Ponyville's Own Vampire

by wrestleforever

First published

When a new pony moves to Ponyville, many other ponies mysteriously disappear, and it's up to Gold and his brother Kyle to get to the bottom of it

Gold and Kyle need to solve the mysterious disappearances of many ponies in Ponyville.
(This one was made by my brother and I)


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"What happened to me? I was one of the greatest ponies in the whole world. Now look at me...at the hands of this swag fag vampire. Gold turns to look at his probably dead brother lying their with his throat sliced open gushing blood. I wish that was me lying there dead while he stay alive and enjoy life for 5 more seconds." As Jack walked up to Gold, "you thought you were the strongest pony in Equestria? Pfff...please...you're my bitch! Gold tried to crawl next to his brother and tried to hug him one last time.

"I'm sorry! Gold began to cry. It should have been me! I should have believed you!" "Awww...isn't that sweet. He was actually very good tasting for a stallion. He was very hard to kill, but in the end, he was just a little bitch that met a grueling fate. Hopefully you won't die like a little bitch too." Gold was the maddest he had ever been. While Jack was facing away from Gold, Gold stood up and charged at Jack, as he turned around, Gold picked him up by his neck and choked him harder than an anaconda choking a deer. Jack's face turned purple as Gold squeezed the life out of him. "You killed my brother, now I'm gonna throttle you and watch you die!" Gold said this with a evil smile on his face.

Gold threw him through the concrete wall. Jack was running out of power, he needed to feed off of somepony. He flew outside in the dark of the night with his hoodie where nopony would see him. He usually looked for younger ones. They didn't have as much blood as the older ones, but he wasn't look for substanance, he was looking for energy. The older ones supplied substanance, and the little fillies and colts supplied energy. He searched through all of Ponyville for anypony, until he came across a little brown cardboard box sitting out in the rain with a bright light coming out of it. He heard Gold screaming his name. "Shit!" He swooped down to see what was inside of it. Once he opened the box, he noticed a familiar orange filly, it was Scootaloo lying their freezing her flank off while she slept. His face turned deliciously evil and hissed at her. She awoke with a jump and she didn't recognize him and she bolted out of her box and ran to Ponyville's old business building.

As Jack flew after her, Gold caught a glimpse of that murderous bastard and ran after him. As Scootaloo crawled inside of a little opening that led inside. Jack tore the door open and ran inside after her. Gold saw where Jack entered and rammed the door down and ran inside. As they chased each other up 30 flights of stairs, Scootaloo came to a dead end hallway with a window. Jack slowly and menacingly walked up to her. "You're mine now little filly!" Jack said evilly as he licked his lips. Scootaloo began crying "Grrragh!" Gold yelled as he sprinted towards Jack. Gold rammed into Jack from behind and broke his spine, but in the midst of that, Jack landed on Scootaloo. Jack ignored the pain and tilted his head towards Scootaloo as he was lying on top of her. He sunk his teeth into her neck and drank out just about all of her blood. This filly in particular had tons of energy. "Mmm...tastes like chicken!"(See what I did there?) Jack blissfully sighed as his spine was reconstructed and his massive energy was returned. He walked up to Gold, picked him up and began choking him. "Back to square one again." He sunk his teeth into him and threw him out of the 30 story window.

While Gold was covered in his own blood while falling, the only thing he could think of was, "I'm coming home Kyle." As he closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

Kyle And Gold

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As Gold woke up at 6AM as usual, he got up, put on his olympic champions jacket, went to the gym, worked out for 2 hours, and went home. As he walked ito his house, He heard the music blairing, while his brother was playing that god damn motherfucking xbox360. He liked Modern Warmare 3(Get it...fuck you!) He was always talking crap on people and cursing at the game for five minutes of every one time he died! Gold went to turn off the music and then he walked in front of the TV and turned off the game. "Yo dude, what the fuck!" Kyle yelled as he was just about to get a MOAB. "We're going out today. Imet a girl that would be perfect for you." "I'm not in the mood for dating right now ever since Vinyl dumped me for that fucking Neon Lights." "Dude, you never spent time with her and all you cared about was this fucking game." She always liked you and wanted to get it on 24/7. All you cared about was getting care packages, while she just wanted your package(See what I did there?)" "Ugh...fine, where are we going?" "Sugarcube Corner." Gold replied.

When they got to sugarcube corner, there were about 10 different mares waiting in there, each one wanting a date with Kyle. "So which one is it?" Kyle wondered. "All of them." Gold replied. "WHAT?!" "All of these mares want a date with you. Don't you remember dating the hottest mares in school?" Kyle thought back, Carrot Top, Roseluck, Bon Bon, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy. Oh yeah." Kyle realized. "Okay ladies, this is Kyle, he's a DJ, an olympic wrestler, and very wealthy. We're gonna do something like speed dating. Each of you has fifteen minutes to get to know Kyle before moving on. So please grab a seat and we will be right with you." Gold had announced with great enthusiasm.

"Dude what are you doing!?" Kyle questioned. "You wanted a girlfriend, so I found the hottest mares in Ponyville!" "I don't know these mares!" "No shit numb nuts, thats why we're doing speed dating, so you get to know each one!" "Fine!" Kyle grumbled as the first mare came to his table. It was Photo Finish. "Look I'm sorry, I'm new at this and my brother is not being sensitive with the situation I'm in and-" "Oh it's no problem darling! I admire your beautiful outfit!(You'll see his outfit later)" "Oh, why thank you!" After the first fifteen minutes went by, a new mare came to the table. "Hmm, Photo is actually a very interesting pony. I always heard that she was an egotistical pshosiopath with a boner for only fashion, but she was very kind." Kyle thought to himself. The next mare was Lyra. "Hey handsome" "Lyra, what are you doing here I thought you were-" "I'm bisexual, not a dike! Would you be interested in a three-way with me and-" "LYRA?!?!?!" Bon Bon yelled as she walked in. "Oh shit! I gotta go!" Lyra exclaimed as she ran out of the bakery. All the other mares were just either control freaks or idiots, but they were all hot though. The last mare was non other than Derpy Hooves. "Hi Kyle!" Derpy said as she stumbled into the table. "Hey Derpy." Kyle said with a smile.

"I think you're really cute and I really like you." Derpy said as her face turned completely turned red. "I think you're really cute too Derpy!" Kyle said putting his hoof on her hoof and she started giggling. They talked for a while and Kyle said to himself, "This is it, my very special somepony." As they were about to kiss, a tall gray handsome pony wearing a black hoodie walked in. All of the girls got up out of their chairs and walked towards him. "SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!!!!" Kyle yelled as he stormed out of the bakery, walked to Applejack's farm where Gold was working at, walked up to Gold and punced him in the face. "Ow...what was that for?" It didn't really hurt Gold, he's been blasted by the magic of Princess Celestia. "Why aren't you at the bakery?" "Because some other doucher came in an stole them from me!" Kyle replied angrily. "Who?" "I don't know, some new guy, no one's ever seen him in Ponyville!" "Let's go find out who this guy is, but first I gotta tell Applejack that I'm leaving." Gold replied. "Fine!" Kyle grumbled.

Jack the "pegasus"

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As they walked to Sugarcube corner, they came across a tall, skinny, pale skinned, handsome pony. "Is that him? God he's pasty as fuck!" Gold remarked. Tons of mares were talking to him. "Looks like you got some competition, Kyle!" "Fuck you dude! That guy needs to get his ass whooped, he stole my bitches!" "First of all, they were aquaintances, second of all, they didn't belong to anypony, and third, you can' just beat up somepony for getting girls!" Gold scolded. "Watch me!" As Kyle went to go punch the mysterious pony in the face, Gold ran after him. Kyle's fist was drawn back, and right before he clashed with the back of his head, Gold grabbed his arm and yanked him back. After the pony turned around, and the crowd of mares cleared, in his sight was the 2 stallions. "Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Jack." The gray pony kindly said as he reached for Gold's hoof. "Nice to meet you, my name is Gold, and this is my brother Kyle." Kyle was looking away from him. Gold back hoofed the side of Kyle's head. "OW! Oh, hi" Kyle grumbled.

"Wow, you're the first ponies who didn't swarm me. You guys seem really cool, I want to invite you to my house tomorrow night for a party." "That sounds awesome! Gold replied. We'll be there." "Meh...fine." Kyle whined. "Great! I'll see you then!" Jack said as he walked out. As Kyle and Gold left, "Man what a douchebag!" Kyle exclaimed. "Dude, he seems cool. Don't judge a book by it's cover. He seems cool, just give him a chance, it's not like he's a freak or something." As they went inside, "Ugh, I'm going to bed!" Gold said as he yawned and walked up the stairs. As soon as he lied down, *BOOM BANG CARE PACKAGE INBOUND GRENADE!!!!!* "Son of a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch!" Gold yelled as he heard Kyle playing his damn video game.

The next night, Gold and Kyle dressed up in their best party clothes. Ties, glasses and all. When they got to his house, he even had a bouncer. "Names please." "Uh Gold and Kyle." "Oh, you 2 are on the VIP list, come this way." The bouncer exclaimed as he escorted them into Jack's house. "Damn his house is nice! Just not as nice as ours, am I right?!" Gold exclaimed to Kyle which made him smile a little bit! As they were escorted to the back, they saw Jack sitting in a hot tub with 2 girls around his arms. "Gold, Kyle, over here! Jack yelled to them as they came over. Get your asses in this hot tub right now!" As they climbed into the hot tub, "Aaaaaahhh...that feels amazing!" Gold and Kyle said softly as the climbed into the hot tub. After about 3 hours, Kyle and Jack got to know each other. "Hey...you guys wanna do something awesome?" Jack asked them after they all had a couple of drinks.

"Follow me." As they walked outside, "You guys like pranks?" Gold and Kyle tilted their heads. "Who?" They both said in unison. "Come on!" Jack ripped off his hoodie, and their jaws dropped at what they saw. He had icredibly large wings...but here's the thing, they weren't pony wings, they were giant bat wings. Kyle and Gold thought they were just seeing things since they were drunk. "We're going to Canterlot!" Jack picked up Gold and Kyle used his magic to fly as they headed for Canterlot. They grabbed a bunch of spray cans and headed up for Celestia's castle. Jack and Kyle flew up to Celestia's portion of the castle. They wrote, "Celestia is a fat flank!" And on Luna's window, "Go back to the moon where you belong!" On Cadence's window, "WHORE!" "Hey Stop!" A guard had caught them. "Shit, run!"

After they escaped, they ran all the way to Sweet Apple Acres. They were busting up laughing. "You 2 are fun as shit, we should do this more often!" Jack exclaimed. "GAH!" Jack yelled as he grabbed his stomach. "Dude, are you alright?" Gold asked worriedly. "Yeah, I'm fine." Jack assured. "You guys need to get home." "Alright, we'll see you tomorrow bro!" Kyle said as he walked off. Jack needed to feed once again. He searched through Ponyville for a pony who was by themselves. He flew by Sugarcube Corner and noticed Pinkie Pie with Sweetie Belle. She was walking her home. "Mmm...yes...they'll do just fine." Jack said evilly. He swooped down and grabbed Sweetie Belle without alerting Pinkie since she was behind her. "Hey Sweetie Belle, would you like to help me bake tomerrow? Sweetie Belle...Sweetie Belle? As she turned around, she didn't see Sweetie, she just saw that tall gray skinny pony covered in blood. She went to scream but he grabbed her by the throat and snapped her neck. He was holding her dead body in his hoof, he looked over her for a moment and then he sunk his long fangs into her neck and drank out all of her blood.


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As soon as Kyle woke up, he felt the hangover kick in. "What the hell happened last night?" As kyle walked into the bathroom, he noticed Gold had his face in the toilet puking his guts up. "Alcohol...blargh!...Is a hell of a drug...blargh!" When Kyle went to go check to see if the mail was there, he saw that cross-eyed pegasus flying towards the mailbox. "Hi Kyle!" Derpy yelled as she was flying upside down. "Hi Derpy." Kyle replied kindly. Derpy handed him his mail. "Thanks Derpy, I'll see you Sunday." "Bye!" Derpy replied as she flew away. As Kyle closed his mailbox and began to walk away, he noticed a note taped to his mailbox. It had a little drop of what looked like blood, but it looked like someone had tried to get the stain out of it. It read.

Dear Kyle and Gold, I had an awesome time last night. I think they know who put the graffiti on the walls. It was on the news, and I think I'm in trouble. Some guards might be at your house later asking If you know where I am. Just lie to them and don't tell them that we were you-know-where last night. I'm going out of town for a couple of days. When I get back, we should totally party again.
Sincerely, Jack.

"Wait what?!" Kyle screamed loudly as 5 other ponies stopped and stared at him. Kyle turned around and sprinted back inside and slammed the door. "GOOOOOOLD!" Kyle yelled as he ran into the bathroom and saw Gold still throwing up. "Dude, guards are gonna be at our house!" "You don't say?!" Gold replied like a smartass. "What do you mean?" Kyle asked in a confused and angry tone. "Remember, we wrote that crap on Celestia's castle? It was on the news but Jack took the wrap for it. He's a real friend, he even took the blame for that 'one thing' you did." "What 'one thing?"' Kyle questioned with great anger. "You threw your shit on Shining Armor's window!" "How did he 'take the wrap' for it?" "There was a video camera, and he intentionally wrote a message and stuck it on the camera literally telling them every single thing we did to the castle. He's gonna be gone for a little while, for like 3 days. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some demons to expell from my body...blargh!" Gold replied.

Kyle couldn't comprehend what was going on. the only thing he could remember was walking into the bar after they left Jack's house. About half an hour later, Gold made some coffee and they turned on the TV. They turned it to the news and were shocked at what they were witnessing. "Two ponies were killed last night just outside of Sugarcube Corner. A mare, and a filly. A 25-year-old Pinkamena Diane Pie, and a 7-year-old Sweetie Belle." The news reporter announced. Kyle and Gold turned to look at each other with shock and horror. They both jumped up and ran for the door to head down to Sugarcube Corner. As soon as they opened the door, 2 royal guards were standing there. "Excuse us, but have you seen Mr.Jack Falco within the past 14 hours?" The one guard questioned. "No we haven't, but sorry, we really have somewhere to be." Gold exclaimed. "Right, sorry to have bothered you." The guards said as they walked away. Kyle and Gold ran away as fast as they could to Sugarcube Corner. They saw the dead corpses that were Pinkie and Sweetie. Sweeties blanket that covered her body was soaked in blood. There was not a single spot of white. Before they put the tarp over Pinkie's body, Kyle saw that her head was seriously wabbling like crazy, and there were two tiny holes in her neck that were bleeding.

The autopsy later showed that Pinkie died of a broken neck, and Sweetie Belle died of a sliced open throat and her jugular vein was sliced. When they found her, there was a 5ft puddle of blood circling her dead body. There were also two tiny holes in her neck that were bleeding. "Hey Gold, check out their necks." "What? Why?" "There are two little holes in each of their necks like...like a vampire!" Kyle exclaimed. "Dude, you've been playing too many video games. Vampires are fake!" Gold scolded. Kye stared at Gold as if he were crazy. Gold went to Sweet Apple Acres to check up on Applebloom, while Kyle went to check up on Scootaloo, but no one knew where she lived, not even Rainbow Dash.

"Fucking Celestia, making me go on the lamb again! This is the 3rd time this year I had to find somewhere new to live. I can't move out of Ponyville yet. I need to find some food first." *Sniff* *Sniff* Jack caught a whiff of two mares. "I guess two certain mares are going camping. He was in the woods and as soon as he caught smell of a pony, he bolted two miles in the direction the smell was coming from. Once he got within 30ft from the ponies, he began stalking towards them. He came to a clearing where Bon Bon and Lyra were camping. It was about 7:30PM and it wasn't dark enough for him to attack since the Sun would kill him. The reason he was able to go outside before was, he always put on two bottles of sun screen on his hind body parts. He only put it on the back end of his body since he always wore his black hoodie covering the front portion of hs body and his head.

He waited for about an hour before Lyra went off to get more firewood. He followed after her. When she was picking up dead branches from trees. When the branches were getting too heavy, she used her magic to carry it. As soon as she turned around to head back to the camp, the first thing she saw was that menacing monster standing in front of her. She went to scream but he put his hoof in her mouth, ripped out her tongue and grabbed her horn. Once her horn was in his hoof, he squeezed it tightly and put his other hoof on her forehead and began yanking her horn. Her horn was slowly coming out of her head. She tried to scream but before her yelp could leave her vocal chords, her horn came out of her head. Jack held it in his hand, and smiled. Lyra's head began gushing blood. Jack grabbed Lyra by the neck and forced her horn down her throat. Lyra began choking, but she didn't die of suphocation, while Lyra was choking, Jack punched the horn through her throat. Blood began pouring out of her neck. While she lay there dead, Jack sunk his teeth into her neck and began drinking her blood.

After a while, Bon Bon got tired of waiting for Lyra and decided to go looking for her. "Lyra...Lyra? If you scare me, I'm gonna kill you!" Bon Bon yelled as she walked through the woods. "I think it's a little late for that!" A mysterious pony whispered in her ear. Bon Bon turned around to see nothing. She turned back around and saw Lyra's mutilated body hanging from a tree. "AAAAAHHH!" Bon Bon screamed as she turned around to run away. Once she turned around, she saw a bloody pony smiling at her. She froze as Jack slowly walked up to her. "You have beautiful hair." Jack commented as he softly grabbed her hair as he walked behind her. She began to whimper. "Could have fooled me, you don't look like a dike." He grabbed a large portion of her hair and wrapped it around her nech and began strangling her. "Good night!" He yelled as he tightened the wrap around her neck 5 times harder, which crushed her wind pipe and killed her. He released his grip around her and she fell to the ground dead. Jack knelt down and sunk his teeth into her neck and took a big gulp. "These ponies taste better than the ones in Manehattan. No. I think I'll stay in Ponyville for a while, and maybe I'll make some new 'friends' while I'm here!"

Derpy And Applebloom

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Applebloom and Scootaloo were mourning the loss of their friend. "Ah just called Babs an she took it perty bad." Applebloom told Scootaloo as they walked into the CMC's tree house. "I can't believe what kind of monster would do this to our friends." Applebloom said to herself as she walked toward the window. "Maybe we can get our cutie marks in tracking down the killer!" Scootaloo yelled with enthusiasm. "Too soon Scoots, too soon." Applebloom said as a tear ran down her face. "No seriously. We might not be able to help on the crime seen, but we can go to the place where they keep the dead bodies, find out how they died, and look around for people who would want them dead." "Applejack would beat mah ass if ah got in trouble by the police." Applejack said nervously. After ten minutes of arguing, Scootaloo coaxed Applebloom into coming with her to the "place where they keep the dead bodies." The hospital morgue.

It was about 6PM when they got to the hospital. There was nopony there except for the mare at the desk. They snuck under the table and ran for the elevator and headed for the bottom floor-The Morgue. When the door opened, they looked around the mysterious room and saw tons of dead bodies. "How are we supposed to find their bodies in this place?" Applebloom questioned. "There's a computer over here that has the files of all of the dead ponies here. "Pinkamena Diane Pie and Sweetie Belle." Scootaloo said as she typed up both of their names on the computer.

Pinkamena Diane Pie
Time-March 18, 2013, 9:56PM
Cause of death-Broken neck
Evidence- 2 vertical bite marks on jugular vein

Sweetie Belle
Time-March 18,2013, 9:56PM
Cause of death-Sliced open throat(Possibly a knife or sharp blade)
Evidence-2 vertical bite marks on jugular vein

"Huh, that's weird. The computer says they both had 2 little teeth marks on the same part of their necks." Applebloom said in a suspicious manner. "What, like a vampire?" Scootaloo asked like a smartass. "Vampires ain't real dummy." Applebloom scolded. "Lets get outta here before we get caught." Scootaloo said as they ran for the exit.

As Applebloom and Scootaloo ran out of the building, they noticed that it was dark. "Hi guys!" Scootaloo and Applebloom turned around to see Ponyville's favorite delivery mare. "Derpy, what are you doing here?" Scootaloo questioned. "I was working late and I just got off work. Do you guys need me to walk you home." "Sure." Replied Applebloom. "Uh...I live right around the corner. See you tomorrow Applebloom!" Scootaloo yelled as she ran around the corner. She lived in a box since her parents died. She climbed into the box, covered up in her blanket, and drifted off to sleep.

"Fuck! I need food! I didn't eat for three fucking days!" Jack yelled to himself as he emerged from the Everfree Forest and walked to Ponyville. As he walked around a corner, he saw Derpy and Applebloom walking towards him. "Hey look, it's Jack! Jack! Applebloom yelled as she ran towards Jack. She began to slow down when she saw the blood on his face and the evil smile he was giving her. She turned around and began bolting as Jack ran after her. "Derpy!" Applebloom yelled as she ran behind Derpy. Derpy's face went from happy and carefree to furious and evil. Her eyes became normal. "Nopony scares my friends." Derpy said. As Jack dove at her, she punched him in the face and sent him back twenty feet. Derpy jumped on top of him and began punching the shit out of his face. As Jack kicked Derpy off of him, Jack leaped at her, but she just hoof kicked his head into the ground. She got behind him and put him in a rear naked choke. Jack was seconds away from passing out. But when Derpy accidentally loosened her grip around Jack's neck, he managed to bite her arm and suck out all of the blood he could before she kicked him off of her. Jack got up and dusted himself off. "Now, where were we?" Jack said as he walked towards Derpy.

Derpy ran at him and tried to punch him in the face but he caught her hoof with his hoof and crushed it into dust. "AAAAAHHHH!" Derpy yelled in pain as her eyes went back to derping. He grabbed her by the throat and picked her up. He looked at her face. "That's disgusting! Hmm...let's fix that!" Jack ripped out both of Derpy's eyes and shoved them back into her head backwards, and then he sunk his teeth into her neck and began drinking her blood. "Now...where's that little filly at? Jack looked around for Applebloom and saw her off in the distance running as fast as she could to Sweet Apple Acres. She got as far as the gate before Jack caught up to her, smacked her head off of the fence, and knocked her out. "Let's go have some fun." Jack said as he drug Applebloom's unconscious body into the farm.

Cheerilee And Berry Punch

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"Yeehaw! I'm ready to get some apple buckin done. How bout you Big Macintosh?" Applejack yelled enthusiastically. "Eeyup." Big Mac replied. When they walked outside, they saw the horror that was their little sister dangling upside down from the barn. The piece of hay that always hung in Big Mac's mouth fell out as he had an expression of horror on his face. Applejack threw up and began to cry. Applebloom's stomach was sliced open and her organs were hanging from her stomach, all the way down touching the ground. Every single one of her organs were exposed with blood gushing from her body. Applejack and Big Macintosh screamed in horror.

Kyle got a call from Applejack that Applebloom and Derpy were murdered last night. The news also showed that Lyra and Bon Bon were found dead in the woods. Kyle examined the bodies closely while he looked at the TV. "Hey Gold! Lyra, Bon Bon, Derpy, and Applebloom all have those bite marks on their necks!" Kyle shouted to Gold from the other room. "So?" Gold didn't really think it mattered that there were bite marks on their necks. "They could find the DNA on their saliva and find out who it is." Kyle replied. "I think they would have done that a week ago numb nuts!" Gold shouted. "And if you say it's a vampire, I'm throwin the 360 out of the fuckin window." Gold scolded as he left the house to go to Cheerilee's. "If it really is a vampire, I'm gonna kick you in the balls!" Kyle shouted as Gold walked out the door.

The day had gone by pretty fast. When he got to Cheerilee's house, Gold, Cheerilee, and Berry-Punch were getting hammered. "Cheerilee? I thought you didn't drink since...well you know...you're and educator." Gold questioned. "Just because I teach little kids doesn't mean I don't get wasted now and then." Cheerilee responded. "Shouldn't Berry be in like AA or something since she drinks every second of every day?" Gold whispered in Cheerilee's ear. "She's been to AA but they said that she was hopeless." Cheerilee responded. After a few hours, Gold was calling it a night. But as he left, Cheerilee and Berry had a little too much and decided to go fuck with their students. They went to Silver Spoon's house and took a dump on her lawn. "Merry Hannukah you ashhole!" Berry yelled in a slurred voice. Lets go egg Diamond Tiara's house!" Cheerilee said in a cheerful voice.

Jack had been at his house the past few days just being secluded from the other ponies. Tomorrow, I'm gonna pay Kyle and Gold a visit. Jack left his house to take a walk. He wasn't very hungry but he still wanted to eat SOMETHING. As he was walking down the street, he heard two mares laughing and a bunch of cracking noises. He jumped at the opportunity of another meal. He ran around the corner to see two drunken mares throwing eggs at somepony's house. "Son of a bitch! I think God loves me!" Jack said to himself. He followed them when they walked away. They broke in to a wine store. They were drinking tons of bottles of wine. Jack waited for them to separate. When Berry went to the bathroom, Cheerilee was all alone. She began to chug a large bottle of apple cider, Jack crept in. While Cheerilee was in the middle of drinking the entire bottle, Jack grabbed her by the neck and shoved the entire bottle down her throat. She began stumbling around trying to remove the fifty ounce bottle from her throat. She eventually choked to death and fell to the floor dead.

When Berry came out of the bathroom, she saw her dead sister lying on the floor. "Ch-Ch-Cheerilee?" Berry tried to see if her already dead sister were actually alive. Jack emerged from the darkness behind her, she turned around to see his famous blood covered face, smiling at her. She tried to run but he grabbed her and slammed her on the ground and got on top of her. He grabbed 20 big bottles of wine. "So you like drinking? Drink till you fucking drop!" Jack said to her as he held her mouth open and began pouring bottle by bottle of wine down her throat. After the fourth bottle, her stomach began to swell. After the ninteenth bottle, her stomach was a one foot bulge. She looked like she was nine months pregnant. "One more bottle should do it." Jack said with an evil smile on his face. He poured the last bottle down her throat and she exploded, covering the room with blood.