Fimfiction Developers

Login with Fimfiction

The Fimfiction API can be used to power a login system for your website without having to handle passwords and such your end.

This guide will help get you started with setting up what you need in order to do this.

1. Create your application

Head on over to Application Management to find out how to create an application. You will need the client_id and client_secret from your application to continue.

2. Add login button to your website

Add a button on your website that says "Login with Fimfiction" or something similar and redirect users to the authorization page for you app. You can find more information on the OAuth Authorization page.

3. Handle OAuth flow

Use the instructions on the OAuth Authorization page to handle the OAuth flow.

Once the user has accepted the permissions you ask for, subsequent OAuth flows that ask for the same permission when you need to log the user in again will auto redirect, making the user flow even quicker.

4. Handle token response to log user in

When you receive your access token you also receive some user information you can use to make an account with on your site or link it to an existing account.

	"access_token" : "abcdef",
	"token_type" : "bearer",
	"scope" : "read_user write_user",
	"user" : {
		"id" : "1",
		"name" : "knighty",
		"email" : ""

You can use the user id, name, email or any combination to uniquely identify the Fimfiction user on your website. The user email is only in this response if you have read_user permissions.

You now have a login flow that requires no passwords your end to handle!