The Khronos empire

by Cyrusquest

Chapter 15 : Reunion

The 3 members Mane 6 noticed the Khronos Air Fortress crashed into the outskirt of Applaloosa so Twilight teleported everypony to the crash site and check for survivors. Rarity entrusted daring doo protect Sweetie Belle, despite their plead to help them. The time was 1:00 of the afternoon and noticed the survivors are friendly.

"CANDANCE!!" squealed Twilight with joy as she reunited with her sister-in-law.

"TWILIGHT!!" Cadance hugged Twilight with pure joy. "I'm glad to see you are okay, sister. W-Where...." she began.

"I dunno. Starlight informs me that she's safe with Spike and the deers." answered Twilight and Cadance sighed with relief.

Sunset and fluttershy helped Spitfire to walk then the former start healing her.

"I'm glad to see you once more, Sunset." smiled Celestia.

"C-Celestia.... I....About stealing the crown...." she began.

"It's in the past now, Sunset. I'm just happy you earn the right to be an Alicorn." smiled Celestia with tears. Sunset nodded and continue healing Spitfire. Zeus was carrying Golden, clutching her tightly and it annoys her as he's carrying her bridal style.

"I'm not hurt, I just tripped!" blushed Golden as she feels a bit pleasurable. "No need to carry me."

"I'm just carrying you to get out faster. At least say thank you!" frowned Zeus.

"JUST LET ME GO!!" she yelled.

"Okay." he nonchalantly released her and she dropped on the ground, flank first.

"Oooww!!! Very funny, Zeus!!" argued Golden.

"Sorry." sighed Zeus as he helps her up.

"Fluttershy, it's so good to see you again!" smiled Discord as he picked up Fluttershy like a doll
"Hehehe! It's good to see you too, Discord!" she giggled.

"I want to apologize about our picnic date. You see--" before Discord began.

"It's okay. I knew you must be very busy." said Fluttershy.

"Oh, uh... Okay then! We should schedule another!" he placed her down then summons a calender from midair. "Hmmm, how about in the next tuesday?" he asked as he pointed that date.

"I think that's---" Suddenly the crashed air fortress exploded powerfully then emerged from the flames and irons is Khronos as he spread his wings.

"Of course he survived." groaned Golden in unamused tone as she took battle stance along with everyone else. Those who are unicorn or alicorn constructed their magic armors and prepare their weapons.

"KHRONOS!!!" yelled Twilight then lend at Cadance. "It is Khronos, right?" she whispered.

"Yes." she replied with fierce fire in her eyes.

"YOU WILL FACE YOUR JUDGEMENT FOR ATTACK AND DESTROYING EQUESTRIA!! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF!?!?" asked Twilight. Khronos simply jumped 27 feet high and began his descend.

"SHUT UP, YOU WORM!!!" He power slammed into the ground, creating a shock wave that blew everyone and everything within 37 radius away. "I am going to end very fast!!" growled Khronos.

"You should've done so when you had us prisoners, Khronos." sneered Golden as they recovered with minor injuries.
"Now you are gonna regret it, you jerk!" added Spitfire . Khronos noticed Sunset Shimmer and sees she's an Alicorn as well then Discord flew upside down and grinned at him.

"Oh poor Khronos. This reminds me of the good old days. When you do this type of things all the time. Oh ho ho ho!! Ahhh..." sighed Discord as he wiped his tear. "And you'll lose again." he mocked him.

"I WILL NOT BE HUMILIATED BY YOU AGAIN!!!" roared Khronos as he charged in and threw one punch at Discord but he teleported away.

"Oh boo-hoo!" he mocked as it was a distraction, allowing Twilight and Sunset fired their combined attack they used against Scare and blasted Khronos back. Celestia and Luna charged in and start clashing their swords against Khronos, striking him mercilessly then they flew up and drive back down as they slashed Khronos down but he crossed his arms and shattered their blades, punched Luna's gut that cause her to spew blood then grabbed Celestia's mane, swung her around 360ยบ once and threw her on Twilight.
"OOWW!!" exclaimed Twilight then Celestia rolled over so she can stand. Rarity charged in and swung her swords, slashing Khronos' face then he summons his blade and was about to strike her down but he got rapidly bashed across the face by Rainbow Dash then she flew back in at full speed. Khronos caught her off guard and swung his sword but she immediately dart up, making him missed his strike and Golden moved in and impaled his shoulder with a broken metal fragment then dart away as Zeus summons the electrical bolt from the sky, empowers his horn and blasted the fragment, transferring the surge into his nervous system.

"AAAARRGGHH!!" he screamed in pain before he broke free then slammed his front hooves down, sending energy fissures at Zeus but Golden saved him then Sunset puffed up her cheek and, to Twilight's surprise, she spew a powerful stream of fire that engulfed his armors and cause it to burn. "Darn it!!! YAH!!" he used his magic aura to blow away the flames but the area flashes for a second then his body received uncounted blows and slashes, bringing him down.

"You spew fire like a dragon, I freeze time." grinned Twilight and Sunset blew a raspberry at her. Khronos commands the earth to rise up and send the mares flying to the sky. Twilight regain control of her flight and land as she shook her body. "U-Unbelievable! How strong is he?

and commands the earth to open up and swallowed Khronos completely. Khronos broke out of the earth but the debris re-assembled around him and change its density to match the concrete, trapping him then Twilight stomped her hooves and created two pillar of stones then crushed Khronos as a filling, creating explosion of dust and debris.

"Take a dirt nap." chuckled Twilight with a sweat.

"Really?" asked Sunset in a dry tone. Suddenly the debris exploded and Khronos emerged with his horn charging with energy as he glared at Twilight.

"ARGH!! DIE!!" he fired a massive energy beam but Rarity coated with Stoneflesh armor so she dart in and land a powerful Rarity created magic crystals, used magic circles to guide them and they impaled Khronos. He roared and fired a sweeping energy beam and everyone evades them.

"Give up, Khronos! You will never--" Khronos warps in and grabbed twilight by the throat.

"Shut up you little.... I've grown tired of your words!!!" he growled.

" should've thought up how to think like a King, instead of a monster." gasped Twilight. Khrono's eyes twitched in rage and ready his fist to kill her.

"THINK FAST, MONSTER!!!" yelled Golden as she dash through and command her mane to slash Khrono's waist.

"AARGH!!" he screamed in pain and dropped Twilight then glared at Golden but Sunset flew in with constructed blades, 4 on each sides like a wing and slashed him ruthlessly then slashed his horn. "GYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGH!!!" he screamed in pain.

"That was for Johnny, the boy whose horn your troop cutted off!!" growled Sunset.

"DA--" Zeus immediately blasted him with his electrical blast and he still have the metal fragment impaled to his shoulder so the pain tripled. He growled in fury as he extrend his left energy blade.

"Soul Breaker once said if nopony can defeat him, they can't best you but I killed him so guess that means I can stand up against you." grinned Zeus as he once again forged lightning wings and constructed an electrical sword.

"Fool!!! I am a god!!" yelled Khronos as he charged in and swung his sword but Zeus blocked his blow and created an electrical surge and shattered the ground.

"You're an outcast!! You didn't even earn the right to be an Alicorn!!!" snorted Zeus as he shoved back and managed to slash his gauntlet, damaging it but still function its blade then they start clashing their swords at great speed. Zeus impale his sword into the ground, sending surge of electricity that electrocuted him from below, about 10,000 voltage then Golden flew in at maximum speed and rammed her fist against his lower jaw, creating a powerful shock wave that send him rocketing to the sky and Rarity fired an energy bolt that send him 5 feet further. That gave a breather for Fluttershy as she gave Luna a healing potion and she's back at full health, created 5 luna blades and charged in.

Khronos somersaulted and did an air-recovery then flapped his wings to boost back toward Celestia and enchanted his hooves for a power blow but Discord appears above him and elbow-dropped him into the ground, creating an explosion of dust.

"Ah..... Why yoooou..." growled Khronos as his armors are getting fractured and his visor cracked.

"Why me? I couldn't resist to jump in the battle." smiled Discord in a playful manner.

"Discord, please be careful!" called out Fluttershy.

"Don't worry, my dear Fluttershy. This ruffian is harmless." joked Discord as he pointed at Khronos with an open hand.

"I hope you're right." muttered Fluttershy.

"My dear? I see...." Khronos glanced at Discord. "Since you want to 'play', let's play like her life depends on it!!" growled Khronos.

"What?!?!" gasped Discord then quickly teleports to Fluttershy and held out his blade. "DON'T YOU DARE!!" frowned Discord.

The 2 members of mane six , excluding Fluttershy, and the Princesses charged toward Khronos and fight at their fullest but now it seems Khronos is not stopping as he tackled them through, sending them to the sky. Celestia and Luna attacked but he evade them. Golden and Spitfire flew in and used non-stop attack pattern but he grabbed them without stopping and slammed their heads together, knocking them on the ground. Zeus joined in Fluttershy's defense and blasted Khronos at full stream of electricity, he pushed through despite his pains and finally at Zeus' range and hoof-slapped him aside.

"See you in Tartarus, Element of Kindness!!" yelled Khronos as he raised his blade.

"Eeep! HELP!!!" cried Fluttershy as she covered her head with her hoofs. Suddenly, Khronos' hind hoof was grabbed by Discord and dragged him away from Fluttershy.

"Leave her out of this, Khronos!" ordered Discord. His tone no longer has humor and carefree. It's now grim, serious and has the tone of a dragon.

"So you do have feeling for her?" asked Khronos as he turned to Discord. "How touching..." he lunged at him but Discord caught his hoof, twisted it and threw him into the crashed air fortress.

"You are testing my temper, Khronos. Be a good lad and run away." he shoo him. Khronos flew in at the velocity of Double Rainboom.

"MAKE ME!!!" he roared as he changed direct and dart toward Fluttershy.

"That's it!!" growled Discord as he teleports and punched Khronos, producing shockwave and Khronos fractured his snout due of the velocity he's in. Fluttershy watched in amazement as Discord and Khronos trades blows after blows. Twilight and Sunset re-enchant their armors, flew in and joined Discord in the skirmish. Rarity ran to Fluttershy and dragged her back.

"Fluttershy, dear! You need to get out of here!" she cried and Zeus stood up, rubbing his cheek.

"She's right. Discord would want you to be safe." he agrees as he helped Rarity to pull Fluttershy away and explosive energy occurs from the battlefield.

"NO! I need to stay and help the others! If I leave to Applaloosa, Khronos will follow to kill me. I cannot risk more ponies' lives in this battle!" she explained.

"She got a point there, Rarity." Zeus agreed as he ceased pulling.

"B-But I CAN'T LOSE MY FRIENDS AGAIN!!!" cried Rarity in fear.

"I know, but together, we can do this!" she said with determination.

"Well, at least stay in cover." he said with concern. Golden Gleaming and Spitfire recovered then re-join the battles and the princesses charges in with their armors and magic at maximum level. Sunset slashes Khronos with her wing blades combo then did a multiple down-slash, knocking him back then Cadance charged her horn to increasing level. Celestia and Luna tackled Khronos non-stop then unleashed a wind blast that disburst the tornado and blew the sisters aside. Twilight utilized her time-freezing spell to hold Khronos in place then Cadance created a massive sphere of energy and launch it downward, creating an explosive wave. Khronos survived and noticed Twilight and Sunset charging toward him so he blocked their punches but got struck by Discord on the torso, blasting him through the abandoned train factory and demolished 3 walls before stopping the fourth wall, covering him with debris. He stood up and his wing armors are fractured and chipped off, exposing some of his wing's torn feathers.

"Ugggh..... Come on, Discord.... FIGHT HARDER THEN THAT!!!" yelled Khronos but got struck by Discord from his blind side, sending him 12 miles away but Discord failed to notice he's heading toward Fluttershy. Khronos used his wings to increase his speed and aimed his blade forward but when he's 5 inches from impaling her, Discord appears and took the blow.

"Oh, how painful." he said bluntly as the blade melt into liquid and his gauntlet finally disburst into pieces.

"What does it take to kill you!??!" asked Khronos in rage as he took two steps back (four if you caught the total of his hooves)
"I'm immortal. You should already know that." snarled Discord then glance at everyone. "Everyponies, get out of here!" he ordered them.
"Why?! *hoff* W-What are you talking *hoff* about? We're beating him!" panted Twilight with confident.

"It's time to show him a true battle of the gods!!" frowned Discord as he held out his arms and the whole balance of order and chaos began to shift and distorts.

"Guess I should be honored." frowned Khronos. Discord's body began to twitch violently then his muscle mass begans to pump and expand greatly, his eagle talon expanded and grew jagged talons with spikes growing backward from her talon's joints, his lion arm follows the suit and grew knives-like claws, his lizard leg now has more define feature of a dragon and his goat leg gain fierce Minotaur tone. His wings stretches and expands, becoming more fierce and powerfuls and his horns grew sharp and erratic. His comically characters are completely removed and now resembles to the Titan Dragon and grew at colossal size. All the ponies gasped in shock and awe and Celestia gazed in sadness.

"This is the second time I ever seen Discord in this state..." she muttered.

"Let us fight!!!" grinned Khronos as he unleashes his Alicorn powers with the added powers of his people praising him to create a colossal body made of magic that resembles Nightmare Moon's colossal state.

"POOR FOOL THINKS HE CAN DEFEAT THE GOD OF CHAOS!!" boomed Discord in a powerful, fierce tone. Fluttershy felt like she see a completely different version of Discord. Discord charged toward Khronos and they engaged in a fierce titanic clash. They trade blows after blows, energy blast after energy blast and the land around them are being destroyed and the others managed to retreat in time. Discord swung his tail and tripped Khronos then held out his claws. "FISSURE OF CHAOS!!" he swung his claws and talons and the chaotic energy slashed through Khronos' titan body, causing critical damages and cause it to fade away then he quickly jumped away to evade the Minotaur hoof. He flew up to strike Discord but had to evade his massive claws and talons. He dodged the right swat, then the left then did a backward somersault when Discord attempted to squash him between his clap. He successfully land a blow to his face. Discord felt pain and bled a bit but he's just making Khronos think he's inflicting damages then reduces his size as he shape shifted into an Alpha Griffin and slashed him with his claws, stunning him then grabbed him and threw him as if he was a football and impacted the ground, creating a giant crater. Discord land and shape shifted into a Minotaur and charged at Khronos as he's recovering and smacked him at good distance then shape shift once more into a Chimera and resume attacking. Khronos quickly stood up and barely block 5 blows but got stung by his scorpion stinger then got punched at the same time then returns to his default during his spin and threw Khronos away. Discord is back to his old self and start panting heavily as his anger died out.
"*hoff* T-That.... *hoff, hoff* That will teach that ruffian to not mess with Fluttershy." he panted.

"Discord, you did it!!!" cheered Twilight and everyponies remained astonish of the battle. Khronos instantly returns and he's in much more worse state then his battle with Sombra. His breastplate are snapped in half, his helmet shattered and his wing armors are destroyed.

"I-Impossible!! He survived?!?" asked Zeus.

"He even survived Sombra's ruthless assaults." added Cadance.

"S-Sombra?!?!!" exclaimed Twilight and others.

"Yes, the arrogant fool re-awaken the Lord of Darkness by destroying the entire Crystal Empire." frowned Cadance.
"T-The whole....empire?!?!?" gasped Sunset .

"YOU MONSTER!!!!" yelled Fluttershy.

"W-We're not finished!" panted Khronos as his face and chest are bleeding badly. "There's only one thing left to do!" he panted.

"You really love to be mysterious, no?" asked Discord, unamused.

"heh, I guess that's true." He immediately blasted Cadance aside and shot Rarity's waist.

"AHHH!!" screamed Rarity in pain as she fell on the ground.

"RARITY!!" exclaimed everypony as they went to aid her but Celestia and Luna remains in their place.

"NOW LUNA!!" yelled Celestia.

"RIGHT!!" nodded Luna as she and Celestia unleashes their full power and engulfed Khronos in a massive energy wave but Khronos anchored himself with his extended right blade but this blade is different from the Omni-Blade as it completely absorbed the energy wave and he stood firmly.

"As I theorized, it works." he gazed at his blade then at Discord. "What's the matter? Where's your witty remark or you're too serious because I want to kill your girlfriend?" he asked as he start trotting forward and used the energy he absorbed to regenerate completely.

"I-I don't understand....Why?" panted Celestia as she collapsed on the ground.

"I....I can't m-move...." moaned Luna.

"By all of this combined, you still fight?" frowned Discord in disbelief and everyone takes battle stances.

"YOU'LL REGRET FOR HURTING RARITY AND ALL EQUESTRIA!!" Twilight yelled as she charged her powers.

"YOU ARE WEAK WORMS!!!" yelled Khronos.

"We are weak because you steal our powers. You are the weak worm here." grinned Golden.

"D-DAA--" Zeus blasted his shoulder that still has the metal impaled and cause him great pain.

"Forgot about that, no?" grinned Zeus
"Combine our powers!!" Sunset and Zeus combined their elemental attacks and fired a plasma beam that impacted Khronos but he unleashed an energy burst and blew everypony aside then swung his sword but Discord clashed it with his sword.

"I will put an end to you." frowned Discord. Khronos snapped his sword apart but got punched away for he's too close to Rarity and Fluttershy. Fluttershy tried to heal Rarity.

"Don't worry, everything will be okay." she said and she fully heal Rarity. "You're okay now." she smiled.

"Thank you, dear." smiled Rarity.

"Now heal Cadance. We'll try to help Discord!" said Twilight and everypony charged in to assist Discord.

"ENOUGH!!!" roared Khronos as he impaled his sword through Discord. To everyponies' shock, he's bleeding badly and couldn't regenerate.

"I-It c-can't be true..." coughed Discord.

"Good-bye Discord!!" roared Khronos as he pulled his sword out and swung it down, cutting through his body from top to bottom.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHH!!" screamed Discord as he turns into a stone statue.

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Fluttershy in horror.

"T-This can't be happening!" gasped Golden as she almost lost balance from shock.


"No...." growled Khronos as he aimed his magic at Twilight. "Your turn, princess." hissed Khronos.

"I think I now know whose the threat to your Khronos!" frowned Celestia as she struggled to stand up.

"Yeah, you are acting EXACTLY like your old master. A cold-blooded assassin who doesn't even care for their people. You're using them as tools for your own agenda." added Cadance.

"GGRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARN YOU!!!! THAT'S IT!! " roared Khronos in complete blind rage as he amped up his magic to overload. Everypony braces themselves when...

"GET AWAY FROM MOMMY AND AUNTY TWI!!!" yelled a young female voice. Everyone turned to the source of the voice then a hypersonic blur of light appears, performed a double-Rainboom and impacted Khronos. A titanic shockwave was produced, Khronos' armors exploded completely to pieces and his torso sank deep by the blow then rocket across the sky of Applaloosa, breaking the sound barrier and part the clouds as he flew across the land, pierced through multiple mountains as they exploded and vanished in the distance.

"WHOOOOA!!!" gasped Zeus and Golden.

"W-Was that the Double Rainboom!?!?" gasped Spitfire.

"What powers!!!!" baffled Sunset.

"What the hay was that!??!" asked Cadance as the sphere of magic float down before them then faded away to reveal a young filly Alicorn with whitish-pink coat, her main are similar like Sweetie Belle's with turquoise streaks but she lacks a Cutie Mark. Her wings are as big as a young adult mare and her eyes are similar to Shining Armors.

"Flurry Heart!?!??!" exclaimed Twilight in shock.

"Wait, she send Khronos that far!? A little Alicorn??!?!" baffled Sunset.

"Flurryheart, what are you doing here!!!" argued Cadance.

"I was just helping out. Beside, he killed Daddy and I was aching to punch him just once." shrugged Flurryheart. "Anyway, we need to leave now. Khronos Troop will be coming to support their arrogant king." she said.

"We need to revive Discord!!" cried Fluttershy.

"Sorry but only the 12 Divine can make that happen." said Flurry Heart sadly.

"B-But Celestia can do this!!" sniffed Fluttershy.

"If he was mortal." she added as she tried to comfort her.

"S-She's right.... We need to find an old temple to contact them." panted Celestia as she approached the statue of Discord.

"We won't let Khronos get away with this, old friend." she whispered.

"Then let us leave immediately!" said Luna as everyponies gather up, all the alicorns combined their powers and teleport to the Griffin Empire where Flurry Heart states it's where Spike and the rest are.

[Meanwhile in Canterlot]

A blur burst through the ruined castle of Canterlot and impacted the pavement, spun in the air and bored through the earth as he skid across to a halt near the mead store. He sluggishly stood up but Flurry Heart's attack completely reduced him back to his weaken state.

"Argghh!! That....stupid....." As Khronos start cursing powerfully over Flurry Heart finally show herself and critically injured him with only one blow, a mysterious mare stepped out of the ruins and overheard him.

"Kehehehe.... Well, well. Look who finally decide to stop by! Just when my hive is getting bored." laughed a wicked feminine voice. Khronos ceased cursing and noticed the mare. It's actually the Hive Queen of the Changlings, Queen Chrysalis.

"Chyrsalis. What a surprise." he said as he stood up firmly.

"Oh you honor us with your presence...." she bowed down. "Or rather, you honor us such laughter after I overheard you just got defeated by a little filly." laughed the Changling Queen.

"Don't cross your position!" he growled as he dust off his coat. "Is your army ready?" he asked.

"Shouldn't you rest a little, my dear King? The baby mare did a number on you." she mocked.

"Grrrr!!!" growled Khronos but calms down and show his face to her as he frowned firmly. "There's no time for rest. This is not finish yet." he said.

To be continue....