The Khronos empire

by Cyrusquest

Chapter 17: The Armor Train Heist

[Apple Jack POV]

Ah reckon this mission is suicide, but what he told us is that they contain very important supplies and stealing the armored tank train will weaken the Khronos' assault force. Ah don't want to leave Apple Bloom alone but ah can't bring her to this suicide mission. At least Zecora is there to watch over her and ah trust her. While Zanuck, Dash and I ready ourselves with these Kaninu Light Armors, since they shares about the same height and size as us pony... (Armor design similar to WWI US Infantry with armor plating such as breastplates, shoulderplates, gauntlets and knee guards along with traditional helmet.)
"Well, these armors fitted perfectly on me....except for the boots and gloves." I states as I held up the said equipment. They have holes meant for their paws, not hooves.

"This is so AWESOME!!!" squealed Rainbow Dash in a fan girling way as she glanced the armors. "This uniform looks exactly like one of the Daring Doo books, when she was a filly!!" Zanuck and I glanced at her and she noticed our glances. "You know, the part when she took the golden cross from those bad guys and she start trotting and rode on the circus trains a-and then ran into her father to show him the golden cross but didn't listen and made her start counting in Elder Deer's tongue?!" she told us. We just stares in bewilderment and awe but we have no clue what book of Daring Doo she's talking about.

"O-Oh right, that book..." I sheepishly chuckle. For Element of Honesty, lying is not my best forte but ah don't want Dash keep on rambling.

"I've never heard of this Daring Doo." said Zanuck and Dash gave that fan-girling-gasp but Zanuck continue. "But I think we have more pressing matter to deal with then debating over books." she added. Dash was gonna protest but understood her point.

"You're right, let's meet up with the other Kaninus." she said as she march out. We all met up with Captain Shepard, a husky-type Kaninu who is leading this operation. Everyone gathered around for the debriefing.

"Alright, listen up! We are going to strike the Khronos Armored Tank Train. It contains weapon, ammunition and food for the enemy." Captain Shepard then showed the photograph image of the Khronos Armored Tank Train. It lives up to its name as it's heavily armored and has a large tank on top. It could blow the entire yards of Ponyville with that firepower! "If we succeed this mission, we can weaken the enemy so our Griffin friends will handle them with ease. We don't have any weapons to weaken its armors, so we are going to get in the hard way." He then show five more photograph images of the train in five different angles. "Our pony friends and some of our troops will infiltrate by the help of Gilda and her soldiers while the others and I distracts them. Now....any questions?" he asked.

"What if we ran into trouble?" Ah asked.

"Improvise!" He simply answered while standing bipedal firmly with his paws behind his back.

"Right, what I haven't thought of that." complained Dash.

"Yessir!!" Ah replied, didn't care if the answer is too obvious.

"Dismissed!" Captain barked and we all got up and head out to the lone railroad.

[30 minutes later]

While we waited in the forest, focusing at the lone railroad in the open field, a train whistle blew from the distance and we can see the smoke. Judging its approach, they're coming very fast so everyone got in positions as well as the Griffins and us.

#Inside the Armored Tank Train#

"I'm glad that no Kaninu Forces tried to stop us." said the Khronos Officer in an ironic tone.

"We mustn't take that for granted, we have to be aware of our surrounding." said the Khronos Zealot.

"I know that, soldier!! What else they put me in charge of protecting this train?!" yelled the Officer.

"My apology." said the Zealot as he slightly bowed his head.

[Apple Jack POV]

Once we're all ready, the armored train has enter our range. We remains on our post as we watch Captain Shepard began his distraction. May the 12 Divine grant his victory.

"CHAAAARGE!!!" howled Captain Shepard as they start firing their M1 Garand Rifle while the other rode on the Willy model jeep equipped with mounted 32cal. MG and drove to the side as attempt to board the train. The Khronos Officer noticed and heard the Kaninu's assault so he grabbed the PA and alerted the others.

"EVERYPONY TO BATTLE STATION AND KILL THESE DOGS!!!" he yelled through the PA and all crew began to arm the main cannon while the Gatling laser turrets are primed. A fierce firefight began between the Khronos and Kaninu, bullets and lasers invades their surrounding like storm.

"Aquiring target!" yelled the Gunner as he stirred the main cannon 30º to the right and 5º down, locking on the jeep. "Fire in the hole!!' He blasted the jeep into pieces, sending burning debris 5 feet away. Luckily the turret acts like the actual tanks, having set crew to reload, calculate, steer and fire, giving them a few seconds before they fire the next shot.
"Sweet Kyubi!!" exclaimed a Kaninu before she re-mounted the MG and resume firing.

"Kill them!! Every last one of them!!" growled the driver.

"Pathetic, fighting us with pre-war weaponry." scoffed the Officer before grabbing the mic. "ALL TROOPS, PUT THE KANINU OUT OF THEIR MISERY!!!"

"SIR, YESSIR!!" they chanted. Judging by the order, they all now fully focused against the Kaninu, which means it's our cue to ambush them. I wore the battle gauntlet equipped with (futuristic) Spas 12 Shotgun.

"ALRIGHT, EVERYONE! LET'S DO THIS!!" Ah shouted and Gilda and the Griffins grabbed each of us and carried us across the sky. Gilda carried me up to 34 feets and I can see that Captain Shepard was right; their weapons couldn't penetrate the armors so that's where we come in. We must obtain those supplies at all costs!

"Hey, get ready! 'Cause we're going in!" said Gilda .

"Lock and load." said Zanuck as she prime her sniper rifle.

"It's time to kick flank and chew bubble gum!" said Dash as she ready her semi-automatic rifle-class battle saddle and grinned. "And I'm all outta of gum." Really, Dash? I reply .

"Alright, here we go! Drop!" Ah ordered and all griffins released us and the Kaninus and we landed on the box cars then they fall back before they are noticed. Our landing alerted the Khronos Troops.

"What was that!?" asked the crew.

"I'll check it out, you keep bringing ammunition for the cannon." the troop opens the hatch and saw me. "What the--" before he finish, ah blew his face off. We all board inside and they noticed us.

"W-Wha-- BREACH!! WE HAVE A BREACH!!!" he panicked as he set off the alarm but we shot them down, putting the cannon out of commission and allow the Kaninu to move in. Dash noticed more reinforcement from our fronts.

"TAKE COVER!!" she yelled as she commence fire, killing one troop and wounded another one.

"Come on y'all! Push forward!!" Ah shouted but the pre-weaponry cannot dent the Khronos armors.

"Our rifle doing nothing!! We NEED better weapons!!" yelled one of the Kaninu before noticing the unmounted Gatling Laser. "Everyone, clear the way!!!" he yelled as he start shooting and tear them apart.

"Alright, let's go!" said Zanuck as she sniped one of Khronos Troop and ah killed the last one before ah start reloading. Ah wish Ma taught me how to shoot more properly, ah reckon to learn by the minute now. Dash helped the other Kaninu to get weapons, they managed to do something to make it compatible to them. Storming in and clearing every carts, all those Khronos Army refused to surrender, just kept fighting even their dying state. We have five of our Kaninu troops and us. Ah can see our forces are depleting very rapidly so we need to act fast. We reached to the frontal section of the Armored Tank Train and we encounters a new type of Khronos Soldier, which ah haven't seen before.

"Commander, please stand back while I handle this problem." said the Zealot as he activates his energy staff.

"Yes, do that." nodded the Officer. We all start shooting at the Zealot as he was called but he blocked every attacks using some kind of shield--uh, barrier of sort. He slain two Kaninu forces, Zanuck kept firing at the Zealot but he parry them apart and move in to strike her down but ah used my signature mule-kick and staggered him back then Dash pounced him, took his staff and about to stab him but he counters by punching across her face then tackled her down, taking the battle to the next cart. He unveil a hidden umbrum blade and attempt to stab her. Ah tried to save Dash but the Officer and his troops start shooting at us so we were forced to return fire at them and not the Zealot. Dash and the Zealot enters a fierce struggle as the Zealot wants to stab her and Dash tried to prevent that then she pressured her hoof on his throat. Once he lost some grips, she shouted in anger and forced Zealot's arm to stab himself on the chest with his blade.
"Gack!! Urk...gaah....." gagged the Zealot as he bled greatly then dropped dead. Dash shoved him aside and removed her saddle as it got damaged.

"He's dead." she panted. We all ran out of ammo but the Officer grew very scared due of the Zealot being killed. Guess he was suppose to be unbeatable.

"I will end this fast!!" the Officer grew serious and wield the umbrum blade gauntlet.

"Oh, it will be fast!" snarled the Kaninu as he displayed his fangs.

"And how satisfying it will be." she said as all remaining Kaninus to take pouncing stance then they all pounced the Officer and his crew. They all start devouring them and they start screaming in agony as the Kaninu ripped them apart, limb after limb, skin tears apart and blood painted the room. A-Ah cannot bear to watch this carnage so ah turn away. Zanuck went and pulled the emergency lever that forced the train to hit the brake and slow down.

We had completed our mission and all the Kaninu start howling. The girls and ah stepped out just to hear them cheering: "Long live Mane 6!" Ah glad it's all over for now. Ah then noticed they brought all the corpses of the enemies outside and....began the feast.....

"I think I'm gonna throw up!!" moaned Dash as she covered her mouth and turned pale green because she watched the Kaninu ripping the roasted K. Crew's right hoof off.

"That's something you don't see every day." said Zanuck. Ah know she's pretending to be unaffected because in reality, she's greatly disgusted.

"Hey Apple Jack!" A Kaninu gal called me and I looked at her. "Want some fresh meat?" she offered as she held up the pony's ribs. Ah got very grossed out but ah tried to not offend them.

"Ehhh.....We pony don't eat meat." ah said honestly.

"Oh....okay." she understood and start gnawing the ribs.

"AAAAHHH!!!" a scream was heard.

"What the haye?!" Ah said as ah turned around and saw a lone engineer pony ran out of the cart. He must've been hiding in the cart but he probably saw how his squad got eaten and lost his nerve.

"AAAAH, PLEASE DON'T EAT ME!! NO NO NO, I DON'T WANT THIS!!" he cried as he kept running but his panic outburst alerted the Kaninus.

"Hey, looks like somepony want to play fetch!" joked the Kaninu and they all laughed. "Come on, let's get him! Ha ha!" they laughed as they dash after them on four paws. The engineer start praying for the 12 Divine and kept running faster but the pack of Kaninu caught up to him.

"*hff, hff* Please...please....please... *hff* don't kill me! Don't kill me!" he plead.

"Got you, meatbag!!" grinned the Kaninu as they pounced on him

"No, no!! *bitting and tearing his flesh off* I don't wanna die!!! *blood spew out of his mouth* AAAAAAAHH!!!!!!! AAhghghGh!!" he screamed in bloody agony as they tore his left hoof off.

" too cruel..." Ah gasped as ah trot away.

"Okay, I'm gonna throw up!!" Dash dashed to the corner of the train and poke her lunch out. Gilda flew down from the sky and approached us as she saw the slaughter.

"Well, now you see why we don't get along with the Kaninu. They have a thing of eating their enemy." said Gilda.

"Well, I seen enough to understand the feeling." ah breathe heavily through my response.

"Hey, Dash! You okay there?" asked Gilda with a hint of worry.

"*hff* Nah, just throwing up.... Urk!!" Dash resume puking her lunch out.

"Do tell. Oh, by the way, Jack. You won't believe who just came to the Griffin Castle!" said Gilda.

"The Princesses of Canterlot and Crystal Empire, the rest of the Mane 6 and their friend Spike." answered Gilda. Wait, what!?

"WHAT!? THEY ARE IN GRIFFIN EMPIRE!?!" ah asked in shock.

"Totally." smiled Gilda.

"Then what are we waiting for?! Let's get going!" ah smiled.

"Yeah, let's go. C'mon Dash!" Gilda called her and she recovered from her puking and wipe her lips.

"*hff* Coming...! Uhh, does anypony got any breathmint?" she asked.

"Nope." said Zanuck, nonchalantly.

#Griffin Castle#

[Twilight POV]

Incredible. How did the Griffin managed to hold the Khronos Army from invading this land? Very fascinating. Anyway, it already passed an hour as we explained to King Geoffrey the reason to permit us to enter the Temple of 12 Divines.

"Please, Geoffery. Understand of what are we trying to do. We need to enter the temple and speak with the Twelve Divine." plead Celestia. King Geoffery looks like a common Griffin but he's larger and all his feather are black.

"I understand you wanted to contact them. I just want to know how did Khronos manage to 'kill' Discord?" he asked.

"Yes....he did it!!" cried Fluttershy. Fluttershy and Discord were very close and the thing we Mane 6 and the Princesses equally shares is that we hate seeing Fluttershy crying.

"He used a new type of weapon where he absorbs the powers of the Alicorn and use it to strike down deities such as Discord. Turns out he used Discord as a test run for his new weapon." Luna explained. "But we can still save him if we hurry to the temple!"

"I see.... Very well. You have my permission!" he declared.

"Yes, we can save Discord!" I told Fluttershy with joy. Fluttershy began to cry once more (probably of joy) and I tried to calm her down then a 7 year old Griffin with brown feather on her top anatomy, caramel on the bottom and dressed in an adventurer clothing.

"Dad, can we go hunting!?" she asked.

"Yolmarie, have you forgotten something?" he asked as he glanced at her as if she did something wrong. She then kneel down.

"You mustn't interrupt an important meeting, only if it's an emergency. I'm sorry Dad." she bowed.

"That's okay. Please sit down." he told her and she ran and sat on her throne. "Any other request, Celestia?" he asked her.

"No, that will be all, Your Majesty." she bowed. After we left the throne room, we ran into great surprise; we bump into Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack, Apple Bloom, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Zecora, and Starlight! All my friends are here!!

"TWILIGHT!!" they all gather and hugged me then exchange hugs with the Princesses.

"You guys are okay!!! I'm glad..." I cried in tears of joy.

"We were all scared that Khronos did something terrible to you! Oh, Maud said hi!" sniffed Pinkie as she wiped her tears.

"Hehe...*sniff* Well, you don't know the half of it...." I sniffed as my nose got running.

"I missed *hic* you so *hic* much, Twilight!!" cried Spike as he hugged me. I hugged him back with my motherly hug.

"Oh Spike!" I whimpered.

"I'm glad to see you are okay, Twilight." said Starlight as she hugged me.

"It's good to see you too, Starlight. My friend." I smiled. There were tears and laughter. I never felt so happy.... To see my friends again, there's nothing more happier then that. We spend hours telling each other the stories of our escapes, battle against Khronos Empire and valor at the fireplace. Fluttershy is still sad about Discord and still weep in joy and hope with all of us. We all are relieved that our family are safe, even Cadance and Flurry Heart find happiness with us. We still suffer of losing Shining Armor but I know he would be proud of Cadance for standing up against Khronos and of Flurry Heart's courage. Apple Jack introduced me to her boyfriend, Jacob of Stalliongard. We introduced some of our friends, including Golden Gleaming and Zeus. They fit in quite fast! Sunset Shimmer decided to tell our "epic" battle against Khronos.


"Yeah, I thought we're finished then Flurry Heart flew out of nowhere and punched Khronos so hard, I think she send him all the way to Canterlot!!" I stated that shocking victory and Flurry Heart felt a bit flatter of being praised of her feat.

"That. Is. Totally.... AWESOME!!" squealed Dash.

"Did he say anything about why he's doing all this?" asked Apple Jack.

"The jerk never say anything! Always being mysterious!" scoffed Golden.

"Really? That's great, I guess that we'll find out sooner or later." said Zanuck.

"I doubt it." added Zecora.

"He is very scary looking, that's for sure!" said Rarity as she combed Sweetie Belle's mane.

"Is he like Sombra?!" asked Pinkie as she somehow got a marshmallow and attached it on her stick to roast it.

"He's worse then Sombra. He even defeated him using the Crystaling." said Cadance in a serious tone.

"Whoa...." said everyone.

"Wait, Sombra is back?!?!" asked Zecora.

"Yes. He obliterated my entire Crystal Empire along with the Crystal Heart. With my people's death and the Crystal Heart destroyed, Sombra was reborn at max power but Khronos used the Crystalling to beat him." explained Cadance.

"That insane monster!! He killed everyone and unleashed that demon then SOMEHOW defeated him??!?!" asked Apple Jack in anger.

"But don't worry. The Mane 6 are together now and we'll use the Power of Harmony to end Khronos once and for all." I reassured them.

"You got that right!" boasted Rainbow Dash as she stood up.

"When I was near of the Griffin intels, I heard Khronos is planning a full-scale assault. I fear that is very soon." said Zecora.

"Then we should prepare ourselves to fight and this time, Equestria and its Kingdoms will win!!" I said and we all cheered as we are filled with determination of stopping Khronos' twisted conquest.


[Normal POV]

Meanwhile, Khronos is preparing his new group of arm for the invasion.

"I'm sure that the Mane 6 are reunited and they have a powerful ally." said Khronos as he stroll with Chrystalis. "I trust you have experience fighting against them?" he asked.

"Ugh, I did fought them and they are such a nousen !" she stated in annoyance before stopping. "I wanted to ask you something." she said.

"Yes?" he asked.

"What is your TRUE reason to conquer Equestria? Is it for power or for fun?" she asked.

"I have no reason to tell you." said Khronos.

"Come on, we're about to crush the enemy and yet I don't even know what's your reason for this. I know my reason for this alliance is to crush Twilight and her friends. Friendship..... YEECH!!!" she exclaimed in disgust.

"No." he declined as tanks marching by and troopers barking orders.

"Really? Then tell me from all the obvious villainous reason. Which. Is?!" she strictly demanded an answer.

"To my people's point of view, I'm a hero. To Equestrian, I'm the evil conqueror." he answered.

"So conquering the world it is." she sneered.

"In a way. I have already conquered Cervine Kingdom, Dominion of Capra, Tanzerbrania and Equestria." he began to stroll ahead.. "This is the only continent I haven't conquered. Dominating everything until all are conquered. Soon Tyrek's Realm will be next to conquer." he said and Chrystalis grew surprised.

"Wait, what did you just said? Are you planning to conquer Nether Realm!?" baffled Chrystalis.

"I am going to conquer many realms. That is all you need to know." he said then turns to see Trixie approaching him and she wields the Alicorn Amulet once more, donning the black cape over her armors then she bowed.

"Your Majesty, Trixie await your orders." she said.

"No time for formality. Is the army ready?" he asked.

"Your army is ready." she replied as she stand.

"Then let us begin our conquest!" grinned Khronos, not noticing Chrystalis giving a glare of distrust as she doesn't like the answer Khronos gave her.