Pinkie Pie. Literally.

by Jarrodfeng

Pinkie Pie. Literally.

Pinkie Pie. Literally.

Written by Jarrod Feng

Pinkie Pie is well known for her incredible memory, she can remember the birthday of just about anypony, but it came as a surprise to herself and everypony that she had forgotten her own birthday. It was the day after Gummy's birthday party, where Pinkie had decided to invite her friends to an after-party but for some reason she could not quite understand at the time, they neglected to come. Of course soon she would discover it was all an elaborate surprise for her, but the party pony couldn't stop thinking about what had happened.

Pinkie realised just a day before her birthday that she had never gotten her friends back for what they did on that day, sure it was minor in the end but this pony was one of the best pranksters in Ponyville and truly knew that every prank warranted the perfect revenge. Tomorrow was her birthday, and she had just 24 hours to plan her sweet, sweet revenge.

Sweet revenge Pinkie thought to herself, suddenly with an idea springing in her mind. Pinkie was sure that all her friends were planning yet another surprise for her birthday this year and had to find a way to listen in on their plans. And she knew just the magical artifact to do it.

"What? did you think I was just gonna slide into the pie or something?"

Well, it's just that you're Pinkie Pie and you tend to do things like that.

"Oh come on, growing legs and breaking the fourth wall is super duper easy compared to this!"

Well, you're right about the fourth wall part... Anyway, back to the story.

Pinkie needed to head somewhere that should could be found just in case anything went wrong, and Applejack's Barn was just the place that suited Pinkie's plan.

Grasping the artifact in her hand, Pinkie closed her eyes and thought of all things sweet, bringing the artifact to life. When she woke up she soon discovered that her legs were gone, and right after that so was everything else! Pinkie had become a pie!

"If my friends are hosting a party for me, Applejack's gotta use some pie, which means she'll use me!" Pinkie thought to herself, beaming with anticipation.

Unfortunately for Pinkie, she now had to play the waiting game, and this was certainly not one of her favourite games. The problem with being a pie, is that you've got no limbs, and therefore can't do much to pass the time, this was going to be a problem for Pinkie.

3 Hours Later...

"Applejack is always coming in the barn to do her work and TODAY she decides to slack off!" Thought a frustrated Pinkie.

The wait although horribly boring, had finally reached it's end, when Applejack trotted in to fulfil her chores for the day. The smell of pie was very distinct to Applejack, she'd been making them for years and could pick out a pie out of just about any smell. So there was little patience left required from Pinkie Pie.

"Just who would leave a perfectly fine pie right here in the barn?" Exclaimed a confused Applejack.

"Well, ah suppose if nopony else is gonna do anything with this, I might as well eat it!" Applejack said, lipping her licks preparing for the great taste of pie she'd grown to love over the years.

Pinkie's plan had in record speed gone absolutely, astronomically wrong. It was either give away her plans, or be eaten by Applejack. After a quick thing, Pinkie decided that latter was probably not worth the surprise.

"WAAAIT!!!" Pinkie Pie screamed out as hard as she could, somehow making sound through the Pie.

"Huh!" Applejack screamed, quickly throwing the pie back on the table it once sat.

"P- Pinkie?" The confused earth pony said?

"Yep, it's me! Pinkie PIE!" Pinkie said, relieved from not being eaten.

"But, how di- ah suppose it's best not to question you Pinkie. Just lemme ask you this, just what are you doing in my barn as a pie?" Albeit still shocked, being around Pinkie for awhile had helped Applejack adjust to things like this happening around her.

"Well, I just knew all of you were planning another super duper party for me but this time I wanted to get revenge so I went and found this artifact and one of your pies so I could turn into a pie and surprise you at my birthday party!" Pinkie explained, somehow not out of breath.

"S'pose that makes sense... But now the question is, how do we get the real Pinkie out of this pie? Applejack said, still processing in her mind what Pinkie had just said.

"I dunno"

"You don't know?"


Applejack let out a somewhat frustrated sigh. "Well Pinkie, ah reckon we better get you over to Twilight. If anypony can fix this it'd be her!" Applejack said, as she picked up Pinkie and headed over to the Golden Oaks Library.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie had, after receiving some odd looks from the residents of Ponyville, made it to Golden Oaks. With a few knocks to the door, Twilight opened the door ready to greet.

"Hi Twilight!" Yelled Pinkie.

"Gah! Pinkie, you need to stop sho- wait. Where are you?" Twilight exclaimed, flustered by Pinkie's sudden screaming.

"I'm down here silly!" Pinkie called.

Twilight looked down towards Applejack's hooves, she knew the sound was coming from the pie. She stared at the pie for a solid 5 seconds, pausing to contemplate and comprehend what she was looking at.

"Twi, ah think we should continue this inside," Applejack suggested breaking Twilight from her confused train of thought.

"Huh, oh, yes that would be for the best," Twilight agreed.

"I guess the first thing I should ask is: Why is Pinkie a pie?" Twilight asked.

"She figured out the shindig we were planning for her, so she turned into a pie to spy on us," Applejack recited.

"Well regarding Pinkie, makes sense to me!" Twilight said.

"So how are we gonna change me from Pinkie Pie to Pinkie Pie?" Pinkie questioned.

"A simple transformation spell should to the trick!" Twilight beamed.

Twilight casts the spell, causing the pie to light up but not transform.

"I've done that spell exactly 247 times! How could it not work now?" Twilight yelled.

"Probably because I didn't use magic to transform into this pie, and actually got an artifact that's back in AJ's barn that could turn me back into regular Pinkie Pie." Pinkie said without a single breath taken.

"Well. let's head over to the barn and get you fixed Pinkie!" Applejack said.

"My magic has been able to bypass artifacts before! How could it not work now after such practice!" Twilight exclaimed with frustration.

"Twi, we're dealing with Pinkie here and she might as well have her own type of magic," Applejack reassured.

"I guess so, anyway we're here at the barn now! Let's stop Pie from being so literal in your name Pinkie!" Twilight beamed.

It had become late on the journey over to the Apple family barn. The three ponies entered, only to be surprised by their three other friends, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity.

"SURPRISE!" The three ponies inside screamed.

"Oh, it's just you guys," Rainbow Dash uttered.

"Sorry if we scared you," Fluttershy said.

"You two are awfully late! What took you so long to get here, we had to decorate without you!" Rarity exclaimed.

Before Applejack or Twilight could respond, Rainbow Dash spotted a particularly sweet looking pie, held in Applejack's hoof. Rainbow proceeds to snatch the pie out of Applejack's hand.

"Thanks for bringing some pie Applejack! This one looks great!" Rainbow beamed.

As Rainbow went to bite into the pie, Applejack and Twilight shared looks of fear whilst Rarity grimaced from disgust at Rainbow's horrid eating manner.

"RAINBOW DON'T!!!" Shouted Twilight.

But it was too late, before Twilight could finish her sentence Rainbow had bitten into the pie, quickly dropping the pie upon hearing Twilight's words. Pink ooze began to flow out of the bitten pie, everyone looking on in either curiosity or horror.

"Rainbow, do you realise what you've done!?" Twilight questioned in distress.

"What was in that pie?..." Rainbow uttered.

"Pinkie sugarcube, Pinkie Pie," said Applejack.

Upon realising what she had done Rainbow began to panic. A lot.

"How could I have eaten Pinkie Pie! She's a pony, not a pie! Why didn't you warn me earlier!?" Shouted Rainbow.

Before anyone could respond, the ooze began to pulsate, becoming more rapid by the second.

"What's happening now?!?!" Rainbow yelled.

After the longest seconds of the 5 ponies' lives, the pink ooze began to take form, becoming a pony. Suddenly Pinkie Pie was back in her normal equine body.

"Guess who's back everypony!" Pinkie screamed with delight.

"Wait! My transformation spell can't fix it but taking a bite out of her can?!?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Remember who we're dealing with Twi," Applejack said.

"Ah yes, Pinkie Pie," Twilight uttered.

"So, the plan didn't go riight as I wanted, but I got to surprise all of you this year!" Pinkie beamed.

"Pinkie, please never do this again," Twilight said with clear frustration.

"Aww, really?" Pinkie asked.

"REALLY!" Everypony assured.

"Fine, I guess it was a little silly turning into, Pinkie Pie. Literally."

The End!