
by rsomebronyudontknow

eclipse, chapter 3

(Later in front of Fluttershy's house)

"Oh dear that's disappointing he was just starting to talk to me"

Suddenly a loud "phssssssst! Fluttershy!" interrupted her thoughts

"Huh!? What!?"

"Over here in the bush!"

"Eclipse? What are you doing in there?"

"Are those other mean pony’s gone?”

“Oh them they went home"

A black cloaked figure rose out of the bush a suddenly eclipse was standing in front of her

"You must like bushes a lot you seem to be spending a lot of time in them" Fluttershy chuckled and eclipse blushed under his hood and nervously asked if he could stay with Fluttershy for a while

"Yes of course, you can sleep in the guest bedroom, anything for a friend, it gets awful lonely sometimes" Angel made an irritated face and stamped his foot on the ground

"Oh but I all ways have angel and my other animal friends to keep me company"
Fluttershy smiled and chuckled then lead Eclipse into the house, after she shut the door Fluttershy turned to eclipse

"Oh sorry about your cloak, Rainbow Dash sometimes gets carried away"

Eclipse realizing that his cloak was torn started looking nervously around the room trying to hide his exposed flank so that Fluttershy wouldn't see

"Oh... yea... that can be easily fixed, well...ah...good night"

"Oh you’re sure you don't want some more to eat? Maybe a glass of water?" asked Fluttershy

"Oh a glass of water would be nice" As Eclipse edged his way into the room so that only this cloaked head was sticking out, he smiled nervously

"Ok I'll bring you some water"

When Fluttershy returned carrying a tall glass of water with a straw, she found that eclipse was all ready asleep, Fluttershy walked up to the edge of the bed studying eclipse sleek body when she realized that something was wrong, at first she couldn't quit place it then she slightly lifted eclipse exposed wing then gasped and backed up in mild shock
"He has no cutie mark!" she exclaimed softly, then hung her head in embarrassment as she realized that, that is why he was trying to hide himself

"Well cutie mark or not he's still a pony that deserves our kindness, I should probably get his cloak repaired by Rarity" Fluttershy thought But when she removed his hood she tripped and fell on her back as she backed up again in shock
"He has wings and a horn! And no cutie mark!"

The crash of the nightstand suddenly awoke clips, realizing that his hood was off and cutie mark less flank was exposed he quickly pulled his hood and the bed quilt over his entire body as Fluttershy tried to explain "I was bringing you the water but you were all ready asleep so I was going to get you cloak repaired..."

A small whimper came from under the quilt and eclipses soft voice uttered

" saw"

"I was just trying..."

A small sob came from under the quilt

"I'm... I'm a freak, a weirdo, a no pony"

"Now don't say that, you're just like every pony elts" Fluttershy said comforting as she gently pated the quilt where eclipse head was, she a felt flinch as her hoof touched the quilt

"I'm a freak and you know it, stop lying"

"You're not a freak your special you have things no pony elts has, your unique, one of a kind, an individual" said Fluttershy firmly

Eclipsed pushed the quilt down just enough so that Fluttershy could see one teary eye, she smiled a pitying smile

" you really mean it?" said eclipse meekly between sniffs from crying

"Of course I mean it I would never lie to you, now climb out of there so I can repair your cloak"

Slowly and cautiously the very blushing eclipse climbed out of the bed nervously, looking shifty as Fluttershy helped him take off the rest of his cloak when she got his cloak off She noticed lots of grey wedges down his body and legs and under his eyes and forehead contrasting his dark brown all most black body

"Oh I didn't see those before, you have stripes"

"Oh...yea" said eclipse a little more embarrassed

"You won't tell anyone right?"

"No I won't tell but they will find out eventually"

"Oh, ok... Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy turned to look at eclipse, eclipse looked down embarrassed


"Um... is it ok if I were to um... maybe stay a few days longer?"

Eclipse looked up at Fluttershy expectantly, Fluttershy answered emiditly

“Why yes of course you can stay as long as you like"

"Oh thank you very much for you kindness Fluttershy"

"You're welcome; can I ask you a question?"

"Yes of course"

"Um why are you so scared of other ponies finding out?" Eclipse put his ears and his head down and replied quietly

"Oh... well um...I'm afraid that they will... call me a freak and banish me from their town" and in an even quieter voice “Like the others."

"What others?" Fluttershy asked questioningly

"I'd rather not talk about it"

"Oh ok... I understand, well I'm finished fixing up your cloak it's not great but it'll have to do for now I'll have Rarity make you up a new one in the morning, tomorrow is the first day of training for tornado duty"

"What's tornado duty?"

“it's when all the Pegasus's in Ponyville have to make a tornado that sucks the water up to cloudsdale so that cloudsdale can manufacture new rain clouds for all of equestria, personally I find the very idea very frightening"

Eclipse shivered at the thought of having to make a tornado that powerful

"All right Fluttershy, good night, and thank you again for you kindness, no pony has ever done this before for me"
Fluttershy got a shocked look on her face as she said

"Oh that's surprising...well good night solar eclipse"

"Good night Fluttershy" said eclipse as the two ponies went to each of their bedrooms

authors note:
sorry if I haven't published any chapters recently I've been really busy lately, oh and if you find any typos or grammatical errors you must know that I'm not very good at writing and this is my first story and I'm terrible at spelling and grammar if it weren't for spell check you probably wouldn't be able to read this story.