Rogue Chaos

by FrostTheWolf

The Experiment: That's one big upload...

Rogue Chaos- The Experiment: That’s one big upload…

        Shortly after the group began to depart and make it’s way to the offsite communications relay that was connected to the Amenine Observatory, Shayne had to speak up in response to what she and the others were already hearing in that present moment. “So let me get this straight… in order to get the data off Ekkunar, you need to head to a communications relay that’s almost a mile away from the main site?” She asked, looking at Kleese and Mellka before continuing to speak. “Am I the only one who thinks like this is just another step in a LONG chain of fetch quests?” It was then that she noticed Discord wearing an emerald tunic and a long familiar cap on his head while pretending to carry a certain sword and shield in his paws.

        “We need the generator online to get that data out of here. Otherwise, the Jennerit can sabotage it and ruin everything.” Mellka pointed out to her as she switched communication channels to talk with the team on the ground. “Clear the station of those hostiles and then we can start the transfer once you’re ready.”

        “Consider it done, my friends!” El Dragon declared, flying high into the air before body slamming onto the ground and smashing any machines underneath while Discord was performing a spinning attack before having his weapons disappear. He smirked, forming a bow in his paw as he began to fire a stream of arrows at his targets. Soon, they were able to clear out the relay of any Jennerit that posed a likely threat to the group as they soon heard Boldur triumphantly cheer for their victory over the comline.

        “Yes!! This is perfect! New friends triumph over pathetic Jennerit babies!!!” The dwarf shouted, only for Nova to soon interrupt his rally cry a few moments later.

      “More pathetic Jennerit babies en route to the comms relay.”

        “Let them come! New friends will triumph again! They will be besieged by triumph!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Boldur laughed as everyone else at the station prepared for the incoming hostiles that were approaching their current position. Discord, however, pulled out a giant wrench.

        “Buildin’ a sentry!” He said, slamming some metal on the floor, making a small sentry.

        “Not quite what I had expected, but this is Discord we are talking about,” Kleese said, just as the first wave of hostiles began to drop down. The turret beeped and began to fire while Discord upgraded it… by whacking it with the oversized wrench. It fired much faster, and fired rockets, exploding everything it saw that wasn't them.

        “Well, this is gonna be a breeze.” Thorn said to herself, firing another arrow into another Jennerit while the rest of the team was punching, blasting, or lighting enemies on fire.

        “What shall we do with that robot?” El Dragon asked

        “What do you mean?”

       “NEW FRIEND!!!” Discord blurted.

       “Hm… that may work.” Kleese spoke, smirking to himself a little in a menacing manner.

        “What does that mean?” Ghalt asked.

        “I’ve been working on a virus that will make the robots obey us and override their own circuitry. If it works, then that robot, R-Dash 5000 or whatever it’s name is, may be able to fight with us, and, more than likely, join Discord in another mission.” Kleese replied. “Not to mention we can erase any diabolical protocols Rendain had set up in order to make it hostile in the first place.”

        “How is it that some of these robots can be built in the first place?” Shayne then asked. “Is it having to collect a bunch of spare parts and use some glue?”

        “Are you out of your mind?” Kleese snapped, “It takes a hefty amount of science and engineering experience to create all the robots that are manufactured from Minion robotics… and sometimes glue.” All this caused Discord to do was snicker as everyone else got back to turning the remaining minions into scrap metal. But it wasn’t time for them to rest just yet. Mellka just informed them that the transfer was over the halfway mark and there was bound to be more jerks inbound.

        Not to mention Boldur’s next comment was… unsettling. “Data Transfer is nearly complete! Boldur thanks you for suffering on his behalf!!”

        “Grandfather, that is not-.” Thorn was going to say something, until one of the turrets that Discord had built began to open fire on some more of the Jennerit Troopers that just happened to land nearby… and be crushed by another doomsday meteor that Ambra had fall on their heads.

        “Be thankful that I am releasing my anger on these heathens and NOT ON YOUR WRETCHED SKULL, YOU FILTHY F***ING DWARF-!!” She roared before stopping herself. “Oh my, that was rather unladylike of me.”

        That only caused Discord to get out a personal notepad as he began to write something for him to remember. “Note to self… don’t disturb angry fire lady.” After putting the notepad away though was when another one of the robotics that landed on the ground destroyed the turret, causing him to fly backward. “Noo sentry!! You were too young to die!”

      “Oh great, he’s mourning over that turret like it was his beard back at the sentinels temple-.” Kleese groaned, but all it did was cause Discord’s energy to flow around him, making the old genius say the first thing that came to mind. “What? They said it, not me.” That though caused a pair of magical claws to form around Discord’s paw and talon as he lashed out at the Jennerit and the robotic minions that they were fighting on the ground in an all out rampage that left broken weapon parts and scrap metal everywhere.

        “NO ONE MAKES FUN OF MY AWESOME BEARD AND LIVES TO TELL THE TALE!!! DO YOU HEAR ME!?! NO ONE!!!” He roared, going on a wild rampage to destroy all the mechanical minions that stood before him while Thorn and El Dragon finished the last of the thrall that tried to attack the comms relay.

        “Holy… I honestly did not expect that to happen-.” The comment however was interrupted by a smack to Kleese’s bald head. “Oww, what was that for!?”

        “That was for making Discord angry… It may be good in some instances, but it puts a big drain on his combat capabilities after he unleashes his powers.” Shayne warned them, just as Discord soon fell asleep and used El Dragon’s crown as a portable bed.

        “The high observatory just confirmed receipt of the experimental data!” Ghalt told the crew, shortly followed up by Mellka as she responded back to him.

        “That’s good…"

        “As well as sensor readings indicating some seriously nasty firepower heading your way.”

       “That…… sucks. How the hell are we suppose to get out of here?” The Aelfrian asked, a little worried that they might’ve just wasted their lives in doing this for Boldur. That is… until Kleese spoke up and gave her some possible good news.

        “If that machine of theirs generates portals, it can be rather swiftly repurposed as an EMP device. THAT can break the siege."

        “Make the preparations,” Ghalt advised everyone, which also caused Discord to wake up from his power nap. “The rest of you get back to the observatory before reinforcements show up.”

       “You heard him, my friends. Onward to greatness-!” El Dragon proclaimed, before he noticed that the young draconequus that was in his crown a few moments ago was now not there. “What the-? Where did he go?” He frantically scrambled for a few moments, until the entire team noticed that Discord had already made it back to the observatory, all while sporting a pair of awesome goggles.

        “Domo arigato, SUCKAS!!”

       “Oh that little-!” Thorn growled, speaking in a low tone before darting off towards the bounce pads to send the rest of them back to the observatory. That caused everyone else on the team to chase after the draconequus and make it back to the observatory faster than Kleese or any of the others expected. But now that everyone was back and they had some time to get ready, it was onto the first phase their escape plan.

        “Everyone safely back at Amenine? Good. Now for the EMP…” The genius told them as Thorn prepared her bow and Boldur sharpened his axe. “Boldur, disengage the portal devices field inhibitors.”

        “Boldur is doing the thing you said to do!!” Boldur shouted, before doing something that none of the team expected and smashed his axe into the field inhibitors. “Ah YES!! Inhibitors disengaged!!”

        “Now we just need to let the device reach critical levels before we can initiate the discharge.” Kleese informed the team as Discord conjured Shayne’s boomerang and had his special jacket equipped as he placed the goggles he had found over his eyes.

        “More Jennerit babies inbound! DEFEND PORTAL MACHINE AT ALL COSTS!!” The Dwarf yelled as several Jennerit aircraft began to release dozens of troops onto the battlefield along with a few Thrall Bonecrushers and even a Thrall Enforcer. Which of course didn’t seem that much of a challenge with the handful of turrets that the team had crafted earlier. It was their way of covering their bases to make sure that nothing could blindside them while they were defending one side of the observatory.

        For Discord, using the conjured version of Shayne’s boomerang came in quite handy, especially since the boomerangs could bounce off of solid surfaces and hit opponents from unexpected angles. Which was a way for him to say that accuracy was overrated as he had help from El Dragon and the Smooze protect the right side of the observatory while Ambra and Thorn covered the left alongside Boldur. After a few minutes of clearing everything out, the whole team got a very brief break… until the sound of something else tearing open the fabric of space-time to hunt them down soon spawned behind them.

        “Ehh… New friends?” Boldur spoke up in order to catch everyone’s attention. “Varelsi portals are opening up everywhere… It is like HORROR JAMBOREE!! WHEN WILL SCIENCE SAVE US!?!”

        “The EMP’s still charging. Don’t let them near it while it finished up, we’re almost through this!!” Discord jumped ahead of the group, now wearing a gray coat, a pointy hat, and held a staff in his paw.

        “YOU SHALL NOT… PASS!!!” He yelled, slamming the bottom of the staff to the floor. A huge explosion came, blowing all of the Varelsi back into their portals, and blowing the portals into space. This turned out to be super effective… for only ten seconds. “I SAID… You shall NOT PA-!” Before he could do it again though, a blast from a Varelsi Marksman smacked him in the head and also disintegrated his staff. Discord looked at his staff, felt his head, then turned to the marksman. He lifted the staff and whacked the marksman‘s head, effectively knocking him out. “Never mess with a wizard.”

        “Since when did you decide to be a wizard!?” Kleese snapped, confused by what Discord was saying.

        “...I don’t know… I kinda feel… funny with this on. It’s like I was once a powerful wizard in a past life… that, or if feels comfortable in these robes.” He fell to the floor and cuddled with the robes. “Oo~h… so soft…”

        Shayne just sighed on the other end of the mic alongside Mellka as Kleese groaned a little. Until a notification on the dashboard for the ship alerted him of something important. “Portal device is nearly at maximum energy throughput… Oh I hope this works.”

        Nevertheless, both Mellka and Discord reacted in the exact same way. “Hope? You mean you don’t KNOW that this will work!?!”

        “Don’t know how you got THAT impression,” Kleese grumbled as he was heard over the comline pressing a few keys. “Anyways, I’m initiating the discharge in three…… Two…… AHHHH!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?!!”

       “IT’S BACK!!!” Discord screamed, pulling out a mix between Benedict's rocket launcher and Montana’s machine gun. “DIE YOU MOTHA F**KA!!!”

       “Language!!!” Ghalt yelled. “You kiss your mother with that mouth, Discord?”

       “I’m RIGHT here!!” Shayne snapped.

        “...I never kissed mommy.” Discord spoke in a sudden still & down tone. He lifted his mixed weapons and fired at the conservator. “I’LL LIVE FOR THE KISSES!!!”

       “Kleese, the EMP. NOW!!!” Mellka shouted, only to hear some very bad news from the genius a few moments later.

        “I CAN’T!! The Conservator’s locked down the whole observatory! You must kill it. QUICKLY!!”

        “Boldur was just going to suggest that!! RRRRRAAAAGGGHHH!!!” The Dwarf said before releasing a screeching warcry as he charged into the fray. Discord, however, teleported behind him and carried Boldur.

       “Go, smelly midget! Bring us another victory!!!”

       “I’m not a midget! And I don’t smell that bad!” Boldur shouted as he tossed his axe at the conservator.

        “That’s a lie. SHOT PUT!!!” He threw Boldur at the Conservator like a shot ball.

        “OWW! Boldur's not a toy!!” Boldur shouted back while everyone else was attacking the Conservator. At one point though, when the Dwarf threw his axe into the air, Discord was able to land a critical blow by teleporting himself into the air, catching the axe that was thrown, and slamming it on the conservator’s head as it disintegrated before their very eyes.

       “Alright, it’s dead! And we got control back!! Boldur, discharge the EMP now!!” Mellka shouted to the dwarf as he pulled his axe out of the ground and ran over to the machine.

        “Boldur smashes all the buttons!!” This was followed by the axe of the dwarf smashing into the console as it set off a bright flash of light and caused a massive discharge of electromagnetic energy as it sent all the Jennerit ships in the sky crashing down to the ground.

       “Did it work? Did we do it?” The Aelfrian Eldrid on the other end of the comline asked, only to hear Boldur’s triumphant laughter shortly afterwards.

        “BWAHAHAHAHA!!! THE ELDRID TRIUMPH…… for once. And IT IS ALL THANKS TO BOLDUR!!” He declared before continuing his laughter shortly afterwards.

        “Boldur… it’s… ugh, you know what? Yes… All thanks to Boldur,” She sarcastically groaned before turning her attention to Ghalt. “Ghalt, they’re out of the woods. Ready for extraction.”

        “Nice work Mell. We’re done here!”

       “And I have a toy!” Discord exclaimed, dragging the R-Dash 5000’s ‘corpse’ with him. “But he needs new batteries.”

        “Uhh… I think that’s suppose to be a she, Discord.” Thorn mentioned.

       “Then why did it have a guy’s voice?”

       “I’ll tell you why… Defective programming!! Rendain is a general, not an engineer. You can’t just put a whole bunch of random parts together to make a machine and hope for the best. ROBOTICS DOESN’T WORK LIKE THAT!!!” Kleese shouted before clearing his throat.

       “...Are you okay, gramps?” Shayne asked “Need some water?”

        “Stop calling me that!!”