Going To Equestria

by Moony Scratch

The Changlings

It’s been about 2 weeks since I went to the hospital, Twilight has been helping out by using healing spells every 2 days on me. I am feeling a lot better today, I’m going to go ask how Rainbow is doing.

“Hey? Twilight? Hello?” I said but just greeted by a meow from my cat, there's a note on the desk.

"Oh, she went to get food… I guess I’ll write a letter saying I’m going over to Rainbow’s." I thought.

I wrote the note and went over to Rainbow’s, it took about 12 minutes, but I arrived at Rainbow’s cloud house thing?

“Rainbow?” I yelled out, “You here?”

I saw Rainbow’s head peek out and she said, “What do you want?”

“I wanted to say, that I’m not mad at you, you're still my friend, no matter what.” I said.

“Thanks. It makes me feel better.” Rainbow said.

“ No problem.” I said, “I got to go back to Twilight’s castle, see you later Rainbow.”

“Alright, bye.” She said as I walked to the castle.

When I got back, I just wrote and read until Twilight got back, then she told me to put on my regular clothes and come down stairs. When I got down I saw Fluttershy and Applejack on one side of Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity where on the other side.

“What’s going on, Twilight?” I said. But they just kept standing there looking at me, with anger.

“Ok, what’s going on? Guys? What the hell?!” I said, but they kept staring at me.

Until they all jumped on me at once, I tried to hit them off, but they pined down my legs and arms. Applejack was standing on top of me, until her arm became a sword.

“What the fuck are you things?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM!!!” I yelled.

Just before one of the things stabbed me, I heard, “GET OFF HIM YOU BASTARDS!!!” yelled Rainbow Dash before knocking out the fake Applejack on top of me.

As the other things looked at the twitching Applejack on the floor, I bashed the fake Pinkie and Twilight’s heads together making them fall unconscious and Rainbow got the other two fakes, Rarity and Fluttershy.

They all turned into Changelings and got back up for another round.

“What?! I thought you and the others got rid of them!?” I said.

“We did! They found a way back somehow.” Rainbow said, then throwing one against the wall.

“MOVE!!!” yelled Twilight, we quickly got out of the way, then Twilight blasted four of them into oblivion.

As the one thrown against the wall crawled away, bad luck for it, it hit it’s head on Fluttershy standing in the way. As it tried to get up Fluttershy bucked it into the wall breaking all of it’s legs.

With my jaw wide open, “Flu- Fluttershy? Did you just, holy shit.”

“It got what it deserved. Twilight, blast that Changeling away.” Fluttershy said, then Twilight blasted it into ash.

I looked over and saw a baby Changeling and said, “What the hell? Is, is that a baby... Changeling?!”

“Twilight… blast it.” Fluttershy said.

I ran over to the baby and picked it up, “You can’t kill it! I won't let you!” I yelled, “The only way you will is if you rip it from my cold dead hands!!!”

“Or, you’re alive one’s.” Rainbow said, sweeping it out of my hands onto the ground.

“NOOOOO!!!” I yelled jumping at the baby Changeling.

“What are you- NOOO!!!” they all yelled, but it was too late I already huddled it into my arms holding it tight.

“What, what have we done?!” Rainbow said.

“WE KILLED HIM!!!” Rarity and Applejack yelled.

“I’M A MONSTER!!! I TOLD YOU TO DO IT!” Fluttershy yelled then curled up and started crying.

“He’s not dead.” Twilight said, “I’ll teleport him back.”

“What?!” the others said.

I was teleported back from the caves that the Changelings dwell in.

“First, tell me that it’s a teleportation spell that you used.” I said before getting jumped on by everyone except Twilight.

“Thanks for caring but, you’re all squishing me…” I said, everyone started to laugh including me.

“Thanks for caring so much, your great friends to have.” I guess that’s done and over with, at least she didn’t kill the Changelings or their baby.