Xiaomane Showdown

by DreamWings

The Return of Nightmare moon

The Return of Nightmare Moon

"Where are we going?" asked Twilight as her new team-mates began to climb a horrendously tall mountain in the Phillipines. Dojo had brought them all to this place because of a violent attack of the shivers that had happened previously back at the temple; it had reminded Twilight very much of 'Pinkie sense' in a way and she was in fear that her friends ailment had actually managed to spread to other lands. She didn't want to catch it herself.

"We need to climb to the top of the mountain to find the...eh... what was it called again Dojo?" Raimundo asked the pale, shuddering dragon who had tightly wrapped himself around his waist.

"It's...call...ed...the...Dash..oo...puzzle box...It's...like the..box...wu-ya was....trapp..ed..in".

"And it'd be a mighty fine guess that another varmint's trapped inside this one to" put in Clay in his always so honest way, as he climbed higher up the mountain side.

In fact all of the dragons were climbing... except Twilight. She had stayed on the ground when the other warriors had begun to climb, looking up at the steep cliff and trying to think about how they could possibly manage to do this mission without the need to actually climb up the never-ending peek. Raimundo looked down at the dragon-in-training and began to grow frustrated at her lack of trying; she had been like this in training as well.

"You know Twilight, we'd get there a lot faster if you actually tried to climb?"

"I can't" she shouted trying to get her voice through the thin air and up to where the monks where. All of the others had stopped climbing by this point to listen to the impending conversation that was starting between their leader and the little pony. Omi was actually only holding on with one hand because he was trying to see far enough down to watch the action below him.

"What do you mean you can't? Of course you can" Raimundo answered back, hoping that Twilight would get the message and start trying to do something for a change.

"I can't Raimundo. How can I climb when I don't have anything to grip on with? You have claws; I only have hooves". Twilight lifted up one hoof as if to prove to Raimundo that she was in fact telling the truth, although Raimundo really didn't really need to see the proof; it was kind of hard to forget that she was a pony.

"She's got a point partner" Clay came up to Raimundo's level on the rocky cliff-face "I'll tell you what, I'll tie my rope around her back and then we can all pull her up the mountain".

"Or we could just leave her" Omi suggested from above, beaming a big white smile as he hung from the wall. Raimundo looked at Omi and shook his head.

"Nobody gets left behind".

Clay dropped down the mountain and landed on the floor with a bounce. Twilight was confused as to what the plan was, but soon figured it out when Clay lassoed her up tightly, chucked the piece of rope over his shoulder and began dragging her up the exterior of the cliff.
Twilight didn't enjoy the ride. She kept swaying from side to side and smacking her body onto the sharp rocks beside her, which was extremely painful for the pony who sometimes didn't even leave her library for days on end. Why did everything in this land have to be so strange?... 'OW' ...and painful?

Eventually, after a lot of work and pain had been suffered through, they all arrived safetly onto the top of the peek and stared into the mouth of the great cave where the puzzle-box was supposedly hidden. An ear-piecing laugh came from the centre of it, making Dojo retreat into Raimundo's jacket, shaking in fear. The five young dragons stared into the dark hole, listening for any signs of an attack that may come from anywhere around them.

They were right to be vigilant, as hundreds of Jack-bots flooded out of the darkness and charged at the warriors in a full-on frontal assault; ready to wipe out all those who stood in their path. Chainsaws, and lasers, and axes shot out of their arms, clashing with metal fury; ready to cut down the monks that stood paralysed with fear. Raimundo dodged as a blade swiped near his arm, just missing being killed by the sharp edge that had fallen so swiftly by his side. Another bot charged at Kimiko who quickly called to her Shen Gong Wu, 'Eye of dashi', and shot the charging battalion that was aiming in her direction. Clay called for his 'Third Arm Sash' and pummeled the Jack-bot that was heading for him onto the wall of the mountain, dis-mantling all of the parts that had been so proffesionally put together. Omi headbutted twenty of the robots that had gathered themselves in a parrallel line like a set of dominoes and they all came tumbling down onto one another.

Twilight didn't know what to do; she had never seen such monsters before. They didn't have skin, or hair, or an exo-skeleton. They were just bits of tin, like a scary re-incarnation of the machine the Flim-Flam brothers had created. But these machines were definately not there to help create Cider; not unless they wanted to make Cider out of their body fluids.

Jack flew above the crowds, laughing at the destruction he was causing. This was great, all the monks were losing to him, and he had managed to get the puzzle-box from the cave before they had even managed to get there. It sometimes paid to be an evil boy genius. He smirked at Trixie who was floating beside him; she grimaced back. What had the World come to when she had to ask a stupid monkey like him for help? Ugh... she couldn't believe it.

The dragons were growing weary from all of their fighting, but they couldn't give up, not while their was still a whole army of robots coming to mow them down. Twilight was even trying to help by zapping all the oncomers with strong powerful bursts of energy that flowed from her horn. They were still losing, no matter how hard they tried, but they just couldn't give up.

Trixie turned to Jack after one last glance at the battle beneath her.
"Well then... open the box".

"Why can't you?".

"Hahem" she said lifting up her hooves and her eyebrow at the same time.

"Oh right".
Quickly Jack figured out how to crack the puzzle and opened up the prison of the monster that lay inside. Darkness swept around the sky and lightning flashed around the mountain, foreshadowing the danger that the World was now to come by.
A ghostly pony shot outwards, her eyes lit up in bright white light, and her hair a phantomn shadow behind her. She laughed on her freedom and stared around with a menacing glare. On seeing Jack and Trixie she bolted towards them, forcing Jack to let out a scream and duck behind the little blue pony.

"It is you who freed me". Trixie nodded. "Then it is you that will help me find a new host that is powerful enough to keep me strong".

"Couldn't you just go back to your old host?" asked Jack, bobbing his head out from behind Trixie's back.

"Luna is not satisfactory anymore. She has been beaten. I must have somepony stronger".

"I think I know just the pony" Trixie moved closer to the phantom "But first you'll help us get what we want".

The ghost flung herself backwards, angry at the threat that this little pony was giving her. She stared into the defiant pony's eyes and seeing that she truely meant what she said, she agreed with her terms.

"Then we'd better get started". The Jack-bots stopped the battle as they followed their master who was flying away with the monster and the evil blue pony. The monks looked on, annoyed that they had lost to Jack, and terrified as to what was going to happen next.

"What was that thing?" Raimundo asked looking at the storm-filled sky around him. Twilight stared at where the villains had just left, trembling in her shoes.

"Nightmare Moon".