
by WatchMeShadow

On a Cloud Somewhere Above Ponyville part 2

Rainbow Dash was currently laying on a of comfy cloud, the only cloud in the sky actually. She was trying to get a nap as she usually does this time of day, but she couldn’t get Scootaloo out of her head. Twilight was right, she needed to apologize. She hasn’t seen Scootaloo during her morning workouts and it was actually starting to hurt, the fact that she let her biggest fan down. She practiced apologizing to Scootaloo; after she left Twilight, and got the cloud she's resting on. She thought about how badly she screwed up. So much so in fact, that Scootaloo didn’t want her to teach her how to fly, that thought alone shocked Rainbows world. She wasn’t really sure what she felt when it came to Scootaloo. She felt horrible when Twilight pulled that stunt, a pang of it was still present. She knew Scootaloo as a great filly full of life, hope, and spirit. She felt a new feeling to her, and that’s why she couldn’t get any sleep. It felt like disappointment in herself, irritation with the world, and a great feeling of wrongness. She tried to ignore these feelings and get her nap, but she just couldn’t. Instead, she decided to keep trying to make a worthy apology to Scootaloo.

“Scootaloo I’m sorry I lead you on like that, I messed up and I’m sorry,” Rainbow Dash continued, “No. No. No. That’s all wrong.” Rainbow tried a couple more times but each time seemed never good enough. ‘I should have asked Twilight to help me come up with an apology,’ She thought, ‘No. I’m the one who did this, I’m the one who has to fix it.’ So she continued playing with words and ideas on how to fix things between them.

She's been laying on that cloud for a long while now and she has a physical examination in about half an hour. “Please forgive me, I didn’t mean to lead you on like that. I’m...” Rainbow got cut off by Applejack yelling her name somewhere below her. Rainbows cheeks lit in embarrassment, for talking to herself; even though, she knew Applejack couldn’t have heard her from the ground, unless she yelled. She cleared her throat while getting up to peek below the cloud and yelled, “Oh hey Applejack how’d you find me here?”

She saw Applejack chuckle a little before she responded with, “Well Rainbow Dash, it’s not mighty hard to miss the only cloud in the sky and ya’re usually taking a nap on a cloud ‘round this time of day,” as Rainbow glided down to the ground.

Rainbow didn’t think she was that predictable, yet here Applejack was. She ignored it and partially lied, “Well I was trying to have a nice nap, so what do you want?”

“Sorry for disturbing your piece, but ya happen ta know where Twilight is? Ah was just at the library.” Applejack asked.

“She went to the spa with Rairty so they might still be there if you hurry. Now if you’ll excuse me I have some extra rest to catch up on,” Rainbow answered then headed back to the cloud, landing on her back and waving goodbye. Applejack thanked her, and headed to the spa.


Twilight was currently getting a hooficure from a pink earth pony with a blue mane and blue eyes. Rarity was getting a hoof-a-cure from a blue earth pony with a pink mane and blue eyes. They all were inside a room with a huge hot tub/mini-pool, some comfortable chairs, and a very relaxed atmosphere. “So,” Rarity said after much of their time was spent in silence, “How has Sweetie been doing with her magic?” asked worriedly.

Twilight knew something was up, Rarity usually has a lot to talk about when they go to the spa. “Well to be honest, I can’t be sure. Her magic is much like mine right after I got my cutie mark, except much more volatile. Everytime she tries to move something with her magic it just disappears without a trace. It’s almost like a teleport, but without the light show and noise. I’m sure Sweetie has told you about the progress we made last ‘Twilight Time?’”

“Yes. Yes, she has. I know this already darling, but do you know why or how to fix it? Did you perhaps learn anything more from that journal yet?” Rarity asked while looking patronized at the start.

Twilight thought that maybe Rarity had a point. She really should be getting that frustrating journal translated, but she had some trouble finding the replacement parts for her machine, then she wanted to make the CMC her official students, “I’m sorry Rarity, but I’m doing my best. I can’t promise that I can fix the problem, but I can promise that I will try.” Not to mention she didn’t think the journal could provide much more useful information, when the general idea was pretty clear. Well, she was looking forward to reading the history section, as apparently much of their history has been rewritten into false tales or abandoned.

By this point the hoof-a-cures were done and so was their time at the spa. They took one step outside the Ponyville spa and came face to face with a visibly distraught light yellow pegasus with a light pink mane and three butterflies as a cutie mark, tears going down her eyes, sniffling every once in awhile. “Oh dear what seems to be the problem Fluttershy?” Rarity asked, hugging Fluttershy soon after out of concern. This only made Fluttershy burst out in cries while whispering something to quiet and interrupted too much by her cries to make out.

Twilight needed to know what was going on. Whatever had her friend Fluttershy crying, well it could be almost anything if she was honest, but she didn’t like it none the less, “ Fluttershy please calm down and tell us what has you so upset? What happened?”

Fluttershy looked at Twilight and tried to do just that. An image was stuck in her mind though, like a living nightmare. Rarity released her hug and Twilight encouraged her to relax. She looked at the ground and tried to calm herself down as much as she could. She took one final deep breath and said loud enough to barely hear, “Sweetie, hospital, bad,” Rarity asked her to speak up, “Sweetie is at the hospital she was...” a new wave of tears began going down her face as she re-lived that horrifying spectacle.

Fluttershy was feeding some of the squirrels outside having a pleasant time. She took notice of two figures swiftly making their way out of the forest. She was not sure what she was seeing until they got close enough. She saw Zecora galloping with Applebloom on her back holding down an unconscious Sweetie Belle. What really got her attention was all the red over Sweeties and Zecoras back and Appleblooms chest and forelegs. She heard Applebloom frantically saying it was going to be okay as they ran by. She did not really understand what she was looking at until Scootaloo poked her for attention told her what happened and to go get Rarity and Twilight. Scootaloo was gone before she even had time to agree. She was mortified but set out to do what Scootaloo asked.

“hurt very badly,” Fluttershy continued.

Before Rarity could say anything Twilight cut in and said, “Hold on let me teleport us to the Hospital.”

“Wait,” Fluttershy said, before Twilight could cast the spell, “I need to go tell Applejack, Applebloom was there to...”

Twilight nodded and teleported herself and Rarity to the Hospital's entrance.

Instantly they were at the entrance to the hospital. Rarity ran in. It was an awful sight that greeted her. Zecora, Applebloom, and Scootaloo were standing ahead of her a decent distance from the empty front desk looking blankly at a door to the right with a sign above that read ‘Emergency.’ That in of itself wasn’t good, but what really concerned her was the blood on Zecoras back down to the sides and the blood on Appleblooms chest and forelegs. “What? Why’s there so much blood? Where’s Sweetie Belle?” Rarity asked in a panic as Twilight followed behind. Zecoras ears pinned to her forehead when she first heard Rarity, but they slowly rose.

Zecora let out a sad sigh and faced Rarity, “We encountered a manticore,” Rarity gasped, “I failed to protect your sister," Zecora lowered her head slightly, "Need I say more?”

Twilight and Applebloom were listening to her response. Scootaloo seemed out of it, just staring into space. Before anypony else could say anything Applebloom interjected, “Wait just a second here! This wasn’t your fault Zecora! You didn’t make her save you. She did that on her own, she knew you’d be hurt if she didn’t.” Everypony, except Scootaloo, looked at her.

“And how would you know that?” asked Twilight.

“Well before she passed out, she wanted to know if she saved her, which she did,” Applebloom said pointing to Zecora.

“How’d she do that?” Twilight asked, curious about this.

Rarity had much bigger concerns and asked, “What happened to Sweetie? Is she okay?” before Applebloom or Zecora could answer Twilights inquire.

“In her successful bid to save me from a slash most grievous, she unwittingly took my place. A fate cruelly devious,” Zecora answered.

Rarity began to pace around in a panic, how could she not. Just looking at the blood was enough for her imagination to run wild with nightmare possibilities. Twilight tried to calm her down, “Come on we don’t know how bad it is yet Rarity, though I do have to admit this looks pretty bad.” Twilight wasn’t doing a good job.

Applebloom couldn’t help but give her own spin on things, “Yeah, she’s at the hospital everything will be fine. Ah know it looks bad, but we’ve been in so much worse situations. This is nothing.”

Rarity stopped, “How can you say that? Have you seen yourselves?" she questioned while pointing at Applebloom then Zecora, "I don’t recall any of those ‘worse situations’ involving this much blood.”

“She’s going to fine! Wait and you’ll see!” Applebloom exclaimed, ending the conversation there. No pony was up for arguing with her about things they don't know. Rarity began pacing back and forth again. Zecora and Applebloom brought their attention back to the emergency door. Twilight noticed Scootaloo hadn’t said anything and decided to go comfort her, but was interrupted by somepony else barging in through the front entrance.

Applejack rushed into a worrisome sight, her sisters forelegs were covered in blood and Zecora's back was as well, “What in tartarus happened?” Everypony except Scootaloo gave her their attention. Applejack took note of her sister's missing her bowtie.

“It’s Sweetie Belle,” answered Twilight, “They got attacked by a manticore,” she said gesturing to the present CMC and Zecora, “and it sounds like Sweetie got injured when she saved Zecora.” She really wanted to know more of the specifics, like how they escaped and how Sweetie managed to trade places with Zecora.

“That’s right, Sweetie helped out Zecora a lot,” Applebloom said proudly. While Zecora's ears folded down again.

“...and now we’re just waiting for somepony to come tell us her condition,” Twilight finished.

“Well, Ah for one think you two should get cleaned up, it’s not like we can do anythin’ about it,” Applejack suggested. Everypony except Scootaloo, who was still looking into space, looked shocked, as they didn’t even think to do that. They were just waiting for somepony to come give them the news.

“That’s a good idea Applejack,” replied Twilight, “If I recall correctly, there should be rooms with showers over there,” she finished while pointing to a door that leads to several wards. She only knew about those rooms because she asked some questions and did some research when Rainbow injured her wing last year.

“Alrighty then, come on Applebloom lets get you cleaned up,” Applejack said while gesturing for Applebloom to follow. Zecora joined Applebloom as they made their way. Applejack and Applebloom looked for a room with a shower while Zecora went to find a separate room with a shower. Luckily, every room has a shower but some rooms were occupied so they had to look a for little bit.

Rarity and Twilight watched them leave to get cleaned. Scootaloo still stared at the door blankly. Twilight noticed Scootaloo and went to do what she originally was going to do before Applejack came in. As she did the ‘Emergency’ door opened and out came a doctor. Rarity quickly ran past them and asked if Sweetie was alright. This seemed to waken Scootaloo to the world who was now focusing on the doctor. The doctor had a grave expression on his face, “Ah yes, Rarity right? And Princess Twilight” he said with a bow, “If you’ll follow me I’ll tell you everything we know about Sweeties current condition in a more private area,” while making an obvious gesture to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo took notice and offence to this, “Hey, Sweeties my friend. Anything you have to say them you can say to me.”

Rarity was in the middle of saying ‘absolutely not’ when Twilight interrupted her, “Yes,” she looked at Rarity determined, “Rarity, she has every right to know.” Rarity reluctantly agreed after some stuttering. The doctor looked sad for a second as he heard this but went back to his grave expression and looked to Rarity for one more acknowledgment.

When the doctor got the okay from Rarity he continued, “Very well, Sweetie is suffering from three contusions on her back one of which is severe. We did manage to stop the bleeding. However, she lost too much blood and unfortunately we don’t have her blood type in storage currently…” The doctor looked away for a second and when he looked back he blinked his eyes a couple times, “which means we will have to ask for blood from a different hospital. I’m…” he breathed in, “I’m not certain she’ll make. It’s a miracle that she’s still alive, if I’m being honest with you.”

Twilight didn’t like the way he answered but kept that thought to herself. She had much bigger concerns to deal, “What blood type is Sweetie?” she asked, while teleporting a pen and scroll from her home in front of her, then levitating it. He answered and she wrote to Celestia asking for help. Celestia responded after a short wait, with the unfortunate news that Canterlot Hospital didn’t have any of Sweeties blood type either. She did mention that Trottingham does though but it’ll take about a dozen hours to get it to Ponyville via the Pony Express.

Throughout it all Scootaloo watched as ponies tried to find a solution and there was only one way she could think to help as things seemed to get worse. “What about my blood? I don’t know what blood type I have, maybe it’s the same as Sweeties?” Scootaloo offered hopefully.

“Ah yes, Scootaloo right?, I remember you from last week. Unfortunately, you don’t have the same blood type as Sweetie. Yours is A positive,” he looked up, “Rarity would you like to come with me to visit your sister?” Rarity agreed instantly and they were off leaving Scootaloo and Twilight alone in the waiting room. Twilight couldn’t help but notice Scootaloos downward expression and went to comfort her.

Scootaloo wasn’t stupid, she knew why they would even allow anypony to get near Sweetie. She knew it was only to say goodbye, and she didn’t want to say goodbye. Not like this. She’s lied to Sweetie since day one. She’s had several chances and opportunities to tell the truth, but she never took them. It wasn’t right. One of her best friends. Guilt ripped at her, as she fought against the dam of woe that threatened to burst and turn her into a helpless crying foal.

Twilight embraced her with a wing. It felt nice, but made it all the harder not to cry. Intense pressure is what she felt, ‘Come on! Don’t cry. not in front of Twilight,’ she thought as memories of times they had in their clubhouse came to her mind poking holes in the dam, a tear began to form, ‘Stop it! she’s not gone yet,’ the royal wedding, that was a great experience. Not many ponies get to say they were flower fillies in one the most awesome royal weddings ever, ‘Please be okay,’ a campout, to help her gain a sister. Her body was betraying her after that memory. She couldn’t be in Twilights embrace any longer because she refused to cry out loud. In a last ditch effort to prevent this, she viciously shaked out of Twilights gentle hold and took a couple steps forward. It was too late though, as she took those steps tears were already running down her cheeks freely. She let out a short wet gasp stopping it from continuing. Fighting the urge to wail, she stood in place as she couldn’t move while she fought the pressure that increased ten fold. Suddenly the little things she liked about Sweetie came to her. The fact that Sweetie would usually correct her when she got a word wrong, or when Sweetie would be so oblivious to things at times, or the times Sweetie would hug her; she could use one of those right now, and so much more, ‘I…’ she thought, as she let out another gasp still trying to fight the tears, ‘I need…’

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash was getting ancy every apologie she could think of just didn’t cut it. She needed to take her mind off this so she can think of something better. She decided to head to the hospital a little earlier maybe that boring place could clear her mind.

It didn’t take long to get there. As she stepped inside she saw Twilight bracing a shaking Scootaloo in her right wing. Rainbow was a little shocked by this, what are they doing here?

Rainbow was about to ask what's going on, but Scootaloo forcefully shook herself out of Twilights embrace and took a couple steps forward. Rainbow heard Scootaloo gasp wetly before stopping. Was Scootaloo crying? Rainbow knew she messed up horribly when she basically threw away and mocked Scootaloos desire to be sisters like it was nothing, but she didn’t think it was this bad. Then again, Twilight did go to pretty extreme measures to make her point, maybe she really hurt Scootaloos feelings that badly. She felt horrible. No, Scootaloo’s tough, they were at the hospital something had to of happened. Scootaoo let out another wet gasp, it was too much Rainbow had to know what went down, “Hey, what’s going on here?” She saw Scootaloos ears perk up, then Rainbow heard another gasp. Scootaloo slowly turned towards Rainbow.

Time seemed to stop for Rainbow, as she saw a face that she knew she would never want to see again. Scootaloo had tears running down her cheeks and her mouth was open in a frown that physically made Rainbow feel ill. The strong positive little filly she got to know over almost two years looked broken. She didn’t like it.

"Rai~nbow! Dash!” Scootaloo wailed as she quickly closed the distance between them. Even her voice sounded broken. Before Rainbow knew it Scootaloo had her front hooves hugging her chest tightly using it like a pillow. Rainbow instinctively hugged back as Scootaloo began to wail into her chest. That face she saw and haunting yell, why did they affect her so much, as she began to think about Scootaloo.


“Rainbow Dash!” yelled Scootaloo from below, “I wanna ask you something.”

Looking down she saw her number one fan waiting patiently, “Heya Scootaloo, what’s up?”

“I was wondering if you were gonna watch us at the talent competition, Rarity and Applejack will be there, Me, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie are gonna sing an awesome rock song,” Scootaloo asked nervously.

Rainbow smirked, “you bet I’ll be there, I’m sure it’ll be awesome,” and noticed Scootaloo relieved smile before going back to her work out.

two months later

Inside the Crusaders Clubhouse a meeting was taking place. Rainbow arrived just in time, “Order, Order! *bang* *bang* Today marks the first meeting of the Rainbow Dash Fan Club!” Scootaloo said from a podium as Rainbow peered inside. “Since this is the first meeting I see no better starting point then why we’re a fan of Rainbow Dash! And knowing her the reason has got to be awesome! Who wants to go first?”

Rainbow watched the meeting and recounted some of the stories that were told. Scootaloo saved her story for last. “Rainbow Dash is the coolest pony I know, she told me how she and her friends defeated Nightmare Moon and Discord which, heh, me and my best friends may or may not have accidently helped set free... Anyways, she did the impossible twice and did two Sonic Rainbooms. Once when she got her cutie mark, and the other time she saved Rarity and the Wonderbolts. She’s my hero-ahem, ahehe, I mean she’s a hero... There will be another meeting on friday, until then this meeting is adjourned,” *bang* *bang* as Scootaloo said that last bit Rainbow bolted away from the clubhouse before she could get spotted.

seven months later

Scootaloo was looking back at Rainbow as she flew her around Rainbow Falls. Scootaloos smile was infectious and Rainbow couldn’t help but smile as well, while Scootaloo excitedly flapped her wings. That smile remained present in her head when the next memory came.

several hours before that

In the Whitetail Woods Scootaloo just almost died and was silently crying. Rainbow waited for her reply to her question. “I’m so so sorry Rainbow Dash I just wanted you to hangout with me and see how cool I was so you’d take me under your wing teach me everything you know and become like my big sister.”

“ and become like my big sister.”


Rainbow quickly came back to reality and noticed moisture in her eyes. She had an epiphany, she finally realized what Scootaloo made her feel like. She felt loved, and she liked this feeling. She didn’t know what was going on, but she’d go to Tartarus to fix it.

She firmed her grip on Scootaloo who was still crying uncontrollable, “Le... let it all out, your big sister is here,” and Scootaloo hugged her even tighter and began anew. Rainbow felt happy about what she just said, even though she knew whatever got her sister to cry like this had to be horrific. Her sister, that's a nice thought.

A spike of realization shot through her head at a certain thought. A family. Tears began to run down her face as she suddenly felt something she didn’t even know was missing. She felt like she belonged. Sure she had her friends, but family was different in a way she couldn’t hope to explain. She looked up to see Twilight watching them with a sad smile on her face and asked, “Twilight what happened?”

Twilight shook her head with a frown and blinked, “It’s Sweetie Belle. She got hurt real bad and lost a lot of blood,”

Before Twilight could continue Rainbow cut in with a gasp, “is she?”

“NO!” Twilight responded quickly, “but unfortunately, the nearest hospital with Sweeties blood type is in Trottingham and that won’t make it here till tomorrow morning on the Pony Express.”

Scootaloo was beginning to settle as they talked likely because she had something else to focus on. “Can’t you just teleport there and back?” Rainbow asked almost accusingly.

“I’ve never been to Trottingham before, and I need to know where I’m teleporting for it to work, also it’s too far away,” Twilight responded sadly.

Rainbow had been to Trottingham once before. It was only ten hour flight there and that was when she wasn’t in any real hurry. Her flight back was seven hours and she still wasn’t in any hurry. “Let me get it, I can make it there and back before tomorrow morning,” Rainbow said determination in her eyes, while still hugging Scootaloo.

Twilight closed her eyes and teleported another paper and quill to her. “Alright Rainbow. I’ll ask if they can get more blood ready for you to pick up,” she said as she teleported the scroll to Celestia.

After about a five seconds Rainbow was getting impatient, “This is taking too long, where did you send the letter anyway?”

“I sent it,” Twilight began to say but was interrupted by scroll popping into existence. She quickly took hold of it with her magic and read it. “Ok Rainbow, you better hurry they will have it waiting for you at the Trottingham hospital.”

Rainbow looked down at Scootaloo, stopped hugging her and back peddled a couple steps, much to Scootaloos displeasure. Rainbow looked the filly, no her sister in the eyes.

Scootaloo was surprised to see Rainbow had tears running freely down her cheeks as she looked at her. “Okay squirt," Rainbow said, "I want you to do something for me while I’m gone. I want you to stay strong and don’t be afraid to cry,”

Scootaloo was a little confused by this but didn’t care to think about it or much of anything at the moment. “O-okay,” she said in a raspy voice.

Rainbow smiled and ruffled her mane before heading outside and taking off, leaving a rainbow trail in her wake. Seconds later a loud boom came from outside in the distance, Scootaloo and Twilight had no doubts to what that was. It made them feel only slightly better.


Applejack waited as Applebloom scrubbed the blood out of her fur in the shower behind a white shower curtain. She couldn’t help but notice that she didn’t seem sad about what happened but more so irritated. “How ya holding up Applebloom?”

“Ah’m fine, it’s just who knows how long this will set us back for crusaden,” Applebloom said and in an annoyed tone.

“Um, Applebloom don’t ya think that maybe this is a little more serious than ya missing out on some time crusaden? Ain’t ya worried about Sweetie?” Applejack asked.

Applebloom opened the shower curtain to look at Applejack, “Of course Ah am, but Ah also know she’s gonna be just fine because she made it here,” then closed the curtain and went back to scrubbing.

“Ah wouldn’t be to sure about that Applebloom, Ah mean things didn’t look very good and Ah only saw ya and Zecora,” Applejack pointed out.

“That’s because things weren’t good, but like Ah said before she made it here and she will be fine,” Applebloom said as she turned off the shower, “also I’m comin’ out.”

Applejack turned and waited as Applebloom dried herself off. Once done they walked back to lobby. As they walked back Applejack asked Applebloom where her bowtie was. Applebloom explained how she used it as an emergency bandage. Applejack couldn’t help but feel proud about that. During their walk back they heard a distant boom from outside but ignored it. They saw Twilight and Scootaloo sitting down and looking down once they got back. “Where’s Rarity?” Applejack asked as she and Applebloom walked up to them.

“She’s visiting Sweetie right now,” Twilight answered weakly then continued, “According to the doctor she lost a lot of blood and might not make it, not only that but Sweetie has a rare blood type that is currently not at this hospital for blood transfusion. Rainbow Dash went out to get it from Trottingham, all we can do now is wait and hope,” she finished with a defeated sign.

Applebloom sat next to Scootaloo who just keep looking down with her bloodshot eyes. They waited but didn’t have to wait long as Rarity and and a nurse came out into the lobby.

Rarity walked out like a zombie just looking straight ahead. Applejack and Twilight noticed this and quickly walked up to her. As they got closer Rarity began, “she just looked so peaceful-ah ha ha,” then gave them a hug and cried.

The nurse walked up next to them and asked with a clearly forced upbeat voice, “Okay who would like to visit her next?”

Applebloom heard this and instantly volunteered, “We would!” while gesturing to Scootaloo who was still sitting.

No pony seemed to object so the nurse gestured for them to follow her. Once in a hallway she began to set some ground rules, “Okay Sweetie is very vulnerable right now so don’t try to move her or anything like that.”

“Don’t worry miss we won’t ever do anything to hurt her,” Applebloom replied while they continued to walk past rooms. Thinking about her conversation with Applejack, Applebloom couldn’t help but ask, “By the way, do you still have my bow tie?” Scootaloo looked at Applebloom slightly confused. Scootaloo knew that bowtie was important to her but there was much worse things to worry about.

“Um, if you’re referring to the one that was wrapped around Sweetie when she got here then yes we do,” the nurse replied slightly taken aback by this line of questioning.

“That’s good, Ah was worried for a second there,” Applebloom replied. Scootaloo felt off put by this conversation so far, but figured Applebloom just might be trying to think about something else.

“There’s no need to be worried, I think it should be heading to the laundry room soon enough,” they came to a stop next to an open door, “Okay we’re here. Now I’m gonna stay out here in case I’m needed,” the nurse said while gesturing to the open door next to her.

As Applebloom walked in she noticed the room was bright, clean, and mostly white all over. The few exceptions being the equipment in the room on the other side of Sweeties bed, the various tubes and wires connected to them and a chair in front of them. While looking at the bed she saw Sweetie on her back resting. She was more than half covered by a white sheet that her visible foreleg rested on. Just above the sheet she could see bandages wrapped around Sweeties torso no doubt continuing under the sheet. Her head was propped up by some pillows. She had an oxygen mask on her muzzle and some wires near her heart. Her eyes were closed and what could be seen through the oxygen mask she had a contented smile on. Rarity’s description of her looking peaceful was accurate.

Applebloom was first to jump up on the chair to get better look at Sweetie followed closely by Scootaloo. For what seemed like forever they just watched her slowly and barely breath in and out. Applebloom didn’t like the silence, “Well, Scootaloo this is going to set crusaden back for a while, and who knows if she’ll be able to come to Manehatten with us,” she said while looking at Sweetie. She wasn’t aware of it but Scootaloo was looking at her with a confused riddled face. She continued, “Ah mean at least we can get a lot of ideas to try out while she’s recovering, we should probably think up some right now to be productive… Have we tried being nurses yet? or what about,” *SLAP* Applebloom just got slapped. She brought her attention to Scootaloo was glaring at her. She opened her mouth to ask what in tartarus that was for, but Scootaloo interrupted that.

“Didn’t you hear Twilight back there!?” Scootaloo yelled as tears began to run down her cheeks. This surprised Applebloom as she has never seen her cry once. Even though she knew Scootaloo cried when she went to clean herself; she never saw the actual act. “She said Sweetie might not make it! So stop acting like everything’s okay! becau…” Scootaloo gasped, “because it’s not!” Scootaloo yelled as more angry tears began to run down her face.

Applebloom stared at Scootaloo as memory of not even ten minutes ago came to her. Followed by other far older memories that the sight of Scootaloo crying invoked.


not 10 minutes ago

“She’s visiting Sweetie right now,” Twilight answered weakly then continued, “According to the doctor she lost a lot of blood and might not make it, not only that but Sweetie has a rare blood type that is currently not at this hospital for blood transfusion. Rainbow Dash went out to get it from Trottingham, all we can do is wait and hope,” she finished with a sign.

unknown time

A pink mare happily playing peekaboo while she giggled.

unknown time

A light brown stallion was lightly tossing her in the air and catching her with a smile with a fun falling sensation.

unknown time

A dining table full with a young red stallion across from her, a orange filly next to him. The pink mare next to her and a brown stallion at one of the ends. A elderly green mare at the other end. Lots of laughter could be heard and happy faces all around.

unknown time

A sad elderly green mare looking at two stones with the young orange filly and young red stallion crying near them.

unknown time

At a table with the red stallion across from her and the elderly green mare eating silently with sad expressions. The orange filly only showing up to put away her dishes.


When Applebloom was younger and just starting out in school she learned about parents. She naturally asked Applejack about them and she obliged. She could tell Applejack was hurting when she talked about them but wanted to know all she could. Eventually, Applejack showed Applebloom a picture of them and she suddenly realized she remembered them. She also remembered what everypony was like after they were gone. So she opted to keep her memory of them a secret. She began to make assumptions about how life worked. That losing her parents as a baby meant that fate wouldn’t do anything else horrible to her if she was a good pony. Her assumptions only got proven ‘right’ as time went on. So many crazy things had happened and they always turned out okay in the end that she began to dismiss anything actually going wrong.

Seeing Scootaloo like this wasn’t right, they were lying. Sweetie is fine. Sweetie has to be fine. Why would this happen again? Yet, there Scootaloo was. She needed proof, because this couldn’t be happening. Applebloom quickly flung herself halfway onto the bed and reached out to Sweetie's hoof. When she touched it, she was shocked at how it felt. It was cold. She took a long look at Sweetie and her mind went blank. The reality of the situation came crashing down on her harder than an iron beam. She put both her hooves gently around Sweeties hoof as tears began to form in her eyes. She began to have problems breathing, as her breath hitched. She buried her face into the bed, no longer able to see through her bleary eyes and she couldn't stand the sight of Sweetie like this. Scootaloo at one point or another began to tightly hug her as tears could be felt on her back.

The nurse checked inside to see what was happening when she heard the slap. She was about to jump in when Scootaloo yelled at Applebloom, but Applebloom just stared at her for a little bit, before leaping at Sweetie. She quickly walked in but stopped when she saw that Applebloom only put her hooves around the Sweeties hoof and began to cry. She decided to let them remain like that once Scootaloo began to hug Applebloom they weren’t harming her. She left the room as it was a depressing sight to see and also so they could have their privacy. She kept her ears open though.


Darkness and pain where the only sensations that she could be aware of. So much pain, it burned, but it began to noticeable fade away. Soon it felt like an itch and then nothing was felt. Even that changed as she began to feel something around her muzzle with an annoying amount of pressure. She breathed in and felt air fill her lungs as she began to hear something. It was a very distant sound but it slowly became louder. Somepony was crying, and no that can’t be right. It sounded like Applebloom. Why would she cry? In the darkness she now smelt the air she was breathing in and it smelt like fresh plastic if that makes any since. She was fully aware now and Applebloom was still crying somewhere beside her for some reason. She quickly opened her eyes and instantly regretted it. She closed them for a second or two and slowly opened them again. The first thing she noticed was an oxygen mask over her muzzle, well that explains that annoying pressure. The next thing she noticed was the room she was in was all white and she was lying on a bed. She turned towards Applebloom and wasn’t prepared to see Scootaloo there crying silently as well. What happened? She felt just fine, in fact she felt like she just came out of a very nice nap, which can feel great by the way. Memory finally hit her and she came to the only logical conclusion. Tears began to run down her face as she realized they couldn’t save her. Those tears were for her friends and not for herself. She never realized how they would feel if something happened to her. Why was she still here though? She thought she would have been with the Eternal Herd.

Scootaloo calmed down after a while of hugging Applebloom and she didn’t have much crying left in her after Rainbow. Her eyes were shot and itchy. So when she looked up from Applebloom tear stained back and saw Sweetie silently crying her eyes out while staring at them she stared back. Then she blinked several times. Soon she was rubbing her eyes and yep Sweetie was still there just staring at them. “Sw-Sweetie?” Scootaloo asked in a very raspy voice.

Sweetie's face scrunched up in confusion after Scootaloo croaked out her name with a hopeful smile. Confused Sweetie said the first thing the came to mind, “You can see me?” muffled by her mask.

Applebloom instantly looked up and then just stared at Sweetie. Scootaloo just nodded to Sweeties question confused by it. Applebloom then proceeded to repeat Scootaloos actions. “Sweetie Belle?” Applebloom questioned while tightening her grip on Sweetie.

“You can see me to?” Sweetie asked still muffled by the mask and was really confused now. What else could explain her losing pain, feeling great, and her friends crying next to her other than no longer being alive. Sweetie felt Appleblooms hooves when she tightened her grip and thought maybe that’s what’s going on. She squeezed Appleblooms hoof back as what she thought she had to do next was worse. “I’m sorry, I never wanted this to happen. I don’t want you girls to suffer like this, you know you’re my best friends. Please don’t let my death stop you from living your lives… please tell my family I love them and I will miss you all. Applebloom please let go so I can move on… I’ll be waiting,” Scootaloo and Applebloom just stared at her with confusion as she talked. “Applebloom please let get of my hoof,” she hopes they heard all that through the mask.

Instead of letting go of her like she asked Applebloom tightened her grip, “No! Ah won’t let you go!”

Sweetie began to move her hoof to try and get Applebloom off her so she could go to the Eternal Herd, “Come on Applebloom! you have to move on don’t make this harder on us than it already is!” Sweetie said as she brought her other hoof to try and pry off Appleblooms hooves.

Applebloom fought back briefly before speaking again, “Okay, okay! Just… Just be quick about it,” Sweetie stopped fighting and Applebloom quickly let go and began crying again.

Sweetie laid there and nothing happened she wasn’t transported to the heavens like she thought she would have been. Instead she still felt that annoying mask around her muzzle and decided to take it off. After that she had no clue what was going on, “Why am I still here?” she asked, her voice no longer burdened by the mask.

Scootaloo just watched this not sure what to think up until Sweetie asked that. A feeling of relief and happiness overcame at such a scale that she couldn’t help herself but to jump on the bed and tightly hug Sweetie. “You’re not dead you dictionary,” as Scootaloo said with a huge smile, as Applebloom joined her in the hug. Sweetie was about to hug back but got interrupted.


The nurse outside the door listened to them crying for all of twenty seconds; until another patient had some problems with malfunctioning equipment in a different room. Everypony in the staff was aware of this problem but didn’t know how to fix it and it was nothing that could potentially be serious. It would give off false alarms every now and then for an unknown reason, but it was too expensive to replace and anypony who tried to fix it always failed. All she had to do was press a button wait about a minute and press another button and it was fixed so to say. She quickly made her way back to the fillies to but didn’t hear crying. She looked inside and to her horror the they were hugging Sweetie who had her mask off and forelegs limply against her side. She was upon them so fast the next couple actions took places in two seconds. She pried Applebloom off them and lightly tossed her to the ground then she pried Scootaloo off Sweetie and then picked her up by her mane and scooped Applebloom up and quickly escorted them out. Then closed the door on them and went to check on the patient.

End Chapter 12