Changeling Army Secret Forces Logs: Dillon Mane

by Obedience

Focus and Distract!

Changeling Army Secret Forces logs
"Focus and Distract!"

October 21 2010 (a little later since the last entry)

Even though it's only been five minutes since that last entry, the ponies in already in the Dalek group's sight. And even though it's only been five minutes since that last entry, I've already got an I-DEE-AH! (Am I starting to talk like those ponies?)

I've been thinking about it the wrong way. There isn't enough time to take them all at once. Then I'll make time. Ok, time to focus and distract. How do I distract? No time to explain that now. I'll write about it when there's time. ;)

-Report by: Agent Dillon Mane

October 21 2010

Uhh. That was close. Guess what I just did? I EXTERMINATED one of the Daleks and jumped out of my shell before the others could react. Cloud Haze's "Energizing Breakfast for Ponies" recipe sure works wonders. Shoot, they've spotted me! Gotta run!

-Report by: Agent Dillon Mane

October 21 2010 (still)

Thank Celestia (I'm not really thanking Celestia. I'm working for a Changeling. I just say it because everypony else does.) I had Cloud Haze's "Energizing Breakfast for Ponies" in the morning.

I am now flying at high speed above the rooftops of the southern side of Ponyville. While dodging lasers and being chased by Daleks. They aren't very fast but their lasers are a different story. cjfosc!)$fnzsaxzw*djiz !@sd sorry! That was a close shave. I'm still flying. In a very big circle. A very very big circle. I'm now turning around and seeing that the Daleks are still chasing me like the n00bs they are. Lololol. Too bad I can't shoot back at them or anything. I'll just distract them from interrupting Winter Wrap Up. They'll be so-- oh Celestia! They've stop chasing me. Dammit! They are moving towards the park! Well, I still have this stun gun. The Doctor said it was from the future. HEY! Where is Doctor Whooves anyway? I'll find him later. Time to pwn Daleks and show them CASF skills!

-Report by: Agent Dillon Mane
--End of Log 10--

The Author Speaks: Well, this chapter took some time. And it's not the best chapter one could read. Sigh. Where is this story going?! *looks down* I'm a n00b. I hope to end this whole Dr. Whooves thing by the next chapter. I thought that having Winter Wrap Up one day after the parasprite chapter would be weird. It's like winter overnight. In this Dillon Mane story, the episodes of MLP: FiM take place one day after another. It seemed legit... until Winter Wrap Up. Sigh.