dear, we need to tell you the rules, you'll die out here, especially with Jake eyeing you like a dragon eyes a pheonix's egg." Says the gray pony. She then places her hand on your shoulder. "Trust us."

This could be funny, let's see how this goes. you think as you take her hand off your shoulder and shake it. "Sure, why the hell not."

"Ok, well when we sit down at the tables you're not allowed to face the stallions. You can't talk to them, look at them, not a thing. That's the rules that the staff enforce. Otherwise you'll get an SAO." Says the pink pony.

"What's that?" You ask.

"It stands for Sexually Acting Out. If you get enough of those they move you into the room above ours. That's where all the sex offenders go." She says.

"Oh I met one of them once! I heard that she took pictures of the person she raped!" The gray pony says with disgust. You shudder. So everyone there is just like HIM you think, being reminded of that day...

No, Mr. Shine Please stop this! I won't tell anyone. Please!" You cry as Mr. Shine sucks on your tits. You gasp as he gently licks your nipple. Your body is betraying you, you can feel yourself getting wet as he continues to suck on your breasts.

"Be quiet!" He yells as he spanks your ass. You gasp again and shudder in pleasure. you try to get away but he is holding both of your arms with his giant hands. Suddenly he releases his grip and punches you straight in the stomach, causing you to lose your breath. You gasp for air but cannot find any. He gets up and walks to his desk and pulls out some duct tape.

"Time to shut your trap." He says as he wraps some around your mouth and head. You try to cry out but you still are struggling inwardly for air. He then puts your arms behind your back and tapes them together, restraining them.

"I got a special suprise for us, it's just a little something to help me remember this moment." He says as he walks to his desk, opens a drawer, and pulls out a camera.

You awake from your stupor from somepony snapping their fingers in your face.

"Hello, did you hear me, I said you can't look look at the stallions!"

You look around and notice that the line has moved ahead and there are only 5 people from your house in line. You also realize that you've been staring at the stallions long enough for one of them to notice you and he is flipping you off and laughing with his buddies. You get angry and flip him off right back.

"Hey what's y'all names anyways?" You ask, returning your attention to the line.

"Well my name is Diamond Tiara," The pink pony says, "And this is Silver Spoon." She says, pointing to the grey pony.

"Nice to meet you, y'all already know my name." You say as you shake their hands.

"Hey, come sit with us!" Says Silver Spoon. She grabs your hand as you grab your tray with the other and you all walk hand-in-hand to the back of the cafeteria.

The rest of dinner was a blur to you, with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon explaining the rules of the facility. You find out that this facility honors all holidays from all the kingdoms and cities because they have so many different ponies from different areas come. There isn't school this week because they are doing construction down there. Thank Celestia for that, I don't think I'm in the mood for school you think as you and your new 'friends' walk away with the rest of the ponies.

By the time you get back in the house, the urge to cut has grown intensly. You trot slowly away from everypony else into your room and grab the paper clip from earlier, but when you reach into your pocket you feel something else and pull out both the paper clip and your lighter. Oh shit I forgot this was in my jacket pocket you think as you start to slowly burn the paper clip.

"Buck yes!" You whisper happily as you drag the hot and sharpened metal tip through your fur and against your skin. You move Then you hear somepony calling you.

"Cherry Blossom, we need to search you and your stuff!" Yells Ms. G from across the hallway.

"Oh buck me, I'm screwed!" You whisper when you look up to see Ms. G staring at you. Instantly she runs towards you and pushes you to the ground, grabing the paper clip and lighter and restraining you.

"Mr. Glow, I need assistance!" She says as you start to put up a fight. You use all your strength and manage to get out of her hold and rush out the door, straight into the arms of the awaiting Mr. Glow. He grabs you r leg with his magic and causes you to fall to the ground, where you hit your head. You start to stand, but the blow was too much and you fall, losing consciousness. The last thing you remember is being lifted by their magic and Ms. G yelling 'Code Blue.'

Chapter 4

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You awaken to the sound of an electronic beeping.

You slowly open your eyes groggily and turn your head, seeing the room spin into focus. "Ugh, where am I?" You ask, straining to see. You attempt to move but are held down by an unknown object. "What? Why can't I move?" You ask as you look down at your body and see to your surprise, that you're in a hospital gown, and in a hospital bed. You look back up and look around once more and finally realize that you are, in fact, in a hospital. The object holding you down is a leather strap. In fact there are four of them, one for each of your limbs. You instantly begin to panic. "Somepony help! Get me out of here!" You struggle and toss and turn, pulling on the straps, when the door instantly bursts open and two ponies in scrubs, a pegasus and a unicorn, rush at you.

"Stop struggling, it won't help you." The pegasus says as she gallops at you and holds you down.

"What the buck are you doing?! Why am I in a hospital? And why the HELL am I tied up to the buckin' bed?!" You yell as the unicorn starts opening some cabinets against the wall and using her and magic to grab a syringe and a vial. She then stabs the syringe into the vial and pulls out the liquid inside. She then begins to slowly walk over to you. You begin panicing and hyperventilating.

"N-now just h-hold o-on a min-minute. I'll calm do-down. Wa-watch." You say, barely managing to control your breathing. The pegasus laughs and slowly begins to loosen her grip on you. By the time she has let go, you've managed to get your breathing to a manageable level, well, where at least ponies will be able to understand you. "OK, so why am I tied up?" You ask, making a list of questions to ask in your head.

The unicorn sets down the syringe and opens her mouth to speak. "Well let me say this first, you belong to San Marcos, and by 'belong to' I mean that San Marcos is responsible for you. There is a stallion out there, his name is Mr. Glow I think and he said to make sure you were tied up because you're a danger to yourself and we don't want you to hurt yourself."

"Can I speak to Mr. Glow please? Can you tell him to come in?" You ask demandingly.

"Sure." The pegasus says. She turns around and trots out of the room. You can hear talking outside the door and then Mr. Glow pops in and trots over to you.

"Hey there, glad to see you're awake and feeling good! I'd have thought that knock to the head would have done a number on you, but I guess you're OK!" He says with an annoying voice.

"Look can you untie me please?" You ask, obviously annoyed.

"Well I will here in a bit, but if you make any other moves or attempts to hurt yourself, I'm gonna have to restrain you again."

"Look, I like to cut myself. It feels good, just leave me alone and let me do what I want with MY OWN body." You say.

"Listen, you can't cut yourself. It's bad and unhealthy. It scares people. Besides, imagine it in the real world. What if you had a job and your boss or a co-worker caught you cutting, or they saw your cuts. You'd be fired. It's just not accepted or looked well upon in society." He says, lecturing you.

"Not accepted in society? Looked down upon? Let me tell you what I think of your society. Your society raped me, it abused me and killed my father. It allows ponies to beat up other ponies and get away with it, just because they are a different race or behave differently. I don't give two shit's about your society!" You yell, hatred in your voice. The old feelings start bubbling up and you begin to cry. The memory slowly starts entering your thoughts but it stops right when Mr. Glow places his hand on your shoulder and unties the strap on your left arm. You look up and smile at him as he unties the other one. you sit up and rearange your tail. "Ugh, that was giving my tail a cramp. So you trust me now? What changed?" You ask, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Oh it's not that I never thought you were lying, or that I didn't trust you, I told you I was going to untie you didn't I? Just, don't try to hurt yourself. Please? At least try not to until we get back to the treatment center." He says, as he unties the straps restraining your hooves.

"Wait, what do you mean, 'until we get back to the treatment center'? Are you implying we're somewhere else?" You ask, astonished. You stroke your legs gingerly, rubbing the part where straps were previously.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm implying. We don't have a hospital at the treatment center, just a nurses clinic."

"Oh, OK." You say. I wonder if I can make a run for it once we leave you think as you get off the bed slowly. Thats when your head begins to spin and you stumble.

"Woah, be careful, the pain medicine they gave you is still in your system." Mr. Glow says, grabbing you and helping you lay back down.

"What kind of medicine?"

"Hydrocodone." The pegasus says. I should get hit on the head more often you think with a smile.

"What you smiling for? You better not have any ideas up your sleeve." Mr. Glow says, giving you a warning look. He then smiles and claps his hands together. "Well, I'm going to get started on the paper work. You just rest and before you now it, you'll wake up in San Marcos."

"Wait, 'wake up'? But I'm not sleepy." You say.

"Yes but it's midnight, and you should be sleeping. The nurses here will give you some meds to help you fall asleep and then you'll be at San Marcos, talking to the doctor and everything.

"What day is it?" You ask

"Monday, it used to be Sunday, but it just changed because it is now 12:01" He says, giggling. You groan. Ugh, he's one of THOSE people.

"Allright, well I'm off, and remember; NO PLANS OR CUTTING." Mr. Glow says, eyeing you as he leaves the room.

"OK sweetheart, I'm just going to give you this-" The unicorn says, gesturing to the syringe floating in the air. "And before you know it, you'll be back home."

"Back home! More like back in hell! I've only been there half a day and the place is a nutjob's wet dream." You yell. The nurse shudders when you mention 'wet dream' and brings the syringe close to your fur and skin. She slowly injects it into your bloodstream and then pulls out the syringe. You begin to feel very drowsy and you relax your body. The medicine kicks in fully and you drift into sleep.

It's 3 years ago. You're crying as the camera clicks, taking photots of you. "Stop crying, you have no idea how beautiful you look." Mr. Shine says as he continues to take pictures of you in various positions. He bends down and takes his fingers and spreads your vaginal lips and then takes a quick picture before he buries his face in your cunt. You moan as he licks and nibbles on your vagina. He uses his hand to pinch your clit and uses his other to rub your tits and squeeze your nipple. "Mr. Shine, please stop. I won't tell anyone what you're doing, I promise. Just please stop!" You cry. Your body is betraying you and you can feel yourself getting wetter and wetter, aproaching climax. Mr. Shine stops squeezing your tits and takes his finger and shoves it forcefully in your ass. You cry out at the strange feeling and moan loudly. Mr. Shine starts slowly moving his finger in and out of your asshole. You look down at him with shame in your eyes. How can he do this You think as he then pulls out his finger and shoves his whole fist inside your vagina. You scream loudly, the pain bringing even more tears to your eyes. You twist and shake, trying to get away, but Mr. Shine holds you down with his other arm and presses his body against you, the weight restraining you. You shudder as he begins to pump his fist in and out of your cunt.

When you open your eyes, you find yourself in a van.

Damn, another bad dream you think as you look out the window and see the stadium that you and your mother passed on the way to the treatment center. You look at the driver and find that it is Mr. Glow. "Yo, I'm awake." You say arrogantly.

"I see that, and I'm glad because we've just arrived." He says as he passes the front entrance and drives up the long road towards the office. When you reach the top you unbuckle your seatbelt and wait for him to open the door. When he doesn't, you grumble and open it yourself. No manners you think when you step out of the car. You follow him into the office and see the same secretary from before. She smiles when she sees you.

"Well well, back already?" She says with a smile that would stun even the best car salesman.

"Yep so let me just sign her back in and we'll be headed back to the cafeteria." Mr. Glow says, reaching for a pen. The secretary hands him a notebad and he writes something down and then hands it back to her.

"Why are we going back to the cafeteria? What time is it?" You ask questioningly. You look outside the window and see that the sun is up and shining brightly. Looks like Celestia's done her part, and damn, I didn't know the sun was up already. I guess I wasn't paying attention you think as Mr. Glow checks his wrist watch.

"It's 12:08, you slept for around 12 hours." He says with a chuckle.

"Dang, sorry bout that." You see, getting embarrassed.

"It's cool, the medicine the nurses gave you was powerful. Now, ONWARD!" He says, extending his arm forward like a spear.

You follow him and you both exit the office. You walk down a gravel road and pass a sign that says slow. You go down a steep hill and arrive at the cafeteria. The smell of food makes your stomach grumble, reminding you that you missed breakfast. You enter the cafeteria and grab a tray. Salad with an apple fritter for dessert. Yum you think, licking your lips. You look up and see your group already seated. You see Silverspoon and Diamond Tiara seating at the table in back, waving to you. You head in their direction when you hear a voice.

"Hey pony, come sit here with me." You turn and see a mare just as tall as you with hair as dark as oil and fur as red as blood. She's got on a tattered Wonderbolt jacket. You notice she is sitting by herself, and you look up at Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon and see that they are gesturing for you to sit down with her. You sit down and set your tray on the table.

"So I see you're a cutter." She says with a smirk.

"Mind your own damn business." You say. You give her a heated look.

"It's pretty hard to in a place like this. Besides, I didn't mean to get on your bad side. Name's Weezer, I'm your roommate." She says, giving you a wink. Somehow it doesn't manage to creep you out. I like this mare you think. "Hey," She says, interupting you from your thoughts. "Don't worry about the whole senario yesterday, if that was me, it would've been my 5th. time. I'm a cutter too, see." She then rolls up her jacket sleeve and shows you all the missing fur and deep cuts and gashes she has. "Hope you don't mind but I just got back from the hospital and I just resently went through a detox so yea...I'm gonna eat my food." You rudely say, ending the conversation. "But it is nice to find another cutter in here too. I'm so addicted to it." You add.

"You're addicted? Mare, cutting is my life. That and smoking meth. Or weed, whichever my dealer has at the time." She replies, slowly eating her salad. You take a bite of as well and find it revolting, but due to your hunger you endure and continue eating. Besides, I don't want to seem like a freak. I've already made enough mistakes at this place you think. "Ah I'm also a huge drug addict, a usually do hydrocodone, weed, acid, or whatever my dealer has." You tell her. You hear Mr. Glow yell 'LUNCH IS OVER' and everypony gets up. You get up and throw your food away, placing your tray on a rack next to the trashcan. You walk with Weezer and get in line with her. The ponies begin counting off and this time you remember to count off along with them. You exit the cafeteria with your group and head to the house. When you get inside, everypony heads to the 'living room' while you head to your room, only to be interrupted by Ms. G when she calls you.

"Yes?" You ask, peaking your head outside your room.

"The doctor and nurse wish to speak to you. They're upstairs. I'll take you up there." She answers. OK, lets get ready to be bombbarded by questions You think, shaking your head as you leave your room and head towards Ms. G.