The Dragon and The Farmer

by Mister Phoenix

Blonde, Freckled, and Green-eyed.

Spike is a proud baby dragon, he might be a little young, but he was still a great friend to well Twilight. He really only got to see Moondancer when he wasn't working with Twilight on the homework that is due two months later.

He wasn't one to fall so easily in love. He knew what he wanted for a Special Somepony and the mares in Canterlot are just so up tight. It was really no luck in the love game for the drake.

Until Twilight's teacher, Princess Celestia send Twilight to a small town a good half hour train ride from Canterlot. Taking a chariot was a little too much, but trains times are annoying.

Spike sigh at how Twilight's first meeting with a pink Earth pony went. He somehow knew his time here was going not be well spent.

Sitting on Twilight's back the two journey to almost the end of the small country town called Ponyville. To a farm, apple trees as far as a eye could see, named Sweet Apple Acres.

Gem stone are always Spike's favorite type of food, but these apples look so delicious. To Twilight she just didn't care, all what is on her mind is Princess Celestia task and not making friends.

Spike rolled his eyes, before he saw a mare kicking an apple tree with her two strong back legs. She looked beautiful in a simple way, her orange coat shined in the light of Celestia sun. Her cutie mark being three red apples, matching the apples in her trees, with a blonde mane tied up looked gorgeous, covered by her stetson hat.

The mare rubbed the sweat off her forehead, taking a bit out of the apple in her hoof. She breathtaking green eyes locked onto Spike, causing the young drake tongue tied knots he didn't know that it could tie.

His heartbeat grew faster and faster the closer this angel like mare grew closer to him and Twilight. It was hard to put a thought on, everything was racing, his mind, heart it just didn't want to slow down.

"Spike, are you okay?" Twilight question, looking at the young drake.

"Yes" He replied, lost in thought about the mare.

She walked up to the pair with a beautiful smile only she could make.

"Howdy strangers, what can ah do for ya both. The name's Applejack" she said, smiling.

Spike sigh dreamily. Applejack, the name sound like music to his ears. It fit her so perfectly just like everything else about this country mare standing before him and Twilight.

"Oh we just need to check up on the food and I can see that you got that all under control, so I'll get going" Twilight said before Applejack pulled into a white chair.

"Nonsense. What ya name strangers?" Applejack asked, Spike having a dumb love-struck smile on his face.

"I'm Twilight and this is Spike. We really need to get going so..." Twilight said, about to stand up before Applejack push her back.

"Ah haven' even show ya two ma family yet" Applejack said, causing Twilight to moan.

After meeting all the cousins, aunts, uncles and brother and younger sister with a huge apple base lunch. After lunch, Twilight dragged Spike with her magic off the Apple's Farm.

"Now don' be strangers, ya two can visit anytime!" Applejack cried out, in a lovely angelic voice.

Spike sigh lovely with Twilight giving him a glare causing the drake to return back to Equestria.

"Okay, what was that about!?" Twilight asked in a yell looking at him.

"I'm sorry Twilight. I don't know what came over me, she was just so beautiful and everything about her is just radiated" Spike said, his mind returning back to Applejack.

"Oh, so my number one assistant has gotten a crush on that farmer, Applejack" Twilight said, with a smile causing Spike to blush.

"What? No! Don't be ridiculous Twi' it not like I stay awake thinking about her. Or even dream about her." Spike said with a smile.

When Twilight left to go stop Nightmare Moon with the help of Pinkie, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Rarity, and his crush Applejack. Spike laid in his basket he lay awake looking at the roof of The Golden Oak Library with only one thing on his mind. Applejack.

"Oh no" Spike said, learning his new found crush on the farmer to be real.

Spike let out a tired yawn, his dreams haunted by the farmer he met earlier in that same day. It felt so real for just a dream, she sat in the sun rays her green eyes looked at Spike with a smile.

Spike looked at her with a smile, the land around them completely made out of Ice-Cream that somehow didn't melt in the bright sunlight.

"Applejack, you're such a beautiful mare enough to be a princess." Spike said, causing Applejack to blush.

"Why thank ya Spike. I always thought that ya the most handsome dragon ah have met" Applejack said, causing Spike to move with thumps nervously.

"How about a such pretty mare like yourself should join me. A mare that is as beautiful like a princess should be my special somepony. Be my princess while I be your prince, living in my Ice-Cream castle" Spike said, making Applejack giggle.

"Ah always will love ya" Applejack said, Spike lean in for a kiss.

Just to wake up because of the bright sun returning in the blue sky. Spike let out an annoyed moan, stupid sun returning back getting rid of the forever night.

Wait sun? Spike quickly got out of his basket to run down the stairs and out of the door of the library. He saw Twilight with the five other ponies with her, Twilight wearing a tiara, while the others wore necklaces. Somehow Applejack look more beautiful.

Spike ran up to hug Twilight's leg just with Princess Celestia and now return back to good, Princess Luna. Spike swallowed his tongue when Princess Celestia asked Twilight if she was ready to return back to Canterlot.

Spike just found out about a crush, there is none who holds a candle close to Applejack's beauty. So when he heard that he and Twilight will stay with her new found friends in Ponyville to learn about friendship.

Applejack looked at Spike with her kind, industrious smile. Spike felt his cheeks heat up with a red blush.

"It looks like we’re goin' to spend more time together." Applejack said, making Spike nod.

"Yes, I hope that we become fast friends" Spike said, causing Applejack to nod in agreement.

"Ahem sure we will. Don' be a stranger" Applejack said, with a smile.

"Why would I?" Spike asked, making Applejack let out a laugh.

A wonderful, breath taking laughter letting her face gain that radiated smile that she should share with the world.

"Now, that what ah like to hear, come by anytime Spike" Applejack said, leaving the drake alone.

Smiling like a love struck dork, watching where Applejack walk off to. Spike turn to see a smiling Twilight looking down at the young dragon.

"So you don't have a crush?" Twilight asked, with that sly smile.

"Shut up, Twi'" Spike said, causing Twilight to laugh.

During through the last few weeks, Spike keep his crush on Applejack a secret. With Spike wasn't really hiding the crush that well, the first sign being when Applejack asked Twilight to help her with farming apples.

When Spike heard this he ran to the door with a smile, standing how tall his little dragon body could.

"I'll help you too Applejack" Spike said, with a smile.

"Thanks there partner," Applejack said making Spike sigh dreamily and Twilight to roll her eyes.

On the way to Sweet Apple Acres, Spike rolled his eyes at the thought of farming apples.

Please, how hard could apple bucking be? At less I'll be next to Applejack's side Spike thought to himself.

The fifteen minutes ago he thought that apple bucking would be the easiest thing in the world. He wish that he didn't count his chickens before they hatched.

Spike looked seeing Twilight using her magic and Applejack using her strong legs to shake the apples out of the trees. Spike should have thought his plan out more, it seem like a better plan in his head. Show Applejack, his awesome and strong dragon might is, win Applejack heart and go live in his Ice-Cream castle and live happily ever after with Applejack as his Special Somepony.

Now that he thought more about it, his foolproof plan, doesn't seem that fool proof. The country mare doesn't seem to care about diamonds or flowers. She cares about the simple life caring about her family and her farm.

She is honest, kind, and loyal. Even when he finally climb the tree to pick the apples out. Applejack looked over to the young drake picking the apples out of the high tree.

Applejack saw that the young dragon was about to slip off the tree. The earth pony rush over to catch him when Spike lost his footing.

"What?" Spike question, at his sudden stop, seeing that Applejack caught him.

"Oh thanks Applejack"

"No problem, just pick the apples on the ground an' put them in the basket" Applejack said, with a smile.

"Will do!" Spike said, following the mare's orders.

For the last past week, Twilight made sure that Spike wouldn't go wasting his days following Applejack around like a love sick puppy. That's why he was standing up holding still while Rarity work to make him a suit for the upcoming Gala.

"So our dear friend Twilight told me you got quite the crush on Applejack" Rarity said, writing down some notes.

"Yeah, it was so weird when I first saw her. It was like love strike me right then and there" Spike explain causing Rarity to sigh.

"Ah. Love at first site, I can't wait until the Gala when I fall in love with my prince doing the same. Enough about me, have you told Applejack yet?" Rarity asked him.

"Umm.... No not yet. It just I might be a little too young for her" Spike stated.

"Please darling it bad for you to keep your feeling bottle up like this. I wouldn't mind you having a crush on me, seeing just how cute you are." Rarity said, causing Spike to stomp in foot.

"I am not cute! I'm a powerful and fearsome dragon!" Spike cried out, in a way that just made him look cuter. Before he let out a soft sneeze.

"Oh you sneeze like kitten, you're just adorable. How about you give Applejack a gift or something special" Rarity said, with a smile.

"Great idea. Umm... What should I give her?" Spike question

"Something special, she enjoys the lesser things in life. I'm sure Applejack would just love anything you give her. Because you're one of her closest friends, and who knows you may get to dance with her at the Gala" Rarity said, looking over his body.

"Good idea!" Spike cried out, "Thanks Rarity, I know what to do" he said rushing out the door.

"I guess I have to wait to finish his suit" Rarity said to herself.

Spike ran through Ponyville to quickly return back to The Golden Oak Library. His plan fresh in his mind, a four step plan; get Gala tickets, which he already had. Step two; Get Applejack to dance with him. Step three; him and Applejack share a kiss under the moonlight. Step four; Him and Applejack became special some ponies. Then the young drake has to be careful, the dance with his crush wouldn't be easy with the farmer wanting to do nothing, but sell her apples.

It couldn't be that hard, right? Spike just have to work on his dancing for the rest for the month before The Gala comes. Slow dancing, he may need help with that one, seeing his already awesome dance moves may not be enough. Who cares that Twilight says he a little bad at dancing.

Through the rest of the month, Spike asked Rarity if she could teach him slow dancing in return he would help her with her dress making. Thank Celestia he had hard scales, living pin cushion. It was all for Applejack, once the two dance together under moonlight Spike knew that the farmer would fall head over hooves in love with him.

Until then, but while the drake spend more time with Rarity their friendship grew greater by the day. Until he and Rarity didn't even need to ask, Spike just help her out of the kindness of his heart. When he wasn't on Sweet Apple Acres, picking up the fallen apples and placing them in the brown basket.

Spike was a tired young dragon with sometimes on one day working at The Golden Oak Library, Sweet Apple Acres and The Carousel Boutique. But each time he saw Applejack beauty everyday made it all the long dancing, digging, picking books up seem like it was worth something, all just for her.

Even telling Pinkie and Twilight about his crush on the farmer, even though Twilight already known and just roll her eyes at the knowledge Spike gave to the purple unicorn. There was the time he was helping Rarity out finding gems, three reason for this, one; because Rarity is his one of his best friends and he just likes helping her. Two; the young drake thought that maybe he could find a beautiful gem to give to Applejack to show her how much he loved the farmer. Three; he was hungry and tired of not eating any gems since he and Twilight moved to Ponyville!

That all change when a group known as The Diamond Dogs, came out of nowhere and then kidnapped Rarity and pulled in the ground. Twilight always told him to find a silver lining in anything that is bad.

He did but it didn't really work, once he got the others to help find Rarity and Spike using a gem he kept on to find where these Diamond Dogs went off too.
The girls was lost in thought and well, Spike thought that maybe he could try and kiss Applejack right here and now. The young drake closed his eyes and tried to kiss the angel standing next to him and then well everything would have work out.

But no, Applejack just have to stop him with a "Easy there lover boy" well there goes Spike's silver lining in all of this mess.

The Gala, his last chance to prove to Applejack that Spike loves her. To sum up the Gala in a whole; it was TERRIBLE! He couldn't even get Applejack away from her stand, and then the young drake may have started to get a little annoying and then maybe Applejack yelled at him. Causing him to run away with tears in his eyes to Joe's Donuts shop.

Crying through the night, the best night ever to turn out to be the worst night ever. Not just for him ether, to the rest of his friends as well, the girls chat through the rest of the night in the donuts shop with Applejack pulling Spike outside so the two would be alone.

"Look Spike, ahem sorry ah yelled at ya. Ah wasn' thinkin' an' well it was just this dumb farmer who can' think straight" Applejack said, sitting on the ground, hiding her lovely face with her stetson hat.

"You're not dumb AJ. You are the most smartness, level headed, beautiful mare in Ponyville" Spike said not thinking through his words causing Applejack to look at him.

"And well your honest, loyal, kind, loving and all around the best pony. I was wanting to dance with you at The Gala because I been taking lesson. I didn't respect what you wanted." Spike finished with the orange Earth pony smiling.

"Ah guess we both a couple of idiots? Did ya mean that, when ya call me beautiful?" Applejack question, causing Spike to blush.

"Well yeah, you're just all around gorgeous, pragmatic, industrious and kind. Down-right radiates agrarian allure if there was a contest for winsome country class. There'd be a bright blue ribbon headed straight to you" Spike said in turn causing Applejack to blush.

"Thanks Spike no pony ever told me that before" Applejack said, causing Spike mind to race.

Now dude, tell her about how you think she hides a halo 'neath that stetson hat! Spike thoughts yelled, his heart beating faster by the minute more when Applejack rest her head on him.

"Don' ya just love to sit outside an' watch the stars. It helps ya an' anypony to get anthin' of their chest" Applejack explain.

"Umm... AJ there's something I need to tell you" Spike said, getting more nervous by the second.

"Ah know Sugarcube" Applejack said which made Spike freeze in shock.

"What? You... You do?" Spike question, with his mind thinking at maybe Applejack felt the same way.

"Yeah it been lots of clues. Ah know ya like Rarity" Applejack said, making Spike to look at her in surprise.

The young drake started laughing at what Applejack had said to him. Which made the farmer glare at him.

"What's so funny?" Applejack asked

"It just I don't have a crush on Rarity or I'll have a crush on the whole of Canterlot mares. I have a crush on you" Spike explain, with made Applejack blush.

"Me, why would ya have a crush on me besides Rarity?" She question

"I already said it, I like everything about you. The reason I was hanging out with Rarity so much is she was teaching me how to dance so I could win your heart. There so much reason why I like you and it will take forever to tell them all to you" Spike said, with the apple farmer looking away.

"Ya such a kind and loyal friend. Ah more ah could say but it goes the same that it would take forever. Ah like ya too Spike, ah don' think it a crush or just for friends. But ah'll be willin' to give ya a shot" Applejack said, smiling at him.

"If ya want to?" She added

"I'll love too" Spike said with a smile.

Even with Spike's master plan on having to dance with with his crush so she would fall for him too ended in flames. The most simple moment can always end in happiness, and for Applejack and Spike it did. With Applejack finally returning his feeling a few months later the now pair of love bird couldn't be happier.