Operation C.H.A.O.S

by Fuckoff

First published

A human assassin attacks the princesses of Equestria on the day of Twilight Sparkles coronation what happens after will shake the entire kingdom.

Syren sat perched high above the royal palace as the crowd below became restless in anticipation, eager to get a glimpse of the newly crowned royal, princess Twilight Sparkle. Syren checked his watch, ‘1100 hours, finally’ he thought. He couldn’t stand it anymore as he shifted uneasily on his feet ‘only a few more minutes’ he thought the, excitement building inside of him only grew as he counted down the seconds until it was time.....

Introducing Death

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Syren sat perched high above the royal palace as the crowd below became restless in anticipation, eager to get a glimpse of the newly crowned royal, princess Twilight Sparkle. Syren checked his watch, ‘1100 hours, finally’ he thought. He couldn’t stand it anymore as he shifted uneasily on his feet ‘only a few more minutes’ he thought, the excitement building inside of him only grew as he counted down the seconds until it was time.

Syren performed one last check of his gear; his two ornate daggers glistened in the sunlight, forged of dragon scale they were light and extremely deadly; his bandolier held sharp dirks perfect for throwing short distances; his hidden blade design for discrete kills, located on his wrist dripped with a neurotoxin that would paralyze its victim.
Syren was skilled in most forms of pony martial arts and would easily defeat all who opposed him, but the Alicorns’ would be the most difficult, especially Celestia and her newly crowned apprentice. However Syren was also extremely powerful with magic, his magic knew few limits, except magic that drew power from love and harmony.
The sound of bells shattered Syren’s train of thought and alerted him to the fact that it was now time. He took one last look at his targets, the alicorn princesses were now in his sights, and he was poised ready to jump, he took one final breath and leapt high into the air hurtling toward the balcony. He could hear some of the ponies in the crowd scream as he landed in front of Twilight Sparkle…

…5 minutes earlier…

Twilight felt giddy as she was prepared to appear before Equestria as its newest princess, maid mares frantically ran around styling her mane and adding final touches to her dress. “Are you ready princess?” Celestia asked with a look of slight amusement on her face as she watched Twilight paced back and forth the worry clearly evident on her face. “What if they don’t accept me?” Twilight said to nopony in particular, “or what if I stuff everything up?” She continued the color draining from her face. Celestia gave a chuckle and said “don’t worry, the citizen of Equestria already love you”, this made Twilight feel a little better, enough so that she finally mustered the courage to go outside and face the screaming crowd, “let’s not keep your subjects waiting” beamed Celestia opening the curtain to reveal the main balcony where Luna and Cadence were waiting ‘…as well as the rest of Equestria’ Twilight thought nervously.

Twilight bravely stepped out onto the balcony to face the crowd and was immediately overcome with a sense of dread ‘there were just so many’ she thought. The crowd grew silent as she approached the podium. Twilight began to speak, but as soon as she began to open her mouth a dark figure landed in front of her.

Ponies screamed as the royal guards leapt to the defense of the princess. The cloaked creature only laughed when the guards surrounded it, “finally, I’ve been waiting for this all day” the creature said manically, a dark grin spread across its face as it flourished two short daggers (Twilight had read about them in ancient pony history) in its hands, swinging them around its head in a fashion that somewhat mesmerized Twilight, then the guards attacked.

It all happened so fast, Twilight could barely follow the creature movements as the guards all rushed in to attack. It was as if the creature had disappeared and reappeared seconds later only it had moved just out of the reach of the guards. One of the guards thrust his spear at creature aiming for its legs, but the creature parried the attack with one of the daggers and in a flash had buried the other deep in the guard’s chest. The guard let out a startled cry and slumped to the floor twitching, blood gushing from the hole in his chest, Twilight watched in horror as the life left the guard’s eyes. “Murderer!” screamed one of the other guards, “he was only a colt! He hadn’t even felt a mare’s warmth for Celestia’s sake!” shouted another but the creature paid them no attention, instead it turn slowly to face Twilight.

Fear gripped Twilight as the creature removed his dagger from the lifeless corpse of the guard and advanced toward her, its eyes were cold and calculating, not even a hint of regret at the life it had so abruptly ended. Slowly the hooded creature advanced toward her but the guards quickly blocked its path. This only enraged the creature “you dare stand in my way!” it spat. Its words were dripping with venom, “So, be it” it said shortly after, apparently calmer.
Again the creature attacked with a speed and fury that caused Twilight to cringe in fear. The first guard attempted to hold his spear so the attacking creature would impale itself upon the point. However the creature simply dodged the spear with unnatural agility and slid underneath the guard slicing the guard’s legs as it went, causing the guard to cry out in pain and fall to the ground unable to stand. No sooner had the first guard fallen when the creature flicked its wrist sending a metallic object flying through the air toward the second guard burying itself in the guard’s forehoof forcing the guard to drop his spear and cry out. By this time the last two guards’ had taken up defensive positions in front of the princesses and rushed in to meet the creature as it recovered from its slide.

The guards were shaking in fear as the creature rose. Its shadow looming over them as it raised its daggers for the killing blow, but suddenly the creature was knocked off its feet and sent flying through the air toward the edge of the balcony but falling short of the edge. Instead the creature slammed into the railing and Twilight heard a sickening crack like somepony snapping a branch. The creature lay there for a minute before raising its arm hanging limply at its side, eyes burning with rage at the one who had denied it its kill.

Twilight watched as Celestia stood in front of the terrified guards protecting them, comforting them. They two guards hung their heads in shame, “we’re sorry your majesty we failed you” one of the guards said, “we’re not worthy to be your protectors” said the other. The princess smiled warmly at them “You fought valiantly and showed great courage in the face of defeat, in my opinion you are more than worthy to be my protectors. Now go and protect the other princesses!” Celestia said in a gentle voice “Yes your majesty!” snapped both the guards as they turned and held position just ahead of Twilight and the other princesses.
Celestia turned to face the injured creature and said in her royal Canterlot voice “Why have you come here, killed my valiant guards and threatened the princesses of Equestria!” There was only silence as the creature glared at her and proceeded to snapping its arm back into place with a flick of its shoulder. Without warning the creature attacked but Celestia used her magic to knock the creature back. Once the creature realized the futility of attacking Celestia it sheathed it weapons and walked slowly toward her.

Twilight watched as Celestia charged her magic in her horn as the creature kept advancing. Finally she released her magic in a bright flash of light and Twilight could clearly see the creature tense as the beam of magic raced toward it at blinding speed. What happened next shocked not only Twilight but every other pony as well; the creature simply deflected the blast with a casual flick of the wrist. Twilight’s mind reeled in shock at watch she had just saw, Celestia, the most powerful pony in all of Equestria, with the most powerful magic had just been shrugged off as if she were nothing more than an annoying filly.

The creature spoke “I do believe I’ve overstayed my welcome, but fear not I shall return! Sooner than you think for I am madness, I am pain and I am death” it then jumped on the edge of the balcony “I bid you farewell, until next we meet” it said right before a brilliant flash of white light blinded Twilight, when she regained her vision she could just make out the faint outline of what looked like a stallion flying off in the distance. “What the hay just happened” Twilight managed to say before she collapsed and slipped into darkness…

…To be continued


Silent Night

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That night princess Luna stood on the balcony of her chambers looking out into night. She had always found serenity in the silence of the night, unfortunately the weather thought differently treating Luna to a rather bad storm. Luna was still going over the day’s events in her mind when there was a loud crash behind her, as the photo of her and her big sister fell on the floor. “Silly thing it’s always falling off the table” Luna said picking up the photo and placing back on the table. “Oh it’s cracked right down the middle” she said in exasperation, just as a rather large bolt of lightning streaked across the sky.

Luna jumped as the window suddenly burst open letting a rather chilly breeze in. Luna shivered and walked over to the window and was just about to close it when a loud knock on her door caused her to jump in surprise yet again. “Who is it?” she called out, there was no answer. Luna began to get nervous, something wasn’t right. She began to move toward the door as another flash of lightning lit up the night sky, but that wasn’t all it lit up, across the room a shadowy figure appeared in the window frame.

Luna trembled in fear when she saw the daggers glistening in the moonlight and backed slowly toward the wall. “N…N…No, please don’t hurt me” Luna whimpered as the creature walked slowly toward her. Luna felt her legs give out as she slid down the wall tears streaming from her face.

Luna couldn’t process what was happening, ‘N…No, I’m going to die, this thing is going to kill me’ she thought. Her mind was reeling, should she try to fight this thing or just try to flee. There was no time to debate she had to choose one or the other. The creature was now upon her, its hand reaching for her, it was now or never.

Luna felt her instinct to run take over and she tried to flee the creature but to her horror found that she couldn’t move; she was paralyzed by fear. She felt the creature’s hand close around her neck and begin to tighten. Luna felt herself being lifted into the air and she kicked her legs frantically trying to escape the creature’s grip but it only laughed at her feeble attempts to free herself.

‘This is it. I’m going to die’ Luna thought, she had never given much thought about dying. ‘I wonder if I’ll go to heaven’ she asked herself. She still had so many questions left answered, so many things she had not done. A single tear formed in her eye as she thought about her sister ‘Celestia will be devastated. She might not even be able to carry out her duties as princess any more’.

Luna felt the creatures grip tighten even more as it further squeezed the life out of her. As Luna’s world went black her heart began to slow her last thought again strayed to her sister ‘I’m sorry Tia I have always loved you… goodbye.’ Luna’s eyes closed and her heart, beating its final beat, stopped. Her body went limp and the single tear on her eyes rolled down her cheek and onto the floor…


In Celestia’s room…

…Celestia awoke, her fur adorned with sweat ‘something’s wrong’ she thought. She couldn’t feel her sister’s presence anymore. Celestia immediately got out of bed and raced to her sister’s room desperately hoping everything was fine and that she would find her sister gazing at the stars as she often did.

Celestia rounded the last corner and could finally see Luna’s bedroom door. She broke into a sprint and burst through the door only to find Luna lying on the ground motionless. “Luna!” cried Celestia running over to her sister and shaking her “Luna! Luna! Please wake up Luna!” Celestia screamed tears flowing down her cheeks “Please don’t leave me”.

Celestia cradled her sister in her hooves whispering softly to her “I love you dearest sister, I do and now I’ll never get the chance to tell just how much you meant to me” Celestia looked around the room for any sign of what might have caused her sister’s death. She noticed it immediately a glint of light reflected off a single dagger stuck in the wall and next to it a message written in blood (a part of Celestia noted that this blood was not her sister’s) ‘Tick tock, the Night is finished and a new Day shall rise, but take heed, or the hour of Twilight will surely follow suit.’

Rage filled Celestia as she read the message, she now knew who had killed her beloved sister and she let a bloodcurdling scream of rage which woke Twilight Sparkle from her slumber…


Twilight Sparkle’s room…

“What in the wide world of Equestria was that” Twilight said to herself as she jumped out of bed falling flat on her face at the same time. “ARGH, ouch” she cursed under her breath but quickly regained her composure and bolted off to find the princess. On her way to Celestia’s room she noticed that many ponies were running towards Princess Luna’s chambers. Twilight decided to take a slight detour to Luna’s room.

Upon arriving at Luna’s chamber she was greeted with mass hysteria and sorrow as ponies everywhere held each other, weeping. Twilight fought her way through the crowd toward Luna’s door and burst inside only to wish she hadn’t, for there was Celestia cradling her lifeless sister in her hooves crying softly and rocking back and forth. “Princess what happened here?” asked Twilight.

Celestia looked up and Twilight could clearly see that her eyes were bloodshot from crying. Twilight felt her heart falter and she rushed embraced Celestia as she cried into her chest. Twilight could feel tears spring into her eyes, “I’m so sorry princess” she managed to say, before, she too found herself crying freely….

…to be continued


New Moon

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It was a dark day. Black clouds adorned the sky and torrential rain drenched everything. Ponies stood silently with heads bowed in respect as the casket passed through the streets of Canterlot. Some threw themselves on the ground weeping openly whilst others comforted them.

Celestia walked beside her sister refusing to ride in the carriage with Twilight and the others. Her face was covered by a black hood which concealed her features and hid the look of agony and silent rage on her face. Celestia looked down at her baby sister, ‘so peaceful’ she thought, it was as if she was sleeping and at any moment would jump up and yell “Gotcha!”

A small smile flashed across Celestia’ face as she remembered how Luna and she used to play when they were fillies, “but that was so long ago wasn’t it” she said soflty, her voice cracking as she broke down and began sobbing softly. “I still remember my promise, that I would never let anything hurt you. But I failed you didn’t I” Celestia said tears streaming down her face. ‘But I will find it, the monster that took you from me and it will suffer endlessly for doing so’ she promised her sister this.


High on the roofs of Canterlot, Syren watched the procession a dark vision dragged itself from the depth of his memory as he was again forced to watch that night.

…A boy stood at the edge of a town as he watched it burn, the flames dancing in the night sky. Tears ran down his face as he screamed “mother, father! Where are you?” A rustle in the bush behind him startled the boy and he quickly spun around and what he saw horrified him more than any else he had ever known…

Syren quickly forced the memory down and returned his focus to the matters at hand. He watched as they descended into the crypt, “svefn nú máni eða rísa endr” he whispered, smiling, his eyes full of dark anticipation.

…Two days later…

Luna’s gasped and drew in a large breath, life once again had returned to her body, she tried to steady her breathing but air only came in gasps ‘What’s happening? How can I be alive, it killed me, I felt it kill me, I’m dead’ she thought. Luna’s mind was telling her, her body lived, but she knew in her heart that she was dead.

Luna took in her surroundings; a dark room with a glass window that was tinted red illuminated a tiny room with an old oak dresser in the left corner of the room. There was a large wooden chair by a brightly lit fireplace with a shadowy figure sitting in the chair. Luna strained to make out the features of the figure in front of her, but nearly fell out of the bed when she did. “Oh no, I am dead and this is hell” she cursed loudly.

“Hardly” the creature sniggered “but that can always be arranged” it added smiling menacingly at her. “What the hay do you want with me now” Luna snapped at the creature, the irritation evident in her voice. “Oh nothing much” it replied casually looking at its hand. This infuriated Luna “YOU INSOLENT FOAL, TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT!” she yelled at the creature shaking with uncontrollable rage. “As I said nothing much….. Just you!” the creature replied, looking her dead in the eye as it removed its hood and for the first time Luna could clearly see the creature’s face.

Its hair was jet black; its skin was smooth and hairless; but perhaps the most striking feature was its eyes, blood red and glowing faintly. It smiled at her darkly “perhaps you should look in the mirror” the creature suggested.

Luna walked over to the tall ornate mirror and almost fainted when she saw herself; here normally lustrous fur coat was now pale and bleak; her mane had lost its shine and her eyes… By Celestia’s mane her eyes had dark circles under and her iris’s had dulled significantly.

Luna was horrified and enraged at the same time, she turned her eyes seething with anger “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!” she screeched at the creature before lunging at it, the desire to kill this creature had overwhelmed her.


Syren felt the anger inside her swell, ‘Oh yes, she’ll do just fine, she is starting to succumb already’ he thought to himself, as he dodged Luna’s first attack. She turned around and ran at him again, this time Syren clenched his fist and swung at the oncoming Luna. The punch connected with Luna’s maw sending her flying into the wall, she slumped over and began to cry in frustration. “WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?” Luna screamed again at Syren. He thoroughly enjoyed the look on her face when he offered his response “because it was fun, because I was bored, because I loved seeing the life leave your eyes…”

Syren suddenly snapped. “Because I could, because it felt good, BECAUSE I NEEDED TOO!” Practically shouting at her, Syren seemed to lose all control as he flung himself back from Luna. Hands covering his face as a twisted smile spread across it, he laughed manically, a look of deranged insanity in his eyes. Everything in the room started to move; the windows shattered showering Luna with glass; the furniture flew around the room and the walls cracked, as Syren slipped further down into madness. He needed to kill something, now.


Luna had never seen such power. The creature seemed very unstable and was threating to bring the whole place down around them. She heard the creature talking (or rather shouting) at somepony. “I HATE YOU!” It screamed jumping at Luna clearly believing her to be somepony else. Pinning Luna to the ground she could clearly see its face, but it wasn’t the same face she had seen before, this face was changing before her eyes.

Luna watched on in horror as the creature seemed to change form. It went from whatever it was to a young black stallion, flickering between the two forms.

Next the creature walked towards her slowly, hand out stretched. ‘Oh no not again’ thought Luna, she couldn’t bear the pain of dying again. But the creature stopped short and collapsed in a heap in front of her and lay there. ‘What! Just happened” Luna said aloud, confused. She got up slowly and walked over to the creature, she gently nudged it with her hoof ‘is it dead’ she thought. No movement but the light rising and falling of its chest. Luna felt a sigh of relief ‘good it’s still alive, Wait what am I saying, I should kill it and rid Equestria of this evil once and for all!’
Luna pointed her horn at the creature and charged her magic; she knew she had to do it. But the creature’s eyes snapped open and looked up at her. At first this only strengthened her resolve to kill the creature but the longer she stared into its eyes the more she saw until it hit her, the creature wanted Luna to fire. She could see it in the creature’s eyes, it wanted to die.

Luna couldn’t bring herself to do it; it would go against everything ponies held dear. So it was decided that she would take the creature to Canterlot where she may be able to save it from insanity.


Little did Luna know Syren had been planning this for years, he would not lose sight of the ultimate goal here, ‘this is just a little detour’ he thought to himself, oh yes, he would be able to get that much closer to the ponies if he pretended to go along with them and the best part would be, they wouldn’t even know until it was too late. Syren smiled darkly to himself as Luna prepared to travel to Canterlot…..

….to be continued


Luna's Fall

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Luna was almost ready to set out, when the creature arose from its bed looking slightly confused as to how it had got there. It looked at Luna and suddenly remembered what had transpired, it smiled, a dark gleam in its eyes.

“You’re certainly very lucky to be alive” It commented a hint of casualness in its voice.

“Well I am” A little annoyed at the lack of gratefulness for dragging it body into bed (cause it was damn heavy). “Anyway I have been meaning to ask this for quite some time. What exactly are you?” She inquired.

The creature raised an eyebrow and stared at her remaining silent. This angered Luna even more, “What! I think I have the right to know since you…ah…you know KILLED ME!” she said staring right into its blood red eyes, challenging it.

“Very well if you must know, I’m a human.” It said clearly not intending to disclose anything further.

“A what? What the hay is a human?” Luna said deciding to push the creature for more information. Her demeanor became somewhat agitated as she threw her caution to the wind even though she knew the risks of the creature becoming unstable were great.

“So you really want to know everything about me then” it said accentuating the word everything as if to imply that it was something of a secret.

“YES OF COURSE I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING!” Luna screeched at the inferior creature in front of her. She felt a rush of excitement roll through her body at the power in her voice as she said that.

‘She is almost ready. She will be ready for phase two very soon’ Syren thought to himself a dark feeling of satisfaction radiated through him. He turned back to matters at hand and now thought she was far enough gone for him to be able to tell her a little about himself without reversing her state.

Luna was now positively seething with rage, her whole body was shaking and her vision had a red tint to it. “TELL ME! NOW!” she barely managed to choke out. Her teeth were clenched, her muscles tensed poised and ready to spring into action.

“Okay then. Ask me whatever you want” the creature responded calmly. To Luna’s horror a feeling of pleasure washed over her as she thought about how easy it would have been to hurt the creature, to make it suffer for deifying her.

“Alright, I guess I’ll start with this. What is your name?” Luna asked.

“Syren” The creature responded quietly.

“Syren huh, never would have guessed that. Alright next question, are you a mare or stallion?” She queried again. Luna knew these were trivial questions, but she felt the need to ask them anyway.

“Well I’m technically a man but to you ponies I guess I’m a stallion” Syren answered smiling to himself. His plan was working perfectly, she was falling faster and faster and she couldn’t even see it.

“And where did you c….” Luna began when Syren interrupted, pre-empting what she was about to say.

“…Come from?” he finished for her. “That is a story for another time perhaps” he sighed. “I think it is time for you to sleep now. You will need your strength to…” he said pausing to look at Luna who was just about ready to tear his head off for interrupting her, the rage was so apparent in her form that two long canines had slipped from her upper lip and her eyes began to glow red.

‘Okay, phase two is clearly starting, Physical manifestation. Everything is fine, except, for the fangs, those are new’ thought Syren, the red eyes and inherent bloodlust he had anticipated, but the fangs were new to him, perhaps the transformation affects ponies differently. Not that he was complaining as it rather intrigued him. He had never tried to perform the ritual on a pony before. Syren may have just created something unique. He made a mental note to study Luna before he set her loose.

Luna was almost completely overcome with bloodlust, just thinking about what she would do if he didn’t stop interrupting her, made her shiver in dark anticipation. She licked her lips waiting for the right opportunity to strike, but stopped when she felt them. Those long needle-like protrusions, jutting from her upper jaw.

‘What the!’ she thought in confusion. ‘I’m sure those weren’t there before. What has he done to me?’ looking directly at his cold red eyes. A smile had crept onto his face but it wasn’t the normal menacing smile he usually wore. He was smiling warmly as though she had intrigued him (and not the predatory side of him).

Luna was about to inquire as to why he seemed so different when she felt a sharp pain explode inside her head. She found herself falling into the familiar black abyss that was unconsciousness.


No sooner had Luna fell unconscious, when she was suddenly standing all alone in a room full of mirrors covering every direction, with no reflection in any of them.

“Hello…” She called out nervously “…is anypony there?”

“Of course” replied a voice behind her making her jump and spin around, but there was nothing there, just the empty mirrors.

“Over here” the voice said again sending a chill down Luna’s spine. Slowly turning again, Luna found herself face to face with a mirror image of herself.

“Who are you?” Luna demanded.

“What a silly question. You know very well who I am, but I shall indulge you never the less.” The mirror Luna responded. “I’m the part of you that until recently you never knew existed; I’m the part of you that loves to make others suffer…” Mirror Luna said her tone increasing with excitement as she continued “… I’m the part of you who loves it when somepony hurts you; I’m the part of you who loves to punish and I’m now the part of you who loves to kill” she finished panting with excitement.

Luna gasped as the mirror Luna’s face changed and distorted into something Luna could barely comprehend. Mirror Luna’s eyes started to glow red and two long canine teeth slid out from her upper jaw. She let out at demonic hiss and started to smile when she saw how terrified the real Luna was.

“It’s okay…” crooned mirror Luna softly “…You have nothing to fear anymore; you are strong; you are beautiful but most importantly you are powerful.” She finished and to Luna’s surprise stepped out of the mirror and walked over to her.

Luna cringed when the copy touched her screwing her eyes shut. Mirror Luna began to stroke her mane softly whispering to her “You can have all this power and beauty…” she said cupping Luna’s chin with her hoof, forcing her to look into her eyes. “… All you need do… is accept me” she said offering a warm but somehow dark smile.

It was true that this copy of Luna was extremely beautiful and powerful. Luna felt a desire stir deep within her. She wanted this more than anything, but knew she would lose something dear to her if she accepted. Even though she knew the price, she accepted.

“Alright, I accept you” she said staring directly into mirror Luna’s eyes, which were full of glee as she danced around like a school filly.

“Excellent! There is, however, one final thing you must do before this power is yours” her eyes suddenly became deadly serious.

“What?” Luna said warily.

“Drink! And don’t …ever …STOP!” was all the copy said before she lunged at Luna, pinning her down.

Mirror Luna’s hooves were like vices, holding the real Luna still as she began to lick a line from her ear down to her neck. There was a sharp pain in Luna’s neck causing her to gasp softly as her copy bit into her with those razor sharp teeth. Luna felt woozy. A warm sensation was rolling down her neck as she began to feel mirror Luna suck and lick at her neck. Suddenly mirror Luna raised her head so that she could show Luna what she had done.

Luna turned her head to face the mirror and gazed silently, taking in everything. Her fur was stained crimson around the point where her copy had bitten her. ‘Blood’ she thought. There was blood flowing freely from two holes in her neck. It was gathering in a pool around her and instead of being terrified she relaxed, as she watched the blood flow down her neck in lines. It was mesmerizing.

Luna turned to face her copy smiling at her. This delighted her copy and she licked her lips which were stained with Luna’s blood. She then returned her head to Luna’s neck and began drinking faster and more deeply than before, the gentle sips turned into long gulps. Luna felt herself slipping away, but just before she did she heard a voice in her head scream out “NOOOOO!” as she slipped into darkness yet again.


Luna’s eyes snapped open. She didn’t feel it for the first few seconds but when it hit her, it hit her hard. She was unbelievably thirsty, like words cannot describe kind of thirsty. She clawed at her throat hoping it would stop the burning thirst, but it did nothing. It was if all the moisture in her had evaporated leaving only a dry shell behind.

Luna spotted a glass of water sitting beside her bed on a small table, she quickly levitated it using her magic and gulped down the contents just before spitting it all back out again. It tasted foul and did nothing to stop the burning thirst that had consumed her every thought.

She was about to scream when a strange new smell wafted through the air coming from the open window it smelt delicious and only served to make her thirst even more intense. She had to find whatever it was that smelt so good.

Luna jumped onto the windowsill. It was at least fifty meters from the ground, but she no longer cared about anything but the insane thirst and besides she had wings anyway. Luna jumped straight out and glided gracefully to the ground. Once there she took off in search of the owner of that delicious scent.


Luna flew silently, letting her nose guide her to her target. She sub-consciously noted that she was in the Everfree forest, but it mattered little. As Luna got closer and closer to her destination, the smell intensified tenfold as did her thirst. She was going mad.

At last Luna spotted (or rather smelled) her target, the cause of her intense thirst was a small mare walking through the forest toward the lights of Ponyville. Luna silently stalked the mare; her vision zeroed in on the large vain running up the mare’s neck, she could smell her tantalizing scent. Luna could even hear the blood coursing through the mare’s body. It was a sound that promised Luna relief from her maddening thirst.

Luna landed softly on the ground a few paces behind the mare, making no sound, being careful so as not to startle the pony.

She licked her lips and felt her fangs slide out. She knew what she had to do. She closed the distance between her and the mare, her mouth salivating at the meal to come…

… 2 minutes earlier …

… “Why oh why did I ever agree to this” mumbled a nervous Carrot Top. She should’ve known better than to challenge Berry Punch to a drinking game. The thing was, she was so sure she was going to win this time, what with Berry only just having woken up from passing out. But against all odds she had somehow not only out drank Carrot Top, but the rest of the bar all together. As her punishment for losing, she had to walk into the Everfree forest and get a branch from an Everfree oak as proof that she had done it.

“Phew, Almost home” Carrot Top sighed, filled with relief. A snap behind her made Carrot Top whirl around and almost trip over herself.

“A…A…Anypony o…out t…t…there” She said trying hard not to break down and cry. There was only a brief moment of silence before she heard another snap, closer this time. She walked backward slowly until she bumped into a tree. Snap! Carrot Top screamed, but a hoof clamped her mouth shut and pushed her over pinning her to the ground. She squirmed to try and see who was holding her, but it was too dark to make anything out except two glowing red eyes.

Just then the moon shot out from behind the clouds illuminating the area and her assailant. Carrot Top was shocked, for there in front of her stood the supposedly dead Princess Luna.

“Princess L…Luna?” she managed to stammer as the Princess slowly removed the hoof from her mouth. The Princess made no sound as she leant in closer to Carrot Top planting a kiss on the stunned mare’s mouth. Carrot Top could only stare as the Princess broke contact, her saliva sticking to Carrot Top’s lips.

Carrot Top began to speak but stopped when she noticed the Princesses fangs. ‘Why does she have fangs?’ she thought. Even though she had never seen the princess up close, Carrot was ninety nine percent sure they weren’t supposed to be there.

“Princess Luna, your majesty, why do you have fa….” Carrot began but was silenced with another kiss. This one was different, full of longing and desperate need.

Carrot Top felt the Princess’s fangs against her lips. She quickly ran her tongue over them; they were quite long and sharp; surprisingly smooth. She then ran her tongue along the point and winced when she felt the tips cut her tongue, bleeding into the Princess mouth.

Carrot Top felt Princess Luna suck on her tongue gently drawing the blood from her mouth. To her surprise Princess Luna suddenly broke the kiss and slid her lips down to rest on Carrot Top’s neck.

“Oh” she cried out in surprise as she felt a sharp pain, like getting a shot, come from her neck. Next she could feel the Princess sucking at her neck, softly a first but gradually getting harder and harder. She felt woozy as her eyelids became heavy and drooped.

Luna had never felt anything more heavenly then now, this mare’s blood sliding down her throat satisfying the horrible thirst. The blood itself was the sweetest thing Luna had ever tasted, It was like cotton candy coated in golden syrup and that was even understating how good it really was, as no words could describe the magnificent taste of this mare’s blood.

Luna could feel the mare’s heart slowing. That sound alone would have excited her enough to never want to stop, but couple that with the taste of the blood and the warmth of the mare’s body and Luna was in absolute ecstasy.

Luna felt the mare’s heart shudder and stop, she was dead. Waves of euphoria washed over Luna as she removed her head from the mare’s neck. Licking her lips, Luna felt her fangs retract into her jaw and reveled in the fact that the thirst was now satisfied, however, a dull burn remained, reminding her that it was always there and never truly went away.

She looked down at the mare on the ground; she lay motionless as though she were asleep, eyes closed and a ghost of a smile etched on her face.

“Thank you” Luna said gently kissing the mare on the lips before turning and taking flight. There were many questions she had, and she knew just who to ask…

…Syren sat quietly in a tree, thinking deeply to himself. After witnessing the events first hand he realized he could change his plan to better suit these turn of events. He smiled, a deranged gleam in his eye as he said softly under his breath…

“…She’s mine now…”

... To be continued


Where It All Began

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(Two hours later)

Syren felt the icy wind rushing through his hair as he sat quietly atop the Ponyville express. ‘God damn its cold up here’ he thought bitterly to himself. Normally he would’ve been down in the carriages, but the increased security meant that his pony form was more likely to fail due to the fact he didn’t know how ponies interacted on a day to day basis, nor did he really care as he usually killed them before they spoke anyway.

The thought of seeing his potential victims squirm and beg for him to spare their pitiful lives drove Syren mad with want. A small voice in his head tried to coax him into indulging his twisted fantasy so he weighed his options.

If he did go down and slaughter everyone on the train it would sate his bloodlust but it would make his risk of exposure too great and that was unacceptable so Syren just settled for just keeping it a fantasy.

He chuckled darkly as he imagined the look of sheer terror on the ponies faces as he cut them down without mercy or compromise and his eyes widened with an insane gleam as he imagined the train pulling into the station and the ponies screaming as they saw the blood staining the windows. He closed his eyes and let a shiver run down his spine as he envisioned the ponies stepping cautiously into the carriages and witnessing the glorious slaughter. The blood dripping from the ceilings and pooling in beautiful scarlet patches on the hideously colorful floor.

There would be screams a plenty as ponies vomited at the lifeless bodies of their own, still warm as they lay where they were murdered. Most certainly some ponies would faint as they saw the dead mares’ desperately embracing their foals’ in an attempt to shield them from harm. At that moment Syren started laughing manically as he lost control. “No! Not yet!” he yelled removing his dagger from its sheath on his belt and removing his left gauntlet.

Holding the dagger over his left palm his slowly drew it across his bear skin and shivered in ecstasy as he felt the pain consume his raging insanity and lock it back away within his unstable mind. The voice inside his head whimpered in desperate longing. “Soon” he crooned pulling his gauntlet back on and staring at his bloodied dagger.

The crimson stained its normally emerald edge in a way that excited him. He lifted the dagger into the air and tilted it slightly, watching in fascination as the blood ran along the length of the blade forming into a single drop at the very tip. He tapped the hilt softly and followed the drop as it fell onto the snow covered roof of the train.

Syren felt a tear in his eye as the blood mixed with the snow creating a truly beautiful sight. Just then the train started its deceleration as the snow bound station came into view. He felt his heart start to race as the trained neared the station. He heard the conductor bellow out the destination to the unaware passengers.

“Now arriving at the Crystal Empire… Please mind the gap and enjoy your stay” he said pleasantly almost making Syren vomit in disgust.

As the ponies disembarked Syren scanned for his targets, watching intently as the sea of passengers surged onto the platform.

‘Ah there they are’ He thought, smiling darkly as the six ponies departed from the train, but he frowned as he noticed the necklaces they wore and cursed as he catalogued the symbols on each one.

‘Cloud with lightning bolt… Balloons… Gem… Apple… Butterfly… Purple star… Dammit! Well played Celestia. Giving them the elements makes this whole job a lot harder… Bitch!’ Syren thought angrily as he took his wingless alicorn form and jumped down onto the platform once every one had left.

“Now I might have to pay my dear friend Sombra a visit… but oh wait… you already destroyed him… What the…?” he said aloud as a young colt had wrapped its hooves around his hind leg.

“Get off whelp!” he said shaking his leg furiously trying to dislodge the clinging foal.

“But father, I’ve waited here so long, don’t leave me again” the colt cried with tears in his eyes.

Syren stopped shaking his hoof and stared wide eyed at the young colt. Something about this colt struck him as awfully familiar but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

The foal had green eyes, a white coat and a small jagged horn with a red tip. Something clicked inside Syren’s mind and a single face appeared in his thoughts, causing him to start laughing darkly with a tinge of insanity creeping onto his face.

“Father?” the colt said looking at Syren with his wide green eyes.

“Oh Celestia… We have been naughty haven’t we?” Syren said to no one in particular.

‘Oh this is just spectacular! Truly there is a God.’ Syren thought wickedly. He couldn’t believe his luck, one of the Solar Princess’s long kept dirty little secrets had just presented itself.

Syren turned to face the colt and lowered himself so he could stare directly into the colt’s eyes. “I’m not your father. Your father is in heaven but your mommy is still here” he said reviling in the young colt’s reaction.

Absolute pain echoed in the colt’s eyes, a pain that Syren knew all too well but one he knew he could exploit.

“W-What? B-But he promised… HE PROMISED!” the colt screamed in pain, his eyes reflecting his sorrow. “H-How, did it happen?” the colt asked shakily.

“He was murdered by the Princess of love. On your mothers order” Syren responded calmly as the colt screamed in rage, his eyes burning with fury and hate. Syren watched as black shadows formed around the colt’s eyes and he slammed his hoof down as the shadows enveloped the rest of his body.

‘This is marvelous… Oh Celestia you may have your pathetic elements of harmony and temporarily your disgusting princess of love but I have your sister and now something you tried to bury… You’re running out of time… You’ll soon suffer with me’ Syren thought manically, beginning to laugh but stopping when a sharp pain in his head dragged a memory into his mind.

He was standing unable to move in a familiar room with a golden throne in the center. Celestia and a black stallion were screaming at each other…


“Stop this madness! Blizzard Please!” Celestia screamed with tears running down her face and her horn glowing brightly as she streamed her magic into a dark stallion who was writhing in agony as her magic tortured him.

“Never!” The stallion spat viciously, screaming as his wings violently snapped behind his back in an unnatural fashion. “You took everything from me! Everypony I ever held dear you took from me! My family and my people!” he wailed trying to force his way out of her grip, but it was no use. She was too powerful.

A small azure alicorn filly cowered behind Celestia and she cringed when the stallion’s hateful eyes turned on her. “She murdered my people you know. Your big sister had her guards slaughter them all!” The stallion screamed at the small alicorn making her shrink behind her sister’s hind leg.

“Don’t you talk to her, monster! Your people as you call them, were nothing but a horde of warmongering beasts who only sort destruction. I had to protect my subjects so I did the only thing I could!” Celestia fired at the stallion, tears still streaming down her face.

“We were your loyal subjects!” he yelled back, screaming as she continued to torture him. He laughed insanely as she increased the power in her attack making his body spasm violently.

“Lies! Y-You were planning to invade a-and take over! Winterhoof was our enemy!” Celestia said, using her magic to lift the stallion in to the air and start choking him whilst still using her incredible power to torture him.

“According to whom?” The stallion replied, screaming again as sickening crack came from his body which now hung limply in the air.

Celestia’s eyes widened as it dawned on her and she broke down releasing her hold on the stallion and letting him fall limply to the ground. “B-But they said they had seen you… T-They are our greatest and most trusted allies! They even gave me evidence of your betrayal!” She stammered, her eyes dilating as she put her head in her hooves and whimpered softly.

“The gryphons blinded you Tia, you slaughtered your own subjects on their orders. Don’t you see they used you…? Made you weaken Equestria so they could in turn rule it through you. The gryphons and their puppet Princess…” the stallion said softly, the pain was evident in his voice.

“I-I d-didn’t know… H-How c-could I have?” Celestia choked briefly removing her hooves from her face as she gazed upon the motionless stallion and slowly dragged herself over to his crumpled form. Picking him up in her hooves and cradling him she stared into his eyes and saw the fires of hate burning deeply in his amber eyes.

“I-I…” she began but choked on her words and instead she just cried softly into the stallion’s chest.

The stallion, who was now close to death shakily raised a hoof and brushed her mane softly, his features softening causing Celestia to lift her head slightly and peer into his half-closed eyes. “It makes me sad that it has to end this way, I can never forgive you for the slaughter of my people and I know that it will haunt you forever. I wish no less upon you than to hear the screams of those you sentenced to death every time you close your eyes…” he paused momentarily to cough.

“… But know this. I hope you are spared from ever seeing your people being decimated before your eyes. But even through all of this madness I…” he paused to cough again. By now his breathing was coming in shallow gasps and he motioned for Celestia to come closer.

Leaning in closer Celestia listened to his dying words…

“I-I… still… love… you………” he said softly before his breathing abruptly ceased.

Celestia turned to face him and stared at his closed eyes. She gently shook him… no response. She shook him a little harder… still no response.

Celestia let out a long bloodcurdling scream, pouring her fury and sorrow into that one scream. Those four words had hurt her more than anything else she had ever experienced. She lay draped over the stallion’s lifeless body and wept. Cursing loudly before razing her head again as the door to the room burst open and a small black unicorn colt stormed in.

“Father!” He screamed upon noticing the crumpled form currently residing in Celestia’s hooves and sprinted across the room stopping in front of his father’s body.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Winter Song” she said, her eyes full of pain as she looked at the small colt.

“Y-You… You killed him!” the colt said backing away from the Princess of the sun, a horrified look on his face. “Why?” he demanded slamming his hoof on the marble floor.

“I-I didn’t mean too… he attacked and I… I only meant to stop him…” Celestia flustered, choking on her words again.

The colt started shakily uncontrollably. His face was becoming distorted with rage and his eyes developed a shadow, becoming a solid burning red.

A strong wind entered the room and quickly became a gale causing the colt’s mane to flick wildly around him. His horn began to glow brightly with a blue aura as the ground beneath him cracked and small chunks of marble rose into the air surrounding him.

“Unforgivable! I-I h-hate you!” He screamed with a voice like thunder.

Celestia was taken a back at the display of raw power emanating from the small colt. He was fast becoming dangerous and she heard a small whimper from behind her as her sister Luna cowered in fear. This strengthened her resolve to stop the colt.

Unbelievably the magic surrounding the colt spiked and the aura changed from its warm blue to a blood red and a scarlet mist descended around the colt obscuring him from vision as a voice spoke out…

“I have seen deep in this little ones heart and I see only hate and darkness. He has completely rejected love and harmony inspiring the wrath of the creator herself. Normally she would destroy him for this but I have intervened and blessed him with my touch so that he may carry on as my influence. Also I did it because I hate the creator, she’s such a bore with her love and harmony and oh look at how nice everything is… I am the antidote to that disgusting sentimental nonsense… I am her opposite the Un-creator. I’m the insanity to her sanity; I’m the sorrow to her happiness; I’m the dark to her light and I’m the death to her life and I don’t know why I’m telling you this actually as you’ll forget it as soon as my new emissary departs your lovely castle. Oh and by the way I’d tell your guards to stand down if I were you… No wait! Don’t tell them and let that pompous overbearing fool the Creator gaze upon my greatest insult to her so called divine being…” the voice finished.

Celestia sat stunned as the voice faded into manic laughter. Her gaze had momentarily moved from the shrouded colt to stare at the guards surrounding the area. “Get away from him! Now!” she screamed at them, urging them to flee as the mist surrounding the colt started to dissipate, slowly revealing his terrible new form.

Where there had once been a small colt, there now stood a tall, dark, winged unicorn stallion. Silence hung in the air as no pony knew exactly how to deal with this situation. Only mares could become alicorns. That was the way the creator had made things. Stallions were inferior to mares but the creator loved them all the same.

Celestia had tried countless time to transform stallions into alicorns. She had even gone as far as mothering a foal in hopes of creating an alicorn stallion, but the birth had yielded nothing but a unicorn colt which was returned to its father and never spoken of again.

The silence was broken when Celestia felt herself being pulled toward the stallion as magic began to build around him. He suddenly released his power in a shockwave that threw guards off their hooves and far away from the creature.

Winter glared at Celestia, his eyes boring into hers. He charged up his horn and a bright light blinded her. When her sight returned she gasped in surprise.

“He’s gone!” she said aloud.

“Whose gone big sister?” the small trilling voice of Luna asked.

“I-I don’t know… Where did Winter Song go? You two were supposed to play together today” Celestia said rubbing her head and looking down at the still body of the stallion beneath her.

‘Who… are you?’ She thought in confusion. His face was familiar to her…


“Father” Syren said desperately as he held a hoof to his head. Trying to regain his previous train of thought and turning his attention back to the rather furious colt in front of him. “Hey kid! My name is Syren and I knew your father, we were best friends, I even helped him take over the Crystal Empire and I can do the same for you, if you want?” Syren said somewhat truthfully.

He had indirectly helped Sombra take the Crystal Empire from the last Princess of love and he would certainly help Sombra’s son do the same but this time he would be a little more involved. Besides this fiery little colt shared his pain and would certainly aid him in his fight against Celestia.

“I think I would like that very much” the colt grinned darkly.

‘Oh he has ambition but he’ll need more guidance first. Sombra my good stallion wherever you are I’ll teach your son to succeed where you failed and with his help I’ll finally take Celestia down and rule all of this pitiful land by baptizing it in blood and fear.’ Syren thought to himself. He reached out with his hoof and placed it on the young colt’s shoulder.

“First we’re going to have a chat with Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and the Crystal ponies. Oh and what is your name by the way?” He said with a deranged smile and started to walk down the platform toward the snow bound crystalline city.

“Ebonhorn” the colt called and sprinted to catch up to his dark mentor.



Syren and the colt walked purposefully down the open frozen road toward the crystal empire and came upon a security checkpoint with four guards standing idly by a roaring fire.

“Hey kid you see those two guards over there?” Syren said pointing a hoof at two of the crystal guards rubbing their hooves together around the warm fire.

“Yes. Why?” Ebonhorn said quickly turning toward his new mentor.

“Oh you needn’t even ask little one but since you did I’ll indulge you. You are going to kill them” Syren responded casually.

A small gasp came from the young colt which Syren punished with a swift hoof to the face. “Hesitation is weakness as is compassion and pity kid, but since this is your first time I’ll show you how it’s done.” He said motioning for the colt to stay put as he smiled before facing the unaware guards and staring at a rather young guardsmare who was laughing at her companion.

Syren’s eyes flashed red and the mare stopped laughing, her face becoming expressionless.

“Hey Blossom something wrong?” the guard laughed obliviously as the catatonic mare stood silently.

“Kill” Syren whispered softly, his eyes flashing again.


The mare’s reaction was instant as she gripped her spear and thrust it into the chest of her companion.

“B-Blossom W-Why?” the guard stammered, crying out as she twisted the spear inside him.

“S-s-s-silence” she hissed removing her spear and plunging it in the guards chest again.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” cried one of the other guards leveling her spear at the now manic Blossom.

“S-Stay where you are… I-I’m warning you. I-I don’t want to hurt you Blossom!” The other said.

This however did not deter Blossom as she stepped toward the two guards, her bloodied spear pointing at them. She probably couldn’t take both of them but it didn’t matter all that mattered was pleasing him.

She jumped at them, her spear pointing at the other young guardsmare’s heart, but her intended target was saved as the other guard threw himself on the point of Blossom’s spear, impaling himself.

Blossom screamed in rage and pushed the spear deeper inside the stallion, piercing his heart and pushing his body off it when he went limp on the end. The last guard shook in fear as Blossom turned her attention toward the young mare.

“S-Stay a-away f-from m-me” she whimpered as Blossom took two slow steps toward her. “Blossom p-please snap out of it, I-I love you p-please don’t do this!” she pleaded removing her helmet, falling to her knees and shaking in fear as Blossom loomed over her. With spear razed Blossom thrust downward.

She felt herself regain control just in time to see the spear disappear inside her beloved as the mare slumped. “No!” she screamed throwing her helmet away and falling down beside the sickly mare. “Sunshine! No!” she cried removing the spear from the mare and attempting to stop the bleeding by pushing her hooves on the wound.

“Blossom I love you” the other mare said quickly before a gurgling sound cut her off and her head fell limply to the side, a small trickle of blood rolling out of her mouth.

“S-Sunshine? Sunshine! Sunshine come back I was going to ask you to marry me… Please I can’t go on without you!” Blossom said softly, her tears splashing on her dead marefriend as she rubbed her muzzle against the dead mare, cradling her and rocking softly back and forth.


Syren walked slowly out from the shadows and over to the despairing mare. “At least you didn’t want to do it, I had to give you a fair shove to get you to kill her” he said smiling darkly at the distraught mare.

“Y-You what? Y-You made me kill my Sunshine? Bastard I’ll kill you!” she screamed grabbing her spear and plunging it into Syren’s heart.

Nnnmm” he grunted as he felt her twisting it sharply inside him. The pain was euphoric as he fell face first into the snowy ground, his blood splattering on the pure white snow.

Ebonhorn stiffened as he saw his mentor fall, but surely it was part of his plan. So Ebonhorn stayed put and watched intently as three whole minutes past with the only sound being the mare’s muffled cries of anguish.

Then Syren’s body twitched once, three seconds later it twitched again and slowly the blood began to flow back into his body.

“That was a very nice try” he said casually as he stood up, the spear still in his chest until he removed it with a twist, throwing it onto the ground carelessly. “But now it’s my turn” he sighed as though disappointed his fun were over and he proceeded to sprint toward the mare, his form changing into an upright bipedal state.

As he neared the mare he drew his arm back and did what can only be described as a sequence of hops before propelling his arm forward into the mare’s chest but instead of the mare bouncing off his clenched fist, it went through her, killing her instantly.

Syren lifted the impaled mare into the air above him and violently ripped his hand out letting the mare drop lifelessly to the ground her blood mixing with the snow in a most beautiful way.

Then he turned toward Ebonhorn and beckoned with a bloodied hand from him to come. “Come here kid and join me in witnessing the beauty of annihilation.” He said calmly with a menacing grin.

Ebonhorn walked slowly over, standing beside silently beside Syren and gazing upon the hideously beautiful Crystal city.

‘… My city’ Ebonhorn though suddenly doubling over in sadistic laughter as Syren’s insanity finally took root inside him and swelled into a bloom of dark thoughts. Ebonhorn shivered in anticipation as he imagined his glorious new empire. A feeling surged with in him… a feeling of power.


Looking over at the colt Syren felt his eyebrow rise slowly. ‘Finally… it took him long enough… A spitting image of his parents. This time Celestia… This time you suffer with me’ he thought, It had been a gamble, but one with great rewards.

Syren took his daggers and passed them casually over to the now fully formed stallion beside him. “Here use these, but I want them back when this is over” He said grinning widely as he felt Ebonhorn’s magic grip the two ornate daggers and watched as Ebonhorn swung them around, testing their weight.

He nodded in thanks and turned to face the crystal city once more, with a smile that resonated with pure evil.

“I think I would like to address my subjects now” he said in a heavily distorted voice and walked off toward the city of love.

“Yeah okay, it’s damn cold out here anyway” Syren chortled retaking his true alicorn form and trotting of after Ebonhorn…

... To be continued

Rise of a Luna Empire

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*** Luna ***

(26th Heartsong, Everfree Castle around 6:30pm)

The bodies of two ponies lay where they had fallen. Blood trickling from wounds in their necks and staining the surface of the cold stone floor. Their eyes were closed and their bodies no longer drew breath. However, three still remained... Still cowered in fear at the terrible sight in front of them... Cowered from Luna.

Luna drank deeply from the pony currently trapped in her maw. His muffled sobs sending waves of pure ecstasy rushing through her body. ‘He must be nearing his end’ Luna thought as the stallion’s cries grew softer and softer until they cut off all together and his body went limp.

Letting the stallion’s limp body fall from her mouth Luna gazed down on the two frightened mares and smiled. Exposing her scarlet fangs and reviling in delight as the ponies shook in fear. Whilst the first three ponies had sated her appetite just enough, she couldn’t let these two go and expose her. It was time for some fun.

“Well, well my little subjects…” Luna said as she relaxed into her old throne. Making sure she was comfy. After all why should a princess not indulge herself a little in her own castle?

“… It would seem that you have a choice to make.” She continued darkly. “You can die here. Your life nourishing mine. Or you can serve as my slaves. The choice is yours.” Luna finished. Crossing her hind hooves, she sat back in her throne and stared at the terrified prey in front of her.

It had been a stroke of genius to lure them here and it was easy to do so. Just a little nudge in their dreams and they had come scrambling here. Fueled by fears that if they did not somepony they cared about would die. Besides, Luna had given up trying to find Syren and instead focused on building her strength.

“Well? Don’t keep your princess waiting or she might be inclined to choose for you” Luna said menacingly as the ponies quickly looked at each other and whispered something, which Luna heard with surprising clarity.

“Should we do it Flitter?” One asked.

“We don’t really have a choice Cloud. She’ll kill us if we don’t” the one called Flitter responded.

After about a minute the two ponies turned to face Luna and got down on their knees. With heads bowed they pledged their lives to the dark princess.

Luna felt power surge within her as the ponies surrendered themselves to her. ‘This is excellent. We shall have our own minions again’ she thought returning to a less formal version of her old speech patterns.

“Rise minions. Your new mistress has a task for you” Luna said motioning with a hoof for them to approach her.

“Anything Princess Luna” Flitter responded with Cloud Chaser nodding in agreement.

“Do not call us that anymore. You will refer to us as mistress or you will be punished” Luna barked, causing them to flinch.

“S-Sorry mistress” they said, bowing before her in submission.

“Good. Now your mistress demands entertainment” Luna said, shifting slightly in her chair. She enjoyed the confused look on their faces as they puzzled over her meaning.

“We shall put it bluntly so you may better understand. We wish for you to engage in copulation” Luna said excitedly as her words took root inside the mares’ minds and their eyes widened.

“Forgive me Pri…Mistress, but are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Cloud Chaser said with a blush on her face.

Rising out of her throne Luna quickly flitted to the mare’s side and shoved her hoof against Cloud Chaser’s nethers, causing her to moan sharply. She had to remind this mare who was the master here. So she leaned across the mare’s body and whispered in her ear.

“Was it in any way unclear slave” Luna crooned darkly as she knocked the mare to the ground and proceeded to climb on top of her.

“P-Princess?” Cloud Chaser questioned slowly with wide eyes as Luna lowered her head to the mare’s neck and began to lick softly and gently. Her tongue flickering across the mare’s exposed neck. How easy it would’ve been to clamp down and end her life. But something stopped her. A feeling that she had not felt since her exile on the moon… Loneliness.

“Hmmm… Tis quaint that we find ourselves in such a predicament” Luna mused to herself. Her voice vibrating on the mare’s neck, causing her to moan softly. “It would seem that your mistress would rather you embrace each other where she can take you if it so suits her.” Luna stated truthfully as an idea popped into her head. She had no clue where it came from, only that it felt right.

“Begging your pardon Pri… Mistress But what do you mean by take us?” Cloud Chaser asked nervously.

“Well if she so desires your mistress shall use your youthful bodies to her own ends…” Luna chuckled as she trailed off. Letting the intended meaning take root. A strangled noise escaped Cloud Chaser’s mouth. “Do not worry slave. We shall try not to kill you… but if we do then we are sorry” Luna replied rubbing her hooves together in anticipation. “So who wishes to please their mistress?” Luna chimed. Suddenly taken by the urge to do something to these mares. As to what, she did not know but something was driving her actions. Something instinctual and dark.

The mares just stared dumbfounded at the sudden change in Luna’s mood. Their confusion obviously annoyed her because she suddenly started shouting at them. Screaming for them to get to her chambers or she would punish them to within an inch of death. So they scrambled after her.

***Cloud Chaser***

(Everfree Castle, Luna’s chamber around 7:30pm)

“Well this is nice” Cloud Chaser mumbled softly to herself.

“We are glad you think so slave… As this is where you may one day die” Luna said with a dark humor. Laughing at Cloud Chaser’s startled cry. “Relax. We do not wish to end you before you have been useful.” She said with a smile that would forever haunt Cloud Chaser.

“Well my slaves. Here we are. Please go over to the bed and entertain your mistress before she gets hungry” Luna said licking her lips and letting her fangs slide out to emphasize her impatience.

This terrified Cloud Chaser and she practically leapt into the bed and motioned for her sister to join her.


Once her slaves had climbed into bed they began staring nervously at each other and at Luna. As if unsure of what to do next.

“Kiss… Passionately” Luna demanded. Taking a seat in a wooden chair and eagerly waiting for her perverted fantasy to take shape.

“Y-Yes Pri…Mistress” Flitter caught herself before finishing as Luna visibly tensed.

‘Oh yes. We are going to enjoy this’ Luna though pleasantly.

***Cloud Chaser***

Cloud Chaser turned her head and faced her sister. A red burn slowly appeared on her sister’s face as Cloud Chaser moved closer to her. So close that she could feel her sister’s breath and see clearly her large rose eyes.

Against every fiber of her being Cloud Chaser began to feel aroused at the thought of taking her own sister who was now blushing furiously as Cloud Chaser brushed her lips against her in a fleeting kiss.

‘Well that wasn’t so bad’ Cloud Chaser though as she leaned back in for another kiss. This time Flitter met her halfway and with lips parted they fell into each other. Not pausing at all as the two sisters’ continued to share one breath.

They were completely absorbed in one another. Their tongues fencing as each one tried to get the upper hoof and slide into the other’s mouth.

‘Not bad at all…’ Cloud Chaser thought, smiling to herself as her sister broke away from her. A thin strand of saliva between their lips glistened in the pale moon light.

In the corner of the room Luna sat watching intently. Her face obscured by a lingering shadow. Her red eyes the only distinguishable feature.

Cloud Chaser turned to smile at the Princess who surprisingly returned a similar smile but in her own dark fashion.


Her slave smiled warmly at her and without time to think she gave a dark smile back as her eyes narrowed. A small burn had crept into her throat and had intensified when the mare smiled at her. The familiar scent of prey began to permeate through the room filling Luna’s nose with the sweet scent. Taking a deep breath, Luna felt the burn in her throat become slightly more intense. Equal now to a sore throat when one has a cold.

Luna felt a pressure build inside of her as she stared, transfixed on the mares as they explored each other. A sequence of moans and high pitched squeaks emanated from the mares as they found each other’s pleasure points. A dark excitement coursed through Luna as she felt herself rise out of her chair and move slowly toward the mares. They would not see her unless she wanted them to.

Luna moved silently toward the bed and a raw power coursed through her veins and built up in her horn. Building further and further until it discharged in a soft flash. Luna had no idea what she had done but nor did she really care. Her gaze was centered on the scene in front of her. On her slave. Her little Flitter.

She moved closer to the bed. Now standing beside the quivering form of Flitter who was still occupied by the other mare’s mouth and subsequently failed to notice Luna’s sudden arrival.

Panting heavily, Luna reached out her hoof and placed it gently on Flitter’s flank. The mare froze and broke away from her partner as she felt the foreign object press against her. She relaxed however when she looked up at the source of the object and saw Luna gazing longingly down at her.

Luna watched as the mare’s fearful face turned into a warm smile. “So my slaves are starting to enjoy themselves are they?” she questioned with eyebrows raised.

“Oh yes. Thank you so much. We love you mistress” The one known as Cloud Chaser said contently while her other nodded in agreement.

‘Oh, they’re so beautiful. We shall never let them go.’ Luna thought as she found herself smiling genuinely back at her. “Dost thou speak truly?” She asked pretending to be unconvinced.

“Yes, thoust does indeed speak truthfully. You are everything to us now. A-And… we wish to be everything to you as well” Cloud Chaser replied shakily as she wrapped her hooves around her body and rubbed herself for warmth. Mist forming on her breath as she exhaled softly.

Luna said nothing as she hopped up on the bed and placed herself in between the two shivering mares. The night had become cold and thus caused her mares to feel uncomfortable which she could not allow.

‘This is odd. We saw them as little more than worthless slaves only a short while ago. Now, we feel an intense desire to keep them safe from anything that would cause them harm. Is this love we feel?’ Luna thought as she spread her wings and curled them around her little thralls. Embracing them and pulling them closer to her.

Luna smiled as the two mares nestled into her and began sleeping quietly. The soft rise and fall of their chests mesmerizing Luna as she lay quietly listening to them breathe. Soon their dreams began to seep into Luna’s mind. She closed her eyes and watched the dreams take shape.

Cloud Chaser was dreaming of beating Rainbow Dash in a race and performing a sonic rainboom as she crossed the finish line. A large crowd was cheering as she was lifted onto the shoulders of many ponies who carried her to the podium. Where she accepted the first place trophy and a kiss from Luna.

Luna chuckled softly at this and left Cloud Chaser’s dream to check on Flitter’s. Which was more of a terrible nightmare.

Flitter was standing alone as ponies shunned her for something. She walked sadly out of Ponyville and toward the edge of the Everfree forest where a pack of timber wolves waited hungrily. Luna immediately felt an instinct to violently destroy the beasts and rescue her little pet from danger. But this was only a dream and she had little power here. So she left the mare’s mind and proceeded to stare at the sleeping Flitter’s scrunched up face. As she moaned softly in fear and sadness.

Luna was overcome with an instinctual urge to hold the mare close and somehow by doing that it would make things right. So she did. Wrapping her hooves around Flitter’s sleeping form, she hugged the mare close to her chest and watched in complete fasciation as the troubled filly stopped moaning and snuggled into her embrace. Luna felt her rage subside and a soothing calmness overtook her thoughts once more.

‘We think it is indeed love we feel, but more time will be needed to make a proper evaluation… Oh no. Not now.’ Luna thought sadly as she felt the burn in her throat increase again. It was fast becoming uncomfortable. ‘No no no’ she thought furiously. Hoping with all her heart that she would have the resolve to not kill her precious little pets.

Tears stung her eyes as she felt her fangs slide out involuntarily and her hearing centered on two heartbeats, pumping fresh blood around two beautiful bodies. She bit her lip causing blood to well up and flow into her mouth. Then an idea hit her and she rose from the bed to walk over to the blackened window and stare into the night.

‘Perhaps we could drink from both of them. That way we still get what we need and keep them safe… sort of.’ She thought with excitement rising within her. It was, however necessary for them to be awake their own safety being the fore front of this reasoning.

‘Time for a less courteous awakening’ Luna thought as she prepared to execute her devious plan.

“Arise” She bellowed in her loudest Canterlot voice.


A piercing shout shattered Flitter’s peaceful dream and she leapt up and landed on the cold stone floor looking wildly around the room. “Wha? What’s happening? Cloud?” She said bewilderedly. Staring at her still sleeping sister who showed no signs of waking. A snigger behind her confirmed the theory she had scrounged up and hastily pasted together. “Why would you do that and how come it didn’t wake Cloud up?” she asked a smiling Luna. Who turned to stare incredulously at the still, snoring Cloud Chaser before shrugging.

“Because we felt like it” Luna offered with a sincere chuckle. To which Flitter only glared silently. “What? Did we frighten y…“ Luna began playfully but stopped when body became ridged and her head fell.

“Eh? Mistress Luna? You okay?” Flitter said chuckling nervously as a low growl came from Luna’s throat. An animalistic growl.

“Never better… except we do feel cold this night… Help us feel warm” She replied in a raspy voice. Her head still bowed, she took a shaky step toward Flitter. Veils of shadow moved with her. Creeping toward Flitter like living vines.

Flitter’s heart sped up and her breathing increased as Luna continued to stumble toward her. “M-Mistress?” she asked fearfully. Only silence answered her save the periodic tap of Luna’s hooves walking slowly toward her.

Images of what Luna might do once she had the little mare raced around Flitter’s reeling mind. Those fangs would plunge into her squirming body and it would all be over. A montage of dreadful scenes cascaded from Flitter’s thoughts causing her whimper softly.

‘Ah, stuff it… No sense in crying about something you can’t stop’ Flitter though defiantly as she stopped shaking and faced Luna. Shooting off a stare that said “Give it your best shot.” She tensed as Luna closed the distance between them and stood silently in front of her. Her head rose and Flitter could for the first time see the animal inside Luna.

Her face was shockingly different. Her facial structure had become more defined and sharp resulting in intense beauty. Her lips had formed into a twisted smile and a small trail of saliva dribbled down the corner of her mouth. Her red eyes reflected an insane hunger. She was now a predator and Flitter was her unfortunate prey.

Luna’s lips parted and Flitter got a full view of her deadly arsenal. Her dental structure was mostly pony except for the two pearl canine teeth that hung like stalactites from her upper jaw. She exhaled slowly and a sweet scent filled Flitter’s nostrils causing her to feel light headed. Flitter began to sway and stumble around the room like a drunk, Luna’s intoxicating breath causing her to finally faint.

Flitter fell backwards but a soft hoof caught her before she hit the ground. She was now completely at Luna’s mercy. A trait which she was sure Luna would not show. As her red eyes indicated the hunger inside had completely overwhelmed her.

Luna lowered her head, going for Flitter’s neck. To her surprise she found herself being carried over to the bed and being gently placed in it. Luna looked her straight in the eye then lowered her head again and muzzled into Flitter’s neck. A sharp pain and a small squelch sound made Flitter very aware that Luna had bitten her.

With her body paralyzed Flitter could do nothing but stare listlessly at the dark ceiling as Luna began drawing blood at a steady pace. Slow gulps as if she was being careful not to hurt Flitter. This wasn’t anything like before when she had first seen Luna feed. This was tender and intimate whereas before had been frenzied and cruel.

Flitter began to relax as she accepted her fate. Unfortunate as it was, it didn’t hurt which counted for something. Slowly Flitter felt feeling return to her body. She could move her fore hooves but not much else. ‘Better than nothing I guess’ she thought grimly.

A moan escaped her when Luna shifted causing her fangs to slide deeper. ‘Ouch… that hurt a little’ Flitter thought as the pain briefly passed. But another movement from Luna cause Flitter to moan sharply again. This time Luna had withdrawn completely and her fangs sliding out had caused the disturbance.

Her muzzle was stained a deep scarlet and fresh blood dripped from her chin. Flitter’s blood. Luna bit her own lip and blood welled up furiously as she leant and kissed Flitter. ‘So that’s how it is huh? Just bite, bleed, bang huh? Well you won’t hear this mare complaining…’ she thought. Trailing off as Luna’s mouth clamped around hers.

A metallic taste filled her mouth as Luna’s still bleeding bottom lip filled Flitter’s mouth with her blood. Whilst Luna’s blood had a metallic texture it tasted amazing at the same time. Like strawberry milkshakes with iron filings in it. But it was so addictive. Flitter just couldn’t get enough she had to have more.

Flitter found herself biting into Luna’s lip not allowing the wound to coagulate. The need for this substance had become so great that she could no longer think of anything else. ‘Oh Celestia. I could just be drip fed this stuff forever’ she thought humorously.

Luna didn’t seem to care much as the frenzied filly when about sucking desperately from her lip. But sooner or later Flitter knew she was going to have to stop. That time came much too soon though as Luna pulled away from the filly and proceeded to bite her again on the other side of her neck.

‘Why not use the same side?’ Flitter thought, questioning Luna’s logic. But her thoughts abruptly ceased as Luna started drinking with a fury Flitter hadn’t seen before. This time she seemed eager to finish Flitter off.


Flitter found herself dying as Luna furiously drained her. She felt her eyes close and her body shutting down. She focused the last of her will power on the living shadow that had been surrounding Luna.

It had slowly made its way toward Flitter and had now crept up her hind legs. Currently residing on her stomach, it was slowly making its way toward her chest. In a matter of seconds the shadow had reached her head. Causing Luna to break away involuntarily as the shadow consumed Flitter’s body inside a pulsing mass of wispy tendrils. At the center of the dark mist Flitter lay barely conscious as the shadow stopped pulsing around her.

The shadow began to seep inside her body and Flitter let out a soft cry and closed her eyes as the shadow enclosed her heart and began to force its way inside. The shadow began filling her heart with a strange energy that made Flitter grind her teeth with every beat. It was like her heart was being squeezed in a vice that was on fire. So unbearably painful she wanted to die.

Her back arched as the shadow extended from her heart and explored the rest of her body. Filling it with the same strange energy. She felt a tingle in her hooves as the shadow filled her up completely. The pain from all this was indescribable and Flitter wanted to scream for Luna to kill her, but the shadow had prevented that.


After what seemed like a lifetime the shadow’s movements changed and it began to retreat toward Flitter’s heart. Leaving her hooves blissfully pain free. Then her lungs were next as the shadow continued withdrawing into her heart. It would have been heavenly if not for the pressure building in her heart. The more the shadow retreated, the more pressure built inside her heart until the shadow had completely withdrawn into her heart.

The pain was so great that nothing in all of existence could accurately find a word to describe it. It felt like her heart was going to burst. Flitter begged silently for the pain to stop. But her prayers went unanswered and she continued to suffer. Thinking it would never end, Flitter screamed in her head and wished she’d never been born.

It did eventually stop… As did Flitter’s heart.

With a shudder Flitter felt her heart stop and her body die. Her consciousness slipped into darkness as she drifted out of all time and thought. Only to come hurtling back into it.


Flitter was on fire as her eyes snapped open and met the gaze of a startled Luna. Who looked down at her incredulously and wiped a stray tear from her eye.

“W-We thought we had killed you… No we had killed you. How are you still living?” She asked confusedly. She had obviously been crying because her eyes were bloodshot and damp.

“Need… to… drink… so… thirsty” was Flitter’s reply. ‘That’s not what I wanted to say… Stupid brain, all muddled up’ she thought angrily. Looking up at Luna again, she noticed how her eyes had widened and her mouth was agape.

“No… It isn’t possible” She mumbled quickly and started inspecting Flitter’s body.


‘Surely this cannot be’ Luna thought. Trying to wrap her head around this latest shocking revelation. To confirm her suspicions she needed to check a few things. Luna inspected the mare closely. Looking for any signs that her theory was correct.

Luna placed a hoof on the mare’s fur, ice cold. Next she checked the mare’s irises, red. This could be all a coincidence so Luna decided that should this last test prove positive, her theory would be correct.

Using a hoof, Luna cupped the mare’s chin and tilted her head so she could use her other hoof to part the mare’s lips slightly and gaze inside. There they were. The last piece of condemning proof that confirmed Luna’s suspicions.

Two little fangs adorned the mare’s upper jaw. Luna opened the mare’s mouth a little wider and gently touched the fangs to make sure they were real. To her surprise the mare clamped down on her hoof. Luna quickly withdrew her hoof from the mare’s mouth before she could sink her fangs into her.

Just then Cloud Chaser moaned and shifted in her sleep. Flitter’s head snapped toward the sleeping filly and she bared her fangs. Making a hissing noise she crawled slowly over to Cloud Chaser.

‘Oh no… We forgot about Cloud Chaser… We must do something’ Luna thought frantically. Without thinking she moved in front of Flitter and positioned herself protectively over Cloud Chaser. Thinking this would somehow deter the salivating Flitter, Luna craned her neck to peer down at Cloud Chaser’s sleeping form. However an object impacted her side and she was thrown off the mare. Looking at the source of the disturbance, Luna noticed the filly standing on top of her.

With eyes wide Luna let out a surprised gasp as the mare sunk her fangs into Luna’s soft neck. She just stood there with canines burrowed into Luna’s neck, not drinking, just standing.

Luna felt a little suck as the mare first tasted blood before becoming completely consumed by it. Her pace increased and she collapsed on top of Luna. Drinking greedily the filly gulped down blood as fast as she could until she released Luna and flopped onto the floor beside her.

Both panting heavily Flitter turned toward Luna.

“Did I just drink your blood?” she asked in a quiet voice.

“Yes” Luna replied softly.

“Okay, just wanted to make sure I wasn’t dreaming” she said casually. After a few moments of awkward silence Flitter spoke up. “So… What happens now?” She queried.

“We do not know… This has never happened before. We will need to study it and do something about Cloud Chaser in the meantime” Luna said. Motioning to the still sleeping Cloud Chaser.

“What did you have in mind?” Flitter asked cautiously.

“Well we were thinking about doing to her what we did to you. But it must be her choice… We know you didn’t get a choice and for that we are sorry.” Luna replied as Flitter eyed her angrily before sighing and looking up at the roof.

“I guess we’ll have to see when she wakes up.” Flitter said.

“We sure will… However the night is still young and we have much to discuss. Let us leave your sister in peace” Luna said smiling as Flitter turned at the mention of her sister.

“How did you know we were sisters? We never told you.” She questioned suspiciously.

“Come now… We are still ruler of the night. What did you expect?” Luna replied. Shrugging, she lifted herself up off the floor and moved towards Cloud Chaser’s sleeping form. “It will be dangerous for her and you to remain here together” She said using a hoof to gently stroke Cloud’s face.

“Umm… Yeah I guess… So what? You want to take her back to Ponyville?” Flitter inquired.

“No she will remain here until she decides. You will go to Ponyville” Luna said not even bothering to look up at Flitter’s stunned face.

“Wha? Wha? Why? Will I not pose a danger?” She fumbled.

“Probably… But we need you to be our eyes and our ears. As far as Equestria knows, we are dead” Luna finished. She held up a hoof to silence Flitter’s response. “What we need you to look for is a certain being. Listen for any strange news. Do not worry you will know what we mean when you hear it.” She finished and allowed Flitter to speak.

“Okay… but what about Cloud? And when will I see you again?” Flitter asked frantically.

“Cloud Chaser will be shown her options and have made her choice in three days. As for you. You will come to us every night to report and also to be instructed.” Luna said with authority.

“Instructed?” Flitter questioned. Her eyes reflecting her confusion.

“We shall teach you how to use your new body. You are a predator now and sadly your fellow ponies are your helpless prey. Embrace the night and she will grant you her power. Become her follower and she will protect you. Be her sword and she will love you. Will you accept our proposal? We cannot force you… Well we can but we do not wish to. Still do you give yourself freely to the night?” Luna said. Her figure lording over the stunned mare.

Flitter blinked once. Then again. Before hastily babbling out a response. “When you refer to the night do mean yourself?” She asked.

“Yes… and no. We are the physical embodiment of the night but we are not her. She is the mistress we serve. Just as our sister serves the sun… We serve the moon… We bring her soft light forth to illuminate the night and guide dreams. She speaks to us sometimes… Perhaps she may speak to you now.” Luna said stopping to put a hoof on her chin thoughtfully.

“Then yes I do willingly give myself to the night… I do have some questions though.” Flitter said shattering Luna’s thoughts.

“Good. What did you wish to know?” Luna responded, preparing for the barrage of questions that was surely coming.

“Firstly. What am I? Secondly. What do you mean the moon will talk to me? Thirdly. What happens if Cloud doesn’t want to be turned? Lastly. What is the being I’m supposed to be looking for?” Flitter asked in rapid succession. Inhaling deeply as she finished.

Luna stood there, processing all the questions. Trying to find accurate answers for them. “To your first question we do not have an answer as of yet. To your second question. The moon, if she so chooses will speak in either two ways. One by appearing in her mortal form or you may hear her whispers in your head. To your third question. If Cloud Chaser wishes to remain as she is then that is her choice. We shall still have use of her. She will, regardless of her choice go to Canterlot to spy on our sister. To your final question…” Luna stopped. Hesitantly she decided how to best approach the topic of Syren. Sighing she decided to answer as much as she could.

“… The being you are seeking is called Syren. He is gripped by insanity and a lust for slaughter. He is responsible for our death… and our new life. We are not sure where he went… He left us when we had only just been reborn. We do not know his intentions but can guess they aren’t going to benefit us. He seems to be immensely powerful and has a vast knowledge of dark magic… Even more so than us. He harbors an unnatural hatred for ponies, our sister predominantly. This leads us to believe that they somehow know each other. That is the reason we need to find him. We need to know his plans.” Luna finished her long explanation with a satisfactory nod.

“Okay but why exactly do we need to know his plans again? And why does Cloud have to spy on Princess Celestia?” Flitter asked still not quite sure of Luna’s meaning.

“Because we need to stop them both... Syren because he will destroy Equestria given the chance and my sister because she is weak and allowed this to take place. We will destroy them both and seize the throne for ourselves. Taking Equestria into a golden age of power and wealth. The likes of which have never been seen before…” Luna’s voice began to quiver with excitement as she continued.

“… Ponies will bow to the glorious night and she will love and protect them. She will make them strong. So that they may never again know fear. Equestria will prosper under our rule. But we won’t destroy our sister. No. We will turn her into a foal of the night. Our subjects will love us and we them. It will be beautiful as we mix with ponies. We will drink freely and they will give willingly or sometimes not. Equestria will be the seat of a New Luna Empire. From which we will dominate all other life… Ponies are the superior race and we shall prove it.” She finished.With a twisted grin on her face and a dark gleam in her eye she began to laugh manically. Stopping when the sound of a small voice interrupted her.

“Yes… Queen Luna…”


As Luna spoke Flitter was filled with her dark mistress’s vision and she felt anticipation rise within her. ‘Yes… That sounds wonderful… A strong Equestria… Free from fear and suffering. The soft hearted rule of Princess Celestia will give way to the new firm but loving rule of Luna… Queen Luna.’ She thought as Luna’s words ignited a dark spark inside her. A dark shadow had been forming around Flitter’s body, unnoticed by her it went on growing until it joined with Luna’s to create a seething mass of living darkness.

Flitter listened silently. Absorbed by Luna’s words. Until she had finished and at which point Flitter had seen it necessary to properly address Equestria’s future ruler.

“Yes… Queen Luna” She said with as much devotion as possible.

Luna stared at her for a few moments before speaking. “Queen… Queen Luna. Yes. We think we like it. In the meantime your Queen will need an army as well as her personal vanguard. Go… and find some willing recruits… Captain of the new Luna Guard.” She said, dismissing Flitter with a wave of her hoof.

Captain of the guard… Flitter had always dreamed of being a Royal Guardsmare but had never had the resolve to apply. But to be named Captain of the Luna Guard was like a fantasy becoming a reality. She snapped off a quick sloppy salute.

“Yes, my Queen…”


Luna raised an eyebrow and sighed. “We shall have to train you personally. Your first lesson begins now… Keep your back straight.” She said pushing a hoof down on Flitter’s back and straighten her spine.

“… Legs locked and rigid…” she continued as she gave Flitter’s legs a flick with her hoof to straighten them.

“… Head up…” she said using a hoof to cup Flitter’s chin and pulled it up.

“… Wings tucked firmly to your body…” she added as she used her magic to pin Flitter’s wings to her side.

“… Maintain a perfect arc when saluting…” she said motioning to Flitter’s raised fore hoof. Before reaching over and correcting it.

“… And finally. Eyes forward…” Luna finished. Stepping away from Flitter she scanned for any discrepancies. Satisfied that none could be found she again dismissed her new Captain. Who attempted another salute and succeeded in impressing Luna.

‘Flawless... It takes months to learn a perfect salute. Even the veteran guards don’t always get it right. Perhaps she will train her own guards soon. Then we can focus on more pressing matters. Like strategy and study.’ Luna thought as images began to formulate inside her mind. Images of her army marching over Equestria. And the look of sheer surprise on her sister’s face as she bit into her and let her shadow consume the solar princess. It was glorious to think how Celestia would become nothing more than her slave, ready to do her biding.

Luna frowned when her thoughts turned to Syren. She didn’t know his part in this. His actions were impulsive and wildly unpredictable. The sooner she found him, the better.

A small cough brought Luna back from her fantasy and she looked at the mare still standing at attention.

“Yes… Right. You are dismissed with a change of plan. You are required to travel around looking for suitable candidates for the Luna guard. You will bring them back here for training. You may want to convert some existing royal guards for the obvious reason. Otherwise try scouting for young, impressionable colts and fillies. By young we mean barely of age.” Luna said trailing off with the feeling that she had forgotten to mention something.

“Oh yes… you will want to procure suitable protective eyewear for daytime travel. Remember we are the night incarnate so in the sun’s light you will be severely weakened and your sharpened eyesight will be adversely affected by the light in a most uncomfortable manner… Well we think that is all. Any final questions?” Luna asked. Noticing the look of pain on Flitter’s face as she had been dying to ask a question.

“DoIgetmyownarmor” She said hastily. Her eyes begging for an answer.

Luna took a few seconds to break down the sentence and rearrange it into a more suitable form.

“Well we suppose we could create a set of enchanted armor… Heavy or Light?” She asked. Secretly Luna loved creating her own armor and weapons. Each piece was forged from pure moonstone and enchanted with strong spells of protection. Other details could be customized like the color obviously.

The showy bits were Luna’s favorite. She loved to add different reagents that added different qualities to the armor. For instance the armor she had in mind for Flitter was a dark azure colored piece, of Pegasus design. She would adorn the armor in shadow scales for intimidation value and extra protection. She would definitely infuse the moonstone with dragonite crystals to perfectly combine with the shadow scales. This would make the armor appear as though a shadow were emanating from it constantly.

“Medium?” Flitter responded hesitantly, interrupting Luna's dream like state.

“Fine… We will create a ceremonial piece then. It will be your badge of office. It should be ready in three days. Return then… But now please carry out your task…” Luna held a hoof up to silence the coming questions. “… Remember what we told you… and discover your own powers on the way… We shall communicate with you via this…” Luna said using her magic to summon a small pendant which she placed around Flitter’s neck.

“… We’ll call you.” She added quickly. “Now for goodness sake… GO” She bellowed causing Flitter to scramble off toward the door and Luna watched her disappear down the hallway but stop at a fork in the corridor.

“Left” Luna shouted again resting her face in her hoof as the filly ran down the left hallway. She turned once again to gaze at Cloud Chaser.

“We have no doubt that you’ll be ours little one. As we know that separating from one’s sister is unbearable.” She crooned softly. Her thoughts turning to her own sister.

‘We will be together again Tia. And you’ll see the paradise we have in store for our subjects. We know you will resist at first but we shall break you. Our dark bite will ensnare you and our shadow will force you to see our point of view. When one becomes the monster they fear, sooner or later they embrace it.’ Luna thought as she stared out the window at the moon.

Her plan was now in place. She would create an army and take Equestria from her sister and away from Syren. She would spend the coming months laying low and biding her time. Just waiting for the right moment to strike.

When Luna did eventually strike she would break her sister into pieces so she could rebuild her. Luna would take away her sister’s pain and suffering. She would relieve Tia from the burden of bearing the crown. See it wasn’t greed or a lust for power that drove Luna…


…It was love.