The Khronos empire

by Cyrusquest

chapter 10 : Hopeless

A fierce battle rages at the Everfree Forest as the Khronos Army fought relentlessly and Celestia, Luna and others are leading civilians and the wounded soldiers to the Two Sister Castle, safe from Khronos. The Khronos Army are getting closer and closer but an old ally is helping Celestia to win at least this battle.

"MOVE IT, OUR GENERAL REQUESTED REINFORCEMENT!!! GO GO GO GO!!!" ordered the Khronos Commander. The troops are in the truck and ready their rifle gauntlets and battle saddles as they hopped in and set off to confront the remaining Celestia Army and their allies.

As the soldiers listens to the sound of truck accelerating and branch snapping beneath its wheels, they gazed at the side of the roads where it was filled with destroyed tanks, corpses of their fellow soldiers, scorched trees, and small pockets of fire here and there.

Several trucks and jeeps were ensnared by thick vines, dangling them 8 feet high from the ground.

"Hey, ya' think that the Deers are really helping the enemy?" asked the young troop.

"Well, they got to be helping! I mean, I hear that they can control the nature and stuff. Remember that plant attacking Gus?" asked the Khronos Demolition Trooper named Tucker.

"Yeah, he was screaming like a little filly! Ha ha ha ha!!" laughed the trooper #2.

"Will you knucklesheads shut up!!!" yelled the Khronos Sergant. "We are about to strike the final stronghold of enemy and they are giving everything they got! Okay, listen up!! We're going to give covering fire while Zeta Squad push the front line! Once that's over, we will go around and enter the trench! Demolition Squad will blow up the two enchanted artillery guns!!" he briefed their mission.

"Enchanted, sir?" asked Skjor.

"That's right! Because a bunch of Deers and Unicorns mix up some potion that it created some soft of shield that neither our tanks nor rocket launcher cannot penetrate! But we mixed up our own bash and it has enough energy to level the whole artillery outpost!" he explained.

"So how many artillery guns are there?" asked Tucker.

"Five artillery guns are at their diposal! When we managed to blown up three artilleries, that's when they enchanted their artillery guns!" he answered as several artillery shot and explosions grew louder and louder then an artillery shell blasted 9 feet away from the convoy. "Alright boys! Stay frost! FOR KHRONOS!!!" he yelled as he loaded his battlesaddle.

"FOR KHRONOS!!!" they all shouted as they charged out of the truck but when the Sargeant and few soldiers charge out of the truck, an artillery shell struck the truck, destroying it and killing half of them. Skjor take cover behind the recently-destroyed tank and other followed his lead as the artillery fires and explosions can be heard from the background.

"Head to cover!! We must reach our objective!!" yelled the troop.

"Come on, rookie!! Get up!!" ordered the troop #2.

"My leg broke! Help! Help!!" cried the rookie as he crawled with his broken leg.

"COMING!!" yelled the Khronos Medic Trooper as he reached to the rookie. "Don't worry, I got---" Before he patch him up, they got blasted by the artillery.

"Oh, Khronos!!" exclaimed Skjor as he clutched his rifle.

"THIS IS CHARLIE ALPHA!!! WE'RE GETTING BLAST APART!! WE NEED AIR SUPPORT NOW!!! I REPEAT, WE NEED--" before the Radio Operator finish his request, he failed to hear the sound of an artillery shell descending and got blasted apart.

"ZETA SQUAD REGROUP!!!" yelled the Zeta Squad Commander. Four of the squad members managed to reach to the Commander but one got gunned down by a machine gun.

"Sir! We can't push forward like this!" yelled Zeta Troop #1

"Order, sir?!" asked Zeta Troop #2

"ACTIVATE YOUR SHIELD SADDLE AND PUSH FORWARD!!!" he ordered. One of them managed to activate sooner as there was an incoming artillery shell that killed all the Zeta Squad and their limps scattered everywhere, leaving the one who managed to activated his Shield Saddle survive.

"Commander? Cousin!?" asked the Zeta Troop #3 and saw his cousin's shattered corpse. "N-n-no....! CURSE YOU!!!!!" he screamed as he spun around, grabbed his rifle gauntlet and start firing at the enemy. "CURSE YOU PIECE OF--"

"Skjor!! We need to destroy that artillery before there's none of us left!!" informed Tucker.

"I agree! Alright guys, let's take that gun down!! Stick to cover!!" ordered Skjor.

"Yes sir!!" yelled the remaining troops as they all charged toward the artillery guns. Every steps the troopers took, one of them got killed then the Khronos gunship arrived to provide cover fire then Skjor saw a golden blur that moves so fast that, once he blinked, the gunship got destroyed then the second gunship got destroyed by the unicorns who channeled their magics as one. Tucker, Skjor and few others made it to the trench.

"Okay, let's do this!" said Skjor.

"DOWN WITH KHRONOS!!!" yelled the Celestia Troopers as they start shooting at Skjor and others with a deployable type 99. Three more troops joined the fight and they used their magic to wield their machine guns and shoot at them. They shot three Khronos Troopers and Tucker got nicked and took cover. Skjor was dumbfounded of how did the Celestia Troops wields fierce weapons.

"Take cover!!" he yelled as he hid behind the sandbags, took aim and start firing at his enemies and land three bullets on one of them. "C'mon guys!! We must win this war for the glory of Khronos!!" he yelled.

"Oh geez, these soldiers can shoot!" groaned Tucker in pain.

"Over here, Khronos Trooper are in trench! Get the others!" ordered the Celestia Troop #2 as he pulled out a shotgun gauntlet and start shooting and 4 more troopers back up as they fire non-stop. 7 Khronos Troopers and Tucker start shooting back with their plasma battle saddle. Skjor then pulled out a plasma grenade.

"Grenade out! Take cover!" he threw it and land near to their enemies, which exploded and reduced them to ashes. "Clear!!" he announced. Suddenly three Deers charged in with the bayonet, banzai style, and stabbed two Khronos Troopers and a third deer stabbed one in the chest but Skjor shot him before he could remove the bayonet. The other Deers entered close combat with their bayonet rifle at Skjor, Skjor take his energy blade gauntlet, blocked the attack and cut the rifle then impale his chest the other got shot by Tucker, leaving a bloody mess. They've arrived at bunker doors and when they are about to storm in, a pegasus cutted through Tucker and 5 Khronos Troopers like they were nothing but paper.

"W-Wha--!!?" exclaimed Skjor then he gritted his teeth and take aim to shoot the pegasus. "Die, Mongrel Dog!!!!" yelled Skjor.

"You're the Mongrel Dog!!" yelled the Pegasus known as Golden Gleaming, dressed in a shining golden armor, as she dash toward him, cutted his rifle in half and stabbed him with her sharpen mane.

"AAARRGH!!" screamed Skjor in agony as he dropped on the ground, bleeding. "I c-can't fail m-my k-king!" he gasped. Golden Gleaming grabbed the Khronos Demo Explosive, flew up high as she activated it and threw it at the incoming reinforcement, creating a massive explosion.

"That'll slow them down!" she sneered.

"N-No..." grunted Skjor as he tried to activate the self-destruct system on his battle saddle but Golden warped in and stopped him from activating it as she raise her sword.

"It's over." she frowned as she struck him down.

[Golden Gleaming POV]

Amazing on how they keep on fighting. I don't know if we can hold the line forever but I gotta give thanks to Discord for giving me this golden armor. It's almost impenetrable. Celestia and Luna managed to get all the wounds in the Two Sister Castle while some of them decided to stay and fight. The Deers are only helping us in this battle because it's their forest and King Aspen is not interested to fight in this war. He send his right-hoff stallion to assist us in the battle, by the name Blackthorne.

"Golden Gleaming, come! You must see this!" Blackthrone called me and I head to his side.

"Blackthrone, what's wrong?" I asked as I grab the binocular and check the direction he hoof-pointed. Tanks..... "Oh great." I moaned.

"Golden! We've running low on ammo! Have any ideas left?" The Artillery Crew asked me and I thought for a second.
"Why don't you use your magic to energize the remaining shells for even greater effect? We need to destroy those tanks!" I explained.

"Are you insane!? We could end up blowing ourselves up in here if we tried to do that!!!" exclaimed the others and I frowned.


"Alright, it's risky, but we're going to die if I don't do something! Okay, you guys used magic to use energized the shell!!" he ordered the 4 Unicorns and they lined up to charge their magic and infused them into the artillery shell and it's now engulfed in blue aura.

"Okay, it's ready!!" one of them shouted as he used his levitation to lift the shell with the other two's help and they load the shell into the gun. "LOADED!!!" he shouted.

"Alright, what's their position!?" asked the crew as he prepared to steer the gun in position.

"20 miles West, two degrees North Beta 16! Fire for effect!!" shouted the scout.

"FIRE!!!" I shield my ears as the enchanted artillery gun fired the empowered shell with a small energy pulse, it soar across the sky and impacted the tanks. This is way beyond what I expected as the shell didn't just destroyed a tank, it created a 20 radius explosion that destroyed the other tanks and its remains reduced to glowing liquid puddle.

"DIRECT HIT!!!" I cheered.

"HURRA!!!" everyone else cheered then I turn to the crew.

"Ready another round!" I ordered.

"It needs time to cool since the enchanted shell overheated the gun!! Get some water to cool it down!!" ordered the crew.

"Yes sir!!" The Celestia Troops and the Deers ran off to get bucket of water.

"At least we still got 4 artillery operational." I said as I watched many of our forces holding the line, firing non-stop and sending mortar shot across the sky. Both Celestia and the remaining allied troops are once again together in this. I hope Zeus and the other are okay then I spotted more gunships coming in hot. Oh Celestia and Luna, CAN'T WE GET A BREAK?!?! "Aw, c'mon!!" I complained as I head outside but Blackthrone stopped me.

"No, we got this! Soldiers, follow me!" Blackthrone turned to his Deers then they charged outside, heading near the frontline. "Alright, let's show them not to mess with us!!" said Blackthrone. I witnessed the most amazing things that I ever saw: they pour some kind of water on the ground and a giant vine sprout out of the soils and ensnared the gunships and slammed it against the Khronos Army. I-I can't believe it! We are winning-- No! I mustn't get excited too early. We must make sure that there's none of them left.

"How's the artillery coming around?" I asked as I looked around and saw them pouring water on the certain section of the gun.

"It's almost cool down! But let's not do that again, another one like that, this gun is history!" he said.

"We are about to win this!! And we're gonna show Khronos Army that they can't beat us!! WE WILL WIN THIS WAR!!!" I motivated them.

"HURRA!!!!" they all cheered.

[Khronos POV]

I recently arrived at entrance Everfree forest near at the location of Two Sister Towers but not in the battlefield as I can still hear the battles from the distance but it's hard to tell that who is winning. But the reports indicated that we're losing this battle. It seems that our tactic is ineffective in this scenario. I cannot permit this to keep up. I need to send the Soul Breaker, for I cannot fight in this condition.... While my plans of eradicating the Crystal Empire proven itself fruitful, it was foolish of me for not taking this isolated tyrant seriously and the battle between us left me weaken. My healing capability is taking its toll so I need a victory to regain my strength. As for Princess Cadance.... She is not willing to tell me where is her daughter. I could've torture her but is not a wise choice.

I underestimated her strong will, even after her husband died and her kingdom glassed. No matter, I will find her eventually, including those wretched Mane Six.

"Lieutenant!!" I called and he approached me.

"Yessir!" he asked.

"Send in the Soul Breaker!" I order.

"Yessir!!" It's already passed 3 days in thsi campaign. We mustn't show any sign of weakness. Princess Cadance, again admired her strong will, seems pretty confident about her friends. Too confident and I can still see she suffers her loss.

"What makes you think that your friends will succeed in destroying my empire?" I asked. She was a bit choked up as she was mourning but she regain her strength and faced me.

"Is that a trick question? You already know the answer so why bother asking?" she answered boldly.

"I agreed on that comment. That's why I'm expecting that they do. It will be more easier that they come out to confront me, that way I can end this even faster." I said.

"What is your goal? Kill us all? Is that it!?!?" she snorted at me and I had that answer in my head already.

"No, only to destroy all possible threats and to expand my empire." I answered.

"So you're going to force everypony to worship only you and govern us through tyranny? Are you really that selfish?!??" she yelled as if she encountered that method many times.

"In your point of view, maybe I am. I sort of saved Equestria from my master." I said.

"What are you saying? Are you saying that you stole your master's powers?" she asked and I glanced at her before using my powers to remove my helmet and show her my deranged face.

"Not exactly." I said.

"Okay, I'll bite. Are you the first bio-alicorn? If not, how did you become like this?" she asked.

"You could say I survived a force transformation to Alicorn. You see, my master was Voskin Prince of Science and Power and he was planning to absorb my people's life force to gain enough power--"

"You killed him? Hmph, what to expect from the likes of you." she interrupted me boldly and I gave her a cold glare.

"What can you expect from an outcast like me?" I asked and she glanced at me.

"Outcast?!?! *it figures that I never heard of him. He must've be removed from historical record* From where? From the Realm of the 12 Divine?" she mocked and a silent grin crossed my deranged face as I wore my helmet on.

"Yes. And that's all you need to know." I said.

"What?! No, it can't be true!!" she gasped. I stood up and faced the battlefield then back to the Princess of Heart.

"And to answer your other question, the first bio-alicorn is Soul Breaker." I said.

#Meanwhile in the battlefield#

[Normal POV]

"C'mon!!!" shouted Golden Gleaming as she kept firing and headshoted 2 enemies. "We almost got them beat!" she said then a sonic boom was heard and a powerful blur land in the middle of the battlefield. It's a Bio-Alicorn whose armors are platinum-blue with grey lines and eerie orange visor. An energy sword exposed from his gauntlet. "W-What the---!??!?" gasped Golden Gleaming.

"Abandon all hope. For death have comes to those who oppose the Khronos Empire!" said Soul Breaker.

To be continue....