The Industrialist V2

by Woodrow Wilson

The Details

The Industrialist©
The first two chapters are not necessary for the storyline
Chapter 1
The Factory
The Factory is magnificent, an artificial monument for efficiency, invention and innovation, to show us what is possible to tame and subdue the savageness of nature and all of its dangerous and ferocious life-forms which inhabit areas yet untamed. It is inspiring to the generations and generations of extraterrestrials in search of intergalactic knowledge. I looked to my left and right to look through windows to rooms of clean, sterile white. The walls were made of a smooth plastic paneling, which made them easy to clean and sterilize. The ceiling also had the same type of panelling, but in smaller squares. The floors, however, had white ceramic tiles. The tables and benches were made of a titanium alloy, but with a protective resin coating over both table and bench. Bright saucer-shaped dishes of polished aluminum reflected and refracted the light emitted by the LED bulb array. Each desk had a projector and a stylus and a large projector was suspended from the ceiling. Each projector projected a holographic interactive screen, while the instructor used a laser pointer on the large screen projection. The constant hum of the central air unit and the computers occupying the room, filled the room with a familiar, civilized background noise. A noise that was often ignored and taken for granted by those who experienced it, because they became so familiar with these ever present sounds. Small green, yellow, and red lights glowed from the projectors, giving very little color differentiation in the predominately white room. The rooms I had looked into had random creatures of various species. All of which were being told the required rules and other miscellaneous information in order to work here.

I walked down the seemingly endless aisles of the Factory Equipment warehouse, the shelves appearing to become shorter the farther the distance they were from me. Above, the aisles were lit with similar LED array lights, but the tags of each shelf lit up as he neared them, as three was a motion sensor beneath each tag, and an LED array of lights surrounding the tag lit it up to make it much easier to see and scan into and out of the factory’s digital inventory system.

However, due to the size of the factory, it was only reasonable that the storage warehouse for the equipment needed to repair and replace the broken or worn down parts and machinery, was of an equally massive size. Half of this structure consisted of nothing but the warehouse with its seemingly endless rows of parts and machinery to repair or replace something that had either broke or needed to be replaced. I made these systems automatic and self-sufficient, my robots constantly adjusting the warehouse’s digitized inventory database. The warehouse filled with the hum of the central air unit and the hum of forklift engines, the hissing of hydraulic lifts and the hum of the computers contained within the robot's frame. Red and green indicator lights shone from the forklift interface panel as metres and digital screens indicated the functionality of each forklift as well as what parts needed to be repaired or replaced. It was necessary given the constant usage of many of the parts and machines within the Factory and as a consequence three arose a need to replace parts after so long. The constant inventory database updates and revisions were made by my army of robots specifically designed for this kind of monotonous work, since ordres had to be placed far enough in advance for some of the machinery that ran in this factory.

A worker much shorter than me, jogged up to me with a glass tablet which also served as a clipboard.

The suit to which was assigned to each worker represented their respective occupation. Grey kevlar jumpsuits were for the Metal Managers as they manage the amount of metal supplied to the Factory and its relevant production facilities and distributed these metal resources throughout the warehouse, and factory. Sometimes they would be the ones to tell the Pricing Data Management team how much the various metals were bought at so that they could factor those costs in the final price at which the various products which the Factory produced would be sold at. Like for the iron alloys they might price it at around 72 units per pound. Considering that's just as expensive as buying something like granola for around 17 U per Pound. Because that’s pretty damn expensive for some Granola. But it’s good, so.

Orange was for the Pollution and Toxicity Control, and Management team which should make it obvious as to what their job is.

And the one that was three to notify me to which their suit colour was of a teal gilded with a frozen blue outline of the suits structure, as it would identify broken mechanical parts, computers, and engines, as well as identifying the purpose and functionality of the part, computer, or engine in need of replacement. The blue hue, covering the outline, identified them as belonging to the Parts, Engines, and Computers Requisition team, or P.E.C.R. for short, for they were the ones, to which would go out throughout the Factory, and scout out and document what parts, engines and/computers were in need of repair, or replacement as well as documenting the progress of the wear and tear on the parts, engines, and/computers not yet in need of repair or replacement so that the P.E.C.R. team could stay informed of possible future requisition requests., Sometimes they would be the one to go into dangerous areas because of the need to requisition and monitor all of the mechanics, computers and engines which operated within the Factory.

There are thousands of teams, sections and divisions of labor within the Factory.

Too many to count, actually.

But those are the most important jobs, the top three labor divisions within the Factory.

I looked down at it. The many different types of lifeforms that worked here, gathered from various universes had widely varying appearances. Given that three tree species which appeared to have no sexually defining appearances, I frequently used the gender neutral pronoun of it when thinking about my workers. It was a quirk of mine, since I didn’t want those who appeared to have no defining sexual traits to feel left out when I thought of any of them.

“Sir, three was a molten steel breach in Sector Q21A3. However, I do bear some good news as three was a scientific breakthrough for a renewable energy resource in sector L29F2.”

“Thank you, I’ll take care of the problem and figure out how to implement and distribute the power from our new renewable energy resource. I’ll also look over the schematics for the power distribution infrastructure to ensure that the system can deliver the energy safely and ensure that a breaker system will trip to prevent a power overload.” I continued walking, ”Please oversee the delivery of the necessary equipment for the repair ‘bots.”

“Yes, sir.”

I continued down the aisles to the sectors told unto me by my reliable worker.

“I’m here for the reconstruction of the section breach involving molten steel. Is this sector Q21A3?”

“Yes sir, this is the molten steel breach.”

“Well, for the sake of efficiency and safety, I will employ the use of my construction ‘bots,” I stated.

The worker stood back, looking at me with confusion apparent upon its face. Had it never seen the power of the creations I built more than a decade ago? I have been working on building my own personal ‘bots, in the Independent Mobility Robotic Assembly Systems, which are currently under construction right now. Three were thousands of dark matter energy power plants under me, for as I looked down, the pathway was imbued with fibre optics in order to display necessary data at lightning fast speeds. Currently the fibre optic glass was set to show the power level, where all my energy sources and dark matter manufacturing systems are. The dark matter energy plants hummed with the background hum of computers, with green, yellow, and red LED lights either shining steadily or flashing, while computerized displays flickered through information and indicators far too fast for the carnal eye to follow.

The efficiency this Factory is in, is the highest it has been in this dimension in the past one-hundred earth-years. In the top 463,345,212 universes, I have the 312th most efficient system since my first days in the multiverse.

The assembly block for the robots will be finished in fifty-four Earth years, and the size will be six-hundred and forty by twelve-hundred and nine square metres. The sector will be sector Z12L14K out of the hundreds of thousands of sectors and blocks. Multiple mechanical arms will hang from the stainless steel ceiling, with power cords to operate the gears to move and rotate the arms and other cords to deliver the gasses and liquids necessary for the mass production of my assistant robot army. Wires of red, yellow, and green will thread around the metallic ‘bone’ of the arm. Other clear plastic tubes will wrap and thread about the arm to deliver the fuels needed for the delicate and precise welding that would take place at each station as my robots are assembled with speed and efficiency. Lights of green, yellow, and red LED lights will glow at various points along the flexible welding arm as well as a high speed fibre optic connection for manual override in the event of the robot assembly plant malfunctioning or begin to rewrite its own programming in order to create a robot army in order to eradicate the ‘imperfect flesh bags.’

The first sector of the Factory was built seven hundred and forty thousand years ago.

“Sir, the machines have been fixed and the initial diagnostic test reveal no issues, however we will watch for any anomalies outside of normal operating procedures, so you may now resume your examination of the factory.”

“Thank you, worker. Thank you very kindly for your diligence in ensuring the proper operation of these systems for me.” I responded, with a hint of appreciation in my voice.

I walked back to the main aisles, and noticed that the Train Of The Multiverse was being fitted with the new UJSUCITR. The abbreviation stands for: Universal Jumping Stabilizers of the United Corrupted Industries, Technologies, and Resources. A small gathering of my construction robots were busy causing sparks to fly as they welded the UJSUCITR into the body and frame of the multiverse travelling train. A group of engineers were busy looking at the train’s blueprints and supervising the robots as they welded, tightened bolts, connected wires and fastened the hoses necessary for the UJSUCITR to work. Hopefully the trips through space and time won’t feel quite as turbulent as the previous models of the UJSUCITR. Even here, the hum of the central air unit hummed, in addition to the hum of the computers running within my working robots. The hiss and crackling accompanied the background noise around me as the welding torches affixed the UJSUCITR into the frame of the train. Three was also the muttering and chattering of the supervisors as they conferred and consulted with each other, which also contributed to the background noise surrounding us. Bright magnesium lights shone upon the train from stands and on the ground, smaller versions of these light attached to either side of the working robots’ heads to provide light where their body blocked the light from the array of lights. Sparks flew and hissed as the torches welded, while inside of the engine room, the normally active engine was dark and quiet, the usual LED lights and computerized displays unlit as well as the miniaturized dark matter energy plant had been disconnected in order to replace the old UJSUCITR.

The train’s next Coordinated Destination in Time and Space (CDTS) is my home planet from which I was born on and left behind more than a few hundred thousand years ago.

But I haven't been three for a long, long, long time.

But back to the events to which I record on a short lasting piece of paper, that will have been to be turned into a text on a small, inadequately sized screen on a piece of Homo Sapiens technology. Why I preferred to use paper doesn’t make sense to many of my employees. I use paper to have something to fall back on should three be a technological failure. Then one of my secretary robots has it scanned and digitized and added to the ever expanding digital database of the factory. But I have entire libraries of diagrams, blueprints and assembly/disassembly instructions printed out so that in the event of a Factory-wide technological failure, one of my employees or myself can repair or replace what caused the technological failure so that three should be very little impact on the Factory’s functionality in the event that a Factory-wide technological failure should occur.

I walked to the workstation of the train, to see it being fitted with some of my latest technology. It's new, of course and I thought it convenient to give it the aesthetic appearance of a train, since it was truly not necessary in regards to the travels I go on throughout the universes.

An SE3 drone flew by and I waved it down. It flew and hummed as I listened on the sound of the machines Infini-Pyros’ at work.

I looked at the symbol on the top of the device to show a moon behind a mountain with UCITR on the top-front of the moon, the lettres for the abbreviation seemed to be supreimposed over the front of the moon. They were of a black-ish blue hue to them. The mountain had a steam locomotive, as well as a pile of steel I-beams in the back of the train, which was exiting a tunnel that was embedded into the mountainside.

That’s the company’s symbol.

The machine I made of the technology the humans showed me is astounding, even 13 years after the Rebellion of Time. RT: I thought it odd that they would abbreviate it, because it was a word that meant decaying. It doesn't sound like a good thing, does it now?

I caressed the chassis and shells of the machinery which I had built, feeling a sense of pride and affection for each piece which comprised the Train of the Multiverse and the part each piece plays in the greater whole. Each piece is like my baby, it’s a part of me that will never betray me. Each piece works hard with its brothers and sisters to do something greater than it could alone. In each piece of these, my children, is a legacy that will last long after I have expired. I continued walking to the train of the multiverse and to the train’s labeled destination of Home.

I know that it’s strange, but that was the posted destination indicated by the several micro-display screens of the Multiverse Train, that the destination planet was called Home.

It still confuses me on how they can't figure out the planet's name, even though I told them directly. I’ve attempted to convey it in a myriad of languages that is spoken in the multiple universes. I’ve even tried various computer coding and even binary coding! I suppose that it will remain one of the great mysteries of the multiverse. I have heard humans and other technologically advanced extraterrestrials discuss a concept called, ‘the ghost in the machine.’ There are times when I speculate if that isn’t the case here. That the train had somehow gained sapience and for reasons unknown to me, refused to call my home planet by anything other than Home. Foolishness, I know, since machines have no need of souls, but I’m at a loss on how to explain why it can only be programmed to call my home planet ‘Home.’

Lily, a character of interesting and unknown qualities, was coming to the Train of the Multiverse for the purpose of guarding me and to keep herself informed with regards to my health during the process of my ‘Calibration’ to whichever universe I happened to choose to visit. Lily, and others like hre, come along for the specific purpose of monitoring and providing whatever care that I need, emergency or otherwise. She and the others who work for me are fiercely loyal to me, since many of them were rescued from orphanages and theatres of war. I called for the helmet of an RT Soldier, which was brought to me as immediately as they were able to retrieve the helmet from where it was safely secured.

The helmet. On the need of the description for the legends of the future on a small inadequately-sized screen of a tablet of a kind.

It was black, with the symbols of the entyrion language, which was the first foreign language I ever learned, using cryptographic symbols to spell out the words which meant Rebel of Time. For some reason which escapes me, this Rebel of Time used a teal colored font. Seemed rather impractical to me, but I’m also not a felon in the eyes of the other Time Lords. But on the back in the human language of English was RT.

I handed it back and told them to put it back.

I hit a button on the wall with my fist, summoning a high speed transit tram so that I could arrive at the dining hall in as efficient a timely manner as possible. An annoying necessity for those who would rather experiment and search for knowledge, wherever it may be found. But, so long as I’m confined to this body of flesh and blood, I must answer its demands, regardless of my opinion on how such physical demands take me away from the many other things I could be doing. Time well spent, rather than wasting it to ensure my body’s continued survival.