The Khronos empire

by Cyrusquest

Chapter 6 : Manehattan

[Apple Jack's POV]

We had been trotting all day and we managed to locate ma little sister, Apple Bloom, and Zecora. They even had a mare named Zanuck, which I reckon she's friend of Zecora, hence being a zebra. I'm so very glad and relieved to see my sister's okay. Big Mac, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie decide to rest so I guess we should rest as well. Once we rested, we resume our journey to Manehatten . Everytime we get closer to Manehatten, more destructions we encountered.

"Sweet Mother of Celestia!" gasped Big Mac in shock when he saw the horrible slaughter before them.

"Apple Jack? You think everypony are okay?" asked Apple Bloom as she glanced around the horrible scene. There are destroyed houses and dead ponies everywhere. Some dead bodies seems burnt and other looks like some grizzly bear had tear them apart. Few of them had laser and bullet wounds.

"I don't think so, Apple Bloom..." I sighed. I can see Big Mac staring at me with a shock reaction. I know he was shock of my answer but what could have I said to her? There's no way to cover this massacre. "There's no time for wondering about their deaths, we already know who killed them." I said.

"I'll make sure they pay for this!" Rainbow Dash growled.

"This is so depressing... How could they do such things like this?" Pinkie cried as she is feeling scared.

"Kronos shows no mercy to his enemies." frowned Zecora.

"..." Zanuck didn't say a word. Guess she prefer to keep some words to herself. At last, we finally arrived at Manehatten was in destruction! However, I saw a campsite right next to the right of Mane Theater. Apple Bloom quickly ran ahead of us by the smell of food. I don't blame her for that as we are all hungry. A group of Pegasus flew across the sky at great speed. They aren't Wonder Bolts but Rainbow Dash seems very excited.

"Whoa! Those are the Sky Slayer! They're. So. Awesome!" she squealed as she placed her hooves on her cheeks with a cheerful smile.

"Come on, Dashy! Let's get something to eat!" Pinkie Pie squealed as she hopped ahead. Glad to see her hyperactive again.

However, what caught ma attention was a buncha of wounded/dead ponies staring at the sky with their dead, burned eyes. It scares me of just looking at them, then ah was about to ask some of them of what happen here when ah heard a familiar voice. Ah took a peek inside the tent near the supply hut. There, ah found Octavia and Vinyl.

"Come on, Tavi! You got to eat something!" Vinyl stated as she used her magic to held up a bowl and used her hoof to hold up a spoonful of soup. Octavia just stares blankly at the sky with her blank eyes shedding tears.

"I don't want to live like this... Just let me die!" she cried and Vinyl placed the spoon down then grabbed her face and shook her as she gave a worried face.

"Hey! Don't you ever say that, okay!? You need to keep your strength up, so we can take you to Doctor Nikolai. He can heal your eyes! So...come on. Eat." said Vinyl as she levitated the spoonful of soup.

"O-Okay..." she whimpered.

"Vinyl? Octavia?" Ah asked as ah entered the tent and approached them. Vinyl noticed me but she kept feeding Octavia.

"Well, it's good to see a familar face." she smirked and Octavia held up one hoof as she ate her soup.

"Wait, who is it? Is that you, Apple Jack?" Octavia asked and I moved closer.

"Yes, it's me. What happen to you?" Ah asked as ah noticed her eyes so blank.

"You should sit down, this is going to be a long story." Vinyl said. I took a seat as another pony enters the tent. "Oh good, more visit! Hi, Techno." she greeted.

"Hey, I manage to bring more bandages." said Techno.

"Now, where I should start? Ah yes!" smiled Vinyl.


[Zanuck's POV]

I do not understand how can Kronos strike helpless ponies and yet innocent. Cowardly act, that's what it is! I had observed the security of this campsite, there's soldiers in what's left of the building, especially the roof. Good for sniping any incoming targets and on the hill stationed the artillery ponies, on the left center of the campsite. Celestia soldiers used the debris to build barriers around 2/4 of the campsite, I'm not sure if this will protect the ponies but they need to forti-
"Hey, are you okay?" I quickly turned to my left and saw that young filly. "You could use something to eat. Here." She held up a can of cooked beans to me. "Gotta keep ya' strength up." she smiled

"Uh, sure..." I said as I took the can and ate some beans. Of course, I snarfed them down since I hadn't ate for awhile.

"Hehehe. You're really hungry, ain't ya?" Apple Bloom giggled and I cease eating to hear her comment. Funny little mare, ain't she? I resume eating nonetheless as I must remain strong to protect everypony of our group. Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash... Finally, the 3 of Mane 6 that many ponies spoke of. A sudden silence was in the air...It makes me nervous.


[Apple Jack's POV]
"So that's what happened here in Manehatten ? Ah sorry for all that happen to you, Octavia and the rest of the ponies in this city. I reckon these Kronos won't be coming back for another round from these Sky Slayers, right?" Ah asked.

"I hope to Celestia, they don't come back." whimpered Octavia. Cannon fires broke the silence and startled everypony. Ah shot up from my chair.

"WHAT IN THE HAYES!?" Ah exclaimed.

"Kronos Troopers are here!" exclaimed one of the Celestia Scout.

"I'll warn the Sky Slayers and Artillery!" shouted the other.

"You do that! We'll hold them off!" he shouted as he start firing his magic at the incoming Kronos.


[Zanuck's POV]

The cannon blast alerted me and I turn to see the incoming wave of Kronos Empire. I frowned deeply for the sight of them.

"Finally, it's time to show these vile ponies how it's done." I removed my robe to reveal my armors. The armor are ebony-black with blood-red-with-dark-grey-lines patterns then she attached an armored gauntlet on her front leg. "I am going to make them pay for what they done!" I snorted.

"Wait!" Apple Bloom and Zecora called out to me and I turned to them.

"What now?!" I yelled.

"I will keep the ponies safe from Kronos troopers' sight, for this is our fight!" Zecora removed her robe and I can see she had suited up as well. Her armors are green-with-dark-grey-lines and she activated her gauntlet, extending a sword from the side. Zecora then look at the little filly. "Apple Bloom, go get the others." she ordered.

"Alright." she nodded as she galloped away. Khronos Elites blasted through the barrier and start killing off the Celestial Soldier who were defending the campsite. But they couldn't stand a chance to fight them so Zecora and I attack.

[Normal POV]

Zanuck galloped down at amazing speed then extended the sword from her gauntlet and swung it at the elite but he intercept it and engage the sword clashes. Zanuck quickly end the clash by leaping back then dash through him with her sword swung, decapitated him then she approached the second Khronos then slide-kicked him, tripping him over and Zecora leapt up, dropped down and impaled her sword through his stomach then she dragged it up, cutting him into two. The third Elite is a duel-wielder and he attacked Zecora non-stop but she hardly block it and didn't receive any harms then she parry him back, allowing a Sky Slayer to dash down and slashed him with a strong, swift attack, killing him. The other Sky Slayers join in and slain 8 of the troopers. Big Mac went to the machine gun nest where a MG 7.62 mm equipped on a tripod. Having no second thought, he got on the turret and load the ammunition then start firing at the Khronos, slaughtering the first group of infantry, 15 or more, give or take. Rainbow Dash grabbed the rifle gauntlet, flew up to the hill to get a good sniper position then start picking out the enemies' heads. Pinkie ran to help the wounded to a safe place away from the crossfire, near the barriers with Vinyl and others helping her but some got killed during the attempts then the Khronos Empire send out the pyro troops to kill off the wounds. A filly got nearly blasted by the pyro trooper's flamethrower, resulting having his right face burned off. He cried in agony as he clutched his right face with his hooves then start crying for his mother. Pinkie grabbed the filly and carry him on her back then took him to safety as the Celestia Soldiers returns fire.

Then a whole second battalions began to advance toward the camp and the artillary ponies are preparing to fire.

"Load up the ammo, double time!" yelled the Gunner.

"Yes sir!" they saluted as they load up the ammunition. "Lock and load, sir!" they stated. The Gunner pulled the trigger and fired the incoming Khronos Trooper, blowing them to pieces. Zecora and Zanuck quickly moved out of the crossfire then watch as the remaining troops got obliterated.

"That seems to be the last of them. *kof, kof* I'm impressed to see you can still fight like when you were in the Vanguard." said Zanuck.

"I am glad you're impressed but there is no time to rest." She said as she pointed at the destroyed barriers. Apple Jack, Apple Bloom and others regroup with Zecora and Zanuck for assist.

"They have send a message to Celestia for help." said Apple Jack.

"Yeah, they have a dragon who can send message like Spike." said Apple Bloom

"At least we're going to get reinforcement!" frowned Zanuck as she ready her sword because there was a rumbling sound, like a heavy footstep. Then, emerging from the rising smog, was a vicious dragon with umbrum armor. It is hard to describe as it looks like something had risen up from Hell...very terrifying, as if Sombra returns in form of a dragon.

"A-Ap-p-ple Jack?" whimpered Apple Bloom as she was trembling in fear.

"Don't worry! We can take this!" frowned Apple Jack.

"Yeah, we can handle this!" nodded Rainbow Dash as she loaded her rifle.

"We can win! FUS-DO-RAH!" squealed Pinkie Pie as she clapped her hooves happily.

"PINKIE! THIS ISN'T THE TIME FOR JOKES!" yelled Raindow Dash. However, Zanuck knew they will not win against a dragon equipped with the armor that houses the same Dark Power as Sombra.

*This is our doom.* thoughted Zanuck.

"GRRRRAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOWWWW!" roared the dragon as he stomped toward the ponies and zebras then multiple semi-transparent white circular symbols appears in the sky, lining up diagonally from the cloud.

"DIE YOU SERPENT!" a powerful voice was heard then a supersonic midnight-blue comet rocket down from the clouds, through the circular symbols and impacted the dragon, releasing a massive explosion of smokes.

"Whoa!" exclaimed the mares while Zecora and Zanuck remain gazing at the scene without dropping their serious expression. The smokes subsided and emerged Princess Luna, using her magic to pull her Nightmare Sword from the dragon's heart, with the umbrum armor penetrated.

"Princess Luna." Apple Jack bowed before the Princess of the Moon. Apple Bloom, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie bowed as well.

"At ease, my faithful friends. I must bring Apple Jack to Princess Celestia at once!" she said proudly.

"B-But ah can't leave mah sister and brother here!" protested Apple Jack.

"It's okay, I'll stay and help the others. Just take Apple Bloom with you." said Big Mac.

"We'll stay as well. We can handle the rest." said Zecora.

"Okay." nodded Apple Jack.

"Come NOW! We must GO!" shouted Luna as she used her magic to levitate the Apple Sisters then flew off at great speed.

"Look on the bright side. We have more weapons and armors to protect ourselves including the umbrum armor pieces." said Zanuck as she glanced at the dead dragon.

"Eeeyup! ...Uh, what's a ubrum metal?" asked Big Mac.

"It's a rare metal that can be only found in the Badlands and near Crystal Empire, the same metal King Sombra enslaved the said empire to find. It had a very powerful durability and Dark Power, of course Princess Luna is the only one so far that can damage it. I fear that Kronos is starting to upgrade his army with this type of metal." said Zecora.

"Indeed." said Zanuck. *We got to put an end to this war before it's too late.*


#A week later#

[Golden Gleaming's POV]

It is a good first day at the boot camp and I am already itching for a real battle! Can't wait to finally make Khronos pay for what he did to my family! I met different pony of different parts of Equestria including griffens. Today I must find a pony or griffen to be my partner for the teamwork training that also includes...the meaning of "friendship". Ugh, what does friendship got to do with battle strategy!? I don't know...maybe I'll find out. Hm? Somepony is coming. It's a black alicorn with his mane/tail colored with platinum and hint of black, and his Cutie Mark has three blue thunders.

"U-uh...Hi, I'm Zeus of Trottingham! I-I want to ask if you want to be partners in this assignment at hand?" he asked me.

"What make you think I'll pick you as my partner?" I asked as I cocked an eyebrow.

"Uuh...Well, we're the only ones who doesn't have a partner." he answered me with that nervous smile. I glanced around and noticed all the ponies/griffens already got their partners then I looked back at Zeus.

"Hmm, you have a good point. And why an alicorn is doing here?" I asked him. The only alicorns I had seen was Celestia and Luna.

The artificial alicorns are Twilight, Cadence and those cursed Kronos!

"I was Celestia's disciples and I'm a pure alicorn." he said. I smiled.

"Hm. Alright, I agree that we should be partners." I said as I held out my hoof up. "High hoof!"
"Heh heh!" he chuckled as he clapped my hoof with his own then a whistle was blown.

"MOVE THOSE HOOVES ASAP!" yelled the Drill Sargent. As soon as she gave out the order, all ponies and griffens quickly lines up with Zeus and I stands side by side. "In one week, I have been impressed by your skill and determination to overcome everything that is thrown at you! But you are not strong enough nor quick enough to be Sky Slayer because you are nothing! That's right, NOTHING! You are maggots! I don't care if I hurt your feelings! Ms. Knights told you that friendship is the key of success and it's up to you to prove her right or wrong! If you and your partner succeed at this test, then you are one step closer to become Sky Slayers! If you fail, then you are not allow to leave this test until you succeed! And you're thinking that you can quit like a crybaby you are, then you shall be treated as foal and never as a soldier! Now I'll leave Ms. Knights to brief you of the today's training!" said the Sergeant. Wow, she is such a motivator ! I like her already! I can see Ms. Knights. She's a grey-white pony with brown mane and her Cutie Mark are two swords crossed together with the shield in the center.

"Hello, recruits. Today's training is about the David Strikes technique and other team techniques. The David Strikes is a technique where one of you must fool your enemy by making him/her think you're going to attack him while your partner strikes him/her from above! Now who will volunteers to do this?" she asked. Zeus and I stepped forward and stood proudly.

"We volunteer, Ms. Knights!" we shouted.

"Then what are you waiting for?! Show me that you can do it!" Ms. Knights blew the whistle as the holographic crystal form of a Khronos Trooper appears before us. Zeus charged toward it as Ms. Knights instructed while I flew high above the cloud with my speed, circle around my target as I command my tail to change its density from smooth hair to sharp blade then I dove down as fast as diving hawk. But Zeus...Great Celestia, I don't know how but he tripped and fell on the hologram.

"OH NO!" I yelled as I was forced to break my dive, bank right and I crashed into the supply crates. I burst out of the debris and shook my body, removing the dust and debris off my coat and mane then I glared at that alicorn. "Are you stupid or what?!" I yelled.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I-"

"Ugh, Sweet Mother of Celestia! Come on, let's try this again. I promise I won't kill you...yet!" I hissed through my gritting teeth,
After a long section of trainings and multiple tries because of Zeus! Oh, dear Celestia...He is so slow to understand the strategy! Ugh, anyway we managed to finish it and I am glad to be out of it! Lunch didn't made my day better as the food taste like dirt. I decide to listen to the radio, tuning in the 99.5 WKAQ sport station. While everypony and griffins are playing pokers and joking around.

"Today's game of football, Crystal Knights broke the tie they had with Cervine-Uh... Ladies and gents, we have breaking news! The Khronos Empire had the city Griffinstan and Yakyakistan-"

"Hey, everypony, shut up! There's something in the radio about the war!" Zeus yelled and everypony ceased their activity and listen.

"-Are destroyed! I repeat, Griffinstan and Yakyakistan are destroyed by the Kronos Empire! Many who survived the attack are turned into slaves! Kanine and Feline Empire are under siege! And-I c-c-can't find the way to say this... The scounts had be seen gathering family and royal and *choking up* burn them alive! I'm sad to inform that chance of winning the war is very thin. *sigh* We'll have more information about the war after these messages." Everypony and griffens were shocked and frighten by the news and I turned it off.

"We have got to do something!" I yelled.

"We will, eventually." said Zeus. I lost it.


"I understand, Golden but-"

"What do you understand?! Did Khronos took away everything that you loved?! No!? Then shut up!" I yelled as I storm off in the instant.

"*sigh* I don't..." Zeus sighed.


#six weeks later#

Six weeks had passed. Zeus and I were doing 7 laps around the base then I suddenly heard Sergeant McKay, the pony who recruited me, is speaking with the Domino Squad. Something important so I snuck in closer and eavesdrop their briefing. Zeus joined me as well.

"I have been informed that we have liberated Canterlot, Ponyville and Filliedephia!" he said and everypony cheered applauded but McKay raised his hoof and silence them. "Also, we've been chosen to be part of Operation: Excilium! This is taking place at Appleacres of Ponyville, all the civilains who were enslaved in the occupation have been evacuated from the area so now we will have one less thing to worry about. Our Intel stated that Khronos himself will be leading the attack. Now let's start about our objective." As the sergeant is briefing the Domino Squad, I was thinking of how to get that piece of action. Finally! I have the chance to kill Khronos, that coward! I can see Zeus is worrying about getting caught but I know he is scare of my intense grudge and hatred toward that coward monster. Surely there will be a coming storm! After they finished briefing...

"All Sky Slayers, report at 0600 at Hanger 34! I am not planning to miss this fight!" said Mckay.

"I am not going to miss this fight!" I whispered to myself.

"What did you say?" Zeus quietly ask me.

"Oh nothing." I said with a silent grin. All right, I must get to the hanger before they leave. This is the end for him!