The Khronos empire

by Cyrusquest

Chapter 4 : Speech of Hope

Around the same time as the previous chapters, the scene shows the once-lost-now-restored Crystal Empire. At the large room, Celestia and Luna were in the middle of meeting with all the leaders of different section of Equestria: The King of Mombasa, which it was obviously a zebra, name Zulu. Princess of Feline Empire , name Cleo (a black Egyptian cat dressed in the royal garb of Egyptian Queen), Princess of Canine Empire (she is the popular Asian dog that resembled the Ancient Lion), King of Stalliongard (a Russian horse. Don't dissed them), and many more.

"Okay. Luna and I believed that we should expands the Knowledge of Advance Magic, for the sake to all wants to learn and those who couldn't travel far to Canterlot." suggested Princess Celestia.

"We could send teachers and volunteers to start the schools. And yes, we'll send supplies for their needs." said Princess Luna.
"I see this is for the good cause for our fellow ponies and the next generations." nodded Prince of Mombasa in African accent.
"But to carry out this kind of campaign is too risky." said the Princess Cleo in Egyptian accent as she shook her head. "For example, my people are not so fond with the idea of magics. They fear it as it might destroy us all." she explained.

"Well, obviously you cats are so superstitious!" scoffed the Princess Kanine in Chinese accent as she cheerfully ate a sweet roll.

"Says the one who was afraid of their own shadow!" hissed the Princess Cleo .

"OH! Why you-!" growled Princess Kanine as she and the Princess Kanine start headbutting each other but Princess Celestia used her powers to separate them.

"Please! Let's not fight for meaningless things." she pleaded.

"...You spoke the truth. I am sorry." the Princess Cleo apologized.

"I am sorry." sighed Princess Kanine in an annoyed manner.

"Da! I agreed with this campaign!" nodded King Stalliongrad.

"All who agree, say 'Aye'." said Princess Celestia.

"AYE!" said everyone. That made Celestia and Luna smiled with joy and realized they are making a brighter future for Equestria.

"Now that is settle, I hope we see the result of-"
"PRINCESS CELESTIA!" a male voice rang out and every leaders looked at the direction of the voice. It was Celestia's royal scout pegasus but he has blood covering his face, his right wing was broken with loss of few feathers, fear written over his face and his armors seem to receive bullet damages but at the same time was scorch marks from magic attacks.

"W-What happen to you?" asked Luna, shocked of seeing what happen to him.

Y...Y...Y-Your Highness... *took a deep breath* Canterlot had been invaded!" he screamed.

"WHAT!? How?!" baffled Celestia.

"T-They attacked...attacked without warning... N-None of us could stop them...not even Cadence and Twilight!" he gasped in pain. "T-They...they have weapons...unlike I ever seen...They killed Shining Armor...!" exclaimed the scout.

"What?! But how?!" gasped Princess Luna.

"Ugh...A-Almost all of them...were alicorn.." he grunted, struggling to fight the pain.

"Oh dear..." muttered Celestia as she unable to believe what she heard. "And what of Twilight and Cadence?" she asked, worried for the students.

"The one they didn't kill...they enslaved!" He finally finished his report and now gave in the pain, making it unbearable that he collapsed on the floor.

"Get him to the doctor, now!" ordered Celestial as she she tried to help him up.

"Arrgh!" he exclaimed in pain.

(Luna's POV)

Such horror. After the scout explained every single detail about the invasion, my dear sister was very upset and I know pain and doubts ran across her minds. I thought Canterlot was the only one but more scouts of different kingdoms arrived and reported the same reports to all leaders: All Kingdoms were attacked and fallen by this unknown army that was identified as Khronos. Many travelers and civilains of Crystal Empire had heard the news and fear that Khronos might target Crystal Empire next. Mothers were calming their fillies, wives and husbands mourns for their loved ones' death/captures and even the King of Stalliongrad is in pain by the news of his kingdom. Then...I thought to myself, we should bring our anger and pain upon them. These Khronos will pay for provoking a war and the cruel act of enslaving other ponies, felines, kanines and others. My sister, Celestia, went to the Crystal Plaza to arrange a speech. I decided to stand beside her, letting her know that she have my supports.

"My fellow ponies, I know you heard the terrible news of the invasion around Equestria, and lost friends and family in Canterlot and other Kingdoms. I am in pain as most of you are, and yet anger as the rest. This Khronos Empire wants us to fear them, know that they will be our master, no one should dare to rise against them. For we are nothing! Lower then dirt! But know this...For I say NAY! We will not bow down to this new tyrant, for we never have and never will! I call to you, my fellow ponies, for together we are stronger then any kings or tyrant! We will bring down anypony who dares to take away our home, our freedom, our family! I am not ordering you...I'm asking you... WHO WILL FIGHT WITH ME AGAINST KRONOS EMPIRE!?" yelled Celestia. Everypony starts cheering to Celestia and many shouts 'We will fight alongside you, Princess' and 'We are willing to die for you!'. But they aren't the only one who are motivated by my sister's speech.

"My people and I will join, Celestia!" said the King of Mombasa, displaying bravery. I can see many of the zebra soldiers suited up in the battlesuit and equipped with battlesaddle as they stands by Celestia's right side. ( battle saddle are equipped with 30cal. machine gun)
"The Kanine Empire shall be at your side, Celestia!" bowed the Princess Kanine then the kanines suited with golden-light armors entered and stands by my sister's left side.

Princess Luna will aid you in this war, my sister!" I stands beside her and gave my smile.

"I assist you, Celestia, in this war!" nodded Princess Feline.

"They will pay for attacking Stalliongrad! I'll join with you, Celestia!" grunted King Stalliongrad. Everyone had joined our side in this war. I will make sure they see justices...and have them suffers endless nightmares!


#Meanwhile in Manehattan#

(Octavia's POV)

*sigh* Oh, I am so excited and nervous at the same time. I was rehearsing for my next concert in the Mane theater and the other reason I was excited and nervous was that the famous musician Heart String, the alicorn who was present to find good talent to take on a performance in Crystal Empire. My best friend, Vinyl Scratch alias DJPony3, and her boyfriend, Techno Beat, came to support me in my performance, but couldn't pass to see me in the backstage, making me wish I can let them pass but there was no time as my turn is up. So they went to their seat in the 4th row.

"Oh...This is exciting! Heart String is here! OK...I must concentrate." I cleared my throat.

"Octavia, you're up!" called out the stage manager.

"All right... Ooooo...ahhhhh... Let's do this." I said as I picked up my cello.

(Vinyl's POV)

"This time I didn't screw up like I always did!" I smiled as I made myself comfortable and took my awesome shade off. The light is going to dim so how can I see Tavi with my shade on?

"I'm worry about this war uprising." my boyfriend comment. "I also heard from the radio that Celestia has declared war with this Khronos Empire or something like that." He looked at me, wanting to hear my thoughts so I flash him with my awesome, carefree smile.

"Nah, don't worry! These Khronos jerks won't dare to confront Celestia! They may have destroyed some towns but they are no match for Celestia!" I said.

"Yeah, you're right!" he chuckled a bit and I'm glad he's not worry too much.

"Ladies and gents, I present you...Octavia!" the hostess announced my best friend's name then the curtains pulled aside to reveal Tavi in the center of the stage and she began to play her cello and sang Amazing Grace. That song was as amazing as my epic DJ skills. Awe and admiration covered the audience and I can see Hearts String was surprised of her skills. I was at the urge to give my best cheer ever but I hold it back for the finale. Then a flash of light caught in the corner of my eyes. Tavi noticed it as well since she suddenly stopped singing then an explosion demolished half of the Mane Theater, many ponies are screaming and dying. Techno and I quickly used our magic to create a shield but that bomb was made of raw-solar light that it buried us in the rubble.

"Uhh... W-What happen?" I asked as I recovered. My epic shade was broken but that's not important. I found Techno and he was hurt very badly, blood covered his coat. I gasped: "No no no no! Please Techno, talk to me! T-This isn't happening... We're being attacked?!" I just can't believe we're attacked... I searched my surrounding and I noticed Heart String was not hurt by the explosion.

That's the good thing of being an alicorn. Just as I thought, these Khrono jerks had invaded Manehattan, without bother of taking care of the guards- well, obviously they are no match for them but I find it so crazy! They actually believe they can conquer the entire Equestria! Super-powered baddies like King Sombra, Discord, the Changlings and not even Tirek couldn't last for like, what? A day!? Ugh... The reinforcement couldn't make it so we're on our own. I can see Hearts String is fighting back, succeeding of defeating two-no, three Kronos Commanders! They aren't invincible... We have the chance to fight back! I charged up my magic and blasted the Khrono Trooper aside.

"Take that! Feel the bass!" I gave my epic battle cry.

"AAARRGH!" screamed the Khronos Trooper as half of his right waist is burn off by Vinyl's magic.

"Come on, you cowards!" yelled Hearts String as she used her magic to create 6 spears and stabbed a squad of Khronos Troopers.

Then a Khronos Lieutenant with black combat armor, stealth maybe, came in and yelled a command.

"Throw the Inhibitor! Now!" he yelled. I was fending off the troops then I saw they threw a disk-like thing around Hearts String then did a shockwave-like wave when they activated it. It was very strange, OK!? Hearts String got suddenly weak and can't fight back then the leader, a mare, stepped in and used her magic to levitated the revolver and pointed it at her forefhead...and she pulled the trigger.

"COWARDS! King Sombra, Tirek or Discord never use techniques to make their opponents weak! You ponies are nothing but cowards!" I yelled at them with this immeasurable anger in my heart.

"Oh, I am not being a coward. I am being smart." she smirked at me as she reloaded her revolver. I frowned deeply and used my Armor Magic to fortified my coat and dropped in battle stance. I must protect Techno.

"Celestia, give me strength!" I said as I prepared myself to receive the first blow. I was waiting for pain then I heard something soaring through the sky so I looked up. The Sky Slayer are here! Oh, who are the Sky Slayer are the elite Pegasi that are formed and send to uber dangerous mission. They are equipped with sky-blue armors with platinum lines and it's medium armor. They entered the clash with the Khronos Troopers and their swordsmen skills are beyond the average guards. The battle was turning into a victory as the Sky Slayer slashed through the Khronos Troopers limp to limp!

"For Celestia!" they yelled.

"Finish them before they execute kamikaze attack!" ordered the other. When we have a victory and Techno regain conscious, I went to find Octavia. I found her buried under the rubble and near a broken cello. I tried to wake her up by calling her name.

"Octavia? Octavia!" I called as I removed the debris with my magic then I grabbed her shoulders and shook her. "Wake up, Tavi!" I cried.

"W-Wha... Vinyl? Where are you?" she asked as she woke up and start looking around aimlessly. I cock an eyebrow.

"I'm right here, Tavi! Are you okay?" I asked.

"I-I-I can't see! My eyes...It hurts!" I was shocked as Tavi start patting her eyes with her hoof. I check her eyes and saw...they were paled brown. That explosion... Its light blinded her! Tears rolled down on my cheeks as I helped her up.
"don't worry! *Sniff* I'll get help!" I said.


Back at the ruined Canterlot Castle, in the secret chamber only princesses can enter. Yet, nothing to see here but there ARE something to see here. Within the debris was the powerful Crystal Mirror. Despite the destruction and its near state of being shattered, it activated and created a portal within. A yellow-orange unicorn mare with curled manes that have two streaks: red and orange with a lock near her horn and her Cutie Marks is a sun divided in two said colors and the center swirled like a Yin and Yang.

"Dear Celestia! What happened!? I only left a day!" she panicked as she check her surrounding then noticed the Khronos Troops assembling on the south. She frowned deeply with flames sparks in her eyes as she snorted and kicked the dirt with her hoof. "You'll pay for this!" she snorted.