The Khronos empire

by Cyrusquest

Chapter 13 : Conquest to Griffin Empire

{Khronos News Anchorman}

Everyponies are celebrating the crushing defeat of Celestia and her support, but this battle of Celestia's final stronghold was devastating in term of body count. The total of death counts are 3,264 of our soldiers. *display the dead corpse at the Everfree Forest* We salute our brave soldier who gave their life for the glory of our Empire, we will remember them as heroes *Show picture of the Zeta Squad* Now our troops are placing our National Flag in one of the hills of Ponyville that claims the land of Ponyville and its surrounding town. *Four bio-alicorn placed the flag and a battilon saluted the flag then one technician hand him a script*

Oh thank you. Ahem, this just in, ladies and gentlecolts! The Griffinstein have been re-taken by the Griffins and have pushed our ground forces down, and also destroyed two of our fields. From the information I've received state that the Griffin send a message: No ponies or any lower creature will take our land that was rightfully ours!. And that's all of the latest news.

[Oliver POV]

Sometime, I wondered who are these Mane 6 the resistances kept talking about? Are they some kind of Chosen Beings that harnesses the true power of the Elements? I am not very certain about it. A few days ago, I saw a Timber Wolf. Quite fascinating creature they were. I've seen many creatures that I haven't seen back home. I hope when this war is finish, I can go study the wildlife in Equestria and hopefully, the wildlife in the Griffin Empire territory. I'm glad my father gave me this journal as it ease my mind and makes me feel like I'm talking to my family. Well, now I'm on a train heading to the outpost in Griffin's territory. My friends began to wonder how tough or cunning are the Griffins. I feel more safer in this armored train as its engine booms in my ear.

"Hey, what are you writing there, Oliver?" asked my friend Henry as he looked behind from his seat. He has his helmet off so you can see he has white coat and blonde mane. He's a Shock Trooper so his armor is thick yet not bulk with orange outline and carries a portable shield generator that can protect its user or the whole squad.

"Nothing, just writing my thought." I answered. (Oliver is a earthbound pony with blue coat and brown mane)
"I can't believe that we're going to the Griffin Empire. I wanted a little R&R!" Henry complained.

"Yeah, I mean, fighting in Yak-Yakistan for 4 days straight and then we got send to an outpost in the High Rock." added Kat.

She is a earthbound mare with mustard-yellow coat and brown mane. She's a sniper so her armors are light and flexible.

"I hope we can see some wildlife." I add as I looked up at them with my smile.

"Are you kidding!? You prefer to see birds and critters instead of hot mare? You have issue, dude!" He said as he hoof-pointed and winked at me. I gave a remark grin.

"Oh ha ha." I mocked a laugh as I shook my head. "Nah, I would also like to see a hot mare." I reassured them.

"Ahem! What, am I not hot enough to look at?" asked Kat as she did a slight sexy pose.

"Oh come on, you look like a toothpick with that figure." said Henry as we all laughed at his joke and Kat gave an "how-dare-you" glare and cringed teeth.

"Why you!!" despite her anger, she just slapped Henry's shoulder softly. "I don't know why I'm talking to you!" she argued before she smiled once more.

"Easy, we're friends!" he answered as he rubbed his shoulder.

"I would love to see what Equestria have to offer." I said as I gazed out my window and see the beautiful scenery of nature.

"I mean, look at it. It's so beautiful." I add.

"Well, you got a point there. Back home, there are many things that tried to kill you." Kat agrees with me.

"Whatever, I just want to sleep in a nice soft bed and watch some anime." said Henry as he placed his hoof as support for his head to express how tired he is.

"Of course you do." Kat teased him. Then we heard the PA clicked on.

"We are soon approach to High Rock Station. Make sure you don't leave your belonging behind." said the PA and we began to gather our belongings.

"Time to meet some Griffins." I said.

"You mean kick some Griffin's tail feather!!" grinned Henry.

"Yep, pretty much." Kat nodded.

We arrived at the High Rock Station and make our way to the Commanding Officer of the area. He immediately briefed our objective. Our mission is to re-capture the old capital of Griffin Empire known as Griffinstein, so we head off to complete our duty with three legions. As we marched up the mountain, I could see the arches of rock formation that surrounds the town/station. An hour had passed and we finally reach Griffinstein.

"Spread out and secure the town!!" ordered the Commander.

"Sir, yessir!!" they saluted and took tactical position as they spread out. We joined the commander as we clear the town square while Kat taken position on the 2nd floor of a house whose right side were half-blown off. The other troops cleared the whole town.

"Blue team, report!" ordered the Commander as he activates his comm link.

"West side of the town is clear, sir!" reported the Blue team.

"Okay. Red team, report!" he ordered.

"South and southeast is clear, sir!" they replied. Something's not right. The Griffins shouldn't let the town be re-capture too easily.

"Stay frosty guys." I warned them as I prime my rifle. "They could be anywhere.

"All clear in the rooftop." Kat reports.

"This is not good." Henry read my mind as he primed his energy shield.

"Well, either these birdbrain ran away or--" Suddenly a sniper rifle's fire boomed across the town and the Commander got his skull splits into two. Then we all heard an eagle screeching warcry and I realized too late that it's an....

"AMBUSH!!!" I shouted as I taken cover and search for the sniper then saw the Griffins. (The Griffins are dressed in the similar manner as the medival arabian armor)

"DOWN WITH KHRONOS AND GLORY TO THE GRIFFINS!!!" shouted the Griffin in Arabian accent as they all start shooting their bolt-action rifle and headshot our Heavy trooper. An intense firefight commence and all exits were blocked. Henry deployed his shield to proect the others. The Troops tried to shoot the Griffins but they are too fast in the sky and Blue Team got pinned down by 5 Griffins. Red Team got bombarded and one of them ran toward me as he was injured.

"AAAH!! Please help me!! AAH!!" he screamed in pain.

"C'mon you can make it! Hurry!!" I stretched out my hoof while remain in my cover. He tried his best but his left hind hoof got shot and fell on his face.
"ARRGH!! Help me!!" he cried as multiple bolts surrounds him.

"Give me covering fire!!" I shouted as I began to run in and save him but he instantly died with 23 bolts on his whole back.

"I can't see them!!" yelled Henry before he spot one and shot them down. "Oliver, on your 12!" he warned me.

"Alri--" Before I react, my ears picked up the whistling sound of a mortar soaring through the sky then exploded very near us. "Sweet mercy!!" I cried as I return fire.

"There's too many of them!!" yelled Kat as she fired her (futuristic) PSG1 sniper rifle. "One whole legion is gone!!" she reported as she shot one Griffin in mid-air.

"Kill the sniper and bring these Khronian Rocket Launchers!" ordered the Griffin Commander as he killed two Troopers. The firefight grew even intense and we are losing more and more. We cannot fight anymore, we cannot win like this.

"HENRY, GET THE REST OUT OF HERE!!" I ordered him.

"WHAT ABOUT YOU, OLIVER!?" he asked.

"I'M GOING TO GET KAT!!!" I answered as she's pinned down by too many aerial assaults.


"FANTASTIC, LET'S GO! GO GO!!" I ordered as I start running toward Kat while Henry and co. provide me cover fire. I have to get to Kat no matter what. There's so many dead Khronos soldiers but less counts of Griffins. From the distance, I saw two rockets blasting the remaining second legion then I overheard my radio that Blue Team are KIA. I'm out of ammo. Luckily there was a (futuristic) MG36 on the dead Griffin. Unbelievable, they are using our own weapons against us. I managed to shot my way through and arrived at Kat's location. "KAT!?!" I called out.

"OVER HERE, OLIVER!!!" I can see Kat battling a Griffin schimitar and block his attack with her rifle. "A. Little. Help." she grunted as the Griffin moves in really fast and punched her across the face then used her as a shield to prevent me from shooting her then a pegasus flew in but it moves 5 times faster then the Griffin and rammed me through the wall and I stumbled across the field until I hit the bakery. Cover fire ends as Henry and few others fled the battlefield. I was stood up and confronted the pegasus but not only she's fast, she's very strong and smashed my helmet with a lead pipe, grabbed him and threw me outside of the bakery and crashed on the rubbles. My armors are broken and I can barely stand up. The pegasus stepped out of the shadow and reveal herself. It's a Wonderbolt Pegasus but her uniform is damages and I can see her face. She has sky-blue coat, red-violet eyes and her mane are painted with 7 colors like a rainbow. The Griffin that used Kat as a shield removed her helmet and I can see her white feather are tipped with violet streaks. She placed a restrain on her and took her to the rest of us as prisoners. All the Griffins cheered of our defeat.

"Well, your plan worked." she said as she glanced at the Wonderbolt. "But these guys will be back for sure." she add.
"And they'll keep losing." she said in such fierce tone. Us, lose? I couldn't proceed that thought as she armed her sword gauntlet and pointed at me. "Now, start talking!" she ordered me. I removed what's left of my helmet and wipe my blood from my lips.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty and member of the Mane 6!!" she introduced herself. Wa-Wait, what!? Element of Loyalty? Mane 6?! She is one of the Mane 6-- Ah, of course! I can see her Cutie Mark, it match perfectly to the Element of Loyalty!! Then...I remember something else.

"Wait a minute, aren't you one of many who escaped from Yak-Yakistan?" I asked.

"You should be more worry about what's going to happen right now." she placed her sword at my throat. "Now speak... WHERE IS TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!!?!?!" she demanded me.

"I-I don't know!!" I stuttered. That mare start treating the other's life, which they're willing to die. I can't let her kill Kat. "A-All I know is that a princess managed to escape from the mining facility in the borders of Applaloosa with some fashion mare!!" I answered.

"Twilight and Rarity." she whispered as she lower her sword. Wait, could that be that Twilight is the Princess of Friendship, as in Element of Friendship???? Suddenly she raised her sword and prepare to kill me. "AND PRINCESS CADANCE?!?!" she boomed.


"Hmph, that's figure." said the Griffin they called Gilda as she stood bipedal and crossed her arms. Rainbow Dash lower her sword.

"Take them away. Make sure that they don't have anything that can track down." she ordered. I hope we can survive this and maybe understand our enemy more deeper. Sadly, we cannot know their base's location as they blindfold us all.

[Normal POV]

As the Griffins escorted the blind-folded prisoners to their secret base, Rainbow Dash was reunited with Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack and the others.

"Well?" Apple Jack asked with worried.

"Not much. Just that Twilight and Rarity managed to escape from their clutches, somewhere in Appleloosa or maybe Trottingham. Man, sometime I wish your boyfriend was here. He'll know how to get answer out of them." Rainbow Dash said with disappointment.

"Ditto, hehehe. Too bad he's in other campsite." she chuckled.

"Hmm, so you can find love even in time of war?" asked Zanuck as he looked at Apple Jack.

"Yeah...." blushed Apple Jack.

"So, what you gals gonna do?" asked Gilda.

"We got to find Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy, so we can use the Rainbow Power and defeat Khronos then we'll have a PARTY!!!" squealed Pinkie Pie as she leap around with energetic joy.

"Right...." said Zanuck and Gilda as they exchanged look.

"We'll find them as son as possible, so we can kick Khronos' butt!!" grinned Rainbow Dash as she did a heroic pose.

"YEAH!!!" they cheered then the Griffin Commander approached them.

"I request an audition with the members of the Mane 6!" he said.

"Oh, no need for formality, uh....Ali, right?" she asked.

"Very well. I need your help for a special misson." he said.
Meanwhile, outside the base, Apple Bloom approached the prisoners. She's scared but the guards reassured her that they are unarmed, had their heads in sacks and restrained, and promise if they try to hurt her, they'll end them. She approached Oliver and cleared her throat then began to ask.

"Why you attacked us in the first place? What did we ever do to you?!" asked Apple Bloom. Oliver can't see her but he heard her and knows it's a filly.

"We fight for our king." he answered.

"Is that it? Just because he told you so!?" argued Apple Bloom, finding that a lame excuse.

"Our King is preventing future threat to our home." Oliver answered.

"Threat!? Ah don't understand! Celestia never harm to any ponies or creatures who didn't deserve it. You destroyed our homes and our family....just because he's afraid that somepony is strong then him?!" she asked as she cannot believe Khronos could do such thing just to protect his pride.

"My only concerns is to serve my country. The same that you serve to Celestia faithfully." he answered. Apple Bloom frowned deeply then asked once more.

"Do you have family?" she asked.

"Yes." he answered.

"Do you ever think about if somepony hurt them?" she asked.

"I see what you're going with this." sighed Oliver. "Look kid, I wanted this war to end, like that. There will be no more blood shed." he said.

"We could end this if we have to show what we all truly feel about this war." smiled Apple Bloom but then a strong whirring sound echoes the sky and three Khronos Gunships arrived and prep its weapon.

"I'm sorry." said Oliver as guilt consumes him. "But that's never gonna happen."

"There's Khronian in the area! Watch your fire!" ordered the pilot.

"Roger that!" replied the others.

"WHAT THE--!!" gasped Gilda then grabbed her rifle and rally the Griffins. "Dash, get your friends out of here now!!" she ordered.

"C'mon, little sis!" said Apple Jack as she picked her up and start running. "We gotta get out of here!"
"W-What about the prisoners?!" she asked. Griffins heard her and glanced at the sergeant.

"What should we do with the prisoners?" asked one as he evade three bullets.

"Well....guess this is it..." sobbed Kat as multiple fires and explosions echoes everywhere.

"We're going to Sovngarde....Too bad, I don't get to study the wildlife." quivered Oliver as ears rolled down his cheeks.

"Good family." he sobbed.

"KILL THE PRISONERS!!" ordered the sergeants and they all killed the prisoners, along with Kat and Oliver. Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash and others ran down the hill while the gunships were distracted by the Griffins. One of them tackles directly at the gunship, clinged on the pilot's door and start firing his unmounted light machine gun, start tearing the pilot and co-pilot apart. Without its pilots, the gunship spun out of control and crash on the second gunship after the Griffin quickly flew away. The last gunship shot him down and spotted the retreating ponies, commencing its pursuits as it fired its rapid laser.
"Don't stop running! I got this!" Zanuck said as she halt in her path, pulled out her sniper rifle and take aim. After near misses and concentrate her aim in a split-second, she fired and land a direct hit on the pilot, killing him and the co-pilot take control but failed to notice Gilda swooping in and fired her RPG at the hover engine, destroying it and forced it to crash on the wall and start rolling down the cliff.

"Guess I have to tag along this time!" smirked Gilda as she dropped her RPG.

"YAY!! GILDA JOINED OUR TEAM!!" squealed Pinkie Pie.

[Oliver POV!?]

I was waiting for the bullet to pierce my heart but I felt the explosive force instead and the sack flew off from my head. I gazed around and saw what's left of the Griffin camp. All the troopers are dead and they took down three gunships... I heard a moan and glanced to my left. Kat, she's alive as well! I can't believe it.... Kat and I are the only survivors.... Maybe divines smiled upon us. We must return to the others but I can't let go what the filly said to me.... Maybe this war is all wrong.....maybe not.....could be a ruse.... The question is: What is the truth?